What is okroshka made from? The best recipe for delicious okroshka - cooking features and reviews. Delicious classic okroshka: recipe

Okroshka is an absolutely summer dish. It's hard to find a person who doesn't love her. In our new review, we tell you how to prepare the perfect okroshka that your family will appreciate. It’s impossible to imagine a hot summer day without fresh and delicious okroshka. This is an ideal dish for this time of year, because okroshka is served cold. It is also a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.

Greens, radishes, cucumbers - these products can be consumed with almost no restrictions. The okroshka recipe is almost universal. There are not many variations on this theme, although some families still have their own culinary subtleties in preparing this dish. We tell you how to make your favorite okroshka even tastier and attract the admiring glances of satisfied family and guests. Have a delicious summer!

A little history

Okroshka is as much a hallmark of Russian cuisine as pancakes with red caviar and Olivier salad. The meaning of this dish is in the name itself. This word comes from the same root word “crumb” and suggests that all ingredients for okroshka must be cut very finely. It is impossible to establish exactly when okroshka appeared in Russian cuisine. The most common version refers to barge haulers on the Volga. For lunch they were given fish, which they had to soak in kvass due to dental problems.

Later, peasants began to experiment and add potatoes, radishes, cucumbers and everything that grew in their garden to the fish. This is how okroshka appeared. Traditionally, okroshka contains the following ingredients: potatoes, eggs, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, sausage or ham, sour cream, kvass or kefir. The classic recipe is recognized as the best, but today there are original and tasty alternatives to the usual okroshka that you can and should try.

1. Experiment with ingredients

The traditional okroshka recipe is rightfully considered the best. However, this does not mean that you are prohibited from experimenting. On the contrary, try unusual and interesting combinations, treat your family and friends, and memorize your favorite recipes. Instead of meat products, you can add fish or seafood to okroshka. Okroshka may also contain mushrooms (both fresh and pickled). You can also prepare okroshka not with kvass or kefir, but with beer.

2. Try okroshka with homemade kvass

Of course, not every housewife wants to spend time making homemade kvass, but as an exception, it’s worth a try. With homemade kvass, okroshka turns out so aromatic and deliciously delicious that you will probably forget about store-bought kvass forever. We tell you how easy it is to make kvass at home. You will need 1 kilogram of rye bread (ideally take Borodinsky), 6 liters of boiled water, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 30 grams of raisins and 20 grams of dry yeast. Cut the bread into small cubes and dry in the oven. Pour hot water over the resulting crackers and leave for 8 hours. Strain. Add sugar, raisins and yeast to the liquid. Let the kvass ferment for 12 hours. When a sour taste appears, refrigerate the drink for another 12 hours. Ready!

3. Prepare okroshka using homemade sourdough

If you don’t really like kvass or want to experiment, then prepare okroshka with kefir starter. This is another popular option for preparing your favorite dish of Russian cuisine. To prepare such a starter at home, you need to mix highly carbonated water and kefir in a 1:1 ratio. Add the juice of one lemon, as well as sour cream and salt to taste. Let it brew. Pour the resulting starter over the prepared ingredients for okroshka and enjoy the delicious food.

4. Pay attention to the mustard.

Some housewives add mustard to okroshka. How to do it right? Boil the eggs (as much as you need), remove the yolks from them. Then you need to grind the yolks with salt, sugar and mustard. Add kvass. Cool the starter. Then everything is quite simple: pour over the vegetables and add sour cream.

5. Don't stop at ham.

Some people like okroshka with sausage or ham, and some add beef or veal meat to it. It also turns out very tasty and even noble to some extent. If you still choose sausage or ham, then buy a product of the highest quality. Only in this case the okroshka will turn out rich and very tasty.

6. Choose only the freshest products

And of course, do not forget to check all products for freshness. This should always be done, but for okroshka this rule couldn’t be more relevant. The fact is that if all the ingredients are fresh, then the okroshka will literally melt in your mouth, and its delicate and at the same time rich taste will turn your head and taste buds. If any ingredient is stale, then there is a risk that it will have a negative impact on the final result.

Okroshka recipes

1. Okroshka with ham on kvass

Here is a recipe for classic okroshka with ham on kvass, which you must prepare to capture the essence of this delicious dish.

2. Okroshka with radishes on kefir

Okroshka can also be prepared with kefir. It turns out no less tasty than the version prepared with kvass.

3. Vegetarian okroshka

Okroshka can be vegetarian! If you don't eat meat, then don't be upset. Prepare a vegetarian version of okroshka, you will love it!

4. Fish okroshka with kvass

You can replace the usual ham with fish and prepare fish okroshka using kvass. It will turn out very original and tasty. A great way to add something new to a favorite recipe!

5. Okroshka with shrimp

The options for using seafood in preparing okroshka do not end there. You can add shrimp to the okroshka. The valuable protein they contain fits perfectly into the light concept of this summer dish. Bon appetit!

To all okroshkas, okroshka in my family is the one that is prepared with beetroot broth. We usually cook a huge pot on Sundays when the whole family comes over. Instead of meat we use sausage.

Armenian okroshka is prepared instantly! The main thing is to have the necessary ingredients on hand. You can add horseradish for spiciness. The taste is excellent! Let's try!

Okroshka will not only fill you up, but also refresh you on a hot day. The classic recipe for okroshka with kefir includes vegetables, meat and, of course, kefir. And we will make this soup fresher and add mineral water to it!

For lovers of fermented milk dishes, I advise you to prepare okroshka with citric acid. Cold, fresh soup with sourness is perfect in the summer. Let's also add garlic to it for piquancy and more herbs.

My mother-in-law often cooks okroshka with milk. So her husband fell in love with her. I usually make it with yogurt. Other ingredients are the same as in the classic okroshka recipe: vegetables, boiled meat, herbs.

Perhaps the most unusual version of okroshka is with sprat in tomato. When you want something quick and easy, this okroshka is a good option. Take a can of canned food, one or two - and you're done!

Okroshka with beef is much tastier than others! Well-cooked beef meat simply melts in your mouth, herbs and vegetables add freshness, homemade kvass smells pleasantly like bread - you'll just lick your fingers!

Horseradish is vigorous, fragrant, the best seasoning for any dish. It makes excellent fresh okroshka! Thrill-seekers will be delighted! I’ll share how to quickly prepare it.

Okroshka with herring sounds more than unusual. But, believe me, drenched in kvass and sprinkled with herbs, okroshka turns out very tasty. The main thing is not to be afraid to improvise and discover new dishes!

When I want something spicy, I cook okroshka with mustard. In addition to this spicy component, I add fresh mint. The taste is wonderful! I highly recommend trying my okrosheka!

I like “Baltic okroshka” - made with kefir and beets. The sweetness of beets and the sourness of kefir create a unique combination. I always want more! This soup is very good for your appetite!

During Lent and for relief, my family and I eat Lenten okroshka with mushrooms. It goes with any mushrooms you have at home or buy. The simple version is with champignons, the royal version is with white ones.

My favorite dietary dish is vegetable okroshka. Easy, fresh, fast! And you’re full, and the kilograms are melting, and it’s incredibly delicious! It is advisable to prepare such okroshka during the vegetable season - from your garden directly to the table.

What to cook in the heat? In my family they would answer you in unison - okroshka! I recommend a light version of the soup, and add vinegar for sourness. We prepare okroshka in water with the addition of vinegar - you will love it!

In the warm evenings, we cook okroshka with beer at the dacha. Wonderful thing! The recipe for making this intoxicated okroshka is simple: pour the classic ingredients of your favorite soup with cold beer.

I can eat okroshka with beets all the time! This is a wonderful first course (especially for children who need to be persuaded to eat), it greatly awakens the appetite. The second after it is swept away at once!

There's nothing better than cold soup on a hot day. Okroshka with whey improves digestion, thanks to vegetables it replenishes our body with vitamins, and it is also very tasty. I am sharing a simple recipe.

I “lighten” my favorite okroshka. I remove the potatoes, replace high-fat kefir with low-fat kefir and add juicy tomatoes. It turns out to be an excellent dietary dish that is suitable for everyone and can be prepared quickly.

In hot weather, okroshka will go well with the first, and second, and compote :) The dish is light, but mayonnaise and sour cream add calories to it, so they saturate it as it should. And vegetables will replenish vitamin reserves. Let's cook!

Do you want to cook “serious” okroshka? Then cook okroshka in broth. Okroshka with broth is not as refreshing as regular okroshka, but it is much more satisfying. We will cook okroshka in chicken broth.

This simple recipe for okroshka with mayonnaise is easy to remember. It will take you about 20 minutes to prepare. It’s good to add ice to the finished okroshka! Take care of fresh vegetables, preferably from the garden.

Okroshka on ayran differs from regular okroshka in a more sour taste. You can prepare it very simply and quickly. They say (and I think so!) that okroshka on ayran is the most delicious! Let's try.

Lenten okroshka is usually eaten during Lent. But it is highly recommended to do fasting days without fasting. This lean okroshka is suitable for both those who are on a diet and those who do not eat meat.

Sometimes I cook okroshka with radish. This root vegetable is very useful, but, unfortunately, we use it infrequently. Radish protects against viruses and the spicier or bitter it is, the better it fights viruses.

Instead of kvass, okroshka can be seasoned with intoxicating kvass, i.e. fermented, cold birch sap. The excellent taste of the well-known soup is guaranteed! You can buy birch sap, or you can use your own.

Okroshka is an excellent dish for a “cold” lunch, especially in the heat! And with smoked chicken and fresh herbs, it’s absolutely delicious! It’s very easy to prepare okroshka with chicken, the main thing is to buy fresh herbs.

I associate young radishes with okroshka. A fresh and light soup for lunch will save you from extra calories and will not kill your performance. Stock up on sweet radishes and head into the kitchen!

When the first onion appears on the market and there is a jar of fatty mayonnaise in the refrigerator, I prepare okroshka in water with mayonnaise. The soup turns out just right, light, but very tasty and filling! Try it!

Okroshka is a light, nutritious, vitamin-packed soup that also helps you lose weight. I love okroshka and in early spring I always go on an okroshka diet. By bikini season I lose 3-4 kg.

I’ll tell you how I got rid of extra pounds: I spent more time outdoors, walked and ate diet okroshka. The dish is fantastic, prepared quickly and incredibly tasty. I recommend!

There are as many okroshka recipes as there are housewives. And each one has the most delicious! Okroshka with sour cream is very simple to prepare: just have a few spoons of sour cream, a little sausage, herbs, and vegetables. Forward!

Okroshka is a national cold Russian soup, which is prepared differently in different regions of the country. Today we will prepare okroshka with kvass - the simplest and most common version of this dish.

Okroshka is a national Russian dish that is prepared in the summer. Okroshka on water is a cold soup that is perfectly refreshing in the heat, and a large amount of vitamins gives vigor.

What's summer without traditional okroshka?! Perhaps you won’t find a better dish in hot weather: it not only satisfies hunger, but also lifts your spirits.

Okroshka (from the verb to crumble - finely chop) is a traditional dish of national Russian cuisine, a cold soup made with kvass, the main component of which is vegetable mass.

According to the okroshka recipe, cold boiled meat or fish can be mixed into this mass in a 1:1 ratio. Depending on what is added to the vegetables, we get vegetable, meat or fish okroshka. So, for meat okroshka it was not meat specially prepared for it, but the remains of other meat dishes, mainly meat cut from bones, by the way, as softer and more tender. In the old Russian okroshka, they preferred to combine the meat of pig, turkey and black grouse, that is, lean pork, poultry and game. The fish that are suitable for okroshka are tench and pike perch, since their meat is sweet, neutral and not very bony; among sea fish, only cod, which is the most neutral in taste and low-fat and goes well with vegetables and kvass.

A condition for obtaining a good okroshka is also the choice of a liquid base for it, i.e. kvass, and seasoning it with spices. Usually, okroshka is made from the so-called white okroshka kvass, which is more sour than regular drinking bread kvass. Kvass wort consists of three types of flour: rye, buckwheat and wheat, two types of malt: rye and barley, fermented with prepared sourdough with the addition of mint.

The general principle of preparation for any okroshka is

in the following process:

Prepare vegetable grounds from neutral vegetables cut into small cubes;

Mix it with meat or fish (if necessary);

Mix with spicy okroshka dressing;

Let stand for at least half an hour;

Mix with herbs;

Pour in kvass;

Add sour cream and chopped egg white.

You can add finely chopped salted mushrooms or pickled apples to the okroshka.

Okroshka should be prepared exclusively with kvass. However, various variants of cold soups, also called okroshka, have spread. The following products are used as the liquid base of the soup: whey, beer, diluted vinegar, kefir, ayran, mineral water, meat broth, kombucha, beet broth, cucumber pickle, tomato juice and mixed vegetable juices. Some similar dishes have something to do with completely different soups: for example, okroshka with kefir is a variant of the Uzbek cold soup chalop, botvinya is prepared with beet broth, there is a beer soup with bread soaked in it.

1.Okroshka with kvass

To prepare okroshka with kvass, special okroshka kvass is highly desirable; it can increasingly be found in stores. In the absence of a special one, regular kvass will do, the main thing is that the kvass should be sour and not sweet - made on rye bread.


  • Lean meat (in our case - boiled pork) - 300 gr.
  • Hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes, boiled in skins - 2 pcs.
  • Spicy mustard - 3 teaspoons
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Green onions - a bunch (about 200 gr.)
  • Dill - half a bunch
  • Salt, sugar to taste
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon per serving.


1. Peel the cucumbers. It is very important to check whether the dark end is bitter, otherwise the okroshka will be ruined. Cut either into strips or into cubes. Place the cucumbers in a bowl and add a little salt.

2. It is better to boil eggs and potatoes the day before. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Grind the yolks with mustard, two large pinches of salt and about half a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

3. Egg whites, radishes, potatoes, meat cut into small cubes.

4. Chop the green onions and lightly salt them.

5. Finely chop the dill.

6. Mix all our ingredients, except eggs with mustard, thoroughly in a separate bowl. Ideally, they should be allowed to sit in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

7. Before serving, place all the crushed ingredients in portions into plates, pour cold kvass, sprinkle with egg and mustard and add sour cream.

2. Okroshka with kefir

  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 boiled potatoes
  • 100 gr. radishes
  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 150 gr. boiled sausage
  • greens, salt, pepper.


1. Finely chop all the ingredients and place them in a large bowl. Boiled sausage can be replaced with boiled meat, smoked sausage, ham or boiled pork.

2. Salt and pepper all ingredients to taste, add kefir, mix thoroughly. If kefir is not thick enough, you can add a few tablespoons of sour cream.

3. Let the okroshka brew for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and serve, sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

3.Fish okroshka

  • mustard - 1 tsp.
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • radish - 1 pc.
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • parsley and dill - 5 sprigs each
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  • white fish fillet - 500 g
  • bread kvass - 1.5 l
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.


1. Wash the fish. Then boil some salted water in a saucepan, put the fish in it and cook for 8-10 minutes until done. Place the boiled fish in a colander, let it cool, then cut into small pieces.

2. Wash the cucumbers and radishes, peel them. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and grate the radishes on a fine grater.

3. Wash the onion and greens and chop finely.

4. Boil potatoes in their skins. Boil eggs hard. After the potatoes and eggs have cooled, peel them. Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the eggs.

5. Grind the onion with a pestle with salt, sugar and mustard. We dilute it with a small amount of kvass.

6. Thoroughly mix potatoes, eggs, cucumbers and radishes, herbs and onion dressing in a large bowl. We season them with kvass.

7. Before serving, add pieces of fish to the okroshka. It is advisable to serve the dish with sour cream.

4. Okroshka with whey

We prepare okroshka with whey - one of our favorite summer dishes.


  • 5-6 medium potatoes, boiled in their jackets
  • green onions
  • 200 gr. radishes
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 300 gr. smoked sausage
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon acid
  • 1.5-2 liters of whey
  • greenery.


1. Cut all ingredients into small cubes. Salt, season with mayonnaise.

2. Let's start preparing the whey. 1.5 tsp. We dilute citric acid in half a glass of warm boiled water and add it little by little to the okroshka, constantly stirring and tasting. The acid should appear quite a bit. This is how, by constantly tasting okroshka, you can adjust its taste for salt and acid.

3. Let our whey-based okroshka brew in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, and then serve.

5.Vegetarian okroshka

A recipe for making a refreshing okroshka, perfect for fasting and vegetarians.


  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • greens (dill, cilantro and basil);
  • Adyghe cheese (200-250 g);
  • 3 potatoes;
  • kvass;
  • soy sour cream;
  • spices (turmeric, coriander, black pepper).


1. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, cucumbers first into strips, then into cubes. Cut the Adyghe cheese into cubes, followed by the potatoes in the same way.

2. Chop the greens.

3. Pour the chopped ingredients into a large bowl and mix thoroughly.

4. Place in deep plates and fill with kvass.

5. Before serving, add a spoonful of soy sour cream.

6.Okroshka in Abkhazian style

Sour (fermented) milk - 3-3.5 cups
water - 1-2 glasses
green bunch - 50-75 g
green cucumbers - 150 g
radishes - 50 g
garlic - 1-2 cloves
dill greens - 4-5 sprigs
eggs - 2 pcs.
salt and adjika - to taste.

Recipe: Cut the cucumbers into cubes, chop the radishes and onions, then put them in a saucepan or deep bowl, pour in sour milk, previously diluted with cold boiled water, season with crushed garlic, salt and adjika to taste. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, chop finely and add to the soup. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

7. Mushroom okroshka.

bread kvass - 1.5 l,
salted mushrooms - 400 g,
potatoes - 250 g,
carrots - 50 g,
green onions - 100 g,
fresh cucumbers - 200 g,
sour cream - 200 g,
eggs - 2 pcs.,
table mustard - 20 g,
sugar, salt to taste,
dill greens.

Recipe: Wash the salted mushrooms with cold water and let the water drain. Then cut the mushrooms and fresh cucumbers into small cubes, chop the green onions. Boil carrots and potatoes unpeeled, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Grind the yolks of boiled eggs with prepared mustard and a small amount of sour cream. Chop the whites. Put the prepared products into fresh bread kvass, season with a mixture of yolks and mustard, add salt and sugar. Before serving, add sour cream and chopped dill.

8. Okroshka with squid or krill meat.

For 0.2 kg of boiled squid meat or boiled frozen krill:
1.5 l of kvass,
2 boiled eggs,
3 fresh cucumbers,
1/2 cup green onions,
2 boiled potatoes,
2-3 tablespoons of sour cream,
1 teaspoon table mustard,
1 teaspoon sugar,
1 bunch of greens.

Recipe: Boil squid, eggs and potatoes. Cut the squid into strips, potatoes and eggs into cubes. Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater. Mix everything and add sugar, salt, mustard and chopped herbs. Fill with kvass and add sour cream.

9.Beetroot okroshka.

green onions,
3-4 eggs,
300gr. cucumbers,
bunch of radishes,
1 boiled beet

Recipe: Finely chop the green onions and dill. Place in the bowl in which the okroshka is prepared, add salt and lightly mash with a wooden spoon. Add chopped eggs, finely chopped fresh cucumbers, radishes and boiled beets (finely chopped or grated). Pour in kefir.

10. Meat okroshka with sweet clover.

boiled beef - 220 g,
boiled potatoes - 200 g,
green onion -120 g,
cucumbers - 300 g,
sweet clover leaves - 80 g,
sour cream - 120 g, eggs * 2 pcs.,
kvass - 1.4 l,
salt, sugar, mustard to taste.

Recipe: Finely chop the meat, cucumber, potatoes and eggs. Grind the chopped onion and young sweet clover leaves with salt and table mustard. Stir and pour kvass. Before serving, top with sour cream.

11.Okroshka with smoked sausages.

radish 1 bunch,
5-6 medium potatoes,
2 eggs, 4-5 medium-sized fresh cucumbers,
sausages 3-4 pcs (preferably smoked),
dill (large bunch),
green onions,

Recipe: Boil potatoes and eggs, cool. Cut radishes, cucumbers, sausages, crumble eggs. Mash the potatoes with a fork (but not mash them), grind the onion with salt. Mix everything, add dill, salt, add kvass.

12. Okroshka with beer.

Chop 5 hard-boiled eggs, grind them with salt and add a little sugar. Peel 400 g of fresh cucumbers and cut them into cubes. Finely chop two onions. You can also add cutting of other vegetables to your liking. Pour 1 liter of fresh beer over all products and stir.
When serving the dish, place sour cream and finely chopped parsley and dill on a plate. It is appropriate to add finely chopped pieces of dried or smoked fish to beer okroshka.

13. Okroshka from sorrel.

300 grams of sorrel;
2 pieces of boiled potatoes;
2 fresh cucumbers;
sausage or boiled meat 150 grams;
2 eggs;
radishes 4 pieces;
a bunch of dill;
2.5 liters of water;
sour cream.

Peel the sorrel leaves from the petioles, rinse in cold water, place in a sieve to drain, then finely chop, place in boiling water, and boil for 10 minutes with the lid closed. Strain the resulting broth and cool.
Cut potatoes, sausage, eggs, radishes, cucumbers into cubes, add chopped herbs.
Add sour cream to the chilled sorrel decoction, stir and add salt.
Place the okroshka vegetable base on a plate, pour in the prepared broth, and serve. You can decorate the dish with a slice of boiled egg and fresh herbs.

14. Okroshka "Ural"

5 glasses of bread kvass;
400 grams of sauerkraut;
2 boiled potatoes;
2 boiled carrots;
1 boiled turnip;
a bunch of green onions;
3 boiled eggs;
a bunch of dill;
sour cream, sugar, salt - to taste.

Chop the cabbage, add diced potatoes, carrots, turnips. Finely chop the onion and rub with salt. Chop the eggs and dill. Everything gets mixed up. After this, add salt, sugar, kvass. Serve with sour cream.

15. Meat okroshka with kefir.

700 ml kefir;
700 ml boiled water;
350 g boiled meat;
4 fresh cucumbers;
green onion feathers;
a tablespoon of sour cream;
2 hard-boiled eggs;
a tablespoon of sugar;
teaspoon mustard.

Cut the boiled meat and egg whites into small cubes, chop the onion and grind with salt. Cucumbers and potatoes are cut into medium-sized cubes. Mustard is ground with salt and sugar, egg yolk, and stirred in kefir. Mix all ingredients, add kefir, dilute with boiled water. Place in the refrigerator for two hours. Before serving, add sour cream to the okroshka and sprinkle with herbs.

16. Fish okroshka with cucumber brine.

You will need 1.25 liters, cucumber pickle 1 cup, boiled finely chopped fish 1 cup (tench, perch, pike perch or cod), boiled carrots 2 pcs., boiled potatoes 2 pcs., fresh green onions, onions 1 head, 2 cucumbers, 3 boiled eggs, lemon, sour cream, salt to taste. Also tarragon 2 tbsp. spoons of parsley and dill.

It is better to boil the fish in advance and remove it from the bones. Finely chop the vegetables and mix with the fish. Next you need to do the refueling. To do this, you need to mix chopped parsley, dill, finely chopped onion and tarragon with brine. Place fish, vegetables in a saucepan or any deep enough container and pour dressing over it all. Let it brew a little and then add kvass, salt and pour in lemon juice. Lastly, add sour cream to the okroshka and mix everything thoroughly.


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Okroshka is an ancient dish of Russian cuisine, the name of which comes from the verb “to crumble”. The recipe for this cold soup has been mentioned in literary sources since the 18th century. Since its inception, this dish has been constantly supplemented and improved. If initially okroshka was prepared as a mixture of meat or fish, vegetables and pickles (pickled cucumbers and mushrooms), seasoned with white kvass and sour cream, then gradually the recipe for the dish changed a lot. Today, as a rule, it includes boiled meat, potatoes, eggs, fresh vegetables and a large amount of herbs. Not only kvass is already used as a dressing, but also whey, kefir, other fermented milk drinks and mineral water.

Recipes for delicious okroshka are presented in our article. We suggest preparing each of them and choosing one worthy of your table.

Any recipe for delicious okroshka can always be changed and supplemented with other ingredients to your liking. This rule should be followed when preparing this original Russian dish. When preparing ingredients, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Potatoes for okroshka can be boiled in their skins or baked in the oven with their skins on. In this case, any cooking method will do.
  2. It is preferable to use meat instead of sausage. Good okroshka is made from tender domestic pork, beef and poultry.
  3. From fresh vegetables, you can use both cucumber and radish, which will make the taste of cold soup more piquant.
  4. If you need to add a little heat, season the okroshka with black pepper or mustard.
  5. You can add any greens in large quantities. To make the taste of the soup more rich, it is recommended to grind finely chopped dill, parsley and onion in a mortar with salt until juice forms, and only then add to the okroshka.

Delicious classic okroshka: recipe

Initially, kvass was used as a base for cold soup. We suggest preparing this recipe for the most delicious okroshka, which is considered a classic, below.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish is as follows:

  1. It is good to cool white or bread kvass. Leave it in the refrigerator until the rest of the ingredients for the dish are chopped.
  2. Boil any meat (200 g) with spices to taste. At the end of cooking, add salt. Then cool and cut into small cubes.
  3. Boil potatoes (3 pcs.) in their skins, wait until they cool down and cut into pieces in the same way as meat.
  4. Boil eggs (4 pcs.) in water with salt, cool, peel and chop into cubes.
  5. Finely chop the cucumbers and radishes.
  6. Chop the greens (onion, parsley, dill) in the same way.
  7. Mix all chopped ingredients in one bowl. Divide the resulting mass into plates, pour cold kvass and add sour cream to taste. Salt as desired.

Recipe for delicious okroshka with kefir

Finding delicious homemade kvass for classic okroshka is not so easy. Therefore, when preparing cold soup, many housewives try to replace it with fermented milk products, for example, whey, ayran or kefir. It is the last ingredient that is used in the next recipe.

The most delicious okroshka with kefir is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Potatoes and eggs (3 pieces each) are boiled in salted water, cooled and cut into cubes.
  2. Greens (onion, dill) are chopped.
  3. Fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.) and radishes (10 pcs.) are cut in the same way as potatoes and eggs.
  4. Boiled meat (300 g) or ham is finely chopped.
  5. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and poured with kefir (1 l). Salt, mustard and pepper can be added to your taste.

Okroshka with kvass

This recipe will appeal to all spicy lovers. This okroshka has a sharp taste due to the use of kvass as a liquid ingredient, as well as a piquant spiciness due to mustard dressing. The list of other components remains virtually unchanged.

The recipe for delicious okroshka with kvass is as follows:

  1. Potatoes and eggs (4 pieces each) are boiled until tender.
  2. Beef (300 g) is boiled with spices for about 1.5 hours, cooled and cut into strips.
  3. Potatoes, egg whites and 2 fresh cucumbers are cut into cubes.
  4. Any greens to taste are chopped (large bunch).
  5. Prepare a spicy dressing from mustard (1 tablespoon), boiled egg yolks and salt to taste. A few tablespoons of sour cream are also added here.
  6. The chopped ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and poured with kvass (1 l).
  7. Okroshka is poured into plates, after which a spoonful of mustard-sour cream dressing is added to each.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water

If there is no kvass in the refrigerator, then do not be upset. Highly carbonated mineral water will help replace this ingredient in okroshka. The sharp and piquant taste of the dish is achieved thanks to a special dressing based on egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice.

A delicious okroshka is prepared using kefir and mineral water according to the following recipe:

  1. Boil in the skins, cool, peel and chop 4 potato tubers into small pieces.
  2. Perform similar steps with chicken eggs, but only the whites should be chopped, and the yolks should be left for dressing.
  3. Boil the meat with spicy spices, onions and carrots.
  4. Chop the greens and a couple of cucumbers.
  5. Combine all ingredients together.
  6. Prepare a dressing based on hot mustard (1 tablespoon), lemon juice, salt and 4 yolks from boiled eggs. Add a few tablespoons of mineral water and mix well.
  7. Pour chilled mineral water (1.5 liters) over vegetables, herbs and meat. Add kefir to taste (about 500 ml).
  8. Pour the okroshka into bowls and add the dressing.

Recipe for okroshka with shrimp

Do you want to try something unusual and exotic? Prepare okroshka with shrimp, although it has almost nothing in common with the classic dish. Instead of cucumbers and radishes, tomatoes are used in cooking, which taste great with shrimp.

R The recipe for delicious okroshka involves the following step-by-step preparation:

  1. The shrimp are boiled until tender in boiling salted water. Then they need to be cleaned and, if necessary, cut.
  2. Tomatoes (3 pcs.) cut into cubes.
  3. Boiled eggs (5 pcs.) are crushed in the same way as tomatoes.
  4. Green onions and dill are also finely chopped (a bunch at a time).
  5. All ingredients are mixed in one bowl with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Next, pour water (1500 ml) into the resulting “salad” and squeeze out the juice from one lemon. Okroshka with shrimp is ready. It will taste even better if you use chilled and purified mineral water.

How to cook okroshka with sour cream?

A very tasty cold soup can be prepared from seemingly incompatible ingredients. The filling for the chopped main ingredients is prepared from water and sour cream, and the result is a very tasty okroshka.

All products for cold soup are practically no different from those presented in previous recipes. You will need several potato tubers, boiled eggs, meat, sausage, ham or sausages, cucumbers and radishes, as well as a large amount of various greens. The filling is prepared from two liters of cold boiled water and 500 ml of sour cream. The ingredients are mixed well, salt, pepper and mustard are added to taste. After this, the filling is poured into a mixture of eggs, vegetables and meat.

For many people, this is the best recipe for delicious okroshka. Water and sour cream make the dish tender, perfectly quenching both thirst and hunger in the summer heat.

Whey okroshka recipe

Many housewives, thinking about what to replace kvass in okroshka, are not even aware of the possibility of using this product. Meanwhile, whey is a very high-quality and healthy alternative to the famous bread drink.

According to the recipe, a very tasty okroshka is prepared as follows:

  1. Potatoes (4 pcs.), eggs (7 pcs.), meat (500 g) are boiled until tender.
  2. All ingredients are cooled, if necessary, peeled and cut into cubes or otherwise.
  3. Fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.) and herbs are also chopped.
  4. After this, the filling is prepared, on which the taste of the dish depends. To do this, add 200 ml of sour cream, salt to taste, as well as mustard and lemon juice to the cooled whey. The prepared filling should have a pleasant sour-salty taste.
  5. The whey filling is added to the other ingredients, after which the okroshka is mixed and served.

Okroshka with mineral water

If there is no kvass or kefir in the refrigerator, but only a bottle of cold mineral water, you can easily prepare a delicious summer soup that will be a real salvation in the heat. This dish is prepared from already familiar ingredients. Firstly, these are potatoes, boiled in their skins or baked in their skins, peeled and cut into cubes or cubes. Secondly, these are diced eggs. Thirdly, boiled meat. Fourthly, greens, several fresh cucumbers and radishes are added to the okroshka if desired.

All chopped ingredients are combined in one deep bowl with pouring. To prepare it, carbonated mineral water (1.5 l) is mixed with mayonnaise (100 g), salt, mustard, lemon juice and other spices to taste. Recipe for delicious okroshka with mineral water allows you to prepare a dish in a hurry. However, the taste of this cold soup is in no way inferior to the classic version of preparation.

Okroshka with sausage

Most housewives traditionally use either boiled meat or boiled sausage when preparing this dish. We suggest you deviate a little from the rules and prepare an unusual cold soup. It uses smoked or semi-smoked sausage (about 400 g) as an original ingredient. Okroshka turns out unusual, but very tasty.

Potatoes, eggs and other ingredients are prepared similarly to previous recipes. Kefir or kvass (1.5 liters) is used as filling. Before adding to sliced ​​foods, they must be well cooled. Other ingredients are added to okroshka to taste, for example, sour cream, salt, citric acid, mustard. Cold soup with a smoked aroma and taste is poured into bowls and served to the table.

Lenten okroshka recipe

The obligatory ingredient of this traditional dish is meat or sausage. But if you adhere to church fasting, you will have to give up these ingredients.

The recipe for delicious okroshka (lenten) is as follows:

  1. First of all, prepare boiled water and cool it well.
  2. Finely chop boiled potatoes, cucumbers, radishes and herbs. Neither eggs nor meat are used in preparing Lenten okroshka.
  3. Additionally, lettuce leaves torn by hand are added.
  4. Green onions are chopped and ground in a mortar until juice forms.
  5. The prepared ingredients are poured with chilled water and seasoned with lean mayonnaise, soy sauce, citric acid, salt and pepper.
  6. The finished Lenten okroshka is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which it is safely served to the dinner table.

There are many options for preparing okroshka. Some make it with kvass, some with pure kefir, yogurt, mineral water and even water with vinegar, but in our family they make okroshka with serum, prepared from kefir.

For okroshka, we have a special seven-liter saucepan, since this dish in our family belongs to the category of everyone’s favorite and quickly eaten, so the amount of food will be given based on this volume. Usually it takes 40 - 60 minutes to prepare. The time depends on how quickly the whey is cooled. Let's begin.

We will need:

1. 3 liters of kefir (take the most common one);
2. 6 medium potatoes;
3. 7 hard-boiled eggs;
4. Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs;
5. A bunch of green onions;
6. Boiled sausage – 500 g (usually we take “Doctorskaya”, or “Molochnaya”);
7. Mayonnaise.

First of all, we set the kefir, potatoes and eggs to boil.
Pour three liters of kefir into the pan, dilute with one liter of plain water, mix and put on fire. Don’t forget to periodically look into the pan and stir the kefir so that it doesn’t « ran away».

Next we set the eggs and potatoes to boil.

Let the whole thing cook for now, and we will start cutting the rest of the products. If you ever made Olivier salad, then everything for okroshka is cut this way.

Cut the cucumber lengthwise into 4 - 5 slices (depending on size), then cut these slices in half, and then finely chop them. The thinner the cucumber, the more flavor it gives to the okroshka, and if the skin is thick, then cut it off.

Cut the sausage into small cubes.

All that remains is to prepare the green onions and wait for the kefir to start boiling.

As soon as the cap begins to rise, this means that the kefir has begun to boil and divide into whey and cottage cheese. Don't miss this moment, otherwise you will have to wash the pan and stove.
Now you need to reduce the heat and do not let the cap rise, stirring with a spoon.

When the kefir boils, the cap will come off, and in the pan you will see whey and cottage cheese. Let them simmer for about two more minutes, then remove.

The pan must be placed in a cold place to cool the resulting whey. We always refrigerate the whey in the bathroom, i.e. pour water and place the pan with the lid open.

During this time, the potatoes and eggs should already be cooked, which means we chop the potatoes, having previously peeled them. We cut the potatoes, like cucumbers, lengthwise into three parts, where we divide each part in half, and then cut into cubes. True, it is not always possible to cut potatoes into cubes. It's OK.

When the whey has cooled, it needs to be strained, i.e. separate from the cottage cheese. If you don't have gauze at home, use a bandage. Stretch the bandage as shown in the photo and drain the serum into a suitable container.

When you're done, the curd should remain in the pan, even if a little gets into the whey - this is normal. Since we will still add a little cottage cheese to the okroshka.

Now you need to squeeze the whey out of the remaining cottage cheese in the pan. You can do this procedure through gauze or a bandage, or you can simply squeeze it out with your hands. Whichever is convenient for you.

After squeezing, place the resulting balls of cottage cheese on a plate, and in addition to the okroshka you have delicious homemade cottage cheese. Add sour cream or milk to it, you can sprinkle it with sugar or jam to your liking and...! Got a little distracted.

Leave a little cottage cheese at the bottom of the pan with whey; it will give the okroshka a piquant flavor.

Pour the whey back into the pan, add all the ingredients and crumble the eggs. You can chop with a knife or use a device like mine, but there is one caveat - after each pressure, roll the egg so that the pieces are not too long.

Add herbs, salt, mayonnaise, and stir the okroshka until the mayonnaise dissolves in it. In general, it is better to add mayonnaise and salt in portions, gradually bringing the okroshka to the desired taste. Add another 2 - 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese - it won't hurt.

Now that the okroshka is ready to eat, you can quench your thirst and hunger. But still be patient, and after the first snack, put the okroshka in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours so that it cools down, and during this time the food saturates it with its taste and aroma.

And when, after this time, you try the okroshka again, you will feel the difference.

And if you have any questions, be sure to watch this video.

Bon appetit!
Good luck!
