What tea to drink in the bath? Herbal teas for baths - recipes. DIY healing potions: preparing healthy tea for the bath

People go to the bathhouse for health, to relax their soul and body. Vaping helps get rid of many problems, including toxins that come out with sweat. It is not surprising that thirst may occur during bath procedures, because the body loses a lot of moisture.

How to replenish fluid loss? Of course, tea, since alcohol in a bathhouse will not lead to anything good. It is also undesirable to drink cold drinks and coffee.

You need to drink healthy teas in the bathhouse. Although everyone has different tastes and preferences, there is always a choice. These are traditional black and green teas or herbal and flower infusions that can be drunk before, during and after the bath. The only thing you need to remember is that drinking a large amount of liquid will not lead to good, as it puts a lot of stress on the heart and kidneys. 2-3 glasses of the drink are enough, and you need to drink them gradually in small sips.

Drinking herbal tea during bath procedures enhances the effect of removing toxins. In addition, it is saturated with vitamins, microelements, and various active substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

You can strengthen your immune system with fortified tea, and to prevent and treat viral infections, take infusions for colds.

Before starting the bath procedure, they drink tonic drinks, in the middle - vitamin drinks, after it - soothing drinks.

It is worth noting that tea made from leaves, herbs and flowers Prepares like classic black. They are simply poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 5–7 minutes. Dry fruits must first be crushed and simply steamed. And here tea made from rough parts of plants, such as twigs, roots, bark, you need to crumble, add cold water and simmer over low heat for at least 10 minutes, and then leave for another quarter of an hour.

What to make drinks from?

Ingredients for brewing can be taken either of one type or combined from 2-3 plants. It is not recommended to mix more than 5 different herbs. In any case, the volume per glass of water is 1 tablespoon. It is better to prepare tea in glass or porcelain containers.

For brewing tonic Suitable drinks include strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, and rose hips.

Soothing teas can be prepared from chamomile, oregano, and St. John's wort flowers. From the leaves of mint, currant, thyme, hawthorn, eucalyptus, coltsfoot. You can also brew corn silks, rose hips and rowan berries, and valerian root.

For tea for colds or to prevent it, brew linden flowers, raspberry leaves or a mixture of sage, chamomile and St. John's wort. Drinks for inflammatory diseases differ in preparation from others in that they need to be infused for about an hour.

Helps very well with vitamin deficiency tea, which is drunk after a bath in early spring. It is prepared in a thermos. The usual dosage: take 1 tbsp for 1 glass of water. l. collecting plants. It includes: fruits of strawberries, rose hips, raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, blackberries, blueberries, lemon balm. Herbs: mint, cornflower, linden, oregano, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, primrose, green oats. All ingredients need to be crushed and mixed.

It is not recommended to re-boil a ready-to-use decoction, as it will lose its beneficial qualities.

Hot tea, drunk after bath procedures, will quench your thirst, nourish the entire body with useful vitamins, and strengthen the walls blood vessels. In addition, a decoction of plants will relax you, relieve tension and stress.

After the bath, our ancestors drank herbal teas from an infusion of medicinal herbs (thyme, oregano, linden, mint, chamomile, etc.) with the addition of dried berries (currants, lemongrass, viburnum, lingonberries). This tea for baths and saunas turns out to be special - aromatic and tasty. Warms the soul and pleases the body.

How to make an herbal mixture?

The following types of herbal teas are distinguished:

  • Monochea - when the tea composition contains only one medicinal plant (for example, linden tea);
  • Herbal tea based on black or green tea (for example, green tea with mint);
  • Herbal collection - consists of 2 or more herbs.

Herbal tea after a bath can be very diverse in composition, it all depends on the taste and well-being of the person. It is advisable to always include one aromatic herb in the mixture (mint, lemon balm, black currant, etc.).

It is not recommended to use two or three aromatic herbs in a mixture: the aromas can destroy each other or mix. As a rule, the collection should contain one aromatic herb and several neutral herbs.

When and what herbal vitamin teas to drink?

  • tonic tea before visiting the sauna (strawberry leaves, lemongrass, lavender, thyme tea, jasmine tea);
  • It is advisable to drink diaphoretic tea before visiting and between visits to the steam room in order to enhance the cleansing process during sweating (dried raspberries, linden inflorescences);
  • soothing herbal infusions after the bath (St. John's wort, peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm and raspberry tea).

In spring, it is advisable to drink multivitamin herbal tea (a mixture of teas: raspberry, blackberry, black currant leaves, rose hips, rowan, barberry, sea buckthorn, black currant).

Such tea mixtures will quickly and effectively banish spring fatigue, cover vitamin deficiencies, help cleanse the body and increase its resistance.

In summer, herbal teas are prepared only from fresh herbs. This time of year should be used with maximum benefit for the body.

How to brew tea?

This is a special art. Bath lovers have their own tea recipes, although preparing herbal tea is not at all difficult.

To get a tasty and aromatic drink, follow some rules:

  • flowers, leaves, plant branches (fine mode);
  • Before brewing, you need to: crush fresh berries, crush dry ones;
  • We brew this tea as usual, pouring boiling water over a large porcelain teapot;
  • Cover the teapot with a towel and leave for 10 minutes to an hour. In a porcelain teapot, 20 minutes of exposure is enough;
  • for brewing, usually take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials per glass (200 ml) of boiling water or 2 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 l.

Properly brewed herbal vitamin tea has a unique taste, aroma and color, and it retains all biologically active substances.

How to drink it?

Make warm tea, preferably with honey. Drink slowly, in small sips. You can drink 2-3 glasses of tea and you will feel all its charm and benefits.

Herbal teas are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect and heal your body. Once you have tasted proper herbal tea, you will never forget its taste and aroma.

At any time of the year, brew your favorite bath tea and enjoy a tea ceremony with friends and family.

Light steam and pleasant tea drinking!

Every person who loves a bath knows that after visiting a steam room it is necessary to restore the loss of fluid in the body as soon as possible. It is believed that drinks made from medicinal herbs and infusions are best suited for this purpose. And today we want to look at the most interesting bath tea recipes that you can easily prepare at home.

What to drink in the bath

Interesting research was carried out at the Scientific Institute of Medicinal Plants. In the 80s of the last century, scientists proved that drinking herbal tea after a steam room improves digestion, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improves mood. How and what to drink in the bath and sauna? Here is a list of some plants from which it is recommended to prepare healthy, refreshing tea:

  • Pharmaceutical camomile.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Corn silk.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Dog-rose fruit.
  • Eucalyptus leaves.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Valerian roots.
  • Peppermint.
  • Oregano.

Each drink has its own preparation characteristics. For example, green tea should not be brewed with boiling water, but with water heated to 80-90 degrees. It is better to prepare some drinks (from mint, thyme or currant fruits) in advance, pour them into a thermos and take them with you ready-made. Below you can read recipes for some of them with detailed cooking instructions.

Green tea with rosehip

This drink contains many beneficial substances that help strengthen the immune system. You can drink it at any time of the year, but this tea is especially good in winter, when it is so easy to catch the flu virus or ARVI.


  • A tablespoon of rose hips.
  • Two spoons of green tea.
  • Sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Crush the rosehip, and then put it in a thermos and pour boiling water over it.
  • Separately brew green tea. A ceramic or porcelain teapot is perfect for this purpose.

All you have to do is mix the drinks in the mug. Choose the proportions yourself, focusing on your own taste.

Green tea with honey and lemon

Going to the bathhouse has long become a tradition for many people. What tea is best to take to the sauna? We offer you a classic drink recipe that will appeal to children and adults.


  • Large leaf green tea - four teaspoons.
  • Honey - four small spoons.
  • One slice each of lemon and orange.
  • Spices (cloves, cinnamon) - to taste.

The recipe for delicious tea is very simple:

  • Crush a piece of cinnamon stick and two dry clove buds in a mortar. After this, send the spices along with the tea into a tall mug and pour boiling water over them.
  • Cover the container with a lid or saucer and let the drink brew for five minutes.
  • When the tea leaves sink to the bottom, strain the liquid and pour it into a mug. Add one slice of orange and lemon to the tea.

Place the honey on a separate saucer and serve it with tea.

Tea "Festive"

After visiting the steam room, increased sweating always occurs. Along with the fluid, waste and toxins leave the body. However, staying in a steam room for a long time can be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a drinking regime and protect yourself from negative consequences.

The original drink, the recipe for which we will describe below, consists of various herbs and fruits. The pleasant taste will lift your spirits and help strengthen your immune system.

  • One tablespoon of sea buckthorn.
  • Four tablespoons of peeled rosehip seeds.
  • One spoon of dry apples.
  • Three spoons of fresh viburnum berries.
  • Five partitions of walnuts.
  • One sprig of lemon balm.

How to cook:

  • Place the ingredients in a suitable container, pour boiling water over them and cover with a lid.
  • After an hour, strain the liquid through a sieve.

This drink is very healthy and will perfectly refresh you after visiting the steam room.

Tea "Vitamin"

Since ancient times, people have turned to nature to get rid of various ailments and diseases. This is why herbal teas are so popular today. What is better to drink in the bath? We recommend trying a delicious drink that will not only help quench your thirst, but also give you a boost of energy.

  • One lemon.
  • Ginger root (about 5 centimeters).
  • Four glasses of water.
  • Honey to taste.

How to cook:

  • Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Cut the lemon and ginger into thin rings. As soon as the liquid boils, add the prepared products to it.
  • Reduce heat and simmer the drink for 20 minutes.

Pour the finished tea into a thermos and take it with you to the bathhouse. Serve honey separately so that this valuable product does not lose its beneficial qualities due to heating.

Green tea with orange

What is better to drink while in the bath? If you have a cold and decide to warm up in the steam room, then take warming tea with orange and ginger with you. The wonderful taste of this drink can be enhanced by adding aromatic cinnamon.

Required products:

  • Green tea - 10 grams.
  • One orange.
  • Ginger - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the ginger and cut into small pieces.
  • Wash the orange and cut into rings. After this, cut the blanks into four more parts.
  • scald with boiling water, add the prepared ingredients and dry green tea.
  • Pour hot water over the food, then cover it with a lid and wrap it in a towel.

In a quarter of an hour, the tasty and healthy drink will be ready for consumption.

Green tea "Latte"

What drink is better to drink after a bath if you want to not only quench your thirst, but also refresh yourself? We invite you to try the original tea, which is prepared from the following products:

  • Skim milk - 180 ml.
  • Green tea granules - one teaspoon.
  • Water - one tablespoon.
  • Cream - two tablespoons.
  • Ice - to taste.

Read the milk tea recipe below:

  • Place tea in a shaker and fill it with water.
  • When the granules are completely dissolved, add ice to them (the cubes can be crushed in advance).
  • Pour the milk and cream into the shaker and then shake the drink.

Pour the unusual tea into glasses and add straws.

Tea for bath

Herbal tea for a bath is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Traditional healers have passed down recipes for healthy drinks from generation to generation. To prepare this you will need the following products:

  • Mint.
  • Melissa.
  • Calendula.

The recipe for this aromatic drink is very simple. You just need to put herbs in a thermos (in equal proportions) and pour boiling water over them. Take it to the bathhouse and pour it into cups using a strainer.

Raspberry and lemon balm tea

What can you drink after a bath if you want to cheer up and lift your spirits? Try making a flavorful drink from the following products:

  • Fresh raspberries - two glasses.
  • Sugar - one glass.
  • Water - 11 glasses.
  • One bunch of lemon balm.
  • Five bags of your favorite green tea.
  • Juice of one lemon.

Raspberries have been known since ancient times as an indispensable medicinal product. Dried fruits help reduce fever and are used as a diaphoretic. In our case, we will use it to prepare aromatic tea:

  • First, make syrup from one glass of water and sugar. Place the above ingredients in a saucepan and place them over medium heat.
  • As soon as the syrup begins to boil, add berries and lemon balm leaves (without branches) to it. Cook the food for ten minutes over low heat, then remove the saucepan from the stove and cool its contents.
  • Steep the tea bags with the remaining water. When the drink is ready, combine it with raspberry syrup.

This tea can be drunk not only hot, but also chilled. If you choose the latter method, then cool the drink, mix it with lemon juice and let it brew in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Sea buckthorn tea

This delicious drink in Rus' was called the drink of longevity. It helps treat diseases of the nervous system, has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps get rid of skin diseases. To prepare it we will need:

  • Sea buckthorn berries - 150 grams.
  • Black tea - two tablespoons.
  • Honey - two large spoons.
  • Boiled water - 500 ml.

How to prepare healthy sea buckthorn tea:

  • Sort and wash the berries. After this, take 100 grams of the product and grind it into a puree using a mortar.
  • Place the processed and whole berries in a teapot, and then add two tablespoons of regular dry black tea.
  • Pour in boiling water and let the drink brew for a quarter of an hour.

Strain the liquid, pour it into glasses and add honey for taste. Now yours will be much nicer and you can enjoy them to the fullest.

Ginger tea with strawberries

There is still a debate among experts about what is better to drink in a bathhouse. It is believed that aromatic teas help not only to replenish fluid lost in the sauna, but also to tone the body. To make delicious tea, you will need:

  • Fresh ginger (root) - eight centimeters.
  • Black tea - five grams.
  • One lemon.
  • Frozen or fresh strawberries - 50 grams.
  • Strawberry syrup - 120 ml.

Read the refreshing tea recipe below:

  • Peel the ginger root and cut into thin slices.
  • Brew dry tea in a liter of hot water and let it brew.
  • Strain the liquid and combine with ginger.
  • After ten minutes, put the berries in the tea and pour in a little lemon juice.

Place a few slices of lemon in cups and pour in two tablespoons of berry syrup. After this, you can pour infused tea into them.

Acacia tea

Bath tea recipes are very different and each of them has its own characteristics. This time we invite you to prepare an original drink from white acacia flowers.


  • Fresh flowers - four tablespoons.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Sugar and honey - one teaspoon.

How to make healthy tea:

  • Collect half-opened flowers, rinse them under running water, and then brew them in boiling water.
  • In a quarter of an hour, healthy tea will be ready.

Remember that honey can only be added to a cooled drink in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of the product.

Ginger and mint tea

Some people think that it is better to drink classic tea in the bathhouse. However, we recommend that you try drinks with different flavors and choose the one you like best.

Ingredients of this tasty and healthy drink:

  • One liter of water.
  • A piece of ginger root.
  • Seven dried rose hips.
  • Half a teaspoon of dry mint.
  • Sugar or honey to taste.

Read the tea recipe below:

  • In a mortar, first grind the berries and then the mint.
  • Peel the ginger root and cut it very thin.
  • Place the prepared ingredients in a thermos and pour boiling water over them.

In an hour it will be completely ready for use. The special conditions of a traditional Russian bath will enhance the beneficial effects of the drink on the body.

Apple tea

What is better to drink in the bath? Instead of herbal tea, you can make a delicious drink from apples:

  • Cut the peel from ripe fruits and dry it in the oven until brittle.
  • Place five tablespoons of dry peel in a saucepan and fill it with a liter of cool water.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil and then cook for five minutes.
  • Pour the drink into a thermos and let it brew for ten minutes.

Remember that drinking liquid is very useful, but you should still know when to stop. Therefore, drink drinks in small sips and take breaks between tea drinks.

Some of the bath procedures are especially conducive to this. Sweating helps cleanse the body, this is its absolute benefit. And if the loss of fluid in itself is useful in some cases (for example, with swelling or excess weight), then the loss of useful substances must be replenished.

Unfortunately, many men consider beer the most suitable bath drink and an indispensable attribute of bath “gatherings”. Fans of this drink will be disappointed. Beer, like any other alcohol, is inappropriate in a bathhouse. Even moderate amounts of alcohol dilate blood vessels.

If under normal conditions there is nothing wrong with this, and it can be useful in some cases, then in a bathhouse, where the load on the cardiovascular system is already very high, drinking alcohol can have a very negative impact on health. This is especially harmful after a long stay in the steam room or after a massage - procedures that in themselves are already a serious burden on the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, beer, like any alcoholic drink, does not replenish fluid loss. The quenching of thirst when using it is only apparent and short-term. Alcohol only enhances the process of fluid secretion, so, ultimately, its loss will not only not be replenished, but will also increase significantly. That's why it's better to put aside beer for other events, and take really healthy drinks to the bathhouse. After all, visiting her is, first of all, a health event, and not just a way to have a good time.

In addition to alcohol, drinking coffee, drinks containing caffeine, and carbonated drinks in the bathhouse is extremely undesirable. They increase blood pressure, which is very harmful when in a bathhouse.

The first in popularity are various teas and tea infusions. Weak green tea is especially good for a bath, although black tea is also suitable if it is unavailable.

It must be especially emphasized that the tea in the bathhouse must be weak, otherwise its use can lead to undesirable consequences - a sharp increase in blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, etc. And after bath procedures, all effects on the body should be smooth, mild and moderate.

The benefits of tea are due to its high content of vitamin P, which perfectly strengthens blood vessels. In addition, tea is a wonderful tonic drink that restores strength and invigorates well. Hot tea, drunk in small sips, quenches thirst much better than water. Therefore, one glass of tea is enough where twice or even three times as much water would be required.

Based on regular tea, you can prepare a wide variety of healing drinks if you add various medicinal herbs to it. You can combine it with ready-made herbal preparations. The composition of such tea depends on your taste and the purpose of visiting the bathhouse. So, for example, if you came to the bathhouse to relieve fatigue, accumulated tension, nervous and physical fatigue, then it will be very useful to add lemon balm, oregano and a little mint to your tea. If a visit to the bathhouse is associated with the need to get rid of a cold, then it would be very good to add leaves or berries of currants, strawberries, and raspberries to the tea. They contain a large amount of vitamins that help to cope with colds faster. Vitamin tea mixtures are very useful, including rosehip, rowan, ginger, barberry, lemongrass, black currant, sea buckthorn, thyme, etc. You can also brew restorative teas with linden blossom, St. John's wort, sage, oregano, elecampane, chamomile flowers etc.

The tea mixture for the bath must be prepared in advance, at home, so that the herbs and fruits included in it have time to brew properly. They take them with them in a thermos, which will not allow the drink to cool for a long time.

In addition to teas, very healthy bath drinks are natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks made from fresh fruits and berries, and still mineral water. A common important rule for all drinks is one thing - they should not be too cold or too hot. Drinking very cold drinks when the body is heated by bath procedures can lead to a cold. And too hot ones will increase the overall overheating of the body, which can also cause unpleasant consequences. Moderation in everything is the main motto of any bath procedures. This also applies to the amount of liquid you drink. Drinks should only replenish the loss, but not create unnecessary stress on the kidneys and heart.

Cranberry juice

Preparation. Lightly crush fresh berries and grind with sugar. After this, pour the resulting mass with warm boiled water and let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain through a sieve.

Note. This drink perfectly quenches thirst. But this is not his most important quality. Fruit juice made from cranberries contains a large amount of vitamin C and vitamin PP. Vitamin C improves the body's immunity and actively prevents aging. And vitamin PP is a rather rare substance that helps the body absorb vitamin C intensively and with maximum benefit. Thus, the combination of these two substances is very harmonious and useful. In addition to vitamins, cranberries contain flavonoids - substances that serve as the prevention of many diseases.

Vitamin C is actively destroyed during boiling. Therefore, it is not compote that is prepared from cranberries, but fruit juice.

Viburnum juice

Required: 300 g viburnum, 100 g sugar, 1 liter of boiled water.

Preparation. Lightly mash the berries and rub with sugar. Then fill with hot boiled water.

Note. In its properties, this drink is close to cranberry juice. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C. Viburnum juice is very useful for edema of cardiac origin. It also has a beneficial effect on the stomach. However, this drink has a contraindication - it should not be consumed by people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots.

To prepare fruit juice, use either frozen berries, or fresh ones, but collected after they have been touched by frost - otherwise the taste of the drink will be bitter.

Another wonderful and traditional bath drink is kvass. It is best to prepare it yourself to be sure of the quality of its ingredients. In addition, you can add fruits or berries to homemade kvass, which increase the content of vitamins in it.

Apple green tea

Preparation. Cut the well-washed apples with the skin into small slices, remove the seeds from them, cover with cold water, and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, bring to a boil and brew green tea in it, as in regular boiling water.

Note. The benefits of green tea have already been discussed above. And in combination with an apple, this tea is doubly useful. Antioxidants slow down the aging process of the body, and pectin helps remove harmful substances. The nutrients in apples are balanced and have a multifaceted beneficial effect on the body. Another big plus of apples is that they have virtually no contraindications. Apples in combination with green tea have hematopoietic properties and are good for relieving coughs and hoarseness.

Apple mint drink

Preparation. Rinse dried apples thoroughly, cover with water, and cook for 30 minutes. Then strain, add chopped mint leaves, fresh or dried, and a little honey or sugar.

Note. The healing properties of apples have already been discussed in the previous recipe. Dried apples retain up to 70% of all nutrients. Mint is not only an essential oil, but also an important medicinal plant. In addition to the characteristic refreshing taste, it adds a multifaceted healing effect to the drink: relieves headaches, calms the nerves, prevents insomnia, strengthens the cardiovascular system, treats colds, helps with atherosclerosis, inflammation of the digestive system, and promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys and bile ducts.

Sbiten with St. John's wort

Preparation. Dilute honey in 1 glass of water and heat slightly. Then add the remaining water and cook for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add _ spices and chopped dried St. John's wort to the drink. Let the finished sbiten brew for 15 minutes and drink it hot.

To prevent colds in the cold season, a drink made from green tea with the addition of dried rowan, dried raspberries and black currant leaves is well suited. All additives are crushed, combined with tea and brewed with boiling water.

Note. Sbiten has a long history. The first written mentions of sbiten and its recipes appeared nine centuries ago, but the drink itself is certainly much more ancient.

The main components of sbiten are honey, sugar, water and spices. But from ancient times it was customary to add various herbs to it to give the drink healing properties. Honey itself is a powerful healer; it contains vitamins B, C and PP. It is also rich in micro- and macroelements. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron and other minerals. The addition of medicinal herbs gives sbiten, in addition to its general health-improving properties, some narrowly targeted ones. Traditionally in Rus', St. John's wort, sage, elecampane, chamomile, mint, sweet clover, thyme, and oregano were added to sbiten. And the most commonly used spices were cinnamon, cloves, pepper, cardamom, ginger and bay leaf.

Knowing the principle of preparing sbiten, you can easily create your own, unique recipe for this drink, adding to it your favorite spices and medicinal herbs that are most beneficial for you.

Orange tea

Preparation. Finely chop the oranges along with the zest and remove the seeds. Then take the pre-prepared orange juice, pour it into a saucepan, add chopped oranges, a little bit of any jam, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then beat in a blender until smooth.

Brew green tea in the usual way and add thoroughly washed raisins to it. Return the orange mass back to the pan, pour in the tea and raisins, and remove from the heat after it has boiled. If desired, the drink can be strained through a sieve, but this is not necessary.

Note. This is an excellent tonic vitamin drink. A contraindication to its use is an allergy to citrus fruits. Oranges are a real storehouse of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Thanks to this, any orange drinks help improve immunity and have a general healing effect. These fruits are indispensable in winter for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. Due to the high content of potassium and ascorbic acid, oranges are very useful for liver diseases, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and gout. These fruits improve digestion, lower blood cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and blood vessel blockages.

Tea drink with blackcurrant leaves

Note. The leaves and young shoots of black currant contain many useful substances. These are vitamins, primarily vitamin C, phytoncides, flavonoids, minerals (manganese salts, magnesium, copper, etc.). The high content of vitamin C makes a drink made from currant leaves an indispensable remedy for vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity. This tea is a good tonic, restores strength after prolonged physical exertion or illness, and restores vigor when overworked.

Black currant leaves contain a significant amount of antioxidants - substances that prevent the development of cancer and slow down the aging of the body. Currant leaf is very useful for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The drink also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and hematopoietic organs. Currant tea is very useful for colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and flu. It has an antimicrobial effect and relieves cough. In old age, tea made from currant leaves helps strengthen vision, normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, and support brain activity.

Fruit and tea cocktail

Preparation. Mix crushed hawthorn and rose hips (fresh or dried) with green tea, add some chopped mint and brew this mixture like regular tea. Let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain through a sieve and add honey or sugar to taste.

Note. Hawthorn has a healing effect, primarily on the cardiovascular system. The components that make up its fruits tone the heart muscles, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, and improve blood circulation.

Rosehip is also extremely useful. Its fruits break all records for vitamin C content. They also contain many vitamins of other groups, antioxidants, minerals and biologically active components.

Decoctions and infusions of rose hips strengthen blood vessels, improve digestion, increase resistance to colds, stimulate hematopoiesis, and normalize blood pressure.

Good day, dear readers of our site! The benefits of the bath have long been proven and much has been written about it. Generally speaking, the bathhouse helps rid the human body of harmful substances, including toxins and waste. Recipes for bath teas will only enhance the beneficial properties and give you vital energy for a long time. In addition, teas will replenish lost fluid, which the body always needs.

In order to get the maximum effect from the drink, you need to know how to prepare it correctly. It is not always enough to simply pour boiling water over the herb, as the benefits may disappear. The most important thing is to choose high-quality clean water. If the water is hard, it is recommended to first filter it and then use it to make tea. It should not contain various impurities and the main thing is that it should not smell of anything.

The basic basic recipe for a bath drink is as follows:

  • Take a porcelain or clay container and pour the herbs you are going to brew into it;
  • Pour cold, clean water over everything, let it boil, and then immediately remove from heat. If tea is prepared from roots or pieces of berries and fruits, then it is worth boiling the drink over low heat for about a quarter of an hour;
  • Leave covered for about 10-15 minutes. If the herbs are large, then the infusion time can be extended to 30 minutes. During this time, you can wrap the container with a towel so that the heat does not escape.

In order to get the maximum effect from the drink, you need to know how to prepare it correctly.

There are many recipes for such teas, but the one described above is used most often and is basic.

All drinks that are intended for consumption in the bath or immediately after it are recommended to be consumed only warm and hot. Chilled teas should be left for later, since after you have steamed, drinking them can lead to a cold or, even worse, a sore throat.

There are various teas that are drunk before the bath, in the steam room, and also after it. Choosing the right drink will bring you maximum benefit and help replenish lost fluid.

So, before entering the bathhouse, you can enjoy rosehip infusion or make tea from strawberry or lingonberry leaves.

During bath procedures, you can enjoy diaphoretic teas, for which cherries, strawberries, currants, chamomile and others are used. After the procedures are completed, you can take relaxing tea, which is prepared from mint, oregano and other herbs.

Herbal teas for baths

The most beneficial for a bath are herbal teas due to their huge content of vitamins and beneficial properties. It is better to collect raw materials for the drink yourself, of course, if you understand herbs and can distinguish useful from harmful. Among the most popular herbs are the following: strawberry leaves, strawberries, raspberries with and without fruits.

A delicious vitamin tea can be made from rosehip flowers and fruits. It is important to note here that people prone to blood clots should limit their intake of this drink. People with heart and vascular diseases should also take it with caution.

Herbal teas: benefits and harms

As usual, benefit and harm go hand in hand here. If we talk about the benefits of herbal drinks, then due to the content of flavonoids in them, heavy metal salts are removed from the body, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is restored, and digestion is also improved.

In addition, such substances help strengthen capillaries and heal wounds. They have anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral and other beneficial effects for the whole body.

This is what healthy herbal tea for a bath looks like

Also, herbal teas contain tannins, which have a beneficial effect on inflammation of various organs. They also help remove toxins and prevent cell destruction.

The benefits of herbal teas are due to the fact that they are rich in a large amount of vitamins and minerals. They also help prevent colds during the cold season and during exacerbations. In addition, the delicacy has a huge advantage over, for example, black tea, in that it does not contain caffeine, which is not at all needed for a bath.

As for the harm of the herbal drink, it is important to consider the following:

  • Are there any allergic reactions to herbs? Allergy sufferers are not recommended to drink drinks with herbs to which a person may be allergic. Especially when visiting a sauna, it is not recommended to test your reactions, since by relaxing in the steam room you may miss the first symptoms of an allergy;
  • The presence of diseases for which certain types of herbs are contraindicated. It is important to take only those herbs that will not aggravate your disease;
  • Particularly toxic and poisonous herbs. They are used in small quantities for medicinal purposes. In this regard, such herbs are not suitable for a bath drink. It is recommended to consume them separately, brewing an individual portion for yourself, and in the bathhouse this drink can be tasted by everyone who visits it.

By following the rules for using the infusion, you will protect yourself, your family and loved ones from the harm of some herbal teas. Here you just need to carefully select the composition of herbs that can be consumed by everyone.

In order for a herbal drink to be beneficial, it must be prepared correctly. Herbal tea in the bath, the recipes of which may be different, always have similar preparation rules. The preparation method will depend on what exactly you are using: roots, fruits, leaves, stems or flowers. The rules for preparing a drink from different parts of the plant are as follows:

  • Flower tea is brewed in a porcelain container. To do this, they need to be poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes, under a warm shelter;
  • The leaves are also poured with boiling water; additional boiling is not recommended, as the beneficial properties disappear;
  • It is recommended to crush the fruits, especially if they are dried, or mash them well. Pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes under a heating pad;
  • Coarse parts of the grass: roots, stems, etc., need to be boiled for 10 minutes. Thus, you can “get” the maximum useful valuable properties from them. Then the drink is also infused under a heating pad for 15 minutes.

Diaphoretic herbs for baths

Ideal for making diaphoretic teas:

  • Raspberries;
  • Black elderberry;
  • Strawberries;
  • Linden inflorescences;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Some others.

In addition to diaphoretic properties, they all have beneficial effects on the immune system and overall health.

The most common and affordable way to prepare a drink is from berries and raspberry leaves, as well as linden inflorescences. This collection is brewed in a 1:1 ratio, that is, a tablespoon of herbal collection + 1 glass of boiling water. The collection is brewed with boiling water, but is not boiled additionally. It is recommended to steep for a quarter of an hour under a warm heating pad so that the tea does not have time to cool.

Black elderberry along with linden flowers also has an effective effect. Another composition of the drink is as follows: mint, elderberry and chamomile flowers, linden inflorescences. You can also make a collection from the following ingredients: oregano, coltsfoot, raspberries. Any composition is brewed the same way:

  • Place a tablespoon of the mixture into the container;
  • Pour in a glass of boiling water (250 ml);
  • Infuse under a warm heating pad for a quarter of an hour.

As you can see, preparation does not take much time, so the delicacy for the bath can be prepared immediately before visiting it.

Bath tea: recipe

This drink is usually prepared from herbs and berries. A composition of different herbs is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. for 1 tbsp. boiling water It is best to take the following types of herbs for cooking: strawberries, mint, oregano, knotweed, chamomile, calendula, rowan berries, raspberries, cherries and strawberries, rose hips, hawthorn or linden roses, as well as some others.

Rarely is 1 type of raw material used to make a drink; more often it is made up of 2-3 types.

Sometimes oats are added to the drink, as it has quite a number of properties, including excellent immunity and stamina.

Vitamin drink for the bath:

  • Rosehip – 5 tbsp, pour a liter of ice water and bring to a boil. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes and remove from heat. It is advisable to mash the rose hips first;
  • 1 tbsp. crushed currant leaves, pour ½ liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour;
  • Prepare a mixture of strawberries and rose hips in a ratio of 2:1. 1 tbsp. pour boiling water (200 ml) over the raw materials. Leave under a heating pad for 10 minutes;
  • Prepare a mixture of equal portions of St. John's wort, sage and chamomile leaves. Take tbsp. raw materials and pour boiling water into it, 1 cup. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

A bathhouse, tea made from natural herbs - what could be more beautiful and beneficial for health?

All these teas can be supplemented without big amount honey for taste. This will add beneficial properties to the tea. However, it is important to remember that honey is an allergen, so it can be consumed by those people who are not allergic to it. Also, in order not to lose the healing properties of honey, it should only be added to a warm drink, and not to a hot one.

Tea after the bath

What tea to drink after a bath? The question is quite interesting, the answer to it is as follows: drinks consumed immediately after a bath are aimed at calming, therefore the composition should only contain calming herbs, such as mint, oregano, chamomile and others.

The recipes for this drink are as follows:

  • Ch.l. chamomile flowers and 1 tbsp boiling water are placed in a container, left for half an hour, covered with a warm towel;
  • Make a collection of equal portions of oregano, mint and St. John's wort. 1 tsp place the herbs in a bowl, pour in a glass of boiling water and let stand for a quarter of an hour;
  • Linden inflorescences 1 tsp. place in a brewing container, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.

All such teas are prepared almost the same way. However, the effect varies depending on the composition of the herbs.

Bath tea for weight loss

The beneficial properties of the bath include the effect on weight loss. This effect can be enhanced by using a bath drink with appropriate properties. To prepare it you will need:

  • ½ orange;
  • 50 g lingonberries;
  • ½ tsp. or 1 cinnamon stick;
  • Mint – 1 tsp;
  • Green tea - 2 tsp;
  • Boiling water – 1 l.

Cut the orange into small pieces or slices. Place all ingredients in a container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Close the lid, put on a heating pad and let it brew for 15-30 minutes. It is recommended to first strain the finished liquid and then consume it.

The properties of the drink are truly excellent. However, we must not forget that its effectiveness will only be visible in combination with other measures. If you eat a lot of sweets and baked goods, then no drink will help you lose weight. That is why you need to first limit the consumption of such products, and then start drinking the drink in combination with bath procedures.

Another delicious weight loss drink can be prepared from orange, grapefruit, lime, honey and boiling water. It is prepared in the same way as the first one.

You should not drink any herbal teas in large quantities, as an excess can lead to unpleasant consequences or even poisoning. In order to brew a drink from any herb, you need to know how it affects the body, and whether you or your relatives and friends are allergic to it.

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