Georgian preparations for the winter. Georgian cucumber salad for the winter. Georgian winter salad with cucumbers - recipe

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

We invite you to add another delicious spicy Georgian-style cucumber salad to your shelf for the winter, incredibly aromatic. Seasonal vegetables should never be ignored; at the end of summer you can prepare a lot of different preparations, this will allow your winter diet not to be boring, and allow you to pamper yourself with goodies during Lent. Today's cucumbers turn out crispy, spicy, with a surprisingly tasty sauce. You can serve them with meat - very harmoniously, or with fluffy mashed potatoes. I also like this one.

- cucumbers – 2.3-2.5 kg.,
- tomatoes – 900-950 gr.,
- vegetable oil – 0.5 cups,
- vinegar – 0.5 cups,
- sugar – 0.5 cups,
- garlic – 160 gr.,
- salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.,
- coriander – 5-7 g.,
- hops-suneli – 10-15 g.,
- hot pepper - to taste.

Note: we use a glass with a volume of 250 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Cooking process

First of all, let's prepare the sauce. We wash the tomatoes and hot peppers, cut out the place where the stalk grows from the tomatoes, cut the tomato into arbitrary pieces. We add hot pepper solely to taste; you can do without it if you are not a fan of everything spicy.

We pass the tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder with the finest grid, or grind everything in a blender bowl. Pour the tomato puree into a thick-bottomed pan, immediately add a portion of salt, sugar, and vegetable oil. Cover the pan with a lid, place over moderate heat, and cook for fifteen minutes.

Wash the cucumbers in cool water and dry. We cut off the ends on both sides, cut the cucumbers themselves into circles, about half a centimeter. In principle, you can choose any cutting method.

Remove the hot tomato puree from the stove, add spices, and don’t skimp on them. At this stage we also introduce a measured amount of vinegar.

Immediately add cucumber rings. Prepare this one, which is probably already world famous.

Peel a good amount of garlic, rinse and dry, cut the cloves into small cubes. Throw it into the pan. Mix everything and put it on the stove.

Cook the cucumbers with spices for exactly ten minutes after boiling. At this stage, you can already taste a little of the sauce and, if necessary, adjust the final taste to suit yourself. After ten minutes, very quickly pack the cucumbers into dry, sterile jars.

Immediately, literally instantly, we tighten the jars with boiled lids and check the sealing. Cool the cucumber salad in Georgian style for the winter under a terry towel or blanket, turning the jar upside down. Store in a dark place. And my grandmother always cooked this one. When I see him, I immediately remember her.

Bon appetit and delicious preparations!


Georgian winter salad with cucumbers, sweet bell peppers and garlic in tomato sauce will surely become one of your favorite winter preparations. Georgian cuisine is characterized by spicy and sweet dishes at the same time, but you can often find sweet and sour dishes there as well. The salad that we will prepare will partly resemble the more famous lecho, however, we will use fresh and juicy cucumbers as the main ingredient. The preservation will definitely turn out to be unusual and very fragrant; it can be safely served even on a festive table.
Like any other, Georgian cuisine has its own characteristics and aspects that need to be followed. To make cooking easier and to save you time, we have prepared a step-by-step photo recipe for preparing such a Georgian salad at home. Visual instructions will explain and demonstrate each stage of cooking, so you won’t have any problems. During the cooking process, fresh cucumbers will be saturated with tomato juice and the aroma of additional ingredients, while they will retain their crunchy, refreshing texture. This cold appetizer is suitable for many dishes, although it can be served separately. Let's start preparing a delicious Georgian salad with cucumbers for the winter.


Georgian winter salad with cucumbers - recipe

We purchase in the store or collect the freshest and ripe vegetables from the garden beds. The tomatoes must be washed, then make a cross-shaped cut on the top of each fruit and lower them into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, after which you must carefully remove the peel from the tomatoes.

Cucumbers can be filled with cold water for a couple of hours in advance and changed periodically, then the vegetables need to be cut strictly in half lengthwise, and then into not too thin circles as shown in the photo. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly before cooking, because we will not cut the skin off them..

We wash the bell pepper, carefully cut out the core of each fruit along with the stalk, and then cut it into small pieces. We also chop the peeled tomatoes, but to a puree state, then pour them into a pan of suitable volume. We also add prepared sliced ​​bell peppers there. Add the specified amounts of sugar and salt to the ingredients, mix, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes after boiling.

After the specified time has passed, add the prepared chopped cucumbers to the pan with tomatoes and bell peppers. Mix the ingredients and boil for another 5 minutes. Peel the garlic cloves, press them through a press or chop them very finely, and place them in a saucepan along with sunflower oil. Bring the appetizer to a boil again, then turn off the heat.

We sterilize the jars by steaming or boiling water; you can also use a microwave or oven for this purpose. We put the hot preparation into jars that have not yet cooled down, but are dry, and pour one teaspoon of table vinegar into each jar. We seal the jars with sterilized lids, let the preserves cool under a blanket and put them in the pantry. Classic Georgian salad with cucumbers is ready for the winter.

I offer another delicious recipe for preparations - Georgian salad for the winter. Its composition, like many similar preparations, contains bell pepper.

Bell peppers are often called sweet peppers (after all, they really are sweet), however, despite their name, they contain very, very little sugar (only 5%). This fact is not the only reason that this vegetable is deservedly called a dietary and very healthy product.

The main thing you need to know about bell peppers is that they are rich in an incredible amount of vitamins. For example, it contains a huge amount of vitamin C (especially red and yellow peppers), moreover, it contains even more of it than black currants and lemon. But in terms of provitamin A content, bell peppers are not inferior to carrots, which promotes hair growth and also has a beneficial effect on vision and the general condition of the skin. Don’t forget about B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), which help cope with depression and diabetes, insomnia and loss of energy.

In general, be sure to add this product to your diet and use it to prepare the most delicious and healthy dishes, for example, Georgian salad for the winter!

To prepare Georgian salad for the winter, we will need:

garlic - 200 g
bell pepper (sweet) - 1 kg
cucumbers - 3 kg
tomatoes - 2 kg
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
vinegar, salt - 3 tbsp. l.
granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

How to prepare Georgian salad for the winter:

1. First, let's prepare the vegetables. To do this, first wash the tomatoes, then place them in a large, convenient bowl and scald with boiling water. Let them stand in this form for at least 3-5 minutes, and then carefully, using a regular knife, remove the skin from them.
2. Thoroughly wash the remaining vegetables (bell peppers and cucumbers) under running water. Next, remove the core and seeds from the sweet pepper, and then cut it into small cubes. We cut the peeled tomatoes in the same way.
3. Transfer the chopped tomatoes and peppers into one pan (deep bowl), add salt and sugar, and then put it all on the fire. Cook the vegetables, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes (covered, over moderate heat).
4. Meanwhile, let's prepare the cucumbers. You need to cut off the “caps” from them, and then cut them into small half-slices (to do this, we first cut them in half lengthwise and then cut them across). Peel the garlic, wash it, and then chop it very finely with a knife.
5. After the specified time has passed (after 20 minutes), add chopped cucumbers to the pan with peppers and tomatoes. Mix everything, bring the vegetable mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
6. Next, add garlic and sunflower oil to the vegetables. Again, stir everything thoroughly (until relatively homogeneous), boil for another 1-2 minutes and remove the mixture from the heat.
7. Immediately (that is, still hot) put the Georgian salad into prepared sterilized jars and add 1 tsp to each of them. vinegar. Then the jars need to be sealed with lids, turned upside down and covered with a warm towel. Leave the salad in this form for at least a day. From the amount of ingredients specified in the recipe, we got five jars of delicious salad, 750 grams each.
Separately, it is worth emphasizing that the jars and lids for them must be sterilized, that is, first thoroughly washed and then doused with boiling water or hot steam (each jar for a few minutes).

These are all the secrets of preparing a truly tasty and very unusual Georgian salad, which you can enjoy at any time of the year!

Bon appetit everyone!

Appetizing and incredibly bright, hot, spicy, with a subtle sweetish note - cook Georgian cucumber salad for the winter. This type of preparation is very, very successful, we strongly recommend that you join. Salads prepared for future use will diversify your winter diet and make it very interesting and tasty.

And besides, it’s unlikely that Georgian cucumbers will stay on your shelves for a long time. If fresh cucumbers are still freely available, stock up on them and get started. We will also need a number of spices, which we will add according to our taste.


cucumbers – 2.5 kg

sweet pepper – 300 g

tomatoes – 1100 g

vegetable oil - ? part of a glass

sugar - ? part of a glass

salt – 35 g

vinegar – 125 ml

garlic – 150 g

hot pepper - to taste

coriander, ground paprika, ground black pepper, khmeli-suneli - to taste.

Note: from the specified quantity of products, three liters and one half-liter jar of Georgian cucumbers come out.

Cucumber salad for the winter in Georgian: preparation process

First of all, we are preparing a dressing for cucumbers in Georgian style. We choose sweet and sour tomatoes, in our version it is the Black Prince tomato variety. We wash a measured amount of tomatoes in cool water, dry them, and cut them into 2 or 4 parts. We clean the sweet pepper from the seed box, cut out the internal soft partitions, rinse the pepper in cool water, and cut into small pieces. We peel all the garlic.

Now transfer the prepared vegetables into a blender bowl and blend for a few minutes until smooth. Add any amount of hot pepper if you wish.

Transfer the tomato mixture into a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, pour in a portion of vegetable oil. Place the saucepan on the stove, cook the tomato base for 15 minutes, the heat should be medium, the tomato should not boil too much.

In the meantime, we prepare the cucumbers, first make sure that they are not bitter, and then, if time permits, soak them in cool water for half an hour. If desired, we do this process in advance. We cut off the ends of the cucumbers on both sides, cut each cucumber into rings, about three centimeters each.

Place cucumber rings in hot tomato.

Add spices and spices to your taste, be sure to add a pinch of ground or crushed coriander, suneli hops, sweet paprika, salt and sugar, and also a pinch of ground black pepper.

Mix all the ingredients, put on the stove, cook the cucumbers under the lid for 7 minutes, with a slight bubbling. At the end of cooking, add a portion of vinegar.

Be sure to prepare the jars, wash them with soda, and sterilize them over steam.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Despite the rather classic combination of products, the taste of this twist is very original. Crispy salted cucumber slices, juicy tomato pulp, sweet bell pepper strips - all marinated in vinegar and spices. And the garlic adds such an appetizing spiciness. A delicious cucumber salad for the winter will come in handy as a snack. It goes well with meat and vegetable dishes. It is served with porridge, fried potatoes, and baked meat. Sweet and sour spicy vegetable salad for the winter is very simple to make. And you will spend very little time preparing it.

For 7 half-liter jars you will need:

- 2 kg of cucumbers,
- 1 kg bell pepper,
- 3 heads of garlic,
- 1 kg of tomatoes,
- 2 tbsp. vinegar essence,
- 150 ml sunflower oil,
- 5 tbsp. Sahara,
- 2.5 tbsp. salt.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

We take fleshy varieties of tomatoes so that their flesh does not become too soft during the cooking process. After all, we will not marinate them whole, but in pieces. We wash these vegetables and divide each into two halves. We cut out the green corners - they remained in the place where the stalk was attached. And now we cut it into neat slices.

Wash the peppers under the tap. Separate the tails and cut lengthwise. We clean the seed pod. Chop the rest into thin strips.

We put both products together in one pan. Simmer over low heat so that the vegetables do not stick to the bottom. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour.

At this time, separate the heads of garlic into cloves. And we peel each slice. Cut them into medium pieces. We cut the washed strong cucumbers first lengthwise into two halves, and then each one crosswise. The result is smooth half rings. If the cucumbers are not large, then cut them into rings.

Salt, add sugar. Add oil and vinegar. You can add a couple of pinches of ground black pepper if you wish.

Mix the almost finished salad, being careful not to mash the tomatoes. As soon as it “gurgles” again, we time it for five minutes. And then remove from the stove.

We fill the sterilized jars with Georgian appetizer and roll them up. We turn them over so that they stand on the lids. Wrap until completely cool. We also recommend preparing it for the winter, it’s also easy and tasty.

Tips: The salad can be made more spicy if you add one chili pod, cut into small circles, at the very end.
It is better to take bell peppers of different colors. This way the salad turns out elegant and attractive.
Bon appetit.
Starinskaya Lesya
