Cold dishes soups. Summer soups. Vegetable cold soups

Lettuce, as the earliest and most unpretentious green crop, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Most gardeners usually start spring planting by sowing lettuce, parsley and radishes. Recently, the desire for healthy eating and a large selection of greens in supermarkets have forced gardeners to think about which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article we will talk about nine of the most interesting, in our opinion, varieties of salad.

Despite the fact that calendar spring begins in March, you can truly feel the awakening of nature only with the appearance of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing signals the arrival of spring as eloquently as clearings of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small celebration, because winter has receded and a new gardening season awaits us. But, besides spring primroses, there is still something to see and admire in the garden in the month of April.

Carrots come in different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Orange carrots are dominated by beta-carotene and lycopene, the yellow color is due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); White carrots have a lot of fiber, and purple ones contain anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose carrot varieties for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. We will tell you about the best early, middle and late varieties in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy pie recipe with a delicious chicken and potato filling. An open pie with chicken and potatoes is an excellent hearty dish that is suitable for a hearty snack; it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this pastry on the road. The pie is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After this, we lay it out on a wooden surface, having first released it from the mold. It is enough to slightly cool the baked goods and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is the period of the start of active growing season, and for most - the return of their decorative properties. While admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a great stress for all indoor plants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and universal, all indoor crops face much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily prepare homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruits, even without any pastry experience. You can bake Easter cake not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For your first culinary experiences (and more), I advise you to take a small cast-iron frying pan. Easter cake in a frying pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow pan, but it never burns and is always well baked inside! Cottage cheese dough made with yeast turns out airy and aromatic.

It is also interesting because its fruits (pumpkins) are used for food by young, not ripe ones (greens). This means that you don’t have to wait for the harvest to ripen, and from late spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables on your menu. In your garden beds, it is better to grow varieties and hybrids of zucchini that are resistant to diseases and changes in weather conditions. This eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest in any weather. It is these varieties of zucchini that will be discussed in this article.

In the middle zone, April is the time when the first flowering of plants in gardens and parks begins. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are the bulbous primroses. But even among the ornamental shrubs you can find those that will delight you with fragrant flowers that enliven the still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of beautifully flowering ornamental shrubs occurs in the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

Salad “Uzbekistan” with green radish, boiled meat and eggs is a classic dish of Uzbek cuisine, known to many since the times of the USSR. In any Uzbek restaurant you could order this simple but very tasty salad with meat and radish as an appetizer. If you have never cooked this dish before, I advise you to try it - you will like it and fall into the category of favorites! You can diversify the taste a little and add finely chopped cilantro, parsley and a pod of red chili pepper.

We are offered such a huge number of different preparations that, at times, even an experienced summer resident can get confused about choosing one or another fertilizer. In this article, we invite the reader to get acquainted with OMU - a complex granular organomineral fertilizer of prolonged action, which compares favorably with other modern complex fertilizers. Why is WMD the best nutrition you can offer your plants and how does it work?

The group of medicinal plants that have a general calming (sedative) effect includes a large number of aromatic herbs and shrubs. When used correctly, teas and infusions from these plants help cope with stressful situations, improve mood, eliminate or reduce nervous overexcitation. In this article we will talk about nine of the most interesting, in our opinion, medicinal plants that can be grown on the site without much difficulty.

Fragrance is not the most important feature and is not at all associated with orchids. But for some species and individual varieties, the smell is a significant addition to their main “image”. Favorite sweets, confectionery and spicy aromas are not uncommon among orchids. Vanilla aromas or more original spices in the scent notes give the delightfully bright flowers even more exotic. And you can choose spicy fragrant orchids from both popular and rare species.

Easy pear and nut muffins - sweet, juicy and delicious! The birthplace of muffins is considered to be Great Britain and America. In England, such muffins are made from rich yeast dough, in America from buttery yeast-free dough, which is loosened with baking soda or baking powder, or both at the same time. The basic muffin recipe looks something like this: 200 g flour, 200 ml milk or kefir, 100 g eggs, 100 g butter, baking powder and soda.

What does it take to get a good potato harvest? Many gardeners will say - good seed material, fertile soil, timely watering and fertilizing. But there is one negative factor that can significantly reduce the potato yield, despite the fulfillment of the above conditions - weeds. On plantations overgrown with weeds, it is not possible to obtain a rich potato harvest, and repeated weeding is one of the most labor-intensive procedures in caring for the crop.

Some of the summer residents are lucky and they acquire an estate with several mature spreading trees that create shade and cozy corners. But our new dacha had virtually no such plantings. And the half-empty area behind the chain-link mesh turned out to be completely open to prying eyes. That's why this interesting design arose, which meets the specific requirements of our family. I think our experience in constructing multifunctional plant supports will be interesting to you too.

Ecology of consumption: Cold soups are perfect for the menu on hot days; they not only satiate the body, but also help you feel invigorated and fresh.

Cold soups are perfect for the menu on hot days; they not only satiate the body, but also help you feel invigorated and fresh.

The most popular category of cold soups is, of course, all kinds of okroshka, which can be prepared in a light vegetarian version, with meat for those who like to eat hearty food even in the summer heat, with kefir, kvass and other bases. From time immemorial, our ancestors prepared such soups in the warm season so that the meal would bring the body only a feeling of pleasant satiety without a feeling of heaviness.

But Okroshka is far from the only option, After all, today there are a lot of recipes for cold soups. So, cold beetroot soups, borscht, cabbage soup and other famous Russian soups are quite common nowadays. Today we invite you to get acquainted with other interesting options for cold soups, less known, but no less tasty, healthy and refreshing.


You will need: 200 g of beet tops and sorrel, 100 g of radish, 50 g of green onions, 30 g of dill, 1 cucumber, ¼ cup of sour cream, salt.

How to cook cold beetroot soup with sorrel. To begin, wash the beet tops and chop them finely, place them in a pan of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Wash the sorrel and finely chop it, add it to the tops in the pan, boil for another 10 minutes, then add salt and let the soup cool. Cut the cucumber into small slices, chop the herbs and green onions, add to the cold soup. Serve this soup with sour cream.

If today someone may be surprised by such a soup recipe, then 100 years ago such dishes were the most everyday and widespread thing. Soups made with beet tops belong to traditional Russian cuisine; our ancestors have been preparing them for centuries since ancient times.

You can safely eat beet tops, they contain useful substances and are the same complete product as the beets themselves, but if you still don’t dare to prepare such a soup, try making soup with only one sorrel.


You will need:

  • 250 g fresh cucumbers,
  • 150 g each of sour cream and onions,
  • 3-4 hard-boiled eggs,
  • 1 kg sorrel.

How to cook cold sorrel soup with cucumbers and eggs. Rinse the sorrel well with cold water, chop it, pour boiling water over it and cook for 5-10 minutes at high boil until the leaves soften. Cool the prepared sorrel decoction in the cold. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and finely chop the onion. Peel the cucumbers and cut into strips. Season the cold soup with sugar and salt to taste, add finely chopped egg whites, cucumbers and green onions. Grind the yolks with sour cream, add the mixture to the soup and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle with chopped dill when serving.


You will need:

  • 60 g carrots,
  • 50 g dried mushrooms,
  • 50 ml vegetable oil,
  • 40 g onions,
  • 30 g parsley root,
  • 20 g each of flour and parsley,
  • 15 g celery root.

How to make cold soup from dried mushrooms. Wash the mushrooms, soak for 1-2 hours in cold water, then squeeze and finely chop, add new water and bring to a boil. Put diced parsley root into the soup, chopped carrots, onions and celery in the same way, boil until all vegetables are softened. Saute the flour in a frying pan with vegetable oil, season the soup with it 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Before serving, cool the soup and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

This soup turns out to be very rich and aromatic, all mushroom lovers will like it. You can cook it with champignons or oyster mushrooms, but then the aroma of the soup will not be so rich.

Of course, you can prepare cold soups not only with water. A delicious and very refreshing soup can be made with yogurt.


You will need:

  • 1.5 liters of yogurt,
  • 800 g cucumbers,
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic,
  • 2/3 cup peanuts,
  • dill, salt.

How to make cold sour milk soup. Wash the peanuts, dry them and heat them in a dry frying pan, remove the skins, finely crush the nuts. Finely chop the cucumbers, mix with nuts, add garlic and chopped dill (about 1 bunch), passed through a press, add salt, stir and pour curdled milk over the soup. Serve cold.

If you want cold soup to be more nutritious, cook it with fish.


You will need:

1 liter of tomato juice,

300 g fish or shrimp

1-2 cucumbers,

1 hard-boiled egg,

4 tbsp each green onions and sour cream, salt.

How to cook cold tomato soup with fish. Finely chop the green onions, add salt and grind until the juice releases. Cut fresh cucumbers and eggs into cubes, add to the onion, mix and pour tomato juice over everything. Place fillet of boiled, smoked or fried fish cut into pieces, season the soup with sour cream and serve, sprinkled with dill.

This soup will be more delicious from home-cooked tomato juice.


You will need:

  • 300 g natural yogurt,
  • 60 g roasted walnuts,
  • 15 g parsley leaves,
  • 1 clove of garlic and 1 large cucumber,
  • 4 tbsp. water,
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

How to make cold yoghurt soup.

Peel the cucumber, cut lengthwise and remove the seeds with a teaspoon, cut into pieces about 2 cm. Place nuts, garlic, parsley, water and oil, as well as half the cucumber in a food processor or blender bowl, and puree. Add the remaining cucumber, add salt and lemon juice, whisk. Add yogurt to the soup placed in a tureen, pepper and salt to taste, add more lemon juice if desired, keep the soup covered for half an hour before serving, garnish with mint in plates.

Cold soups are remarkable because in the heat they help maintain a feeling of lightness, quenching thirst and hunger; this is an excellent option for those who seek to lighten their diet in the warm season. If you have never tried such soups, start with the simplest options with a combination of products that are familiar to you - you will definitely like it! published

Recipes for cold soups are a real salvation on a hot summer day, a creative experiment with familiar ingredients, and a gastronomic journey through the cuisines of the world. The soup is cold - really cold: unlike the usual first course, it is not heated, but rather cooled. The history of such soups goes back to the Middle Ages; for example, recipes for cold soups dating back to the 14th century were found in Lithuania. Most often, cold soups come in two types: vegetable and dessert. The basis for vegetable soup can be either fermented milk products, kvass, juices and various decoctions. Preparing cold soups, as a rule, does not take much time and requires the simplest, readily available ingredients. For the popular Russian okroshka you will need kvass, cucumber, boiled potatoes, radishes and boiled meat or sausage. Another version of the recipe for this cold soup involves using kefir as a base. The Bulgarian-Macedonian soup tarator is also prepared with kefir or low-fat yogurt, but there is no meat among its ingredients, only cucumbers, garlic, walnuts, herbs and olive oil. Any Spanish housewife knows how to prepare cold soups called gazpacho in ten different ways. This dish is usually based on grated ripe tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers. Fruit and berry gazpachos, for example, based on strawberries, mangoes or watermelon pulp, are also becoming increasingly popular. In the cuisine of Eastern European countries - Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland - summer soups with the addition of young beet tops, rhubarb, borage or even nettle are popular! The recipes for these cold soups always include a boiled egg. This soup is usually called kholodnik. High-fat kefir or yogurt is used as a basis for it. Cold soups are also found in French cuisine; a striking example is vichyssoise soup. This is a very hearty dish because the ingredients are cream and butter, potatoes, leeks and chicken broth. Prepare it like a regular soup, then beat it in a blender until pureed and cool. Cold sweet soup occupies a special place on the menu of many expensive restaurants around the world. As a rule, this is a light and completely low-calorie dietary dessert, and even the strictest follower of dietary nutrition can afford it. The basis of such soups is most often berries or fruits: they are simmered with sugar, rubbed through a sieve or allowed to juice. The presentation of such dishes is also interesting: melon soup, for example, can be served in a peeled half of the melon itself; transparent glasses are suitable for various variations of berry soup.

1. Okroshka with kefir and sparkling water.


● 4 medium potatoes,
● 4 eggs, 5 cucumbers,
● 150 g salami,
● 220 g radish,
● 2 bunches of green onions,
● 1 bunch of dill,
● 1 liter of kefir,
● 900 ml sparkling water,
● salt,
● vinegar to taste,
● sour cream for serving


Boil the potatoes, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Hard boil the eggs, rinse under cold water, peel and chop. Finely chop the cucumbers, grate 1 cucumber and radish. Cut the salami into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, sprinkle some with salt and crush. Place all ingredients in a large saucepan. Pour cold kefir. Add cold sparkling water. Add salt. Add vinegar to taste. Mix. Cool.

2. Okroshka with kvass.


● 300 g green onions,
● 4-5 chicken eggs,
● 0.5 teaspoon mustard,
● 1.5 l of kvass,
● 500 g cucumbers,
● 300 g of boiled meat or sausage,
● 300 g potatoes,
● 1 teaspoon horseradish,
● 100 g dill,
● salt,
● lemon juice,
● garlic feathers,
● parsley – to taste.


Boil eggs hard, potatoes in their jackets, cool. Chop green onions. Remove the yolks from the boiled eggs and add to the onion, season with mustard. Grind everything with a pestle: the onion should become soft, and the yolks and mustard should turn into a homogeneous mass. Pour kvass over everything. Chop and add dill to okroshka.

If desired, you can add garlic and parsley. Peel the boiled potatoes, cut into cubes and add to the total mass. Cucumbers can be peeled before slicing (if the skin is hard or bitter), then cut into cubes. The remaining egg whites, as well as the meat (or sausage), are also cut into cubes. Place all ingredients in okroshka. Add lemon juice, salt to taste, add horseradish. If necessary, add kvass. Before serving, the okroshka should be cooled in the refrigerator.

3. Gazpacho.


● 5-6 pieces of very ripe medium-sized tomatoes,
● 2 medium-sized sweet peppers,
● 2 cloves of garlic, a couple of dried pieces of white bread,
● 2 glasses of tomato juice,
● 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar,
● 2 tablespoons olive oil,
● ½ peeled fresh cucumber,
● 1 onion,
● 3 sprigs of parsley,
● salt,
● pepper to taste,
● 3 drops Tabasco sauce,
● ice.


Rinse the vegetables under running water, blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds. Grind all ingredients except tomatoes using a blender in a clay pot. Grate the tomatoes, add to the mixture, stir with a spoon and serve with ice.

4. Beetroot soup with kefir.


● 350 g cucumbers,
● 1 liter of kefir,
● 30 g green onions,
● 350 g beets,
● 30 g dill,
● 2 cloves of garlic,
● salt,
● pepper to taste.


Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater. If the skin is bitter, remove it first. Peel raw young beets and grate them on a fine grater. Place the cucumbers and beets in a large bowl or pan, add kefir and finely chopped herbs. Add salt and very finely chopped garlic. Mix well, add a little cold water, check for salt and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

5. Cold cucumber soup.


● 600 ml kefir,
● 2 cucumbers,
● 4 pcs. radish,
● 1 clove of garlic,
● fresh herbs,
● sugar,
● salt and ground pepper - to taste.


Wash all vegetables and herbs. Chop the cucumber and radish very finely or grate them. Pass the peeled garlic through a press and chop the greens. Pour kefir over vegetables and herbs, add sugar, salt and pepper. Mix well and serve with toasted bread.

Ingredients: potatoes, salmon, egg, cucumber, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, water, kefir, sour cream

Okroshka with salmon is an unusual dish. I advise you to prepare such okroshka. The taste is original. The recipe is quite simple and quick.


- 2 potatoes;
- 150 grams of salmon;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 15 grams of green onions;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice;
- 1 glass of mineral water;
- 1 glass of kefir;
- 2 tbsp. sour cream.


Okroshka with fish

Ingredients: red fish, potatoes, egg, cucumber, radish, onion, ayran, sour cream, salt, pepper, lemon

A wonderful alternative to okroshka with sausage or meat would be the option with fish, or rather, lightly salted red fish. This first course will not leave anyone indifferent, you’ll see!
- 100 grams of lightly salted red fish;
- 1 potato;
- 1 egg;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 3 radishes;
- 2 pieces of green onions;
- 250 ml ayran;
- 1 tbsp. sour cream;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- lemon juice to taste.


Classic okroshka with kvass sausage

Ingredients: kvass, sour cream, sausage, cucumber, potatoes, egg, onion, dill, parsley, salt, pepper, lemon juice

My favorite summer dish is okroshka. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but today I will tell you how to prepare classic okroshka with boiled sausage using kvass.


- one and a half liters of kvass,
- half a liter of sour cream,
- 250 grams of boiled sausage,
- 2-3 cucumbers,
- 2 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- a bunch of green onions,
- a bunch of dill,
- a bunch of parsley,
- salt,
- black pepper;
- lemon juice.


Cold sorrel soup with cucumbers and eggs

Ingredients: water, boiled potatoes, sorrel, boiled egg, fresh cucumbers, salt, fresh herbs, sour cream

If you're looking for a seasonally appropriate summer entrée, this recipe for cold sorrel soup with cucumbers and eggs will help. This is a worthy alternative to okroshka or beetroot soup.
- 1 liter of water;
- 3-4 boiled potatoes;
- 1 large bunch of sorrel;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 fresh cucumbers;
- salt to taste;
- fresh herbs (parsley, dill, onion) - to taste;
- sour cream - for serving.


Classic okroshka with sausage

Ingredients: sausage, potatoes, cucumber, onion, egg, mayonnaise, vinegar, dill, salt, pepper, water

Okroshka is my favorite dish in the summer. Making delicious okroshka is not difficult at all. I described in detail how to do this for you in this article.


- 300 grams of sausage;
- 3 potatoes;
- 4 cucumbers;
- 100 grams of green onions;
- 3 eggs;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 15 ml. vinegar;
- dill;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- water.


Okroshka at the dance

Ingredients: potatoes, egg, sausage, cucumber, greens, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, tan, sour cream

There are a lot of okroshka recipes. Today I present to your attention a version of okroshka on tan with sausage.


- 2-3 potatoes;
- 3 eggs;
- 250 grams of boiled sausage;
- 2-3 cucumbers;
- a bunch of dill;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of green onions;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice,
- 1.5-2 l. thana;
- 200 grams of sour cream.


Cold beetroot soup with meat

Ingredients: meat, potatoes, beets, cucumbers, eggs, lemon juice, salt, water

If you want to make a cold summer soup, but are already bored with okroshka, then it’s time to try the recipe for a classic beetroot soup with meat. This option will be very tasty!

- meat (chicken, pork) - 250 g;
- potatoes - 200 gr;
- beets - 200 gr;
- fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- lemon juice - to taste;
- salt - a small amount;
- water - 1.5-1.7 l.



Ingredients: tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, onions, baguette, sweet peppers, wine vinegar, salt, olive oil

Gazpacho is a cold summer soup that is a worthy alternative to the usual okroshka or cold beetroot soup. It is prepared quite simply and turns out tasty and beautiful.

- tomatoes - 500 gr;
- fresh cucumbers - 100 gr;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- onions - 50 g;
- baguette - 2-3 pieces;
- sweet pepper - 100 gr;
- wine vinegar - 2-3 tbsp;
- salt to taste;
- olive oil - 4-5 tbsp.


Okroshka on ayran with sausage

Ingredients: boiled sausage, new potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, fresh cucumbers, radishes, green onions, dill, parsley, chilled ayran, salt, mineral water

It’s not at all difficult to prepare delicious okroshka with sausage - the main thing is to decide what kind of dressing the soup will have. We recommend making okroshka with ayran - this drink will go well with the other ingredients and highlight their taste.
- 200 grams of boiled sausage;
- 6-7 pieces of young boiled potatoes;
- 2 hard-boiled eggs;
- 2 fresh large cucumbers;
- 1 bunch of radishes;
- 1 bunch of green onions;
- 0.5 bunch of dill;
- 0.5 bunch of parsley or cilantro;
- 1 liter of chilled ayran;
- salt to taste;
- 0.5 mineral water.


Beet soup with kefir

Ingredients: beets, kefir, cucumbers, eggs, salt, dill

If you are bored with okroshka, but want to pamper your family with a delicious summer soup, then we recommend making beetroot soup with kefir. It's easy to do and always works out!
- beets - 200 gr;
- low-fat kefir - 0.5 l;
- fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- salt - a little;
- fresh dill.


Cold beetroot soup with tops

Ingredients: beets with tops, cucumbers, eggs, sour cream, dill, citric acid, water

A very tasty cold beet soup with tops can be prepared in hot weather. The recipe is very simple.


- beets - 300 grams,
- cucumbers - 200 grams,
- eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
- sour cream - 100 grams,
- dill - bunch,
- citric acid - 2 pinches.


Cold beetroot soup with sausage

Ingredients: beets, potatoes, sausage, cucumbers, eggs, dill, apple cider vinegar, sour cream, salt

Beetroot soup is cold and tasty - it's an excellent summer first course. Both adults and children will eat it with pleasure, and housewives will appreciate the simplicity of its preparation.

for 2 liters of water:

- beets - 2 medium pieces;
- potatoes - 2 small pieces;
- boiled sausage - 150-180 g;
- cucumber - 2 medium pieces;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- dill;
- apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp;
- sour cream for serving;
- salt to taste.


Beet soup on water with eggs

Ingredients: beets, cucumbers, eggs, green onions, parsley or dill, salt, sour cream, vinegar

In the summer, I suggest you prepare not soup, but cold soup for your first meal. Today I described for you a recipe for cold beet soup in water with eggs.


- beets - 1 pc.,
- cucumbers - 2 pcs.,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- green onions - a bunch,
- parsley - a bunch,
- salt - half a tsp,
- sour cream - 4 tbsp.,
- vinegar - 1 tbsp.


Frozen spinach soup

Ingredients: spinach, potatoes, onions, celery, zucchini, broth, butter, sour cream, salt, sesame seeds

I often make spinach soup for lunch. The dish turns out very tasty and nutritious. To decorate before serving, I put a little black sesame on top.


- 400 grams of spinach;
- 250 grams of potatoes;
- 120 grams of onion;
- 80 grams of celery;
- 200 grams of zucchini;
- one and a half liters of chicken broth;
- 20 grams of butter;
- 20 grams of olive oil;
- 120 grams of sour cream;
- salt;
- black sesame.


Lenten okroshka

Ingredients: beets, potatoes, cucumber, dill, onion, lemon, kvass, salt, pepper

Lenten okroshka turns out very tasty. I described the recipe for making kvass in detail for you.


- 1 beet,
- 1-2 potatoes,
- 1-2 cucumbers,
- a bunch of dill,
- 6-7 pcs. green onions,
- half a lemon,
- 300-400 ml. kvass,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Cold classic beetroot soup

Ingredients: beets, potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, water, vinegar, salt, herbs

Cold beetroot has many variations, but the best, in our opinion, is the classic one. No need to invent anything, take our simple recipe as a basis and prepare this summer first course. You won't regret it, we promise!
- beets - 300 gr;
- potatoes - 200 gr;[
- fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- water - 2 liters;
- vinegar - 1 tbsp;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- greens (dill) - 1 bunch.
