How to make your own breadcrumbs. Homemade breadcrumbs. Making good breadcrumbs yourself

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Breadcrumbs are used by chefs all over the world when preparing many dishes. The word breading came to us from the French, for whom it literally means “bread crumb”.
Nowadays, markets and supermarkets are full of packages of ready-made breadcrumbs. There is only no complete guarantee of excellent quality. But every housewife needs that finishing touch in homemade dishes, like breading, to be of high quality. Therefore, it is better to prepare crispy and flavorful fresh breadcrumbs yourself. At the same time, there will be a use for stale bread.
Every housewife's cookbook should contain a recipe for homemade breadcrumbs. After all, without them, neither meat, nor fish, nor vegetables, nor cutlets will have the correct complete taste. So, we will tell you how to make breadcrumbs below.

We will need:

- bread – 500 g;
- butter or vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
- salt - to taste;
- seasonings - to your taste;
- dried garlic - a pinch.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. The bread must be cut into small slices and placed in the oven to dry a little. If you have a lot of dried bread left, you can also make breading from it. Just inspect it carefully to make sure there is no mold.

2. When the dried bread has cooled, you should chop it - grate it or do it in a blender.

3. Sift the resulting breadcrumbs through a sieve. If there are large crumbs left, grind them again. Heat olive oil or butter in a saucepan or frying pan, add a little chopped or dried garlic, basil and other seasonings to your taste so that the oil absorbs their aroma. Now pour breadcrumbs into a saucepan or frying pan and add a little salt.

4. Stirring constantly, fry them until they acquire a rich golden color. When the crackers have cooled, pour them into a separate container and store in it. These breadcrumbs will give the dish a special taste and aroma.

And such crackers can be prepared, for example.

Some useful tips

1. It will be very tasty if you mix breadcrumbs with chopped and lightly fried walnuts (in the proportion: for 1 part walnuts, take 5 parts breadcrumbs). Try it!
2. You can mix different types of bread for breading - white and rye.
3. For different dishes, the grinding of crackers should be different. When cooking fish or chicken, it is better to chop the breadcrumbs coarsely, but for chicken fillet you will need delicate, finely ground crumbs.
4. Rusks made from black bread have a darker color, but they also have a richer taste.
Now you know all the secrets of making breadcrumbs at home. And from now on, all your dishes will have an appetizing golden brown crust and delight your household with an exquisite taste.

Now read,

Every housewife probably has a place to store a variety of spices. Among them, there must be a jar of breadcrumbs. Where would we be without them? They occupy a huge place in cooking. Not so long ago, when visiting the supermarket, I always bought a couple of packages of this necessary ingredient, since the crackers were quickly running out. Without thinking twice, I decided to cook it at home, since there is always delicious homemade bread. To make breadcrumbs with your own hands, I present a recipe with a photo, save your money!

To prepare the breading, you can use any white or dark bread, both fresh and yesterday’s baked bread. Even if the bread has been sitting for about 2-3 days, it is perfect for breadcrumbs. So, if you want to always have breadcrumbs on hand, read our recipe and get into the kitchen. Such homemade crackers will be very useful to you if you want to feed your family deliciously.

Required ingredients:

White bread

If you don't have a bread machine in which you can bake bread, then buy white bread at the supermarket.

How to make breadcrumbs at home, simple recipe:

Cut into small cubes, along with the crusts.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Add sliced ​​bread. Distribute over the entire surface. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the baking sheet in the oven. Bake until lightly golden, 15-20 minutes. Periodically, open the door and stir to brown on all sides.

Cool the browned crackers a little.

Place in the bowl of a food processor. Grind to desired size.

Your homemade breadcrumbs are ready. Store in a container with a lid, preferably in a dry place.


I think I mentioned before that Food Lab by Kenji Lopez-Alta is one of my favorite cookbooks of recent times. It’s thick—I’ve been reading it for years now, and I’ll probably finish reading it by the time Kenji releases his second book—and very informative: it’s not a collection of recipes, but a manual written in simple and understandable language for those who have already mastered the basics of cooking and wants to understand it at the advanced user level. The other day Kenji posted an excerpt from the book in his column on the Serious Eats website, and I decided to translate it for you.

Why do you need batter?

Have you ever deep-fried skinless, unbreaded chicken breasts? I strongly recommend not to do this. The moment the chicken enters a container of oil heated to 200 degrees, two things begin to happen. First, the water contained in the meat quickly turns into steam, escaping like a geyser, and the outer tissues of the chicken become dry.

At the same time, the soft network of interconnected proteins in its muscle tissue denatures and hardens, making the meat tough and squeezing out the juices. Take it out a minute or two later and you'll find it has become tough, with a layer of dried out meat half a centimeter deep. At this point, you will quite rightly say: “Yes, I would rather use batter.”

How to prepare batter or breading

The batter is made by combining flour—usually wheat, although cornstarch and rice flour are also used—with a liquid and optional ingredients to thicken or hold the dough better, such as eggs or baking powder. The batter envelops the food in a thick, viscous layer. Breading consists of many layers. Typically, products are first rolled in flour to make their surface dry and uneven, and then the second layer - the liquid binder - will stick as it should. This layer usually consists of beaten eggs or some kind of dairy product. The final layer gives the food texture. It may consist of ground grains (flour or corn grits, which is commonly used to bread chicken), ground nuts, or a mixture of toasted and ground bread and similar products, such as crackers, crackers, or breakfast cereals.

No matter what your breading or batter is made of, they still serve the same function: to add a “protective layer” to the product that the oil will not easily penetrate during frying, so it will take most of the heat. All the thermal energy that is transferred to the food must pass through a thick coating riddled with microscopic air bubbles. Just as a layer of air in the walls of your home mitigates the effects of cold air outside, batters and breadings help the food hidden underneath cook more delicately and evenly, without being burned or over-dried by hot oil.

What does batter do during frying?

Of course, while foods are cooked slowly and delicately, the exact opposite happens with batters or breadings: they dry out and become harder. Frying is essentially a drying process. The batter is designed to dry in a particularly pleasant way. Instead of burning or turning to rubber, it turns into a crispy, dense foam filled with lots of air bubbles that provides both flavor and texture.

Breading works in a similar way, but unlike foamy batter, it has a brittle, crunchy texture. The dimples and bumps of a good breadcrumb increase the surface area of ​​the product, giving us more crunch in every bite. In an ideal world, the batter or breading becomes perfectly crispy while the food underneath, be it onion rings or a piece of fish, is cooked to perfection. Achieving this balance is the mark of a good chef.

5 types of batter and breading: pros and cons

Flour breading

How to make breading from flour: Pieces of food soaked in brine or marinade (whey is often used for this) are rolled in flour with spices and fried.
Behind: Properly prepared, the flour coating turns into a very crispy, dark brown crust.
Against: It gets dirty (by the end of frying, your fingers will be breaded too). Oil spoils very quickly.
Classic recipes: Southern Fried Chicken, Breaded Schnitzel

Breaded breadcrumbs

How to make breadcrumbs: The products are rolled in flour, dipped in beaten egg, and then rolled in breadcrumbs.
Behind: Very easy to prepare, although you will need a few vessels. The result is a very crispy, firm, dense crust that goes well with sauces.
Against: Breadcrumbs sometimes have too strong a flavor that overpowers the flavor of the food itself. Regular crackers soften quite quickly. Oil spoils relatively quickly.
Classic recipes: Parmesan-breaded chicken, breaded schnitzel.
Crispness level (from 1 to 10): 5

Panko breadcrumb coating

How to make panko breadcrumbs: As with regular breadcrumbs, the food is dredged in flour, then beaten egg, then panko breadcrumbs.
Behind: Panko bread crumbs have a very large surface area, which creates an incredibly crispy crust.
Against: Sometimes panko breadcrumbs can be hard to find. A thick crust means the food underneath must have a strong flavor.
Classic recipes: Tonkatsu is Japanese pork or chicken chops.
Crispness level (from 1 to 10): 9

Beer batter

How to make beer batter: Flour and spices (and sometimes baking powder) are mixed with beer (and sometimes eggs) to create a thick batter similar to pancake batter. Beer helps achieve a golden color, and its bubbles make the batter lighter. Beer-battered foods can be additionally dredged in flour for extra crunch.
Behind: Great taste. Beer batter is thick and therefore protects delicate foods such as fish well. Easy to prepare, does not separate after mixing. Without additional breading in flour it spoils very slowly.
Against: Doesn't give the same crunch as other batters. You need quite a lot of ingredients. Once you prepare the batter, you need to use it quickly. Without additional breading in flour, the crust will quickly soften. If you bread it in flour, the butter will spoil quickly.
Classic recipes:, onion rings.
Crispness level (from 1 to 10): 5

Thin tempura batter

How to make tempura batter: High-starch, low-protein flour (such as a mixture of wheat flour and cornstarch) is combined with ice water (sometimes soda water) or an egg and stirred quickly, leaving lumps in the batter. Immediately after this, the products are dipped in batter and immediately fried.
Behind: Very crispy batter, large surface area contributes to the formation of crispy pieces. Due to the low protein content, the batter does not fry as much and does not hide the taste of more delicate foods, such as shrimp or vegetables. Oil deteriorates relatively slowly.
Against: It is difficult to prepare the batter correctly (it is easy to over- or under-beat). Prepared tempura batter should be used immediately.
Classic recipes:, Korean fried chicken.

The golden brown crust on a flavorful cutlet or juicy chop appears as a result of the skillful actions of the cook. Breading of products before frying plays the role of a protective “blanket”, preserving all the best qualities of the semi-finished product. You can bread not only meat or fish: vegetables, cheese and pieces of fruit, rolled in breadcrumbs or flour, present the world with a new dish with an unexpected flavor range.

What types of breadings are there?

Breading is the culinary processing of meat, fish, and vegetable pieces before frying, rolling them in flour or breadcrumbs or other bulk products. The word "breading" is of French origin, from "paner", literally translated - to sprinkle with bread crumbs. Breading is needed in order to preserve the juiciness of the main product, to give it a new look, aroma, and taste.

Most often, breadcrumbs are used for this type of processing, which are used not only for frying cutlets and other products, but also for some confectionery products, for example, strudel. Breadcrumbs are made from dry white bread, crushed to fine crumbs.

The second most common breading is wheat, buckwheat, millet, corn, rice flour and mixtures thereof. Dishes in such a flour “coat” turn out to be more tender, do not have a hard outer crust, the flour does not interrupt the main taste of the product, it only complements it correctly.

There is a whole range of original breadings that radically change the taste and appearance of familiar dishes. For example, any nuts crushed in a coffee grinder will not only add a new flavor, but also add calories and nutrition to the dish. Carrot, potato or zucchini shavings will also serve as an external decoration for cutlets or boiled cauliflower. To do this, you need to grate the vegetables on a coarse grater and lightly dry them in the oven. This breading will stick well if the cutlets are first dipped in egg wash.

Sesame breading gives oriental charm and unique aroma to pieces of fruit (bananas, apples, pears), meat and fish. Buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal flakes carefully wrap the food in a beautiful lace veil. To do this, you need to roll pieces of meat or fish, cutlets or chicken in flour, dip into the egg and only then into the cereal.

Semolina - tender breading. Chicken meat, seafood, boiled white or cauliflower leaves, breaded with semolina, acquire a unique taste. First, pieces of food are rolled in flour, then in egg or vegetable oil, semolina is sprinkled on top in a very thin stream so that an even coating is formed on the surface of the semi-finished product, without mounds or compactions. After frying, you will get a light crispy crust.

Crackers or chips, crushed into crumbs, can radically change the taste of banal cutlets or meatballs. Cheese breading will add piquancy to the dish: grate the cheese on a fine or coarse grater and roll the food in these shavings. Finely chopped greens can be a spring outfit for pieces of meat, fish or chicken. If you add your favorite spices or oriental seasonings to any of the listed breadings, the dish will sparkle with new facets of taste. There is always a place for experimentation in the kitchen, and a variety of breadings can help with this.

How to bread food correctly

In order for the breading to lie evenly, carefully enveloping the pieces, you need to know a few culinary secrets. Most often, the dish is breaded using egg scramble, the so-called lezon, a mixture of milk and eggs. Sometimes only eggs are used for lezon, without milk, cream or kefir. This is only suitable for those products that have high surface humidity and excess liquid will make it difficult to form a golden brown crust during frying.

Liezon is needed to bind the breading to the main product and promote its good adhesion. The best ratio of eggs and milk is this: for two eggs - fifty milliliters of milk. You can beat only the yolks, the dish will turn a sunny color, or only the whites - meat, fish or cutlets will become tender, and aristocracy will appear.

First, the prepared pieces of fish, meat, chicken, and vegetables must be blotted with a napkin; if the product is too wet, add salt and pepper, and leave for a while to soak in the spices. Then roll in flour, shaking off excess, dip in egg lezone, transfer to a container with breading. After all the preliminary preparations, place the breaded pieces in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and quickly fry on both sides over high heat.

To get a thicker crust, use double or even triple breading. After the product has gone through the usual breading procedure, it is again dipped into the egg wash and again rolled in breadcrumbs, flour or other types of toppings. This is how, for example, chicken Kiev is prepared.

The final appearance and taste of the prepared dish depends on what breading the cook chooses. It’s enough to experiment with a variety of breadings to get a new unexpected effect from your usual dishes every time.

Every housewife has ever fried cutlets, fish, etc. in breadcrumbs. The dishes turn out simply extraordinary: crispy golden crust on the outside and tender meat on the inside. But breadcrumbs are something that is not always available in the kitchen. at home by yourself? I recently asked myself this question when I suddenly decided to cook chicken cutlets in a crispy breading.

How to make breadcrumbs from white bread at home?

Breadcrumbs are not only a thing that is often missing from the house, but also small crumbs of white bread that are used to bread (from the French word - sprinkle with bread crumbs) meat, fish, and vegetables. Dishes in breadcrumbs can be prepared both in a frying pan and in.

You may not always have ready-made breadcrumbs in a pack on hand, but you always have white bread at home. Hence two natural questions: 1) “Why buy them if you can make them yourself?” 2) and " How to make breadcrumbs

Everything is very simple. The first thing to do is dry the bread. And you can do this in the microwave or oven. Five minutes is enough. Then, logically, the bread needs to be crumbled. If you have a blender and you know, great. It's easy and simple to make breadcrumbs at home by grinding dried bread in a blender.

But what if there is no blender? After drying the bread in the microwave, you won’t crumble it with your hands, because the pieces will be hard and it will simply hurt.

How to make breadcrumbs at home - the fastest way

Therefore the best option how to make breadcrumbs at home- this is to crumble the pulp of white bread into a plate, preferably flat and large, and dry these crumbs, not pieces of bread, in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. It's best to dry the crumbs for a minute, then check them (to make sure they don't burn), stir lightly, and then stir again for a minute. And so on until it is not completely dry. The crumbs should be slightly soft, so that you can crumble them a little more with your hands. This way you will get excellent homemade breadcrumbs.

Since breading is usually used for frying, a lot of oil is required. But a lot of oil is bad. Don’t forget to place the finished cutlets, or whatever you are cooking, on a napkin so that excess oil is absorbed into it and does not soak into your waist.

And, of course, we need to remind you that dishes in breadcrumbs should be eaten immediately, while the crust is crispy. After a few hours, any skillfully prepared cutlets and nuggets stop crunching, unfortunately. Make breadcrumbs at home very simple, so next time don’t even think about running headlong to the store.
