How to make vegetable cake recipe. Vegetable cake - recipe with photo. To prepare it you will need

A cake can be not only a dessert dish, but also a good appetizer on the main table! We are talking about a vegetable cake - this appetizing and beautiful cut would be appropriate both on the festive table (where it will replace the traditional salad) and is perfect as a dish for a family dinner.

Vegetable cakes are also convenient for housewives because you can quickly replace missing ingredients with other ingredients and get a dish with a new interesting taste. The layering of the vegetable cake helps reduce the soaking time. These cakes are easy to decorate and serve in spectacular portions. The choice is yours!

Name: Vegetable cake Date added: 10.08.2015 Cooking time: 55 min. Recipe servings: 8 Rating: (1 , Wed 4.00 out of 5)
Product Quantity
Potato 9 pcs.
Carrot 2 pcs.
Olives 1 jar
Green onion 1 bunch
Pickle 6 pcs.
Hard cheese 60 g
Parsley 1 bunch
Beet 1 PC.
Vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
Eggs 1 PC.
Mustard 1 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Lemon 1 PC.
Salt pepper taste

Vegetable cake recipe

Pour vegetable oil into a tall bowl. Add a raw egg (you need to break it so as not to damage the yolk), season with mustard. In a separate container, mix salt and sugar, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and add the mixture to the container with oil. Blend with a blender for 10 seconds.

Stop and beat again (10 seconds). Place the finished sauce in the refrigerator to brew. Boil potatoes with skins and beets (in separate pans), peel and grate on a coarse grater. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the green onions. Grate raw carrots.

A vegetable cake can be decorated just as beautifully as a regular one! Cut the olives into slices. Grate the pickles on a coarse grater and squeeze out the excess liquid. Place a layer of 1/3 of the boiled potatoes on the dish prepared for the cake, followed by the next layer of pickled cucumbers. Salt, pepper, grease with sauce. Place a layer of ½ grated beets, cover with a layer of green onions. Salt and brush with sauce.

Place the second part of the boiled potatoes, add chopped olives, and brush with sauce. Place a layer of raw carrots, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, add salt and spices, and brush with sauce. Lay out the remaining beets, potatoes, add salt and spices, brush with sauce. Sprinkle the finished cake with a layer of grated cheese and decorate with herbs. Align the edges.

Did you know that the well-known salads “Mimosa” and “Herring under a Fur Coat” are considered vegetable cakes? They were called salads out of habit, because people believe that everything made from chopped vegetables is a salad. In fact, these are snack cakes that are regulars on holiday tables. What's New Year's Eve without a herring under your fur coat?

For people watching their weight and following a diet, vegetable cakes are just a godsend! They are light and easy to prepare, and the presence of nuts and dried fruits in the recipe makes them even more satisfying, but does not create heaviness in the stomach, like after meat salads.

Ingredients for option number 1

Step-by-step preparation of vegetable cake

Soak dried fruits in warm water for two to three hours, then rinse, dry with a napkin or towel and cut into thin strips.

Boil the vegetables, let them cool, peel them and also chop into strips. Be sure to squeeze out excess moisture from the cucumbers and cut them in the same way, grate the yolk of boiled eggs, and cut the whites into strips.

Place a layer of beets on the bottom of a flat dish, a layer of carrots on it, then potatoes, a layer of cucumbers, grated apples, a layer of egg whites and dried fruits on top. Each layer should be covered with a small amount of homemade mayonnaise or sour cream mixed with spices (to your taste). Try to shape the layers into a regular circle, like a regular flour cake, although you can use a springform cake pan and carefully remove them before serving. Refrigerate overnight (at least twelve hours) to soak and infuse flavor.

Immediately before serving, coat the top and sides more thoroughly with mayonnaise, sprinkle with yolks mixed with chopped herbs (dill, parsley). Carefully, so as not to disturb the texture, cut along the radius.

In the photo, the vegetable cake looks very attractive, and its taste, with an interesting, sophisticated range, is obtained thanks to an interesting combination of products and the presence of prunes. Some housewives add finely chopped red onions to it, but this is a matter of taste, because not everyone likes the combination of onions with apples and dried fruits. Experiment and choose to your taste.

Option No. 2

There is another common recipe for vegetable cake with beets.

Boil two medium-sized carrots and beets, and after cooling, grate them on a coarse grater. Pour boiling water over one hundred grams of prunes and leave for about forty minutes, then drain the water, squeeze a little and chop into strips. Grate two sour apples (the skin can be left, but the core and seeds must be carefully removed), and lightly squeeze out the liquid. Peel ten walnuts from the partitions and finely chop them.

Prepare the sauce separately: mix one hundred grams of mayonnaise and sour cream, add salt to taste and three or four chopped garlic cloves. If you do not use mayonnaise, you can replace it with sour cream, adding a little ground black pepper and a drop of mustard.

Place on a flat dish in layers: immediately - beets, brush with sauce, then place prunes, which are sprinkled with some of the nuts, on top of carrots - another layer of sauce, then apples and the remaining nuts. Place the resulting vegetable cake in a cold place for at least three to four hours to soak, but you can leave it overnight - it will be even tastier.

Beneficial properties of beets

Vegetable cake is recommended for people with weak intestinal motility: the laxative properties of beets in combination with prunes will help the body work more correctly, and the presence of sour cream in the sauce will make the process easier.

Beetroot is a good helper for the kidneys and liver, it regulates the functioning of the heart and improves the condition of blood vessels, and if you eat meat, beets will become indispensable, since they contain betaines - substances that help the body properly absorb and digest animal protein.

Indulge your meat-eating friends with a vegetable cake, and they may want to switch to a healthier diet thanks to such tasty and simple, and most importantly, healthy recipes.

The best site for quick recipes

Homemade food is much more enjoyable than restaurant delicacies. And this is due not only to a comfortable environment and familiar dishes, but also to a careful selection of the best products and attention to the benefits of what is prepared. As they say, everything is prepared with soul, that’s why it’s so delicious. But many modern housewives, in addition to culinary duties, also have a lot of worries and troubles - work, children, cleaning, shopping at the store. They would like to cook something and please their loved ones, but if it were possible to do it quickly and tasty, as well as desirable and healthy, and not just some semi-finished products. It turns out there is quick recipes, allowing you to become a queen in the kitchen and stand at the stove for a long time. All of them are collected for modern housewives who combine work and household responsibilities.

You won’t believe that you can cook almost anything tasty and quickly – from main courses to canning. On website collected quick recipes for desserts, side dishes, salads, meat - everything that can be whipped up for first, second, dinner and appetizers. All stages of preparation are described in detail and there are photos for each. Among other things, the recipes contain tips, useful information and indicate the amount of food per serving. Everything is quite simple even for a novice housewife.

These recipes are shared not by chefs of elite restaurants, but by ordinary women from their own experience, so they do not contain obscure or rare ingredients, but only affordable products, but in an interesting presentation with their own cooking secrets, which give the dishes originality and an unusual, pleasant taste. Therefore, if you don’t know what to cook delicious and quick, then go to Bistrovkusno, new recipes are constantly appearing here and you yourself can participate in this process if you know quick and simple dishes and can capture the stages of preparation on camera.

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Let us remind you once again that the Bistrovkusno website is not just a culinary portal. He focuses on instant recipes with detailed instructions - this is a culinary knowledge base for the modern housewife who wants to have more time for herself and still eat normally. Quick and delicious home-cooked meals provide many benefits.

Vegetable cake

Vegetable cake- non-standard and not at all difficult. This dish will decorate the holiday table! Savory muffins , vegetable mille-feuille and vegetable cake - and your unusual summer table is ready.

from the book “Culinary Holidays with Alexander Seleznev”


For the test:

250 g flour
125 g butter
60 g water
1 egg
Salt to taste

For filling:

250 g carrots
250 g zucchini (zucchini)
250 g cauliflower
250 g potatoes

For filling:

250 g cream 33% fat
Zest of 1 lemon
3 eggs
Salt pepper
Nutmeg powder


1. Dough: sift the flour, add softened butter, water and egg, add salt. Knead the dough and place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

2. Filling: cut the carrots into strips, zucchini and potatoes into cubes, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. Blanch the vegetables in water for 3 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

3. Filling: beat the eggs, add cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg powder, zest and mix everything until smooth.

4. Roll out the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and place it in a mold, put the filling on it and pour the egg-cream mixture.

5. Bake at 200°C for 40 minutes.
