How to make Easter bunnies from mastic. Mastic figurines: master class on sculpting a rabbit and other animals

Hello, friends! I am glad to welcome everyone who decided to pay attention to my post!!!

Today I want to tell you how to sculpt funny and cute little animals out of mastic with your own hands that will delight the kids and cause them incredible delight. But it’s no secret that for the sake of the child’s admiring eyes, a mother is ready to do a lot. I’ll also share the idea of ​​decorating a children’s cake.

We need very little: free time, mastic and the desire to create.

First, I will tell you and show you how to make a bunny. We will need such details as in the photo below: a ball head, a voluminous oval body, slightly flattened at the places where the legs are attached, and two pairs of legs, thinner for the front, thicker for the back.

To mold the front legs, roll out a thick sausage and cut it in half diagonally with a knife. I sculpted the hind legs individually from sausages with a thickening at one end.

Let's see if the legs and body are proportionate. If yes, then move on. No, we lengthen (shorten) it to the desired size.

Let's start assembling our figure from the bottom up! Glue the legs to the body, moistening the joints with water using a brush. We bend the tips of the paws up, forming a foot.

Then I cut out a collar from white suit and glued it to the bunny’s chest.

Glue and glue the front legs to the body using water. We give the desired position.

The most painstaking work is the details of the muzzle. We will need to sculpt the eyes, cheeks, nose and mouth, look at the photo. Do not forget to check the proportionality of the parts with the head. Glue the blanks onto the bunny's head using water.

In order to prevent the hare's head from falling off, we use a piece of vermicelli to strengthen the connection) We stick the vermicelli into the body so that its tip remains free. We will place the head on it, moistening the joint with water.

All that remains is to make the ears. From two identical-sized pieces of gray mastic, roll out an elongated droplet and roll it to flatten it to the required thickness and size. From pink mastic we make the same parts, but smaller in size, place them on gray blanks and roll them again - the ears are ready. So that they keep their shape, I stuck a piece of vermicelli inside, so that there was a small free tip, with its help the ears will be securely attached to the head and will neither fall down nor come off.

We attach the ears to the head, and don’t forget about the details that will make the bunny especially charming and cute: a white forelock, a small tail, pink mastic heels.

Earlier I showed the sculpting of a slightly different bunny and an ordinary bear. You can look at them here

Now I will show you how to make a panda. We will need black and white mastic. The operating technique is similar and the assembly procedure is similar. I won't write too much.

In the photo there are blanks for a panda: a ball-head, a body, hind legs and a stick from which we will get the front legs.

We also assemble the panda from the bottom up.

In order to decorate the head, we cut out a heart from black mastic, glue it to the muzzle, for the cheeks we make an oval from white mastic, glue it on top of the heart, and from black mastic we make a nose.

For the ears, roll two identical balls, flatten each one to form an ear.

We attach all the parts to the body. We get a cute panda.

Now my favorite is Sean the sheep. I sculpted it late at night from memory, so there was no opportunity to look at it.

Mastic black and white. We make a voluminous oval body from white mastic. From black mastic we roll 4 sausages - legs. To help them keep their shape, I stuck a vermicelli noodle inside each leg, so that it ran the entire length of the leg and left a small free end on top.

We insert vermicelli into the body, giving the legs the desired position. Moisten the joints with water.

From black mastic we make a three-dimensional oval - the head, using vermicelli we attach it to the body. we decorate the face: we attach teardrop-shaped ears, eyes and a mouth.

You can leave the lamb like this, but I wanted it to be curly. Therefore, I proceeded to the jewelry stage itself. I rolled thin ropes out of white mastic, rolled them up like a snail and glued these “curls” to the body of the lamb. Don't forget the ponytail and bangs!

Using the panda principle, you can easily make a bear. We use mastic of the same color for it.

Here's our lamb

Runner Bunny

And that's all friendly company gathered for a souvenir photo

Now I'll show you how to decorate a fun children's cake

In order for the scene to look complete and not look like we just put everything we had on the cake, I sat the animals around the cake and a stump with a gift. Now it’s clear why they gathered

And now the details are close-up

Emerald turtle

Sweet little bee. Innusya made the flower for her.

Little ladybug

It’s the charming little things that give the cake its finished look: bees, ladybugs, flowers and leaves. The time it takes to make them more than pays off with delight in the eyes of your loved ones. As practice shows, these small figures delight adults even more than children, because they understand how delicate and painstaking work this is.

And here is the happy birthday girl

Thanks to everyone who read and watched to the end! I will be very glad if this MK is useful to someone.

Inspiration to you, create, fantasize, surprise and delight your family and friends!!!

How to make Easter bunnies from mastic.

Actually, this is a cake decorating tutorial, but the principle of sculpting the Easter Bunny is the same for both cold porcelain and salt dough. I hope that it will be useful to lovers of both))))

Well, now with great gratitude I simply quote the author!

We sculpt the body from white mastic. We insert a toothpick into it (if the end remains too long - like mine - cut it off), onto which we will later attach the head. You can immediately attach a ponytail.

Then we proceed to the legs. Roll out the flagellum, cut out 2 identical pieces from it, and round the edges.

Roll your finger along the central part, thinning it.

Fold each piece in half, pinching the heel.

We pinch one side, making it flatter, on the second side we press the “fingers” with a knife (I have no idea, to be honest, what these parts of the paws are called))).

The legs are ready. We attach them to the body (I attach all the parts to the water).

For the ears, roll out the flagellum and greatly narrow one edge. Flatten the piece with your fingers and connect the edges at the bottom (clamping the fold). We attach the ears to the head.

I sculpted the paw-handles for the bunnies on the cake itself (since I didn’t know until recently what exactly I would do according to the plot), but you can attach them right away. Let the figure dry and begin painting. Using dry pink dye we paint the tummy, the backs of the paws, the muzzle, the inner parts of the ears, and the tail. Using food markers or a brush and food coloring, draw eyes. I got this bunny No. 1. He has a brush in his paw, he draws an inscription with green paint.

Bunny No. 2 stands on straight legs, otherwise it is made in the same way as No. 1.

Bunny No. 3 is lucky in the plot Easter eggs onto a cart that broke and all the eggs scattered. The bunny itself is made exactly the same as No. 1.

Trolley: made of saturated mastic Brown I'm cutting out parts for the cart. You need to let them dry thoroughly.

Then we begin assembling the cart. We attach the posts to the base part and then attach the side parts to them. The trolley handles are glued to the bottom.

Once the cart is thoroughly dry, you can attach the wheel.

We fill the cart with eggs (I have ready-made glazed chocolate ones) and you can put the butterfly on the cart.

Well, the whole cake itself. Let's see how to assemble it

Mastic is not a new product for confectioners. It is used for lining and decorating cakes and other confectionery. With its help, real masterpieces are created confectionery art. You can make mastic yourself (there are many recipes) from condensed milk, marshmallow or gelatin, or you can buy a professional one. Mastic bunnies, princesses, pirate ships - create masterpieces as your imagination allows.

Bunny with orange

This little bunny will good addition for any celebration. You can make a lot of them to put on cupcakes or just make one to decorate your birthday cake.

What you will need:

  • Ready-made mastic is white;
  • Brush and glass of water;
  • Green or orange mastic;
  • Modeling tools (hook);
  • Skewers or toothpicks;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Pink food coloring;
  • Black or liquid dye.

Step-by-step instruction

Roll out two balls and shape them into an egg. You need one large one for the body and one about 50% smaller for the head.

Carefully, holding the hare's head in your hands, use a modeling tool (hook) to carefully mark the nose and mouth. Make handles from small pieces of paste and insert them into the body. Roll out long, teardrop-shaped bunny ears. Be careful not to make them too long or too thin as they will become unstable and bend. Using the tool, gently press down to form the correct shaped ears. Then gently insert a toothpick inside (for support).

Mark the place on the head where the ears will be, and then carefully insert the ear there. Add a little water to the bonding area to improve adhesion. Roll out two small bunny legs and arms. Use a knife to mark the lines. Roll out a small ball of orange fondant and, using a tool, place small dots all over the ball to give it the appearance of a real orange. Make a tiny leaf out of green fondant and glue it onto the orange balloon, sealing it with water. Now connect the orange and bunny handles using toothpicks. Moisten with water. Attach the legs and make sure that the bunny's body sits evenly on them. Use a brush with a small amount of pink powder coloring to color the ears and nose, then draw in the eyes with a black edible marker.

Easter bunny

By following this simple tutorial, you will learn how to create a mastic bunny step by step and be able to decorate Easter cakes, cupcakes or cake. Thanks to this you will also learn the basics and be able to create other animal figures

What you will need:

  • White mastic;
  • Food gel colors: green, orange, pink, black;
  • Food glue;
  • Design tools;
  • Brushes;
  • Toothpicks.

How to make an Easter bunny from mastic (with photo)

Step one: take a piece of white fondant and shape it into a “rugby ball” or egg shape. This will be your bunny's head. With your head on one side, take a generous piece of white fondant and form an "egg" oval shape. You now have your bunny's head and body.

Step two: Take the rabbit's body and insert a toothpick one centimeter where its neck is. Apply a small amount of edible glue around the handle and place the bunny head in place.

Step Three: Using a small amount of pink fondant, roll a small ball and glue it in the center of your bunny's face. Now the rabbit has a nose!

Step Four: Set the rabbit aside for now. Take a small amount of orange fondant and form into a sausage, tapering at one end to create a carrot. Roll out three small balls from green mastic. Apply edible glue to the blunt end of the carrot and stick the green balls there. The carrots are ready!

Step five: spread edible glue on the place where the carrot will be located, glue it and hold it with your fingers for a few minutes so that the glue sets.

Step Six: Now it's time to create your bunny's legs! Roll two balls and shape them into an egg shape. Flatten one side with your fingers to one millimeter. Now spread them with edible glue and place the rabbit on them, pressing down for a couple of minutes.

Step seven: form two “carrots” from white mastic. Flatten them slightly and attach them to the body using edible glue. Place one behind the carrot as if your bunny is holding it.

Step eight: mark the place where the eyes will be located and place dots of glue. Roll two tiny balls and glue them.

Your mastic bunny is ready! The master class can also be used to create other mastic animals.

Cute mastic bunny

What do you need?

  • 250 grams of white mastic;
  • Modeling tools;
  • Corn starch;
  • Pink powdered food coloring;
  • Pink dragee - 1 piece;
  • Skewers or toothpicks.

Create a bunny

Dust the work surface corn starch. To make the bunny body, roll fondant into a large conical shape. Having retreated 3/4, use your finger to roll the body, making the hare a “waist”. Fold the top part. These are rabbit paws. Make a small cut in the center and spread apart slightly. Use the tool to draw the fingers. Pierce the center of the body with a skewer or cocktail straw, leaving a small part to seat the head.

Make the legs in a similar way, only cut the legs larger and then cut them off. Using a blade, cut out circles for the legs, which will later be attached to the body.

For the ears, roll your own fondant sausages and cut them in half so you have an equal amount for each ear. Shape each into an elongated cone with a pointed end. Use a tapered tool to make indented lines in the center of each ear, tucking in the slightly pointed ends. Mark on your head the place where you will stick the ears. Pierce the ears with toothpicks and insert into the head.

Cut out smiley-shaped eyes from black fondant. Using edible glue, attach them to the bunny's face. Paint on your eyelashes and add white dots to your eyes. You can use a pink dragee as a spout or roll a ball of pink mastic. Place the fondant bunny on the cake.

Another master class on sculpting a figure on a cake for the youngest babies and toddlers. A cute, frightened bunny that you just want to feel sorry for. This is a great option for a one year old.

1. Prepare white mastic, divide it into pieces, taking into account the proportions. We form the bunny's body and leave it to dry a little.

2. We sculpt the hind legs. This time I didn’t do them entirely, just these large feet. We make notches that imitate fingers.

3. Add pieces of mastic of a different color to the middle of the paws. We have no goal to make the bunny realistic, so you can add any color: pink, yellow, blue.

4. Glue the paws to the bunny’s body using water or pastry glue.

5. We make the front legs of the bunny from a flagellum of white mastic. Glue it to the body. We make an imitation of fingers.

6. You can add such a fluffy tie to the bunny’s chest.

7. We make a muzzle: eyes, nose, antennae, mouth.

8. Making ears. Roll out white mastic and cut out the required form, add mastic of a different color on top. This time I decided to make the ears unrealistically large, my bunny had to be a modest, quiet coward who hid in his huge ears. If you make the ears thin, let them dry and then glue them vertically, the bunny will have a completely different expression on his face, not scared, but cunning! 🙂

Design option baby cake for a one year old boy with a bunny, sneakers, a pyramid and a ball.

A cake at any holiday or dedicated to some event is an outstanding phenomenon in itself. And when he is decorated with some unusual figure or ornament, he becomes the center of attention (sometimes even pushing the birthday boy into the background). And how nice it is to know that this cake, from the figures to its very base, was made by your own hands! But sculpting figures, especially from such a sweet and, probably, stubborn material like mastic, is very difficult, you say. Nothing like this! In that step by step master class We will show you with the example of a cute rabbit that you can cope with the figures “without finishing the academy.”

This is what we will end up with as a bunny:

To make a rabbit we will need:

  • Mastic of three colors
  • Food coloring
  • Spoon

Mastic figurine: progress of work

1. From green mastic we make a clearing. You can use a spoon to make the edges. If you are making a clearing on a plate, I advise you to cover it with cling film.

2. Let's move on to creating a rabbit. Take 2 pieces of white mastic and make two small ovals. The larger oval will be the carcass, the smaller one will be the head. Glue one oval to the other.

3. Make ears from mastic of the same color. First, roll out sausages of the same size. We push them through with scissors (or the other side of a spoon/fork) and make ears.

4. Use the edge of a knife to make a face in the same way as we made the ears. To prevent the knife from sticking (and spoiling the adorable bunny), moisten it with water.

5. Press out the eyes on the resulting face reverse side the above kitchen utensils. The bunny's pupils will be food "beads", and his nose will be a mastic heart.

6. Make the paws and tail. Roll 4 ovals and use a knife to make slits in the legs. And the tail will be a small circle.

It hasn't been long and we already have a finished figurine! You can decorate a cake with it or put it “in reserve” in a box. Remember that it cannot be stored forever (maximum - two to three months), so making figures “ahead of time” is not always rational.

Moreover, mastic really does not like moisture, so keep the box in a dry place. A refrigerator will not work, since condensation may well settle on the box, rendering the confectionery masterpieces completely unusable.

Video on this topic

If you want to learn more about creating various figurines from mastic, you can watch the video tutorial on making figurines just below.

Another bunny option:

Or this cute snowman:

Other options for funny figures:

Cool pink owl:

Again the hare:

Do you want to make a figurine of a man (or maybe a small sculpture of the birthday boy)? A video master class on how to make human figures, attached below, will help you with this:
