How to bake a regular sponge cake. Airy and very tender sponge cake - cooking options. How to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker

Chicken eggs can be taken either from the refrigerator or those that were stored at room temperature. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Place the whites in a whipping bowl. Place the yolks in a deep bowl.

Experienced cooks insist that the eggs be slightly warmed at room temperature before beating. Cold whites have a higher density and whip longer and worse.

The dough for this dessert can only be mixed with egg whites or yolks, but our version uses whole eggs.

Add a pinch of salt to the whites. Start the whisking process and continue until you get a fluffy foam.

As soon as foam has formed, gradually add half the granulated sugar, spoonful at a time. Don't stop whisking until all the sugar has been added.

Continue beating until a dense, stable protein mass is formed. How to check if egg whites are whipped correctly? Turn the bowl of egg whites over. The mass should not spread.

Add the remaining sugar to the yolks.

Take a mixer or whisk and beat until thickened. The beaten yolks will become lighter and creamier.

Add the dense whites to the yolk mixture and carefully fold them into the dough, stirring with a spatula.

In 2-3 additions, add the sifted flour along with baking powder. After each addition, stir gently with a spatula.

  • To obtain a more tender and airy biscuit dough, it is recommended to replace ¼ part or half of the wheat flour with potato or corn starch.
  • The homemade cooking method we suggest is with baking powder, but you can do without it if you are sure that your mixer beat the eggs and sugar perfectly. Beaten eggs are filled with air bubbles, due to which small pores are formed in the baked mass.
  • To ensure that the sponge cake has a pleasant aroma, vanilla or ground cardamom, cinnamon, a little orange zest, and a few drops of almond or rum flavoring are added to the dough when kneading.

First, melt the butter in a way convenient for you. Cool to a temperature of + 25-30 degrees. Add warm butter to the biscuit dough. Stir until smooth.

  • According to GOST sponge cakes should be prepared without adding oil. But many people with a sweet tooth agree that butter makes the dessert softer, more delicate, with a pleasant creamy taste. The presence of oil increases the calorie content of the product and prevents its rapid deterioration.
  • Some chefs claim that the most A delicious sponge cake is obtained by mixing the dough with sour cream or kefir. Although, in fact, this is no longer a real biscuit, but an imitation of it.
  • To obtain it, add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder to the dough.

Take a mold with a diameter of 18-20 cm. Cover the bottom with parchment. Add the dough and carefully spread it over the pan. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the dough in the oven for 30-50 minutes. Since everyone’s oven is different, after 30-35 minutes, when the dough has risen well, you can open the oven slightly and check for doneness with a skewer. When piercing the baked biscuit, the skewer should be dry. If the oven is a regular gas oven, you can place a wide container of water on the bottom to prevent the biscuit from burning on the bottom side.

  • If you plan to make it, then take a wider mold to lay out the dough in a thin layer. A cake that is too thick cannot be rolled into a roll.
  • Do not open the oven too early, do not slam the door, otherwise the fluffy mass will easily settle.
  • If you don’t have an oven, make the treat in the multicooker bowl using the “roasting, baking” mode. The taste will be no worse than baked goods from the oven. The only drawback is that the surface of the cake will not brown and will remain light. However, many housewives use a trick: they turn the finished pie over and turn on the slow cooker again to brown it on the other side.

Dessert is ready. Cool it in the mold until warm. The structure of the delicacy is soft and porous, like a sponge.

Carefully remove from the pan and leave on a wire rack for several hours. Afterwards, cut into portions and serve to a sweet table, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

The best base for a cake is a simple sponge cake made with 4 eggs, which does not contain baking powder, soda, or any other additives).

I make this sponge cake very often, cutting the cake layers and soaking them in cream, syrups, or adding candied fruits and nuts to the dough.

Simple biscuit recipe:

  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 120 g.
  • Sugar - 120 g.

How to bake

1. Set the oven to preheat to 200 C.
2. Separate the whites from the yolks.
3. Let's start beating the yolks: add 2/3 of the sugar, beat until a fluffy white mass that will be stretchy. The grains of sugar should melt and not be felt to the touch.

4. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam (when turning the container with whipped whites over, they should be so well beaten that they do not spill out of the dish). Only then add the remaining sugar and continue beating until shiny.

On a note! When beating egg whites for biscuit and other airy doughs, it is important not to overdo it with beating - you should get a dense mass, but air bubbles with fairly dense walls that will not burst in the oven after expansion.

5. Add the sifted flour to the yolks with sugar, mix gently.
6. Add the whipped whites to the dough, stirring the dough as carefully as possible, trying not to lose air.

7. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour.
8. Place the dough in the mold and put it in the oven.
9. During baking, do not open the oven to avoid the sponge cake falling off. After 20 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick (pierce it in the center of the sponge cake); if it is dry, the simple sponge cake is ready!

Do not remove the finished biscuit from the oven immediately; let it stand for 10 minutes in the switched off (but still hot) oven to avoid falling.

Turn the cake over onto a wire rack so that it releases moisture evenly as it cools. A little secret: it is better to turn the biscuit upside down, in this case both the top and bottom of the biscuit will become even.

A well-cooled sponge cake should sit for 8-12 hours before being used as a cake layer.

Using sponge dough you can make a delicious Turtle cake. Try this simple recipe and practice making a sponge cake.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Dear readers and guests of my blog!
Thank you very much for your feedback and questions that you send me in response to recipes.
I will try to answer the most frequently asked of them:

— How to beat yolks with sugar into white cream? What to do if grains are still felt?

To speed up the beating, you can place the container with the yolk mixture in a bowl of warm water.
And the sugar will melt faster, and the whipping will also proceed at a completely different speed.

— What to do if you can’t insert the proteins into the dough correctly? The airiness is lost if you mix and achieve homogeneity of the dough.

Don't worry about the dough losing airiness after adding the proteins. She will get lost in any case, the most important thing is that she does not get lost completely.

- Help with advice! The sponge cake in the mold “fits” unevenly: it rises in a slide in the middle, but does not rise at the edges. I read on the Internet that you don’t need to grease the pan, then the cake will rise evenly. Is it so?

I recommend greasing the pan and dusting it with flour: in this case, the cake rises in a mound, but when you take it out of the oven, the sponge cake settles a little and you need to turn it upside down onto a wire rack to get a flat surface.

But if you do not grease the side walls of the mold, the sponge cake will also rise in a mound, and after cooling, the middle will fall a little and the sponge cake will become even. You can only remove it from the mold after carefully cutting it in a circle with a knife.

I hope that the recipe for a simple sponge cake will help you out many times both before the holidays and in everyday life!

Another version of a quick sponge cake from the master in the TV program “Tasty Stories”.

In contact with

Vladimir, how to make delicious biscuit dough?
Proportions for classic biscuit dough: for 1 egg 25 grams of sugar and 25 grams of flour. The result will be approximately 60 grams of biscuit. At first glance, everything is simple: measure, mix, bake. But in fact, in the preparation of biscuit dough there are a number of not obvious things that affect the final result.

For example?
Let's start with the products. Flour must be of the highest quality with high gluten. You cannot take the first grade or bran flour. Before cooking, the flour must be sifted. By the way, there is an option for making a sponge cake without flour, from chopped almonds or other nuts. You will get an almond sponge cake.

Let's go back to the classics...
Also needed for testing sugar, ordinary granulated sugar, fine. It will dissolve better when beaten with the yolks. It must dissolve completely, otherwise grains of sugar will brew, and this will affect the porosity of the biscuit. Undissolved sugar may cause a crunch in the finished product. Therefore, you need to beat well, the yolks until white, the sugar until completely dissolved.

What to beat with and what temperature should the products be at?
You need to beat intensively and do it better with a mixer with a spatula attachment. The yolk temperature may be slightly above room temperature. The longer the yolk sits at room temperature, the better. Protein, on the contrary, loves the cold. Therefore, the whites must be beaten with a cold whisk in a cold bowl until fluffy. There is no need for salt, sugar, or lemon juice - these are additives for meringues. For sponge cakes, the whites are whipped without anything else and always separately.

What's next?
You need to mix the yolks with sugar, add the sifted flour, mix and carefully fold in the whipped whites. To make the biscuit porous, it is important to mix carefully, by hand. The mass should remain airy.

How can you ruin biscuit dough?
For example, overbeat the dough: the longer you beat it, the more rubbery the sponge cake will be. Secondly, the biscuit can be " plant" There is such a concept in professional chef vocabulary. This means that the protein was not mixed into the dough correctly. When the sugar is beaten with the yolk, then the sifted flour is added and only then the whipped white should be added. It is better to do this manually, mixing very carefully with a spatula. So that the protein is distributed evenly, remains airy, and does not shrink. If the biscuit is planted, it can only be used for making cakes " Potato».

What else is contraindicated for biscuit dough?
Acid. If there is citric acid in the dough, it will destroy the protein and “seat” the biscuit. The biscuit does not need fat (butter or cream).

What then can be added to a biscuit without harm?
Almost any spices. For example, cinnamon, anise, star anise, Indian spices or cocoa powder. The main thing is not to overdo it. If ground cinnamon, then literally on the tip of a knife for one biscuit. Be sure to grind the spices well, mix with flour and sift before adding to the dough. Their set will depend on what the biscuit is needed for. If this is an independent dish, you should stick to the classic version, without additives.

What about more interesting additives?
Chocolate, for example. It must be melted, mixed and added when mixing the white with the yolk. Or here’s an unusual additive: matcha green tea. Add to the dough and get a green sponge cake. I prefer adding cloves or cinnamon; they give an interesting taste.

In what form should the biscuit be baked, and with what should I grease it?
In a round springform pan with non-stick coating: 24-26 cm is the ideal diameter. With high sides, the higher the dough, the fluffier the sponge cake. If the pan has a non-stick coating, you don’t need to grease it, just bake it. If using parchment, cut a circle the diameter of the bottom of the pan and a high strip, just above the sides.

At what temperature should the biscuit be baked?
If you bake in the traditional way in the oven, then for a thick sponge cake it is 180 °C, for thin - 200 °C.

What is “not traditional”?
Steam. My neighbor in the country, an Armenian, cooks this way. And it's really very tasty! This biscuit is much airier. Place a container on a pan of boiling water, pour the dough into it and “bake”. It takes longer to prepare, of course. The time depends on the thickness of the biscuit, but on average it is 40 minutes at 100 °C. You can bake the sponge cake in a convection steamer at 120°C. Sometimes it's worth trying to cook classic things in a different way like this.

Is it a myth that the oven door should not be opened while baking?
Believe me, it's not a myth. You really can’t open the oven, otherwise the biscuit will settle irrevocably. The biscuit dough rises due to the protein. It rises, gradually increasing in volume. And you need to be patient so as not to disturb the temperature regime. When the dough has risen, the volume has been fixed, baked at a sufficient temperature, it does not fall.

How long should it take before the oven can be opened?
20 minutes minimum. Then you can start looking, trying, checking readiness. Take a bamboo skewer, lower it into the middle and see: if it’s wet, the dough is still raw, if it’s dry, the biscuit is ready.

How to properly remove a sponge cake from the mold so that it does not fall apart?
The finished biscuit must be completely cooled in the mold for 4 hours.. Then carefully remove (you can trim around the perimeter with a knife), remove from the parchment and leave for another hour. Afterwards, the sponge cake can be cut, soaked and sealed with cream - this is if the cake needs to be prepared quickly.

When and how to soak a biscuit?
Ideal for soaking and gluing yesterday's sponge cake; it will absorb the impregnation better. The finished biscuit can be left overnight in the refrigerator, covered with film or placed in an airtight container so as not to absorb foreign odors.

Soak immediately before gluing. A good biscuit can absorb up to 2 liters of impregnation. Therefore, you need to soak it very well: take a spoon or brush and coat each cake generously.

What is the ideal way to soak a biscuit?
The impregnation should be cognac. You need to mix 1 part cognac with 10 parts sugar syrup. Mix well and soak the biscuit. Rum, Amaretto liqueur or coffee are also suitable as alcohol. The technology for coffee is the same as for tiramisu. Fresh espresso should be mixed with Amaretto liqueur. Or make lingonberry impregnation: cook fruit juice (according to any recipe) and mix it with syrup.

What kind of cream should I prepare?
Will do butter or buttercream, and whipped cream. For a classic cream, you need to beat 100 g of butter with 50 g of condensed milk, add a little 10 grams of cognac. It is good to shade the cream with berries, for example, lingonberries. When the sponge cake is glued with cream, let it soak for 3-4 hours at room temperature. After this, it can be covered with marzipan or mastic, as well as coated with cream on the outside and sprinkled with crumbs. The choice is huge - wafer crumbs, rice chocolate, coconut flakes or almond petals.

Chef's Tips:

Chicken breasts, thighs, legs

The chef of the Oblomov restaurant, Yuri Bashmakov, shared with us his professional experience on the topic of cooking chicken.


Read to the end and you will find a video recipe for a delicious sponge cake!

Biscuit dough is one of the most common and easiest to prepare. It would seem that even a child can do it, all you need to do is mix flour, sugar and eggs, put it in the oven, and there it is, fluffy and aromatic. If you want to assemble a cake, you want to roll rolls. In fact, everything is approximately like this. But incidents often happen to it - it rises poorly, falls off after baking, or crumbles too much. To avoid all this, check out some rules and tricks of sponge dough.

  1. The biscuit is made from sugar, flour and eggs in a ratio of 1:1:2
  2. Use large eggs at room temperature. The biscuit does not use soda; the fluffy porous structure is achieved by whipping the whites into a strong foam. Logically, large eggs have more protein.
  3. Bake the sponge cake only in an oven preheated to 180°.
  4. The baking dish must be greased with butter, but not all of it. Only the bottom and walls no more than 1 cm in height are greased, otherwise the walls of the biscuit will not be able to rise, but the middle will rise, the biscuit will not be even and may crack. After the mold is greased, you need to make a “French shirt” - dust the mold with a thin layer of flour, turn the mold over and shake out the excess flour.
  5. Up to 25% of flour can be replaced with potato starch. Starch will retain moisture, the biscuit will not dry out and will crumble less.
  6. During the first 10-15 minutes of baking, do not open the oven or move the pans. Baking time depends on the thickness of the dough. If you are preparing cake layers with a height of 3-4 cm, the baking time will be 40-50 minutes. If you are preparing a roll (about 1 cm thick) – 10-15 minutes.
  7. To prevent the biscuit from falling off, it is cooled in the molds. Then turn it over onto a wire rack so that the biscuit cools evenly on all sides.
  8. After the finished biscuit has cooled, it can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator overnight. This way the moisture inside the biscuit will be evenly distributed, the biscuit will not crumble, it can be cut into several cake layers, and its taste will become much better.
  9. There are 2 ways to prepare sponge cake - cold and hot. When it is cold, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks; when it is hot, this is not necessary. If you suddenly decide to prepare a sponge cake using a cold method, but when separating the whites from the yolks, a drop of yolk gets into the whites, do not rush to throw it away. Prepare the sponge cake hot.
  10. When preparing sponge cake, we use a mixer only to beat the whites and yolks. Then the mixer must be removed. You need to stir the flour into the yolk mixture and add the whites with a wooden or silicone spatula, stirring not in a circle, but from top to bottom. This way we will mix all the ingredients and maintain the porous structure of the dough.

Read also Date sponge cake

Editor's note. There are different practices for what to do with the sponge cake after you take it out of the oven. The article says that the biscuit needs to be cooled and then wrapped in film. Personally, I always wrap the sponge cake IMMEDIATELY, while still hot. What you do is everyone’s choice. Try it this way and choose what tastes best to you.


  • 6 fresh large eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 180 grams of sugar.

Cold way

Step 1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with half the sugar for 5-8 minutes. The mass should increase 3 times, become almost white and hold its shape for 10 seconds.

Step 2. In a clean, dry, fat-free bowl, beat the egg whites with clean, dry whisks until the mass increases 3-5 times. Add the remaining sugar in a thin stream and beat until sharp peaks form.

Step 3. Mix the beaten yolks and a third of the whipped whites with a silicone spatula from bottom to top; there is no need to stir for long.

Step 4. Add flour in a thin stream and continue stirring from top to bottom until the flour is combined with the mixture. Not longer.

Step 5. Add the remaining whites and mix gently from bottom to top again, literally for a few seconds.

Step 6. Fill the greased molds 2/3 full and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. We check readiness with a wooden skewer; it should be dry.

Hot way

Step 1. In a water bath, beat the eggs (both whites and yolks) until they warm up to 40-50 degrees.

Step 2. Continuing to beat with a mixer, remove the eggs from the bath, add sugar in a thin stream, beat until the mixture cools to room temperature and increases 2-3 times.

Biscuit dough is the classic and most common version of cake layers for cakes and other desserts that we are used to using. In fact, there is nothing complicated in making a sponge cake, and any cook can make it themselves at home with a minimum of effort.

This biscuit dough is suitable for almost any type of cake.

What you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • flour – 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon.

First of all, prepare all the necessary ingredients. Take a small mold with a diameter of 20 centimeters, grease it with oil and cover the bottom with parchment paper. The flour must be sifted a couple of times so that it does not contain unnecessary impurities. The whites are separated from the yolks. Be very careful when doing this.

In a separate bowl, mix the yolks with 75 g of sugar and vanilla. We rub them with a whisk until they increase noticeably in volume. Beat the egg whites with a mixer at low speed until peaks form. After this, we begin to gradually pour the remaining sugar into it, while the mixer does not turn off.

Add 1/3 of the beaten egg whites to the yolks, mix gently with a spoon and pour in flour. Mix well again, add the remaining whites and knead the dough. Do not overdo it, otherwise the air bubbles will disappear and the biscuit will not rise. Pour the dough into the mold, level it and bake for half an hour. Temperature 180 gr.

In a slow cooker

And again, owners of multicookers can rejoice, because they are able to make biscuit dough using a miracle of technical thought. Multicups are listed as a measure of weight in the ingredient list.

What you will need:

  • flour – 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • drain butter – 20 g;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Separate the yolks and beat the latter until peaks form. Add the yolks and both sugars one by one and continue beating with the mixer. Gently add flour to the mixture and mix with a spoon or spatula.

After this, grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter and carefully pour the dough into it, leveling the surface. Sponge cakes are prepared in the “Baking” mode for about an hour. The result is a fluffy base that can be used to create any dessert.

Biscuit for 4 eggs in the oven

To make sponge dough for a 4-egg cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • rast. oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.

All the eggs are broken into a bowl at once and the sugar is poured in. An important point: the surface of the dishes and any objects in contact with the dough must be dry. Even a drop of moisture is not acceptable in the biscuit, otherwise it will not rise.

Beat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved, and at the same time add a little flour there. Gently knead the dough. We line a baking dish with parchment, greased with oil, pour the dough into it and put it in the oven for 40 minutes.

With sour cream for cake

What you will need:

  • flour – 2 cups;
  • sour cream – 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • drain butter – 20 g;
  • soda – ½ teaspoon.

The yolks are separated from the whites and mixed with sugar. After this, sour cream is added to them. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Pour flour into the resulting mass. Separately, beat the whites to stable peaks and combine them back with the yolk component.

In a greased pan, bake the sponge cake for about 45 minutes at a set temperature of 180 degrees. The finished dessert can be divided into several identical cake layers and used to make a cake with any filling.

Custard on boiling water

Choux pastry in boiling water is one of the non-standard options for preparing a sponge cake. Be sure to try it using the following step-by-step recipe!

What you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • flour – 1 glass;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • rast. oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water.

First of all, set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees, since preparing the dough will not take much time. The form is covered with parchment. Flour is mixed together with baking powder. Beat the eggs with sugar until white foam appears.

Flour and baking powder are sifted through a fine sieve into the egg-sugar mixture. Beat the dough, pour in vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons of boiling water. Beat again, then transfer the dough into the mold. We wrap it in a circle with a cold towel, and on top with foil. This is necessary so that the biscuit rises evenly in all places. Cook for 40 minutes, periodically checking the crust with a toothpick.

Quick sponge cakes in 5 minutes

Even a kitchen amateur can make a sponge cake in 5 minutes. This recipe is so simple that it is almost impossible to mess it up.

What you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • drain butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – ½ cup;
  • flour – ¾ cup;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons.

The eggs are beaten together with sugar. At the same time, you need to melt a piece of butter in the microwave or on the stove. Add vanillin, cocoa powder, melted butter and baking powder to the mixture. At the end, sifted flour is added.

We take a special glass that can be used in the microwave and place it right in the middle of the bowl with biscuit dough, having first filled it with water. This will help the biscuit bake more evenly.

We put the microwave oven on the most powerful mode and send the workpiece there for 5 minutes, after which we keep it on heating for another couple of minutes. The finished biscuit can be greased with honey or chocolate.

How to make it with kefir?

Kefir sponge cake is a simple and tasty version of homemade cakes that can be served at a holiday table or a regular tea party.

What you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • drain butter – 100 g;
  • flour – 2 cups;
  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Beat eggs, melted butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth. Next add flour mixed with baking powder, a pinch of salt and vanilla sugar. Beat the mixture again with a mixer at medium speed. Lastly, pour in the kefir and stir with a wooden spatula. The result should be a dough similar in consistency to that used to make pancakes.

Don't forget to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. The mold is greased with oil, covered with parchment paper and the dough is poured into it. Make sure that it is evenly distributed over the surface. Bake for 40 minutes and constantly check the doneness with a skewer or toothpick.

No added eggs

Need to make sponge cakes urgently, but don’t have eggs at home? Do not despair! After all, you can use a recipe where you don’t need to add them.

What you will need:

  • flour – 200 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • rast. oil – 100 ml;
  • lim. juice – 2 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, preheat to 180 degrees. oven and line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper. Mix flour, sugar and baking powder in one bowl, butter, lemon juice and 200 milliliters of warm boiled water in another.

Carefully pour the liquid component into the dry one and mix thoroughly.

As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, immediately pour it into the mold and set to bake for half an hour.

A delicious sponge cake without eggs is ready!

Chocolate sponge dough for cake

What you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • flour – 100 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • drain butter – 20 g.

Separate the yolks and beat them together with sugar. Please note that The fresher the eggs, the tastier the biscuit will be.. When the mixture turns white, add flour and vanilla sugar to the bowl. Mix gently with a spoon or spatula.

At the same time, beat the whites. Separate one third part and add to the yolks with sugar, beat at low speed with a mixer or a whisk. At this stage, you must be extremely careful, otherwise the protein will settle and the biscuit will not rise. The resulting dough is poured into the greased form. The chocolate sponge cake is prepared for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • drain butter – 50 g;
  • flour – 1 glass;
  • honey – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • fat sour cream – 0.5 kg;
  • boiled condensed milk – 1 can;
  • milk chocolate – 50 g;
  • walnuts.

Mix melted butter, a tablespoon of sugar, honey and eggs in a bowl, then send to a boil in a water bath, stirring constantly. When the mixture visually increases in volume, remove the dishes from the stove. Add flour and start kneading the dough. When the mass becomes plastic, divide it into 6 equal parts.

To prepare the cream, beat the sour cream and remaining sugar at medium speed. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. and bake the cakes one by one for 10 minutes. They must be very thin, so when rolling out the dough, we visually control the size. Each new cake is greased with cream, and the third and sixth ones are additionally coated with boiled condensed milk. The leftovers are brushed onto the sides of the cake. Decorate the resulting dessert with grated chocolate and walnuts on top.

Using creams you can not only make a layer for the cakes, but also decorate the dessert itself.

Below you can find a list of the most popular supplements.

  1. Butter cream. Its preparation will not be difficult. You will need heavy cream (33, 35%) and a mixer. Beat the product at the highest speed, then pour it into a pastry syringe.
  2. Protein cream. It is also very easy to prepare. You need a couple of egg whites and sugar. Using a mixer at medium speed, beat the eggs until peaks form and after that they can be used directly for layering the cake.
  3. Custard. If you are afraid to take raw proteins, you can try this option. In addition to sugar, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little water. The mixture is cooked over medium heat. Determine the degree of readiness by scooping the cream into a teaspoon. The thicker the jet, the better.
  4. Sour cream. This cream is tastier than butter and not as high in calories. However, to prepare it you must use sour cream, which contains at least 30% fat. The recipe is incredibly simple - just beat the product at high speed with a mixer. Experienced confectioners advise using the cream immediately after preparation.
  5. Butter cream. This option is used more for decoration than for use. Just take full-fat butter, a couple of eggs, milk or condensed milk and powdered sugar, beat the resulting mixture with a mixer until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.