Mushroom soup with meat recipe. A masterpiece of home cooking - dried mushroom soup Soup with porcini mushrooms in meat broth

Dried forest mushroom soup very different in taste from fresh soup. Fans of mushroom dishes are fiercely debating which one is tastier, but so far the winner has not been determined.

Today I will introduce you step by step to a recipe made specifically from dried wild mushrooms, and I will share my little secrets of preparing it, so that you can, with full knowledge of the matter, join in the debate between amateurs and help them choose the winner.

Mushroom soup will turn out delicious from any dry mushrooms, but broth made from white mushrooms will always have a slightly different taste for the better. I have a mixture of different wild mushrooms, and I will make soup from it.

You can cook it in meat broth, but as a rule, this is not done. Let's leave this recipe, and we ourselves will cook a very tasty soup with beef broth.

How to cook

Dried mushrooms for cooking soup must be prepared in advance. Fill them in a convenient container with high edges with warm boiled water two to three hours before cooking.

Take a beef bone, brain bone with meat, wash it and then fill it with cold water so that the water covers the bone by one to two centimeters. Then bring the water to a boil, remove the foam, add a little salt and cook for one hour over low heat.

You need to take twice as much water as the volume of mushrooms, since they will absorb quite a lot of it.

There is another way to soak. Dry mushrooms need to be poured into a microwave container, filled with hot water in the same volume, and left for 5 minutes at a power of seven hundred watts. Personally, I don’t like this method and soak the mushrooms the old fashioned way.

Strain the prepared mushrooms through a sieve or colander. Rinse thoroughly with cold water, cut into pieces about one and a half centimeters and place in a well-heated frying pan with olive oil. Add some salt and simmer thoroughly for five to seven minutes, without frying.

Then we’ll put them in the broth and cook over low heat for about an hour along with the beef bone. After an hour, remove the bone, cut off the meat and put it back into the soup.

Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into cubes of about one and a half centimeters and add them to the broth.

Peel and wash the carrots and onions. Finely grate the onion, grate the carrots on a medium grater and fry in a well-heated frying pan with olive oil.

This is not a light version of lunch at all. very, very rich and satisfying! No, by the way, it’s not heavy, it doesn’t leave your stomach feeling like you’ve swallowed five kilograms of stones, it “sits” quite softly and somehow even organically inside, fills your stomach and soul, warms you and leaves behind an aftertaste of something endlessly warm and cozy. At the same time, it saturates! This is not that light summer soup with vegetables, which goes in and out, and after an hour or two causes a persistent desire to chew something. This is not some trifle, this is a soup with dried mushrooms and meat, and it sounds proud and serious! In general, I think that we have at least sorted out the content, it remains to clarify that for all its richness and aroma, thoroughness and warming, it is prepared as simply as possible. That's practically elementary! No extra effort, nothing complicated or time-consuming. One, two - and you're done. The most unpleasant thing is peeling the potatoes, the rest is pure nonsense (gritting carrots isn’t considered a “chef” level job, is it?). In general, this is the best autumn option! Don't ignore him.

- Mom, I’ll go play football with the guys in the yard!
- Only through my soup!

In general, it’s surprising, but it turns out much more aromatic than its counterpart, but made from fresh mushrooms. An incredible fact that any housewife who prepares mushroom soups from time to time knows. Now you know too. Run quickly to the store for a pack of dried whites and cook this soup for dinner - your family will probably thank you very much, and not because you spent your time and effort preparing something delicious, but because it is actually an amazing soup!


4 potatoes;

100 g dried mushrooms;

300 g boiled meat;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

30 g butter;

1 tbsp. l. flour;

1/4 part chili pepper;

salt, herbs to taste.

We get the meat. We defrost - if you remember, I always have it pre-cooked and, for convenience, laid out in small containers. Especially so that soups cook faster. If you are unlucky and do not have such luxury, then do not forget to cook the meat first.

Fill the mushrooms with water and let them cook for about 20 minutes. Carefully and lovingly!

Melt butter in a frying pan and fry finely chopped onion until golden. Add finely grated carrots. We also fry it. When the vegetables become evenly soft, sprinkle them with a spoon of flour (for convenience, I do this through a strainer - so that there are no lumps in general). Mix. Place in a saucepan.

We also send meat cut into portions there (I prefer turkey, but chicken, veal, and pork “look” good in this soup). And potatoes cut into small cubes go there too.

We also transfer the cooked mushrooms into the pan, if necessary, pre-cut them into pieces. Pour the broth in which they were cooked through a strainer into the company with the rest of the ingredients. Add water to the level you need (focus on the thickness of the soup you are used to), add salt, add hot pepper, bring to a boil, reduce heat.

Cook the soup until the potatoes are ready (about 15 minutes), after that, if you wish (and I always wish) - simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes - then the soup with dried mushrooms and meat turns out to be richer, thicker, more viscous and aromatic. When serving, do not forget to remove the hot pepper and add herbs. Bon appetit!

In autumn, the forest smells wonderful of mushrooms and wet leaves. When you bring fresh boletus, boletus and boletus into your home, you want to preserve their aroma for a long time, as well as that feeling of peace that accompanied you when you wandered with a basket along the edge strewn with gold. You pickle, salt, and freeze mushrooms, but try leaving a little for drying so that you can cook thick mushroom soup in meat broth in winter. His recipe, of course, does not require the use of dried mushrooms, but these are the ones that give the soup a magical flavor of autumn.

you will need

To make mushroom soup, you don’t have to go shopping: the ingredients for it will probably be in your pantry or refrigerator.

  • 3 liters of water
  • 500 g meat (almost any meat will do, but better with bones)
  • 1 cup dried mushrooms (or 300 g fresh/frozen)
  • 5 medium potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 small carrot
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Some greens for decoration and topping if desired.

10 Secrets of the Best Mushroom Soup

To prepare the perfect mushroom soup, you need to take into account several very important subtleties.

1. You can cook meat broth for mushroom soup from chicken, turkey or beef. But know that the most delicious, aromatic and rich broth is obtained from a beef bone.

2. No spices are added to mushroom soup - they will interrupt the natural flavor of the dish. When cooking, you can put onions in water - one whole head and a whole carrot.

3. The best mushrooms for broth are dried. They need to be filled with boiling water or just hot water, and then left for an hour. After this, the mushrooms are added to the soup.

4. You can use fresh mushrooms. For a more refined aroma of the dish, they should be fried for literally 3-5 minutes in hot vegetable oil.

5. The best mushrooms for broth are porcini, chanterelles or champignons.

6. For piquancy, any recipe allows the use of pickled, fresh, and salted mushrooms at the same time.

7. If you like puree soups, you can add fried flour (a couple of tablespoons) - this will give the dish thickness and density.

8. When the soup is ready, do not rush to remove it from the stove. Increase the heat to high for two to three minutes and let the broth simmer.

9. It will be great if you can leave the soup for several hours to brew.

10. You can use crackers, croutons, nuts or even a few fried mushrooms as a topping.

Cooking time: 2.5 hours
Number of servings: 8

How to cook mushroom soup

Everyone can cook mushroom soup with meat broth. The recipe is simple, and the process itself is quite exciting.

  1. Pour hot water over the mushrooms and leave to swell for an hour. If frozen or fresh food is used, chop and fry (with onions possible) for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Rinse the meat, place in a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water and place on the stove. When it boils, skim off the foam, reduce the heat to low and leave the broth to simmer for about an hour and a half.
  3. Remove the mushrooms from the water, cut into nice pieces (small ones can be left as is), pour in the remaining 1.5 liters of water according to the recipe and cook for 40 minutes.
  4. Strain the meat broth (the meat can be used for salad), add mushrooms to it along with the mushroom broth. Salt and pepper. The recipe does not prohibit adding a couple of bay leaves.
  5. Cook over low heat for half an hour.
  6. Peel the potatoes, carrots and onions, cut into cubes and add to the broth.
  7. Cook the mushroom soup for another twenty minutes.
  8. At this stage, you can finish cooking, or you can add finely grated processed cheese to the dish - this will give the soup a rich, creamy taste.

The recipe for mushroom soup allows for many different variations: you can put any mushrooms and any vegetables there, each time surprising your household with the same and at the same time unusual first course.

To brighten up the menu of first courses that you usually prepare for lunch, pay attention to the aromatic soup with mushrooms and meat. It is known that mushrooms are not inferior to meat in terms of the protein content needed by humans. But the combination of these products exceeds all expectations. The meat soup will be hearty and flavorful. You can take white mushrooms, champignons, oyster mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles or boletus mushrooms - any mushrooms. If you decide to buy a frozen semi-finished product instead of fresh mushrooms, then leave it at home temperature for a couple of hours. Do not use a microwave or hot water to defrost - the taste will be lost.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • honey mushrooms – 0.2 kg;
  • veal – 0.4 kg;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • a pair of onions;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • cilantro – 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.

Frying can be done as usual, in a heated frying pan or in a massive saucepan (for example, a cauldron), into which the broth will then be added. Rinse the beef under running water, dip it in a napkin and cut into small pieces, like goulash. Fry over medium heat, covered, until the meat is golden brown.

While the beef is cooking, rinse and peel the vegetables well. Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the carrots into strips and add to the finished meat. After 5 minutes, add diced tomatoes and mushrooms and cilantro. In just 10 minutes the frying will be ready.

Pour (if using a cauldron) 2 liters of beef broth, bring to a boil and remove the foam. Add chopped potatoes, peppercorns and bay leaves. Add salt and continue cooking until done. Let it brew.

Serve mushroom soup with beef, garnished with herbs. To improve the taste, yogurt is better suited to it. The recipe for mushroom soup with meat is simple and tastes great.

“Tsarskiy” soup with mushrooms and pork

Required Products:

  • pork (shoulder) – 200 g;
  • boletus - 200 g;
  • carrot;
  • red onion;
  • canned green peas - 1 can;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • fresh dill for decoration.

This recipe does not involve roasting vegetables, because pork itself is quite a fatty product. You can use dried mushrooms, but to do this you need to soak them overnight in water at room temperature. In the morning, drain the liquid and rinse under the tap.

Before cooking, rinse the meat and cut off the veins and film. Cut into portions and place in a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water to cook with bay leaf. When the pork broth boils, be sure to skim off any foam that forms.

Cut the prepared carrots into slices, add them to the pork and, after adding salt, cook for about half an hour. At this time, peel the potatoes and cut them into equal pieces with the mushrooms. Add to the broth and leave on the fire for another 20 minutes.

Open the can of green peas and pour all the liquid into the sink. Pour the peas into the pan and bring the mushroom soup with pork until fully cooked. Since the dish turns out to be quite high in calories, when serving, you can do without additional ingredients. So, mayonnaise will be unnecessary. But, if you wish, serve the dish with low-fat sour cream, chopped fresh dill and black pepper.

Soups with mushrooms and potatoes (111) are very tasty without adding meat.

Summer mushroom soup with meatballs

Prepare for 6 servings:

  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 200 g egg noodles;
  • spices to taste.

Kids love meatball soups, so be sure to make this recipe for lunch.

Since the cones will cook quite quickly, it is better to fry the vegetables in advance. To do this, send it to a warm place with 4 tbsp. sunflower oil in a frying pan, cut into cubes, half an onion. Next are grated carrots and mushrooms, which must first be doused with boiling water and chopped into strips. It’s better if it’s chanterelles – it will make a colorful soup. Simmer until done.

You can buy minced meat, but it is better to cook it yourself. You can take any meat. Twist it together with half the onion. Add a little salt, mix well and stick on small meatballs. Bring 2 liters of water to a boil and carefully place the bells in small batches into the pan, removing the foam from the surface.

After 7-8 minutes, add the peeled and cut potatoes into the meat broth. Add salt, throw in a bay leaf and 3 minutes before readiness, throw in the roast and small vermicelli. The noodles can be fried in a frying pan. This will not only add a golden color to the soup, but will also prevent it from sticking together.

Serve soup with meatballs and mushrooms with green onions and parsley. Add sour cream for those who like it.

Mushroom soup “Dachny” with stewed meat

For the country recipe you will need:

  • 1 can of stew;
  • 250 g mushrooms;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • half a glass of pearl barley;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.

This recipe is useful for trips to nature or to the countryside, since there is no need to carry perishable food, but just take some stew with you. It takes little time to prepare.

  1. If pearl barley is used, it must first be soaked in hot or room temperature water. If you don’t have time to soak, it’s better to replace the pearl barley with rice, which you rinse thoroughly under the tap.
  2. Fry vegetables over high heat with oil. You can take any mushrooms. If they are fresh, then pour boiling water over them. Leave frozen mushrooms in a colander for several hours. Peel the potatoes and cut everything into large strips.
  3. It is better to buy stewed meat in pieces. It has a rich flavor and will not disintegrate during cooking.
  4. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and add water. After boiling, add salt and bay leaves. Cook until potatoes and cereals are fully cooked. You will get a hearty camping mushroom soup with stew.

Soup with turkey and mushrooms

You can surprise your family and friends with this recipe. Any gourmet will love this original mushroom soup with turkey.

For cooking you will need:

  • turkey – 0.5 kg;
  • canned champignons – 1 jar;
  • rice – 0.5 cups;
  • carrot;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • a glass of milk;
  • butter;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.

Let the turkey cook (it’s better if it’s breast fillet), after cutting it into equal pieces. At this time, sauté onions and carrots in heated olive oil for 15 minutes.

Drain all the liquid from the jar of champignons, chop the mushrooms if necessary and sauté. Add the rice to the bowl and simmer for about 10 minutes under the lid. In a separate frying pan, fry the flour in butter.

Once the turkey is almost done, add the ingredients from both pans to the pan. Before the rice is almost cooked, pour in a glass of milk and add salt.

When the soup is ready, pour into bowls and garnish with sliced ​​eggs.

Cheese cream soup with mushrooms and chicken


  • mushrooms – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • chicken – 300 g;
  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.

Let the chicken fillet cook for 1 hour, being sure to remove any foam that forms on the surface. Meanwhile, prepare the remaining ingredients.

Add onions, cut into large cubes, into a heated frying pan with sunflower oil or butter diluted 1:1. Fry and add coarsely chopped champignons. Leave on the heat until the mushrooms have reduced in size by half.

When the meat is ready, remove from the pan and let cool slightly. Boil whole potatoes in salted broth. Finely chop the chicken and place back in the pan. Carefully pour in the processed cheese, grated on a coarse grater, piece by piece, and boil for several minutes until completely dissolved. The dish will take on a milky color.

Now remove the pan from the heat and start chopping all the ingredients. For this you will need a blender. Dip it into the broth and wait until the contents become pureed.

Add the frying from the frying pan and continue working with the blender until all ingredients are well ground. When the puree soup turns out to be too thick, dilute it with chicken broth or just water. Return to heat and let simmer for 5 minutes. Serve with small crackers and herbs.

Most housewives love to cook mushroom soup with meat, because this dish does not have a strict, clear recipe. It is good because it gives endless scope for culinary experiments, because you can cook it in a completely new way every time, just change the set of products and the shape of the cut.

The benefits of mushroom soups are well known, because mushrooms contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. In addition, mushrooms are rich in proteins of plant origin, but remember that due to this, mushroom soups are quite high in calories.

Mushrooms are called forest meat, forest bread and even forest vegetables, and this is not an exaggeration. Mushrooms can easily replace all these products on your table. The main thing is that this wonderful product is of high quality. When buying mushrooms at the market, be sure to lightly press the cap and stem of the mushroom; if they are watery to the touch or, on the contrary, crumble into dust, it is better to refuse to buy them.

How to cook mushroom soup with meat - 15 varieties

According to many culinary specialists, the most delicious of mushroom soups is forest mushroom soup, not only from fresh, but also from frozen mushrooms.

How to defrost mushrooms naturally. Transfer the mushrooms to a separate bowl and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It will take about 10 hours to defrost one kilogram of mushrooms. They can then be used as fresh.


  • Potatoes 0.5 kg.
  • Beef 300 gr.
  • Honey mushrooms 0.3 kg.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil (any) 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt pepper
  • Sour cream 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Greens to taste


Boil meat broth. Remove meat from broth. Cut the meat into portions.

Place the meat back into the broth. Defrost honey mushrooms first. Drain off excess liquid. Finely chop the mushrooms.

Transfer the mushrooms to the broth. Let the mushrooms cook for 15 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips.

Transfer potatoes to a saucepan and cook for 30 minutes. Prepare a frying mixture of finely chopped onions and shredded carrots.

Transfer the finished roast into the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Sort the greens with your hands and chop finely. Add herbs, salt, pepper to the soup.

Serve with sour cream.

It will take you only 15 minutes to prepare this soup, and the dish will delight you with its delicate consistency and magnificent aroma.


  • Oyster mushrooms fried with carrots and onions 300 gr.
  • Potatoes (peeled) 0.5 kg.
  • Smoked beef 200 gr.
  • Egg (boiled) 6 pcs.
  • Greens 50 gr.
  • Sour cream 50 gr.
  • Salt to taste


Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes. Cut the beef into cubes, portionwise.

Place beef and potatoes into boiling water. Add salt to the soup to taste. Cut the eggs into medium-sized cubes.

Finely chop the greens. 5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, add eggs and herbs to the pan. Mix carefully. Season the soup with sour cream.

To make mushroom soup with dumplings, you don't need to buy a lot of ingredients. The necessary products for it are mushrooms, cornstarch and leeks. If you wish, you can supplement the soup with any vegetables that are stored in your refrigerator.


  • Chicken fillet (chopped) 500 gr.
  • Chicken broth 2 cups
  • Leeks (chopped) 2 cups
  • Celery (chopped) 1 cup
  • Porcini mushrooms (cut into strips) 300 gr.
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic (finely chopped) 1 clove
  • Bay leaf
  • Thyme stalk 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper 0.25 teaspoon
  • Parsley, chopped 0.3 cups
  • Corn kernels 1 cup
  • Carrots (chopped) 1 cup
  • Corn starch 1 cup
  • Salt 1 teaspoon


Heat oil in a saucepan. Add garlic, carrots, celery, onion, mushrooms, bay leaf and thyme. Add chicken. Fry for 15 minutes.

Pour the broth into the pan, put the corn in it. Add spices.

Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Prepare the dumplings:

Knead a stiff dough from cornstarch and water. Roll out the dough into long, thin strips. Cut the dough with scissors into pieces 2-3 centimeters wide.

Bring the soup to a high boil. Place pieces of corn dough into it one at a time. Cook for 10 minutes without stirring. Add parsley to the soup.

Hot, hearty, rich soup is an ideal dish for a family dinner during the cold season. Cook the meat broth in advance and then it will take you 20-30 minutes to serve fresh soup to the table.


  • Meat broth 2 liters
  • Beef (boiled) 100 gr.
  • Vermicelli 75 gr.
  • Champignons 100 gr.
  • Carrots (peeled) 1 pc.
  • Potatoes (peeled) 3 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Greens 50 gr.


Cut the potatoes into cubes. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Chop the onion very finely. Sort the greens and chop finely. Peel the pepper and cut into strips.

Peel the champignons and cut into slices. Cut the meat into cubes. Bring the broth to a boil. Place the meat, carrots, onions and potatoes into the broth.

Cook for about 15 minutes. Add mushrooms and vermicelli, pepper and herbs to the soup. Season with spices to taste.

Everyone knows that hearty and tasty mushroom soups are prepared from fresh, dried, or frozen mushrooms. However, in modern cooking, soups are also made from canned mushrooms. They turn out just as tasty, only they cook much faster.


  • Water 2 liters
  • Chicken 300 gr.
  • Potatoes 0.5 kg.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Champignons 1 jar
  • Semolina 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Greenery
  • Spices, salt


Boil chicken broth. Remove the poultry meat and separate it into fibers. Place the meat in the broth. Open a jar of champignons. Drain off excess liquid.

Finely chop the mushrooms. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips. Transfer potatoes to a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes. Prepare a fry of finely chopped onions, chopped carrots and mushrooms.

Transfer the finished roast into the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour semolina into the soup in a thin stream.

Mix carefully. Sort the greens with your hands and chop finely. Add greens to the soup.

Do you need to quickly and deliciously feed your family a hearty meal? An excellent recipe for mushroom soup with processed cheese will come in handy.


  • Chicken broth 3 liters
  • Chicken meat 200 gr.
  • Potatoes (peeled) 5 pcs.
  • Onion (peeled) 2 pcs.
  • Carrots (peeled) 1 pc.
  • Champignons 350 gr.
  • Processed cheese 2 pcs.
  • Greens 50 gr.
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf
  • Butter 50 gr.


Bring the broth to a boil. Separate poultry meat into fibers. Transfer the meat to the broth. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Transfer the potatoes to the boiling broth. Cook until done. Cut the mushrooms into slices. Chop the onion very finely. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

Fry mushrooms in a frying pan. Add onions and carrots to the mushrooms. Fry the vegetables until done. Transfer the roast to the boiling broth.

Break the cheese with your hands or grate it on a coarse grater. Add cheese to boiling soup. Stir gently until completely dissolved. Cook for 10 minutes.

Sort the greens with your hands and chop finely. Serve with butter and herbs.

Mushroom soup with chanterelles turns out to be joyful in color, taste and aroma. In the forest, these mushrooms appear first and grow throughout the summer. So, look at the recipe and cook!


  • Water 3 liters
  • Chicken 0.5 pcs.
  • Rice 0.5 cups
  • Peppercorns, bay leaves 3-4 pcs.
  • Chanterelles 300 gr.
  • Onions (peeled) 1 pc.
  • Potatoes (peeled) 4 pcs.
  • Greens (parsley, dill, tarragon)
  • Sour cream optional.


Cook chicken broth. Wash and sort the chanterelles. Chop mushrooms that are too large. Boil the chanterelles in a separate bowl. Rinse the chanterelles again.

Boil the mushrooms again in new, salted water. Remove the poultry meat from the broth into a separate bowl. Shred the chicken and return it to the soup.

Add rice to the broth. Cook for 15 minutes. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Add potatoes and a whole peeled onion to the soup.

Cook for 10 minutes. Add mushrooms to the soup. Cook for 3 minutes. Remove the onion from the soup and discard. Sort the greens with your hands and chop finely.

Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Mushroom soup with meat - "Beijing style"

Beijing style soup has a wonderful rich taste. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and buy all the necessary ingredients in advance.


  • Beef 500 gr.
  • Water 1-1.5 liters
  • Mushrooms 50 gr.
  • Kohlrabi cabbage 100 gr.
  • Ginger (root) 1/2 pcs.
  • Soy sauce 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Fat for frying 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste.


Cut the beef into portions. Grate the ginger on a fine grater. Fry the meat with ginger for 10 minutes. Bring the broth to a boil.

Place the fried meat into it. Cook until the broth has reduced by half. Peel the mushrooms and cut into slices. Grind the kohlrabi.

Strain the broth. Add mushrooms and kohlrabi cabbage to the broth.

Bring the soup to a boil. Season with salt and pepper, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Add soy sauce before serving.

This recipe for a real “manly” soup will help feed the whole family. Thanks to the real meat broth, the soup turns out to be very satisfying, the mushrooms give it their flavor, and the pickled cucumber adds spice and piquancy. Perfect!


  • Meat 300 gr.
  • White mushrooms 300 gr.
  • Cucumber (salted) 2 pcs.
  • Carrots (peeled) 1 pc.
  • Onions (peeled) 1 pc.
  • Potatoes 5 pcs.
  • Soy sauce 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Greens 20 gr.
  • Sour cream - for serving.


Boil meat broth. Remove the meat and cut into portions. Place the meat in the broth.

Peel, wash and chop the porcini mushrooms. Boil the mushrooms in a separate bowl. Drain the mushrooms.

Boil the mushrooms again in fresh salted water. Transfer the mushrooms to the broth. Cook for 15 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips.

Transfer potatoes to soup. Cook for 15 minutes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion.

Fry onions and carrots. Chop the pickled cucumbers very finely.

Squeeze out excess juice with your hands. Add pickles with fried vegetables. Simmer on fire for 1-2 minutes. Add soy sauce.

Add vegetables to the pan. Boil. Add salt to taste. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

The classic recipe for mushroom soup is one of the most amazing dishes of Russian cuisine. Prepared in beef broth with the obligatory addition of dried mushrooms.


  • Beef meat 1 kg.
  • Fresh mushrooms 300 gr.
  • Dried mushrooms 50 gr.
  • Buckwheat 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices to taste.


Rinse the meat thoroughly. Pour cold water over the meat. Boil. Skim off the foam and pour off the first broth.

Pour boiling water over the meat and cook over low heat until fully cooked. Pour boiling water over the dried mushrooms. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to soak.

Wash fresh mushrooms and cut into slices. Fry mushrooms until soft in vegetable oil

Make a roast of carrots and onions. Remove meat from broth. Cut into portions.

Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and add to the broth. Transfer all the mushrooms to the broth. Add buckwheat to the soup and cook until done

When the potatoes are almost ready, add fried vegetables and spices. Cook until fully cooked.

Mushroom soup with meat and coconut milk "Thai style"

Another Asian style soup recipe. The combination of meat, mushrooms and coconut milk makes this soup especially good in summer.


  • Champignons (small) 450 gr.
  • Chicken 0.5 pcs.
  • Lime (zest and juice) 1 pc.
  • Coriander (fresh, chopped) 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Soy sauce 2 teaspoons
  • Coconut milk (canned) 280 ml.


Boil chicken broth. Remove the poultry meat and separate it into fibers.

Place the meat in the broth. Pour thinly sliced ​​mushrooms into hot broth.

Add juice and grated lime zest, chopped coriander, and soy sauce to the broth. Bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

Cool the soup slightly. Grind the soup with a blender until smooth. Pour the prepared cream soup back into the pan.

Add coconut milk. Stir and heat the soup over the fire, without bringing to a boil.

Add salt to taste. When serving, garnish with chopped herbs.

A soup recipe proven over the years. Namely, mushroom soup with meat and barley. Divine smell, taste, appearance - that's what you get by choosing this recipe.


  • Fresh mushrooms (champignons) 210 gr.
  • Butter 45 gr.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Water 5 glasses
  • Beef 200 gr.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Pearl barley 0.25 cups
  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Celery, herbs to taste
  • Laurel leaf
  • Basil
  • Salt.


Peel the onion and finely chop it. Peel the carrots and cut into slices. Peel the celery and cut into thin strips.

Peel the potatoes, cut as desired. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices. Wash the beef and cut into portions.

Rinse pearl barley several times. Place a pan on the stove. Melt butter in it.

Add onion and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Add mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Add meat and lightly fry.

Add carrots and celery. Sauté for 1-2 minutes. Pour water into prepared foods. Bring water to a boil.

Add pearl barley and potatoes. Cook until done. Salt and add spices.

Cream of champignon soup is a fairly simple dish to prepare, but its taste and attractive appearance will also be appropriate on a festive table.


  • Water 2 liters
  • Chicken 300 gr.
  • Potatoes 0.5 kg.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Champignons 500 gr.
  • Cream 50 ml.
  • Butter 25 gr.
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Greenery
  • Spices, salt, pepper to taste


Boil chicken broth. Remove the poultry meat from the broth and separate it into fibers. Place the meat in the broth. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips.

Transfer potatoes to a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes. Finely chop the mushrooms. Peel and chop the onion. Peel the carrots and cut into thin strips.

Prepare a fry of finely chopped onions, chopped carrots and mushrooms. Transfer the finished roast into the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Add cream to the soup in a thin stream. Add butter. Turn off the fire.

Use a blender to bring the soup until smooth. Sort the greens and chop finely. Add greens to the soup.

The Asian style shiitake mushroom soup is quite special. Thanks to the combination of meat with the aroma of mushrooms, hearty peas and potatoes, this soup is good in winter and summer, for lunch and dinner.

Choose plump shiitake mushrooms. In a good mushroom, the edges of the cap curl downwards, and the cap itself is velvety, dark brown in color and has a pattern of cracks. Study the mushrooms carefully. They should be damp to the touch and free of mold.


  • Beef 300 gr.
  • Shiitake mushrooms 300 gr.
  • Peas 300 gr.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Greens 20 gr.
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml.
  • Salt, spices to taste.


Rinse the peas. Pour boiling water over the peas. Finely chop the meat. Fry the meat in a saucepan in vegetable oil.

Peel and chop the onion. Add chopped onion, simmer together for 1-2 minutes. Peel and chop the carrots.

Add carrots, simmer together for 1-2 minutes. Pour boiling water over 2/3 of the container. Bring the soup to a boil. Peel and cut the potatoes.

After 20 minutes, add peas and potatoes soaked in boiling water. After 40 minutes, add shiitake mushrooms. After 55 minutes, add chopped tomatoes.

After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let the soup brew for 20 minutes.

Mushroom soup with meat and tomatoes “Greek style”

Very tasty and aromatic meat soup with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. If you like it, be sure to cook it!


  • Champignons (small) 200 gr.
  • Onions (peeled) 1 pc.
  • Garlic (peeled) 1 clove
  • Olive oil 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Meat (fillet) 500 gr.
  • Tomato in its own juice 850 gr.
  • Chili sauce 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Water 250 ml.
  • Greens 20 gr.
  • Cheese or Feta 100 gr.
  • Beans, canned 100 gr.
  • Ground black pepper.


Cut the meat into portions. Marinate the meat in olive oil and spices. Wash the champignons and cut into slices.

Cut the onion into half rings. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Heat olive oil.

Fry marinated meat with garlic and onions in it. Add champignons and tomatoes in their own juice to the frying.

Season the dish with chili sauce. To fill with water. Let it boil. Salt and pepper the soup. Cook the soup for 10-15 minutes.

Drain the juice from the canned beans and add to the soup. Crumble the cheese and add to the soup.

Sort the greens and chop finely. Add greens to the soup.
