A fruit that smells bad but is delicious. Durian Fruit - “The stinky king of fruits is the durian. How to choose, how to open and eat, how to try to avoid the smell and some other facts that are better to know in advance.”

When you take a stroll through Thai markets and shops, you will see many colorful and unusual fruits. It happens that you may not even have heard of many of them. There is probably not a single person whose gaze would not stop at a mysterious fruit that looks like a large prickly hedgehog. This is exactly what this “miracle of nature” wears unusual name– durian. We will talk about it in this article.

To date, 34 types of durian have been discovered, but not all types are allowed for consumption. Only 9 are considered edible and in most cases they have the most unpleasant smell. Durian is a fruit that can be recognized from thousands by its appearance and smell.

It has either a round or oblong shape, and its diameter reaches up to 20 centimeters. The surface of the fruit is covered with large dense thorns, which creates additional protection from curious animals. This is a rather large fruit, its weight sometimes reaches 8-9 kilograms. It is painted light green or yellow.

Inside the fruit there is edible pulp, which can be of a wide variety of colors, ranging from white to soft pink tones. Having cut the fruit, you will find 5 sections in it, approximately equal in size. In one of them the seeds ripen, and the rest are filled with edible pulp.

Durian season

An abundance of tropical fruits in Thailand can be observed all year round. But if you have a desire to try something new and specific, then this is where you should plan the right time for your vacation. The season when durian will be sold to everyone Thai markets, starts at first half of April and ends in September. Of course, even before that it can be found in various supermarkets, but the price and quality will clearly not impress you. During peak season, its price drops to 40-50 baht per kilogram, making it affordable for everyone.

In supermarkets, fruit pricing usually varies between 120-150 baht per kilogram. But again, the most delicious and freshest fruits are always sold at local markets.

The smell of durian

Durian is recognized as one of the most healthy fruits, since it contains many vitamins and microelements. But its special smell sometimes causes disgust, and many refuse to try the fruit. This applies to a greater extent to guests of the country, since local residents treat it calmly.

The smell can be explained by the fact that durian contains sulfuric acid. By cutting the fruit, it interacts with oxygen and oxidizes. Unpleasant sensations do not come immediately, it should take several minutes. The smell of durian has been compared to anything, such as the smell of sewage, dirty socks or rotten fish. But many people prefer not to smell it at all, its smell is so unpleasant. While vacationing in Thailand, you can often witness the following picture: when trying to try durian for the first time, Russian tourists cover their nose with their hand.

In Thailand, as in many other countries, it is prohibited to take durian with you to the hotel, as well as to take it on the plane. The thing is that its smell is so persistent that it can long time It is quite difficult to stay indoors and remove it from there. If the fruit gets on your bedding or clothes, you will have to wash them, as it will haunt you for more for a long time.

But don’t worry that after eating a piece of fruit, you will develop bad smell from mouth. These are all myths. If you like the fruit, eat it boldly and don’t worry about anything.

Durian is such a specific fruit that it is simply impossible to give an unambiguous definition of its taste. Here we can safely say that there are as many opinions as there are people. For some it resembles the taste of cheese and nuts, for others the taste of boiled onions, for others it evokes the most unpleasant associations. Some people, having tried it, are so delighted that they are ready to eat it all the time; for others, the desire for further tasting disappears after the first small piece. The only thing we can say for sure is that durian will not leave anyone indifferent.

The taste of durian reminded me of potatoes with garlic and rotten cabbage. I have never been able to fall in love with this fruit and find it disgusting in smell and taste.

Residents of Thailand almost all compare its taste to a sweet cream, which contains egg and milk. Perhaps due to this, it received the unofficial name “King of all fruits.”

Beneficial features

We can talk about the benefits of durian for hours. And this is no coincidence, because it contains all the essential vitamins and minerals. To a greater extent, these are potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamins B, A, C. Please note that this is one of the most high-calorie fruits, 147 kcal per 100 grams of product. Having eaten a small piece of fruit in the morning, you can forget about food for several hours.

Thanks to its unique composition, durian is able to normalize work of cardio-vascular system, improve digestion, improve immunity, and it also acts as a sedative.

The estrogens contained in durian increase women's chances of becoming pregnant. This fruit is also beneficial for men.

Durian pulp can increase body temperature, which is why it should not be combined with alcohol.

The scope of use of the fruit in Thailand is very wide. It is used to produce various ice creams, candies, baked goods, toothpaste, coffee and much more.

How to choose the right durian?

When choosing a ripe, juicy durian fruit, you should not pay special attention to its peel. The fact is that there are several varieties of this fruit, and green peel does not always indicate its immaturity. There are several rules to follow when choosing:

  1. Give preference to fruits that have cracks. This will indicate that he has fully matured and is beginning to open up on his own.
  2. The smell of the fruit should be slightly tart.
  3. The inside of a ripe and fresh durian will always be tender and soft.
  4. If you find a durian tree, you should take the fruits that have fallen. That's when you will get a juicy fruit.
  5. When you tap the peel, a dull sound should appear. This will speak of maturity.

When purchasing an already cut fruit, look carefully at its pulp. It should have a delicate shade and not contain any stains. Its color is usually light yellow or slightly beige.

The most the right option When purchasing fruit, you will choose the whole fruit. But in this case, ask the seller to peel and cut it for you. Remember that the longer the durian is cut, the richer and more unpleasant its smell will be.

How to clean and eat durian?

Since this fruit still remains exotic for us, it’s easier to buy it at the market and have it cut up for you there.

After splitting the hard shell, remove the pulp onto a plate or into a special container. Plastic container. It is most convenient to eat durian with a spoon, but local residents and without it it turns out to cope with this task perfectly.

It is not advisable to eat the fruit at night, as it has a tonic effect and can sometimes make it difficult to fall asleep.

Durian should be stored in a separate container, tightly packed. If you leave it in the refrigerator for open form, then all other products will be saturated with its smell.


  1. The first thing you should pay attention to when consuming durian is that it is absolutely incompatible with alcohol. Not only should the fruit not be washed down with these drinks, but it is also not advisable to drink alcohol for at least 3-4 hours after the fruit.
  2. It is not advisable to eat more than 200 grams of fruit in one day. If you are trying it for the first time, do not combine durian with other products.
  3. Allergies may occur, resulting in a rash, runny nose, and in rare cases, swelling of the nasopharynx. Therefore, start getting acquainted with the fruit with a small piece.
  4. Durian can increase arterial pressure. If you are prone to such problems, you should refrain from tasting the fruit.

Thailand - country exotic fruits. What could it be better than that to try something new and unusual. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. You might not like durian like me, or maybe you'll get a new one favorite treat in a tropical country. Also read about others, among them there are many unusual and incredibly tasty.

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Unusual fruits Thailand

In Thailand, as in any hot tropical country, many interesting fruits grow, hitherto unknown to the Russian average person. When going on vacation to this sunny kingdom, don’t forget to try at least some of them, and you can even bring some of them home with you in your suitcase. What exotic fruits grow in Thailand, and which ones should you definitely try? Read on!


Let's start with the king of all exotic fruits in Southeast Asia, durian! Durian grows in Thailand, for example, on the island of Koh Samui. The fruits are very large, heavy and prickly. They can reach a weight of up to 8 kg. Surely you have already heard about him. Durian is very smelly. The smell is so strong that it is forbidden to enter hotels with it, and it is also prohibited for transportation. The smell of durian disappears very poorly. I once heard a story that due to the fact that this fruit crashed on a plane, the aircraft had to be scrapped, since even airing for many days did not help. The fruit doesn’t really smell that great, but it’s very tasty! Ripe durian tastes a little sweet, very soft, it is impossible to eat a lot, since it is very high in calories. In addition, durian has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

You can buy it in the store either whole or already cut and covered. cling film. It’s better to buy it already cut, as you won’t eat a whole one! Ripe fruit yellow and soft, a little unripe, maybe with some greenery, and hard (unripe durian is not very tasty). When you bring it home, eat it right away, otherwise it will smell terrible! In Vietnam, when we came from the store, we immediately put it outside the threshold and closed the door. When they ate it, they buried the bones so that the trash wouldn't stink.


I recommend to everyone! Beautiful delicate taste You will never forget lychees. Lychee is a round pink or bright red fruit with one seed in the middle. Sold in all markets in Thailand and in almost all stores. It's quite inexpensive. When the fruit is ripe, the peel is very easily separated from the pulp. But you can only find this fruit from May to the end of July, during the harvesting season. You can freeze lychees in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. Its fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and proteins. Lychee contains vitamins PP, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis; it is precisely because of the widespread distribution of this fruit in the countries of Southeast Asia that the disease is rare there.

Dragon Fruit or Dragon Eye

If you ask me what this fruit looks like, I will answer - nothing! I cannot compare any of the domestic fruits we know with its taste. The pulp is tender, with small black seeds. The international name is Pitahaya, the fruit of a cactus. Twice the size of a pear, the oblong Dragon fruit may have some green on the feathers, which does not mean it is not ripe. It grows in Thailand and sings a lot in Vietnam in July, where at this time it can be bought for literally pennies (we bought a kilogram for 8,000 dong!). The pulp inside can be either white or red. The taste is a little sweet, sometimes with a slight sourness. In general, it’s a very pleasant fruit that doesn’t get boring. Useful for diabetes, gastritis, endocrine diseases.


In our common people it is better known as “shaggy”. A very delicate tasty fruit that grows in Thailand, Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia. The fruits themselves are soft, and these “thorns” are completely harmless. Pulp white it tastes sweetish and sour, it adheres very firmly to the seed, which is sometimes annoying, since the pulp comes off along with the hard skin of the seed. By the way, you can eat the bone too! Rambutan contains vitamin C, nicotinic acid, and carbohydrates. Phosphorus, calcium.

The mohnatik season is from May to October. I recommend to everyone!

Noina (sugar apple, Annona squamosus)

This is a fruit that I simply called “honey”, which I went crazy about and always bought as much as possible. Very tasty, honey, ripe and just melts in your mouth! My favorite and most desired fruit in Thailand after durian. Ripe fruits are covered with green “scales”, soft, sometimes found with a sun-burnt side. The size of a large apple. The taste is like nothing else.

There are a lot of solids inside large seeds, be careful! Unripe fruits are completely tasteless, similar to soap or pumpkin. Therefore, it is better to take a very soft fruit, so that it is sure to be ripe. Noina season is from June to September. This fruit is very rich in vitamin C and amino acids.

Passion fruit or passion fruit

This is already my husband's favorite fruit. He bought bags of it and got a kick out of it! In addition to the name Passion Fruit, it is also called Granadilly, Passionflower and Edible Passionflower. He comes from South America, but is very popular in Southeast Asian countries, especially Thailand.

The fruits are shaped like an egg, smooth, slightly oblong, bright in color - from purple to deep red. There are also yellow fruits, but they are less sweet. The passion fruit must be cut in half, and inside there will be a yellow-red jelly with seeds, which is eaten with a spoon. Delicious! Popular juices are also made from the pulp.

Passion fruit season is from May to August. A strong aphrodisiac.

Mangosteen (garcinia, mankut)

The fruit is about the size of small apple, hard outside, with white soft pulp. The peel is dark purple. Unripe very tasteless raw potatoes with a taste of coffee. Usually it is easy to run into such mangosteen at the beginning of the season. The pulp tastes like nothing else, sweet and sour. Sometimes there are overripe fruits, then they are also tasteless.

The collection season is from April to September. Some people call mangosteen the king of fruits, but personally I didn’t find anything surprising about it.

Longkong (Longan)

Very interesting fruit, just like the previous ones, does not resemble anything familiar to us. The fruits are the size of cherry tomatoes and the skin is light brown to yellow. The pulp is transparent, soft, elastic. Fresh light taste The pulp is sweet and sour, pleasant, difficult to compare with anything.

Longan is rich in vitamin C, phosphorus, and calcium. When purchasing, make sure that the skin of the fruit is not cracked or has other visible defects, as such fruits quickly deteriorate. It is advisable to store in the refrigerator, but it is better to eat immediately!

The longan season runs from April to June. More often found in markets. It is also sold by street vendors in Thailand.


Lam Yai is somewhat reminiscent of Longan in taste, but, in my opinion, sweeter. I like him better. They are also about the same size as cherry tomatoes. Dense berries on one cluster (like grapes), sold mainly in markets directly on the branches.

Lam Yai fruits are covered with a dense brown crust, which, however, is easy to peel. The flesh inside is yellowish-white, very juicy, and has a specific aftertaste. Be careful, there is a slippery and large bone inside! In addition to Thailand, this exotic fruit is also very popular in Vietnam.

Season from July to September. Contains many useful substances, such as iron, phosphorus and bioacids.


Finally, about the famous Thai mango! As for me, I don’t understand why people go crazy about Thai yellow mangoes. In my opinion, the Israeli tricolor mango is much tastier. But oh well, it's not about him.

The mango that is sold in Thailand is very different from the mango that is sold here. I think many will agree with me. Thai mango is completely yellow - yellow peel, yellow flesh, and a large hard seed inside. Sometimes the skin color can be light orange (often one side), this is sunburn.

see also


Durian resembles the monster from Loch Ness - everyone has heard of it, but few have seen it. And in appearance it looks like a prickly and thorny monster. The name corresponds - “duri” means “thorn”. People make up legends about its heavenly taste and disgusting smell.

In our material we will tell you everything about the benefits and harms of durian and discuss beneficial features fruit for the body of men, women and children, and also talk about contraindications for consumption unusual product.

In the photo - durian fruit:

Let's give an example of just a few amazing facts about this fruit:

  • Durian is prohibited from being brought into public places or transport.
  • In the homeland of the fruit - in the cities of Southeast Asia - special buffets are organized on the streets, intended exclusively for serving durian.
  • Flowers of this exotic fruit pollinated by mammals - bats.
  • Only 9 subspecies of the plant are consumed, and there are about 30 in total.
  • Indole, an aromatic volatile substance, gives the fruit not only the hellish stench of biological decay, but also bactericidal qualities.
  • Taste evokes different associations. Many people call it creamy and cheesy, to some it resembles ice cream with whipped cream and banana, while others even compare durian to fried potatoes and dough for pies.
  • In Thailand, along the roads there are monuments to the amazing creation of nature.

How to choose

If you flew to Thailand or Malaysia from April to September, consider that your trip was a success - you are in durian season. At this time he has the best taste properties, the cheapest.

There are several distinctive features, by which you can choose the best fruits:

Composition, calorie content, beneficial properties

Energy value product reaches 147 kcal per 100 g due to the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - 5.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 23.3 g.

The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of water (65%) and fiber (3.8%).

The mineral composition is quite rich, includes compounds of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron.

A characteristic feature is the presence of organic sulfur. Its volatile compounds, together with indole, create a renowned aromatic bouquet.

Biologically active substances fruit - B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin A.

What is useful and harmful

Thais and Malaysians eat durian all their lives.

Here are their observations about the influence of this fruit on the functions of the human body:

But consumption of any exotic product must be dosed. His useful qualities have a positive effect only on local residents who have been eating this fruit since childhood.

But the result can be unpredictable for a tourist, even to the point of individual intolerance.

First of all, it is worth remembering these rules:

  • You should eat durian in the morning, no more than 200 g at a time.
  • No alcohol in combination with durian! Yes, many people boast that they washed this fruit down with alcoholic drinks. But not everyone's experience was successful.
  • Southern exotics are definitely contraindicated for allergy sufferers: foreign substances in the composition can cause an unexpected allergic reaction.
  • The tonic properties of durian can play a bad joke on people with hypertension.
  • Children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women should consume the fruit with caution - primarily due to unexpected manifestations of allergies.
  • Another unpleasant consequence of eating is belching with a repulsive odor.

Use in cooking

A European traveling in Southeast Asia can consider himself very lucky if he finds a good ripe durian on sale at the market that he likes the taste.

And for local peoples, eating durian is the most common thing, although they also consider it festive dish undoubtedly respected. It is even called the king among fruits.

In the summer season, when the plantations begin to bear fruit at the same time, it is not possible to sell everything to tourists, then the fruits are processed.

The Thais and Malays have accumulated a wealth of experience using the thorny king in cooking:

  • Durian is included in many recipes confectionery: sweets, ice cream, cocktails.
  • The fruits of the plant are used to make jam or jam and dry them, like chips and dried fruits. In this form you can keep it for a long time and even bring it home from a trip.
  • Quite unexpectedly, this fruit (mostly unripe) is even fried. It turns out something similar to fried potatoes.
  • The seeds are dried, ground and added to vegetable and meat dishes.
  • Fresh pulp is added to main courses and soups.
  • How fresh vegetable, consume the young shoots of the plant.
  • Local residents bake tubes and pies filled with durian.
  • The peel and bark of the tree are used to smoke fish.
  • Decoction of tree roots with others herbal ingredients for diseases respiratory tract used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. This old recipe, recorded almost 100 years ago.
  • Another ancient remedy is ash obtained from the prickly peel of the fruit. Women who have recently given birth drink it.
  • For jaundice, baths with the leaves of the plant are prescribed.
  • The seeds contain tannins and have antidiarrheal properties.
  • A decoction of leaves and fruits is a remedy against inflammation and swelling of external tissues.
  • For raw foodists, pulp is good source fats and proteins.
  • The roots and leaves of the plant are used to treat feverish conditions.

The fats and vitamins in the composition allow the fruit pulp to be used in cosmetology. It is mainly used as a component of cosmetic masks for dry facial skin and dry hair.

You must first make sure that the fruit does not cause allergies when used externally.

  • The simplest nourishing and moisturizing mask for dry skin is to apply homogeneous mass fruit on the face, wait 20 minutes, rinse.
  • A piece of the fruit can simply be rubbed on dry facial skin in the morning.
  • For oily skin, make a mask with cleansing properties. To do this, the pulp is mixed with citrus juice and oatmeal. 20 minutes after applying the mask to the hair, rinse off with water.

The following composition is useful for dry hair: burdock oil and grated durian pulp in a ratio of 2:1. Apply to hair, rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes.

Several Yet interesting facts about durian fruit - in this video:

Russians have different opinions about durian. Sometimes it seems that people are practicing eloquence, issuing flowery descriptions and unexpected epithets.

No one regretted the new experience, although not everyone liked the Thai king of fruits. But he is definitely worthy of attention and respect. Durian is a miracle, not a monster!

In contact with

Of all the famous fruits, it is the durian that has earned such polar characteristics. And it is even impossible to imagine how true they are. The smell of durian is so disgusting that it is not allowed into hotels, shops, elevators, taxis and other public places. Even with there is a special sign- durian crossed out with a red line. This means that entry with it is prohibited. After all, even after the fruit is eaten, such an “aroma” remains in the room that it cannot be removed for a long time by any means. cosmetics. For the same reason, durian is not subject to long-term storage and transportation.

What epithets are used to describe its aroma! The smell of decaying flesh, rotten onions, dirty socks, toilets, rotten eggs... An Englishman who visited Siam in the 19th century describes his impressions of the aroma of durian as follows: “it’s akin to eating herring with blue cheese over an open sewer manhole.”

And after all this he is called the “king of fruits”?! Is this really possible? Perhaps, the Thais and Malaysians answer, if, after holding your nose and overcoming your disgust, you still try the durian pulp. And only then will you understand how “divine” its taste is. Thais claim that durian is actually sweet in taste and is similar to custard from eggs and milk. According to the famous naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, “Tasting durian is a radically new experience, and a trip to the East is worth it. The more you eat durian, the less you want to be distracted by anything else.” And in general for true gourmets this fruit proudly occupies one of the places of honor among such famous “fragrant” delicacies as Chinese “rotten” eggs, Swedish surströmming and the famous Roquefort cheese, covered with green mold...

The name of the fruit comes from the Malay word "duri" (thorn) and the Malay suffix "an", which means "thorny fruit". The homeland of durian is Indonesia, Thailand, India, Ceylon, Indochina, and the Philippines. By the way, it is believed that the most delicious durians grow on plantations near Bangkok in Thailand. It is also cultivated on plantations in central Africa and Brazil. Typically, a mature fruit weighs 2-3 kg, has 15-25 cm in diameter and 20-30 cm in length. It grows in large trees. It reaches a height of 15-20 meters, produces the first fruits already at 8-10 years old. And then it bears fruit all year round. Blooms for less than eight hours: bright white flowers open at dusk and fall by dawn. They say they are pollinated by bats. Under no circumstances should the fruit be picked. Once ripe, it should fall on its own. If a durian falls on your head (God forbid!), it won’t seem too small. Individual fruits, the size of a good football, weigh about 10 kg. Moreover, they have sharp thorns.

Unripe fruits local population cooks like boiled vegetables as part of different dishes, and ripe fruits are really a refined dessert of exceptional taste, having wide range nutrients. This fruit rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Durian pulp contains a lot B complex vitamins, and the amount of vitamin C is much greater than that found in a sweet orange. And its specific smell is attributed to the presence of organic sulfur, the healing properties of which are just being studied.

A good durian has a sweet taste, smooth texture, rich, custard, with a taste reminiscent of banana, mango, pineapple, overripe papaya and vanilla. The disgusting smell comes from the thick prickly peel, studded with thorns of a threatening appearance and size. Inside, the fruit is divided into segments with white walls, each section contains three or four large shiny seeds from beige to bright yellow (depending on the variety and ripeness of the durian). They will reward with their taste everyone who can cope with the smell. Beginning gourmets and tourists most often come to the aid of a seller who can advise the right fruit - not overripe or rotten on the side, not with clots, because they usually smell strongly of hydrogen sulfide, and not underripe.

It is most convenient to eat durian with a spoon, otherwise the ingrained smell cannot be washed off with any soap. Out of habit, for the first time, durian is eaten in the same way as drinking vodka. First they exhale the air from themselves, and then sharply bring the fruit to their mouth. By the way, you should not drink durian with strong alcoholic drinks. It is not compatible with them, but for some reason many tourists neglect this advice and then suffer from severe stomach irritation. An example can be taken from the local residents; they wash down the delicacy with ordinary salted water, which is poured into the empty cup-shaped half of a giant shell.

Durian is so filling that if you eat a “slice” in the morning, you can easily have it until dinner. At the same time, there is not even a slight feeling of hunger.

The people of South Asia value durian for its great taste And medicinal properties, but they buy it very rarely and most often for children, since this delicacy is sold at a fairly high price. For example, in the UK, durian can be bought for about 15-25 pounds, in the USA - for 5-20 dollars, and in Thailand itself, even in season, a small piece of pulp is sold for no less than 70 baht (about 3 US dollars) .

But the price doesn't stop tourists curious about new tastes. An illustration of getting to know durian can be the story of a certain Russian tourist, who emotionally and colorfully shared his feelings about it on the Internet. strange fruit: “Do you know what onions smell like? What about a rotten onion? What about the vegetable warehouse where all the onions are rotten? This is the smell that spread from this delicacy. I already had tears in my eyes. If I were offered such a dish at a party, I would not touch it. But now, out of sheer stubbornness, I had to at least try a small piece. Holding my nose and closing my eyes, I pinched off a piece of the oily paste that made up the inside of the durian. And then I experienced culture shock. It tasted like the most delicate, sweet cream, reminiscent of the sweetest varieties of dried apricots mixed with cream and chocolate. And only somewhere in the background is a slight taste of baked onions. Out of surprise, I unclenched my nose and immediately spat out this disgusting thing... But, it was too tasty... In general, I ate it to the end, holding my nose.”

Durian is one of the most unusual healthy tropical fruits in the world. Its homeland is India, Indonesia, Thailand. Grown in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, India, Cambodia. The best fruits are grown near Bangkok. The benefits and harms of durian have not been fully studied.

What does durian look like and where does it grow?

The name comes from Malay words resulting in the phrase “thorny fruit”. Indeed, durian is a large, oblong ball of yellow or greenish color. The weight is up to eight kilograms, the diameter is up to thirty centimeters, and is covered with long pyramidal spines. In cross section, durian looks like big nut, divided into hemispheres. It consists of five chambers, with white veins, each of which contains yellow or yellow-red pulp.

Nine of the thirty-four known species are allowed for consumption. Durian provides benefits, but in some cases it can cause harm to the body, so you need to carefully study the composition and properties.

Taste and smell of durian

This healthy fruit leaves no one indifferent. Taste qualities so ambiguous that everyone associates them with something individual. Most people agree that durian tastes like... delicate cream from milk and eggs. For many, it is a favorite fruit; others cannot be in the same room with it.

This is due to a specific smell. Despite all the benefits, many people don’t dare try it because of the unpleasant aroma.

This property is explained chemical reaction sulfuric acid and oxygen when cutting. The smell does not come immediately; it takes several minutes for the elements to interact. They compare the odor emitted to sewerage or stale socks.

Important! In countries where the healthy fruit is common, it is forbidden to take it with you on a plane or to a hotel, since the unpleasant aroma does not disappear for a long time and is not masked by air fresheners.

At the same time, this unpleasant fact does not cause any harm to the human body. Rather, on the contrary, a strong smell indicates maturity and the focus of benefit.

For the same reason, durian is exported in dried or canned form.

Chemical composition and calorie content of durian

Possesses a huge amount beneficial properties for humans. The calorie content is high, about 147 kcal per 100 g.

  • water – about 60 g;
  • proteins – 1.5 g;
  • fats – about 5 g;
  • carbohydrates – about 23 g;
  • fiber – about 4 g;
  • ash – 1 g.

It also contains useful micro- and macroelements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Durian is a treasure trove useful vitamins: A (beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid).

The composition contains no elements that are harmful to the body. The benefits are enormous for many organs and systems.

What are the benefits of durian?

The benefits of durian for women and men are beyond doubt; it has unique properties, is able to have a beneficial multifaceted effect on the body.

Is the only one edible fruit containing organic sulfur. This useful element, which is part of the cells of human hair, skin, nails, as well as nervous, bone and cartilage tissues of organs, proteins and some hormones. As a component of insulin, sulfur ensures blood sugar balance, which is beneficial for patients diabetes mellitus. It also fights aging, promotes the removal of toxins, and has natural anthelmintic and antiviral properties.

Thanks to high content minerals, has cardiovascular, nervous, immune systems. In addition, it has bactericidal properties.

Thanks to high calorie content and fiber content, very nutritious. It quickly saturates the body, and the feeling of hunger subsides for a long time.

It does not contain cholesterol, so it can be consumed without fear by those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Durian has particular benefits for women. Due to the content of the hormone estrogen, it increases the chances of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy child.

Benefits of durian for men

In addition to the general beneficial properties for women and men, the latter provides invaluable assistance in restoring and maintaining sexual function. It is an excellent aphrodisiac. Thanks to the hormone estrogen, it restores and increases potency, improves sperm quality and sperm activity.

Can pregnant women eat durian?

Extremely beneficial, but may be harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding women, so they should use it with caution.

There is no categorical prohibition. A woman carrying a child can assess her condition and the opportunity to try the fruit herself. The beneficial properties will be beneficial for her and the baby. But if a pregnant woman suffers from edema and high blood pressure, can cause harm and make problems worse.

How to properly eat and clean durian

Despite the variety of forms (dried, jam), fresh raw juice has the greatest beneficial properties. Only fully ripened fruit should be consumed immediately after opening. To do this, you need to cut the durian into several parts; the pulp is easy to extract. You can do this with your hands or a spoon, as it will be difficult to get rid of the smell. The indigenous people of Thailand eat with salted water. More detailed instructions for cleaning durian can be found in the video:

Why durian is dangerous

Although it has many beneficial properties, in some cases it can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to components can lead to allergic reactions;
  • It is prohibited to be consumed by people suffering from hypertension, as it increases blood pressure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • The simultaneous consumption of durian and alcohol is prohibited and extremely dangerous.

Durian and alcohol

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to combine the consumption of alcohol and durian, as this can cause enormous harm to the human body.

Durian in cooking

Its beneficial properties, as well as its delicate taste, have ensured its constant use in various recipes.

  • Cocktails, ice cream and jam are made from it.
  • Also used to prepare a specific dessert, popular in Thailand. It consists of sticky rice, which is doused in coconut and sugarcane juice syrup. Durian pieces are added to it.
  • We also love durian dodol. This pie is a frozen baked mass of durian pulp, glutinous rice, sugar and coconut milk.
  • The seeds are used as a seasoning.
  • In Indonesia, the pulp is used to make a sauce with mint, which is served with rice.
  • Used in fried as a side dish for meat.

What is the difference between jackfruit and durian?

Jackfruit is no less popular in Thailand than durian. This is also an extremely healthy fruit, having a specific smell and a whole range of useful substances and elements. But the difference between them is great.

These are the fruits of completely different trees. Jackfruit grows on breadfruit, the fruits can be enormous in size, weighing up to thirty kilograms. As it grows, it is covered with green spines; as it matures, these spines become less pronounced. Ripe jackfruit is gray-brown in color. Its seeds are eaten; they contain milky juice, which is very difficult to wash off skin and clothes.

They also differ in appearance. While durian pulp consists of two large oblong halves, jackfruit seeds are small and randomly located inside the fruit.

How to choose durian

Ripe fruits are the most useful. To select the maximum ripe fruit, you need to know what characteristics it should have:

  • it should be soft to the touch, but also elastic at the same time; bends in one direction or the other indicate immaturity or overripeness;
  • the spines must be mobile, otherwise it indicates immaturity;
  • when tapping, a dull sound should be heard;
  • the unpleasant odor should not be distinct;
  • color may be green or yellow;
  • the fruit should not be peeled, as it has a short shelf life;
  • there should be no stains or damage on the surface.

How to store durian at home

Peeled durian cannot be stored; it must be consumed immediately, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost. And in an uncleaned form it can last for two days at room temperature, in the refrigerator - up to five days.

To extend the shelf life of durian, it is made into a kind of dried fruit. But for this purpose, the pulp is not simply dried, but pastille is made - this method allows you to preserve the benefits and taste.


The benefits and harms of durian are incomparable. Thanks to the content large quantity useful substances and elements, durian has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. It will not cause any harm if you use it wisely, follow all the rules, and abstain from alcohol.
