Turkey raw calories per 100 grams. Turkey fillet calories. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Dietary turkey dishes. Calories

Sometimes it happens that in childhood it was not possible to start playing the sport that you like. There was no section near the house, the parents had no financial resources, there was no time to practice this particular sport - but you never know! Or maybe the desire to study appeared already in adulthood. What to do in such cases?

Currently, figure skating training programs for adults have been developed in Moscow and other cities of Russia, aimed at making it possible for adults to learn skating from scratch, or to continue interrupted training if in childhood there is a need to leave skating classes and continue training There is a desire for this sport. In Moscow, all conditions have been created for adults who want to be able to dance on ice. In particular, in most figure skating schools you can choose the form of classes yourself.

Firstly, these are individual lessons with a personal approach to each student, with the development of those elements that you need, with the ability to choose the time and place of classes that will be convenient for you.

Secondly, these are mini-group classes where you can study together with your husband/wife, brothers/sisters, classmates and just friends, in a comfortable environment, with familiar faces who definitely won’t make you feel embarrassed.

Thirdly, these are group classes where learning takes place in a healthy competitive environment, and you learn the elements of figure skating by comparing yourself with other adults just like you.

And the fourth form that is possible when teaching figure skating to adults is physical training classes. They will teach you how to skate and give you the opportunity to learn the basics of figure skating in a short time. For greater benefit, it is better to first attend general physical training classes, and then choose any of the first three forms of training: this way you will learn ice dancing faster and will feel confident in any situation. In addition to the form of classes, you can choose a place, time and choose a program, having previously discussed it with the trainer.

There are many techniques that help adults learn to skate in a short time, so if you want, you should try and come to figure skating schools. Fortunately, nowadays, with the development of sports, there are more and more of them, you just need to choose the one that suits you.

And teaching figure skating to adults in Moscow is now one of the important issues. Groups of all ages and levels are organized, trainers of the highest qualifications are ready to work with adults and teach them ice dancing, all the best skating rinks in the capital are open for ice skating lessons.

It doesn't matter whether you are an adult or a child if you want to learn figure skating. This is not a problem, everything is solved quickly and easily. You just have to start and you can easily make your dream come true. Start boldly - and everything will definitely work out!

Figure skating- speed skating is an Olympic sport, the main idea of ​​which is to move an athlete or a pair of athletes on ice on skates and perform special elements to music. Both men and women practice figure skating.

History of the emergence and development of figure skating

Before we talk about the emergence of figure skating, we should mention the appearance of the first skates. Archaeological finds indicate that prototypes of skates were already in the Bronze Age (35/33 - 13/11 centuries BC), but such skates were not suitable for figure skating, their purpose was only to speed up their owner.

Figure skating originated in Holland, in the 12th-14th centuries. It became possible to practice it after the creation of iron skates with two ribs. But this was not the figure skating that we are used to. The athletes drew various figures on the ice, while maintaining a beautiful pose.

In 1742, the first figure skating club appeared in Edinburgh, and at the same time the first list of required figures and the first rules were invented. From Europe, figure skating quickly spread to the United States, where it developed enormously. New figure skater clubs began to open, rules were improved, and new models of skates were developed.

By the middle of the 19th century, almost all of the existing mandatory figures, as well as technical techniques for their implementation, had been formed. At the first Skating Congress in 1871, figure skating was recognized as a sport, and 11 years later the first official figure skating championship was held.

In 1890, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the skating rink in the Yusupov Garden, all the figure skating stars came to St. Petersburg, and the resulting competition had the status of an “unofficial world championship.” The demonstrated international scope allowed the first official World Figure Skating Championship to be held in St. Petersburg in 1896.

Figure skating rules

The rules depend on the type of figure skating: individual women's, individual men's, pairs figure skating, as well as pairs ice dancing.

In individual skating, men and women are required to skate two programs - short and free. During a short program, which can last up to 2 minutes 40-50 seconds, skaters are required to perform 8 compulsory elements (double or triple Axel, triple or quadruple jump, one jump combination, several different types of spins and two step sequences) in any order. For the absence of one of the elements there is a penalty.

The free program is almost twice as long as the short program, taking 4 and a half minutes for men and 4 minutes for women. Skaters strive to include the most difficult elements in their program (for which they can get more points).

In pairs figure skating, the rules are very similar to individual ones, the only difference is in the required elements. Thus, mandatory elements for couples are lifts (the partner lifts the partner), throw jumps (when the partner throws the partner), as well as synchronized jumps and rotation.

But the dancers' program is somewhat different. They must perform compulsory, free and original dances. All skaters are given the same compulsory dance, with a set of compulsory elements. This is followed by an original dance in which all participants are given a specific theme to vary, and they must interpret it as they see fit. Well, dancers can show all their imagination, talent and skill in a free program. Here the skaters themselves choose the music, costumes, and movements, which is why they give the most points for it - 50%.

There is also synchronized skating, in which from 16 to 20 skaters simultaneously perform for one team. The goal of the discipline is the performance of the team as a whole. The technique, gliding, and elements in synchronized skating are fully consistent with classical figure skating. Synchronized skating has its own special mandatory elements, such as: circle, line, wheel, intersections, blocks.

Jumps in figure skating are divided into two groups - rib and toe (tooth), depending on which part of the skate the push occurs. Now skaters perform 6 types of jumps - toe loop, salchow, loop, flip, lutz and axel.

Ice field

As a rule, this is a standard area measuring 30 x 60 meters. Has plastic or movable sides. The ice field must have very high-quality clean and smooth ice, this is achieved using special equipment, the error of unevenness should not exceed 0.50 cm.

Figure skating clothing and equipment

Professional figure skating skates are made of thick, durable leather, have long lacing and a large tongue. For professional figure skaters, skates are made individually. The blades are made of carbon steel and consist of two parts. Concave beard for good gliding on ice. The nose part has teeth, for performing pushes and some elements of the program.

A figure skating costume should be made of light and elastic materials, usually stretch fabrics. The skater's costume reflects the style of the program and the music.


  • The chief judge is responsible for the organizational component of the competition: he calls the skaters onto the ice, gives signals to the radio station, and monitors the timing.
  • A technician with an assistant fixes elements and falls.
  • Technical controller - supervises the work of the technical team.
  • 9 judges - evaluate the quality of performance.

Skating is an amazing sport. And beautiful, and poetic, and healthy. Over the centuries-old history of skates, many kind words have been written about them, many literary works and wonderful paintings have been created.

This is what People's Artist Mikhail Zharov said:

“At first I had a different passion: as a boy I stood in goal for the Moscow Union team, but, having conceded 13 goals, I was kicked out of football and put on skates. Since then I have loved them, I am sincerely happy when it is time for skating rinks and the peas of multi-colored caps scatter on the slippery surface of the ice.

Years have passed, he has become completely gray, but his first love is not forgotten. After all, you can’t change your youth, you can’t stop loving it. To tell the truth, over the years I began to look forward to the coming of winter even more: a pair of skates became for me eternal youth.

Life hasn't made me a champion, but I'm not angry at it for that. Ultimately, I took the main thing from sports - strength and health. I know people understand sport differently. For some he is youth, for others he is almost a hindrance. And often the latter say: busy, too late to start... But if you break a glass, you won’t be able to drink from it; If you spill your health on the roads of life like water, you won’t be able to collect it later. For example, I have never met a blacksmith who, citing being busy, did not harden the blade or shoe the horse on time. Aren’t we the creators of our own joy and our common great Happiness and Health! Yes, we will become bad blacksmiths if we don’t harden ourselves in sports.

And for me, sport has been and remains the best, most reliable guarantee of health. And first of all, this applies to skates. I never regretted the hours spent at the skating rink. Now, when so many decades have passed, skates for me are a date with youth, but before they were part of a life lived at rapid speed.

Skating is a sport where a beginner has no less fun than an experienced master.
The air is the same for everyone, very fresh, very snowy. As for speed, it’s still always lacking, even if you’re a master of sports, or even my housemate on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment - Oleg Goncharenko, the champion of champions...
Addressing all the people I know and don’t know, my friends and friends of friends, I say: don’t forget, brothers, that there are good things on earth: frost, sun and fast and fast skates...”

Skating the muscles of the legs, back, abdomen, joints, ligaments, develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements.
Many future sports stars started with skating only because their parents considered it an excellent training. Thus, the “ice fairy” - ten-time world champion in figure skating, three-time Olympic champion Norwegian - Sonja Henn took to the ice when she was not yet four years old. Her father, world champion cyclist Wilhelm Henn, taught the girl to skate. And only two years later, noticing the child’s athletic abilities, Wilhelm took the baby to a figure skating school.

Yes, all champions began from the very day when, “shod with sharp iron on their feet,” they went out onto the ice to take the first step.

When you watch how our best masters run across the ice, it takes your breath away with admiration, with the knowledge that we are witnessing true art.

And, probably, every beginner wants to learn how to skate as beautifully and quickly as they do.

This is not easy to do, but you can and should try. The content of this material is a copybook, a primer, a self-instruction manual for a beginning athlete.

Before going on the ice, let’s carefully study the advice of Alexander Laptev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hygiene at the Central Institute of Physical Culture:

- At the skating rink, first of all, you need to beware of frostbite. The first signs are pale skin, tingling, and a feeling of numbness. Having noticed this, vigorously rub the affected area with your hand, a woolen mitten, or a scarf. Do not rub your skin with snow, because small pieces of ice can injure it and cause infection. Remember well: you can get frostbite even with relatively little frost. Companions of frostbite are wind, tight and wet shoes, and clothing that is inappropriate for the weather.
You cannot relax outdoors - only indoors. If it’s warm there, take off your jacket and hat, unbutton your collar, and unlace your boots. After class, be sure to change clothes. Dry underwear protects against colds. When you get home, take a warm shower.

Hygienic rules, as you can see, are simple. But it is necessary to adhere to them in order for skating to become a holiday and joy.

Olympic champion Lyudmila Titova begins a conversation about the secrets of the “ice kitchen”.

How to choose skates?
There are no skates that are suitable for all types of speed skating. Some are needed for speed running, others for figure skating, others for hockey, and others for simple skating.

Skates are divided into simple and racing. Skates of the “Snegurochka”, “Nurmis”, “English sport” and hockey systems are called simple.
Athletes call cross-country skates “begas” and “Norwegians.” Their blade is thinner and longer than ordinary ones. They have less stability for beginners, but you can run faster on such skates.

You can learn to skate on any skate.
But in early childhood it is best to start with “Snow Maiden” or hockey ones. The first steps on ice, the development of stability and balance, the skills of proper gliding, familiarization with the basics of speed skating techniques, even participation in the first competitions - most of the famous Soviet speed skaters traveled this entire path on simple skates. It is easier to master running technique on them.

The second question is the skater's shoes. It is advisable to buy skate boots one size larger than the shoe size you wear in everyday life.

I know that among some parents who want to teach their kids how to skate, there is an opinion that skate boots should be significantly larger than normal shoes. Where do those who advocate for extra numbers come from? They believe that you need to wear several pairs of socks so as not to freeze your feet. You really need to wear warm socks, but just one pair. If you wear two pairs of socks or large boots that hang loosely on your feet, you will not be able to feel the ice and will have difficulty controlling the blades of your skates. And then the child will develop a feeling of insecurity.

Skating will only be enjoyable if the blades are sharpened.
Sharpen your skates! The commandment is one of the most important. The skates are sharpened there so that there are no burrs - on all four ribs. The sharpening stones are lubricated with machine oil or a mixture of oil and kerosene.

To keep skate blades from becoming dull(when leaving the locker room for the skating rink) and mechanical damage, you must wear covers. If you don’t buy them in a store, the covers can be sewn from thick leather or made from a bicycle tube.

Well, if at first you don’t have a point machine, then secure the skate perpendicular to the table or workbench. Using a carborundum block, moving it parallel to the table, remove the top layer. Then try the blade with your fingernail to see if there are any burrs. When you are sure that all the edges of the blades are sharp, take a narrow block and remove the burrs. Run your index finger along the edges of the blades. If the pad of your finger does not encounter any obstacle, then you have sharpened your skates correctly. If you feel roughness at least at one point, continue removing the burrs with a small block.

How to lace your shoes?
I often saw guys who tightened their shoe laces so tightly that it was difficult to even move their toes. Moreover, I don’t know for what purpose, but some beginners “bandage” their boots in the most unimaginable ways.

The boots must be laced in a cross-shaped overlap. The laces should not be thick; ordinary linen braid is quite suitable. Insert the end of it into the holes of the boot from above, and then when tightening the lacing will not unravel. The lower part of the boot should not be pulled tight, but be sure to tighten the middle part tightly, and lace the upper part loosely so that when bending forward, the braid does not interfere with movement.
Speed ​​running is not like hockey: your leg needs freedom. I wouldn't recommend tightening the laces so much that your toes can't move. When your legs are tight, they get tired faster. And they are freezing!

How to dress for the skating rink?
It is best to wear wool tights (leggings) and a sweater when going on the ice. If the child does not have such a suit, let him wear an ordinary training or ski suit. It would also be a good idea to wear a canvas or bologna jacket over your sweater - this will protect you from the wind.

A skater's clothing should be light, comfortable, and form-fitting, so that there is less air resistance when running. Warm knitted underwear is usually worn under a suit.

Put woolen socks on your feet, and if it’s very cold, wrap your toes in paper and put another pair of socks on it (elastic ones with wool can be used). Put a cap on your head; it should cover not only the hair, but also the ears, which are very sensitive to frost.

There are boys who believe that the lighter they dress for training, the braver they are, they say, the cold itself is not scary for them. But no one needs such courage.

The best athletes in the world always train in warm clothes.

Finally, you got dressed, put on your shoes... On the ice, a beginner skater feels awkward on skates: they move apart, the body sways, the legs can’t hold up. To quickly learn how to move on ice, we recommend practicing at home before going to the skating rink. Stomp on the floor a little, putting covers on the blades so that you don’t dull your skates or damage the floor. Or lay down an old rug. As you walk around the room, you will feel stable. When you master the technique of balancing on a reduced support that is unusual for you, move on to more complex exercises. Holding the back of a chair, try to do half squats. Then gradually make the movements more difficult. Squat down with your leg forward.
These exercises in the room should be done for 8 - 10 minutes a day.

When you wear skates and walk on the floor, try to bend the skates with the runners facing outward to strengthen the ligaments in your feet.
Not only training on the ice, but also classes that can be done at home will help beginning athletes master the secrets of speed skating techniques.

Of course, everyone who dreams of learning to skate asked themselves: “Why do some people skate well, quickly and beautifully, while others skate clumsily and slowly?” A bad skater has legs like wood, knees do not bend, the body is straightened, and the arms helplessly search for a place while skating.

A skilled athlete smoothly lowers himself onto one leg, bending his leg at the knee, then, straightening it, switches to the other leg and tilts his body in the same direction. It is not difficult to understand that in order to skate well, you need to be able to mainly use the weight of your body correctly. The skater, lowering himself onto his right leg and bending it at the knee, leaning in the same direction, squats slightly. The weight of the body gives impetus to the skate. The same thing happens when you shift your weight to your left leg.

This means that in order to learn how to skate correctly, you need to be able to transfer the weight of your body from one leg to the other, and bend your legs in time. This is exactly what you can learn before going on the ice. Try these simulation exercises.
1. Starting position (i.p.) - hands behind your back tightly pressed to your body, feet and knees together. With your knees bent, tilt your torso (up to approximately 45′ to the support area). Do some squats. When changing your seat height, try to find a comfortable position for yourself.
2. I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise. Alternately move your legs (the length of a step) to the sides and back, slightly bending them at the knee, place them on your toes, with your heel up.

To these exercises, add walking on your toes, heels, outer arches of your feet, lunges on the right and left side, goose and cross steps, with swinging arm movements...

The value of these simulation exercises is that they are similar in nature to skating and, therefore, develop the necessary skills and precise coordination.

We've become a little familiar with the basic truths - now we can hit the ice!
If possible, go for a ride on a sparsely populated skating rink. It is better to take the first steps where there is not much traffic. When going out on the ice, watch your feet: your toes should be turned outward. This will ensure stability. Take a few steps, then try to slide on the blades placed parallel. Once you have mastered this exercise, slide on one leg. You can even hold a competition among beginners to see who can travel further this way.

When it’s frosty outside, breathing through your mouth can cause sudden hypothermia of the lungs and larynx. My advice is to breathe not only through your mouth, but also through your nose. Cold air, passing through the nasal cavity, heats up and becomes harmless to the throat and lungs.

Tilt your body forward while riding. If you, leaning forward, suddenly fall (and let’s be honest, you get attacked a lot during ice debuts!), you do not risk hitting the back of your head on the ice. Don't be discouraged by such failures. Everyone started with falls.
Skater landing. Mastering the landing means learning to ride on bent legs.

Speaking of landing, I once again draw attention to the tilt of the body, which helps to make thrusts deeper and stronger. Additionally, the fit gives the body a streamlined stance.

When running, the walker's head is slightly raised, his gaze is directed 10-15 meters ahead.

Running in a straight line.
One of the mistakes that a beginner can make is trying to run on the ice rather than slide. The coach of three-time world champion Maria Isakova, Ivan Anikanov, advised: “Get used to taking even, equal-length steps. Use every step to the end. Make each push light and smooth, without losing speed. When pushing, do not forget to simultaneously transfer the weight of your body to the sliding leg.”

Smoothness and uniformity of movement, absence of jerks - this is the basis of a good rolling step. When running in a straight line, you need to learn to glide evenly on both legs so that the movements are performed with equal ease by both the left and right legs. Care must be taken to ensure that your legs do not twist and that your skates, not the welts of your boots, slide on the ice.

To develop a long sliding step, I recommend this exercise: on each leg you need to roll 8 - 10 meters. After the push, the right leg comes off the ice, bends at the knee and describes a “loop” over the ice. Then it is sent forward, placed slightly in front of the left skate on which the skater is gliding. At the moment when the right skate lands on the ice, the left one goes to the side and is placed on the edge to prepare the push. All this happens in an elusive fraction of a second. While running, all movements are repeated a thousand times. They should be as smooth as possible. To check whether the push is performed correctly, look at your tracks - they usually look like Christmas tree branches. If the herringbone is very wide, it means that when you push, you throw your skates too far to the sides. Correct the mistake - the “herringbone” will become narrower.

How to make turns?
On a skating rink, where dozens of speed skaters fly headlong, who do not always strictly adhere to the established rules, a beginner who does not know how to turn sharply exposes himself to some risk: if he does not fall himself, then others will knock him down. Therefore, from the very first days of skating, you need to learn how to make turns correctly, or, as they usually say, ride “through your leg.”
In all competitions, speed skaters run counterclockwise. All turns are made to the left, and therefore the main work during the turn falls on the left leg - the whole body rests on it, like an axis.

Lean your torso slightly to the left, shift your weight to your left foot, and place it on the outside of the blade. After this, do what speed skaters call a dash: cross your left leg with your right leg. Then lift your left leg and, crossing your right leg from behind, smoothly place it on the ice in front of your right.

Don't bounce when turning. Tilt your body in the direction of the turn, that is, to the left. Legs should be slightly bent at all times. Note that when turning, you slide on both feet more than when running in a straight line.

It is somewhat more difficult to ride through the leg in the direction opposite to the usual movement in a circle. The principle of rotation in this case differs little in technique from that described above.

When turning, watch your shoulder movement. They should be parallel to the ice as you move. How to brake on ice? Knowing how to slow down is also an art. It takes on special significance during mass skating, when you need to instantly stop running, stop, so as not to collide with someone, or run over someone who has fallen.

The easiest way to brake is to rest your forward foot on the ice with the inner edge of your skate. Another option: bring your knees and toes together, spread the backs of your skates out to the sides and bend your legs. As in skiing - “plough”.

The third method of braking - half-turn - is somewhat more complicated, and should be used only when you have learned to use skates well enough. It looks like this: the athlete makes a sharp turn of 90 degrees while moving, places his skates perpendicular to the direction of movement - one on the inner edge, the other on the outer. In this case, the body leans slightly back.

Finally, if you are skating on bad ice and are afraid of damaging your skates, use the back of your skate to brake with your foot forward and your toe up.
How to drive back? Going back is not as easy as it seems when we watch figure skating competitions and hockey matches on TV. It is absolutely not enough to turn your back and try to move your legs. The secret to skating backwards is to properly use the weight of your body and the impact of your skates on the ice. We recommend that you first learn a special way of driving forward.

Stand on the ice and spread your toes in different directions, and then try to move them, starting to move forward. When your legs come together, spread them apart again. When spreading the legs, the emphasis should be on the outer blades of the skate, and when bringing the legs together, the emphasis should be on the inner ones. When you have managed to move forward in this way, you can move on to the next exercise, which will teach you to ride backwards correctly.

Instead of pointing your toes out, point your heels out. Spreading your legs in different directions, concentrate the weight of your body on your inner ribs. The legs also bend and the body leans forward, although not as low as when riding forward.

The method of driving backwards, or “backwards forward”, described below, is the most accessible. A more perfect way to ride backwards is to transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other.

Sliding backwards.
a spectacular element of ice skating. It is more adopted by figure skaters and hockey players than by speed skaters. But if a skater can also run backwards, then he has mastered the secrets of skating. Coaches often have to run “backward forward” when, during classes, they need to suggest something to students rushing along the distance.

How to store skates?
When winter ends, don't rush to throw your skates into the closet or on the mezzanine. Wipe them, lubricate the blades with machine oil, and the leather of the boots with Vaseline, carefully wrap them in paper - and hide them in a treasured place.

Turkey- one of the most popular birds all over the world. Its meat is preferred not so much because of its taste as because of its exceptional nutritional value.

Turkey meat is also popular because it contains low amounts of cholesterol and fat. Regular consumption of turkey reduces cholesterol levels and stabilizes insulin levels.

This versatility makes turkey an ideal, healthy and nutritious alternative to chicken, pork or beef. Read more about it in a separate issue.

How many calories are in turkey

Concerns about saturated fat and cholesterol have led many people to reduce or eliminate their consumption of red meat and choose healthier alternatives such as turkey. Most of the fat in turkey is located in the skin and dark-colored meat. Even eating a small piece of skin can give your body up to 70 calories.

Turkey meat is sold in a variety of forms, including whole, packaged slices, breast, thigh, stuffing, cutlets and fillets.

Product/dish Calorie content (in kcal per 100 grams)
Whole turkey
White meat108,33
Dark meat125
Turkey parts
Cooking method
Boiled (boiled)180,59
Turkey ham139,57
Turkey Subway130

Recipes and calorie content of popular dishes with turkey meat

Skinless white meat is an excellent source of food for people who are observant. any low-fat or salt-free diet. Protein is filling and also slows down digestion, thereby making you feel full long after eating. Turkey is easier for the body to digest than other types of meat, making it a good choice for people who have digestive problems.

In addition, the same protein is involved in building and maintaining muscle mass. Therefore, bodybuilders and simply those who decide to improve their body often use turkey in their diet.

Pasta with turkey and broccoli

  • 300 g pasta;
  • 2 cups of inflorescences;
  • 3 tbsp. l. ;
  • 400 g minced turkey;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 1 tsp. seeds;
  • 1/2 tsp. ground red pepper;
  • kosher salt.

Cook the pasta and add the broccoli at the last minute. Drain the water and return the pasta and broccoli to the pan. Meanwhile, heat the oil. Add the turkey, fennel seeds, garlic and red pepper and cook until the stuffing is browned and season with salt. Stir turkey mixture into pasta and broccoli. Serve with Parmesan.

Calorie content – ​​143 kcal/100 g.

Turkey Fried Rice

  • 3/4 cup brown;
  • 2 tbsp. l. canola oils;
  • 200 g minced turkey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped;
  • 4 green feathers;
  • 1 cup peas;
  • 1/4 ;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar.

Cook the rice. Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add the turkey, garlic, ginger and half the green onions and cook, breaking up the meat with a spoon, until browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Add rice, peas, carrots, vinegar and stir for 2-3 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​152 kcal/100 g.

Turkey and taco salad

  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 400 g minced turkey;
  • kosher salt and pepper;
  • 20 g salsa sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 head of Romaine lettuce;
  • 1 bag of corn chips;
  • 50 g from a jar;
  • 1, cut into cubes;
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese.

Heat the oil. Add turkey, salt and pepper. Cook, breaking up the meat with a spoon for 5-6 minutes. Drain off excess liquid. Stir in ½ salsa. In a small bowl, combine sour cream and remaining salsa. Tear the lettuce leaves, break the chips a little and mix with the beans, avocado, minced meat and cheese in a bowl. Serve with dressing.

Calorie content – ​​180 kcal/100 g.

Turkey cutlets

  • 500 g minced white meat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 ml;
  • 1/4 white;

Soak white bread in water. Mix minced meat, egg, finely chopped onion and salt. Mix all ingredients, form small cutlets and fry on both sides.

Calorie content - 89.57 kcal/100 g.

Light Turkey Soup

  • 500 g turkey;
  • 1/2 medium head of cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • peas.

Cut turkey and potatoes into cubes. Cut the cabbage into strips. Place carrots, onions, and turkey into boiling water. After 20 minutes, add potatoes and peas. Cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes more. Add the cabbage, cover again and turn off the gas.

Calorie content – ​​57 kcal/100 g.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of turkey meat

% of the daily requirement indicated in the tables is an indicator indicating how many percent of the daily requirement in a substance we will satisfy the body's needs by eating 100 grams of turkey.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates (BJC) are in turkey?

Turkey meat is a relatively inexpensive source of protein. It has 1g more protein than chicken and beef. At the same time, turkey meat is low in fat and cholesterol, unlike other types of meat.

What vitamins, macro- and microelements are contained in turkey?

Turkey meat is effective in increase in thyroid hormones, preventing various types of cancer, strengthening the immune system and providing antioxidant substances. Turkey meat is beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol, increasing energy production, improving mood, increasing testosterone levels and maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Let's sum it up

Compared to other types of meat, turkey contains fewer calories, less fat, less cholesterol, very little sodium, but is high in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Turkey meat is valuable source of protein and other nutrients. For a healthy diet, it is important to choose the right cut of meat and also eat the right portion sizes. Nutritionists recommend eating from 65 to 100 grams boiled meat. Each serving provides the daily requirement of proteins, which are very important for the production of various types of amino acids in the human body.

In what form do you like to cook turkey: soup, salad, cutlets, shish kebab or another favorite dish? When choosing between turkey and chicken, which meat will you choose? The best news is that turkey meat is so healthy that pediatricians recommend using turkey for the first feeding.
