How to choose cream from milk at home. Heavy cream from milk and butter recipe with photos. Cream of any fat content from milk and butter

Do you know how to make whipped cream at home? If not, then let's now prepare them together, from milk and butter. The recipe with step-by-step photos is located under the description.

In the store, cream is not a cheap product, especially since its quality is poor - it is difficult to find with high fat content, and this is the main argument for whipping. Therefore, now we will prepare our own, homemade ones, and then, from them, we will make whipped cream at home, without harmful additives and preservatives - a natural product.

This product is perfect for decorating cakes, cocktails, etc. Also, they can be used in cooking or.

I also use homemade whipped cream as an addition to ice cream, for example:

How to make whipped cream at home to get an airy and stable mass?

— It’s all very simple, use them with a fat content of at least 33%. And if you didn’t find them with such fat content in the store, then today’s recipe is for you. We will make them ourselves.

— Another important point is that in order to make whipped cream airy, it must be well cooled before whipping.

— By the way, it would also be good to put the container in which you want to beat and the mixer attachments in the freezer for 10 minutes - for a better effect.

If you take 10% or 20% cream, then you will not achieve the desired result, you will have to add various thickeners, and this is a completely different story...

P.S. And here, also, look at the delicate dessert with boiled condensed milk: “” - soulful, home-made.

Well, now let's look.

What I love about cream is its versatility. You open the refrigerator, take out a jar and create! Do you want a cake, cream, a spoon in your coffee or strawberries under a creamy cloud. Inspiration strikes, sleeves are rolled up, it's time to get started. But what if I suggested making pastry whipped cream at home with your own manicured hands! Why if you can buy it? It is possible, but not always. Some recipes require a certain fat content, otherwise use is limited to dough or making drinks, and no clouds. And cream of the required fat content may not always be on sale. In this case, buy thicker milk and also butter with the highest percentage of fat (butter about 82% and milk about 3.4%). Those who are losing weight, either accept it or don’t read further.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: heating and mixing.

Total cooking time: 10 min.


  • butter 82% fat – 200 g
  • milk 3.4% fat – 200 ml.


How to whip cream

If you're going to whip cream, there are a few important rules you should know. Firstly, the cream must have at least 30% fat content, and secondly, it must be well chilled. Warm and non-fat cream will not whip, but will only ruin your mood.

If you make the cream yourself, using the fattest milk and butter, you will get exactly what you need for the cream.

So, let's get back to whipping. You already have cream and now you need cream.

Pour the cream into the bowl where the whipping will take place. and place in the freezer for 5-10 minutes (provided they have spent sufficient time in the refrigerator beforehand).

Take out the cream, arm yourself with a mixer and begin the process itself. After a short period of time, you will begin to notice the first signs of transformation. The mass will begin to thicken a little and move differently through the dish, after some time it will rise and finally become the cloud that we talked about at the beginning.

Now add a few tablespoons of powdered sugar to taste (and if it is sugar, add it a little earlier so that it has time to dissolve), mix with a mixer a little more and this can probably be the end of the topic of cream. Delicious desserts to you!

Although no, I forgot to add that this cream whips quickly, and when it has already completely turned into cream, you should not continue whipping it. It is important to stop here in time. Otherwise, the whipped mass will very quickly begin to lose its beautiful appearance and will begin to separate and turn into oil. The result will be whipped cream, similar to sweet butter..html, where the cream is made into butter.

Every housewife loves to please her household with delicious dishes. To prepare an airy cake at home, you often use whipped cream, which is very easy to make with sugar and raw cream (with the required percentage of fat content). By following simple rules and tips, you can prepare an incredibly tasty delicacy that everyone will enjoy. Find out how to whip cream below.

How to make whipped cream

Options for whipped cream for decorating cakes can be different: with sugar, lemon juice, gelatin, vanilla or protein. To ensure that the cream always turns out homogeneous, tasty, and does not spoil the cake, you must follow a few simple rules. How to whip cream for cream:

  • you need to use only a fatty product (from 33%) to achieve a thick cream consistency;
  • Before whipping, place the bowl and whisk of the mixer in the freezer for ten minutes;
  • start beating at low speed;
  • Beat the mixture for at least five minutes.

Which cream is best for whipping?

To obtain a stable and airy mass, you must use cream with a fat content of 33%. If you take 10 or 20 percent, you won’t achieve a positive effect just by beating. You will have to add special thickeners, stabilizers or gelatin, but you can forget about a good appearance and tasty cream. Compared to those that contain chemical additives, it will not be cheaper than more expensive thick natural cream.

How to thicken whipping cream

Why doesn't the cream whip? Often the reason is simple - it is insufficient fat content of the product. The main rule: to prepare whipped cream for a cake, it must be fresh, of high quality, with a fat content above 33%. To thicken the creamy mass using natural ingredients, you can add gelatin, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and egg white.

Whipped Cream Recipes

There are many recipes for whipped cream; preparing this delicacy at home is very simple. They are beaten with sugar, gelatin, lemon juice, protein mass, special thickeners and powdered sugar. The technique is based on the main rule - intensive beating. You can use a blender, mixer or “grandmother’s method” - a fork.

With sugar

  • Cooking time: 13 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 255 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Airy cream can be prepared with sugar. It is not recommended to use granulated sugar for cream: it will not dissolve when whipped and will squeak unpleasantly on your teeth. Before adding it, it is ground into powder using a coffee grinder or a classic blender. There are no specific proportions when adding sugar; sweetness is regulated individually.


  • cream 35% – 500 ml;
  • whole sugar – 50 g or to taste;
  • vanillin – 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a cooled container and mixer attachments. Add cream.
  2. Select low whipping speed.
  3. After three minutes, add sugar (gradually).
  4. At the end add vanillin.

With powdered sugar

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1000 kcal/400 g.
  • Purpose: for cake.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Delicate and airy cream cream is used as a filler for any confectionery, cakes and pastries; it can be supplemented with fruit mousses, which will give the cream an exquisite taste. To make the topping at home, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, maintain the recommended proportions and follow the rules for whipping the buttercream (photo), then it will become a real decoration for any confectionery product.


  • cream at least 33% - half a liter;
  • powdered sugar – 50 g;
  • vanillin – 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a bowl in the freezer, cool the whisks and cream mixture. At this time, add sugar and vanillin to a container at room temperature and stir.
  2. Chilled cream is whipped at low speed. When they thicken a little, add powder.
  3. If the cream holds its shape or soft peaks appear, stop whipping.

With gelatin

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The cream is ideal for any dessert. Pairs perfectly with shortcrust pastry, tartlets, and sponge cakes. Cream is not very high in calories compared to butter filling. To prepare this cream at home, no special knowledge or culinary skills are required. See below for step-by-step recommendations with photos and preparation.


  • non-liquid heavy cream – 600 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • vanillin - pack;
  • powdered sugar – 45 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the creamy product, stir, gradually add vanillin and powder until thick foam (hard peaks) appears.
  2. Soak a spoonful of gelatin until it swells, heat over low heat until completely dissolved (do not boil).
  3. Combine cream and gelatin, stir, cool.

How to whip cream with a blender

If you don't have a mixer, use a blender. Start beating at low speed, then after a minute switch to medium speed. When using a blender, you need to take into account that you cannot use high speed - the mass can be “overbeated”, they will begin to separate. Cooking time depends on the power of the blender.


A mixer is the most suitable device for making cream. Before use, place the attachments in the freezer for ten minutes (cold conditions promote rapid thickening). Start beating with a hand mixer at speed No. 1, then you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to thicken faster, finish at high speed No. 3. Store in the refrigerator for three hours.


How to prepare cream if there are no electronic “helpers” at home? A fluffy mass for preparing desserts can be obtained manually with a whisk. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is necessary to beat in small portions at an intense pace to achieve the desired thickness. How to cook, step-by-step video, photos, see below.


Whipped cream is an amazing treat with a delicate and airy consistency. They are often used for a variety of desserts, baked goods, fruits and other sweet treats. Stores offer a large assortment of whipped cream in cans, but they still have a specific smell and are less healthy. Therefore, it is best to learn how to cook them yourself.

You will need:

– 400 ml milk (2.5-3.5%)

- butter (quantity depends on the desired fat content, - 380-400 grams for 35% cream)

Place the butter in the freezer. Yield: 500 ml


1. So, here is milk and butter. Place the butter in the freezer.

2. Grate the butter into the milk.

3. Place on the lowest heat so that the milk is barely warmed up and the butter is completely melted.

4. From the stove and straight into the blender. At first, butter and milk exist separately from each other.

5. Beat for 3 minutes at high speed. Now the milk and butter are one.

6. Pour into a saucepan - this is the mass you get. And in the refrigerator. I do it at night.

7. We get this in the morning.

8. We put them in a mixer and beat them as usual.

9. The mass gradually becomes denser.

10. Add powdered sugar, and everything becomes completely “cool”!

- Grind the butter into the milk. Boil the mixture in a water bath until the oil is completely dissolved. Under no circumstances should the milk boil, just warm well.

— When the butter has dissolved, transfer the mixture to a blender (with blades!) and turn on for 3 minutes. At this stage, the milk and butter should seem to merge together.

- Pour into another container and cover with a lid. Place in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

- That's it, the cream is ready, now you can whip it.

— Now the cream can be whipped with sugar or used according to the recipe.

How to make classic whipped cream correctly:

Components that will come in handy:

  • 400 ml cream with 30% fat content;
  • Powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • Vanillin – 7 teaspoons.

First you need to cool the cream: pour it into a metal container and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.
Place the container in another (it should be wider) and pour ice water into it. For the first few minutes, whip the cream at low speed without any sugar.
When the cream becomes a little thicker, add powdered sugar and beat everything together for 2 - 3 minutes with a mixer at low speed. It is best to introduce the powder little by little: add it and beat it, then add another portion and beat it again.
Then slowly increase the speed to maximum. Experienced confectioners say that it is better to beat with whisks, in this case more air gets into the cream and it becomes fluffier. At the same time, add vanillin.
Continue until an air mixture forms. There should be a whisk mark or stable peaks on the cream.
This means you need to stop whipping, otherwise you will end up with sweet butter instead of dessert.

Whipped cream - recipe

The main task when preparing cream from cream is to achieve a thick and strong foam; for this, gelatin is introduced here. It can be used for cakes or cakes - it holds its shape well.
Heavy cream, 33% - 500 ml.
Powdered sugar – 70 gr.
Gelatin – 1 large spoon with a heap.
Water - a quarter glass.

How to make whipped cream for cream:

The first thing to do is place the cup with the cream and whisk in the refrigerator to cool if you are whipping without a mixer. It also needs to be refrigerated if you decide to use it.
Shortly before starting cooking, soak the gelatin in cold water and let it swell. After 20 - 30 minutes, heat it until it completely dissolves, but do not let it boil. Set aside to cool.
Now let's move on to the main steps: we begin to whip the cream into foam, as described in the first recipe, first at low speed. Then we slowly begin to add the powder, and when everything is laid out, pour in the gelatin. Increase the speed gradually.
Continue whisking everything together until the cream becomes thick and has a strong, stable shape.
If this is cream for a cake, then you should immediately coat the biscuit with it, decorate it with a pattern and put it in the refrigerator.
How to make chocolate whipped cream cake
Homemade whipped cream with chocolate can be either an independent dessert or serve as a cake decoration. In the first case, immediately after cooking, transfer it to bowls and put it in the cold for a while. If you are making it for a cake, then frost the layers or decorate it and also put it in the refrigerator.

Cream 20% fat - 2 cups.
Powder - a third of a glass.
Gelatin – 1 teaspoon.
Cocoa powder 30 gr. (or 50 grams of chocolate).

Step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cream:

First of all, fill the gelatin with cream, for this use a third of the total amount. Wait until it swells and place the bowl with the contents in another container with water. Heat it, stirring frequently until the gelatin dissolves. Then set aside and let cool.
Dissolve cocoa powder in hot cream, use another 1/3 of the amount. Stir until completely dissolved. If you decide to use chocolate, you also need to melt it first - mixing with cream will become easier.
Now mix the rest of the cream with the powder and start whisking slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in the chocolate cream, and after a while, carefully add the gelatin.
