How to store butter in the freezer. Storing butter in the freezer - conditions and terms. Long-term storage - only in the freezer

Butter is a frequent guest in our kitchen. It is tasty and healthy if you choose a quality product and store it properly. To keep the oil fresh longer, it should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. But there are situations when this is not possible. In this case, you can also extend the life of the product if you know some secrets. Let's talk in more detail about each storage method.

How to store butter in the refrigerator

Eliminate foreign odors

The oil absorbs any odors very quickly. Therefore, during storage, it is important to ensure its isolation from other products, as well as reliable packaging. Foil or parchment paper works best for this.

Choose the right packaging

Butter purchased in bulk is divided into portions and wrapped in parchment. In this form, at temperatures from 0 to +6 °C, it will retain its original taste for 7 days.

Oil packed in foil stays fresh longer, a little over 2 weeks. And it is advisable to refuse common cling films and plastic bags. The oil in such packaging quickly begins to suffocate, turn yellow, and become bitter.

Note: the shelf life of the oil can be extended by as much as 2 weeks if you repackage the product after 14 days. In this case, it is transferred to a washed butter dish or wrapped using new foil.

Use an oil can

The butter, which is planned to be consumed in the next 2–4 days, is placed in a butter dish. There are certain requirements for this type of cookware:

  • It must have a lid and close tightly.
  • Choose an opaque container as the oil begins to deteriorate when exposed to light.
  • Preference should be given to a porcelain or stainless steel oil dish. But plastic containers are difficult to wash, and they also strongly absorb odors, which are very difficult to get rid of. It has been noticed that butter spoils faster in plastic containers.

Long-term storage - only in the freezer

It is worth keeping oil in the refrigerator, which will quickly be used in food. For longer storage, place it in the freezer.

Salted butter lasts longer

Sandwich butter that tastes salty can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. Salt inhibits the proliferation of bacteria that participate in the oxidation process.

Storing butter in the freezer

All valuable qualities of the oil will be preserved for 1 year if the temperature in the freezer is within - 18 °C. At -12 °C the product shelf life is 9 months.

Unnatural oil with additives, the so-called spread, can be frozen for no more than 3 months.

To prevent the butter from spoiling in the freezer, it must be packaged into pieces, each of which should be wrapped in foil or parchment. You can additionally protect the product from foreign odors if you place the packaged pieces in a thick plastic bag and tie it tightly.

Secrets of storing butter without a refrigerator

It happens, especially during a hike, a trip to the country, or when the refrigerator breaks down, that you need to keep the oil fresh. People's advice will tell you what can be done. Butter will not spoil within 3 weeks if you use one of the suggested methods.

Cold water

Take an enamel or glass container and place the oil in it. All that remains is to pour cold water and close the lid. The oil will not spoil for a very long time, provided that the water is replaced twice every day.


It prevents the growth of bacteria, so you can save oil by placing it in a container and filling it with salt water. The solution should be changed daily to avoid yellowing and rancid taste.

Complicated option. Cut the creamy product into pieces, wrap in foil or parchment. Take a pan in which to place the packed pieces. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of cold water and 20 g of salt, pour oil into it. Cover with a plate on top and place the press. Replace water once a day. Place the container with oil in a dark place.


You need to do the following: moisten a clean cloth in vinegar, wrap the creamy product in it. Place everything in the pan, and pay attention - be sure to leave a piece of sugar next to the bottom. Cover the dish with a lid.

Another vinegar-based method. Place the oil in a glass container, then add cold water and vinegar.

Note to the hostess

It so happened that they didn’t pay attention and left the butter on the table. As a result, under the influence of sunlight, it turned yellow on top. But all is not lost - the damaged piece can still be saved. In this situation, do this:

  1. Carefully cut off the top layer of oil that has turned yellow.
  2. The rest is placed in the pan. Heat it up and wait for the butter to melt.
  3. When the oil boils, add 3 slices of fresh apple.
  4. After a minute, remove the pan and leave the oil to cool. Remove the apple pieces.
  5. When the oil has cooled, you need to put it in an oil dish and keep it out of the sun's rays.

And finally, some tips on how to distinguish real oil from a surrogate:

  • Good oil has a light, whitish or slightly yellow tint.
  • Real oil has virtually no odor, and it melts in your mouth.
  • When cut, a frozen product will break off into pieces, but not crumble.
  • A natural creamy product, after taking it out of the refrigerator, will never have droplets of moisture on the surface.
  • If you put a piece of butter in a heated frying pan, it will melt slowly, without crackling or unpleasant odor.

Why is it worth buying domestic oil? We recommend watching this video.

Kyiv - February 27, AiF Ukraine. The saying “you can’t spoil porridge with butter” is only good if we are talking about natural butter - without adding vegetable fats. We value it for its nutritional value and high content of vitamins and fatty acids, as well as for its mild and unobtrusive taste. By what standards is this product produced, and in what quantities can it be consumed? For the little ones

Our local pediatrician says that the child (he is now five months old) can be given butter. Is not it too early? What should be its volume in the daily diet? Y. Krivenko, Kyiv

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends introducing oil into a baby's diet from four to five months. A little earlier - for babies who are bottle-fed, later - for infants. It should be introduced into food with a minimum dose of 1 g, gradually increasing the daily norm to 4 g by six to seven months, and by one year the norm can be increased to 6 g.

As for older children, pediatricians recommend giving about 7 g of oil per day until the age of seven. The daily diet of teenagers should already contain at least 10 g of butter. This amount is the required minimum for a healthy adult.

WHO also recommends setting an upper limit for butter consumption - 30 g per day, so as not to burden the body with excess cholesterol and not provoke the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Extraneous fat I know that by law a product that contains vegetable fat cannot be called butter. But several times I bought butter by weight, and it had a distinct margarine taste. How can you accurately determine whether oil contains vegetable fat? K. Fedorchuk, Kyiv

First of all, you need to focus on the product labeling. If you buy oil by weight, the seller must show all the accompanying documentation. That is, the first check is documentary. In Ukraine, DSTU 4399:2005 applies to butter, according to which it should not contain vegetable fats. That is, on the packaging you should also find information that it is made using this technology. If doubts remain, you should pay attention to the appearance of the oil. It should be uniform in color, plastic, but dense. If the butter crumbles when you cut it, it contains too much moisture.

Important percentages

What ingredients, other than processed cream, can manufacturers add to butter? I. Chekan, Donetsk

If this product is manufactured in accordance with DSTU 4399:2005, its composition may include: whole cow's milk, cream, skim milk, plastic and cheese cream, whole and skim milk powder, raw butter and dry butter, bacterial starter or fermenting agent , salt and drinking water.

The manufacturer can also add vitamin A (no more than 10 ml/kg), beta-carotene (no more than 3 mg/kg) and vegetable dye annatto (no more than 10 mg/kg) to the oil.

Cream or cow's milk processing products make up a certain proportion in the butter, and depending on their quantity, the fat content of the product and its class are determined.

Dubious Sandwich

How healthy is it to spread butter on bread? What products does it combine best with, and what combinations are harmful? E. Yanina, Kyiv

Nutritionists say that the combination of carbohydrates (bread) and fats (butter) is not the best option for those who adhere to proper nutrition. This combination promotes weight gain. Also, you should not combine oil with protein foods: fish, meat, eggs. It goes best with a variety of vegetables. But you should not fry cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin and other healthy foods in it - it is much better to add oil after they are cooked.

Turn out the light

What is the best way to store oil - in the original packaging or in a butter dish? Why does butter turn yellow when left in a warm place for a long time? N. Galich, Crimea

Both the factory packaging and the oil can should protect the oil from exposure to light, so either option is acceptable. Also suitable for storage are packaging such as parchment paper or foil. But just don’t leave it in a plastic container or plastic bag - the oil acquires a bitter taste and quickly deteriorates.

This product contains about 20 essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, K. Under the influence of high temperature and light, these substances oxidize, the product turns yellow, and this indicates the loss of its beneficial properties.

DSTU stipulates that oil can be stored at temperatures from 0 to -18 C for 2-12 months. This means that the butter can be kept in the freezer, but if you make a choice between frozen and fresh product, the second, of course, is preferable. Oil is stored in the refrigerator for much less time than in the freezer - at a temperature no higher than 6 C, the shelf life is no longer than 15 days. But there are times when this product needs to be stored without a refrigerator: on a trip, at the dacha, in a rural house, etc. In this case, you can choose one of the “folk” methods: Using vinegar. The butter bars can be packed in a piece of natural cloth soaked in water and vinegar. Immediately after drying, the rag must be wetted again. You can also put the oil in a jar and fill it with vinegar so that it covers it by two centimeters. Using salt. Pack pieces of butter weighing up to 200 g into parchment paper and place in a deep bowl with concentrated saline solution. It should be stored in a dark place and the solution should be changed every day.

Butter is a healthy dairy product that is high in calories and nutritional value. Many housewives are happy to use it to prepare hearty sandwiches and canapés, as a basis for frying, add it to hot main courses, and dough for sweet pastries. However, in order to get the maximum benefit, you need to know how to properly store butter at home.

In a refrigerator

The shelf life of butter in the refrigerator depends on the packaging of the product and its composition. Thus, butter in a foil package is stored for 20 days from the date of preparation, in a parchment paper package - 10 days. Salted sandwich butter can last in the refrigerator for a month.

The ideal temperature for storing butter is 0 ... +6 °C. To prevent it from oxidizing and absorbing the aromas of other products, it is necessary to wrap it in airtight packaging. You can leave the butter in its original packaging if it meets the sealing requirements, or wrap it in thick foil and parchment paper. It is not recommended to store butter in polyethylene or cling film - these materials do not protect well from the ingress of air, which can provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the product.

Butter will remain usable if, on the eve of the expiration date indicated on the packaging, the product is wrapped in a new sheet of foil.

If you have an oil can with a tight-fitting lid, keep the oil in it. Utensils made of ceramic, porcelain, stainless steel or opaque food-grade plastic are best suited. It is better to avoid using a glass oiler - the product will spoil very quickly.

Butter will remain usable if you wrap the product in a new sheet of foil just before the expiration date indicated on the package. This way, you can eat this oil for another 10–15 days without fear for your health.

How long you can store it in the refrigerator depends on how high-quality the product you purchased. So, choose only oil that was made a maximum of a week before purchase. If you prefer the goods by weight, be sure to evaluate the color of the bar (it should be yellowish) and ask the seller to cut a small piece. Good oil will not crumble and will release a small amount of water.

In the freezer

If you need to preserve butter for a long time, it is best to freeze it. In the freezer at temperatures down to –18 °C, it remains edible for a year. First, make the preparations - cut the bars into small portions, place them on a cutting board and place them in the freezer for a couple of hours. After this, package the preparations in special bags for freezing. Frozen butter can be thawed at any time and used to prepare your favorite dishes.

Without cooling devices

The issue of storing butter away from the refrigerator is relevant for travelers and those who like to spend weekends in nature. Even in summer, the oil can be kept away from the cooling benefits of equipment for 3 weeks without compromising quality. Various tricks that many good housewives know about will help with this.

  • Brine. Cut the butter into portions, wrap each in foil or parchment, place the pieces in a saucepan and fill with cold water with the addition of table salt (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Cover the pan with a lid and place a heavy press on top. Store brined oil in a cool, dark place, regularly draining the old brine solution and adding fresh brine.
  • Vinegar "clothes". Soak a piece of gauze or any other clean white cloth in vinegar. Wrap the butter tightly in the material and place in a food container with a lid. Place 2-3 pieces of refined sugar there.
  • Heating. Cut the butter into small pieces, place them in an aluminum or steel pan with a thick bottom and place on low heat. Skim off any foam that appears and continue to heat the oil until it becomes clear. Cool the finished ghee, pour it into a clean heated jar (leave the milk protein sediment at the bottom of the pan - this is a production waste) and close. This oil can be stored at room temperature away from light sources for a long time.

Proper storage of butter will not only extend the life of the product, but also protect you and your family from food poisoning. If you have even the slightest suspicion that a product is spoiled, immediately throw it in the trash. And to prevent such a nuisance, it is best to store the bulk in the freezer, and keep only a week’s supply in the refrigerator.

It would seem that this topic is not very relevant these days. After all, there are so many different types of butter on store shelves now that you don’t have to think about how to store this product, but buy it as needed.

But many thrifty housewives try to buy food, including butter, immediately after payday, as they say, while there is money. Or wholesale, which is much cheaper than buying one pack at retail.

How to properly store butter in the refrigerator

Butter easily absorbs all foreign odors. This means that it needs to be isolated from other products. Foil or parchment paper works well for this purpose.

  • If the butter is purchased by weight, then it must be divided into pieces acceptable for each family. What they will be depends on the appetites of family members, the number of eaters, and also on the culinary abilities of the hostess. After all, a lonely old woman will eat a 200 g piece of butter for two weeks, and a large family who loves sandwiches and porridge will destroy it in three days.
  • It must be remembered that butter in parchment paper is stored at 0-6°C for about a week without losing its original taste. And foil extends the shelf life by another ten days. Therefore, a piece of butter is wrapped in paper or foil and sent to the top shelf of the refrigerator - closer to the freezer.
  • Nowadays, cling film or plastic bags are widely used for food packaging. And some housewives boldly wrap butter in them. But you shouldn’t do this, as it suffocates in the bag, turns yellow and becomes tasteless.
  • If the oil is going to be used in the coming days, then it is placed in an oil dish. The choice of oiler also affects the taste of the oil. Porcelain or stainless steel containers are best suited for this purpose. An oil dish made of this material is easy to wash, removing the smell. But plastic dishes strongly absorb foreign odors, and the oil in them is stored worse. The exception is high-quality food-grade plastic utensils.
  • If you don’t plan to use butter for food in the near future, it should be put in the freezer.

How to store butter in the freezer

  • The butter is wrapped in parchment or foil and then placed in a thick plastic bag.
  • Tie it well so that the oil does not absorb the odors of vegetables or meat (fish). Put it in the freezer.
  • In the freezer, butter can be stored without loss of taste for about 9 months if the temperature in the compartment is -12°, and at -18° - up to a year.
  • Peasant oil is stored a little less - from 6 to 11 months (depending on the temperature in the freezer).
  • But if the oil is not real, but a spread, then such a product should be consumed no later than 2-3 months from the moment of freezing.

How to store butter without refrigeration

Sometimes there are situations when oil has to be stored at room temperature. What do you do in this case?

  • Place the butter in an enamel or glass container and fill it with very cold water. Close with a lid. In this form you can store it for a very long time. The main thing is that you need to change the water twice every day.
  • The butter is placed in a container and filled with salt water. In such water, the oil does not turn yellow or become rancid. But the water also needs to be changed daily.
  • Portioned pieces of butter are wrapped in parchment and placed in a pan. Pour in a salty solution (a spoonful of salt per liter of water) and press down with a small weight. The water is changed daily.
  • A piece of butter is wrapped in a cloth soaked in a vinegar solution and placed in a pan. Place a piece of sugar next to it and cover with a lid.
  • Sometimes housewives store butter in a glass jar into which cold water acidified with vinegar is poured.
  • The oil is placed in a jar, and that, in turn, is placed in a pan with cold water. The jar is covered with a damp cotton cloth, the ends of which are dipped in water.

Festive video recipe:

Note to the hostess

  • Butter should not be left on the table. So it spoils quickly.
  • Oil becomes rancid if exposed to light for a long time. Therefore, the oil dish should not allow light to pass through.
  • If the package of butter says “butter”, then it is real butter. In all other cases it is margarine. Or, as it is fashionable to call it now, “spread”.
  • The color of butter is sometimes unreal, as it is often tinted with carotene.
  • If the butter begins to deteriorate, then you need to mercilessly cut it off on all sides and melt it.
  • Butter is not recommended for frying, as it then forms carcinogenic substances.

These simple tips will help any housewife keep butter fresh and tasty.

Just need it in the refrigerator. This product is sold in different packages and without them, so storage rules imply compliance with a number of recommendations that can extend the shelf life.

Nuances of storing butter:

  • The simplest and most effective way to store butter is to place it in a butter dish;
  • if there is no butter dish, then it is better to store the butter in foil (in paper or plastic packaging, butter will spoil faster, and the taste may be impaired even in the absence of external signs of spoilage);
  • Butter can absorb extraneous odors, so you should not store it open near cooked dishes or foods with strong odors;
  • if the original packaging is not transparent, then there is no need to transfer the oil to special containers or wrap it in foil;
  • butter can be stored in plastic containers (it is important that they can be closed with a lid);
  • the oil can be stored for the period indicated on the package only if it has not been opened;
  • butter can be frozen (the taste properties in this case will not change, and the shelf life will increase several times);
  • if there is a lot of butter (for example, it was bought by weight), then you can extend its shelf life using a cloth soaked in table vinegar (it is recommended not only to wrap the product in a cloth, but also to place a piece of sugar on it);
  • a piece of sugar will extend the shelf life of the butter and preserve its taste if you place it in a butter dish;
  • Butter can be stored at room temperature for some time (it is important that the product is not exposed to direct sunlight and not exposed to any heat sources).

If there is no refrigerator?

If you don’t have a refrigerator, you can preserve it for a long time using a simple homemade design. First, the product must be divided into several small portions, each of which must be wrapped in parchment paper. Then the workpiece should be placed in an enamel bowl and filled with saline solution. In this case, 20-25 g of salt will be needed for 1 liter of water. The liquid should completely cover the oil. The container must be closed with a lid, and a heavy plate or plastic bottle with water must first be placed on the butter. We need to create an imitation of the press. This blank is placed in the coolest and darkest possible place. The butter will remain fresh for several weeks, and the product will not absorb salt thanks to the paper.

How long and at what temperature should you store butter?

The optimal storage temperature for butter is +6 degrees. The standard shelf life will be at least three weeks. In foil, a butter dish or a plastic container, this period can increase to four weeks.

When frozen, butter can be stored for 12 months. It is recommended to consume this product in portions. If butter is constantly defrosted and re-frozen, this can negatively affect its taste.

Shelf life of butter depending on packaging:

  • in paper packaging the shelf life will be a maximum of 10 days;
  • butter can be stored in foil for up to 20 days;
  • in containers or a butter dish, the shelf life will be at least 3 weeks.

Nuances of temperature and shelf life of butter:

  • at temperatures from -5 to +5 degrees, oil can be stored for an average of 30 days;
  • if the temperature is above +5 degrees, then the maximum shelf life of the oil will be 20 days;
  • when the temperature drops to below -5 degrees, the product can remain fresh for 12-14 months.

If it begins to turn yellow during storage, then this nuance indicates incorrect conditions for the product. Such oil may not be spoiled, and the yellowness can be cut off with a knife. However, after such a factor, the storage conditions and temperature conditions should be changed.

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