How to make natural apple cider vinegar. Recipes. How to make apple cider vinegar at home. Juice recipe on dough

Natural homemade apple cider vinegar, a few spoons of which contains both medicine, a food vitamin supplement, and simply a refreshing drink in the summer heat. I'm preparing its 4th season.

Recipe from Jarvis’s book “Honey and other natural products” and N. Kobzar’s book “Nature-appropriate nutrition. The path to health."

Preparation of apple cider vinegar occurs in three stages. All manipulations are simple, although they take a long time. The actual busy time from cooking is not long. Depending on the initial quantity/quality of apples, the longest time is preparing the apples, and then pressing them.

Ingredients of apple cider vinegar:

1st stage:
  • 400 g apples
  • 500 ml water
  • 50 g sugar/honey
  • 10 g black bread (small cracker)

2nd stage:

  • 100 g honey/sugar per liter of liquid

How to make apple cider vinegar at home - a simple recipe:

Step 1 of making homemade apple cider vinegar

  1. Any apples will be suitable for vinegar. And even better, in my opinion, is a mixture of apples. Wash, clean from wormy, spoiled areas. If you have selected apples, without any nuances, then grate them entirely (along with the core, seeds, and skins). Also, if you are drying apples, you can use the skins/cores left over from apple peeling. This year my apple trees are resting and I'm using the falling fruit from my grandpa's orchard.

    Preparing the apples

  2. We grate on a coarse grater manually or with the help of your kitchen assistants (blender, food processor...). You can also chop it finely. This year I use an attachment (a large grater in a food processor) for 6.5 kg of prepared apples (in the past I grated 10-12 kg by hand - I had more time).

    Rub it

  3. Pour the apple mixture with warm boiled water. In the proportion for every 400 g of apples 500 ml of water (for 4 kg of apples - 5 liters of water), we feed our future vinegar with honey or sugar and a cracker of black bread. This time I'm using sugar. Stir with a wooden spatula/spoon.

    Adding ingredients for stage 1

  4. Place the container in a dark place with a temperature of 20-30ºC, covering it with cloth or gauze, and leave it for ten days, stirring the contents daily with a wooden spatula two to three times a day.

    Attention! At this stage we use an enamel pan, basin, bucket or glass or wooden container. A metal container is not suitable!

    The fermentation process is facilitated by: constant temperature, darkness and a wide area of ​​​​contact of the future vinegar with air. I have a huge saucepan, which I put in the garage for these ten days and cover with a towel (from midges). I also add some prepared vinegar from last year that was left with the sediment.

    Step 2 of making apple cider vinegar at home

  5. After 10 days, strain and squeeze the mixture through 4 layers of gauze. I place a sieve covered with 4 layers of cheesecloth in a bowl and squeeze it out in sections.


  6. Pour the resulting liquid into 3-liter jars, 2-2.5 liters into each jar, add sugar/honey at the rate of 100 g per liter.

    Pouring into jars and adding sugar

  7. Stir until dissolved. Cover with a piece of natural fabric and secure (with an elastic band, for example) to prevent midges from getting in.
  8. And again we leave the jars in a warm, dark room for another 1.5-2 months (during this time, no active participation on your part is required, although the vinegar will definitely be pleasant if you look at it and remember time about time 😉😂).

    Leave the vinegar for 1.5-2 months

    Depending on the apple variety and other conditions, your homemade apple cider vinegar will be ready after this time. I usually remember about it after 2-3 months. At this time, the vinegar is fermenting, “playing” (so do not fill the jar to the top). A vinegar uterus will form on top in the form of a film or even a thick, approximately half a centimeter, mucous formation. During this time, the liquid itself becomes transparent, a sediment forms at the bottom, and now the vinegar is considered ready.

  9. Step 3 of making apple cider vinegar at home

  • Insert a watering can covered with gauze folded in 4-5 layers into suitable clean bottles and pour the vinegar.
  • Close tightly with lids (according to the recipe, you need to seal with wax; I have screw-on lids, which I additionally line with a square of parchment paper) and store in a cool place. My main volume is stored in the basement, and the duty bottle is in the refrigerator.

Where can you use homemade apple cider vinegar:

  • dressing salads;
  • add to hummus and when cooking instead of lemon;
  • extinguish baking soda;
  • use in or in other preparations for the winter;
  • drink in the morning/evening or on hot days for refreshment in this form: add 1-2 tsp to a glass of water. vinegar and 1 tsp. honey;
  • gargle when it bothers you: 1-2 tsp. vinegar in a glass of water, rinse every hour (rinse and swallow, washing the back of the throat)…

Be careful with yourself, natural apple cider vinegar is an acid. Notice this obvious fact.

The_host author of the recipe

Greetings to you, regular readers of the blog about healthy lifestyle and those who are visiting my site for the first time! Today we continue the topic of apple cider vinegar. I will not repeat the composition of natural apple essence. If interested, read about. We will try to find out a recipe for apple cider vinegar at home.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made product. But still, it will be more healing to prepare your own elixir from natural apples with love. It will be 100% free of any chemicals and harmful substances. The ideal option is if you take your fruits from your summer cottage or garden plot.

From the article you will learn about simple recipes and more complex ones, but which you can also take a closer look at. Your work will be worth it. Homemade apple cider vinegar has a good aroma and bright taste, and there is no need to talk about the benefits of the product.

It is used both internally, for weight loss and healing, and externally, as a lotion for oily skin, getting rid of wrinkles. In addition, apple cider vinegar makes excellent barbecue. Therefore, a bottle of natural apple essence must be in every home.

Before you start preparing a healing apple elixir, read these tips and recommendations. Then the final product will definitely not disappoint you.

  • To prepare healing acid, use natural apples, not Chinese ones. Autumn varieties grown independently are best suited. If you buy apples at the market, choose those where there are sometimes places with wormholes. This suggests that no chemicals were used when growing the fruit.
  • Prepare the correct dishes and containers. Stainless steel cannot be used. Glass, enamel dishes, and earthenware are suitable. The container for infusion should have a wide neck and preferably not transparent.
  • You need to stir the wort with a wooden spoon, stick, etc.
  • Carefully follow all stages, technology and deadlines. Fermentation times must be monitored especially carefully so that the product does not spoil. Observe the recommended temperature conditions, make sure that insects and dirt do not get into the container with raw materials.
  • Provide the wort with good oxygen access. You can store the containers in the fresh air, in the shade of bushes in your own garden. Just make sure there is no overheating, exposure to sunlight or dust.

Ready-made natural apple cider vinegar is not transparent, it is slightly cloudy. Over time, sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle. This is normal, don't be scared. Also, after a while, a “vinegar queen” should appear in the container. This sediment is somewhat similar to a jellyfish made of mucus.

In a store-bought product, you most likely will not see any sediment or “uterus”, since it is not natural. This “uterus” can be used as kombucha and medicinal drinks can be prepared from it. It is also used to make a new portion of the elixir.

The photo below shows what the “vinegar queen” looks like.

Home Recipes

So, now let's get to the fun part - the recipes. The first recipe is simple and does not require any special skills.

Traditional Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

Take raw materials, focusing on the tips described above. Prepare the correct container.

What you will need:

  • 3 kg of good aromatic apples.
  • 0.3 kg sugar.
  • Clean cloth, gauze (more).
  • A wide vessel (an enamel bucket, barrel, pan will do). Remember the ban on stainless steel.


  1. Wash the apples, clean them from damage, inclusions on the peel, and remove the core.
  2. Chop the prepared apples. Your goal is to make it puree, but the pieces of fruit are visible to the eye. Experienced housewives use a large grater, blender, and meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the raw materials into a prepared, clean container with a wide neck.
  4. Add 300 grams of sugar and mix everything thoroughly with a long-handled wooden spoon.
  5. Add boiled water at 70°C. The exact volume of water is not known, use the container as a guide. The water should cover the puree by at least 2 cm.
  6. Cover the dishes with a clean cloth or gauze. Tie a string or secure the gauze with an elastic band to prevent it from falling off.
  7. Place the raw materials to ferment in a dark place where the temperature does not drop below 16-17°C, but is not too hot. Optimally - up to 25 degrees.
  8. Mark this day on your calendar. The next control point is in 14 days.

While the wort is fermenting, you must stir it with a wooden object at least twice a day during these two weeks.

There must be access to oxygen, so there is no need to place the container in a stuffy room. For this reason, the wort should not be covered with lids, even wooden ones. Cloth and several layers of gauze are the best option.

  1. When 14 days have passed, the wort must be strained through 2-3 layers of gauze. Squeeze out all the pulp as much as possible so that only one pulp remains.
  2. Pour the resulting juice back and cover it with a cloth or gauze. Put it back where the wort was.
  3. Leave the apple cider vinegar to mature for about a month.

The finished product should acquire a beautiful amber color, be transparent and fragrant. Pour the elixir into glass bottles, close them tightly and put them in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Apple juice recipe

If you don't want to make vinegar from apple slices, make it from fresh juice. This recipe will especially appeal to housewives who have a juicer. If you have made a lot of apple juice for preparation and no longer know where to put it, then prepare homemade vinegar. For juice, take good natural apples.

How to make apple essence from freshly squeezed juice:

  • Prepare 1 liter of juice using a juicer.
  • Take 100 grams of good honey, preferably Siberian honey.
  • Pour the juice into a suitable container (glass, enamel).
  • Pour honey into it and stir everything well.
  • Cover the container with clean gauze.
  • Place the juice in a dark place with plenty of fresh air. Make sure that the gauze does not come off and secure it.
  • Time it for 2 months. There is no need to shake the liquid.

Pour the finished essence into a storage container. There is no need to strain the vinegar and honey.

An important nuance: during the standing process, a film may form on the surface. There is no need to remove it, the film will dissolve itself when the vinegar is ready, this is a normal reaction.

Recipe with bread

If you have the desire and time, I advise you to prepare apple cider vinegar with black bread. It turns out very tasty. It is better to take sweet apples.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.8 kg cored apples.
  • 1 liter of boiled water.
  • A piece of dried black bread (preferably homemade or Borodino bread).
  • 200 grams of honey.
  • 20 grams of yeast (dry).
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the prepared apples in any way and place them in a suitable container.
  2. Fill them with cooled boiled water.
  3. Add honey and dry yeast to the mixture, crumble the bread into it.
  4. Cover the container with gauze in one layer. Place the container in a room where there is a lot of fresh air and the temperature is in the range of 20-30 degrees Celsius.
  5. After 10 days, thoroughly squeeze out all the wort.
  6. Pour the resulting juice into a wide-necked container. Pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into it, stir and tie the top of the container with gauze so that it does not fall off.
  7. Put the future vinegar in a warm place for 2 months.

How do you know when the apple elixir is ready? The liquid will become transparent, and sediment will appear at the bottom. Strain the finished vinegar into bottles through cheesecloth and store them in a cool, dark place.

I hope you find these simple recipes helpful. It is better to talk about how to drink vinegar from apples in a separate publication. Follow the blog updates!

And finally, watch a short video on how to prepare healthy essence from apples:

Good day, dear readers! Today I would like to tell you a recipe for apple cider vinegar that I inherited from my grandmother. This remedy can also provide health benefits.

At the same time, the technology is simple. Do you know that natural vinegar helps fight cellulite, and is also used to tighten the skin, for weight loss and for beautiful hair.
It is used internally for medicinal purposes and is used for all kinds of rubbing and compresses.

It has been known for a long time and is used to prepare various potions and to treat many diseases.

In cooking, this product allows you to give dishes an exquisite taste. Cabbage is fermented with it, and various canning options are prepared.

Use garlic as an addition.

Apple cider vinegar contains a large number of essential enzymes and vitamins. It has a positive effect on the nervous, digestive and cardiac systems.

The product made at home has a lower strength compared to the synthetic version.
Remember that frequent use of synthetic products internally leads to the formation of sand and kidney stones, as well as to the appearance of peptic ulcers.

It is better not to use the store-bought version for weight loss.

It is also worth considering some of the subtleties of using a natural product. Do not use a cloudy product.

Wait until the sediment settles. Vinegar in a jar will ferment for a longer time than the same product in a saucepan or wide bowl.

Apple cider vinegar at home: popular recipes

If you want to know how to make apple cider vinegar, try this easy yeast-free recipe.

Prepare simple ingredients - this is 3 kg of apples, 300 g of sugar and water.

You will also need gauze and a large vessel. Dishes can be made of glass, wood or enamel.

In this case, stainless steel will not work. It is better to use natural apples, in the cultivation of which no chemicals were used.

Wormy fruits will tell you about naturalness.

So let's get started:

  1. Peel and core the fruits and then finely chop them.
  2. Place the apples in a container and add sugar there.
  3. Mix the ingredients and add water. In this case, the liquid should rise two fingers above the product.
  4. Then place the dishes in a dark place. The mixture will first ferment for two weeks. Stir the liquid twice a day.
  5. Cover the vessel with gauze or a regular napkin.
  6. After two weeks, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and squeeze out the remaining pulp.
  7. Then store the liquid in a 3 liter jar. Cover the container and place it back indoors. After this, the second stage of fermentation occurs, which lasts about four weeks.

The finished mixture will acquire a rich shade. Store the product in glass containers.

Try making vinegar the Jarvis way. For this you will need a liter of water, 800 g of apples, about 200 g of sugar. You can also use honey. You will also need 20 g of rye bread or 10 g of yeast.

Wash the fruits and grate them along with the core. Add to the resulting slurry warm water, honey and yeast.

Pour the mixture into a container with a wide neck. Place the dishes in a warm and dark place for 10 days.

Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon several times a day. After this period, squeeze the mass through gauze. For every liter add 50 g sugar, and then pour into a wide-necked container.

Tie the neck with gauze and place the container in a dark place on 40 days. The end of the fermentation process can be judged by how the liquid ceases to be cloudy.

Filter the finished solution and bottle it. Seal them with stoppers and store them in a cool place.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

With the help of a natural product, treatment and weight loss are carried out. Traditional recipes will help with this.

To lose excess weight, shake three tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and drink this liquid before meals.

This is an excellent cleanser.

The healing composition will also help with cellulite.

Special wraps are made for this. First you need to cleanse the skin.

Then the vinegar should be diluted with water in the ratio 1 to 1 and add a few drops of lemon juice and essential oil to the solution.

Bandages are soaked in the prepared mixture and tightly wrapped around the stomach, thighs and legs. In general, all problem areas.

Wrap the film and towel on top. With this wrapper, lie in bed under the covers about 40 minutes.
It’s quite easy to prepare a wrap for better fat burning. To do this, mix our main ingredient with honey and apply the sticky mixture to your stomach and other problem areas.

Wrap the top with cling film. Wear warm tights. Cover yourself with a warm blanket and lie down for an hour.

There is also a special method according to Bolotov, which involves the use of homemade vinegar. This useful product should be used for chronic fatigue, arthritis and varicose veins. It is also effective against fungal diseases.

Don't deny yourself the pleasure of using natural products. Moreover, this will not require large financial costs and excessive efforts. I hope that my simple recipes will benefit you.

Be healthy and happy dear friends!

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Apple cider vinegar is used not only in cooking; its beneficial properties are used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases. If you are going to use this product for health, then it must be truly natural, and I decided to find out how to make apple cider vinegar at home.

In the fall we had a good harvest of winter apples, but since we are not very keen on chemistry, there were apples that could not be left for storage - the worms tried them. Juices and jam had already been prepared from summer apples, and I decided to try making apple cider vinegar.

I thought that if we can do it, then vinegar will definitely work. And you know, it turned out that just yesterday I bottled it and I can say that even the smell is very different from the store-bought one.

Before making it, I reviewed various recipes and chose the most acceptable ones for myself - there are two of them and I offer both of them to your attention.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home

1 way to make natural apple cider vinegar


  • 1.5 kg apples (already processed)
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 150 gr. honey + 2 tablespoons honey
  • Rye bread


  1. Apples must be ripe. They need to be washed and damaged and worm-eaten areas removed. Grind in a meat grinder, I used a food processor for this.
  2. Boil the water and cool, but not until it cools completely. We need warm boiled water.
  3. Place the apples in a pan or bucket, fill with water, add 150 grams. honey, a few pieces of rye bread.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and cover with gauze or a cotton napkin. Leave in a warm room for 10 days. Remember to stir several times a day to improve the fermentation process.
  5. After 10 days, filter. We don't need apple pulp, we throw it away. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the apple juice, mix, pour into a glass jar, cover with gauze folded several times. We tie it around the neck, put it in a warm, dark place and forget about it for 2 months. If you decide to watch the process and see a white film on the surface of the vinegar, do not be alarmed, everything is going correctly. This has formed the so-called “vinegar queen”; it does not need to be removed and they say that in order not to damage it, it is better not to move the jar from place to place during the fermentation process.
  6. Within 2 months, the apple cider vinegar will clear and a sediment will form at the bottom of the jar. We remove the white film, now it is not needed and carefully, without shaking, pour the pure vinegar into glass bottles. Throw away the remaining sediment in the jar. We cork the bottles and put homemade apple cider vinegar in a dark place. Storage temperature is from 4 to 20 degrees Celsius.

2 ways to make homemade apple cider vinegar

It differs from the first one only in that instead of honey I added 200 grams of apples and water to the same amount. sugar, and after 10 days, when I squeezed the apple juice from the pulp, I added 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

I didn’t notice much difference between the two vinegars, but, according to the American doctor D.S. Jarvis, apple cider vinegar prepared with honey is the richest source of potassium.

As you can see, making apple cider vinegar at home is not difficult. This is a long process, but as a result you will get a natural, healthy, healing remedy.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Autumn... Now that you've picked your apples, it's time to make some apple cider vinegar. Its benefits and applications are described in another article, but here we will consider only the recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home.

Natural apple cider vinegar is so called because it is made exclusively from apple juice with a small addition of honey or sugar. The principle is this: the juice is fermented during the manufacturing process and alcohol is obtained, and with further processing acetic acid is formed.

To prepare apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to take sweet varieties of apples, as they produce more alcohol and require less sugar. You can take either whole fruits or ready-made juice from them.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes

A simple apple cider vinegar recipe

You will need 1.5 kg of apples. Grate them whole on a coarse grater, without throwing away the core, put them in a glass jar or enamel bowl and fill with 2 liters of boiled cold water.

Then put a piece of rye bread, approximately 50 - 60 g, into the container and add 150 g of natural honey. Do not cover with a lid, just cover the top with a towel or gauze, keep warm for 10 days, the apples should ferment during this time.

The recipe is a little more complicated

Take 2 kg of apples and 1.5 liters of clean raw water, for sweet apples take 100 g of sugar, and for sour apples - 300 g.

Apples of any variety are suitable for cooking; just grate them on a coarse grater along with the peel and seeds, put them in an enamel pan and add water, adding half the sugar and mixing everything well.

Cover the container with the vinegar being prepared with a towel or gauze, since fermentation should occur with access to air. Leave to ferment for 3 weeks. Stir the mixture occasionally with a wooden spoon.

After 3 weeks, strain the mixture, add the remaining sugar, stir until it dissolves, and pour into jars, covering them with gauze. Wait another 40-50 days, let everything ferment. Over time, the liquid will lighten and then become completely transparent - this means that fermentation is complete and the vinegar is ready for use.

Filter it, bottle it, seal it and place it in a cool, dark place for storage.

An old recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home

In principle it is also simple. Vinegar is prepared from overripe apples. Wash them, cut them and grind them finely. Place the resulting slurry in an enamel pan and fill with hot water (about 70 degrees). The water level should be 3-5 cm higher than the pulp level. Add sugar at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of sweet apples or 100 g per 1 kg of sour apples.

Place the pan with the gruel in a warm, dark place, and do not forget to stir the contents occasionally. After 2 weeks, strain and leave for further fermentation. After another 2 weeks, homemade apple cider vinegar is ready; it needs to be poured into the container in which it will be stored. Drain without shaking, and strain the sediment. Store vinegar in a cool, dark place with the containers containing it well sealed.

How to make apple cider vinegar from juice

Take natural apple juice without pulp. You don’t have to add yeast and sugar, but to speed up the process, it’s better to take just a little dry yeast, about a quarter of a teaspoon, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and dilute it in a small amount of warm water, this will make a dough. When the dough begins to foam and rises a little, it is poured into a container with juice. To speed up the fermentation process, you can also add a crust of rye bread to the container with the juice.

A medical glove is usually placed over the neck of the container with vinegar being prepared to prevent air from entering the container. The carbon dioxide that is formed during the fermentation process will gradually fill the glove, and if it ruptures, you need to wear a new one. So the juice should stand for 4 weeks, during which time the fruit sugar will completely turn into alcohol.

The result is something like new wine, but we need vinegar, so we leave the contents to ferment further, only now in an open form. It is best to pour the liquid into a saucepan, cover with something and ferment for 1.5-2 months at room temperature.

The vinegar is ready when the sharp unpleasant odor, which usually appears during the processing of alcohol into vinegar, disappears.

Making apple vinegar - video

If you have your own methods and recipes for making apple cider vinegar, please write them in the comments. Which apples make the best apple cider vinegar (in your opinion).
