Preserved stuffed peppers. Peppers stuffed with vegetables for the winter in Bulgarian style. Peppers stuffed with carrots

Preparations for the winter can be different, and stuffed peppers occupy an important place among them. This is a great snack that both men and women will appreciate. The aroma of the dish in the middle of winter will delight your guests. We will preserve stuffed peppers for the winter in small 0.7 liter glass jars. One jar will contain 4-5 bell peppers.

Various vegetables can be used as filling: cabbage, carrots, onions, eggplants, etc. We offer 3 options for preparing sweet stuffed peppers for the winter. Each of them is good in its own way.

You will need:

  • 3 kg medium-sized bell pepper;
  • 2 kg cabbage;
  • 120 gr. carrots;
  • 20 ml vinegar;
  • salt and cumin to taste.

For the marinade you will need:

  • 450 ml vinegar;
  • 120 gr. salt;
  • 8 carnations;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 10 liters of water.


  1. Take a large bowl and finely chop the young cabbage into it.
  2. Peel and grate the carrots and place them in a bowl with cabbage. Add a little vinegar and salt with cumin there. Vegetables need to be “grated” a little and left on the table for a couple of hours. Let them marinate.
  3. Take bell pepper. It is desirable that it be red or yellow, but green fruits will not spoil the snack. Wash the peppers and cut out the stem. Remove all seeds. We put a large pan of water on the fire and when the water boils, put the peppers in it with great care so as not to damage their integrity. Boil for exactly three minutes and remove them from the pan onto a dish, also very carefully using a large slotted spoon. You should not use tongs; they can break the peppers. We wait until the peppers cool down, and at this time we can start marinating and preparing the jars.
  4. The jars need to be washed thoroughly and it is better to sterilize them separately. Thus, there will be complete confidence that the jar will not swell and the product will not be lost.
  5. We stuff the chilled peppers tightly with the prepared filling.
  6. The marinade must be prepared in advance, as it must be hot, almost boiling.
  7. We take clean and sterile jars and put herbs, spices on their bottom and then place the stuffed peppers. Pour the prepared marinade into jars with pepper and place in a large saucepan with water to sterilize, boil for about half an hour. Close the lids and leave the finished stuffed peppers, lids down, on the floor until tomorrow. Then we put the jars in a cool place and open them in winter.

Do you want to quickly and easily prepare delicious pickled peppers for the winter? Use the slow cooker! Look at this delicious preparation.

Peppers stuffed with fresh cabbage and carrots for the winter

You will need:

  • Bell pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot

Proportions depend on the size of the vegetables and taste preferences. In this recipe, cabbage and carrots should be in a 1 to 1 ratio, but you can change it to your taste.

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 100 gr. vinegar;
  • 100 gr. vegetable oil.


  1. Peel the pepper from the core and stalk, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, strain the water through a colander.
  2. Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves, and chop into thin strips.
  3. Peel the carrots, wash them, grate them on a coarse grater.
  4. Mix cabbage and carrots, add salt to taste, stir, crush slightly so that the cabbage strips become soft.
  5. Stuff sweet peppers with cabbage and carrots.
  6. Prepare jars and lids for preservation: clean with soda and rinse thoroughly. Pour boiling water over the lids and sterilize the jars over boiling water or steam for at least 10 minutes.
  7. Carefully place the prepared stuffed peppers into jars.
  8. Make the marinade: boil water and add sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil. Pour the boiling marinade over the peppers in the jars, cover the preserves with lids, but do not roll them up!
  9. Place a cotton cloth folded in 2-3 layers on the bottom of a large saucepan, carefully place the jars with stuffed peppers (the jars should not touch each other), pour warm water into the saucepan (it should reach 2/3 of the jars), place on low heat, after boiling, sterilize the preserved jars for at least 20 minutes. Only after this can you roll up the lids using a seaming wrench.
  10. Turn jars of stuffed peppers upside down and cover with a warm blanket overnight. Store at room temperature in a dark place.

Peppers stuffed with eggplants for the winter

You will need:

  • medium-sized sweet pepper;
  • eggplant.
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 300 gr. vinegar;
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons salt.


  1. Peel the sweet pepper from the core and stalk, rinse. Blanch in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Wash the blue ones, cut off the stalks, cut lengthwise into strips 0.5 cm wide, add salt and leave for 2-3 hours, drain off excess liquid. Fry lightly in vegetable oil.
  3. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and spread on each blue strip. Then roll each strip into a roll and insert them into the peppers.
  4. Prepare the jars: wash and sterilize them over steam, boil the lids for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Make the marinade: boil water, sugar, salt, vinegar.
  6. Fill the jars with peppers, pour boiling marinade over them, and cover with lids. Place the jars in a pan filled with water and sterilize them for at least 20 minutes.
  7. Close the jars with lids using a seaming wrench. Turn them upside down and cover with a warm blanket until the jars cool completely. Store at room temperature.

Does every housewife know how to seal homemade preserves for the winter? That's another question! And, as is well known, it is necessary to learn from the simple. It’s impossible to say that the recipes for clogging stuffed bell peppers for cold weather are so simple. But their amazing taste qualities directly “force” you to take up the canning of this particular appetizer dish. Stuffed peppers like these will become a central treat on the winter table and will delight those around you with their originality and aroma. And, besides, the procedure for preparing them itself is short. That's why stuffing peppers for the winter!

Stuffed peppers for the winter: “Recipe with vegetable stuffing”

Shredded white cabbage is the most popular type of filling for meaty sweet bell peppers. After all, it is this – juicy, aromatic, piquant – that goes perfectly with this vegetable. Sometimes it is accompanied by other vegetable components: onions, carotel, bitter red pods, etc. So in a particular recipe, it serves as a filling. To prepare, you will need to take the following list of products: 30-35 sweet peppercorns and 1 bitter pepper, 3 medium-sized forks of white cabbage, 3 carrots, 6-7 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill and parsley. And for brine, per container: 1 glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. table salt, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 1 liter of water and half a tbsp. vinegar 6%

Cooking begins with blanching the peppers. To do this, pour water into a saucepan of suitable capacity, filling the container halfway, and set it to boil. While it is heating up, the peppercorns are washed and freed from the stalks and internal seeds. The resulting preparations are blanched in a colander over boiling water for 8-10 minutes (without direct contact of the fruit with the liquid).

For the filling, the top leaves of the forks are torn off, and the head of cabbage itself is processed with a special shredder, resulting in a neat, thin slice. If you don’t have such a grater, you can use a regular sharpened knife. Bitter pods with carrots and herbs are also rinsed and crushed in any convenient way. The chopped vegetables are mixed and at the same time added salt by eye. And the pepper “boxes” are filled as tightly as possible with the finished filling, then placing them in some kind of container. The garlic is peeled, washed with running water and placed in a saucer.

Water for filling “Stuffed peppers” preparations for the winter measure based on the ratio: for 1 jar - 1 liter of liquid. The required volume is poured into a separate container, salted and seasoned with granulated sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. The solution is thoroughly mixed. Glass containers must be steam sterilized before filling. Then they are laid out in jars; and along with them, a clove of garlic is placed in each container. Afterwards, the workpiece is poured with the prepared marinade. Before the canned food is hermetically sealed, it is sterilized in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. The roll is stored in a cool, dark room. And it is served during the cold season with potato or meat dishes, as well as with stewed fish.

And to make the sealing spicy, all kinds of spices are dropped to the bottom of the jars before filling at individual discretion: clove buds, black and sweet peas, bay leaves, caraway seeds and, of course, sprigs of herbs. By the way, dill umbrellas from dry herbs would not be out of place in canning.

Stuffed peppers for the winter: “In tomato marinade”

And similar recipes can be finished not in the usual marinade filling, but in tomato sauce. In this case, you will need to take: 3 kg of sweet peppers, 2 kilos of onions and carrots, 1 kg of tomatoes, 2-3 tbsp. tomato paste, 200 ml vegetable oil, table salt to taste, 1 tbsp. with a hill of sugar sand. In the main set for filling the dish " Peppers stuffed with vegetables for the winter» for moderate spiciness, you can also include hot pods or garlic of your choice; or limit yourself to the proposed list of products.

The pepper harvest lasts from summer to late autumn. The question often arises of how to preserve the Bulgarian sweet vegetable until winter. It can be salted, marinated, or made into a salad. One option is to stuff it and roll it into jars. It turns out a good and tasty homemade semi-finished product with vitamins. Harvesting does not require much time, effort or skill. But during the height of vegetable season, it takes a little effort.

Preparing to furl for the winter

Before you start preparing stuffed peppers, you should familiarize yourself with some requirements:

  1. 1. All peppercorns must be the same size, without damage. Each one must be washed, the stalk removed, the core cut off and the seeds removed, then rinsed again and dried well.
  2. 2. Jars for twisting must first be sterilized in one of two ways. The first involves sterilization in boiling water for an hour. The second is heating in an oven at eighty degrees for sixty minutes.
  3. 3. For preparations in jars, it is better to use Bulgarian or Hungarian vegetables, since during the preservation process they keep their shape and do not fall apart.

Sweet peppers are a storehouse of vitamins. It is rich in ascorbic acid, carotene and other trace elements.

Bulgarian stuffed pepper

For the recipe you will need:

  • three kilograms of sweet pepper;
  • two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • half a kilogram of white onions;
  • four kilograms of carrots;
  • one hundred and forty grams of parsley;
  • ninety grams of salt;
  • ninety grams of granulated sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of hot ground red pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Wash the fruits, cut off the stems and remove all seeds, dry on a paper towel.
  2. 2. Finely chop the onion and parsley and fry until golden brown in a frying pan with odorless sunflower oil.
  3. 3. Add half the salt specified in the recipe to the roast and stir.
  4. 4. Fill the entire bell pepper with this filling (minced meat).
  5. 5. Wash the tomatoes, chop finely and place in a saucepan until boiling. Then add salt, add sugar, and simmer the mixture for five minutes over low heat.
  6. 6. Place the peppers in prepared sterilized jars and pour tomato sauce over them.
  7. 7. Sterilize the filled containers a second time in hot water for sixty minutes.
  8. 8. Roll up and put under a warm blanket to cool.

Sweet stuffed peppers without sterilizing jars

This pepper goes well with porridge and potatoes. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • one kilogram of sweet bell pepper;
  • one kilogram of medium-sized carrots;
  • one kilogram of parsley;
  • half a kilogram of a mixture of dill, celery, parsley.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Prepare the pepper: wash, cut off the tail, remove the core and seeds, dry the vegetables.
  2. 2. Boil in boiling water for two minutes, then plunge into cold water with ice. This process is necessary to ensure that the pepper does not lose its flexibility and integrity during preservation.
  3. 3. Wash all the greens and chop finely.
  4. 4. Boil parsley and carrots until half cooked, chop and mix with the rest of the herbs.
  5. 5. Stuff the peppers with the prepared filling.
  6. 6. Place the vegetables tightly in clean, sterilized glass jars, fill with brine, which is prepared in the following proportions: a liter of water and a tablespoon of salt.
  7. 7. Roll up the lids and store in a dark and cool room.

Salted fruit with vegetables, stuffed without sterilization

Products needed for rolling pepper:

  • kilogram of mature sweet Bulgarian;
  • one hundred grams of medium-sized carrots;
  • eight hundred grams of white cabbage;
  • thirty grams of parsley;
  • thirty grams of dill;
  • thirty grams of celery root;
  • a tablespoon of salt for the filling, the same for the brine;
  • liter of clean water.


  1. 1. Wash, cut out the seeds and core, dry and rub each fruit with salt.
  2. 2. Peppers need to stand in this form for about three hours at room temperature.
  3. 3. For the filling or minced meat, you need to grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the cabbage, chop the greens, mix everything and add salt.
  4. 4. Fill each of the peppers with the prepared filling.
  5. 5. Pack vegetables in previously sterilized glass jars, pour cold brine (a liter of water - a tablespoon of salt).
  6. 6. Roll up, leave at room temperature for a week, then put in the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

The easiest recipe for peppers with vegetables

Ingredients for preparing the snack:

  • five kilograms of Bulgarian sweet vegetable of the same size;
  • one liter of clean water;
  • half a liter of odorless sunflower oil;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • a quarter glass of salt;
  • one chili pepper;
  • three hundred grams of carrots;
  • two hundred grams of onions;
  • two hundred grams of pepper for filling;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • two hundred grams of parsley;
  • two hundred grams of dill;
  • two tablespoons of vinegar;
  • two hundred grams of celery.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Wash the pepper, remove stems and seeds.
  2. 2. Prepare the marinade filling: boil water, add all the salt, sugar and vinegar indicated in the recipe.
  3. 3. When it boils, add pepper to the marinade and cook until tender (it should be easily pierced with a wooden stick or toothpick).
  4. 4. Fry the carrots, which were previously grated on a coarse grater, onions and peppers.
  5. 5. Add all the finely chopped greens to the frying, stir.
  6. 6. Fill the peppers with minced vegetables, place them in glass jars, sterilized in advance, pour over the marinade that remains from cooking.
  7. 7. Place the containers to sterilize a second time for an hour, then put them in a cool, dark place for storage.

Recipe in Hungarian

This preparation of bright red or green peppers is perfect for any table. To prepare it you will need the following basket of products:

  • kilogram of Bulgarian vegetable;
  • kilogram of white cabbage;
  • forty grams of salt;
  • half a glass of table vinegar;
  • liter of clean water;
  • a tablespoon of salt for the marinade;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • bay leaf and ground black to taste;
  • cumin seeds.


  1. 1. First of all, you need to start preparing cabbage. Chop it, sprinkle with salt and pour vinegar. After keeping the vegetable for 24 hours at room temperature, squeeze out the juice and add cumin.
  2. 2. For the marinade, boil a liter of water, add salt and vinegar.
  3. 3. Wash, peel the pepper, blanch in boiling water for thirty minutes, cool and fill with already prepared cabbage.
  4. 4. Place the Bulgarian fruits in jars, at the bottom of which lie a bay leaf and peppercorns, then pour marinade all the way to the neck.
  5. 5. Sterilize in boiling water for sixty minutes, close with lids and store.

In tomato juice

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • red pepper - two kilograms;
  • fresh sweet carrots - two kilograms;
  • one kilogram of onions;
  • half a kilogram of white cabbage;
  • one liter of tomato juice;
  • thirty grams of non-iodized salt;
  • one hundred milliliters of table vinegar.

Pepper preparation process:

  1. 1. For the minced meat, you will need to chop the cabbage, onions and carrots, fry in vegetable oil, add salt and pepper to taste, and leave to cool.
  2. 2. Prepare the peppers: wash, peel and dry on a paper towel.
  3. 3. Sterilize the jars in boiling water or in the oven for an hour.
  4. 4. Place peppercorns and bay leaves on the bottom of the prepared containers, fill the containers with peppers stuffed with vegetables.
  5. 5. Boil tomato juice, then pour it into jars of vegetables and roll up.
  6. 6. Store snack containers in a dark and cool place.

Bulgarian stuffed fruit

Ingredients required for cooking vegetables:

  • six large peppers;
  • two onions;
  • eggplant;
  • parsley root;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • three medium-sized tomatoes;
  • one tablespoon of salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • peppercorns or ground to taste;
  • half a glass of odorless vegetable oil;
  • twenty milliliters of vinegar.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Wash the peppers, peel them from seeds and cores, dry them, then put them in boiling water for five minutes, then immediately cool them in ice water.
  2. 2. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. 3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the parsley, eggplants and add to the onions, simmer over medium heat.
  4. 4. For tomato sauce, rub the tomatoes through a sieve, boil for ten minutes, add all the spices, stir and cook for five minutes.
  5. 5. Stuff the prepared peppers with carrots, onions, parsley and herbs.
  6. 6. Place vegetables in dense layers in sterilized jars, pour hot tomato sauce, close with lids and sterilize for a second time for an hour.

Peppers stuffed with rice for the winter

For stuffed bell peppers you will need the following ingredients:

  • eight pieces of bell pepper;
  • one hundred grams of raw rice of any kind;
  • two medium-sized onions;
  • four carrots;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • fifty grams of vegetable oil;
  • one tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. 1. Prepare the pepper for preservation. If it is raw, then peel it, remove all seeds and stalks. If canned, drain off all the marinade.
  2. 2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater, fry with onions until golden brown. Next, add sugar, salt, pepper, raw rice, garlic, three tablespoons of water and simmer for ten minutes.
  3. 3. Fill the pepper with rice and vegetables filling, add boiling water and cook for ten minutes in a saucepan.
  4. 4. Place the vegetables in prepared sterilized jars, close the lids and put them under a warm blanket to allow the peppers to cool. Then store in a dark and cool place.


This recipe has been preserved since Soviet times. To prepare it you need to take the following set of products:

  • eight peppers;
  • four carrots;
  • one onion;
  • a bunch of parsley and dill;
  • two teaspoons of salt.

Preparation step by step:

  1. 1. Prepare the pepper, peel and wash. Blanch vegetables in boiling water for five minutes.
  2. 2. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater or using a knife. Cut the onion into half rings, fry in vegetable oil, cool and add salt and herbs.
  3. 3. Fill the peppers with the mixture.
  4. 4. For the marinade sauce you need: dissolve fifty grams of sugar and the same amount of salt in tomato sauce, season with pepper to taste.
  5. 5. Fill the jars, previously sterilized in the oven, pour hot marinade from tomato sauce, roll up and store in the cellar or garage.

Peppers stuffed with carrots

Products needed for cooking:

  • twenty-five pieces of pepper of the same size;
  • two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • half a kilogram of onions;
  • one and a half kilograms of carrots;
  • one teaspoon of table vinegar;
  • four teaspoons of salt;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • greens to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Cut the carrots into thin strips or small cubes, the onion into half rings and fry in separate pans until golden brown.
  2. 2. Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder or rub through a sieve.
  3. 3. Mix tomato puree with onions and carrots, add salt and other spices, boil for ten minutes.
  4. 4. Stuff the vegetable with this mixture, place it in a saucepan and pour over what is left. Boil for ten minutes, you can add vegetable oil.
  5. 5. Then place the fruits in prepared and sterilized containers, add vinegar and roll up with tin lids.
  6. 6. Allow time to cool and store in the cellar for a long period.

Recipe for freezing for the winter

The following ingredients will be required:

  • kilogram of peeled pepper;
  • half a kilogram of minced meat;
  • a glass of rice;
  • medium sized onion;
  • ground black pepper and non-iodized salt.

First of all, boil the rice until half cooked, chop the onion into half rings, fry and mix with minced meat, add spices. Press the mixture of meat, onions and rice into the peppers, stuff them, and place them in clean bags. Place the fruits in the freezer so that the vegetables do not touch each other.

When the time comes to take out the pepper, you don’t need to defrost it, but immediately put it in a frying pan, fry it on all sides in tomato sauce and put it on the table. Bon appetit.

Many of us have already eaten stuffed peppers as a main dish. Agree, it was filling and tasty. In this case, I'm talking about bell peppers. It is beautiful, different colors, fragrant and very pleasant to look at.

Today we’ll look at preparing peppers with different delicious fillings for the winter. In winter, open the preparation in a jar, take the fruits onto a plate and eat with pleasure.

Pepper is very valuable because when canned and salted, the preservation of vitamins in it remains within 50-80% over a long period of storage.

When the fruits are cut and stewed, delicious aromas spread throughout the apartment and burst into the entrance.

Stuffed peppers for the winter with cabbage, carrots and honey

Find out the favorite recipe of many of my friends when the preparation is eaten with a bang.

For 1 liter of filling you will need:

  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 200 g vegetable oil
  • 150 ml vinegar 9%

Vegetables: peppers, cabbage, carrots, garlic cloves

Cooking method:

1. Cut out the stalk of the pepper fruit and remove the seeds.

Blanch the peeled peppers in hot water. This helps remove air from the fruit, the presence of which can cause loss of vitamin C and spoilage of the product.

2. Shred the cabbage and carrots into small strips and place them in a common basin. Dress the vegetables like a regular salad to taste: salt, pepper, vinegar and sunflower oil. Mix everything and try. We must like the taste for the stuffed peppers to be aromatic.

3. Place honey on a plate and add 1/2 teaspoon to the bottom of each pepper.

Please note: blanched peppers retain their color better and become more elastic and easier to fit into a jar.

4. Place 1/2 of a peeled garlic clove on the bottom of each pepper.

6. To prepare the filling, pour 2 liters of water into a pan and put it on the fire. Place in a saucepan with water: 400 g sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, 400 g of vegetable oil. Stir the solution.

7. After the solution boils, pour 300 ml of vinegar. The filling is ready. We are waiting for it to cool down. Pour the filling into each jar to the top.

8. Cover the jars with lids and place them on a cloth in the pan. Pour water up to the hangers of the jars and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and sterilize jars for 15 minutes.

9. Then we take out the jars, roll up the lids, turn them upside down and insulate them until they cool.

The preparation of peppers for the winter is ready.

Recipe for stuffed peppers with eggplant in jars

Peppers stuffed with eggplants make a hearty winter snack.


  • 5 kg bell peppers of different colors of the same size
  • 6 kg eggplants
  • 1.5 cups peeled garlic cloves
  • 1 large bunch of parsley
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 3 cups vegetable oil

For brine: 4 liters of water, 2 cups of vinegar 6%, 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of vegetable oil


  1. Cut off the tops of the peppers and remove the seeds.
  2. Dip the peeled peppers into boiling brine for 3 minutes, then remove and place on a baking sheet to cool.
  3. Cut the peeled eggplants into cubes measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Then sprinkle them with salt and leave for 1 hour so that the bitterness goes away.
  4. Then squeeze out the juice and fry in vegetable oil.
  5. Place the fried mass of eggplants in an enamel pan, sprinkle with vinegar to taste, add chopped garlic, ground black pepper, chopped parsley. Simmer the eggplants, stirring, for 10 minutes.
  6. When the eggplants have cooled, you can form the stuffed peppers and place them in dry, clean jars, preferably 0.7-1 liter in volume.
  7. Add 2-3 bay leaves, 20 pcs., to the brine where the peppers were blanched. peppercorns and a little ground pepper. Bring the brine to a boil.
  8. Remove the bay leaves and fill the jars of peppers with boiling brine.
  9. We set jars with a capacity of 1 liter to sterilize for 20 minutes, 3 liters for 30-40 minutes.
  10. We take out the cans and roll them up with a key. Ready.

This beautiful preparation will be waiting for you at home.

Peppers stuffed with vegetables in tomato sauce - video recipe

Watch the video about vegetable snacks for the winter. During the harvesting season, you can buy bell peppers at an affordable price without any problems.

This recipe often comes in handy for winter lunches and dinners. Therefore, take care of preparing it now.

Bulgarian stuffed peppers for the winter without vinegar

Find out the recipe for a preparation that can be served on the holiday table.


  • 4.3 kg sweet pepper
  • 2.8 kg tomatoes
  • 600 g onions
  • 4 kg carrots
  • 150 g parsnip root
  • 150 g parsley and celery roots
  • 50 g green dill
  • 100 g parsley and celery
  • 100 g each of salt and sugar
  • 15 g ground red pepper
  • 10 g ground black pepper

Procurement process:

  1. Wash the bell pepper, cut out the stem and remove the seeds. Blanch the fruits for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then cool.
  2. Cut the peeled onion into rings and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil.
  3. Peel the roots and cut them into 3-4 mm thick rings or cubes, then fry them separately in vegetable oil.
  4. Chop the greens and mix together with all the fried roots. Sprinkle all this with half the norm of salt. The minced vegetables are ready.
  5. Fill the fruits tightly with the resulting minced vegetables and place them in clean jars.
  6. Finely chop the tomatoes and heat to a boil. Then add salt, sugar, ground red and black pepper.
  7. Cook the resulting tomato mass over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain off the skins.
  8. Fill jars with stuffed peppers with hot tomato mixture
  9. Place the jars to sterilize in boiling water for 50 minutes.
  10. Take out the jars and roll up the lids. Bulgarian stuffed peppers are ready.

In winter, you open the jar and the finished dish is on the plate in front of you. Delicious!

How to stuff peppers for the winter in 3-liter jars without sterilization

Now you will learn an unusual recipe with peppers stuffed with cabbage, apples and onions. There is no need to sterilize the jars.

Necessary products for one 3-liter jar:

  • 1.3 kg green sweet pepper
  • 600 g white cabbage
  • 400 g apples
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • dill umbrella, 1 bay leaf

For the marinade:

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 200 ml vinegar 9%
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Harvesting method:

  1. We remove seeds from the pepper and pour boiling water over it. Close the container with peppers and boiling water with a lid. Leave it like this for 1-1.5 hours.
  2. Shred the cabbage into smaller pieces and rub with salt.
  3. Add chopped apples and chopped onions to the cabbage. Mix everything.
  4. Remove the cooled pepper fruits from the container and fill them with the vegetable mixture.
  5. Place the dill umbrella, bay leaf and stuffed pepper in a prepared 3-liter glass jar. We try to pack the fruits tightly.
  6. Pour 1.5 liters of water into an enamel pan, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Fill the fruits in the jar with boiling water to the very top. Cover the jar with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.
  8. Then drain the water, bring to a boil and pour it into the jar a second time, let it sit again for 5 minutes.
  9. Then drain the water, dissolve sugar and salt in it, add vinegar, bring to a boil for the third time and pour into a jar of peppers.
  10. Immediately roll up the tin lids. Stuffed peppers are ready for the winter in a 3-liter jar.

Turn the jar over and insulate it until it cools completely.

Peppers stuffed with vegetables in honey filling for the winter - video recipe

Check out the recipe for making pickled peppers stuffed with vegetables and with a very interesting marinade.

The best recipes for stuffed peppers for the winter with vegetables have been provided for you to review. Choose and create your culinary miracles in the kitchen.

As a tip: After opening a jar of canned vegetables, put mustard plaster under the lid. The contents of the jar will not become moldy.

Good luck with your preparations everyone!


Many housewives prepare peppers stuffed with vegetables for the winter. By that time, vegetables preserved until winter have already lost their taste and vitamins. And homemade preparations for the winter, prepared at the height of the harvest, still retain the sunlight and warmth of summer.

Correct preparation

Of course, during the height of vegetable harvesting season, it takes a little work. But the result is worth the effort. The vegetable season lasts until late autumn, and there is plenty of time to stock up on vegetables for the winter. It is better to buy fleshy red bell peppers for stuffing. The taste of such pepper will be richer. You need to choose a medium-sized fruit. It should easily fit into the jar and at the same time be large enough for stuffing.

The ideal option for harvesting is vegetables collected from the garden on the day of preservation. If this is not possible, you need to choose the freshest and juiciest fruits.

There are many wonderful recipes for stuffing peppers for the winter. It's worth trying to do at least a few of them. In winter, the whole family will enjoy these wonderful dishes. They diversify the menu for those who are fasting.

Recipe for peppers stuffed with cabbage

Peppers stuffed with cabbage can be prepared for the winter until late autumn. This is a delicious dish that can be served as a separate appetizer or with a side dish. It is very convenient to open such a jar for lunch, providing the family with a vegetable dish without any extra effort. To preserve this dish you will need:

  • 1 kg of sweet bell pepper;
  • a small head of cabbage;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 150 ml vinegar;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 tablespoons salt.

The pepper must be thoroughly washed and the stalk carefully cut out to preserve the shape of the cup. Remove any seeds remaining inside and dry the vegetables. While they are drying, the cabbage is being prepared.

The top damaged leaves are removed from a washed head of cabbage. Cabbage is cut into long thin strips. The carrots are peeled and washed under running water. It is better to grate it on a coarse grater, but you can also cut it into thin strips. You can use a special grater for Korean carrots to cut cabbage and carrots. This will improve the taste of the dish. In addition, vegetables cut equally will look more appetizing. Shredded cabbage and carrots are mixed.

Carefully, so as not to damage the shape of the workpiece, stuff the peppers with a mixture of cabbage and carrots. You need to fill it tightly enough, but without much effort.

The stuffed peppers are placed on their side in a deep pan.

To prepare the marinade, add sugar, salt, vinegar and sunflower oil to the water. When the liquid boils, pour it over the prepared vegetables. Now they need to be placed under pressure in a dark, cool place for 2 days.

After 2 days, the stuffed peppers are tightly placed in washed and sterilized jars. They are poured with marinade on top. The jars are placed on the stove to be sterilized. Liter jars of vegetables are sterilized for about 15 minutes. After this, the jars are closed with metal lids and rolled up. The winter dish is ready.

Peppers stuffed with carrots

The combination of carrots and peppers is very tasty. This dish is a must make. In addition, it is bright and will decorate even a festive table. A large amount of carrots will add vitamins, so necessary in winter. Required Products:

  • 1 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 100 g fresh herbs;
  • 1 small head of garlic.

For the marinade:

  • water 2 l;
  • 1 glass of vinegar;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons salt;
  • sunflower oil 8 tablespoons.

Prepare the marinade by adding vinegar, salt, sugar and sunflower oil to the water. Bring it to a boil. Place the prepared cups of pepper into the boiling liquid and boil them for 7 minutes. A minute before the end of cooking, add greens to the marinade. Remove the vegetables from the marinade and stuff them with grated carrots.

Sterilize washed jars and place herbs and garlic in them. Place stuffed vegetables tightly on top. When the marinade boils, pour it into the jars. After a couple of minutes, when the vegetables are thoroughly warmed up, the marinade is poured into the pan and brought to a boil again. After this, the marinade is re-filled into jars and rolled up.

Some people may find this re-priming procedure difficult. It can be replaced by sterilizing jars of pepper in boiling water. For liter jars, 15 minutes of sterilization is required.

Pepper stuffed with eggplant

A lot of people like this recipe. The combination of eggplant and pepper makes a great appetizer. Garlic gives the dish a special piquancy. Roasting vegetables enhances the taste. Tomato juice, combined with garlic and eggplant, is reminiscent of eggplant in adjika. To prepare you need to buy:

  • 2 kg of sweet bell pepper;
  • 1 kg of eggplants;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 1 liter of fresh tomato juice,

For the marinade you will need:

  • sugar 200 g;
  • vinegar 100 g;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • vegetable oil 50 g.

Pour boiling water over the washed and processed peppers and leave them in the water until they cool completely.

Cut the eggplants into thin slices lengthwise. The thickness of the plate should not exceed 1 cm. Place them in a container, add salt and let them stand for 20 minutes. After this, wash the plates, dry them and fry in a frying pan on both sides until cooked. Place the fried eggplants on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Spread the chopped garlic over the plates.

Remove vegetables from water. Roll the eggplant slices into a tube and place them in the fruit. Peppers are stuffed into one or more tubes, depending on the size of the peppers and eggplants.

The jars are washed and sterilized. Stuffed vegetables are placed in them.

Fresh tomato juice is placed on the fire. When it boils, sugar, vegetable oil and salt are added to it. The tomato juice with the ingredients is left to boil for about 5 minutes, after which vinegar is poured into it. After mixing the marinade, pour it into jars with pepper.

The jars are sterilized for about 35 minutes. After this, they are wrapped and left “under a fur coat” until they cool completely.

Pepper stuffed with vegetables

The highlight of the dish is the combination of several vegetables for the filling. Pre-roasting enhances their taste. Interesting recipe, excellent Lenten dish. An abundance of vegetables will support the body with vitamins and fiber in the winter. Required Products:

  • 3 kg of bell pepper;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 2 kg carrots;
  • 0.5 kg cabbage;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • cloves, black and allspice peas.

For the marinade:

  • 3 liters of fresh tomato juice;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 50 ml vinegar.

Onions and carrots are peeled and finely chopped. The cabbage is shredded into small strips. Each vegetable is fried separately in vegetable oil. After frying, place the food in a colander to drain off excess oil.

While the vegetables are getting rid of excess oil, you need to prepare the peppers for stuffing. Boil the prepared peppers in boiling water for about 2 minutes.

The fried vegetables are mixed and placed in the cooled peppers.

Pre-washed jars are sterilized. First, several peas of black and allspice, as well as a couple of clove buds are placed in them. Stuffed peppers are placed tightly on top.

Fresh tomato juice is placed on the fire. As soon as it boils, sugar and salt are added to it. The tomato juice is left on the fire for another 7 minutes, after which vinegar is poured into it. After mixing the tomato juice, remove it from the heat. The hot marinade is poured into prepared jars with pepper.

Jars of stuffed peppers are sterilized for about 35 minutes.

Frozen stuffed peppers

In addition to canning, there is another great way to make preparations for the winter. Stuffed peppers can be frozen for the winter.

You can freeze peppers, carrots, cabbage and eggplants separately. And in winter, prepare the desired dish from frozen semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to boil the vegetables. The freezing process brings it to half-cookedness to the same extent as boiling.

You just need to thoroughly process all the vegetables before freezing. They cannot be processed when frozen or thawed.

Before freezing, the peppers are thoroughly washed, the stalk is carefully cut out, all the seeds are removed and washed again. Place the prepared peppers on a clean kitchen towel to dry.

Eggplants can be frozen in slices. It is quite possible to fry defrosted plates in winter. But it is difficult to give defrosted vegetables a golden crust when fried. Therefore, it is better and easier to prepare the tubes and freeze them in an already rolled state. Before freezing, remove excess fat from the tubes using a napkin.

Cabbage, carrots and onions are chopped or grated. If you plan to fry vegetables, it is better to fry them fresh. In this case, excess fat is also removed with a napkin before freezing.

After preparation, the vegetables are placed in containers for freezing. It is advisable to store each vegetable in a separate container. In winter, you can combine the cuts depending on your desire. But you can immediately freeze stuffed peppers for the winter.

Instead of freezing containers, you can use regular bags. Bags allow more food to fit in the freezer. Each bag should be sealed as tightly as possible. Otherwise, the vegetables may dry out.

Prepared peppers will take up the most space. It is unlikely that you will be able to freeze many peppers.

Preparing a dish from frozen vegetables is much easier as they cook faster.

Unlike canning, frozen foods can be used to prepare a hot dish in a short time.

Depending on your desire, stuffed vegetables can be topped with sour cream or tomato sauce. You can add rice or meat to the preparation.
