Chinese soybean oil hydration technology. Method for hydrating vegetable oil. Where can you buy raw pressed hydrated soybean oil in Ukraine?

The country's oil and fat enterprises produce a wide range of vegetable oils from domestic and imported raw materials: sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, mustard, corn, coconut, sesame, olive, rapeseed, peanut, stone, flaxseed, castor, etc.

Depending on the method of purifying vegetable oil, the following types of vegetable oil are produced for retail trade and public catering networks: unrefined, subjected only to mechanical purification; hydrated, subjected to mechanical cleaning and hydration; refined, non-deodorized, subjected to mechanical cleaning, hydration and neutralization; refined deodorized.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil obtained from sunflower seeds by pressing and extraction. The production of this oil in Russia accounts for about 70% of the production of all vegetable oils. It contains essential fatty acids, carotenes, and vitamin E.

Unrefined oil has a pronounced taste and smell of toasted sunflower seeds, light yellow color, and a slight sediment is allowed. Based on quality, it is divided into three grades - highest, 1st, 2nd. Oil of the highest and 1st grades must be transparent, only individual tiny particles of wax-like substances are allowed. Grade 2 oil may have slight turbidity.

Hydrated oil is produced of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. Unlike unrefined oil, it has no sediment.

In grade 2, slight turbidity is allowed.

Refined oil is produced non-deodorized and deodorized. Deodorized oil is impersonal in taste and smell, non-deodorized oil has a slightly pronounced taste and smell of sunflower seeds, the oil is transparent and does not contain sediment. Deodorized refined sunflower oil is intended for supply to retail chains and catering establishments.

Cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil obtained from cotton seeds by pressing and extraction methods. The production of cottonseed oil accounts for more than 20% of the total production of vegetable oils in our country. A special feature of cotton seeds is that they contain a specific pigment (gossypol), which gives the oil an intense brown and brown color. Gossypol has toxic properties, so cottonseed oil is eaten only after refining.

Refined cottonseed oil is divided into refined undosed and refined deodorized. Refined deodorized cottonseed oil is divided into the highest and 1st grades, and refined non-deodorized oil into the highest, 1st and 2nd. For food purposes, the highest and 1st grades are used. Refined cottonseed oil is light yellow in color and does not contain sediment. The oil should be odorless, sediment-free, and have no foreign taste.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil obtained from soybean seeds by pressing and extraction methods. The production of this oil accounts for about 9% of the total production of vegetable oils in Russia. Along with oil, important components of soybean seeds are proteins (30-50%) and phosphatides (0.55-0.60%), soybean proteins have high biological value and are used for food and feed purposes.

Soybean oil is produced in the following types; hydrated, refined non-deodorized and refined deodorized. Hydrated oil is divided into 1st and 2nd grades based on quality; refined oil is not divided into grades. For retail chains and public catering, refined deodorized soybean oil and hydrated 1st grade oil are recommended.

Soybean oil is characterized by brown shades of color. The oil should be transparent, without sediment.

Corn oil

Corn oil obtained from the germ of corn seeds, which contain from 30 to 50% fat. During the production of maize starch and flour, the germ is separated from the rest of the grain, since its high fat content negatively affects the quality of these products.

They produce unrefined, refined deodorized and refined non-deodorized corn oil. Refined deodorized oil is sent to retail chains and catering establishments. This oil is odorless, yellow in color, does not contain sediment, and has an impersonal taste. It is not divided into varieties.

The biological activity of corn oil is due to its high content of biologically active linoleic acid, as well as vitamin E (75 mg per 100 ml of oil).

Mustard oil

Mustard oil produced from mustard seeds by pressing: the cake is used to obtain mustard powder. Mustard contains substances that give the oil a specific taste and aroma, such substances include thioglycosides and their hydrolysis products.

Mustard oil is produced unrefined, premium, 1st and 2nd grade. Oil of the highest and 1st grades is intended for direct consumption. The oil is light brown in color. Due to its pronounced taste and aroma, mustard oil is used in canning production.

Olive oil

Olive oil obtained from the pulp of the fruits of the olive tree, growing on the Caucasian coast, in the Mediterranean zone, etc. The oil of the press method has a golden-yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tint. Refined olive oil is almost colorless, has a subtle odor, and a pleasant taste. Olive oil contains from 55 to 85% valuable oleic acid.

Linseed oil

Linseed oil produced from flax seeds by pressing and extraction methods. It contains about 50% linolenic acid, therefore it is unstable during storage and quickly oxidizes in air, acquiring a specific smell of drying oil. Flaxseed oil is used mainly for technical purposes, although it has nutritional value and medicinal properties, which we will discuss below.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter obtained from walnut kernels, which contain up to 58% fat. Nut oil is obtained by cold pressing. It has a light yellow color, pleasant taste and smell. Widely used in confectionery production.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter produced from the peanut kernel (groundnut). Refined oil obtained by cold pressing has a good taste and pleasant aroma. It is used as a salad dressing and for frying. Peanut oil is also used in confectionery production.

Fir oil

Fir oil obtained from Siberian fir needles. It is used as a medicinal product for a number of diseases, data on which will be given in other categories on our website.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil produced from the fruits of sea buckthorn. Contains carotenoids in concentrations above 50 mg%, a complex of vitamins C, P, A, E. It has a multifaceted effect. Used as a food and medicine (see below).

Cedar oil

Cedar oil produced from pine nuts. It has a multi-component composition. It is used for food and medicinal purposes and has high biological activity.

The specified list does not limit the use of vegetable oils.

In medical practice, oil infusions of many medicinal plants are also used, which are used for certain indications. We also devoted a separate section of our book to these oils - about recipes for healing oils from medicinal plants.

Raw soybean oil is a healthy, unrefined product, which in our country is undeservedly relegated to the background. Many people believe that all soy is genetically modified and it is better to avoid consuming it. But this is a mistaken opinion. Soy is the same healthy and tasty legume product as peas or beans. It contains the strongest immunomodulators and antioxidants, for example, tocopherol E1. In 100 grams of unrefined soy cheese product there are 114 mg of this substance. The same amount of olive oil contains only 13 mg, and sunflower oil contains 67 mg.

Benefits or harms of soybean oil

Soybean oil, hydrated and pressed, is a pure, liquid fat that contains no proteins or carbohydrates, but contains a huge amount of vitamin E in two forms: vitamin E1, vitamin E2. Only this form is completely absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails, and vision. Calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, lecithin, polyunsaturated and saturated acids, linoleic, stearic, oleic and other acids contribute to:
  • cell rejuvenation;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • prevent cholesterol plaques from forming in blood vessels.
The Agrozernoholding company offers to buy raw pressed hydrated soybean oil in bulk at a competitive price. Also this product:
  • is an excellent preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulates kidney function;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens the nervous system.
Soy products are very popular among residents of Japan, China, America and Western Europe. Who is soybean oil contraindicated for?
  • People prone to allergies to incoming components.
  • Those who have stomach diseases and often suffer from disorders.
  • Brain tumors and individual intolerance.

Technology for the production of raw pressed, hydrated soybean oil

Raw oil is considered the healthiest, as it is obtained by natural pressing without exposure to chemicals and high temperatures. According to GOST, sediment and turbidity are allowed. The shelf life of such a product is short - only a month, but it retains all the useful substances. The hydrated oil is subjected to slow cooling to remove phosphorus-containing substances, which form a precipitate. This product can be stored longer – up to three months.

Where is soybean oil used?

The products have found wide application in cooking. Margarine, mayonnaise and other sauces are made from it. Soybean oil perfectly enhances the taste of salads and goes well with seafood, eggs, and rice. It is seasoned with fish and meat and added to baked goods. Another product is very popular in cosmetology. It is used to make masks and face creams that effectively moisturize and nourish the skin. At home, it is recommended to use raw oil to remove makeup before going to bed and apply it to the scalp to strengthen and improve hair health. Soybean has also found a wide range of uses in medicine. It is used to make medicines for patients with diabetes, peptic ulcers, gastritis, and colitis. Medicines are prescribed to patients suffering from kidney and liver diseases. The products save the lives of people exposed to radiation. Ukraine has been growing and processing soybeans since time immemorial and is rightfully included in the list of countries producing soybean products.

Where can you buy raw pressed hydrated soybean oil in Ukraine?

On our website you will find a catalog of soybean oil with photos, prices and detailed delivery information. You can find out how much raw hydrated soybean oil costs and buy the right amount with delivery throughout Ukraine. Experienced managers will help you quickly calculate the cost of a shipment. The price of soybean oil depends on the volume of purchase.

Soybean oil– is a concentrated source of energy (calories), highly digestible, containing a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic and linolenic acids, collectively known as vitamin F. These acids are non-essential; they cannot be synthesized in the human body and must be supplied with food. Vitamin F is able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, has antiarrhythmic and cardioprotective effects due to its ability to thin the blood and reduce blood pressure. Vitamin F is also called the “beauty vitamin” because of its beneficial effect on the elasticity and firmness of the skin and hair health, helps burn saturated fats in the body, thereby promoting weight loss. In addition, soybean oil contains a natural antioxidant represented by vitamin E. The energy value of soybean oil is 9 kcal/g or 120 kcal per 1 tablespoon (14 g). The National Research Council, FAO and World Health Organization recommend that 24% of calories come from essential fatty acids. A tablespoon of soybean oil (14 g) provides the daily requirement of essential fatty acids for a healthy child or adult.

Amuragrocenter LLC produces natural high-quality oil from soybean seeds grown in the fields of the Amur region, the quality of which is recognized as one of the best in the world.

Using high-quality raw materials and modern equipment, we produce the following types of products:

  • hydrated soybean oil;
  • refined deodorized soybean oil.

Refined deodorized soybean oil of the trademarks (TM) “Znatnoe semyestvo”, “Laditsa”, “Filevskoe” is packaged in PET bottles of 1, 2 and 5 liters:

Soybean oil

TM "Noble family"

Soybean oil

TM "Laditsa"

Soybean oil

TM "Filevskoe"

Shelf life

15 months

100% refined deodorized soybean oil.

Shelf life

15 months

0.92 l., 4.78 l.

100% refined deodorized soybean oil.

Shelf life

15 months

1 l., 2 l., 5 l.

Refined deodorized oil of the indicated brands is suitable for salad dressing, frying and stewing, baking, deep-frying and canning.

The quality and safety of soybean oil meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 024/2011

The management system covering the production of these products is certified and meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005).

Shipment is carried out:

  • loading into railway tanks, tank trucks;
  • pouring into flexitanks;
  • filling into PVC barrels with a volume of 220 liters;
  • by road transport, covered wagons, railway containers.

The invention relates to the oil and fat industry. The method includes mixing unrefined oil with a hydrating agent, exposing the resulting mixture, and separating the phospholipid emulsion from the hydrated oil. As a hydrating agent, a mixture consisting of proteins obtained from cereal grains, phospholipids obtained from vegetable oil and water is used, with a weight ratio of (1:2:100)÷(1:3:100), respectively, in an amount of 1- 4% by weight of unrefined vegetable oil. The invention makes it possible to obtain high-quality hydrated oils with a low content of phospholipids and low color and acid numbers. 2 tables

The invention relates to the oil and fat industry and can be used for hydration of vegetable oils.

There is a known method for hydrating vegetable oil, including mixing unrefined oil with a hydrating agent, exposing the resulting mixture, subsequent phase separation into hydrated oil and phospholipid emulsion and drying of hydrated oil and phospholipid emulsion (N.S. Harutyunyan. Refining of oils and fats: Theoretical foundations, practice , technology, equipment / N.S.Arutyunyan, E.P.Kornena, E.A.Nesterova. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2004. - P.82-99).

The disadvantages of this method include a low degree of hydration of phospholipids, high color of hydrated oils, which during subsequent refining requires a higher concentration of the alkaline agent and its excess, high consumption of bleaching clays, resulting in a decrease in the yield of refined oil.

The objective of the invention is to create a highly effective method for hydrating vegetable oil.

The problem is solved by the fact that in the method of hydrating vegetable oil, including mixing unrefined oil with a hydrating agent, exposing the resulting mixture, separating the phospholipid emulsion from the hydrated oil, a mixture consisting of proteins obtained from cereal grains, phospholipids obtained from vegetable oil, and water, with a weight ratio of (1:2:100)÷(1:3:100), respectively, in an amount of 1-4% by weight of unrefined vegetable oil.

The technical result is the production of high quality hydrated oil with a low phospholipid content, as well as low color and acid numbers.

It was experimentally shown that the use of a mixture consisting of proteins, phospholipids and water as a hydrating agent makes it possible to reduce the interfacial tension at the interface of the “unrefined oil - hydrating agent” phases, which increases the adsorption of both hydratable and non-hydratable phospholipids on the interfacial surface, as well as dyes.

The inventive method is illustrated by the following examples.

Example 1. Phospholipids are first obtained from soybean oil by hydrating it to obtain a phospholipid emulsion and its subsequent drying, as well as proteins from wheat grain by extracting crushed wheat grain with water. At the end of extraction, the protein solution is separated from non-protein components by centrifugation. From the resulting solution, the protein is precipitated with mineral acid, and the precipitate is separated by centrifugation. Then a mixture is prepared consisting of proteins, phospholipids and water in a weight ratio of 1:2:100, respectively.

Unrefined pressed sunflower oil is mixed at a temperature of 60°C with a hydrating agent, which is a mixture obtained from proteins, phospholipids and water in an amount of 1% by weight of unrefined pressed sunflower oil. Then the resulting mixture is exposed for 10 minutes and sent for phase separation “hydrated sunflower oil - phospholipid emulsion”. The hydrated oil and phospholipid emulsion are dried according to known conditions.

The main indicators of oils obtained using the claimed and known methods are given in Table 1.

Table 1
Indicator nameIndicator value
unrefined oiloil obtained by the method
Acid number, mg KOH/g 1,05 0,25 0,80
Color number, mg J 2 25 6 20
Mass fraction of phospholipids, % 0,48 0,01 0,20
Degree of hydration, %- 99,2 58,33

Example 2. Phospholipids are first obtained from unrefined sunflower oil by hydrating it to obtain a phospholipid emulsion and its subsequent drying, as well as proteins from barley grain by extracting crushed barley grain with water. At the end of extraction, the protein solution is separated from non-protein components by centrifugation. From the resulting solution, the protein is precipitated with mineral acid, and the precipitate is separated by centrifugation. Then a mixture is prepared consisting of proteins, phospholipids and water in a weight ratio of 1:3:100, respectively.

Unrefined soybean oil is mixed at a temperature of 60°C with a hydrating agent, which is a mixture obtained from proteins, phospholipids and water in an amount of 4% by weight of unrefined soybean oil. Then the resulting mixture is exposed for 20 minutes and sent for phase separation “hydrated soybean oil - phospholipid emulsion”. The hydrated oil and phospholipid emulsion are dried according to known conditions.

In parallel, hydration is carried out in a known manner.

The main indicators of oils obtained using the claimed and known methods are given in Table 2.

As can be seen from these tables, the degree of hydration when carried out by the claimed method increases by 14.4-43.9% compared to the known method, the color number of hydrated oil decreases by 14-25 mg J 2, and the acid number by 0.45- 0.50 mg KOH/g.

Thus, the inventive method of hydrating vegetable oil allows one to obtain high-quality hydrated oils.


A method for hydrating vegetable oil, including mixing unrefined oil with a hydrating agent, exposing the resulting mixture, subsequent separation of the mixture into hydrated oil and phospholipid emulsion, drying the hydrated oil and phospholipid emulsion, characterized in that a mixture consisting of proteins obtained from cereal grains, phospholipids obtained from vegetable oil and water, at a weight ratio of (1:2:100)÷(1:3:100), respectively, in an amount of 1-4% by weight of unrefined vegetable oil.

Characteristics and technology of chemical methods for refining fats

Removing waxes and waxy substances from vegetable oil

The presence of waxes and waxy substances in sunflower oil contributes to the formation of a cloudy suspension or sediment during long-term storage. This deteriorates the presentation, complicates oil processing and filtration, and negatively affects the activity of the catalyst during hydrogenation.

VNIIZh has developed a continuous technological scheme for removing (freezing) waxes from sunflower oil (Fig. 5.2.).

Using a pump 2 oil from tank 1 supplied to the first cooler 3, where it is cooled to a temperature of 20°C, then in a cooler 4 brought to a temperature of 10-12°C and enters the exhibitor 5 , which is a vertical cylindrical apparatus with a working capacity of 12 m 3 and a productivity of up to 80 t/day.

Chemical methods for refining fats include hydration - the removal of phospholipids from raw vegetable oils that have been converted into oil from oilseeds. The need to remove phospholipids from oil is due to the fact that they are an effective feed product for farm animals and are successfully used in the baking, confectionery, paint and varnish, perfume and margarine industries. In addition, the presence of phospholipids reduces the commercial quality of the oil and complicates its further processing.

Hydration in fat refining technology is the process of treating vegetable oils with water, as a result of which the phospholipids contained in them, adding water, lose solubility and are released in the form of a voluminous sediment. The content of phospholipids in oils varies over a wide range and depends on the type of oil and the method of its preparation.

In their structure, phospholipids are close to fats, but unlike fats, only 2 molecules of fatty acids are associated with glycerol, and the place of the third acid is occupied by a complex radical, which contains phosphorus and nitrogen.

Phospholipids easily interact with other substances present in the oilseed and oil, including carbohydrates (sugars), gossypol, etc., forming dark-colored compounds. Pure phospholipids are less stable than fats; they decompose at a temperature of about 150ºC and at the same time become very dark. Phospholipids are acidic. Their acid number varies depending on the type of oil from 20 to 100. The acid number of sunflower oil phospholipids is 25-30. this means that if sunflower oil contains 1% phospholipids, its acid number increases by 0.25-0.3 mg KOH.

In world practice and in our country, measures are being taken to improve and improve the technology for isolating phospholipids from oil and improving the quality of phospholipid concentrates while maintaining their biological and physiological value.

But it is not always necessary to remove phospholipids from oil (for example, when using vegetable oils as salad dressings). Meanwhile, it has been established that when sunflower oil contains 1% phospholipids, its acid number increases by 0.25-0.3 mg KOH.

In hydration technology, the amount of water introduced is important. It depends on the type of oil, phospholipid content, impurities and their composition. It is recommended to introduce from 0.3 to 10% water by weight of the oil, and in some cases more. The optimal management of the hydration process in practice is determined empirically by conducting preliminary laboratory experiments.

The introduction of an excessive amount of water or other agent can lead to peptization of the phospholipid-protein-carbohydrate complex or to the formation of a difficult-to-break emulsion. Saturation of phospholipids with water is completed when the volume of absorbed water corresponds to the amount of bound water and the content of phospholipids in the oil. A lack of water leads to incomplete removal of hydrophilic impurities, and an excess leads to peptization, which occurs when the particles swell and leads to partial dissolution of phospholipids in the oil. In addition, excess moisture increases the cost of drying the oil after hydration.

The chemical reaction of phospholipid hydration can be illustrated by the interaction of lecithin with water.

The above reaction gives only a general idea of ​​the hydration process. In reality, more complex physical and chemical processes occur here.

Removing phospholipids from oil makes it easier to process later. Soap stock obtained by refining from hydrated oil is more valuable when used in soap making; it decomposes more easily during acid treatment.

In order to intensify the hydration process, some researchers propose to conduct this process in an ultrasonic field.

It is known that when carrying out the hydration process only with water, complete removal of phospholipids from the oil is not achieved. This is explained by the fact that magnesium and calcium salts are found in vegetable oils. It has been established that the more phosphorus in the oil, the higher the amount of calcium and magnesium, i.e. calcium and magnesium derivatives of phosphatidic and lysophosphatidic acids have little or no interaction with water, but can dissolve in carbon non-polar solvents, including fats.

Research by Prof. N. S. Harutyunyan and his colleagues and foreign authors have shown that miscellas of non-hydratable phospholipids are constructed in such a way that their polar groups are connected through hydrogen bonds, forming a core, and hydrocarbon chains form an outer shell, which is well solvated by glycerides and prevents the penetration of water.

To remove such non-hydratable or difficult to hydrate phosphorus-containing substances from oil, in factory practice phosphoric acid is used as a hydrating agent. In this case, phosphoric acid has a destructive effect on phospholipids, i.e. the phospholipid-protein complex contained in the oil is destroyed and the separation of phospholipids from the oil is significantly more difficult. This entails the loss of a valuable phospholipid product. But phosphoric acid is not always treated, but only in cases where this is caused by technological necessity, for example, for subsequent more efficient refining, deodorization and hydrogenation of fats. In many cases, two operations are combined (oil treatment with phosphoric acid and alkaline refining).

In addition to water and phosphoric acid, weak solutions of electrolytes, tannin, sodium silicates, starch, citric acid, etc. are recommended as hydrating agents.

In industrial practice, various methods, methods, schemes and modes of phospholipid hydration in batch and continuous mode are widely used. The use of one or another scheme or method depends on the type, quality and grade of oil, the volume of production, the further purpose of the hydrated oil and phospholipid concentrate.

According to research by VNIIZH, below are some indicators of soybean phospholipid concentrate.

phospholipids 61.1

substances insoluble in petroleum ether 2.6

Acid number of oil isolated from

concentrate, mg KOH 6

According to the literature, the content of the main groups of phospholipids (in%) in industrial phospholipid concentrates of soybean oil varies within the following limits:

Phosphatidylcholine 27.3-36.0

Phosphatidylethanolamine 14.2-30.0

Inositol phosphatide 16.7-32.0

Due to the variety of uses of hydration methods in factory conditions, this section discusses some of the most progressive and promising of them.

In Fig. Figure 5.3 shows a basic block diagram of the continuous process of hydration of phospholipids of vegetable oils. The hydration process consists of three main operations:

1. Mixing crude oil with condensate or other agent (unit 5).

2. Separation of oil from hydration sediment (unit 9).

3. Oil drying (unit 11 ) and hydration sediment (node 15).

For the purpose of intensive mixing of oil-condensate phases, ejection, jet and blade-type mixers, as well as a jet turbulator reactor, which ensures close contact of oppositely polar liquids, are successfully used. To separate the two phases oil - hydration sludge, continuously operating settling tanks and separators are used, and to dry the oil and hydration sludge, a nozzle-type vacuum drying apparatus and a vacuum rotary film dryer are used.

The use of separators for phase separation and rotary film devices for drying hydration sludge ensures high line productivity and comprehensive processing of vegetable oils at the hydration stage, producing relatively high quality products.

Figure 5.4 shows a continuous technological scheme for the hydration of phospholipids in vegetable oils, proposed by VNIIZh. Using pumps 1 And 4 oil, pre-filtered in filters 2 And 5 and heated in a heat exchanger 3, enters the mixer 6.

Sunflower and peanut oils are heated to a temperature of 45-50°C, and soybean oil - to 65-70°C. The mixer is equipped with a paddle stirrer, into which condensate simultaneously flows, the amount of which is determined by preliminary test hydration in the laboratory. Instead of the specified mixer, a jet turbulator reactor can be used, which ensures close contact of liquids of different polarity, as well as an ejection type mixer, etc. The mixer is selected depending on the required productivity, type and quality of the original crude oil.

After mixing the oil and condensate in the mixer 6 the mixture is sent to the separator 7 for phase separation.

Hydrated oil from the separator enters the heater 9, and then dried in a vacuum drying deaeration apparatus 10 or for refining. The cloudy oil from the separator is returned for hydration. Separator capacity 120 t/day. Oil drying is carried out at a temperature of 85-90 ° C with a residual pressure in the dryer of 2.66-3.99 kPa. The vacuum in the dryer is created by a three-stage steam ejector unit. The initial oil moisture content can average about 0.2%, and the final moisture content can be 0.05%. Dryer productivity 3.5-6.2 t/h, capacity 1.625 m 3, number of nozzles - 3 pcs.
