How to cook fried squid with sour cream. Squid is a balm for the heart. Pasta with squid in sour cream sauce

Seafood is a great addition to the everyday menu. Even if not everyone can afford to eat them every day, but at least on holidays, dishes made from them are available, perhaps, to everyone. And if, for example, not everyone likes rapana or octopus, then squid can be prepared in such a way that even those who do not particularly like the gifts of the seas and oceans will like such food.

Cooking Basics

There are a huge number of ways in which you can prepare dishes with squid. There is more than one recipe, and these are combined with many additional ingredients, but the basis of all dishes is still the preparation of the squid itself. And in order not to ruin the whole dinner, you need to cook the carcasses correctly.

There are different types of semi-finished products sold, but to get the best results, it is better to buy unpeeled squid. They are usually sold frozen in the store; Before further actions, the carcasses are placed in salted cold water for several minutes, then doused with boiling water, after which the “skin” is removed.

To obtain tender and juicy, “non-rubbery” meat, when we cook a squid carcass, we cook it for a very short time. The water boiled, the carcasses were put in - after a maximum of 20 seconds they were removed from the boiling water. If the recipe calls for stewing or frying, then this should be done for no longer than three minutes. There is an alternative way - a long one; in this case, the squid should be stewed for at least forty minutes.

Sour cream version

The most popular and easiest to prepare is squid in sour cream. For them you will need 800 g of carcasses, 300 grams of sour cream, 2 medium onions, vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons, the same amount of flour, salt and pepper. The result is impressive - the dish is very juicy and delicate in taste.

There is a very interesting method using sour cream - there is no cooking in it. The carcasses are defrosted in cold water, the skin is removed, the chord is pulled out and the ridge is cut out. Then the squids are dried with towels/napkins and cut into rings. They are quickly fried in oil. Finely chopped onions are simmered until golden brown, and the flour is sautéed separately. In the dish where the dish will be prepared, onions are placed on the bottom, then seafood; pour in 2 parts sour cream and 1 part water. Toasted flour is diluted in a small volume of water-sour cream mixture. This is done when the mixture with sour cream boils, then flour is added and stirred gently. In this form, the dish is slowly stewed for half an hour; salt and pepper are added shortly before the end.

So in sour cream using this method for quite a long time, this dish is more suitable for a festive table. It goes well with regular mashed potatoes, but is especially delicious with rice.

Fried squid

Carcasses and onions are taken in the same quantity as in the previous recipe. This time 4 spoons of sour cream is enough, but add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise. In addition to salt, it is recommended to add a little sugar, but there is no need for flour at all. You can experiment with your favorite spices. Before cooking squid in sour cream by frying, they will again have to be processed - defrosted, skinned, etc. But this time they are fried along with onions over high heat so that the process goes quickly and the squid remains soft. Then add all the ingredients into a saucepan, mix and simmer for no longer than five minutes. This version of squid in sour cream is tastier when eaten chilled, so it is better to put the container in the refrigerator for at least half an hour before serving.

Delicious multi-cooker recipe

For those who have such a useful kitchen unit, it’s a good idea to ask how to cook squid in sour cream using it. For two carcasses you need to take a carrot and a tomato, a glass of thicker sour cream and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Spices and salt - as always, to your own taste. Sea animals must first be thawed and cut up; They are cut traditionally - into rings, vegetables - into strips. To make squid in sour cream in a multicooker just right, pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the bowl, put rings and straws on top, add the necessary seasonings - and the contents of the bowl are mixed. The “Extinguishing” mode is set; time - depending on the characteristics of your device. On average, with a power of 860 W, 20 minutes is enough. If you cook squid in sour cream in a slow cooker, the dish turns out very tender, and the main component is never hard.

Squids are also appropriate in salads

We can say that these sea animals are very “multifunctional”: they are used to prepare both salads and first courses, and almost all options are very successful. One of the most interesting is their combination with carrots and regular white cabbage (can be replaced with Chinese cabbage). Take half a kilo of squid and cabbage, 150 grams of carrots. The carcasses are quickly boiled and cut into squares, the vegetables are finely chopped, the cabbage (if you took white cabbage) is wrinkled. The salad is seasoned with salt, sugar, crushed garlic and vegetable oil. Gourmets advise adding seasoning for Korean carrots. The finished mass must be placed under a load at least overnight, and it must stand in the cold. It turns out very tasty - that’s just how they are, squid. Recipes with photos are clear: it’s also very beautiful!

Squid pancakes

It is unlikely that many people know this original recipe. It again includes cabbage. Again, five hundred grams. First you will need to fry a finely chopped onion, add a chopped head of cabbage to it and simmer until soft. Prepared squids are turned into minced meat with a meat grinder or blender and combined with stewed cabbage. The yolks of 2 eggs are beaten into the mixture, everything is mixed with 5 tablespoons of flour, the whites are beaten until foamy and also added to the minced meat. Further steps are the same as when baking regular pancakes: take it with a spoon, put it in a frying pan, and turn it over when browned. Can be served with sour cream; Such pancakes are praised if they are also sprinkled with herbs.

Stuffing squid

This dish is difficult to prepare, but the taste is amazing. For the filling, boil an egg and chop tomatoes (2 not too large), zucchini (150 g), half an onion and a clove of garlic. Vegetables are stewed and a chopped egg is added to them. The squids are quickly boiled, dried, stuffed with the resulting mixture, rolled in flour and deep-fried. The sauce is made: a clove of garlic is simmered in oil, two tablespoons of sour cream and 100 g of heavy cream are added, a quarter glass of broth is poured in (can be replaced with a cube), a chopped large tomato is added and ground pepper is added. Boil for 1 minute. Place the stuffed carcasses into the prepared sauce, add dill and simmer for about two minutes. This method of cooking squid in sour cream allows you to get a dish with simply amazing taste sensations.

If you are tired of traditional holiday dishes, remember the existence of seafood and surprise your loved ones with the unusual taste of new dishes.

Probably, every housewife sometimes wants to cook something like this, to surprise her beloved husband, family or guests invited to dinner. If you want to cook something unusual for dinner, squid stewed in sour cream sauce is perfect!

So, let's figure out how to choose the right squid in the store, how to best prepare it, and run through a couple of the best squid recipes!

How to choose the right squid

Like any meat or fish, squid should be chosen extremely carefully. There are certain subtleties here.

So, rule one: When purchasing squid, make sure that the carcass has not been defrosted (that is, thawed and frozen again). This technique is a gross violation of all food storage rules. A re-frozen product will taste bitter and spread into an unappetizing mass during cooking.

How to make sure that the squid was not re-frozen before it hit the counter? There should be little ice on such carcasses, and they should not stick together. The skin can be of any color - it depends not on the quality of the product itself, but on the type of shellfish, but the meat underneath must be white.

Otherwise, the seafood must have been defrosted, and the meat would then turn the color of its skin.

Rule two: Don’t be lazy and take ready-made fillets. There are more than a hundred subspecies of squid, and only a few dozen of them are edible. They sell us whole small carcasses of Patagonian or Commander squid.

They are sold unpeeled and, as a rule, with innards. Such squids on the counter do not look very presentable, but their taste is excellent. And the fillet that we see in the store is the meat of a giant Peruvian squid.

It usually has a strong ammonia taste and has been re-frozen and processed several times, which is not good for you. In addition, the meat of the giant clam is much tougher than that of others.

Rule three: Be sure to check the skin of the carcass for various types of damage. It should not have any cracks, tears or other defects. Otherwise, it becomes clear that the product was not stored correctly.

How to properly prepare the product

After you've raided the store and selected a couple of fresh squids for your next dinner, a new question arises: how should you properly clean squid?

Step one: First you need to separate the head and remove all the insides. You can easily determine where the squid's head is by the presence of small tentacles. You need to grab the squid's head with your hand and, holding the carcass with the other hand, pull it towards you - this way you can easily remove the insides.

Step two: next you need to get rid of the chitinous plate inside the carcass. It is easy to feel and can be removed just as easily.

Step three: now you need to remove all the films. It is necessary to get rid of both colored and transparent films, both outside and inside - during heat treatment, these films become very hard. The best way to get rid of the films is to quickly scald the carcasses with boiling water and then transfer them to ice water. The skins and films will instantly curl up and be easy to peel off.

Recipe for tender squid in sour cream

Now that you have fully cleaned and prepared squid carcasses on hand, you can move on to the most basic thing - preparing the dish. They can be boiled, stuffed, baked and even grilled, but one of the simplest and most delicious recipes is to cook squid in sour cream sauce.

These squids turn out to be incredibly tender, literally melting in your mouth, and the most important thing is that you can easily prepare such a dish without much effort.


Step 1: Prepared carcasses must be cut into rings.

Step 2: You need to peel the onion and finely chop it.

Step 3: Place the frying pan on the heat and add sunflower oil, then add the onion. Fry for about seven minutes until the onions are lightly golden.

Step 4: Sprinkle flour on the onion and move thoroughly.

Step 5: Add sour cream, and then, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.

Step 6: Place pre-chopped seafood into the boiling sour cream mixture. Mix thoroughly, then cover with a lid. Simmer the dish for two minutes.

Step 7: Turn off the gas and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then you can place it on a plate, add seasonings to taste if desired, and serve. Indescribably delicious squid in sour cream is ready!

Cooking seafood in sour cream and garlic sauce

If you want to surprise your guests with a spicier dish, you can prepare the same sour cream sauce, but adding garlic! So, we cook squid in sour cream sauce with garlic.

You will need:

  • Onions (1 pc.);
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • Dill (2-3 stems);
  • Spices (to taste);
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • Salt (to your taste).

Time required: about 15 minutes.

Calorie content of aromatic dish (per 100 grams): 100 kcal.


Step 1: Cut the pre-prepared squid carcasses into rings.

Step 2: Peel and then finely chop the onion.

Step 3: Heat a frying pan and fry the onion and squid in it, then add salt to taste. Leave the onions and clams to simmer for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Press the garlic using a garlic press, and then add it to the sour cream along with the spices. To make the sauce thinner, the sour cream can be diluted a little with water.

Step 5: Add the resulting sour cream and garlic sauce to the pan with the seafood and onions, mix thoroughly, then cover with a lid. The dish is stewed for two minutes.

Step 6: Chop the dill and add to the pan. Then turn off the gas and leave the dish to cool briefly before serving. Spicy seafood sauce is ready!

Squid in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

This recipe is suitable for all models of multicookers that have the “Fry” or “Bake” functions. To prepare all this, you will need very little time, but in the end you will get a delicious, tender dish with a unique aroma. So, squid in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker!

You will need:

  • 2 prepared squid carcasses;
  • Onions (1 pc.);
  • Salt (to your taste);
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • Vegetable (any type) oil.

The culinary process will take 20 minutes.

Calories will be (per 100 grams): 200 kcal.


Step 1: Peel the onion and carefully cut into thin rings.

Step 2: You need to turn on the multicooker in frying mode, add the onion and fry with vegetable oil. The multicooker lid must be open, and the onions must be stirred periodically during the frying process.

Step 3: Carefully cut the prepared shellfish carcasses into rings.

Step 4: Add the cooked carcasses to the onions and fry everything together for a couple of minutes.

Step 5: Add sour cream, carefully and thoroughly mix with the carcasses and add salt, and then close the multicooker lid. The dish should simmer for another two minutes.

Step 6: Turn off the multicooker and leave the dish for 15 minutes. Then you can serve. Seafood in the multicooker is ready!

Squid in sour cream sauce, cooked in the oven

For more experienced housewives, there is a recipe for seafood in sour cream sauce, baked in the oven. It will take you a little longer, but the results are worth it. So, squid in sour cream sauce, baked in the oven!

You will need:

  • 2 prepared squid carcasses;
  • Onions (1 pc.);
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • Salt (to your taste);
  • Flour (0.5 tbsp);
  • 50 grams of cheese.

Cooking time: about 30 minutes.

Calorie content will be (per 100 grams): 230 kcal.


Step 1: Cut the prepared squid carcasses into rings.

Step 2: You need to peel and finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan.

Step 3: Add flour, fry along with onions.

Step 4: Place sour cream in a frying pan, add salt to taste and, stirring gently, bring to a boil.

Step 4: Add seafood to the resulting sauce, mix and simmer everything together for a couple of minutes.

Step 5: Place the resulting mass in a special dish. baking dish, sprinkle grated cheese on top of the future dish and put in the oven. Bake for fifteen minutes.

Step 6: Place the finished dish on plates and serve. Squid in sour cream sauce, baked in the oven, ready!

There are a lot of recipes with the addition of squid - you can even make a delicious salad from them! To do this, boil the cleaned carcasses and then cut them into rings. In the salad, cut three boiled eggs, two chopped fresh cucumbers, shellfish rings, and then add sour cream or mayonnaise. Simple, fast and delicious!

Squid, due to its high taurine content, helps lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of vascular atherosclerosis. As you can see, this is not only a tasty, but also a healthy product!

Bon appetit!

Squid is a seafood delicacy; its meat is very healthy and tasty. There are a large number of recipes for cooking squid, but if you don’t know how to cook squid tasty and simple, I’ll tell you one simple recipe. This dish is very popular in our family, it is prepared in a matter of minutes. So, today we will cook - squid stewed in sour cream and onions. The taste of the dish is very satisfying and nutritious. The seafood turns out very tender and melts in your mouth. The main thing is to be able to cook them correctly, because if you overcook them, they will be tough and not tasty. Fried onions will become caramelized and give the dish a sweetish note. Sour cream adds a creamy note. The subtle aroma of spices will add piquancy. You can serve as a side dish: spaghetti, mashed potatoes, rice.


  • Unpeeled squid – 400 g.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Sour cream 30% - 5 tbsp
  • Salt – 2 pinches
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch

How to cook squid tasty and simple

I bought squids, unpeeled and frozen. Let's defrost them in cold water, take out only the insides, nothing else needs to be cleaned. Place them in boiling water and cook for 1.5-2 minutes, no more, otherwise they will become rubbery. Drain the water and fill them with cold water. Then, in this water, wash off the purple skin with your hands. The last step is to remove the transparent film.

Cut the seafood carcass into strips or rings.

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and add the onion. Fry it until golden brown.

Add squid, sour cream, salt, ground black pepper, mix. I decided not to add a lot of spices so as not to overwhelm the taste of the seafood.

Simmer for 2 minutes so that the sour cream does not completely dissolve into fat, but remains a delicate white sauce. During this time, the squid will be soaked in sour cream and acquire a creamy hue.

Place the squid with fried onions on a dish and serve. I use spaghetti as a side dish; the creamy sauce soaks up the side dish well. Bon appetit!

  1. You don't know how to cook squid correctly? It's very simple, the main thing is to know some secrets. First you must decide which squid you will buy, peeled or unpeeled.

Unpeeled squid looks like this: it is light in color and has a slight purple skin. Be sure to buy small sizes, this indicates that the meat is young. First you need to defrost them, remove the intestines, and put them in boiling water. You need to cook for no more than 2-2.5 minutes, during which time you will see how they turn white, take on a round shape and decrease in size.

If it happened that you overcooked them, they turned rubbery. Place them back into the boiling water and cook for another 30 minutes; they will become softer, but not tender. Another disadvantage of long cooking is that they will greatly decrease in size, and since the price of this product is high, it is better to avoid this. Then, under a cold stream of water, remove the lilac skin. Then, pry up the transparent film with your fingers and remove it inside and out.

As for peeled squids, they are already white, that is, slightly cooked. No matter how much you want them, they will not be tender. They just need to be defrosted, washed and cooked for no more than a minute. Then, remove from boiling water and remove the transparent film from the outside and inside.

  1. You can use onions, but if you use red sweet onions, the dish will turn out even tastier. After all, its taste is not so bitter.
  2. Spices highlight the taste of a dish. You can add: basil, thyme, paprika, coriander, ground black pepper, turmeric. Fresh herbs will add freshness.
  3. Sour cream should be homemade or store-bought, but of high quality, and not less than 22-30%.
  4. It is not advisable to leave the prepared dish the next day; it loses its taste and quickly deteriorates.

To enjoy food or surprise your loved ones with a new and delicious recipe, you don’t always have to cook something large-scale. It’s enough to use a little imagination, choose original ingredients and spend literally half an hour to get a tasty and healthy dish. We are talking about seafood.

Some of them are still considered a delicacy in our country and require a certain skill in preparation, but this does not mean that such recipes should be abandoned. One of them is squid in sour cream. This dish not only has a deliciously delicate taste, but also has many other advantages, which will be discussed in this article.

At the very beginning, it should definitely be mentioned that squid is a perishable product that must be stored exclusively frozen and defrosted in cold salted water immediately before cooking. After defrosting, the carcasses should be washed under running water, the cartilage plate and entrails should be removed.

Detailed recipes will tell you how to cook squid in sour cream. Almost each of them requires pre-cooking this seafood in boiling water that is salty to taste. By all accounts, this process only takes three or four minutes. More time will make the squid “rubbery” and taste tough.

Prepared carcasses should be cooked by alternately placing them in water and removing them from it. Then carefully remove the skin from them. After the squid has completely cooled, you can begin directly preparing the dish according to the chosen recipe, which will take very little time.

Wide choice

Today, squid in sour cream recipe is especially popular. There are many varieties to choose from. Every housewife will be able to choose one or even several of them for herself, which will help her surprise not only her family, but also her guests.

Here are some of them:


  • 500g squid;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil.

Cooking recipe: cut the pre-boiled carcasses into strips, then place them in a preheated saucepan or frying pan with olive oil. Then pour in sour cream, add salt, mix thoroughly and simmer over low heat for three minutes.

  1. Squid fried with onions in sour cream. According to this recipe, squid does not require pre-cooking, and the dish is prepared simply and quickly, literally in a hurry.


  • 600g squid;
  • 0.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 5 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 1 onion bulb;

Cooking recipe: rinse thawed carcasses with hot water, then remove the skin, remove the cartilage plate and entrails, and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then cut them together with the onion into not very thick strips and place them in a preheated and oiled frying pan. Fry for two or three minutes, then add water, sour cream, salt and pepper. Simmer for another ten minutes, stirring constantly.

  1. Squid stewed in sour cream. This dish is quick to prepare and turns out to be tender in taste and airy in appearance.


  • 500g squid;
  • 0.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking recipe: cut pre-cooked squid carcasses and peeled onions into rings. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, then place the squid rings on it. Cover everything with a lid and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Then add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix everything. Simmer in sour cream and onions for another five minutes. Don’t take it out right away, but let it sit for a couple more minutes.

  1. Squid in sour cream in a slow cooker. With the help of this modern household appliance, the dish will not only be juicy, but will also have a unique aroma.


  • 2 squid carcasses;
  • 0.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking recipe: cut the onion into rings and fry in oil with a little salt in a slow cooker using the “Fry” mode. Place the cleaned, washed and cut into rings carcasses with the onion, sprinkle with the remaining salt and pepper, and fry for a couple of minutes. Add sour cream, mix thoroughly and fry for another two minutes, then cover with a lid and let sit for ten minutes.

A little secret: before adding sour cream to the squid, you can add a little flour to thicken it. You can also add a little greenery to any dish, and then eat it hot or cold with a side dish of rice or simply on its own. It is not recommended to add any spices, as they interrupt the delicate taste of the dish.

Heart balm

In Japan, squid meat is rightly called “balm for the heart.” This name is directly related to the fact that squid contains a lot of potassium, which is responsible for the good functioning of the heart muscle. Additionally, it rids the body of excess fluid, which helps lower blood pressure.

Vitamins of group B, as well as C and E, slow down the aging process, and taurine lowers cholesterol levels, which prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques on blood vessels. The content of animal protein in squid is practically the same as beef or chicken, and a small amount of fat ensures low calorie content for dishes made from it.

This excellent dietary product contains iodine, selenium, sodium, zinc and many other useful trace elements. But in order to preserve all the valuable qualities, there are several nuances in the process of preparing squid, which were disclosed in the recipes.

Squid is an amazing creature from the depths of the sea, which has no bones at all, but is the owner of ten legs and three hearts, which drive blue blood through the vessels in the literal sense of the word. Recipes from this seafood are deservedly the most beloved in our country, especially those that include sour cream.

Cooking squid in sour cream today is not exotic and does not require special skills or a special occasion. To enjoy the amazingly delicate taste of this dish, which literally melts in your mouth, and pamper the people dearest to your heart, a simple desire and a little time will be enough.

By 06.12.2015

It didn’t always seem to me that stuffed squid was inconvenient to eat, and in salads containing them, other ingredients do not go well with them, so the ideal option for me is squid and sour cream, plus a couple of additional products in minute quantities to complement the taste. Which ones exactly? Look at the ingredients!


  • squid - 2 kg
  • sour cream 20% - 400 g
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • green onions - 2 arrows
  • pine nuts - 50 g
  • salt - to taste
  • seafood seasoning - to taste

Step-by-step cooking process at home

  1. Well, shall we begin?
  2. First you need to clean the squid. No, of course, you can buy peeled and gutted squid right away, but I decided to save money by forking out for pine nuts. To be honest, I even love cleaning squid: there is something soothing about it. Although I still remember the times when my mother cleaned squid for the first time without boiling water and cursed a lot. Now you won't have such a problem. God bless the internet. So, I boil water in a saucepan and put the carcasses in there one by one for 10 seconds.
  3. Having pulled out the carcass, you can see that all the skin has shrunk, and now you can simply rub it lightly to remove it. But my biggest problem is the insides. This time the squids were some kind of poorly gutted, and for me, putting my hand inside the carcass and taking out all this substance from there is like a show like X-Factor, where people stick their hands into jars with spiders for money. That's why I take out the innards after 10 seconds of scalding - they just become a little less disgusting to the touch.
  4. Important! If you can see any orange crap in the squid (sorry, but I simply have no other words to describe THIS), remove it in advance, otherwise in boiling water it will turn the carcass an unpleasant color.

  5. This is how I ended up with a bunch of white squids. And it took 15 minutes, even though I wasn’t in much of a hurry at all.
  6. Now things will go faster. Cut the squid into rings or whatever you like.
  7. Place in a frying pan with heated oil, where we fry a little for 1-2 minutes. Add a little seasoning and garlic there. I cut the clove into 4 parts and then took them out of the finished dish without any problems: here it is needed only for aroma.
  8. Place sour cream in a frying pan and simmer. Squids will give a lot of juice if they are not dried in advance (and, of course, I couldn’t bear to wait). So I simmered them until the sauce began to thicken. When I boil squid, I only let it sit for a couple of minutes because I'm afraid it will turn rubbery. Here the process took as much as 10 minutes, but the squid turned out very soft!