Ground coffee composition. Natural coffe. Which ground coffee is best?

Coffee has long become one of the most favorite drinks all over the world. Today there is a huge number of different coffee blends with original taste and aroma, many original recipes for making coffee, there is even decaffeinated coffee or with special medicinal additives. But we will talk about the beneficial and harmful properties of the most common coffee - natural or instant, and whether it is worth consuming it and in what quantities.

Many legends and gossip have long revolved around coffee. It is either considered a panacea for all ills, or declared a harmful product and recommended to limit consumption. And practical experience in drinking this drink, as well as medical research, prove that everything here depends on the amount of coffee, the method of its preparation and the patient’s health condition.

Coffee composition

The impact of coffee on human health is explained by its chemical composition. You can find a variety of substances in coffee beans, including the well-known caffeine and protein, as well as trigonelline, chlorogenic acid, and various mineral salts. The listed substances account for approximately 25% of the weight of raw coffee beans, and the rest is fiber, oil and water. It should be borne in mind that the amount of these substances and their combination depends on the type of coffee.

What are the benefits and harms of eating kiwi during pregnancy:

Caffeine is the most famous substance in coffee. It is caffeine that regulates and enhances excitation processes in the brain. If you choose an adequate dose of caffeine, it will help increase mental activity, performance, and also relieve fatigue and drowsiness. But systematic use of large doses of caffeine can lead to addiction and exhaustion of the nervous system. Very large doses of caffeine can even cause death in the patient.

Another important component of coffee is trigonelin. This is a substance that is involved in creating the unique aroma of coffee; in addition, during roasting it turns into nicotinic acid; a lack of bark provokes the disease pellagra.

An important component of coffee is chlorogenic acid. found only in raw coffee beans. When roasted, it breaks down and produces other organic substances that give coffee its characteristic astringent flavor. Other acids in coffee, such as malic, citric, acetic and caffeic, help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion.

Bitterness in coffee is a consequence of the presence of tannins in it.. Tannins are complex organic substances with a wide spectrum of action, but under the influence of dairy products they break down, so coffee with milk loses its bitterness. In addition, coffee contains up to 20% of the daily value of vitamin P, which tends to strengthen blood vessels, and beneficial minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Negative effects of coffee on the body

Everyone knows that coffee is not the healthiest drink. Doctors strongly recommend not to exceed the recommended doses of its use. More than one or two cups of coffee per day can lead to depression, drowsiness, irritability and lethargy. This drink is addictive, so often when such symptoms occur, withdrawal does not bring relief. A vicious circle is formed, from which it is not easy to get out.

There are several of the most dangerous ways coffee can affect you and you need to be aware of them if you want to stay healthy. The nervous system is most often affected. Caffeine constantly “spurs” it and thereby leads to exhaustion.

When drinking coffee, you need to remember that This drink has a pronounced diuretic effect. This negatively affects not only the functioning of the kidneys and ureter, but also the entire body, which begins to lack moisture. Therefore, in parallel with drinking coffee, it is important to drink other liquids.

A lot of talk revolves around the negative impact of coffee on heart function. But in reality this influence is too small to be taken seriously. Coffee increases blood pressure, but only for a short time and can only harm a person who already has serious heart problems.

Much more serious is the negative effect of coffee on the stomach. After drinking this drink, the acidity in the stomach increases, which can cause heartburn, as well as the development of gastritis and ulcers. It is especially dangerous to drink coffee on an empty stomach and with a cigarette, as is often done. To minimize the harm from drinking coffee, simply eat before drinking it.

Beneficial properties of coffee

Provided that coffee is consumed correctly in moderation, it will not only not harm you, but will also be very beneficial. If you drink no more than two cups of this drink a day, it will help you cheer up without harming your body. Coffee helps alleviate the symptoms of allergies and asthma, and also activates the gastrointestinal tract. Coffee is often recommended for poisoning with certain poisons and narcotic substances. It will also be useful for insufficient function of the cardiovascular system.

Very interesting studies were conducted in India. They found that coffee helps to some extent protect against the harmful effects of radioactive radiation. This drink also contains a significant amount of serotonin, which is a hormone of happiness and can improve your mood.

It is believed that moderate consumption of coffee helps reduce the likelihood of cancer of the liver and pancreas, as well as other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, in men, coffee can improve reproductive function by increasing sperm activity. Coffee also helps those who want to lose weight.

Losing weight with coffee

Many of us are familiar with the fact that coffee helps you lose extra pounds. Of course, this rule does not apply to cases where half the cake is washed down with coffee. But even for lovers of culinary masterpieces, coffee will help, as it helps speed up metabolism and burn off some extra calories very quickly. In addition, coffee is an antioxidant and helps renew and rejuvenate the body's cells.

Those who want to lose weight with coffee should avoid sweet drinks, as well as coffee with cream and desserts. If black coffee seems unpalatable, you can add a little sweetener and skim milk powder. The taste will not suffer much from this, but the calorie content of the drink will be greatly reduced.

Coffee is a good diuretic,
therefore, it helps remove excess fluid from the body, which contributes to weight loss. It also perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger, so a cup of black coffee can easily replace an afternoon snack or an extra snack. For those who play sports or exercise, a cup of coffee an hour before training will help relieve muscle pain and give energy.

Contraindications for drinking coffee

There are few contraindications to drinking coffee, and they mainly concern those who simply abuse this delicious invigorating drink. If you drink one or two cups of coffee in the morning, there will be no significant harm to the body. But we must remember that coffee abuse leads to too many negative side effects.

Those who have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system should completely stop drinking coffee. Also, people who have nervous disorders should not drink coffee, as caffeine can aggravate them. Giving up coffee will not harm older people, but children are not allowed to drink coffee at all.

Traditionally, drinking is not advised.
To date, there is no single authoritative opinion regarding coffee consumption during this period, but this is precisely the situation when it is better to play it safe. Moreover, an increase in pressure, even a slight one, can become a dangerous sign.

Which coffee to choose - ground or instant (Video: “Is there instant coffee?”)

Every coffee lover can name more than one argument in favor of the fact that his favorite variety is the best coffee in the world. But this, of course, is a matter of taste. But the debate about which coffee is better to choose, ground or instant, still has no end in sight.

Certainly, the content of nutrients in natural coffee is much higher. For example, natural ground coffee has a very high content of fatty acids, which prevent the formation of cancer cells. In instant coffee their amount is much lower. Also, ground coffee contains much more vitamins, as well as potassium and magnesium, which makes it even beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Of course, we are talking about a healthy person and moderate consumption of this drink.

What can we say about the content of harmful substances in natural and instant coffee? Instant coffee is the leader here, since its production requires complex chemical processes, as a result of which some harmful substances enter the composition of the finished product. And to make natural coffee, you just need to grind the beans, their composition does not change.

The caffeine content is approximately the same in natural coffee and instant coffee. therefore, this criterion does not allow identifying a leader. But if you want to get decaffeinated coffee, you will have to use instant coffee. Also instant coffee contains fewer calories. If you want to lose weight by drinking coffee, it is better to give preference to instant coffee.

There are two main types of coffee - Robusta and Arabica.

The coffee cherries are cleaned, sorted and roasted. As a result of roasting, the grains increase in volume and change color from green to brown. It is better to grind coffee beans before preparing the drink. As for the grind, it depends on how you prepare your coffee. Coarser grinds are suitable for coffee machines, while for Turkish coffee it is better to use finely ground coffee.

Natural coffee, if you also buy it in beans, is a little more difficult to prepare and will take longer: grind the coffee beans and... But we have one life and I don’t think we should waste it. To begin with, we can tell you how.

Classic recipe


  • – 1 tbsp.
  • sugar – 3 tsp.
  • water – 350 ml.
  • ground black pepper - a pinch
  • ground cinnamon - to taste
  • rose water – 0.5 tsp.

For this coffee you need to use natural, medium-ground coffee. Before cooking, the Turk must be thoroughly washed and the required amount of coffee powder placed in it. Also add a pinch of black pepper, cinnamon and sugar to the Turk. Mix everything and add purified water. The Turk should be placed on the fire and brought to a boil over low heat. Boiling such a drink is strictly prohibited.

You need to immediately remove the Turk from the heat. After this, add rose water in small portions. This drink must be served freshly prepared, just strain through a sieve. The second method of preparing natural coffee consists of other components.

Coffee cream recipe


  • hot coffee – 250 ml.
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • fresh cream – 75 ml.
  • nutmeg - a pinch

First of all, you need to break the egg and separate the white from the yolk. For coffee you should use only the yolk. In one bowl, mix the yolk with sugar and beat until smooth.

Coffee should be brewed and poured fresh into warm cups. Before pouring coffee, cups must be heated with warm water.

Heat the cream, add the whipped yolk with sugar and put it back on the fire. Heat the entire mixture to a boil, but do not boil. Add the cream mixture to the coffee cups. Sprinkle chopped nutmeg on top of the finished coffee.

The following recipe is suitable only for adults, as it contains alcohol. But such a drink invigorates and gives a good mood.


  • natural coffee – 100 ml.
  • cognac – 6.7 tbsp.
  • orange liqueur – 6 ml.
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • cloves – 6 pcs.
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • orange zest - to taste

First you need to prepare fresh coffee in a Turk. To do this, put the required amount of ground coffee and pour water over everything, put on fire and bring to a boil.

In a separate bowl, mix cognac, liqueur, granulated sugar, 6 cloves, and the zest of some citrus (orange or lemon). This entire mixture must be heated.

Pour ready-made natural coffee into the prepared alcoholic mixture and stir. Wash the cups with warm water and pour the finished drink into them. This coffee is quite intoxicating and perfectly warms you up in cold weather.
Today, several types of coffee trees are known: Arabica, Robusta and Liberica.


Arabica is the most sought after coffee on the planet. Growing such a tree is a rather complicated process, since the plant is very sensitive to weather conditions and the place of growth. As for the ripening time for Arabica beans, this process takes about 6-9 months. , precisely because of the difficulty of growing.


Robusta is the second most popular type of coffee. This coffee contains much more caffeine than Arabica coffee. That is why this variety is most often used in mixtures. The price for such coffee is not very high, since growing the grain is much simpler than Arabica. This tree is less picky about weather conditions. and high temperature, the yield of this coffee is much greater. Robusta is also not sensitive to insects and pests. Robusta berries ripen faster - 5-6 weeks, so the number of harvests per year is from 12 to 15.


Liberica is a coffee variety that was first grown in West Africa. Currently, this variety is already grown in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries. The Liberica tree is very tall and has wide leaves. The berries of this coffee are also large and long, but the quality leaves much to be desired. That is why this type of coffee is practically not in demand in the world. This coffee is used only in mixtures, and the drink is almost impossible to find.

Cooking secrets

Almost all recipes for brewing coffee in a Turk involve heating the Turk before cooking. Then you should put the required amount of coffee powder in the Turk and also heat it a little. Then you need to put sugar in the Turk and mix. Water is added at the very end. After this, the Turk must be put on fire and brought to a boil. Cooking is required on low heat. When the foam starts to rise, the Turk needs to be removed from the heat.

To make a Turk, you need to put it on the fire three times and bring it to a boil all three times. This coffee should only be poured into warm cups.

– coffee and sugar should be heated before pouring water.

As for the coffee itself, it must be ground immediately before preparing the drink, regardless of what method you use to prepare the drink. Thus, one portion is required to be ground to be used in one preparation.

It is also important not to overdo it and not to put more coffee in the coffee pot, as this will not improve the taste, but will only make the coffee bitter and harm your health.

To make natural coffee, it is better to use filtered water. The most important condition for preparing Turkish coffee is that the foam should never be disturbed. Some recipes also call for spooning it into cups before pouring the coffee.

How much does natural ground coffee cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

For the first time, natural ground coffee, which was packaged in tin cans, was released in 1878 in America. And about 3 decades later, the Hill Breeders company patented this type in vacuum packaging.

Currently, more than several thousand varieties of coffee are entering the market. Natural coffee lovers can be divided into 2 categories: those who purchase ground coffee, and those who prefer roasted beans. The ground product costs significantly less than beans and can be a mixture of coffees from different countries.

Depending on certain factors, natural ground coffee can be classified as: caffeinated or decaffeinated, flavored or unflavored. Interestingly, some varieties are aromatized, one might say, “on their own.” Take, for example, a variety of coffee called “Blue Mountain” - it can “boast” of its unique taste due to the fact that it is transported in rum barrels.

Preparing natural ground coffee requires certain costs, unlike instant coffee, for which you only need to have boiling water, a cup and a spoon on hand. Coffee lovers know that they brew this aromatic drink in a cezve (Turk) or in a coffee maker. All that remains is to find out which coffee grind is ideal for your coffee maker, since the brewing method is also selected based on the degree of grinding. There is even a certain rule: the shorter the drink preparation cycle, the finer the coffee grind. Of course, you can use coffee beans, just grind them before cooking.

So, there are 3 main types of coffee grinding and 3 additional ones. Coarse or coarse grinds are ideal for French press (piston coffee makers) when the optimal brew time is 7 minutes. For drip coffee makers and many other brewing methods, it is recommended to choose natural, medium-ground coffee. Here, the preparation time for the drink is reduced by a couple of minutes. Fine or fine grinding of coffee is required for use in coffee makers with cone-shaped filters. Just 1-4 minutes and the most aromatic drink is ready.

This information concerned, so to speak, the main or basic types of grinding. In addition, there are 3 more options that are familiar to true coffee connoisseurs: fine espresso grind, medium fine (coarse) grind and powdery, ultra-fine grind. Natural ground coffee of the latter type is very similar in structure to flour and is used exclusively for brewing a real Turkish drink in a cezve.

Some professionals who really understand the ins and outs of coffee grinding believe that even the level of humidity in the air plays an important role. However, it is certainly too complicated for home cooking. It is enough to determine which natural ground coffee is suitable for your coffee maker so that the prepared drink suits you.

Calorie content of natural ground coffee 200.6 kcal

Energy value of natural ground coffee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 13.9 g (~56 kcal)
: 14.4 g (~130 kcal)
: 4.1 g (~16 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 28%|65%|8%

Today, several thousand varieties of coffee enter the market and recognizing a quality product is not easy, but possible. Here are some tips for coffee lovers.

All coffee is made from the seeds of two types of coffee trees: Arabian coffee, or Arabica, and Congolese coffee, or Robusta. Moreover, Robusta is used only in a mixture with Arabica: Robusta itself is not tasty and less aromatic, but it gives strength to the coffee infusion and is cheaper.

Which variety do you prefer?

Several thousand varieties of coffee enter the market! The fact is that in each area, Arabica acquires the flavor and aromatic characteristics of the soil, water, etc. And therefore bears a name that mentions the name of the valley, its altitude above sea level, mountains, cities, countries, even the port from which coffee is shipped . For example, the most popular of the best varieties is called “Brazilian Arabica Santos coffee”: that is, it is Arabica coffee grown in Brazil and shipped from the port of Santos.

Only two groups of coffee are called natural: beans and ground. Ground coffee, being cheaper than beans, will be a mixture of coffees from different countries or from different harvests.

Ground coffee can be:

  • with or without caffeine (decaffeinated drink accounts for one fifth of all coffee);
  • flavored or unflavored. Some varieties are flavored “on their own.” For example, the Blue Mountain variety acquires its unique taste due to the fact that it is transported in rum barrels. The number of synthetic flavors is huge. Most of all, consumers love the vanilla-nut aroma. True coffee connoisseurs buy only unflavored coffee; three varieties: premium (made only from Arabica), first and second (can be either from Arabica or from a mixture with Robusta).

Subtleties of grinding

Unfortunately, the aroma and taste of ground coffee begins to deteriorate immediately after grinding. Or after you have opened the vacuum packaging. Ideally, you should grind your own coffee before brewing. Since coffee beans at home begin to lose their quality after a week of storage, experts advise buying no more than 200 grams of beans at a time. The degree of grinding of coffee depends on how you will prepare it:

  • Coarse (or coarse) grinding - grind for 10 seconds (the time is indicated for the most ordinary electric coffee grinder without any bells and whistles). Coffee particles can be up to 0.8 mm in size. This coffee is suitable for preparation in a piston coffee maker or for brewing in a coffee pot or cezve. You need to leave it for 6-8 minutes.
  • Medium grinding - grinding time - 13 seconds. Extraction (infusion) time - 4-6 minutes. Versatile, suitable for many brewing methods.
  • Fine grinding - grinding time - 15-20 seconds, infusion time - 1-4 minutes. Used in filter coffee makers. Oddly enough, fine grinding lasts the longest: small particles lie more densely, worsening contact with air.
  • Fine espresso grind - this type of coffee is used in espresso coffee makers (a stream of steam is passed through the coffee).
  • Ultra-fine grinding - this powder is similar to flour. Turkish coffee is brewed from it in a Turk.

How to recognize quality?

By price. The most expensive variety, which is sold in our stores, is called “Jamaican Arabica Blue Mountain Coffee”, costs about 3,500 rubles per 1 kg. The next most expensive is Italian “Lavazza”: 800 - 1000 rubles per 1 kg. But you can’t rely on price alone: ​​coffee can be expensive simply because it has low yields or grows only in one limited place (for example, in Java).

According to packaging. Coffee that is coarser ground or produced using a cheaper and faster method has a valve on the vacuum packaging: a tiny hole is visible under a transparent “petal” the size of a fingernail. It allows gases to escape, otherwise the packaging would swell. Good coffee is not packaged in a plastic jar: only glass or tin.

Appearance. Clay, plastic, and starch can be added to coffee. You literally have to look both ways. To do this, place a pinch of coffee on a sheet of white paper, smooth it out and see if there are particles of a different color or structure. Your coffee can also be mixed with chicory, beans, barley, peas, date or orange seeds - depending on the country in which it is packaged. But it is possible to determine the presence of “food additives” in coffee (though only after purchasing it). Place coffee powder in a glass of cold water. Pure coffee will stick to the surface. The impurities will settle to the bottom after some time. In addition, they will stick together and color the water.

Best before date. Fraudsters can purchase expired coffee and fake the production date. You can recognize “old” only by its aroma. Squeeze the vacuum sealed bag by bringing the release valve to your nose: strong aroma and no rancid odor are signs of fresh coffee.

The first public establishment in Europe, where guests were served aromatic Arabica, opened in Venice. This happened twenty years after Prosper Alpini's trip to Egypt. The Venetian coffee shop was located on San Marco Square - and, according to historians, it was very popular both among local residents and among travelers arriving in Venice from other countries.
It must be said that European healers of the Renaissance had ambivalent attitudes towards coffee. However, in the works of many famous doctors of those times, one can find references to the beneficial substances contained in aromatic grains.
Thus, professor of medicine and part-time avid traveler Leonardo Raufwolf, in his book dedicated to the East, wrote about coffee as an amazing healing elixir that helps with almost all diseases.
He claimed that this product has many beneficial properties. In particular, coffee is recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Raufwolf was also shocked by how small portions this drink is served in the East - literally at the bottom of the cup. “It’s black as ink, very hot and very tasty!” This is what Dr. Leonardo wrote.
In 1660, this foreign product was blessed by Pope Clement VIII. Since then, in Europe it has ceased to be considered “unclean”, and has become a favorite drink of Christians and Catholics.
Active trade between Italy and the East also contributed to the popularization of this product. Soon they started talking about him in other European countries - including in foggy England.

How the British perceived natural roasted ground coffee:

  • At the end of the 17th century, the first coffee house was opened in London. They served different types of roasted coffee, and also held hours-long chess tournaments and discussed news
  • English coffee shops were visited by avid travelers, merchants, and insurance agents. Fifteen years after the opening of the first such establishment in England, there were already more than three thousand places where aromatic Arabica coffee was brewed and served to guests.

One day, the Russian writer Karamzin stopped by a London coffee shop. In his “Letters of a Russian Traveler,” he later wrote that he was surprised by the number of Russian merchants who enjoyed English coffee. Russian speech flowed like a river in this establishment - and the Arabica coffee served to the guests was truly magnificent!
It is noteworthy that women were prohibited from entering English coffee shops for some time. Offended ladies even published a “Women’s Petition Against Coffee” so that their husbands could also be banned from drinking it. However, according to historians, the number of coffee houses only increased every year.
And this despite the fact that the English (and French ones too) the authorities also protested against collective drinking of coffee. According to the authorities, such gatherings provided fertile ground for organizing various types of conspiracies.

In Russia, natural roasted ground coffee became widespread thanks to Peter the Great:

  • The Emperor became addicted to this drink in Holland. While in Amsterdam, Peter lived with the burgomaster Nicolaas Witsen. It was Witsen who introduced our emperor to this product
  • It cannot be said that coffee imported from Europe was positively received by the public. Old Believers called for avoiding the use of this botanical product, claiming that it was “from the evil one.” Its use at that time was not approved by the Orthodox Church. However, after a while the persecution faded away

The first public coffee shop was opened in Russia under Anna Ioannovna. The Russian Empress simply could not live without the exquisite taste and aroma of this drink. Every morning, before she even got out of bed, she drank roasted and ground coffee brewed according to a special recipe.
Among our compatriots who respected this drink were such outstanding personalities as Herzen, Belinsky, Fet and many others. The writer Brodsky and the poetess Akhmatova loved the aroma and taste of coffee.
Akhmatova even came up with a special test for new acquaintances, which later became a real legend. Conventionally, the poetess divided all people into two categories. The first were those who loved tea, kept dogs and read Pasternak. These people, according to Akhmatova, were reliable and sensible, but somewhat simple-minded.
And lovers of natural ground coffee, cats and Mandelstam’s poetry, according to the poetess, were sophisticated people, intellectually developed, with good taste, but at the same time quite nervous.
Of course, this opinion is very subjective. Moreover, natural coffee is the most popular drink in the world. It is used by both cunning and simple-minded people, both sophisticated-looking aesthetes and labor-hardened peasants, both cat owners and dog breeders. However, fans of the poetess’ work claim that Anna Andreevna was right. And that a person’s taste preferences primarily determine his character. Well, well, let's not argue with them.

In the 90s of the last century, Russia officially entered the top ten countries that consume coffee in the largest quantities. After perestroika, the number of establishments that served aromatic freshly brewed grains increased exponentially every year. Some coffee shops began to be in demand and became iconic, others closed due to lack of demand.

But until recently there were very few good roasters in Russia. What was mainly exported to our country was not raw coffee, but already roasted coffee. During long-term transportation, it lost its properties - in particular, its aroma was no longer as rich as immediately after heat treatment.

Fortunately, today natural roasted ground coffee is also produced in Russia. For example, in ROASTNMILL:

  • We select the highest quality grains. We bring exquisite varieties from different continents. Natural coffee is roasted using proprietary methods of ROASTNMILL specialists using certified European equipment.
  • The percentage of broken grains, the percentage of moisture content, shell characteristics and other organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators fully comply with GOST
  • We package natural coffee - ground or beans - in multi-layer paper bags with a zipper valve. This valve prevents oxygen from entering the bag. Therefore, roasted coffee is guaranteed not to oxidize and will not change either its appearance or flavor characteristics. Note that ROASTNMILL packaging is ideal not only for transportation, but also for subsequent storage of the product

Today there are about 250 types of coffee trees in the world. However, there are only three main varieties, and the rest appeared by crossing them.
The name of the most valuable botanical type of coffee is on everyone's lips. This Arabica is a premium product. It, in turn, is divided into a large number of different items - about 60.
Its varieties also grow on the plains, but the highest quality fruits are traditionally harvested in mountainous areas - at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level. The higher the plantation, the brighter the taste.
In addition to its exquisite flavor and aroma properties, Arabica coffee is distinguished by a relatively low percentage of caffeine in the beans.
The shape of the grains of this valuable variety is oval. The taste has distinct acidity.

The name of the second botanical subspecies is robusta. It was discovered in 1860 in Uganda, near Lake Victoria. This natural coffee bean contains more bitterness than sourness. Robusta is also much more tart and strong. It grows in close proximity to the equator.

The name of the third botanical subspecies sounds like liberica. It was discovered in Guinea, and relatively recently - in the twentieth century. Liberica trees can reach 18 meters in height. The taste properties of this subspecies are quite unique, so the demand for this natural roasted and ground coffee is not too great. Basically, the finely ground Liberica fruits are used for making confectionery.

The listed types differ from each other in many respects. This includes the percentage of moisture, the size of the grains, and the amount of active substances contained in the roasted beans - including volatile flavors responsible for the aroma of ground coffee.
There is another special subtype - decaffeinated. This complex term refers to special processing, as a result of which caffeine is removed from the beans. Of course, it cannot be completely removed - you can only reduce the concentration. This harmless coffee, allowed for consumption even by hypertensive patients, was created by inventor Ludwig Roselius - supposedly in memory of his father, who died of heart failure. However, this is just a legend. But the fact that Roselius patented caffeine-free technology in the USA is a well-known fact.

Of course, the flavor and aroma properties of the product are largely influenced by the technology of its heat treatment. At ROASTNMILL you can purchase natural roasted and ground coffee of the highest quality. There are a huge number of different varieties on sale. We export green fruits from Brazil, Burundi, Honduras, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kenya, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Cuba, Nicaragua and many other countries.
Roasting is carried out in small batches, individually for each order. You can order packaging weighing 150, 300 or 600 grams. Packaging in any other volume is possible at the customer's request.
Beans or ground coffee are shipped within the first 72 hours after heat treatment. Express delivery of a fresh product helps preserve all its active substances.
The geography of delivery covers all regions. You can familiarize yourself with the delivery conditions in the section of the same name on our website.
We accept orders for wholesale deliveries to offices, coffee shops and restaurants.
We guarantee impeccable quality and affordable prices.
