How to open a business with glazed fruits. Caramel apples are a new business idea. How much can you earn by caramelizing apples?

In Russia, the chocolate market is developing rapidly. From 2013 to 2019, chocolate consumption increased from 6 to 8 kg per person per year. Despite the trends towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, people continue to buy sweets and candies: for themselves and their families, as holiday gifts. The chocolate production business pays for itself in a matter of months and brings stable profits to the owners.

Chocolate making business ideas

There are two models for organizing the technological process: home or industrial chocolate production.

By choosing the first option, you can start a business at home in the kitchen, investing a minimum of money in equipment. But it will not be possible to officially register such a business, so the responsibility for working without registering with the Federal Tax Service and paying taxes will fall on you.

In the second case, you will have to comply with the requirements of inspection authorities, rent and prepare a workshop, hire employees and establish a stream production of chocolate products.

Making handmade chocolate

“Chocolate boutique” is a concept that came to Russia in 2016. The boutique sells elite handmade chocolate made according to home recipes. The owners of such establishments rely on the uniqueness of their products, inferior to large workshops in production volumes.

The assortment of the chocolate boutique includes:

  • dark, white and milk chocolate bars;
  • chocolate with fruit and berry fillings;
  • truffles;
  • candies with non-standard fillings;
  • gift sets of different types of chocolate.

Customers can order personalized sets, chocolate fountains and even engraved chocolates.

The fashionable trend of gourmet boutiques is the combination of incompatible tastes. Luxury chocolate manufacturers offer ginger, chili peppers, candied fruits and even bacon as fillings. They sell flavored candies exclusively in original packaging.

Handmade chocolate is a delight for gourmets, so it will always find its buyer

Making fruits in chocolate

Strawberries, apples and bananas are fruits that are in demand all year round. In combination with chocolate they form a unique delicacy. The advantage of the chocolate-covered fruit business is minimal competition on the Russian market. The disadvantage is the pronounced seasonality. In winter, the cost of fruit increases, and consumer demand decreases.

A possible way out of the situation is to rent space in a city shopping center in order to work even in the cold season, in a place with maximum traffic. Advertising can focus on the vitamin content of products.

There is nothing tastier than chocolate-covered fruit: neither children nor adults can resist this delicacy.

Making chocolate figures

The technology for making chocolate figurines is simple - hot chocolate is poured into molds, then cooled until hardened and the halves are removed. The edges of each are carefully heated and glued together. Figures are used to decorate cakes and pastries and are given as gifts for children and adults on holidays.

To prepare a chocolate butterfly or openwork lace you need:

  • melted chocolate;
  • glass bowl for heating;
  • Silicone forms.

Instead of molds, you can use any objects: cups, shot glasses, spoons, paper sheets and others. By combining different types of chocolate and adding food coloring, confectioners give the figures a unique design. Show your imagination and an unprecedented result will not keep you waiting.

Chocolate figurines are ordered to decorate wedding and anniversary cakes

Where to start: business registration

Chocolate production belongs to the food industry, so be prepared for numerous inspections by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Register your business before starting work by choosing one of the forms - LLC or Individual Entrepreneur.

Advantages of being an individual entrepreneur:

  • registration 5 working days in advance;
  • minimum state duty when registering a business;
  • minimum documents.

The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is liability to creditors with all property. If you own an apartment and have accumulated debts in your business, be prepared for the property to be put up for sale.

Pros of opening an LLC:

  • financial responsibility within the authorized capital;
  • a participant in a legal entity can leave it by alienating the company’s share;
  • the company can be sold or donated if necessary;
  • in case of suspension of activities, the organization does not transfer contributions to pension and insurance funds.

The disadvantages of an LLC are a complicated registration procedure and the need to contribute an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles, as well as a state fee of 4 thousand rubles. for registration of a company.

When registering, select a tax system that is comfortable for you. Small businesses should consider a simplified regime (STS 6 or 15%). When planning to open a large-scale production facility, think about UTII (flat tax on imputed income). The amount and procedure for paying taxes depends on the chosen system.

Table: comparison of tax regimes

Tax regime Limits
Revenue Average number of employees Average annual cost of funds Kind of activity Capital structure
BASIC No limits
Unified agricultural tax No limits No limits No limits Agriculture No limits
UTII No limits 100 people No limits The share of participation of other organizations is no more than 25%
USNO 6% 60 million rub. 100 million rub. Except for some activities
simplified taxation system 15%
PSN 60 million rub. 15 people No limits There is a list of activities Only for individual entrepreneurs

Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as a conclusion from the SES on the possibility of starting work. Get a health certificate, even if you make candy in minimal quantities.

Organization of home chocolate production

An exclusive home confectionery can compete with large-scale production due to the quality of its products, the use of natural ingredients and proven chocolate recipes. When working independently, pay close attention to the quality of the product. Experiment with combinations of flavors and offer customers a variety of products. The disadvantage of doing business at home is the inability to officially register the company. This is due to the fact that the kitchen area must be removed from the housing stock in order to organize food production in it. In this case, you take on all the risks associated with unofficial entrepreneurship.

Recipe and manufacturing technology

Follow the recipe and technological process when making chocolate - the taste and shelf life of the finished product depend on this.

The simplest chocolate recipe at home:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 150 ml of milk in a bowl. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously.
  2. Gradually add 1 teaspoon of flour and 50 g of butter. Continue stirring the mixture until smooth.
  3. Pour hot chocolate into molds, after pouring the filling into it (wafer crumbs, nuts, raisins).

When choosing chocolate, customers first of all pay attention to appearance and taste.

Once the chocolate has cooled, it is ready to eat. Homemade sweets can be stored for 2–6 months at temperatures up to 17 degrees. Transporting chocolate is only permitted in vehicles equipped with cooling systems.

The weight of the candy should not exceed 3–6 g so that the client can put it whole in his mouth and taste it without biting.

Premises requirements

Technical conditions for chocolate production are determined by GOST 31721–2012. In the document you will find information on the quantity of ingredients for the manufacture of different types of cocoa-based products, as well as requirements for equipment and workshop. Despite the lack of registration and inspections, try to comply with the maximum requirements of the standard. The room must be ventilated, with artificial temperature conditions and low humidity levels. The optimal temperature for storing chocolate is up to 17 degrees.

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

You can open a home confectionery shop with minimal investment if you work to order and use kitchen equipment. Purchase raw materials for chocolate production:

  • chocolate mass or cocoa;
  • cacao butter;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • emulsifiers;
  • milk or cream.

Buy quality ingredients. To save money, replacing cocoa butter with palm oil and cocoa with carob, you risk the taste of the future chocolate.

At home, use a coffee grinder to grind cocoa beans into powder.

As your business develops, start purchasing professional equipment:

  • high power juicer for cocoa butter;
  • grinding machine to remove excess moisture;
  • tempera for quick crystallization of chocolate;
  • various shapes and stencils.

The cost of a home kit for the production of elite sweets does not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

Sales and advertising company

At first, sell candies directly to customers. To do this, create groups on social networks, take attractive photos of products and post advertisements. Invite friends and acquaintances to groups, set up targeted advertising for members of competing groups.

When you develop your business and open a kitchen outside your home, having received permission from the SES, negotiate with retail chains and coffee shops that do not have a kitchen, and supply candies for sale. The main thing is to comply with the conditions of delivery and storage of goods.

Financial calculations

Home production does not require special expenses and pays off within a few months.

Table: costs of starting a business

Table: systematic costs

Planned income

The cost of one bar of exclusive handmade chocolate is 200 rubles, the cost of its production is 25–35 rubles, depending on the filling. On average, you can sell 200 tiles per month, the final income is 40 thousand rubles. Net profit per month is 15 thousand rubles, payback period for a home business is 5 months.

Business plan for producing chocolate on an industrial scale

Industrial production is different from home production. You will not be able to cope with the volume of production alone; you will need to involve employees. Equipment for a full-fledged workshop costs tens of times more, and the manufacturing technology is more complex than at home.

First of all, hire a technologist for your enterprise. He will be responsible for the process of making chocolate and working on recipes. Purchase raw materials only after working out each recipe.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are roasted, ground and mixed with the remaining ingredients in a conche machine, and then cooled and formed into bars.

The process of making chocolate in the workshop is automated and includes the following steps:

  • dosing of components;
  • initial mixing;
  • mixing in a conche machine for up to 3 days;
  • heating the chocolate mass to 50 degrees;
  • pouring into molds;
  • cooling to 33 degrees and holding for 40 minutes;

The production of different types of chocolate differs in the initial set of ingredients and technology adjustments. To prepare aerated chocolate, it is enough to add air when loading the raw materials for conching, but for bitter chocolate you will have to use more cocoa powder.

Selecting a room

To organize a chocolate workshop, a room with an area of ​​60 square meters is sufficient. m. Requirements for the workshop:

  • is not part of the housing stock;
  • equipped with ventilation;
  • there are sinks with cold and hot water;
  • the walls are tiled up to 1.5 m from the floor;
  • the rest of the walls are painted.

To make bars and candies perfectly even, buy a molding machine for your workshop

Indoors, equip a space for storing products with optimal temperature, as well as an office and a workshop with equipment.

Purchase of equipment

The cost of purchasing equipment ranges from 1 to 10 million rubles. Industrial equipment for a chocolate workshop:

  • ball mill for mixing ingredients;
  • boiler for melting butter;
  • conche mixing machine;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • tempera for crystallization of chocolate.

In conche machines, the chocolate mass is kept with constant stirring for 24–72 hours

Auxiliary equipment:

  • conveyors;
  • ventilation system;
  • thermostats;
  • planetary pumps;
  • hoods;
  • molding equipment;
  • packaging unit;
  • printing press for making wrappers.

Purchase of raw materials

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which can be purchased in Africa, Australia, and Asia. There are three types of beans suitable for chocolate production:

  • “Creole” - selected premium beans;
  • "Stranger" - average quality;
  • "Pumpkin" - low-grade beans.

Cocoa beans go through three stages before turning into powder:

  • frying at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • separation of liquid and husk;
  • grinding into powder.

In addition to the powder, purchase cocoa butter, sugar and milk, as well as ingredients for fillings if you plan to make candies.

Don’t skimp on ingredients: the more natural ingredients, the higher the quality of the chocolate.


For the normal functioning of the workshop, hire employees. Make sure everyone has valid health records.

Composition of employees:

  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • driver;
  • cleaner.

Enter into non-disclosure agreements with your employees regarding the company’s recipes.

Formation of assortment

Large confectionery factories use a similar recipe, and their production volumes do not allow them to produce exclusive chocolate in small batches. In a small workshop you can make chocolate according to original recipes, varying the composition of ingredients and filling.

Together with the technologist, evaluate production capabilities and calculate the expected production volumes. Develop your own specifications. Based on the planned purchases of raw materials, create a menu. Complete them and post them on the company website or in a group on social networks.

A high-end chocolate boutique's selection typically includes handmade chocolates and cakes, as well as beautifully packaged gift sets.

Possible distribution channels and advertising

Chocolate lovers (82%) buy their favorite product in supermarkets at the same time as purchasing other goods. At the same time, 21% of them are ready to specifically go to the store for chocolate. Milk bars are chosen more often than others, bitter ones less often. Only 4% of buyers like white chocolate. “Chocolate boutiques” with exclusive varieties of your favorite product are gaining momentum.

Probable distribution channels for products:

  • supermarkets;
  • non-chain grocery stores;
  • stalls, tents;
  • coffee shops, cafes;
  • fairs, exhibitions.
  • shops, coffee shops;
  • Internet, social networks;
  • city ​​magazines;
  • release of own catalogs;
  • sponsoring events.

To ensure that your product does not get lost on store shelves, do not skimp on original packaging and memorable advertising

Business settlements

Calculations are given using the example of a workshop with an area of ​​60 square meters. m., equipped with everything necessary and operating under a license.

Table: opening costs

Table: regular costs

Expected income

The cost of one chocolate bar is 100 rubles, the cost of its production is 20–35 rubles. On average, only through retail chains you can sell 5,200 tiles per month, the final income is 520 thousand rubles. Net profit per month is 260 thousand rubles, the payback period for a home business is 2 years.

Business profitability reaches 200% even when using natural ingredients. If you replace cocoa powder and cocoa butter with cheap analogues, it will increase by another 1.5 times.

Franchise or own brand

You will need significant capital to start your chocolate business from scratch. There is an exit. If you doubt your abilities, buy a franchise. Famous chocolate factories operating under franchising:

  • "Chantimel";
  • Podarilli;
  • Frade.

Franchise benefits:

  • work under a well-known brand;
  • proven production technology;
  • opportunity to buy equipment at a discount/leasing;
  • consulting assistance;
  • mechanics of doing business;
  • feeling of working as a team.

Disadvantages of franchising:

  • the need to pay the franchise seller a monthly fee - royalty;
  • high cost of business;
  • excessive demands on the incoming partner;
  • the need to comply with the franchisor's conditions.

A franchise buyer always runs the risk of running into an unscrupulous company that, instead of existing mechanisms for effective work, only gives a couple of instructions on how to conduct business.

The Konfael franchise allows you to ensure stable turnover and makes it possible to obtain higher profitability compared to a business created from scratch

Newbie mistakes

Beginners in the chocolate business often make mistakes. The key problem is underestimating consumer demands. Manufacturers in small towns are especially guilty of this. They rely on the uniqueness of the product, without paying attention to consumer qualities. As a result, the client receives an exclusive candy in expensive packaging, but it tastes obscene. Naturally, the client does not come again. In general, in provincial cities, people place inflated demands on the quality of food products, compliance with which is the key task of an entrepreneur.

If you decide to start a chocolate production business and have enough funds, don’t hesitate. Assess the market in your city, analyze the demand of potential buyers. Calculate expenses and income and get started. If you doubt your abilities, choose a popular franchise and follow the proven methods of professionals.

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Selling fast food on the street is a good idea for making money that doesn’t require a lot of money. Many budding entrepreneurs focus on street trading, opening kebab shops, hot dog and pizza stalls. The competition in this area of ​​​​earnings is quite large, therefore, for a beginner, it is sometimes very difficult to find a good and profitable place, interest buyers and recoup all investments in a short time.

Among the variety of fast food, it is quite difficult to decide on the idea of ​​​​earning money. I recommend that you do not open another hot dog stand, but do something more - open a kiosk selling caramel apples.

In our previous article, we already discussed in detail a similar idea of ​​​​earning money, we told you about trading them on the street. Today, we will continue such an interesting topic and talk in more detail about the profitability of the caramel apple business.

The history of the dessert

To begin with, it’s worth talking about the dessert itself and what it is. It is worth noting that this delicacy appeared quite recently and not everyone has yet been able to try this dessert on the streets of their city.

Caramel apple can easily be classified as street fast food. This dessert is prepared on the street, in crowded places in the city, in a specially equipped tent, right in front of visitors. The caramel apple is a simple yet delicious treat that consists of a regular apple on a skewer, topped with sweet caramel and sprinkled with nuts, dried fruit or cinnamon.

The history of this dessert goes far beyond the borders of our country. This delicacy was first invented by the inhabitants of the East. It is worth noting that at that time, caramel was used as a preservative in order to preserve the freshness of the fruit longer. After Europeans tried this delicacy, it continued its march around the world and recently appeared in our country.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Caramel Apple Business

Any field of activity has its pros and cons. Therefore, before starting a business, you need to study the idea in detail and come to a conclusion whether it is suitable for you or not.

Little competition. It should be noted that the caramel apple is a new, less popular dessert. Not every city can yet try it. This means that there is practically no competition in this field of activity. Therefore, do not lose the opportunity to occupy a profitable niche.

Minimum financial investment. This type of earnings can safely be classified as . Renting a tent and purchasing equipment will cost you several tens of thousands of rubles. As for raw materials, ordinary apples are used to prepare the dessert, which cost pennies during the season. Thus, the low cost of the product does not differ much from its price, which will undoubtedly attract buyers.

A healthy and vitamin-rich treat. This dessert differs from others in its relative usefulness. An apple is a vitamin-rich fruit that even adherents of a healthy diet consume. As for the glaze, there is very little of it and although it is not very useful, it will not do much harm to your figure. Therefore, this dessert will be popular in any city, among children and adults.

Appearance. A caramelized apple sprinkled with nuts, chocolate chips, cinnamon and other goodies looks very impressive. Many people will not be able to resist trying this delicacy. And the divine aroma will attract visitors from afar.

Disadvantages of business in the production of caramel apples

Seasonality of business. This type of income, as a rule, is relevant only in the warm season. In winter, all summer tents close and fast food workers go on vacation to wait for the next season. You can follow their example, either by accumulating capital or by starting a pizzeria.

Equipment for the production of caramel apples

To engage in this type of business, you need to purchase the following equipment:
  1. Mobile cart. First of all, you should buy a special portable cart that will be convenient to transport from place to place. It is advisable that it be with an umbrella that will protect you from the sun or rain, because you will have to stand in any weather. In addition, buy a portable chair, because standing all day is very difficult.
  2. A caramelizer is a special equipment that makes caramel for apples. Its cost depends on manufacturers and power. You can purchase this equipment for approximately 15–20 thousand rubles.
  3. A device for putting apples on a skewer. Naturally, you can do without it and do it manually. But it’s still better to buy this inexpensive device; with it you will save time and also will not spoil the appearance of the dessert.

Purchase of raw materials

It is worth noting that the appearance of the delicacy depends on the quality of the apples, so you should buy only selected fruits. Don’t forget about the type of apples; they should not be too sweet, otherwise the dessert will be too cloying.

In addition to apples, you will need caramel mixture, sugar and water.

Packaging and accessories for serving dessert. As noted above, caramel apples are served on sticks. This is done for convenience, so that the caramel does not melt or flow, and it is convenient for people to eat dessert.

Caramel apples can be presented in different ways. This amazing and tasty dessert will look original both on a regular skewer and in an original paper box. Decide for yourself how to serve it. Just keep in mind that a lot depends on the design; people like it when the delicacy is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

How to make a caramel apple?

Now it’s worth talking directly about the process of preparing this dessert.

First of all, you need to purchase the main component of the dessert - apples. We have already said above that you need to choose fruits very carefully, taking into account their appearance as well as taste. Apples that are too sweet are not suitable; it is better to give preference to varieties with sourness.

After the fruits are purchased, they need to be washed and dried.

Preparing the glaze. For many, this stage seems the most difficult, but it is not so. Water, sugar and caramel mixture are placed in the caramelizer. The mixture is heated at a certain temperature, resulting in the formation of finished caramel, which is used for apples.

Apples are strung on a stick and dipped into hot caramel. After this, they are taken out and cooled. As a rule, the dessert is sprinkled with nuts, candied fruits, coconut, and chocolate. The result is a very impressive and equally tasty delicacy that both children and adults will enjoy.

Sales and customer acquisition

Caramel apples, like any type of fast food, are best sold in crowded places in the city. Therefore, it is advisable to place your outlet in places with large crowds of people. It is very profitable to sell dessert during major holidays; there are several times more buyers these days. You can also participate in various street food festivals and fairs.

Catering. This is another option for making money. You can provide catering services in your city. Clients can be a variety of companies and individuals; for example, many people will order this dessert for a birthday or party.

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Costs and profits

First of all, let's discuss the amount of investment. To start a business, you will need:

  • Registration with the tax service;
  • Renting a place and purchasing a portable tent;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of raw materials.

The idea of ​​creating a business selling street food is capturing more and more minds and hearts. Small investments, quick payback and development opportunities make this industry very attractive. The only question remains choosing the right product. Most often you can find trays with various kinds of sandwiches, pizzas, hamburgers and hot dogs. For sweets, donuts and ice cream are popular. But all these products have become boring, and consumers will be happy with the new fashion for street food. One such option would be the sale of caramelized apples.


Apples in caramel - truly all-season dessert. Ice cream is sold mainly in the summer, donuts - in cold weather. Apples will be scattered both during the New Year holidays, autumn slush, and in the hot summer and blooming spring.

For each season, you can come up with your own shade of caramel and additional decorations. The attractive appearance, sweet and sour taste and originality of presentation will appeal to customers and will make them return to the tray with a magical delicacy more than once.

Apples in caramel can be not only an excellent dessert, but also a fairly satisfying snack.

Caramelized apple on a stick: the history of the dessert

Caramelized apples have not yet revealed their secret of origin.

There is a version that a long time ago, a careless cook dropped a hot coal and an apple into a bowl of sugar. But it looks like a beautiful European fairy tale.

Information about recipes for similar desserts in China has been preserved. Their peculiarity is that they are served chilled so that the caramel crunches and cracks.

But it is more likely that the dish was first prepared in the East - since the 10th century, Arabs have been using sugar molasses as a natural preservative and pouring it over fresh and dried fruits for long-term storage. Preservation was especially important when preparing food for long journeys. Perhaps it was nomads who brought caramel apples to Europe.

The first information about caramelized apples in Europe dates back to the 18th century. The delicacy became widespread in the 19th century., but what distinguished it was its overly hard shell. And only in the last century a recipe for creamy soft caramel appeared, the taste of which is known to everyone now.

Advantages and disadvantages of this business

Like any business, the production and sale of caramelized apples has its own characteristics that make it easier (or hinder) doing business.

The undoubted advantages on the Russian market include low competition(in many cities the delicacy is simply not sold), novelty of the product, receptivity of the target audience(parents with children, youth). Indirect competition is also low, because Some desserts have already become traditional, and many consumers will prefer to try a new delicacy.

Attractive appearance The product plays an important role among the positive features of this business. Bright caramel in all shades of the rainbow and colored sprinkles will not leave the consumer indifferent and will attract a lot of attention, unlike most traditional types of street food.

Besides, taste dessert is of great importance. It stands apart from the usual typically sweet treats - ice cream and donuts. Apples in caramel attract with their sweet and sour fresh taste and do not cause heaviness in the stomach afterwards.

The most significant advantage is considered to be relatively small capital investment And short payback period, and omnipresence product.

The main disadvantages boil down to short shelf life of raw materials(according to standards, apples can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days) and finished products(caramel will “float” in 2-3 days). In hot weather, caramel may begin to melt just a couple of hours after cooking.

To be effective, it is necessary to carefully select apple varieties, because in the delicacy the fruit remains half-raw and its taste is felt extremely strongly. Bad apples can ruin the sales of even the most prepared entrepreneurs.

How much can you earn from caramelizing apples?

Basic capital investment will amount to approximately 45 thousand rubles. For online promotion, at first, groups and accounts on social networks will be enough. It is possible to administer these groups on your own and not invest funds in the first months.

Current expenses boil down to expenses for wages, rent, tax burden and raw materials.

Let's assume that the rent will be 15,000 rubles.

Earnings in the regions vary greatly, but approximately we can assume that a master will earn 500-1000 rubles per workday. To increase sales, it is advisable to tie part of an employee’s salary to a percentage of sales.

The approximate estimate for raw materials for the production of a unit of production is as follows:

  • apple – 5 rubles;
  • caramel mixture – 15 rubles;
  • granulated sugar - 2 rubles;
  • water – 3 rubles;
  • butter – 1 rub.;
  • napkins – 0.1 rub.;
  • sticks – 4 rubles;
  • paper bag – 0.5 rub.;
  • electrical energy – 2.4 rubles.

Total: the production of one caramel apple will cost 33 rubles. Medium market price of dessert is 80-130 rubles.

Let us assume that in the first period it is possible to sell 40 apples per day. Then the monthly revenue will be 40*100*30 = 120,000 rubles.

Total cost of sales (excluding investments) = 33*40*30 + 750*30+1.3 + 15000 = 83850 rubles. (earnings are taken at the level of 750 rubles per workday, price – 100 rubles per piece).

Since the profit from sales was relatively small, it is advisable to pay income tax in the amount of 15% of the difference between income and expenses, which will amount to 5422.5 rubles.

By law, an entrepreneur has the right to a tax deduction in the amount of 50% of the amount of insurance premiums paid. In total, the income tax will be 5422.5-750*30*0.3*0.5=2047.5 rubles.

Net profit will be 34102.5 rubles. Even in the absence of sales growth, capital investments will pay off in 2 months due to the net profit received.

It is obvious that the production and sale of caramel apples is a profitable business that has prospects for development in the Russian market. It is worth remembering that before launching even a small investment project, it is advisable to conduct surveys, identify potential buyers and decide on the place of sales.

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Fruits or dried fruits in chocolate glaze are one of the simplest, healthiest, most original and amazingly delicious desserts that can be prepared at home. It is worth noting that this dessert is light, energetic and refreshing, therefore, it is ideal for summer. Please note that the proposed dessert is very similar to the famous fondue, but the main difference is that the sweets are prepared in advance and served chilled! You can use anything you like as a filling: raspberries, strawberries and bananas, tangerines and apples, kiwis, pears, peaches and grapes, dried apricots and figs, prunes.

For pricking, you can use skewers, toothpicks, cocktail straws, and sticks designed for cake pops are also good.

Banana and kiwi in chocolate

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the main ingredient - chocolate, which can be milk, white or black, take into account only your preferences and taste preferences. To serve the dessert in an original, beautiful way, you should use your imagination; for this, fruits are dipped in glaze or caramel, and then in chopped nuts, sesame seeds, coconut or waffle chips. Step-by-step photo recipes that clearly explain what needs to be done and how will help you cope with the task.

Chocolate and fruit go extremely well, so preparing this dessert is as easy as shelling pears using the recipe with photo. The interesting thing is that chocolate-covered fruits and chocolate-covered dried fruits are original, refreshing, very tasty homemade candies. The chocolate dessert can be served on skewers, toothpicks or straws, whatever is more convenient for you. To learn how to make chocolate-covered fruits, you need to choose a reliable recipe with photos so that there are no difficulties or additional questions during the preparation process.

The proposed chocolate dessert, namely chocolate with fruit, can be prepared in combination with bananas. This combination can be called a win-win; such sweets on skewers create an incredible sensation at any celebration, so it’s worth studying the cooking technology in detail.

  • Dessert ingredients:
  • kiwi – 3 pieces;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • chocolate drops, dark chocolate – about 100 grams;


Many people prefer to make homemade sweets from dried fruits, but in this case it is better to use fresh kiwi and bananas. To prepare fruits in chocolate, the recipe suggests using only high-quality, fresh ingredients so that nothing spoils the appearance and taste. First you need to peel the banana and kiwi, it is important that there are no defects.

Prepared fruits should be cut into small pieces, the thickness of which is about 1.5 cm. It is important to focus on yourself. If children will eat the candy, you can make smaller pieces.

The next step is that each piece of kiwi or banana should be pierced with a skewer or toothpick, whatever you have in the house. Please note that the stick is inserted at its full length, otherwise the fruit will come off. If the dessert consists of dried fruits, then all actions are performed in the same way.

The preparations are placed on a dish and sent to the freezer for five minutes.

You can take the dish out of the freezer and remove the stick from each fruit, only very carefully. Then it should be dipped in melted chocolate and inserted back. Thanks to the manipulation done, the fruit will be well fixed on the skewer or stick.

After this, you can roll each piece into the chocolate, turn it and shake off the excess. To cool, place in a glass with sugar and salt. Surprisingly, such candies made from fruits and dried fruits harden almost instantly.

Fruit chocolate made from dried fruits and fruits is ready, you can safely serve it to the table, placing it on a plate with chopsticks up. Such sweets are successfully combined with natural juice or even tea.

Juicy pears in glaze

Fruits in caramel and chocolate are the most popular, healthy and divinely tender dessert that is difficult to tear yourself away from. That is why every woman simply must learn how to cook an amazing delicacy. Caramel apples, berries and fruits in delicate chocolate glaze, dried fruit candies - the list of homemade sweets can be continued endlessly. As for the pear, it is such a unique fruit that can be safely combined with chocolate and even caramel.

Please note that if you prepare pears with such a glaze, not only you, but also your guests will be surprised, since the taste and appearance of the delicacy is very extraordinary and extravagant.

  • Ingredients for the traditional recipe:
  • chocolate – at least 110 grams;
  • pears – 2 pieces;
  • ice cream – 120 grams;
  • sugar – about 60 grams;
  • water – 250 milliliters;

butter – 35 grams.

  1. Take a deep saucepan, pour the specified amount of purified water into it to dissolve the sugar in it. Peel the pears and then place them in sweet water. The duration of boiling pears in sugar syrup is about twenty minutes.
  2. When the pulp becomes more tender, remove the fruit from the pan and cool.
  3. Chop the chocolate into small pieces, then dissolve in the same syrup in which the pears were cooked. Please note that you only need to heat the bowl on low heat.
  4. Then you need to add a piece of butter, stir thoroughly and remove from the stove. Cool the finished mixture to room temperature.
  5. Ice cream, preferably ice cream, is divided into two equal portions, then placed in portioned bowls or bowls. Pears are placed on the surface of the ice cream, but only with the tail up.
  6. Prepared fruits should be poured with warm chocolate icing and then served immediately.

You can prepare the proposed delicacy very quickly and without hassle, as the step-by-step recipe helps you with this. As you can see, the finished dish turns out incredibly tasty, festive, and amazing. With its help you can decorate any festive table. Please note that such magnificent pears will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. The proposed recipe exceeds all expectations, so feel free to cook and enjoy the delicacy.

Recipe for delicious pineapple in chocolate

The interesting thing is that the chocolate-pineapple tandem is very successful and incredibly tasty. If you prepare the proposed dessert, then all your guests will be completely delighted, and you will not be left without sincere praise.

Ingredients for the exotic delicacy:

  • pineapple (rings) – 6 pieces;
  • cream 30% - about 200 milliliters;
  • roasted hazelnuts – 35 grams;
  • milk chocolate – 200 grams;
  • butter – 30 grams.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the perfect glaze. Chop the chocolate very finely and place it in a steam bath, adding butter. Mix thoroughly, making sure nothing burns.
  2. The cream should be thick, whip it into a thick and strong foam.
  3. Pineapple rings should be generously dipped in chocolate glaze and then sprinkled with hazelnuts.
  4. After the glaze has hardened, the pineapples can be decorated with whipped cream. It turns out very tasty, bright and unusual.

The preparation of the proposed sweets will require a minimum amount of ingredients and time, and the result will, without a doubt, please you.

Original recipe for glazed lemons

As for citrus fruits, in addition to oranges and tangerines, lemons go well with chocolate. The dish turns out bright, tasty and very tonic.


  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 250 grams;
  • water – 320 milliliters;
  • chocolate – 100 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 3 teaspoons.

butter – 35 grams.

  1. First you need to wash the lemons and cut them into beautiful circles, but keep in mind that their thickness should not be more than five millimeters.
  2. Next, the syrup is prepared, the sugar is dissolved, and brought to a boil. Place the lemon in the prepared syrup and simmer for about one hour over low heat.
  3. After this, they need to be removed from the pan, the liquid should drain.
  4. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Place the lemons on a wire rack and place in the oven for twenty-five minutes.
  5. Finely chop the chocolate, transfer to a deep plate and send to the bathhouse.
  6. Pour melted chocolate over the lemon slices; they will harden on the wire rack. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

As you can see, making original chocolate fruits is very simple; everyone will undoubtedly like them. This is a very light, pleasant addition to any home tea party. Bon appetit and enjoy cooking!

* The calculations use average data for Russia

70,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

62,500 ₽

Net profit per month

150 ₽

Selling price of the product

12,500 RUR

Expenses per month

Even a beginner can start a business selling caramelized fruits. Caramelized fruits are an attractive product, a simple recipe, minimal investment and high profitability.

It is possible to open a business from scratch and quickly make it profitable if you implement the idea with caramel fruits. Original desserts in fast food format are a win-win option. High demand, attractive product that will not leave either children or adults indifferent. Low cost allows you to set a price that is affordable for any consumer. Business expenses are minimal and can pay off within 2-3 months.

Increase sales without investment!

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The street food market is saturated and it would seem difficult to surprise consumers. But this was achieved by an unusual dessert – caramelized fruits. Essentially, this dessert is fresh fruit on a wooden stick, topped with a sweet caramel coating.

For the first time such a dessert appeared in the East. In those ancient times, caramel syrup was not used as an ingredient for dessert, but as a preservative for long-term storage of fruit. When Europeans tried caramelized fruits, they liked them. Presumably, this delicacy appeared in Europe in the 18th century, and became widespread in the 19th century. Then the dessert was specially cooled to make the caramel glaze hard and crispy. In the 20th century, a recipe for soft caramel appeared, the taste of which is now known to everyone.

This delicacy is still popular today. In many countries, not a single holiday is complete without caramel apples. For example, in America, a caramel apple on a wooden stick has become a traditional Halloween sweet, and in Germany it is considered one of the national delicacies. Why not bring the idea of ​​caramel fruits to life in our country?

  1. Low level of competition. Despite the prevalence of this delicacy in the world, not every Russian city can find caramelized fruits. There may be no direct competitors in your city at all. At the same time, the low price of the dessert will allow the project to be successfully implemented even in a small town.

  2. Unusual taste of familiar things. A healthy dessert consisting of ordinary fruits (apples, pineapples, strawberries) and caramel icing will appeal not only to those with a sweet tooth, but also to people who watch their diet.

    Attractive product appearance. Fruits in caramel and even on a wooden stick look very impressive. They sparkle in the sun, have a rich light and exude a stunning aroma that awakens the appetite. It is very difficult to pass by a cart selling caramel fruits. Considering the passion of modern people to post their food on Instagram, such a sweet will definitely not go unnoticed.

    Business accessibility. Implementing this idea is quite simple: small investments, lightweight technology, a minimum set of equipment. With a small start-up capital, you can build a business that will pay for itself in a couple of months and will generate decent income all year round. This will not require large retail space, complex equipment or staff training. You can run this business yourself without having any special skills.

    Lack of seasonality. Unlike most fast food treats, caramel fruits will be popular all year round. This dessert is relevant in any season: in the autumn months, caramel apples will be in demand, a bright dessert is perfect for the New Year holidays, and in the summer, strawberries in caramel will be popular. For each season you can come up with your own trick: change the color of caramel, fruits, toppings.

Difficulties you may encounter in this business:

  1. Short shelf life of raw materials. Fresh fruit is a perishable product, so you should take the storage system seriously to prevent food spoilage. You also need to correctly calculate the volume of purchases to avoid excesses. Caramel can also cause a lot of trouble - in hot weather it can melt within a couple of hours after preparation.

  2. Work with providers. Delicious, fresh fruits are the basis of this delicacy. Therefore, before starting a business, it is recommended to select good suppliers and arrange the purchase of fruits.

Which place is suitable for selling caramelized fruits?

Where to start a business? From the selection of a place to trade. The best format for selling caramel fruits is a non-stationary retail outlet. Bright carts with caramel fruits look very attractive on the streets. Today the market offers ready-made solutions - special carts for the production and sale of caramel fruits. The cost of such a kit starts from 13 thousand rubles. If you want to save money, you can find a suitable used option.

Difficulties may arise at the stage of choosing a retail space. If you decide to sell on the street in the summer, you will have to fight “for a place in the sun.” After all, it is not always possible to find a place in parks and other recreational areas for city residents. As well as negotiate a lease with local authorities. It is much easier to find a suitable option in shopping centers, cinemas and other commercial real estate.

Basic requirements for a retail outlet where it is planned to sell caramel fruits: high visitor traffic, a concentration of an active target audience (youth and parents with children), an area of ​​2 sq.m. It is recommended to rent retail space in a shopping center, next to a food court or escalator (where traffic is highest). The cost of renting such a trading platform will be 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

In addition to shopping centers, markets, fairs, city squares, parks, embankments, etc. are perfect for selling caramelized fruits. The mobility of commercial equipment will allow you to move from one point to another and look for the most profitable place.

How to make caramel fruits

The most common caramelized fruit option is apples. The production of caramel apples is accessible to anyone. All it takes is a little practice and theory.

Algorithm for making caramelized fruits:

  • wash fresh apples thoroughly;

  • prepare the glaze. To do this, mix water, granulated sugar and caramel mixture in a caramelizer. Everything is heated to a certain temperature, mixed thoroughly and caramel is obtained;

    String apples onto sticks and dip into glaze to caramelize. Then remove them from the caramel: let the excess syrup drain and the caramel dry or harden (some recipes require further cooling);

    grease a baking sheet with oil and place the caramel apples on it;

    Decorate the dessert with topping: coconut flakes, multi-colored dragees or chopped nuts.

As you can see from this guide, making caramel fruit requires special equipment. You will need to purchase:

    Caramelizer – 20,000 rubles. The average productivity of such equipment is 80 apples per hour;

    A device for putting apples on a stick – 5,000 rubles. At first glance, this is a completely useless device, because the process can be done manually. But with this device you can produce 60-80 apples per hour, which increases productivity and significantly saves time.

    Other auxiliary tools that will be required for work. A baking tray where ready-made desserts will be laid out, disposable gloves, wooden skewers, napkins, food storage containers, a mini refrigerator, etc. You need to budget another 5,000 rubles for this.

In total, you will have to spend 30,000 rubles on equipment + 20,000 rubles on a shopping cart. Using simple arithmetic calculations, we get the amount of initial investment: 50,000 rubles for equipment, 15,000 rubles for the first month of renting retail space and 5,000 rubles for the purchase of ingredients. Total 70,000 rubles.

What consumables are needed for selling caramelized fruits?

    Ingredients for the production of fruits in caramel. That is, you need fresh fruit, a special mixture for preparing caramel glaze, granulated sugar, water and various toppings to decorate the dessert. The most common type of fruit in caramel is apples. It is very important to choose the right fruit to simplify the task of purchasing, storing, and also take care of the taste of the dessert. Sweet, sour and sweet varieties are most suitable for this role - Granny Smith, Jonna Gold, Idared, etc. It is better to choose autumn and winter varieties of apples; summer varieties are not recommended due to their short shelf life.

    Packaging materials. In what form the delicacy will be sold is up to you. Some people use paper bags, others cardboard boxes. It is worth paying special attention to packaging, since its convenience and aesthetic appearance can play into your hands, and otherwise, scare away customers.

    Wooden skewers and napkins. All this will solve the issue of convenience for buyers.

    Consumables for drinks. Fourthly, you can diversify the assortment with drinks, since they are often bought with dessert. You can also make money from this. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide consumables for drinks: straws, cups, etc.

The cost of production includes the price of ingredients and other consumables. The average cost of producing one caramel apple is 25 rubles. If you plan to use other fruits, their cost may be higher. In order to calculate the cost, you need to find out what the consumption of ingredients is for making a batch of dessert. For example, to make 40 caramel apples, you will need 5 kg of fresh apples (400 rubles), 250 g of caramel mixture (150 rubles), 2.3 kg of sugar (161 rubles) and 250 ml of water (12 rubles). In total, for a batch of 40 caramel apples you will have to spend 723 rubles worth of ingredients. Then the cost of producing 1 caramel apple is 18 rubles. Add to this the costs of skewers, napkins, packaging and we get these 25 rubles for 1 caramel apple.

It’s easier to determine the price - just look at what the market offers. And prices vary between 100-300 rubles. It all depends on the city, the size of the apples, additional ingredients like nuts and sprinkles, serving and pricing policy. The recommended price for such products is 150 rubles - this is not too expensive for a dessert, but includes a good markup that will ensure a profit.

Ready ideas for your business

Now let’s calculate how much you can earn from caramel fruits. During the first month of operation, the outlet is able to sell about 500 pieces of caramel apples. To do this, it is enough to sell only 17 of them per day. In this case, the monthly revenue will be 75,000 rubles, and the cost of ingredients will be 12,500 rubles. Then the net profit will be 62,500 rubles. Let us subtract rental costs from this and get our 50,000 rubles - a good result for the first months of work. And this does not take into account profits from the sale of related products. In the future, it is quite possible to sell up to 40 apples a day - in this case, monthly revenue will be 180,000 rubles.

You can use a trick and increase the price by inviting visitors to personally choose dessert toppings. By setting a small price for adding coconut flakes, nuts or sprinkles, you can add a total of 3-4 thousand rubles to your profit.

Thus, the project can be repaid already in the second month of work. At the same time, work independently. In the future, when the business begins to generate stable income and sales increase, you can hire a salesperson.

Caramelized fruits are an inexpensive product, so high profits can only be expected if there are a large number of sales. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

    Don’t miss the chance to make money at various events. For example, during city holidays there are a huge number of potential customers on the streets (squares, parks, embankments). You can also consider an event travel service. A trolley with freshly prepared desserts will be in demand at children's parties, corporate events, and even at weddings as a replacement for a traditional candy bar. There are many opportunities, the main thing is to take advantage of them.

    do not spare money on advertising. It seems that a cart with delicious caramelized fruits is the best advertisement for the product. However, you should not neglect other methods of promotion: start with a bright cart design, a memorable name, maintaining social networks - there you can organize a raffle, promotions in honor of the opening, etc. You can participate in an event as a sponsor and give out free treats to children. They will get to know you, remember you and, perhaps, return to you later to buy the dessert they like.

How to register a business

To implement this plan, the best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur and choose UTII as taxation. In this case, the tax amount will be fixed and calculated depending on the retail space, region and specifics of the activity. The advantages of this technique are as follows:

    complete lack of accounting

    simple financial reporting form

    exemption from payment of certain taxes (VAT, personal income tax and others).

In addition, you will need to obtain a trading permit. To do this, it is necessary to provide a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, a sanitary and epidemiological report for food trade, as well as a list of products agreed with the SES.

Possible activity codes according to OKVED-2 that can be specified:

    47.99 - Other retail trade outside shops, tents, markets

    56.10.2 - Activities for the preparation and/or sale of food ready for immediate consumption on the spot)

    47.81 - Retail trade in non-stationary retail facilities and markets in food products, drinks and tobacco products

It is obvious that the production and sale of caramelized fruits is a profitable business that has prospects for development in the domestic market. Even a beginner in entrepreneurship can implement this business idea. However, it is worth remembering that any project should begin with a market assessment. To understand whether it is advisable to implement an idea, you need to conduct surveys, identify potential buyers, evaluate competitors, weigh all the pros and cons and assess the risks. All this is necessary in order to properly organize each stage of the project and make it profitable.

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