Fruit pilaf for children just like in kindergarten

A simple recipe for pilaf without tomato, like in a home-cooked kindergarten, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in up to 1 hour. Contains only 118 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 1 hour
  • Calorie Amount: 118 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Second courses

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Chicken fillet 500 g.
  • Fig 1.5 stack.
  • White onions 3 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil 70 ml.
  • Table salt 1 g.
  • Ground black pepper 1 g.
  • Bay leaf 4 pcs.
  • Water 4 cups.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Delicious pilaf, like we were once served in kindergarten. Children in the garden rarely cook pilaf with tomato, and carrots give the pilaf its color. So, wash the sorted rice in plenty of water until the water is perfectly clean. Pour the washed rice into 2 glasses of clean drinking water and let it swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Peel the onions and wash well. Cut into small cubes. Children usually do not like onions very much and you need to chop them finely.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Wash the chicken fillet. Cut off all excess (veins, skin, bones). Cut into small cubes. Pilaf can be made from turkey or chicken. You can leave the meat with the skin on, but in my opinion it is fatty. I remove the skin. If you are cooking with the skin on, place the meat in the cauldron skin side down. Then it will brown and be more appetizing. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. Fry the onion.
  5. Add carrots to the slightly cooked onions. Simmer everything over medium heat until soft. When frying, stir so that the vegetables do not burn.
  6. Add meat to vegetables. Mix. Simmer for 7 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  7. Pour in (2 cups) boiled water. Let's simmer again. The water will collect all the meat juices, and the broth will be saturated with meat aroma. Add the bay leaf, but only after the water with the meat has boiled. This broth will soak the rice and it will turn out very tasty.
  8. Our rice is already swollen. Excess water that is not absorbed into the rice during swelling must be drained. Spoon the rice onto the meat. Pour in enough water so that it is 1 finger (3-4 cm) above the surface of the rice. Season with salt and pepper. Do not stir. The rice should lie on the top even layer. When pouring water, pour it onto a spoon so that the water does not make a hole in the layer of rice with its stream.
  9. Cover the saucepan or saucepan with a lid. Cook everything over low heat until the rice is cooked. It will cook very quickly. Nothing can be stirred during the cooking process.
  10. Place the soft, aromatic, crumbly pilaf on plates and serve. The pilaf turns out exactly the same as in childhood. Very tasty. The rice is not overcooked and every grain of rice separates.

Pilaf with chicken just like in kindergarten

This pilaf is simply delicious! Such a dear, familiar taste from childhood! It seems that I cook almost the same way myself, but it’s still not the same... Children now ask me to cook pilaf only this way! Even my husband liked it!
In general, as you noticed, I am delighted with it! Svetlana, thanks for the recipe!

We will need:

Chicken fillet without skin - 0.5 kg (I have it with skin. You can take the meat approximately)
Rice - 1-1.5 cups round, unparboiled (I have Mistral - Kuban, the amount of rice does not matter)
Onion - 1-2 heads
Carrot 1 piece
Bay leaf. Salt to taste (I have about 1 tsp)

Before cooking, rinse the rice in several waters and add water. Let it swell. I do this before I start chopping vegetables.

Cut the onions and carrots into strips. Pour enough clarified vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed pan to cover the bottom of the pan well.
Lightly sauté the onions and carrots over medium heat.
(If you use fillet with skin, do not add oil. First fry the chicken in its own juice and then add vegetables. The skin will give up its fat...)

Place the meat cut into pieces into the pan and fry everything lightly until the chicken sets.

Add a little water to cover the meat and simmer for about 15 minutes. This is necessary so that the broth is saturated with the taste and aroma of the meat. Add salt.

Drain the rice that was standing and swelling well using a sieve. Place into meat and smooth. Pour cold water onto a finger above the rice (1 cm), because the rice has already absorbed enough water and has swollen. Usually pour water 2 fingers higher. Place a bay leaf on top. Don't interfere.

Turn the stove on high to let the rice boil faster. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat by half.
Do not cover with a lid until the liquid on the surface is not visible (all is absorbed into the rice).

After this, cover with a lid. Reduce heat to low and cook until rice is cooked without stirring.
As soon as the rice is ready, mix the pilaf, turn off the stove and let the pilaf stand and rest...

Pilaf should not be dry or very crumbly. It should be well steamed, tender and tasty, and the chicken should melt in your mouth...

Bon appetit to you and your kids!

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Pilaf with chicken just like in kindergarten

This pilaf is simply delicious! Such a dear, familiar taste from childhood! It seems like I cook almost the same way myself, but it’s still not the same... Children now ask me to cook pilaf this way! Even my husband liked it!
In general, as you noticed, I am delighted with it! Svetlana, thanks for the recipe!

We will need:

Chicken fillet without skin - 0.5 kg (I have it with skin. You can take the meat approximately)
Rice - 1-1.5 cups round unparboiled (I have Mistral - Kuban, the amount of rice does not matter)
Onion - 1-2 heads
Carrot 1 piece
Bay leaf. Salt to taste (I have about 1 tsp)

Before cooking, rinse the rice in several waters and add water. Let it swell. I do this before I start chopping vegetables.

Cut the onions and carrots into strips. Pour enough clarified vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed pan to cover the bottom of the pan well.
Lightly sauté the onions and carrots over medium heat.
(If you use fillet with skin, do not add oil. First fry the chicken in its own juice and then add vegetables. The skin will give up its fat...)

Place the meat cut into pieces into the pan and fry everything lightly until the chicken sets.

Add a little water to cover the meat and simmer for about 15 minutes. This is necessary so that the broth is saturated with the taste and aroma of the meat. Add salt.

Drain the rice that was standing and swelling well using a sieve. Place into meat and smooth. Pour cold water one finger above the rice (1 cm), because the rice has already absorbed enough water and has swollen. Usually pour water 2 fingers higher. Place a bay leaf on top. Don't interfere.

Turn the stove on high to let the rice boil faster. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat by half.
Do not cover with a lid until the liquid on the surface is not visible (all is absorbed into the rice).

After this, cover with a lid. Reduce heat to low and cook until rice is cooked without stirring.
As soon as the rice is ready, mix the pilaf, turn off the stove and let the pilaf stand, rest...

Pilaf should not be dry or very crumbly. It should be well steamed, tender and tasty, and the chicken should melt in your mouth...

Bon appetit to you and your kids!

Cook with love! Live deliciously!

Brown rice pilaf with chicken

Pilaf with chicken just like in kindergarten.

We will need:

Chicken fillet without skin - 0.5 kg (I have it with skin. You can take the meat approximately)
Rice - 1-1.5 cups round unparboiled (I have Mistral - Kuban, the amount of rice does not matter)
Onion - 1-2 heads
Carrot 1 piece
Bay leaf. Salt to taste (I have about 1 tsp)

Before cooking, rinse the rice in several waters and add water. Let it swell. I do this before I start chopping vegetables.
Cut the onions and carrots into strips. Pour enough clarified vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed pan to cover the bottom of the pan well.
Lightly sauté the onions and carrots over medium heat. If you use fillet with skin, do not add oil. First, fry the chicken in its own juice and then add vegetables. The skin will give up its oil...

Place the meat cut into pieces into the pan and fry everything lightly until the chicken sets.

Add a little water to cover the meat and simmer for about 15 minutes. This is necessary so that the broth is saturated with the taste and aroma of the meat. Add salt.

Drain the rice that was standing and swelling well using a sieve. Place into meat and smooth. Pour cold water onto a finger above the rice (1 cm), because the rice has already absorbed enough water and has swollen. Usually pour water 2 fingers higher. Place a bay leaf on top. Don't interfere.

Turn the stove on high to let the rice boil faster. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat by half.
Do not cover with a lid until the liquid on the surface is not visible (all is absorbed into the rice).

After this, cover with a lid. Reduce heat to low and cook until rice is cooked without stirring.
As soon as the rice is ready, stir the pilaf, turn off the stove and let the pilaf stand, rest...
Pilaf should not be dry or very crumbly. It should be well steamed, tender and tasty, and the chicken should melt in your mouth...

Bon appetit to you and your kids!

  • Pilaf with chicken

    Chicken fillet without skin or turkey - 0.5 kg. Rice - 1-1.5 cups round, not steamed Onions - 1-2 heads Carrot 1 pc. Bay leaf. Salt to taste Rinse the rice in several waters before cooking...

  • Pilaf with chicken..

    Ingredients: rice - half a glass, chicken thighs - 6 pcs, carrots - 1 large, onion - 1 pc, seasoning for pilaf, salt. Wash the chicken thighs, remove the skin and cut the meat with a knife. Cut the cut meat into pieces....

  • Pilaf with chicken
  • Pilaf

    I want to share a recipe that I read in some magazine. Since then this is the only way I cook. The pilaf turns out crumbly, there is no hassle in preparation. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty. So, we need: onions - 2 pcs...

  • Pilaf

    Like the East, pilaf is a delicate matter, but quite feasible. The main thing is to strictly follow the proportions of rice and water and the sequence of actions, and then everything will definitely work out. Ingredients: Meat (beef, lamb, chicken) - 500 gr. Onion -...

As expected, everything is presented in the technological map in grams and up to tenths, but we adapted the recipe to the usual proportions. We offer a recipe with photos that clearly illustrate how to prepare pilaf as in kindergarten, using a recipe for homemade baby food.

To make this pilaf delicious, you can use any meat - the recipe calls for beef, lamb, pork and even goat.

Let's prepare the products:

  • rice cereal - 2 cups;
  • meat - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 medium-sized onion (60 g);
  • 1 large carrot (100 g);
  • margarine - 40 g (can be replaced with vegetable oil);
  • tomato puree - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking process

For cooking, you can replace the puree with tomato paste, slightly reducing the volume, since the paste is more concentrated than puree.

The dish is prepared like this:

  1. Grind the meat into pieces of 20-30 g, add salt and pepper, and fry in margarine.
  2. Separately sauté carrots, onions with tomato puree.
  3. Combine meat and vegetables in a thick-walled saucepan, duck pot or cauldron, pour in a glass of broth or boiling water and bring to a boil.
  4. Add the sorted and well-washed rice and cook it until half cooked. The liquid should be absorbed by this time, after which place the pan in a frying pan with water or on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for half an hour.
  5. The finished dish is mixed and placed on plates, garnished with pickled cucumbers or fresh vegetable salad.

Pilaf with tomato turns out to be a pleasant, slightly unusual color, slightly sticky and tasty.

Children's pilaf with chicken

In kindergarten GOSTs, as it turns out, there are several options for preparing pilaf with chicken. All these dishes are similar in that they are cooked viscous, more like porridge, have practically no spices and are prepared with a minimum amount of fat.

Different processing of chicken meat is allowed. So, you can boil the whole chicken, disassemble it, separating the meat from the bones, and combine it with sautéed vegetables and boiled rice. Then warm everything together for about five minutes.

Here's how to cook delicious baby pilaf with lightly fried chicken and sautéed vegetables. Children really love the kind of food they eat in kindergarten.


  • 250 g chicken meat, freed from bones (you can take thigh or breast);
  • 1 cup short grain rice;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 PC. onions (large);
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 tsp. salt (without top).

This dish is prepared like this:

  1. Cut the onion into cubes, carrots into strips.
  2. Chicken meat is removed from bones and skin and cut into small cubes.
  3. The onion is fried in a small amount of vegetable oil just a little, just until transparent. Add carrots to it and simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat.
  4. The chicken is placed in a frying pan, salted and fried so that the pieces turn white, but do not become crusty.
  5. Next, you need to pour in a glass of water and simmer over high heat under the lid for another quarter of an hour. Heat helps to more actively remove aroma and taste from products, and also evaporates the liquid almost completely.
  6. Meanwhile, the rice is washed until the water is clear and drained through a colander.
  7. Place meat and vegetables into a 2-liter pan, lay out cereals, and fill everything with water (if the rice is dry, then 400 ml is needed, if there is water left in it, less liquid is needed). All that remains is to add the bay leaf, add salt, cover the pan with a lid and turn on the highest heat. Once it boils, reduce the heat and cook without stirring for half an hour.
  8. Leave the finished pilaf on the stove for some more time.

Children's pilaf with vegetables

It is very useful for children to prepare light vegetable pilaf. It is offered for feeding even the smallest, including one year old babies. For two glasses of rice, take approximately 300-350 g of carrots, two onions, a handful of raisins and a handful of dried apricots (you can use one or the other separately), a little vegetable oil for frying.

First, the rice needs to be washed and soaked for one and a half to two hours in salted water. Peel the vegetables and cut into strips (for carrots) and half rings (for onions). Fry the onion well until the color is brownish. Add carrots to the onions, add steamed and cut into pieces dried fruits, then rice.

Pour boiling salted water over everything so that only a little covers the food, mix and bring to a state of readiness in the oven. In production conditions, such pilaf is prepared in a special steamer for a steamer; at home, you can use a double boiler or a multicooker in the pilaf mode.
