How to cook fish for an appetizer. Fish dishes and snacks. To prepare this delicious hot fish appetizer you will need

Sturgeon and stellate sturgeon are cooked in links, beluga - in large pieces 40...60 cm long, 10...12 cm wide, sterlet - most often in portioned pieces. Partial fish is cooked in portioned pieces. Pike perch, pike and trout, intended for stuffing and preparing jellied fish, are boiled whole.

Fish served with mayonnaise, or for salads masked with mayonnaise, is sometimes poached. The fish, drenched in marinade, is lightly fried without much coloring. Cleaned herring fillets are soaked and stored in tea broth or milk.

Lightly salted fish(salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) are washed and layered along the spine, the rib bones are removed, the skin is trimmed and, starting from the tail, cut into portions, holding the knife at an angle of 30...45°. Portioned pieces are placed on appetizer plates and garnished with a slice of lemon and herbs.

When serving in multiple portions, lightly salted fish is placed on an oval dish or herring bowl, and portions are given edges.

gray form (rolled up like a rose or laid in a ladder). Place lemon slices at the ends of the dish (the skins of the slices are folded in for stability), and sprigs of greenery are placed on the sides.

U corn products trim the skin, remove cartilage and cut the flesh from the skin into thin wide pieces, holding the knife at an angle of 30...45°. To prevent the pulp that remains uncut from becoming dry, it is covered with skin or wrapped in parchment. Balyk products are served in the same way as lightly salted fish, garnished with lemon and herbs.

Fish hot smoked(stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sea bass, cod, omul, etc.) are cleaned of skin and bones, and sturgeon - of cartilage and portioned. Sturgeon are cut into portions of the established weight, holding the knife at a right angle.

Portions are placed on snack plates or in multi-serve dishes (an oval dish, a herring bowl), garnished with lettuce leaves, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, and a complex side dish of boiled vegetables, green peas, potatoes with mayonnaise can be served.

The fish is served separately with horseradish sauce and vinegar or mayonnaise.

For assorted they use several, but not less than three types of fish gastronomy: salmon, salmon, cold and hot smoked fish, also include cold boiled fish, caviar (chum salmon, pressed, granular), canned crabs, sprats, sprat. Beautifully cut pieces of various types of fish gastronomy are placed on an oval dish or herring bowl, alternating in color. The assortment often includes caviar, which can be placed in baskets or vol-au-vents made of puff pastry.

The assortment is garnished with fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, jelly figures (flurons), lemon slices and decorated with sprigs of herbs and lettuce. Mayonnaise or horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately in a gravy boat.

Crabs placed in tartlets and covered with a mesh of jelly with mayonnaise or jelly.

Sprat, cleaned and freed from bones, roll into a ring and place on boiled egg slices.

Canned fish - very nutritious product. In catering establishments they are used as cold food.

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piece, as well as for preparing snacks, sandwiches and cold dishes. Canned snacks - fish in oil, fish in tomato, cod liver, pates.

Sprats and sardines in oil are served on appetizer plates or herring bowls, garnished with lemon and herbs. The carcasses are laid out in a ladder or fan so that all the tails are facing in one direction, and the backs of the carcasses cover the belly of the neighboring ones, and the oil in which they were cooked is poured on top.

Fish in tomato or its own juice is removed from the jars and served in portions of the established mass along with sauce or juice in salad bowls or on snack plates, sprinkled with chopped green onions or chopped herbs on top.

The cod liver in oil is removed from the jars, crushed, combined with chopped boiled eggs, finely chopped onions, seasoned with the oil in which the liver was located. The cooked liver is served in salad bowls and sprinkled with green onions on top.

Spit sprat, anchovy and herring are cleaned, removing the head and entrails, washed, carefully placed on a snack plate or herring bowl with their backs to one side and garnished with circles or slices of boiled egg and finely chopped onion.

You can sell canned onions with rings. When on vacation, sprinkle with mustard dressing.

Caviar. Granular or chum salmon caviar is placed in a heap on the rosette of the caviar dish, and finely crushed ice is placed in the caviar dish and decorated with butter. Pressed caviar is kneaded on a board, cut into a diamond, triangle, square and placed on a small dessert plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley on the sides. Serve separately with chopped green onions, a slice of lemon, and a piece of butter.

Natural herring with potatoes and butter. Prepared fillets of salted herring are sometimes served whole, uncut, but more often they are cut crosswise or diagonally into pieces 2.5...3 cm wide, placed on a herring tray in the form of a whole fish, with the head (without gills) and tail attached; The sides are decorated with sprigs of greenery. Serve separately with boiled hot potatoes and a piece of butter.

6.10. Cold dishes and snacks

Herring with garnish. Pieces of herring fillet cut crosswise or obliquely are placed on seasoned vegetables cut into slices, and a side dish of potatoes, cucumber, carrots or beets, onions and eggs is beautifully placed on the sides. The herring is topped with mustard or vinegar dressing.

Chopped herring with garnish. Prepared herring fillets, peeled apples, wheat bread soaked in water (or milk) and onions lightly sautéed in vegetable oil are passed through a meat grinder. The crushed mass is seasoned with vinegar, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and placed in the form of a whole fish. Sprinkle the herring with chopped egg and green onions, and garnish the sides with butter flowers, carbed boiled carrots, slices of fresh cucumber and tomato.

Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish. Slices are cut from the cooled, peeled section of boiled sturgeon fish

1_1.5 cm thick. Garnish the fish with boiled potatoes,

carrots, rutabaga, cucumbers, cut into small cubes, green peas, etc. The side dish is placed in bouquets and topped with salad dressing.

Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately. As an additional side dish, you can offer fish jelly, cut into cubes.

Partial fish is prepared and decorated in the same way, but it is boiled in portions, cooled and lightly dried before release.

Fish with mayonnaise. Place a portion of boiled fish on one third of the vegetable side dish, seasoned with a small amount of mayonnaise, and fill it with mayonnaise from a paper envelope with a jagged cutout. On top of the dish you can decorate with crabs and sprigs of herbs, slices of fresh tomatoes, and place bouquets of vegetable garnish around it.

For custom-made dishes, mayonnaise sauce is prepared with fish jelly in a 1:1 ratio, the fish is poured, decorated and transparent jelly is poured on top.

Jellied fish. This dish can be prepared in two ways.

First way. Portioned pieces of fillet of pike perch or other fish are boiled and cooled on a sieve. The broth left after cooking

6. Production of finished products

ki fish, combine with broth from fish food waste and filter. Soaked and squeezed gelatin is placed in the hot broth, dissolved, the broth is cooled to 50...60 "C, a draw is introduced, boiled for 20...30 minutes, seasoned with salt and filtered. A layer of jelly is poured onto a baking sheet 4... 6 mm and, when it hardens, place dried pieces of fish on it at intervals of 2 cm. Decorate them with boiled carrots, lemon, parsley, crayfish tails, attaching decorations with jelly. After this, the decorated pieces of fish are cooled again, pour in jelly (a layer of at least 0.5...1 cm) and cool again. Pieces of fish are cut out on a baking sheet so that the edges are corrugated, and the layer of jelly around the pieces of fish is at least 5...8 mm Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately.

Second way. The fish is prepared in a mold. First, a “shirt” is made from jelly: the mold is placed in the refrigerator, cooled and warm (45...55 ° C) fish jelly (lanspig) is poured to the very edge of the mold. When a layer of frozen jelly 3...5 mm thick forms on the walls of the mold, the mold is quickly removed from the refrigerator, wiped with a cloth, the unfrozen part of the jelly is poured out, and the mold is again put in the refrigerator and the jelly is allowed to completely harden. Decorations of brightly colored vegetables and herbs are placed on the jelly inside the mold, they are secured with jelly, then pieces of boiled fish are placed in the mold with the front side facing the jelly, leaving intervals between them. The molds filled with fish are placed in the refrigerator, filled to the very edge with semi-frozen but still liquid jelly and allowed to completely harden.

Before release, the molds with the aspic are immersed in hot water for 3...5 seconds, removed from the water, turned over, holding it slightly inclined, shaken and the aspic is placed on a round or oval dish. Horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Jellied pike perch (whole). The prepared pike perch is boiled, cooled in the broth, removed from the cauldron, dried well, transferred to a dish and decorated on the sides and back with various brightly colored vegetables, herbs, lemon, and crayfish tails. All decorations are glued using jelly. After this, the fish is filled with semi-frozen jelly completely or in the form of a mesh, using a pastry bag with a straw.

6.10. Cold dishes and snacks

with a diameter of 1...2 mm. Vegetable side dishes, diced jelly, and vegetables are placed around the pike perch in bouquets; pour over salad dressing. The sides of the dish are decorated with stars, crescents, and jelly triangles. Horseradish sauce with vinegar and mayonnaise sauce are served separately.

Stuffed fish (pike perch, pike). Fish prepared for stuffing is filled with minced meat made from fish pulp, bread, milk, sautéed onions, fat, and garlic. The fish is given the appearance of a whole carcass, wrapped in gauze, tied with twine at the head and tail, placed on the grill of a fish kettle and simmered with spices and seasonings until cooked (30 ... 40 minutes). The cooked fish is cooled, cut crosswise into pieces and served.

The fish can be placed on a platter in the form of a whole carcass, with a vegetable side dish placed in bouquets around it.
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Horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Fish in white marinade. Cleaned whole smelt, small navaga or pieces of pike perch fillet, perch are breaded in flour, fried in vegetable oil, placed in a non-oxidizing container and filled with marinade. After 3...4 hours, the fish is transferred to a salad bowl, the marinade is finally seasoned with salt, sugar, and vinegar, pour over the fish, evenly distributing the roots on the surface of the fish. Sprinkle the fish with herbs.

Fish in tomato (red) marinade. Pieces of fish fillet are fried in vegetable oil, lightly tinted and without drying, placed in a deep non-oxidizing bowl, poured over with warm marinade with tomato and cooled. Before serving, the fish is sprinkled with herbs.

Fish is always welcome on the table of all lovers of tasty and low-calorie food. But our article is by no means about the benefits of vertebrate inhabitants of the seas, lakes and rivers, especially since this truth has not been disputed by anyone for a long time; we bring to your attention the most interesting fish. The recipes, as you can see for yourself, are quite simple and do not require any special knowledge or skills from you. Our selection is not made up of random dishes. This material contains only those fish dishes and snacks that have received the most positive reviews from professionals and amateurs.


Red fish is unusually good in cold appetizers.

If there is not enough time to set a large table, simple and varied miniature appetizers will come to the rescue. Noble varieties of fish produce incomparable fish that can be laid out on large dishes - it looks very elegant. They cook quickly and are eaten with great pleasure. For them, it is best to buy toast bread in advance.

Cut off the crusts from each slice, spread the bread with a thin layer of butter and cut into 9 pieces. Place a piece of salted pink salmon on each and insert a skewer.

Another canapé option is bread, fatty salted fish, preferably salmon, and lemon. Place a slice of salmon on a square of bread and a small piece of lemon on top. Insert a skewer to hold the fish and lemon.


Preparing fish appetizers is a fun and creative activity. With some experience in rolling koloboks, you can make a delicious dish with an original shape. It will require chopped fresh dill and parsley and Feta cheese. The greens should be chopped as finely as possible and ground with cheese. Don't forget to season with white pepper and, if it's too bland, salt. You should get a dough-like mass. Form balls from it and wrap each one in fish. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to make them firmer, prick them onto skewers and present them to your guests.


Freshly caught fish is cleaned of bones, finely chopped, generously salted, peppered, sprinkled with vegetable oil and natural fruit vinegar. After marinating for a day in the refrigerator, it is ready to eat.

Salmon with avocado

Fish appetizers are usually served on a beautifully presented platter. Salmon with avocado is made in the form of a cylinder, which is placed on a large leaf of lettuce. Mayonnaise is squeezed out of the pastry bag along the edges of the cylinder. With some training, everyone will be able to depict stars, waves, and cobwebs.

The cylinder is formed using a regular tin can. Confectionery film is placed in it, pressing it to the edges. Next, salted salmon cut into small cubes, similarly cut, salted and peppered avocado, soft cheese, boiled rice and a slice of tomato are placed tightly in layers on the film. Everything goes into the refrigerator. Before serving to guests, the contents are carefully pulled out of the jar, freed from the film and served on a plate.

Salad with canned fish

Salads are perhaps the most traditional fish snacks. They are made quickly and easily. It is important not to overdo it with ingredients. For one can of canned natural pink salmon you need 300 g of fresh cucumbers, 100 g of Chinese cabbage, a bunch of fresh dill and mayonnaise. All ingredients are chopped with a knife and mixed in a salad bowl along with mayonnaise. The main secret of this dish is not to skimp on the sauce. A little ground black pepper will be very helpful. The peculiarity of cold appetizer salads is that, having learned how to prepare several different ones according to the recipe, over time you can begin to experiment and come up with your own, signature one. The following go well with fish in the salad: boiled rice, potatoes, eggs, canned green peas, corn, various types of lettuce, olives, pineapples.


This salad is layered. Between each of them there is a layer of Mayonnaise sauce. “Dunes” will look especially impressive if the layers are tightly packed into a cylindrical jar, and then the resulting cylinder is placed on a dish. The colors of the snack are reminiscent of Baltic sand dunes in winter.

The first layer is mashed egg yolks, the second is pieces, the third is a Napoleon-type cake crust broken into pieces, the fourth is grated egg whites, the fifth is a second Napoleon cake crust, only now crushed into crumbs. And don’t forget about layering with mayonnaise.


This salad has been consistently popular for many years and receives numerous positive reviews. It has a delicate taste and looks very appetizing. It is customary to lay it in layers, but if this is difficult, it will not be a sin if all the ingredients are evenly mixed. For snacks you need very ordinary products that are sold in any supermarket. This is a can of canned pink salmon, boiled eggs, onions, butter, hard cheese and mayonnaise.

The preparatory stage includes freeing the onion from bitterness. To do this, peel the onion, cut it into small cubes and put it in boiling water for a few seconds. After draining the water, drying it slightly in a colander and cooling in the refrigerator, it is used in a salad. The onion must be divided into two parts.

Crush the fish with a fork and also divide in half.

The oil will subsequently have to be grated. To make the task easier, it is better to freeze it first.

The sequence of layers is as follows.

Place the yolks mashed with a fork at the bottom of a flat dish. They have half a salmon on them. Next - onions. Mayonnaise is generously poured on it. Next come the grated egg whites. There is another layer of fish on them. For fish - onions. Onion - mayonnaise again. For mayonnaise - grated butter. Grated cheese on butter.

Like any salad, Mimosa takes time to brew and soak in the sauce and juices from the fish. Therefore, after preparing the salad, you should not put it in the refrigerator. It should stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes. After that, you can put it in the refrigerator and eat it cold.

Russian rolls

Russian rolls require toast bread, salted salmon, seafood and fresh dill.

The crusts are cut off from the toast, and the bread itself is rolled out with a rolling pin. The salmon, better if it is ready-cut, is laid evenly over the entire surface. Four peeled boiled shrimp are placed on the edge. Everything is sprinkled with dill and carefully wrapped tightly with film. The rolls are then placed in the refrigerator. After about three hours they are taken out and cut into four rolls. Such fish and seafood snacks will perfectly complement any holiday table.


Who remembers that this dish is from Jewish cuisine, because it has long and firmly taken an honorable place in the list of traditional holiday snacks in almost all European countries? However, this is true. For mincemeat you take salted herring, white bread, onions, a hard sweet and sour apple and hard-boiled eggs, 3-4 pieces. If the herring is too salty, it is soaked in milk or tea.

A thin film-skin is pulled off the carcass, the flesh is separated from the bones and crushed as thoroughly as possible. The loaf is crumbled, the yolk is ground, the white is cut, the apple is peeled and grated. The onion is chopped or grated like an apple. All ingredients are mixed, salt, a little vinegar, sugar and pepper are added. Using a spatula, a truncated pyramid is formed. If desired, the onion can be freed from bitterness, as described in the Mimosa salad recipe.


Recently, a snack of pita bread with fish has become very fashionable. The recipes are full of variety. We have chosen the most popular. It requires a thin sheet of pita bread, Philadelphia cheese, fresh herbs - parsley, dill, celery, etc., at your own discretion.

The main ingredient is salted or smoked salmon cut into slices. The preparation is very simple. You need to unwrap the pita bread, grease one half with cheese, sprinkle with chopped herbs, arrange the pieces of fish, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and carefully wrap. Put it in the refrigerator to freeze a little - this makes it easier to cut. After a couple of hours, take it out and cut it crosswise into pieces one and a half to two cm thick. Such snacks from fish and pita bread can also be made with other fillings, for example, with canned or boiled fish. Greens are replaced with lettuce.


Make a very strong broth from the bones and scales. As spices for flavor, add one juniper berry, about 15 black peppercorns, lovage, maybe root, bay leaf, onion peel and salt. You need to cook for a long time, several hours, and add whole carrots at the end. It will be used for decoration. Then strain, place pieces of fish, cut into pieces 2 cm thick, into the pan and put on fire. It is important not to overcook the fish, otherwise it will lose its shape and disintegrate. Dissolve gelatin in a separate cup. Remove the cooked fish and carefully place it in the mold. Pour the gelatin into the broth and bring to a boil. Pour the broth over the fish to just cover and place in the refrigerator. Cut carrots into flower shapes. When the aspic has set, place carrot decorations on it, a few leaves of fresh celery, add a little broth and refrigerate again. When it hardens a little again, take it out and pour in the remaining broth. They eat fish aspic with horseradish sauce.

This dish made from pike perch is especially tasty.

Cold appetizers from fish and seafood

Cold appetizers made from fish and seafood are not only nutritious, but also extremely tasty. Salted, marinated, smoked, boiled, jellied, stuffed fish, garnished with taste and imagination, can turn any table into a festive one.

Jellied fish and seafood dishes look especially attractive. To prepare jelly, use broth or decoction obtained by boiling fish; the amount of gelatin added depends on the strength of the broth.

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Cold appetizers

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Cold appetizers

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COLD APPETIZERS KIEV MERCHANT VINEGRETTE Required: 6–8 potatoes, 3 carrots, 2 beets, 2 onions, 3–4 pickled cucumbers, 250 g (1 can) canned green peas, 200 g pickled cabbage, vegetable oil, salt. Method of preparation. Boil

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Hello dear readers of the blog site!

Today we will talk about fish and snacks made from it. Fish is generally a very healthy and nutritious product. Its meat contains a huge amount of phosphorus, calcium, valuable protein and other trace elements. Thousands of different dishes are prepared from fish.

N Ingredients needed:

1. 400 gr. fish fillet;

2. 1 spoon of butter;

3. 1 onion;

4. 2-3 potatoes;

5. 1 chicken egg;

6. 50 gr. hard cheese;

7. 0.5 tbsp. breading (crumbs);

8. 0.5 tbsp. flour;

9. 24 pitted olives;

10. a little seasoning for fish;

11. a little salt and pepper;

12. vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

First, boil the potatoes, drain the water, and turn the potatoes into puree while still hot. We clean the onion and finely chop it. Fry it in butter until soft (no need to brown).

We pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder together with the onion. Mix the resulting minced meat with mashed potatoes, season with salt, pepper, and fish seasoning. There we also add grated hard. Mix the mass well.

From the resulting minced meat we form 24 balls. We hide an olive in the middle of each of them.

Now let the frying oil get hot. We place three plates on the table: one contains flour; in the second, eggs, slightly diluted with water; in the third there are crackers.

We take each ball, bread it in flour, then dip it in the egg, and finally roll it in breadcrumbs. Place the croquettes in deep fat and fry until beautifully golden brown. Place with a slotted spoon on paper towels to blot off excess fat a little. Place the croquettes beautifully on a plate, decorate with parsley sprigs and serve to guests. Bon appetit!

Fish with cheese

To prepare this delicious hot fish appetizer you will need:

1. 500 gr. smoked fish;

2. 1 onion;

3. 2 chicken eggs;

4. 1 spoon of butter;

5. ¾ cup sour cream;

6. 1 tsp. mustard;

7. 4 tablespoons of grated hard cheese;

8. 0.5 tbsp. heavy cream;

9. half a bunch of dill;

10. a little salt and ground red pepper.

Cooking method:

Making this julienne is quite simple. First, cut the fish, remove the skin and bones. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

Peel the onion and finely chop it. Fry the onion in butter; when it starts to brown, add the fish, mix everything and remove from the heat.

Divide the contents of the frying pan among the cocotte makers.

Now we prepare the cheese mass for julienne. To do this, break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add mustard and grated cheese, and start beating with a mixer. Without stopping the mixer, slowly add the cream. At the very end, add salt and pepper. Carefully place the resulting mass on top of the fish.

Place the cocotte makers in the oven for 10-15 minutes and cook the appetizer until cooked at 200°C. Prepare and enjoy...

The most delicious hot fish snacks, 2.1 out of 5 based on 1 rating

More interesting recipes:

Fish appetizer with tomatoes

The fish, filleted without skin and bones, is cut into pieces (40–50 g), sprinkled with salt and pepper, rolled in flour and fried in oil until golden brown. Tomatoes are cut into slices, lightly fried in vegetable oil, poured with broth or water and simmered until completely softened. The finished tomatoes are wiped, seasoned with salt, lemon juice, pepper and garlic.

Fish - 200 g, tomatoes - 100 g, vegetable oil - 30 g, garlic - 1 clove, flour - 20 g, grated cheese - 10 g, lemon - 30 g, herbs - 20 g, salt, sugar, spices to taste.

Place 2 pieces of fried fish in a portioned frying pan, pour in grated tomato mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

When serving, the appetizer is decorated with lemon slices and sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Fish baked with tomatoes

Skinless and boneless fish fillets are cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and pepper, rolled in flour and fried in oil. A portioned frying pan is greased with margarine, pieces of fish are placed in the center, and slices of fried tomatoes are placed on them, poured with sour cream mixed with mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with melted butter and baked in the oven.

Fish - 200 g, tomatoes - 100 g, flour - 20 g, sour cream - 20 g, mayonnaise - 20 g, grated cheese - 10 g, margarine - 20 g.

Fish baked with cheese

Pieces of fish fillet are sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried in butter. The onions are cut into cubes and also fried in butter.

Pieces of fish are placed in a portioned frying pan, greased with oil, fried onions are placed on them, everything is evenly poured with a mixture of sour cream, mayonnaise and grated cheese, to which you can add a little sugar if desired, and baked in the oven. When serving, the fish is decorated with sprigs of greenery.

Fish - 300 g, grated cheese - 50 g, sour cream and mayonnaise - 40 g, onions - 50 g, butter - 40 g, greens.

Fish baked with mushrooms

The fish fillet is cut into pieces and simmered. Onions are cut into strips and fried in butter. The champignons are processed, boiled, and then cut into slices. Cocotte bowls are greased with oil, a third is filled with poached fish cut into pieces, onions are placed on top, a layer of champignons is placed on it, everything is poured with milk sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with melted butter and baked in the oven. When serving, sprinkle the baked fish with chopped herbs.

Fish (fillet) - 300 g, butter - 25 g, eggs - 2 pcs., milk - 50 g, onions - 20 g, grated cheese - 10 g, tomatoes - 30 g, salt and spices to taste.

Fish baked with zucchini or eggplant

Fish - 300 g, zucchini - 50 g, eggplant - 50 g, flour - 25 g, vegetable oil - 40 g, garlic - 2 cloves, mayonnaise - 50 g, sour cream - 50 g, grated cheese - 15 g, butter - 10 g, greens.

The fish is filleted, cut into small pieces of 30–40 g, sprinkled with salt and pepper, rolled in flour and fried on both sides.

Zucchini, cut into slices, sprinkle with salt, roll in flour and fry until golden brown.

Eggplant slices are doused with hot water and then prepared in the same way as zucchini. Pieces of fish are placed in a portioned frying pan, greased with oil, zucchini is placed on them, sprinkled with chopped garlic, poured with mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven.

When serving, sprinkle the appetizer with finely chopped dill or parsley.

Fish roe baked with sauce

Fish roe, freed from films, is fried in vegetable oil, but not overdried. Then the caviar is cut into small pieces, combined with sauteed onions, placed in cocotte makers, poured with some sauce and baked in the oven until cooked.

Caviar - 200 g, onion - 30 g, vegetable oil - 20 g, butter - 20 g, sauce (mayonnaise, mayonnaise with sour cream) - 50 g, salt and various spices to taste.

If desired, you can add mushrooms by frying them along with onions.

Squid baked in shells

Squid (fillet) - 300 g, onion - 50 g, butter - 25 g, champignons - 30 g, mayonnaise mixed with sour cream - 50 g, grated cheese - 10 g, salt, spices to taste, herbs.

The squid fillet is boiled and cut into strips. The onion is cut into strips, fried in oil, combined with boiled squid, boiled and cut into strips mushrooms and fried for another 5-10 minutes.

The shells are greased with oil, filled 2/3 of the volume with squid with onions and mushrooms, poured with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven. When serving, the appetizer is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Squid in sour cream sauce

Boiled squid are cut into strips, fried in butter along with onion cut into strips, cooled and mixed with grated cheese.

Cocotte pans are greased with oil, sour cream sauce is poured into them to fill 1/3 of the volume, then squid with onions and cheese are placed, filling the cocotte bowl to 2/3 of the volume, sour cream sauce is poured over everything, sprinkled with grated cheese, poured over melted butter and baked in the oven.

Squid (fillet) - 300 g, onion - 50 g, butter - 30 g, grated cheese - 50 g, sour cream sauce - 50 g, herbs, salt, spices to taste.

Appetizer of fried squid with onions

Boiled or canned squid are cut into strips, combined with sauteed and chopped onions and fried for 5-10 minutes. When serving hot squid, place it in a salad bowl and sprinkle with herbs.

Squid (fillet) - 300 g, onion - 50 g, butter - 30 g, herbs, salt and spices to taste.

Shrimp with mushrooms in sauce

Shrimp - 200 g, champignons - 100 g, sauce (milk, tomato, sour cream) - 50 g, grated cheese - 15 g, butter - 20 g, herbs.

The pulp of boiled shrimp is cut into pieces, combined with slices of boiled champignons and mixed. A little sauce is poured into cocotte bowls or chillers (shells), greased with oil, shrimps and mushrooms are laid out, the sauce is poured over, grated cheese is sprinkled on them, melted butter is sprinkled on them and baked in the oven. When serving, the dish is sprinkled with herbs.

Captain's krill appetizer

Cut the onions into small cubes, saute for 5 minutes in oil, add tomato puree, broth or water and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

Krill meat is added to the onion stewed with tomato, heated for 2-3 minutes, seasoned with garlic, ground with salt and pepper, and quickly served as a hot appetizer, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Krill meat - 200 g, onion - 50 g, tomato puree - 30 g, butter - 50 g, water or broth - 30 g, garlic - 3 cloves, salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Krill meat baked with mayonnaise

Onions are cut into small cubes and sautéed in vegetable oil. Hard-boiled eggs are cooled and finely chopped. The bread is cut into strips. The prepared products are combined with krill meat, mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise (1/2 cup), placed in oiled cocotte pans, poured over the remaining mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven.

Krill - 200 g, onion - 50 g, wheat bread - 20 g, butter - 25 g, grated cheese - 20 g, mayonnaise - 100 g, salt, spices to taste.

Appetizers of mussels or oysters with smoked pork

The meat of boiled or poached mussels or oysters is cut into thin strips, combined with chopped smoked pork meats and fried together with chopped onions. Fried shellfish are poured into an omelette mixture, baked in an oven and served sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. After frying mussels or oysters with smoked pork meats and onions, they can also be baked under omelette mixture in cocotte makers.

Oysters or mussels - 300 g, loin or brisket (raw smoked) - 50 g, onions - 30 g, butter - 30 g, eggs - 2 pcs., milk - 70 g, herbs, salt and spices to taste.

Mussels stewed with vegetables

The mussels are poached, the meat is separated, cut into strips and fried in oil. The onions are cut into strips, fried in oil along with the peppers cut into strips, at the end add tomatoes cut into slices and fry until the juice evaporates. Combine the mussels with vegetables, add the broth formed when poaching the mussels, season with salt and spices and simmer for 10–15 minutes. When serving, the dish is sprinkled with herbs.

Mussels - 300 g, onions - 50 g, sweet peppers - 30 g, carrots - 20 g, tomatoes - 30 g, butter - 40 g, salt and spices to taste, herbs.

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