Pitted cherry jam recipe. Cherry-apple confiture for the winter “French kiss. What gelling agents can be added to cherry jelly?

Cherry is a tasty and healthy berry, known for its antioxidant properties. It is the high content of the antioxidant anthocyanin that gives it its rich red-burgundy color. Juicy berries reduce cholesterol levels, are useful for cardiovascular diseases and gout, increase immunity, and improve hematopoiesis.

There are a great many recipes for home canning berries. One of the most popular cherry preparations is jam. This is a wonderful dessert that can be served with tea, cottage cheese, semolina porridge, made delicious sandwiches or used as a filling.

Today on the website “Popular About Health” we will look at how to make pitted cherry jam according to a simple recipe for the winter, and we will look at more than one.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced housewives on choosing and processing berries:

Preliminary preparation

If you make jam from store-bought berries, it is better to buy them at the market, where they are fresher than store-bought ones. Choose dense ones with shiny skin. Do not take damaged or dented ones. It is advisable to buy with stalks (they are juicier).

At home, sort through, wash thoroughly with cold water, and discard in a colander. Remove the stems and place in a bowl.

How to remove pits from cherries?

Now you need to remove the seeds. If there is no special device, you can use improvised means, for example:

Take a regular hairpin. Insert the arcuate part into the base of the berry, hook the seed in a circular motion and pull it out. You can use a paper clip in the same way.

A garlic press is also suitable for this. Namely, the old models - where the handle at the end has a round hole (bottom) and a pin (top). Place the berry on the hole and press the pin. The bone will easily separate and come out.

To make jam, use only enamel containers. The pan, jars and lids must be thoroughly washed beforehand. Boil jars with lids or heat them in the oven.

Now you can start cooking:

Thick cherry jam according to a simple pitted recipe

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar.


For this recipe, we will add sugar in parts as it cooks. Therefore, immediately divide the entire volume into 4 equal parts.

Now process the cherries as we described above, place them in a large, wide pan. Add one part sugar. Stir, cook over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring.

Add the second half of sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Then the third, also cook for 5 minutes and add the last part, reduce the heat and simmer a little longer - 10 minutes.

All that remains is to transfer the jam into hot jars and screw the lids tightly. Don't worry if it seems runny to you. After rolling, it will quickly thicken, literally within 2-3 days.

Another recipe for cherry jam for the winter

It's a little more complicated:

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of cherries - less than a kilogram of sugar (approximately 800 g).


Pour the pre-processed berries into a saucepan. At this stage, do not add sugar. Place on the stove, turn the heat to medium. As soon as it boils, reduce the temperature. Cook for 40 minutes, stirring constantly, removing foam. Now leave until completely cool. It's best to postpone cooking until the next day.

Now grind the berry mass with a blender until smooth. Bring to a boil, reduce temperature, simmer for 40 minutes. Let cool completely again.

Boil a third time and cook for 15 minutes. Stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn. Cool again.

And only at the fourth stage, add sugar, boil, reduce the temperature, cook, stirring, for half an hour. Place the jam in jars and roll up.

Cherry jam for the winter with gooseberry juice

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of berries - 1.5 kg of sugar, 150 ml of freshly squeezed gooseberry juice.


Grind the pre-processed pitted cherries in a blender or grind through a meat grinder. Place in a saucepan and add sugar. Leave for several hours so that the juice mixes well with the sugar.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for 40 minutes. Stir frequently and remove foam. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the gooseberry juice. Continue cooking, stirring. Transfer the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Jam "drunk cherry"

This method of preparing the original recipe came to us from Spanish cuisine. Cherries prepared according to this recipe are served with ice cream and fried meat. In the second case, the sweet-spicy taste goes well with freshly cooked steak. Let's try to make this cherry jam for the winter:

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar, 400 ml of dry red wine, 100 ml of rum. You will also need 2 tablespoons of gelatin.


Process the cherries and remove the pits. Grind with a blender or using a meat grinder. Place the mixture in a saucepan and add half of the sugar. Stir and leave for several hours so that the juice mixes with sugar. Soak the gelatin in a glass of water and leave until it swells, about 40 minutes.

Place the pan on the stove and boil. Reduce temperature, simmer for 15 minutes, stirring and skimming.

Mix the wine and the rest of the sugar in a separate pan. Pour in the gelatin solution and mix well. Bring to a boil over very low heat. Pour the finished syrup into the cherries and boil for another 10-15 minutes. Now pour in the rum and stir. Place the finished dessert in jars and roll up.

Now that the cherry ripening season has begun, eat as many healthy fresh berries as possible. If possible, be sure to prepare it for future use so that you can enjoy its taste, summer aroma, and health benefits in winter.

Among fruit and berry desserts prepared for the winter, jam occupies one of the places of honor. It has a delicate, homogeneous, but at the same time dense consistency. It's easy to spread on toast, buns, cake layers...

I suggest making thick cherry jam. Since cherries have low gelling properties, to make thick jam you need to add other berries, and if there are no berries, you can use gelatin, pectin or gelatin. I will make cherry jam with gelatin.

Let's prepare the products according to the list.

We sort the cherries, wash them and remove the pits. In the pan in which we will prepare the jam, add pitted cherries and grind them with a blender. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over moderate heat.

Add sugar, stir, reduce heat and bring to a boil. Then cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, stirring, remembering to remove any foam that appears.

Pour water into the juice remaining after removing the pits from the cherries and bring to a volume of 100 ml. You can use water without adding juice. Add instant gelatin, heat (to a maximum of 60 degrees, do not boil) with constant stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Remove the pan from the stove, pour in the dissolved gelatin and stir well.

Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and close with sterile lids. Turn the jam jars upside down for 10 minutes without covering them with anything, then return them to their original position. When the jam has cooled, put the jars in the refrigerator, basement or cellar. In a day or two the jam will thicken.

Fragrant and amazingly tasty thick cherry jam with gelatin is ready. The jam has a rich color and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Cook with pleasure!

It turns out that cherry confiture is not only tasty, but also healthy: cherries contain many valuable vitamins and antioxidants. It can be added to tea in winter to prevent colds. Sweet or sour cherry jam can be different, and in each country it is prepared with a special local twist. Several unusual and tasty recipes for preparing this dessert will help you surprise your family and friends with something new.

To make the jam tasty, there is one important rule - sugar in proportion to cherries must be at least 50%. Each cook prepares cherry confiture in his own way: some remove the pits from the fruit, others do not. In order to thicken the product, there are some tricks, for example, adding gelatin or pectin to the confiture.

Cherry jam is not difficult to prepare; all you need to do is select good fruits, control the cooking process and sterilize the jars. Cherry confiture can also be prepared with the addition of other fruits. These can be apples, currants and strawberries. And in order to surprise guests with unusual cherry jam, it is worth adding spices or rum to it at the time of preparation.

Which cherry is best for jam?

There are many different varieties of cherries. In order not to add a large amount of sugar to the product, it is better to choose garden cherry fruits - they are sweeter than wild forest ones. To make jam, you need to pick the cherries with the stalks; if you pick only the fruits, the juice may leak out of them. Sort and wash the fruits immediately before cooking.

It’s worth knowing: cherries need to be ripe for jam so that their flavor can fully develop during cooking.

How to make thick cherry jam: the best recipes

To make delicious jam at home or in the country, you should stick to several of the recipes listed below, which have been tested many times. Thanks to such preparations, you can make baked goods filled with cherries, prepare cherry tea, or serve jam as a dessert. For each recipe there will be an equal amount of cherries and sugar - for 1 kilogram of fruit 500 grams of granulated sugar.

A simple recipe for the winter

The classic method of making thick jam is simple. All you need is cherries and sugar. The main thing is to choose ripe, sweet fruits; they may have some sourness, which won’t hurt.

Cooking method:

  1. The sorted and washed fruits need to be thrown into a colander to dry. You need to remove the pit from each cherry. Pour the berries into a saucepan, cover them with sugar and put on fire.
  2. Boil. Cook the jam until it becomes a homogeneous and viscous mass. This process may take 30-40 minutes.
  3. Pour the product into prepared clean jars and roll up. You can store jam at room temperature.

In a slow cooker

This method is the simplest, because you don’t have to watch the jam while cooking. To prepare delicious cherry confiture, you need to prepare ripe fruits and sugar.

  1. The cherries should be washed and pitted. Then it can be crushed using a blender or masher manually.
  2. Pour the cherry mixture into the slow cooker and add sugar. Set the “Stew” mode for 30 minutes and close the bowl with a lid.
  3. When half an hour has passed, open the lid and remove the foam, boil for another 5 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up.

With bones

This recipe is very simple because it does not require much time to prepare the fruit. To make cherry jam with pits, you will need sugar, cherries and about an hour of time.

  1. Dry the washed cherries and put them in a deep saucepan, cover them with sugar, and you can additionally add half a glass of water.
  2. Place on low heat and bring to a boil. Remove the foam. Cook the jam for 25 minutes.
  3. Pour the product into jars prepared in advance and seal with metal lids.


To prepare this version of jam for the winter, you will have to spend a little more time than for the previous version of jam. But such confiture can be given to children without fear that they may accidentally choke on a bone.

  1. Sort the cherries, wash them and remove the pit from each fruit. It is recommended to take ripe cherries to make it easier to separate the pulp.
  2. Pour the fruits into a saucepan, add sugar and half a glass of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Cook the jam for about 20 minutes. It needs to be stirred constantly.
  3. Pre-sterilize the jars, pour the finished product into them and roll up.

With gelatin

Thanks to gelling agents, you can significantly speed up the preparation of confiture. To make such a dessert, you will need a standard set of ingredients: water, cherries and sugar, as well as a bag of gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. The cherry pulp can be separated from the seeds or not - here the choice of each housewife is individual. Pour gelatin with water (150 milliliters) and let it swell. During this time, place the fruits in a saucepan and cover with sugar.
  2. Bring the fruit mixture to a boil and add gelatin, mix thoroughly. Cook for 5-10 minutes until a viscous consistency, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour into jars and roll up the lids.

With pectin

A proven recipe for French jam with added pectin can be a delicious treat paired with strong black tea and a fresh bun. For 1 kilogram of cherries you will need only 10 grams of pectin.

  1. Mix pectin with 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Put it aside and start removing the pits from the cherries.
  2. Pour the peeled fruits into a saucepan, cover with sugar and place in a dark place for 4 hours.
  3. When the cherries give juice, you can put them to simmer over low heat. When the jam boils, add pectin mixed with sugar. Stirring constantly, cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

With wine and rum

This savory jam will appeal to many people. It is enough to add 0.6 liters of red wine and 200 milliliters of rum to the main ingredients. Also, if desired, you can add the juice of half a lemon.

How to make jam with rum and wine:

  1. Place the cherries in a saucepan, sprinkle it with sugar, add wine and place in a dark place for 12 hours.
  2. When a certain amount of time has passed, put the pan on low heat and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. At the end of cooking, add rum and cook for 1 minute. Pour into jars and roll up.

With currants

This combination will not leave anyone indifferent. To make cherry jam you will need only 500 grams of red currants. It is recommended to boil the cherries and sugar separately from the currants, and then mix them together and boil for 10 minutes.

This way you will get an incredibly tasty jam with a delicate, rich consistency.

With strawberry

For this recipe, you need to choose the freshest and sweetest cherries and 500 grams of strawberries, which should also be selected. Sort and wash all the fruits. Mix berries with cherries and sugar. Let them sit for 1 hour to release juice. Then cook in a saucepan. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the finished product into sterile jars.

With coriander

For those who want to experiment, there is one interesting culinary recipe. Cherry jam can be made spicy thanks to the spice – coriander. You will need a little of it - about 1.5 teaspoons. You can also add 20 grams of almond petals and a bag of gelatin to this jam.

Cherry confiture without pits will be a great addition to desserts, ice cream or pancakes. The confiture turns out very tasty, aromatic, quite thick, with pieces of berries. The taste of confiture can be varied by adding lemon juice, mint, cinnamon or other ingredients. I made it without any additives.


To prepare pitted cherry jam you will need:

1 kg cherries;

1 kg sugar.

From the specified amount of ingredients, 1300 ml of the finished product was obtained.

Cooking steps

Wash the berries and let the water drain.

Weigh 1 kg of pitted cherries, add sugar and leave for 1 hour until the berries release juice. Then, put on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Using a blender, puree the cherries directly in the pan. You don’t need to make a completely homogeneous puree; you should feel pieces of berries. Place the pan on low heat again and cook the confiture for another 40-45 minutes, remembering to stir. You don’t have to remove the foam; it will disappear on its own.

Pour the hot cherry confiture into sterilized jars, cover with boiled lids and put away for storage.
