Chinese dried mushrooms in a pack. Chinese tree mushrooms. How to cook wood mushrooms. Ingredients for Black Mushroom Appetizer

Pork (pulp) - 400 grams
Dried black tree mushrooms - 30 grams
Onions - 2 large heads
Carrots - 1 piece
Starch - 1 tablespoon
Leek - 1 piece
Garlic - 4 cloves
Ginger - 15 grams
Green onions - bunch
Chili pepper - 1 pod
Vegetable oil - 30 milliliters
Sesame oil - half a teaspoon
Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
Salt - half a teaspoon
Sugar - half a teaspoon

How to cook pork with wood mushrooms
1. Pour dried wood mushrooms with warm water for 1 day.
2. Rinse the pork in cool water, cut into pieces 3 centimeters wide.
3. Peel the garlic, ginger, chop finely.
4. Peel the carrots and onions and cut them into half rings a few millimeters thick.
5. Wash leeks and green onions and chop them.
6. Wash the chili pepper, remove seeds, and cut into small squares half a centimeter wide.
7. Dilute starch in a small amount of cool water - about 2 tablespoons.
8. Drain the water from the tree mushrooms, rinse them under running water, and cut them into strips a centimeter wide.
9. Pour oil into a thick-walled pan and heat for 5 minutes over medium heat.
10. Place ginger, garlic, chili pepper, and a third of green onions into heated oil and fry for 3 minutes.
11. Add pork to the spices and fry for 5-7 minutes until most of the moisture has evaporated.
12. Add onion and carrots to the meat and fry for 7 minutes.
13. Pour soy sauce into the pan with meat and simmer for 3 minutes.
14. Add the remaining green onions, leeks, salt, sugar, diluted starch, stir, wait until it boils.
15. Add wood mushrooms to the meat and vegetables, stir, cook for 7 minutes.
16. A minute before it’s ready, pour in sesame oil.

In the wake of today's passion for oriental cooking, many have probably heard about an unusual product - tree mushrooms. Some people have even tried them more than once. But few people know how to prepare this product themselves.
There are several names for such exotic mushrooms. They are usually widely used in Vietnam, Thailand, and China.

Today you can buy tree mushrooms in our stores - usually in dried form. They are packaged in small boxes and look like black pieces of paper. Therefore, it is often completely unclear how they can be used for food.

How to use tree mushrooms:

  1. First of all, the mushrooms need to be soaked for the whole day. At the same time, real magic happens - the mushrooms increase in volume by about 8 times. You can pour boiling water over the mushrooms, but this way they will not open completely and will not give all their piquancy to the dish. When soaking, remember that one such box can absorb up to 5 liters of water.
  2. Another amazing property of tree mushrooms is that they are practically tasteless, but in combination with other products they exhibit a very unusual, refined taste.
  3. The prepared mushrooms need to be washed, seasoned with a small amount of 9% vinegar, and you can start cooking.

There are different types of muer mushrooms used in culinary recipes. For example, there is a noodle mushroom, it is very thin and is used as a side dish or dressing for soups. Muer porcini mushrooms are a real delicacy; they are usually added to salads. One of these salads, the most famous in our country, is with funcheza rice noodles.

Tree mushroom salad recipe

Tree mushroom salad with funcheza is very easy to prepare; specially selected spices add piquancy to it.


  • rice funcheza - 150 g
  • muer wood mushrooms - 1 box
  • boiled chicken - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc. medium size
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • cucumber - 1 pc., long; If desired, the cucumber can be replaced with a cabbage stalk or very young zucchini
  • spices - ground coriander, dried ginger, black pepper, chili pepper
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, sugar, soy sauce - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare wood mushrooms for cooking in the same way as for other recipes
  2. Pour boiling water over funcheza for 15 minutes or boil for 5 minutes, drain in a colander and let cool
  3. Cut the mushrooms into thin strips, the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry everything in vegetable oil until done
  4. Cut the boiled chicken (breast is best) into strips, grate the cucumber on a coarse grater or a Korean carrot grater. Chop the garlic
  5. Place all ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add spices, salt and sugar, sprinkle with soy sauce. Mix thoroughly
  6. Place the salad bowl in the refrigerator for 2 hours. In order for the taste to be full, the salad must be infused and soaked in spices.

Another way to prepare muer mushrooms is to fry them in olive oil with cilantro.

Fried wood mushrooms


  • muer wood mushrooms - 2 boxes
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • apple or wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • red hot pepper - to taste
  • salt, soy sauce - to taste
  • onion - 1 pc. small
  • green onion - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • starch - 0.5 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare wood mushrooms for cooking as described above
  2. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil until half cooked
  3. Chop the mushrooms and add them to the onion, fry over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly
  4. Place red pepper, finely chopped green onions and cilantro, and crushed garlic in a frying pan. Increase heat and continue cooking for another 3 minutes.
  5. Pour soy sauce and vinegar over the mushrooms, add salt and mix well. Cover with a lid
  6. Lightly beat the eggs with starch and a drop of salt, pour into a preheated, oiled frying pan. Bake a soft egg pancake quickly. Do not overcook; the top side should remain almost liquid.
  7. Line a shallow salad bowl with the egg pancake, baked side down. Top with hot roasted wood mushrooms. Let the dish sit for about 40 minutes

Most often, fried wood mushrooms are used as a seasoning for pork or chicken. But you can also serve them as a savory snack.

Asian dishes and their individual components usually evoke conflicting feelings among our compatriots. This mixture of emotions can be roughly described as curiosity, stifled by bewilderment and apprehension. Exotic vegetables and fruits, transparent noodles and salty sweets... Compared to these delicacies, Chinese mushrooms seem to be a relatively understandable product. And not at first glance, but only after taking the sample.

In fact, one can be surprised, even admired, by the food of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire - but there is no need to be afraid of it. Everyone who has tried it admits that its taste, although specific, is pleasant. And Chinese woody mushrooms can generally be used not only in Chinese, but also in any other cuisine. They fit perfectly into many recipes and add a spicy touch to familiar dishes. It’s easy to verify this: try cooking Chinese wood mushrooms yourself.

Varieties, composition and properties of Chinese black mushrooms
The East is such a delicate matter that as we move away from Western traditions towards the rising sun, it makes us more and more surprised, and sometimes even puzzle over our mysteries. It would seem: what surprises can you expect from mushrooms, even wood ones? But the catch is that Chinese cooking knows several varieties of black mushrooms suitable for food. Therefore, even if you ask in a Chinese restaurant about the composition of the dish you like, be prepared for the fact that you will not know for sure all its ingredients. To dispel doubts, you will have to study the terminology more deeply, because several varieties of mushrooms are called Chinese arboreal:
Both muer and shiitake are very popular in the countries of Southeast Asia, where they are used to prepare both culinary masterpieces and everyday food. This versatility is due to the pleasant taste and aroma of both mushrooms, and their demand is due to their nutritional and healing properties. Like any other mushrooms, they are low in calories and devoid of fat, and therefore cholesterol. Therefore, Chinese mushrooms can and should be included in the diet of people suffering from atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism disorders and those who are overweight. The lion's share of the nutritional value of tree mushrooms is provided by proteins, which makes them a valuable product for people who do not eat meat and/or eggs. The dried pulp does not lose the components of its chemical composition - dried Chinese mushrooms, like fresh ones, contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, iron, calcium, and the phosphorus content is twice that of beef.

How to Prepare and Cook Chinese Mushrooms
You can buy Chinese wood mushrooms far beyond the borders of their historical homeland, but most often they go on sale dried and compactly packaged. This does not harm the nutritional properties or taste of black mushrooms at all, if you know how to properly restore them from a dried state. Preparing Chinese mushrooms for use involves soaking them in water, and experienced cooks practice different methods, depending on the circumstances:

  1. Remove the dried mushrooms from the box and remove the plastic wrap. Place dry mushrooms in a saucepan or deep bowl.
  2. Fill the tree mushrooms with clean drinking water at room temperature or a little warmer. The amount of water should be such that the mushrooms are completely covered with it, but there is still free space in the dish. The fact is that after absorbing water, they will increase in volume by 6-8 times, so take this into account in advance.
  3. After two hours, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms under running water to remove sand and other possible contaminants.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a deep bowl again and cover with water, this time cold. Place in the refrigerator for 4 hours or until the morning, after which their taste will be fully revealed and you can cook according to any recipe.
Such lengthy preparation is an invention of particularly scrupulous gourmets. The Chinese themselves do not bother themselves so much, but simply pour cool water over dry mushrooms, drain it after two hours, wash the mushrooms and start cooking. You can try both methods and compare their results. The only thing you shouldn’t do is try to quickly restore the mushrooms using hot, and even more so, boiling water. If you boil or even simply scald dried muer or shiitake, then instead of elastic and whole mushrooms, they will turn into an unappetizing mess. But, if you observed the temperature regime when soaking the Chinese mushrooms, then they became beautiful, dark brown and quite large. Cut off the very bottom of the stems where the mushroom attached to the tree. The caps and stems themselves are completely ready for further processing as part of dishes: the stems are tougher and more fibrous, and the wavy caps have a delicate consistency.
  1. Spicy Chinese mushroom appetizer. Take 200-300 grams of tree mushrooms, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and red pepper flakes, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
    Cut the mushrooms into small equal pieces. Mix salt and vinegar and pour this marinade over the mushrooms. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Pour oil into a small frying pan, heat and add onion, garlic and pepper. Pass until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then add the mushrooms to the pan along with the marinade, reduce the heat to low and cook covered for 20 minutes. Stir the mushrooms into the sauce several times while simmering. The finished dish is very spicy and aromatic and is used in small quantities as a sauce for vegetables, rice or meat.
  2. Warm Chinese mushroom salad. Take about 300 grams of mushrooms, 1 can of canned corn, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    Cut the mushrooms into small equal pieces. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onions and mushrooms and fry for 7 minutes. Then add corn without liquid to the mushrooms and onions, add a glass of water, stir and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. Meanwhile, peel and crush the garlic. Mix it with soy sauce and add to the contents of the pan. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat and serve. This salad can be made more satisfying by adding chicken fillet or other lean meat fried in a dry frying pan.
  3. Chinese mushrooms with veal. Take 500 grams of tree mushrooms (reconstituted from 80 grams dried), 1 kg of veal, 3 small onions, 2 heads of garlic, 250 ml of soy sauce, 250 grams each of ginger root, potato starch and fresh cilantro, 20 ml of sesame oil (can be replaced with another vegetable), 1 teaspoon sesame seeds.
    Chop the mushrooms not very finely. Cut the meat into thin pieces and fry in a dry or lightly oiled frying pan with high sides. Peel the onion, garlic and ginger. Chop the onion, pass the garlic through a press, grate the ginger. Place vegetables in a frying pan with meat, add sesame oil and soy sauce, add half a glass of water and simmer until tender for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, dissolve the starch in a glass of water and chop the cilantro. 2 minutes before cooking, pour the contents of the pan with starch. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and sesame seeds before serving.
Each of these dishes has a specific rich taste and spiciness characteristic of Asian cuisine. Try pairing them with neutral flavored foods to strike a balance. For example, boiled potatoes, steamed rice or vegetables baked on a grill. But Chinese wood mushrooms absorb well and enhance other components, but do not have their own bright taste, which is why they can be added to almost any recipe. In their pure form, black mushrooms resemble seafood rather than wild mushrooms, but with the help of sauces and spices their taste is transformed. Moreover, no one will forbid you to cook Chinese mushrooms “our way,” that is, with sour cream and onions, or cook mushroom soup with them. If you have soaked dried Chinese mushrooms but haven't fully used them, leave them in water and they will keep for 3 days in the refrigerator without any problems. Well, when dried, they can be stored for a very long time. Therefore, if necessary, stock up on them. Then you can cook Chinese wood mushrooms at any time and please your household and/or guests with an unusual, tasty and healthy dish.

Before you start cooking anything using Chinese tree mushroom, you need to prepare it properly. The packaging of this product always contains instructions for use, but there are some subtleties that are not mentioned in it.

So, soak muer necessary in warm water, slightly warmer than room temperature. Under no circumstances should you use hot water, otherwise the result will be a slimy mushroom mass that is unsuitable for food. After soaking The mushrooms need to be sorted, rinsed and filled with cold water. In this form, they must be left in a cool place for at least 12 hours. After the specified period of time, you can begin cook muer. The water needs to be drained, add a little salt to the mushrooms and season with a small amount of 9%-nogo vinegar.

Original Chinese tree mushroom snack


    2 packs of dried tree mushrooms

    1 can canned corn

    2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

    1 onion

    2 cloves garlic

    100 ml soy sauce

How to prepare an original Chinese tree mushroom snack:

  1. Prepare Chinese mushrooms in advance and cut into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan along with mushrooms for about 5 minutes.
  3. Drain all the liquid from the can of canned corn and add the kernels to the pan. Add 1 glass of water to the mixture and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Pour in the soy sauce and then add the pressed garlic. As soon as the sauce in the pan begins to boil, turn off the heat.
  5. Ready-made Chinese snack made from wood and served warm.

Chinese salad with funchose and tree mushrooms



    1 pack of dried Chinese mushrooms

    200 g boiled or smoked chicken

    1 small onion

    1 carrot

    100 g funchose

    1 fresh cucumber

    1 clove of garlic

    vegetable oil - for frying

    sugar - to taste

    salt - to taste

    soy sauce - to taste

How to prepare Chinese salad with funchose and wood mushrooms:

  1. Prepare and chop the mushrooms coarsely.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into thin half rings, mix them with mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil until fully cooked.
  3. While the vegetables reach the desired state, cut the chicken into strips, grate the fresh cucumbers on a coarse grater, and boil the funchose, drain in a colander and let cool until lukewarm.
  4. When the vegetables are finally ready and the funchose has cooled, you can put all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl. Next, season the salad with soy sauce, salt and pepper, add sugar and chopped garlic and mix thoroughly.
  5. After this, the dish must be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the salad can infuse.
  6. Chinese salad with funchose and wood mushrooms is served as a separate dish.
Do you like mushrooms? Prepare more delicious dishes using our recipes!

Asian cuisine surprises gourmets with a variety of unusual dishes. Mushrooms with the unusual name “muer” can be added to salads or used to prepare excellent snacks with a unique taste. Today we will discuss how to cook wood mushrooms and share interesting recipes.

Exotic snack for your table

Muer mushrooms are commonly called wood mushrooms. They grow on tree trunks. In supermarkets, such a product is sold dried, so the question of how to prepare wood mushrooms from a pack remains relevant for housewives.

On a note! Wood mushrooms are a unique source of protein, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. They are enriched with iron and are considered very beneficial for human health.

As life practice shows, housewives prepare snacks from dried wood mushrooms, the taste of which is emphasized by spices and herbs. To prepare such a fragrant and incredibly tasty salad, you will have to visit a Chinese shop, since in addition to the usual spices, you will also need exotic additives that Asian chefs use.


  • 4 things. garlic cloves;
  • 3 packs of dried wood mushrooms;
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower seed oil;
  • ½ tsp. seasonings for Korean dishes;
  • ½ tsp. ajinomoto;
  • ½ tsp. ground red pepper.


On a note! The longer the woody mushrooms are marinated, the tastier the dish turns out.

How to prepare dried Chinese tree mushroom?

Most often, black wood mushrooms are found on store shelves. However, they also come in white and yellow. All types are edible and can be used to make delicious savory snacks and salads. An interesting dish is made from porcini mushrooms. Before use, they need to be prepared, since such mushrooms are sold in pressed dried form.


  • 2 packs of white woody mushrooms;
  • 1 tsp. paprika;
  • 5 pieces. garlic cloves;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp. ground red hot pepper;
  • 60 ml refined sunflower seed oil;
  • 2 onions.


Original salad

Let's look at another option on how to cook Chinese tree mushroom. When combined with light vegetables, tree mushrooms make delicious salads. To improve the taste, you need a couple of unusual ingredients, such as oyster sauce and sesame seed oil.

On a note! The easiest way to prepare fried potatoes with mushrooms. The mushrooms are first soaked and then fried. This dish is not only tasty, but also very satisfying.


  • 100 g dried wood mushrooms;
  • 2 pcs. fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 ½ tsp. table salt;
  • 2 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • oyster sauce - 1 tsp;
  • sesame seed oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. As you already know, pre-dried mushrooms must be soaked.
  2. After half an hour, the mushrooms will swell.
  3. We wash them with running water and cut them into small cubes.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a thick-walled bowl, fill with filtered water and place on the stove.
  5. Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander and drain off excess liquid.
  7. Let's cool them down.
  8. Wash fresh cucumbers thoroughly and dry.
  9. Cut into cubes or strips.
  10. Place in a salad bowl, salt to taste.
  11. Leave the cucumbers in this form for a quarter of an hour.
  12. Drain off the released juice.
  13. Grind the garlic cloves.
  14. Combine these ingredients with mushrooms.
  15. Mix everything, pour vinegar and oyster sauce.
  16. Add sesame seed oil.
  17. Mix again and leave for 10-15 minutes to infuse.

On a note! Before preparing dishes from tree mushrooms, do not forget to soak them in water. In principle, half an hour is enough, but some varieties require 2-3 hours to soften and swell.
