Dietary dishes made from yogurt. The best yogurt baking recipes. Wonderful pie made from cherries and expired yogurt

Sometimes you really want to move a little away from the dishes we know and are accustomed to, to cook something new and unusual. In this case, regular yogurt will help us. It gives baked goods tenderness, softness and extraordinary airiness! So, what can you make from yogurt?

Recipe for manna with yogurt


  • yogurt – 500 ml;
  • semolina – 300 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • chocolate candies – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.


Pour semolina with yogurt and leave to swell for 2 hours. Take the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks and put the whites in the refrigerator. Grind the yolks thoroughly with sugar, add melted butter, slaked soda with vinegar and semolina with yogurt. Beat the chilled egg whites with sugar and carefully fold them into the dough. Grease the baking dish with oil, pour out exactly half of the dough, lay out 50 g of sweets and pour the remaining dough on top. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180°C for 30 minutes. While the manna is preparing, let's make the cream. To do this, melt the candies with butter over low heat, add lemon zest, lemon juice and bring the mixture to a boil. We make cuts in the finished manna and pour the prepared caramel over it. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the cake and serve.

Yogurt pancake recipe

What else can you make from yogurt? If you don't have milk, but really want to fry pancakes, yogurt will save you!



Mix yogurt, eggs, flour, sugar and salt and beat with a mixer until smooth. Then add soda, a little vegetable oil and mix. The dough should be quite thick, like sour cream. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan on both sides and serve with sour cream, jam or honey.

It can be safely called one of the most revered dairy products of every person. Children love yogurt for its pleasant taste, and adults for its beneficial properties. Despite the popularity of yogurt, few people know that illness contributed to the recognition of its beneficial qualities. In 1510, to cure the French king, the court physician added a portion of yogurt to his daily diet. And only thanks to the regular consumption of this product, the king was able to recover. As you can see, there have been people in history who owe their lives to yogurt.

Yogurt is not only perfectly digested and absorbed by the body, but it also helps to absorb beneficial microelements. Also, yogurt itself is a source of proteins. In addition to everything else, regular consumption of yogurt significantly reduces cholesterol levels.

Yogurt is one of the universal foods. Yogurt is both an independent food and a component of many dishes. The following recipes will help you discover new ways to consume yogurt.

Yayla soup belongs to Turkish cuisine. As you know, soups are served here regardless of meal time. This soup is served hot and will help you, even in cold weather, to feel the atmosphere of summer and sun.


  • - 1 PC.
  • Homemade yogurt - 500 gr.
  • (steamed) - 100 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 4 tsp.
  • - 40 gr.
  • - 40 ml.
  • - 1.5 liters
  • - taste

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add finely chopped onion and fry until transparent. Add mint, after a couple of minutes add well-washed rice, stir-fry for 5-7 minutes. Pour boiling water, add salt, cook rice over low heat. Whisk yogurt and raw egg.

After the rice is cooked, pour two ladles of broth into the yogurt. Pour the resulting mixture back into the soup. All you have to do is wait until the soup boils, turn it off and let it brew for 20 minutes. Serve hot!

Having breakfast with the “Good Morning” diet salad, you will be able to feel lightness and ease throughout the day. And the salad ingredients will protect you from extra pounds.


  • - 1 tbsp.
  • (sweet) - 0.5 pcs.
  • dried - 5 pcs.
  • - 5 slices
  • Homemade yogurt - 100 ml.

Soak the prunes for 3 hours. Peel the grapefruit slices and break into pieces. Grate the washed carrots on a coarse grater. Lay out the ingredients in layers. Drizzle with yoghurt and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

The Pear-Blueberry cocktail can quench your thirst and will please the most sophisticated aesthetes.


  • - 3 tbsp.
  • - 1 PC.
  • frozen - 1 cup
  • - 0.5 cups

Cut the pear into cubes. Place ice in a blender, add yogurt, blueberries and chopped pear. Shake, the cocktail is ready.

The recipe for “Tangerine Cake” will be useful to any housewife. And for your loved ones it will be another reason to praise your culinary talent.


  • - 75 gr.
  • - 400 ml.
  • - 600 gr.
  • - 1 tsp.
  • (fresh) - 200 ml.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 100 gr.
  • peeled - 5 pcs.
  • - 300 gr.

Grind the peeled tangerines through a meat grinder. Beat the egg. Add kefir, butter, sugar to the egg and mix. Pour tangerines, baking powder and flour into the resulting mixture. Mix and transfer the dough into a mold that has been greased with oil.

Place in the oven for 40 minutes at 220 degrees. Cut the finished cake lengthwise into three parts and layer with yogurt. Then we prepare the glaze (melt the chocolate with butter). Pour glaze over the cake and refrigerate for 6 hours. The cake is ready!

Pancakes will pleasantly surprise your guests. Chicken liver is tender in taste, and the sauce will give it the missing “pepper.”


  • - 100 gr.
  • - 2 pcs.
  • ground - 1 tbsp.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • Cossack - 2 tsp.
  • - 400 gr.
  • - taste

Grind the onion in a blender, add the liver and grind again. Add salt, egg, spices and blend again. Pour the resulting mass into a bowl and add semolina, leave for 40 minutes. Then fry, pouring it into the pan with a spoon. The sauce is prepared by mixing yogurt with mustard. Serve with side dish.

No matter how it surprises you, yogurt is even included in bread. Indian. Hindus often use this bread as a spoon. “Naan” - that’s the name of the bread - is baked in the form of flatbreads. Try it too by combining additives and spices to get the unique aroma of freshly baked bread.


  • - 30 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • Homemade yogurt - 130 ml.
  • - 4 glasses
  • fresh - 1 bunch
  • (to stimulate yeast) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • (in dough) - 130 ml.
  • - 7 gr.
  • - taste
  • - 80 ml

Place sugar and dry yeast in a bowl with heated milk and leave until a fluffy cap forms. Beat the egg a little, then add yogurt, two tbsp. butters and yogurt. Add salt and baking powder to the flour. Now the main thing: we got three mixtures.

Pour the sifted flour onto the countertop, make a hole in the middle, pour milk and yeast into it, knead the dough and add the last mixture. Place the dough in a pan, cover the top with a towel and put it in a warm place for 2 hours.

How to feel like a virtuoso chef or pastry chef? The first step is to get a good modern yogurt maker, for exampleTefal YG657132. This craftswoman prepares amazing yoghurts, cottage cheese and dairy desserts (each option has its own program button) to perfection. There are no limits to your imagination in inventing new recipes: juicy seasonal berries and fruits, jams and confitures, nuts and granola, snowfall from coconut flakes and chocolate waterfalls - all this will fit in eco-friendly glass cups to turn your afternoon snack into a gourmet paradise. Six servings of a healthy dessert that contains nothing but the freshest ingredients and your love!

Don't forget the two golden rules for making dairy desserts so that everything turns out perfect.

1) Choose the “right” milk. Farm, market, “from under the cow” can be used, but must first be boiled. You understand that only beneficial bacteria should multiply in the thermal bath of a yogurt maker. Sterilized whole milk is a great option; choose something that can be stored for no more than 10 days. Pasteurized milk also makes good yogurt, thicker and fattier, with a small, appetizing crust on the surface. The longer you cook the yogurt, the more sour and thick it will be.

2) Leaven- that’s the most important thing, and it’s better to use trial and error to choose the one that you like. Conventionally, they can be divided into pharmacy starters and supermarket starters. In pharmacies and on the healthy lifestyle counters of good stores there are “Narine”, “Evitalia”, “Vitalakt”, “Bifivit”, “Biota” and many other liquid and dry starter cultures. Ordinary “live” yoghurts from dairy departments without additives and with a minimum shelf life (and therefore with a maximum amount of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) are also suitable for fermentation.

Once you start playing delicious games with a yogurt maker, you will want to prepare complex desserts. Cheers!

Each home has a certain set of products, which are replenished periodically once a week or month. Everyone has some food in their refrigerator or pantry, depending on what they like to eat.

There are categories of shelf-stable products, and there are those with a limited shelf life. These include dairy products, including yogurt. And, as a rule, The question arises: what to do with the missing yogurt?. It’s a shame to throw it away, but it’s already scary to eat.

The most effective and easiest way to use stale yogurt and not worry about your condition is to use it for baking. There are a great many recipes, here we present the best and most proven ones.

Missing yogurt is not a problem, but an excellent product for aromatic baked goods.

Pancakes made from sour yogurt

  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 grams of yogurt;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

  • Beat all ingredients in a blender, adding 375 grams of flour a little at a time. The dough will be thick, like pancakes. Add a little soda for airiness and 3 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil;
  • Heat a frying pan with 1 tablespoon of oil, pour in a little batter, fry on both sides like classic pancakes. Serve with various sweet sauces, condensed milk, honey.

The same dough is used for baking pancakes, but the dough should be a little thicker and be sure to fry in a hot frying pan with oil.

Wonderful pie made from cherries and expired yogurt

In a bowl of sufficient depth, mix the ingredients for the dough:

  • stale yogurt - 1 glass;
  • cherry jam - 1 glass;
  • soda - 1 spoon.

How to cook:

  • Mix the ingredients for 10-14 minutes, then add 2 beaten eggs, add sugar to taste, 1 cup of any crushed nuts (to taste), add flour;
  • Add flour until the dough has a consistency similar to sour cream. Mix everything well;
  • Place the parchment in a baking dish, coat it with butter or margarine, pour in the dough;
  • Ready time - 1 hour or a little more. We check with a toothpick or wooden stick;
  • After the pie has cooled, it can be coated with any cream or sweet sauce.

Stale yogurt and chocolate cupcake

Mix in a bowl:

  • 375 grams of yogurt;
  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 3 pieces of eggs;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 3 grams of baking powder (if this is not available, add soda or 20 grams of fresh lemon juice).

How to cook:

  • Divide the mixed dough into a couple of parts. Place 50 grams or 75 grams of cocoa into one of the parts (the more, the more chocolatey it will be);
  • Place the parchment in the mold, coat with butter, alternately placing a tablespoon of chocolate and white dough (for speed, you can increase the number of spoons);
  • When the dough is finished, place the dough in the pan in the oven for 30 or 40 minutes to bake;
  • If desired, grease the prepared pie with any glaze or cut it into two parts to soak in cream or any other sweet sauce;
  • Serve on the table.

A similar pie is also called “Zebra”.

Lost yoghurt is the perfect base for a great sponge cake.

Mix in a bowl:

  • cocoa - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - 10 grams;
  • flour - 300 grams;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 7 grams of soda;
  • sugar - 250 grams.

Mix separately:

  • 250 grams of yogurt with 3 eggs and half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • beat with a mixer until completely mixed;
  • Pour the second mixture into the first, stir thoroughly.
  • Place the parchment in a baking dish, coat it with any oil, place the prepared dough on it and bake in the oven until done;
  • Check the readiness of the pie using a toothpick or wooden stick.

Prepare the cream:

  • Boil 1 glass of milk (fresh), sugar - 120 grams, a pinch of vanillin (or replace with a vanilla stick). Separately, beat milk (fresh) - 1 glass, flour - 4 spoons, 1 egg;
  • Pour the whipped milk with flour and egg into the milk, which is boiling, turn the heat to low and simmer until the mass thickens;
  • For the prepared sponge cake, which has already cooled, we trim the edges to give it a cake shape, cut it in half, soak it in the middle and on top with cream;
    The remains of the sponge cake can be crushed, sprinkled on the top and covered with cream;
  • Grease the edges of the sponge cake with cream on all sides and leave for an hour to soak;
  • If desired, the sponge cake can be decorated with any berries or fruits, after adding them to the cream or on the top of the sponge cake.

Bon appetit!

Video recipes

Very Simple, but So Delicious Cup Pie, All Mixed and Done:

Delicate yogurt cookies:

Fluffy Pancakes like Pooh! You won't find a simpler and tastier recipe! My Secret to Fluffy Pancakes:

Fluffy pancakes (with yogurt):

Flavorful custard pancakes with yogurt. Very gentle:

Yogurt cupcake (with any filling). Cupcake with dried apricots:

Sweet pie with strawberry yogurt:

Yogurt pie - 123:

Delicious cup pie in 2 minutes:

Bagels on yogurt with honey - delicious homemade cakes:

Yogurt muffins with strawberries. Simple and delicious:

Incredibly delicious from regular yogurt:

The most fluffy and tender flatbread - Bake and fry - Yogurt dough:

Pancakes from grandma - pancakes with yogurt:

Cupcakes with milk:

How to cook Dumlama (stewed meat with vegetables):

Tangerine clouds.delicious pie:

Tender muffins with strawberry yogurt:

Yogurt pie. Economy menu:

Lush soft brushwood on kefir or yogurt:

Lush yoghurt pancakes:

Yogurt baked goods are soft and flavorful:

Yogurt sponge cake.

Yogurt is a healthy and probably the most popular fermented milk product, based on cow's milk, which is pasteurized and thickened by adding milk powder or cream. This lactic acid product is well digested by the body. Thanks to enzymes, it is less allergenic than milk itself. Bacteria stimulate intestinal function, improve digestion, reduce the likelihood of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors, normalize intestinal microflora, and strengthen the immune system. It is rich in protein and calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and is useful for people of all ages.

Nowadays, this dairy product is quite often used in cooking: pies, cakes, pancakes are baked from it, various sauces are prepared on its basis, and when frozen it can easily replace ice cream. The lactic acid product has a short shelf life, so it must be stored in the refrigerator. If the expiration date has expired and you don’t want to throw it away, the only option is to bake something from it. I offer you recipes based on drinking, baby or natural yoghurts; for some of them it is quite possible to use a slightly expired fermented milk product.

Pancakes made from expired yogurt

Mix two glasses of dairy product, half a tsp. baking soda slaked with vinegar, two chicken eggs, 100 grams of sugar and salt on the tip of a teaspoon. Beat with a mixer, add 250 grams of wheat flour. Using a dough made from sour yogurt, fry thin pancakes in a frying pan greased with butter.

Chocolate yogurt cupcakes


  • Wheat flour – 400 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Cocoa - 30 g
  • Yogurt - 400 g
  • Baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar – 200 g

Sift flour into a bowl, add baking powder and cocoa. Separately, beat eggs with granulated sugar. Add fermented milk product and softened butter. Mix thoroughly. Pour the egg mixture into the bowl. Knead the dough. Fill the third part of the molds with dough, bake in a preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes at 180 degrees.


To prepare delicious homemade fermented baked milk, we need to pour 1.5 liters of milk into a saucepan, or even better, into a ceramic baking pot. Place the container with milk in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees. At the same temperature, the milk should be in the oven for at least an hour. To obtain thick, sweet fermented baked milk with a rich color, the milk will have to simmer even longer. After this, cool the milk to 40 degrees, add 100 g of yogurt, mix.

Pour the mixture into a glass jar, wrap it in a towel and leave it in a warm place for 6 – 8 hours. After this, the finished fermented baked milk can be cooled in the refrigerator before use.

Dried fruit cake recipe


  • Yogurt – 300 ml
  • Egg - 3 pieces
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Butter – 100 g
  • Flour – 500 g
  • Raisins – 100 g
  • Dried apricots – 100 g
  • Soda – 1 tsp. no slide

First, soak the dried fruits in boiling water for about 10 minutes and squeeze them to get rid of excess water. In a bowl, whisk the eggs with granulated sugar. The next step is to add fruit yoghurt. In this case, it goes very well with raspberry flavor. Add flour and soda, mix thoroughly. The dough should be thick. Now add the chopped dried apricots and raisins and mix again.

Bake in a greased pan for 35-40 minutes. The cake turns out tender and fragrant.

Yogurt cookies

0.6 kg. Mix flour with a pinch of salt, baking powder and finely chopped butter (75 g). Grind, pour in 200 ml. natural yogurt. Knead the dough, roll it out into a 5 mm layer, cut out cookies using a glass or special molds. Before placing in the preheated oven, brush the cookies with beaten egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake for 15 minutes at 170 degrees.

Fluffy pancakes

A very simple recipe for making very tasty fluffy pancakes from expired yogurt. For this we take 400 ml. fermented milk product, mix with 1 egg, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of baking soda, slaked with vinegar, add flour. Mix everything thoroughly, the consistency should be like thick sour cream. Fry on both sides in a frying pan with vegetable oil. You can serve with condensed milk, honey and jam.

Making sour cream at home

Mix half a liter of cream with a fat content of 15% with 50 g of yogurt without additives. Leave in a warm place for 36 hours. Then place it in the refrigerator for 4 - 5 hours, after which the homemade sour cream will be ready. If desired, to add thickness, you can beat it with a mixer at low speed. Drinking yogurt makes excellent sour cream, which can be used as a salad dressing.

DIY cottage cheese

To prepare homemade cottage cheese in the oven you will need the following ingredients:

Pour 2 liters of cow's milk and 600 ml of yogurt into a saucepan or other deep baking container; you can add 200 ml of cream if you want a richer curd. Mix our ingredients well and place in a preheated oven for 40 - 50 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. Remove the pan from the oven, cool for half an hour and drain the whey; to do this, line the colander with gauze folded in several layers. We pour our milk onto gauze, tie the ends of the gauze and hang it up; when the excess liquid has drained, the curd is ready.

Fruit dessert with yogurt

We will need: muesli – 4 tbsp. spoons, strawberries - 150 g, 1 banana, kiwi - 2-3 pieces, full-fat fruit yogurt 300-400 ml.

First, fry the muesli in a frying pan for a couple of minutes, wait until it cools. Cut the fruit into cubes. Let's take 4 transparent glasses or bowls - this will make our dessert look more impressive. Place the ingredients one by one in the following order: muesli, yogurt, fruit, muesli, yogurt. It is very important that the ingredients do not mix. You can sprinkle grated chocolate or coconut on top and add a mint leaf. This magnificent dessert is prepared very quickly.

Dessert with apple and cinnamon

  • Apple – 2 pieces
  • Yogurt – 150 g
  • Apple juice - 500 ml
  • Gelatin - 50 g
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon

Pour gelatin into one glass of cold juice and leave to swell.

Heat another glass of juice almost to a boil and remove from heat. Mix it with juice in which our gelatin has already soaked. In a frying pan, caramelize the diced apples and add a couple of pinches of cinnamon. Using a spoon, place caramelized apples on the bottom of the glasses, about a third of the way. Cool the juice and mix with yogurt and pour this mixture over the apples. Place in the refrigerator for several hours to harden. A delicious dessert is ready!
