Bloody Mary cocktail preparation using ultrasound scanner. Bloody Mary: history and methods of preparing the cocktail. How to make an alcoholic cocktail "Bloody Mary" with tomato ice

I would be very surprised if someone told me that they have never heard of the Bloody Mary cocktail! Honestly, every schoolchild here knows the two main ingredients from which this alcoholic drink is created: vodka and tomato juice. However, the classic version of the cocktail itself involves adding not only them, but also Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice.

I’ll admit it straight away: in my city such sauces are not sold, but this does not stop me from making Bloody Mary without them! By the way, did you know that in 1921, a bartender from Paris, Fernand Petiot, nicknamed Pete, called his creation nothing less than “Bucket of Blood”. It was later that the cocktail changed its name to a more familiar one for us, remaining just as popular both among ordinary workers and among the “golden youth”!

So, let's prepare the usual ingredients for making the Bloody Mary cocktail at home.

Lightly immerse the London glasses under the tap with pouring water, shake them off and dip the edges of the containers in salt, forming a beautiful rim of salt.

Add 3 ice cubes to glasses. I have large cubes, so don’t skimp on small ones, especially if the glasses are tall.

Pour tomato juice into glasses, but very carefully so as not to damage the salt rims.

At this stage, pepper the contents of the glasses and add 0.5 tsp to each of them. lemon juice.

Now pour in the vodka just as carefully, trying not to mix the layers. I try not to add liquid a little to the rim of the glasses so that all the salt does not fall on the tomato juice. This way you can adjust the saltiness of your cocktail yourself.

An invariable attribute of the drink is a stalk of celery, which a few years later a buyer equipped the cocktail with. Add it at the very end of cooking along with tubes or straws.

The finished Bloody Mary cocktail looks very inviting - it just asks you to sip it!

So enjoy your tasting!

It would seem that the Bloody Mary cocktail is so unusual - the drink is essentially vodka with tomato juice. Foreigners call it Bloody Mary and drink it all over the world. Our compatriots fell in love with alcohol for its exquisite taste. What the classic Bloody Mary recipe consists of, and how to prepare the drink correctly from different components is the topic of our new discussion.

Classic version of the Bloody Mary cocktail

One serving of the drink can be prepared in 10 minutes. The calorie content of the aperitif is 60 kcal. It is served in a tall glass. How to make Bloody Mary at home becomes clear from the classic recipe. Lay out the liquid dish in layers and serve chilled. So let's get started.

What you will need:

How to make a Bloody Mary cocktail correctly:

  1. The bottom of a tall glass is covered with seasonings and sauces.
  2. Ice is laid out according to taste and filled with vodka and tomato juice.
  3. After gentle mixing, the surface of the cocktail is decorated with a sprig of celery and a lemon wedge.

If you want to emphasize the taste of celery, add plant juice to the ingredients, and decorate the glass with celery salt and two sprigs. But this Bloody Mary recipe will no longer be considered a classic.

Non-alcoholic option

A variation of Bloody Mary is the Bloody Maiden drink, the peculiarity of which is the absence of alcohol. Its taste will be appreciated by teenagers, pregnant women and other guests who, for various reasons, refuse strong drinks. The base of the Bloody Maiden is juices - tomato at room temperature and lemon, just squeezed. Vegetable additives thicken the consistency of the drink.


How to turn a lot of ingredients into the Bloody Maiden aperitif? Cooking begins with processing the vegetables - tomatoes are cut in half, peppers - into large slices, onions - into thick rings. The slices are sprinkled with oil and baked one by one on the grill. Tomatoes are kept for one and a half minutes, other vegetables - for 5 minutes. Remove the skin from the cilantro and grind the product with a blender.

The remaining ingredients are mixed into the resulting slurry and the product is cooled. The glasses are decorated with salt and lemon slices and filled with drink. The contents are crushed with cayenne pepper and, if desired, additionally decorated with olives.

Recipe with egg

After yesterday's noisy feast with an abundance of alcoholic drinks, Bloody Mary, a cocktail with an egg, will help relieve headaches and remove toxins from the body.

To prepare an anti-hangover remedy you will need several components:

Following the recipe, the Bloody Mary begins by carefully breaking the egg. The yolk should be located on the bottom intact. Juices, seasonings and sauces are combined in another bowl and poured onto the egg. Pour vodka over the mixture from a teaspoon or slide it down the edge of a knife so that the drink comes out flaky, and begin tasting. For variety, use two whole yolks instead of a whole egg.

How to drink Bloody Mary

Having mastered a few simple recipes, you can start your own Bloody Mary cocktail production at home. Due to its rich composition, the drink turns out to be tasty and healthy, but do you know how to drink Bloody Mary correctly? The drink should be drunk from a highball glass in small sips through a straw. In this case, it will show its refreshing properties. Bloody Marys are served in shot glasses if the purpose of consumption is to relieve a hangover.

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One of the features of the classic cocktail is a rim of celery salt around the edges of the glass. It is difficult to prepare such salt at home, but you can experiment by mixing salt with dried garlic and chili flakes, as we decided to do.

We modified the composition of the cocktail itself minimally. Mix vodka (if you are making Virgin Mary, exclude it from the recipe), Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce (in the classic version - Tabasco), pour tomato juice over everything and add paprika (ideally smoked, it has a dizzying aroma). Mix.

The alcohol base can be changed at your discretion; nowadays there are variations with rum, tequila and gin, and therefore it is convenient to use the leftover alcohol after the holiday.

If you have a juicer, then tomato juice can be supplemented with celery, garlic and horseradish juice.

As for the decorations of the drink, here things have also reached the point of absurdity. The modern Mary is served with bacon, slices of toast with cheese, and roasted vegetables, turning the cocktail into a complete meal. We decided to stay true to the classics, adding a celery stalk, lemon and olives with capers on skewers to the drink.

A couple of servings, and you can say goodbye to the post-holiday buzz in your head.


  • ⅛ glass of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon dried garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon chili flakes;
  • shot of vodka;
  • 240 ml tomato juice;
  • hot sauce - to taste;
  • ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce;
  • ½ teaspoon paprika;
  • olives, celery, lemon, capers - for decoration.


  1. Mix salt with garlic and chili. Rub the edges of the glass with a slice of lemon and dip into the salt mixture.
  2. Combine cocktail ingredients.
  3. Fill a glass with ice and pour in the Bloody Mary.
  4. Decorate the cocktail and serve immediately.

Over the past twenty years, the Bloody Mary cocktail has been a top seller in Russian bars. It is tasty, quick to prepare, easy to drink and inexpensive. Fans of this legendary drink can make Bloody Mary at home. The best recipe is published below. With some skill, the entire process takes no more than 60 seconds.

Historical reference. According to legend, the cocktail is named after the first English queen and ardent Catholic Mary I Tudor (1516-1558). For her brutal reprisals against Protestants, she received the nickname Bloody Mary. This is the only queen in the entire history of England who does not have a single monument.

Mary I Tudor

According to another version, the cocktail was named by the great writer and alcohol lover Ernest Hemingway. He wanted to leave in the memory of his fans the name of his fourth wife, Mary, who caused scandals when Hemingway came home drunk.

Ernest Hemingway making a cocktail

Two bartenders lay claim to the authorship of the Bloody Mary cocktail: George Jessel and Fernand Petiot. George claims to have come up with this recipe between the world wars. The first official mention of the cocktail dates back to December 2, 1939 in the New York Herald Tribune. But it says that “Bloody Mary” is prepared by mixing vodka and tomato juice in a one-to-one ratio; there is no mention of other ingredients.

Homemade Bloody Mary Recipe

There are several methods for preparing this cocktail (in a shaker, blender, glass, layers) and different proportions of Bloody Mary. According to International Bartenders Association (IBA) standards, any of these methods can be used. We will resort to the simplest option, mixing all the ingredients in a glass.


  • tomato juice – 150 grams;
  • vodka – 75 ml;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • salt – 1 gram;
  • pepper – 1 gram;
  • celery – 1 sprig;
  • Tabasco sauce – 3 drops (optional);
  • Worcestershire sauce - 3 drops (optional).

Worcestershire sauce is an English sweet and sour condiment made from vinegar, sugar and fish. Tabasco is a spicy hot sauce made from pepper, vinegar and salt. At home, these two ingredients are used extremely rarely, but they do not significantly affect the taste, so you can discard them.

Cooking technology

1. Pour vodka into a tall, large glass (highball).

2. Add salt, pepper, lemon juice and mix well.

3. Add ice.

4. Pour in tomato juice, add Tabasco and Worcester's sauces (optional), stir again.

5. Place a sprig of celery in a glass.

6. Serve with a straw.

When preparing most vodka cocktails, ice is added to the glass first and only then other ingredients. In the case of Bloody Mary, experienced bartenders advise first mixing vodka with pepper, salt and lemon juice, and then filling the glass with ice. Thanks to this amendment, the ingredients mix better, improving the taste of the cocktail.

The video shows a slightly different technology for preparing Bloody Mary, where the ingredients are mixed in the “Russian” way.

How to drink Bloody Mary

The drink belongs to the group of long drinks - large-volume refreshing cocktails that are drunk through a straw in small sips. If Bloody Mary is prepared in layers, then the glass is served with two straws at once so that the drinker can regulate the flow of vodka and tomato juice into his body. They snack on Bloody Mary with celery.

Another interesting fact is that this cocktail helps relieve hangovers and headaches the morning after a stormy party.

The classic recipe for the Bloody Mary cocktail is familiar to many. It's very easy to prepare.

Prepare the Bloody Mary cocktail in a highball glass with a few pieces of ice at the bottom.

Pour tomato juice on top of the ice, carefully add vodka and lemon juice, add salt and pepper. Stir with a bar spoon and garnish with a lemon wedge or celery sprig.

Watch the video of the Bloody Mary cocktail and you will see how professional bartenders prepare this drink.

How to make an alcoholic cocktail "Bloody Mary" with tomato ice

The alcoholic cocktail “Bloody Mary” with tomato ice has the second name “Ice & Blood”. This version of the cocktail can be found in many European bars. To prepare it you will need:

  • Vodka - 40 ml
  • Frozen tomato juice - 6 cubes
  • Lemon wedge - 1 piece
  • Porto - 10 ml
  • Worcestershire sauce - a few drops
  • Tabasco sauce - a few drops
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Place frozen juice cubes in a glass, add the rest of the ingredients except the port and stir. Pour port into the finished drink and garnish with a slice of lemon. Dark port gives the drink an even deeper bloody color, making it amazingly beautiful.

Look at the photo of the Bloody Mary cocktail - the temptation to try this drink is not easy to resist.

How to make a Bloody Mary cocktail with olives

In the history of the Bloody Mary cocktail, there is a version that it was named after Queen Mary I Tudor, who had the nickname of the same name. You can find another way to prepare this drink in one of the London bars, where it is prepared together with green olives.

Required ingredients:

  • Vodka - 40 ml
  • Tomato juice - 120 ml
  • Green olives - 5 pcs
  • Tabasco sauce - a few drops
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Before making the Bloody Mary cocktail, you will need to mash the olives well in a blender. Place the resulting mass in a shaker, add ice and vodka, juice and sauces. Place ice in a highball glass. Shake the drink, filter and pour into a glass. Garnish with 1-2 olives.

The way to make a Bloody Mary cocktail at home is very original and no less simple. To do this, you will need to take equal parts of vodka and tomato juice, salt and a little allspice.

This composition of the Bloody Mary cocktail has many fans and is prepared quite often.

Pour tomato juice into a glass, and on top of it, add vodka in a thin stream along the blade of a knife. Add salt and pepper to taste and drink in one gulp.

You can pour vodka in the first layer and carefully add juice. Before making the Bloody Mary cocktail, you will need to cool the main ingredients well. You should also remember the main rule - juice and vodka should not mix, but lie in layers.

Now you know how the Bloody Mary cocktail is made and you can treat your friends to it.
