Making sea buckthorn oil at home. How to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home. Sea buckthorn oil benefits

Today I will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil yourself at home from berries, cake and seeds, and I will offer proven recipes. Treatment with a healing product has long been widely used in folk medicine. Preparing oil is not at all difficult, as it seems at first glance, but if you do it yourself, you will be completely confident in the quality.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

I am sure that a bottle of homemade sea buckthorn remedy should be in every home so that a reliable and reliable remedy for many diseases is at hand. To what extent the product has valuable healing qualities, read below, read by clicking on the link.

Sea buckthorn oil

The simplest way to prepare oil, but despite the ease, the product will be of good quality.

  1. Sort the berries, rinse several times in running water. Pass in a juicer. You don't need juice, drink it, freshly squeezed juice is good for your health.
  2. Fill the cake with regular sunflower oil. For 3 glasses, take half a liter of oil. Let it sit for several days (a week is enough) so that the berries transfer the beneficial substances to the oil.
  3. Strain the resulting oil from the cake and repeat the procedure again: squeeze the juice in a juicer, drink it, and fill the fresh cake with the oil infused in the first portion.
  4. The tincture will receive a double portion of microelements and vitamins and will be able to easily compete with the natural sea buckthorn product isolated from the berries.

How to make your own oil from press cake

  1. After sorting the berries, rinse them thoroughly, then dry them in the oven at low temperature. The berries should become firm and completely dry; do not allow the sea buckthorn fruits to burn during drying.
  2. Grind the dried berries in a coffee grinder until you get almost flour, and pour in slightly warmed sunflower oil. Take glass or ceramic dishes. The oil should completely cover the sea buckthorn flour.
  3. Stir the mixture, cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for about a week. Stir the mixture daily. The temperature is preferably room temperature, neither higher nor lower.
  4. Strain the oil through a fine sieve and place in the dark again. The oil should become transparent and there should be some sediment left at the bottom of the dish.
  5. Pour the product into another jar, separating the sediment. Cover tightly with a lid. This product will contain approximately 15% sea buckthorn oil. To get a more concentrated oil, repeat the full preparation process again, possibly several times - the percentage of berries will be maximum. Each time, fill a new portion of the cake with the product already infused with sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn oil from cake and seeds

For 4 cups of fresh berries you will need half a liter of vegetable oil. You can take olive oil. The good thing about this method is that the healing remedy can be prepared at any time, even in winter, if you have run out of what you have prepared, since frozen berries are used in the preparation.

  1. Sort the berries thoroughly, rinse, dry, spread them on paper, and place in the freezer for 4-5 days. Then defrost. Defrost extremely slowly, first put the berries from the freezer into the refrigerator, then continue to defrost at room temperature.
  2. When the berries have completely melted, squeeze out the juice using a juicer (another available method). Place the juice in the refrigerator for a while, it will come in handy later, and dry the remaining pulp. When it dries, separate the seeds and grind the cake in a coffee grinder.
  3. Combine the crushed seeds with crushed cake and place in a container with a volume of at least 2 liters. Pour in the juice and add vegetable oil. Stir well.
  4. Take a large saucepan, place a small metal lid (or any other stand) on the bottom, place a two-liter saucepan and pour water into the first, larger one. Boil the mixture in a water bath over low heat for about 3 hours.
  5. Remove from heat and place the container in a secluded place for three days at room temperature. A layer of oil forms on the surface, which you carefully remove with a spoon and pour into a separate glass container.
  6. Let the remaining oil sit for 3 days and again carefully collect the oil that forms on the surface. Repeat the process 3-4 more times. To make it easier to collect the oil, pour the remainder into a narrower container.

Sea buckthorn seed oil - recipe

Many people are not aware, but sea buckthorn medicinal product made from seeds, and not from cake, is considered the most valuable. I offer a homemade version. Moreover, you don’t need to use a whole berry; we will remove the seeds from the cake after squeezing the sea buckthorn juice.

  1. Separate the seeds from the cake to make the process easier, dry the cake a little by laying it on paper in a ventilated and warm place.
  2. The seeds can be easily separated if you take a handful of dry pulp and rub it a little between your palms.
  3. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder to make flour.
  4. Pour olive oil over the flour, wrap the neck of the jar with paper and place in a dark place for 2 months. Shake the mixture from time to time. After two months, strain - the oil is ready for treatment.

Don’t be surprised if the oil turns out to be quite light; this happened because the seeds do not contain carotene, which colors the sea buckthorn berry orange.

Homemade sea buckthorn oil from juice - recipe

An easy and least time-consuming way to obtain the product. Wash the berries, squeeze out the juice, pour into a wide bowl and place in a secluded place for a day. Then use a spoon to scoop up the oil that forms a film on the surface of the pan. You will recognize it, it will have an oily consistency. Pour into a glass container and store tightly covered in the refrigerator.

The oil obtained by this method is considered to be of incredibly high quality and of the highest concentration. The only downside of this option is that there is quite a bit of product.

Sea buckthorn oil - medicinal properties

In folk medicine, sea buckthorn berry oil is used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Check out the short list.

  • Diseases of the digestive system. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, improves digestion, regulates the secretion of gastric juice, and enhances intestinal motility. It has a wound-healing effect in cases of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Indicated for duodenitis, fatty liver, cholelithiasis.
  • Skin diseases. Being an excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, it improves healing processes and epithelization. It is used for dermatitis, acne, neurodermatitis, lichen, eczema, boils, burns, frostbite, cuts and cracks (for example, follow the link and you can find out treatment methods), and other difficult-to-heal wounds.
  • Vision. The risk of developing diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes and cornea is reduced. Clouding of the lens is prevented, intraocular pressure is reduced, and inflammatory processes are eliminated. Used for burns and eye injuries, conjunctivitis, trachoma, blepharitis. Used to prevent glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.
  • Oral diseases. It is used in the treatment of periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, and for healing wounds after removal.
  • Colds. Helps with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.
  • The cardiovascular system. By regularly consuming sea buckthorn, you will lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure. The oil helps prevent the occurrence of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Diabetes and obesity. With the help of the product, sugar levels are regulated and lipid metabolism is improved.
  • Restoring strength after operations and serious illnesses.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E.
successfully used for facial skin care, you can read more in the article by clicking on the link - you will learn beauty recipes. If you decide to prepare berries for the winter in a different way, welcome to the article:

My dear readers, share recipes with your friends on social media. networks, let them learn how to make sea buckthorn oil at home - a valuable product, in my opinion, everyone should have in their home. I suggest watching an interesting video about the benefits of berries, how to choose and prepare them. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from ripe sea buckthorn fruits, which, in turn, contain saccharides (3.5%) and organic acids (3.2%). The finished oil is a thick liquid with a specific odor, from light to dark orange. Many people have two or three trees with bright berries growing in their garden plots, housewives make jams and jellies from them, but not everyone knows how to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Meanwhile, with a little effort, you can provide yourself and your loved ones with an excellent wound-healing, anti-burn vitamin preparation of your own production.

Composition of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn berry oil is a leader among known vegetable oils in terms of carotenoid content. It is this natural pigment that gives the finished sea buckthorn oil its bright orange color. Beta-carotene, for example, is a precursor to vitamin A, which plays a huge role in the body's metabolic processes.

This oil contains large amounts of vitamin E, known as a powerful antioxidant.

The next feature of sea buckthorn oil is its huge content of vitamin C, which it contains more than citrus fruits. It is worth noting that ascorbic acid contained in the oil is highly resistant to heat treatment, and all thanks to the content of a special enzyme ascorbinase in sea buckthorn, which converts this acid into an inactive form.

Due to the high concentration of vitamins, sea buckthorn oil can have a general strengthening, wound-healing, granulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and regenerating effect on the human body. That’s why it’s so important to know how to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, sea buckthorn oil has some contraindications. It should not be used by people suffering from individual intolerance to the components of the product. It is also not recommended to be taken orally for gastritis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, or in the presence of inflammation in the liver and pancreas. Like any other oil, sea buckthorn oil, regardless of the method of its preparation, is contraindicated for diarrhea.

People prone to allergic reactions should use the oil for cosmetic purposes with caution. Therefore, before starting treatment with sea buckthorn oil, you should consult your doctor.

Preparing the berries

Today, there are several known methods for producing sea buckthorn oil, and each of them requires careful preparation of the berries, for which it is very important to comply with certain requirements during their collection and processing. Thus, preparing sea buckthorn oil at home is only possible if the berries are collected during the first frost. This ensures the integrity of the fruit and the content of the greatest amount of useful substances.

Before processing, the collected berries should be rinsed well under running water and dried, spread in one layer on a horizontal surface covered with a clean cotton or linen towel.

Cold method of preparing butter

Preparing sea buckthorn oil at home by cold pressing is recognized as the easiest way to obtain it. To do this, you need to grind the washed and dried berries in an enamel or glass bowl, then squeeze the juice out of them well through double-folded gauze, pouring it into a jar. One kilogram of berries will yield half a liter of sea buckthorn juice.

The container with juice should be placed in a dark place for a day. This time is just enough to naturally separate the oily and watery parts from each other. After the time has passed, carefully, using a pipette or dessert spoon, remove the resulting oil from the surface and pour it into a glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid. The procedure should be repeated after 24 hours.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home: method two

Sea buckthorn oil can also be prepared using vegetable oil. Olive oil is best suited for this purpose, but if it is unavailable, unrefined sunflower oil can also be used.

  1. the mass obtained after squeezing must be dried in the oven over low heat so as not to burn;
  2. as soon as the mass begins to crumble, it is pulled out and transferred to a coffee grinder;
  3. the resulting powder is poured into a dark glass jar and filled with vegetable oil, preheated to 40 degrees, proportion 1:3;
  4. the mixture is stored in a dark place for three weeks, and from time to time it must be gently stirred;
  5. after the allotted time, the mass should be filtered through several layers of gauze and squeezed thoroughly;
  6. the resulting sea buckthorn oil must be allowed to settle and carefully pour it into another container so that no sediment gets into it;
  7. The container with the oil is placed in a water bath for 5-10 minutes for pasteurization, so that it can retain its beneficial properties for as long as possible.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil: method three

Compared to the previous one, much less time is spent on this method of obtaining oil from sea buckthorn fruits. First, you need to squeeze the juice out of the berries, then pour the remaining mass with olive oil. The resulting mixture must be heated in a water bath and left for 24 hours, the water temperature should not be more than 50 degrees. After the specified time, the oil is squeezed out and poured into a previously prepared glass container with a lid. The finished product can be immediately used for its intended purpose.

Storing sea buckthorn oil

However, it is not enough to know how to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home. To get the maximum benefit from the product, it is important to provide it with the correct storage conditions.

Sea buckthorn oil should be stored in a tightly closed container, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +10 0 C. And the refrigerator is best suited for this purpose. In this case, oil prepared for future use must be poured into glass bottles to the top. When stored under such conditions, it will not lose its beneficial properties for one year. The shelf life of oil may vary depending on the quality of its purification.

I am publishing the third article about sea buckthorn oil. This time it will be for those who want to make it at home on their own. I wrote about the medicinal properties of this most useful product and where to buy it, about how to take it correctly -.

In fact, the option of making sea buckthorn oil at home seems to me to be the most optimal. There are at least 3 reasons for this.

  1. Quality! You will be 100% sure that you have made a quality product, since you made it yourself, with your own hands
  2. Cheapness! Real sea buckthorn oil cannot be cheap! If you see it for sale on the Internet or in pharmacies at a low price, then most likely it has been mercilessly diluted. Having learned how to make such oil yourself, you get it almost free of charge.
  3. Quantity! You can cook it as much as you want - for yourself, family and even friends as a gift. Buying, as I said, is an expensive pleasure. 100 ml cost approximately 600 rubles. If you want, you can even make money from this business!

What is needed to make sea buckthorn oil

So, you are excited about the idea of ​​​​making sea buckthorn oil and are planning to provide it to all your numerous relatives... Where to start and what is needed for this?

Not much is needed: your desire and raw materials. Well, everything is clear with desire, because it overflows, but what about raw materials?

You will either need to buy raw materials or, if sea buckthorn grows in the garden, use your own berries. Don't have sea buckthorn in your garden yet? Plant it urgently!

There are many options for making sea buckthorn oil:

  • from juice
  • from berries
  • from cake
  • from the seeds

Each recipe has its pros and cons. One allows you to get the oil of the highest concentration, which you cannot buy in any store, the second is easy to use, the third allows you to make oil at any time of the year, and not just in season.

In general, decide for yourself which recipe you will choose and which oil you will make, and my job is to tell you about them. So, let's go! I’ll start with the best, the one that allows you to get premium sea buckthorn oil! This is what I recommend using for my family.

Preparation of raw materials

In order to make high-quality oil, it is important to use the right (ripe) raw materials, that is, berries. To do this, you need to know when sea buckthorn is harvested or what ripe berries look like (if you buy them).

There are different varieties and their ripening time will also be different. The earliest varieties ripen at the end of August, and the later ones can ripen in October!

Usually, if sea buckthorn grows in the garden, the owner himself knows when the berries can be harvested, but those who plan to buy them need to learn how to determine the ripeness of the berries visually, that is, by eye.

It's not that difficult. Ripe sea buckthorn berries are usually orange in color, soft and aromatic in taste. Ask the seller to try a few berries and you will immediately understand.

Real oil can only be obtained from ripe berries, don’t forget about it! The final stage in the production of sea buckthorn oil is the preparation of raw materials: the berries are sorted, sorted, cleared of debris and washed. Then you can start making it by choosing one of the recipes proposed in this article.

4 recipes for making sea buckthorn oil for all occasions

Recipe for making premium sea buckthorn oil

The concentration of this oil will be the highest, but it has both pros and cons.


  1. You get the highest concentration of oil. It’s simply impossible to find something like this for sale.
  2. It's easy to make it yourself


  1. There is only one minus. It takes a lot of raw materials and time to make! But this disadvantage is leveled out if sea buckthorn grows in yours and you do not experience a shortage of berries over time. If you buy berries, it turns out to be expensive.

Making recipe:

Ripe sea buckthorn berries should be washed in warm water and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice is poured into a wide saucepan with a lid and stored in a dark place for a day. After a day, a thin oil film will appear on the surface of the juice. This is the best highly concentrated sea buckthorn oil! It must be carefully collected in a glass jar or bottle.

In order to collect at least 100 ml in this way. oil, you will have to do the described steps several times. But the healing properties of this product will be the highest! Believe me, it's worth it!

Recipe for sea buckthorn oil from cake

This is also a fairly simple recipe, which nevertheless allows you to obtain a product superior in quality to most pharmacy analogues.


  1. Ease of production


  1. It will take a lot of time to make, since the recipe requires a double approach.

Making recipe:

Ripe sea buckthorn berries are washed and passed through a juicer, but we will not need juice, as in the first case, but the waste that remains after squeezing - cake. It is this that needs to be placed in a saucepan and filled with oil (ideally olive oil, but vegetable oil can also be used). Proportions: for 3 cups of cake – 0.5 liters of oil.

After this, the product must be filtered and the whole procedure repeated again: the cake must be passed through a juicer and filled with oil obtained after the first time.

It’s a little tedious, but this double approach is justified by the fact that the end result is a fairly high-quality product, not inferior in medicinal properties to what pharmacies or online stores sell.

Recipe for oil made from whole sea buckthorn berries

The recipe is quite labor-intensive, in my opinion, but it has a big advantage - you can use frozen berries, which means you can make butter at any time of the year


  1. The ability to prepare oil whenever you want, be it in winter or early spring, since you can use frozen sea buckthorn berries.


  1. The complexity of the process (although this is a controversial point)


Take 0.5 kilograms of fresh or frozen sea buckthorn berries, rinse and place in the oven in a thin layer. Our task is to dry them, but not to burn them, so we dry them carefully, at a minimum temperature, constantly stirring and monitoring the drying process.

The berries are dried until they become hard. This can be determined visually or by tooth. After this, they need to be cooled and turned into powder using a coffee grinder.

After a week, you should have a product with a concentration of approximately 15%. You can increase it by mixing what you got the first time with a new portion of dried, ground sea buckthorn.

Recipe for making sea buckthorn seed oil

The peculiarity of this oil is its color. It will not be yellow, but despite this, this oil is considered very valuable, since most of the beneficial substances are concentrated in the sea buckthorn seeds.


  1. Very decent quality product
  2. Prepared at home


  1. Labor-intensive process and uncharacteristic color, which misleads many
  2. Long production time (2 months)


The berries are put through a juicer, we don’t need juice, we take the cake. The initial task is to separate the seeds of sea buckthorn berries from the cake. To do this, the cake is dried in the oven at a low temperature, after laying it on parchment paper.

When the cake dries, you can easily separate the seeds by simply rubbing the mixture in your palms.

The resulting seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, placed in a glass jar and filled with olive oil. The jar is not closed with a lid, but simply wrapped in newspaper and put in a dark place for 2 months. The jar needs to be shaken once every 2-3 days. After 2 months, the oil can be filtered and poured into a storage container. Ideally, this is a dark glass bottle. You can use bottles of Corvalol or other pharmacy tinctures.


If possible, be sure to master at least one of the described recipes and prepare sea buckthorn oil at home.

If you approach the matter responsibly, you can get a product whose qualities exceed all analogues on sale.

Sea buckthorn oil stores well and can help you out when you forget about it. A simple example is a burn.

All parents know how much trouble children cause and what it’s like to treat them after they knock over a kettle or a pot of boiling water (God forbid, of course, but this happens very often). By the way, it also helps very well against burns.

This is where you remember that such a wonderful remedy as sea buckthorn oil is waiting in your medicine cabinet...

In today's hectic world, free time is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Therefore, most people use ready-made cosmetics and medicines from store shelves and pharmacies, trying to choose more natural ones, for example, with sea buckthorn oil. But few people know that by spending just a few hours you can prepare sea buckthorn oil at home, and in quantities that will last for more than one month.

Beneficial features

Sea buckthorn has long been used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes, since its berries contain a lot of valuable substances. This includes a huge amount of vitamins, fatty acids, carotenes, tannins, and much, much more. But for all these compounds to have a positive effect, it is necessary to consume about 100 g of sea buckthorn per day, which is not possible for everyone due to its specific taste. You can solve the problem by using sea buckthorn oil, which, when properly prepared, contains all the beneficial substances, but must be used in minute quantities.

Like berries, the medicinal properties of sea buckthorn oil are as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • laxative;
  • nutritious, etc.

Thus, thanks to its unique properties, sea buckthorn oil has found application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. For medicinal purposes it is used for:

  • constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • burns, frostbite, bedsores;
  • anal fissures, hemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • weakening of the immune system after suffering from a particular disease;
  • decreased visual acuity and ophthalmic pathologies;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.

For cosmetic purposes, sea buckthorn oil is widely used in various masks. Depending on what other components will be included in their composition, such products help:

  • restore elasticity and smoothness even with aging skin;
  • eliminate dryness and flaking, which is especially important in the cold season;
  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • eliminate excessive redness of the skin, etc.

Tip: do not apply pure oil to your skin, as it can permanently turn it orange.

Sea buckthorn is also practically irreplaceable for hair, because it contains essential minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the hair, but also the scalp. It is amazingly suitable for both dry and oily hair, and in the first case it effectively moisturizes it, and in the second it dries it out. Therefore, sea buckthorn oil for hair is used for:

  • hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • scalp diseases;
  • hair fragility;
  • loss of shine, etc.


However, despite the many positive qualities of sea buckthorn oil, before you start using it, you should definitely consult a doctor or cosmetologist, since the benefits and harms of sea buckthorn oil may be unequal. Indeed, this excellent remedy can even harm a person if it is not used skillfully or if one does not know the contraindications.

Sea buckthorn oil should not be used for:
  • individual intolerance;
  • inflammatory processes of the gallbladder and liver;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes of the pancreas.

Also, in no case should you begin to independently treat stomach ulcers, gastritis and similar gastrointestinal diseases with sea buckthorn oil, since inept use of this remedy can significantly worsen the patient’s condition.


There are many methods for obtaining sea buckthorn oil at home. Some of them are simpler and require less labor, while others will require some tinkering, but the finished product will be more valuable from the point of view of cosmetology and pharmacology.

Important: oil can also be prepared from frozen berries, but, of course, it is preferable to use fresh raw materials.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil in the classic way you need:

  1. Select undamaged berries, rinse them thoroughly and dry them, spreading them in one layer on a paper towel.
  2. Extract the juice using a juicer, meat grinder or blender. In the latter cases, you will need to additionally separate the pulp from the juice by passing the resulting mass through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Important: sea buckthorn juice makes excellent preparations for the winter, which will help protect against any viruses and strengthen the immune system in general.
  3. The remaining cake is transferred to a glass container and filled with vegetable oil. You can use regular sunflower oil or give preference to the more expensive, but also healthier olive oil. For every 3 cups of cake you will need 0.5 liters of oil.
  4. Cover the container with a lid or cover it with cling film and set it aside in a dark place.
  5. After a week, the oil is filtered.

Attention! You need to be careful when working with sea buckthorn oil, as it leaves difficult-to-remove stains on clothes and can stain the skin.

The resulting product is ready for use, but it is still imperfect. To give it more beneficial properties, you need to repeat the procedure from the very beginning, that is, take new berries and squeeze the juice out of them, and fill the cake with the sea buckthorn oil obtained the first time.

Tip: do not use any metal utensils when preparing oil, as this will reduce the content of nutrients in it.

High concentration oil

Sea buckthorn oil at home, the recipe for which is given below, has a high concentration of beneficial substances. Therefore, when preparing various health and beauty products, it is required several times less than usual.

  1. Washed and dried whole berries are placed on a baking sheet in one layer and dried at 50 ° C in the oven until they become completely hard.

    Attention! When drying sea buckthorn, it is extremely important to prevent it from burning.

  2. The berries prepared in this way are ground into flour in a coffee grinder or any other similar device.
  3. Vegetable or sea buckthorn oil is heated to 30–35 °C.
  4. Pour the resulting flour into a glass jar and pour in heated oil so that it completely covers it.
  5. The contents are mixed, covered with a lid and put in a dark place.
  6. The mixture is stirred regularly for a week and then filtered through several layers of gauze, since it is almost impossible to separate small grains of flour in any other way.
  7. The resulting product is left for a day, during which a sediment of flour residues forms at the bottom. It is separated by carefully pouring the oil into another glass jar.

Advice: to further increase the concentration of beneficial substances, repeat the procedure several times, as in the classical method.

There is another recipe for making sea buckthorn oil at home. It is usually resorted to only when it is necessary to obtain a product with a maximum concentration of vitamins and other useful compounds, since the yield of the finished product in this case is extremely low.

  1. The juice is squeezed out of washed and dried berries and separated from the cake.
  2. The juice is left in a glass container with a large diameter, such as a bowl, in a dark place.
  3. After a day, a thin oil film forms on the surface of the sea buckthorn juice, which is carefully collected with a spoon into a hermetically sealed jar.

Some housewives practice the method of obtaining sea buckthorn oil using a water bath. It is simple and fast, but during heat treatment a lot of biologically active substances are lost, and the shelf life of the finished product is less than a month. Therefore, we cannot recommend it.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Sea buckthorn is a small tree or shrub of the sucker family. The leaves are narrow and long. The tree blooms in early - mid-May. The fruit is small, about 0.5 cm, yellow berries. Sea buckthorn berries are unique in their chemical composition. They contain a large amount of organic acids, vitamin C, B1, B2 (8 vitamins in total), carotene, boron, iron, manganese, folic acid, trace elements, serotonin, etc. Therefore, sea buckthorn has always been very popular among housewives. After all, by making jams, preserves, and compotes from this berry, you can provide your family with vitamins for the whole winter. You can also prepare valuable oil from sea buckthorn, which will not only replenish the lack of vitamins in the body, but also help in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, it is a wonderful cosmetic product. This article will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil at home. But first, let's talk about why this oil is so useful, and why it is simply necessary to have it in your home medicine cabinet.

The effect of sea buckthorn oil on the human body

This oil is used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. Dishes seasoned with this vitamin oil acquire a piquant taste. They can not only be used for dressing salads, but also used for frying. In medicine it is used as a powerful multivitamin, analgesic and wound healing agent. In addition, it strengthens the immune system.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Method number 1

This method produces the highest quality oil. To do this, wash and dry the berries on a towel, and then squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer, or simply mash with a pestle. Pour the juice into a wide but shallow bowl (it is better to use a glass bowl for this) and leave in a dark place for a day. The next day you will see oil collected on the surface and it will be lighter in color. Collect it carefully with a spoon or pipette. The resulting product should be stored in a cool, dark place. It should be noted that with this method, very little oil comes out, but it will be of the highest quality.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Method number 2

Wash and dry the berries. Place them on a baking sheet and place in the oven. And dry the berries at a low temperature; they should become absolutely hard. Then grind them into powder through a coffee grinder. Place the resulting sea buckthorn flour in a glass vessel and fill it with oil. Ideally, you should use olive oil, but sunflower oil may also work. Infuse the berries for seven days, shaking the bottle periodically. After a week, drain the resulting oil and store in a cool place.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Method number 3

This method is somewhat troublesome, but the result will please you very much. Take four cups of pre-washed and dried berries and place them in the freezer for five days. After the expiration date, defrost the berries very slowly. Mash the defrosted sea buckthorn and strain the juice.

Pour the juice into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. Spread the resulting cake on paper and dry at room temperature. When the pomace has dried, separate the seeds from the remaining pulp and grind into flour (in a coffee grinder).

Then pour the resulting bone powder, the remaining cake, juice and half a liter into a small saucepan. Cover all this with a lid and place in a water bath for three hours. After the specified time, remove the pan to a dark place for three days. During this time, a layer of oil will form on the surface, which will be lighter in color. Carefully remove it, and pour the remaining liquid into a saucepan of a smaller diameter and leave again for three days. After removing the next portion of sea buckthorn oil, pour the remainder into an even narrower pan. And so three or four times. As you can see, obtaining sea buckthorn oil is not such a difficult matter. Be always healthy!
