Unrefined walnut oil properties. Nut butter: benefits and harm. Walnut oil - beneficial properties

Consuming walnut oil according to the instructions can bring undoubted health benefits to a person, in particular, rejuvenate the body. This article is all about the correct use of walnut oil without harm to health, reviews and recommendations.

Beneficial properties of nut oil

Walnuts are quite high in calories, aromatic and healthy. This product contains traditional vitamins and oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body: they increase intellectual potential, promote rejuvenation processes and improve the general condition (tone) of the body.

Walnut oil is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements essential for humans.

To prepare the oil, crushed nut kernels are passed through a pressing system, resulting in a cold-pressed oil containing the highest percentage of nutrients and vitamins preserved without heat treatment.

Advice. Carefully study the product packaging before purchasing it: the jar should be made of dark glass and the lid should be tightly closed.

Walnut oil is transparent, has a pronounced nutty smell, a shade of light amber and excellent taste.

The product is distinguished by a high content of nutrients and vitamins; it contains vitamins B, E. K, a rich set of macroelements (Cu, I, Mg, Ca, Zn, Co, P, Fe) and a number of fatty acids (stearic, linoleic, linolenic, palm and oleic).

Walnut oil can be used both internally and externally

The property of nut oil to block inflammation is widely known, so it is used in the recovery of patients after operations, as well as in the treatment of external burns and long-term non-healing wounds. Walnut oil stabilizes the immune system, increases resistance to radiation damage, helps in the removal of radionuclides, and helps in the treatment of cancer.

The oil is also used in cosmetology - for rejuvenating facial skin (excellent results were noted when using the composition even on capricious and problematic skin that has undergone age-related changes), nail and hair care.

Contraindications for using walnut oil

When talking about the benefits of walnut oil, we must not forget about the contraindications for its use. In some specific cases, nut oil treatment may have negative effects.

Do not use oil if you have contraindications to it

  • It is not recommended to use nut oil for people with low acidity and exacerbation of peptic ulcers;
  • oil is contraindicated for patients suffering from allergies, at the time of fever, vomiting and severe diarrhea;
  • do not use walnut oil for gastritis with exacerbations and the presence of erosions;
  • During pregnancy, you should use walnut oil only on the advice of a doctor.

Nut oil for treatment

Walnut oil has long been included in their medicines by traditional healers and healers. When used correctly, a natural remedy can work wonders.

With strong pain in the legs(arthritis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis) it is useful to rub problem areas with oil daily before going to bed. To do this, nut oil is mixed with cedar oil (1:1). Apply daily until pain disappears.

The oil is taken internally along with honey.

Inside Walnut oil is taken together with honey: one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of oil.

  • in the morning on an empty stomach - to reduce cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure (especially in hypertensive patients);
  • in the evening before bed - to improve the functioning of the liver and intestines, enhance metabolism (this property will come to the aid of people who want to reduce body weight), activate the protective function of the body and general health;

At skin lesions It is useful to lubricate problem areas with oil until complete skin regeneration occurs. Such lubricants are indicated for festering wounds, burns, herpes, dermatitis, and the treatment of eczema.

Nut oil in cosmetology

Recipes for tonic and moisturizing masks for facial skin using walnut oil:

  • walnut oil - 10 ml;
  • lemon oil – 3 ml;
  • cosmetic clay.

Walnut oil contains moisturizing and nourishing components for the skin

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, then apply to facial skin for 20 minutes. The mask should be washed off with warm water without soap. In a short time, a therapeutic mask can brighten and improve facial skin.

Attention! If you notice an allergic reaction (itching, redness), immediately wash off the mask and stop using walnut oil.

Dry skin requires additional food and hydration. A special mask using nut oil will help to achieve a therapeutic effect. You should prepare a mixture of three oils (in equal proportions):

  • walnut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • cedar

Apply the mask daily for 15 minutes before bedtime. The excess is simply blotted off with a paper napkin.

When used regularly, the oil can strengthen nails

Walnut oil helps with brittle and layered nails:

  • 2 tbsp. l. walnut oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon oil;
  • 3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The mixture should be rubbed into the nail plates 3 times a week. The mask exposure time is 20 minutes.

Reviews about walnut oil

The Internet is full of positive reviews about walnut oil, which helps in the treatment of various diseases, during cosmetic procedures, and also in weight loss. In any case, when using nut oil, you must strictly follow the instructions, and if allergic reactions occur or the condition worsens, stop using the product and consult a doctor.

Benefits of walnut oil: video

Walnut oil: photo

Imitating squirrels, it’s nice to feast on delicious nuts. But why sometimes there is a desire, a need to use nut butter instead? How, when, how much, from what type of nuts to use it to get the desired result.

Composition, benefits

Now there is no problem of buying many types of nuts and studying the necessary information about their beneficial qualities. Along with the attractive kernels, there are all sorts of bottles of oil of different types of nuts on sale. Countless culinary recipes for various dishes require any housewife to have them. The main point that recommends its active use is the unique healing properties of nut oil.

Walnut kernels have a large amount of coarse fiber, which is not always useful for gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, and pancreatic diseases. Tannins and bitterness interfere with the effective functioning of the liver. Excessive consumption of nuts can cause numerous negative effects on the human body. It is much healthier to use oil. At the same time, the form of existence of fats contained in any nut butter is the most favorable and useful for absorption. The trend towards increasing levels of bad cholesterol becomes minimal. This allows you to help the heart, blood vessels, and many other human systems. The risk of atherosclerosis, which reigns among health complications in society now, is significantly reduced. Nut butter is made from any type of nut. The composition always contains different values ​​of fats, proteins, vitamins, fiber, elements of essential minerals. Each has its own healing properties and recommendations for directions of use.

Along with the main effects of nut oils, they have an amazing ability to enhance and consolidate the effect of medications prescribed by the attending physician. The regenerating, anti-inflammatory, anti-radiation, bactericidal, antitumor properties of nut oil, the benefits and harms of which have been studied in detail, have become increasingly in demand in the modern rhythm of life, against the backdrop of a not always favorable environmental situation.

The beneficial properties of oils have long been known to the peoples of the planet. Many people, for example, in India, have had an ideology since ancient times of achieving harmony of soul and body through the use of fragrant oils. The subtle taste of nut oil makes the recipes of many dishes originating from the cuisine of Eastern countries unique.


Pharmacists, cooks, and medical professionals are accustomed to using nut oil to obtain new drugs and cosmetics. The main uses of nut oil are the following:

  1. Medicine. Any useful compound included in nut oil is used to create drugs that improve metabolism, create energy reserves, and restore health in various diseases.
  2. Cosmetology. The modern beauty industry has filled the market with cosmetics that make our hair, skin, and nails beautiful. They prolong the natural beauty of a person and slow down the aging process of the body. Walnut oil for hair began to be used at home, hairdressing salons, and salons.
  3. Technique. A huge bouquet of lubricants, varnishes, and paints would be unknown without the use of various nut oils.
  4. Cooking. Salads, sauces, baked goods, sometimes adding an exotic product, create a real feast of taste. Typically, rare nut butters are not cooked, but added to the recipe at the end of cooking. And then, in addition to the beneficial properties, the unforgettable aroma of each of them remains. It should be taken into account that each type of oil has its own optimal use in culinary recipes.

Modern technological lines equipped with smart machines make it possible to obtain oil taking into account the properties and characteristics of any nut, seed, or other plant. The main stages in obtaining nut oil are pressing, extraction, filtration, deodorization, and refining. Having gone through all the stages, a fragrant, healthy product called nut butter goes on sale. You just need to choose the type of oil, check the date of manufacture, and store it in a cool place out of direct sunlight. After use, the container containing the oil must be tightly sealed.

Produced by cold pressing and pressing, the oil contains a superior amount of unsaturated fatty acids and youth vitamin E compared to many types of nut oils. Useful vitamins, biologically active compounds, macro and microelements create conditions for a harmonious effect on the skin. A special effect of its influence is observed in people with an ugly red capillary network on the face and aging skin. To soften the skin when chapped, chapped areas appear, apply oil to the affected areas three times a day. The oil can be used as a stand-alone skin care product, or together with other medications. For example, as a night cream, anti-aging masks for dry skin along with peach and apricot oil. In terms of use, the beneficial substances it contains, walnut oil is used for cooking and medicinal purposes. Regular use has a rejuvenating effect, increases immunity and vitality of a person, lowers the level of bad cholesterol, and protects against exposure to low doses of radiation.

It's easy to make fresh butter at home. To do this, the peeled kernels are crushed and squeezed in a mortar or garlic press. Pour in vegetable oil and leave in a place protected from light for two weeks. Every morning you can spread a sandwich with a delicious, healthy paste consisting of honey, cheese, and a drop of your own butter.

Peanut butter

There are several variations of the popular food product made from the ground nut, peanuts. Residents of Asian countries more often use unrefined oil, which has a reddish-brown color and aromatic taste. The purified variety can often be seen on the table of Europeans and Americans. Refined peanut oil has a light yellow hue, mild taste, and a barely noticeable nutty aroma. Healing peanut butter was first produced on an industrial scale in 1890 thanks to the work of an American nutritionist searching for a product that could compete with meat, cheese, and chicken eggs in terms of energy value for the body. Supporters of vegetarian cuisine have long been actively using it in their diet. Easily digestible vegetable proteins, fats, essential amino acids, vitamins, and microelements make numerous recipes for their dishes useful. A feeling of fullness occurs when consuming a small amount of peanut butter, which attracts special attention from fashion models and people who have maintained a slim figure for many years.

Now the oil is used in culinary, cosmetology, and pharmaceutical production at every step. The main method of its production is the method of cold pressing of groundnut pulp. The raw materials are not subjected to chemical treatment, which allows them to fully preserve their valuable qualities. Therefore, it has great value as a tasty food product and as a natural healing material. It is recommended for use in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds with the release of pus, hemorrhagic childhood diathesis, when, as a result of a decrease in the properties of blood, hemorrhages form under the skin. It is useful for nervous tension, insomnia, loss of memory, hearing, and as a strong choleretic agent. A highly nutritious product useful for people of any age.

Pistachio oil

A distinctive feature of pistachio oil is its green color. The richer the color, the more aromatic the oil. And the more strongly it is felt, for example, in salads dressed with this oil. Pistachio oil is often used in sauces such as pesto. It has no restrictions on use. It is often recommended as a general tonic in the amount of two teaspoons daily for two months.

Pistachio oil is considered an effective antioxidant that has a rejuvenating effect on the body. People with great physical and mental stress, exhausted by illness, prone to heart and liver diseases, should not ignore the advice of doctors on the proper use of pistachio oil.

Almond oil

Sometimes called king nut. This is explained by the huge number of useful elements contained in it. It is not for nothing that for eight thousand years, wonderful almond oil has been obtained from it using cold pressing, which retains its beneficial properties, and is used for various purposes, including as nut oil for hair. The concentration of fat in oil ranges from 40 to 60%, depending on the climatic and natural conditions of the growing area. Oleic, linoleic acids, vitamins, minerals fill, product obtained from almonds. The oil must not be heated. As a result of heating, it quickly loses its extraordinary aroma and some healing qualities. In nutrition, it is often used to season ready-made dishes. To combat stretch marks, cellulite, improve hair growth, and reduce hair fat content, almond oil has been used effectively for a long time.

Hazelnut oil

The oil was first obtained in France around 1970 by cold pressing and pressing. The non-drying product is characterized by a low amount of carbohydrates, which is important for people suffering from diabetes who want to lose weight or adhere to a certain diet. The large amount of protein contained in hazelnut oil makes it an interesting food product for vegetarians. A high-calorie product is recommended for loss of strength, exhaustion, and heavy physical exertion. To use about
Due to the great healing qualities of the oil, it is recommended to use it for inflammation of the veins, urolithiasis, high blood pressure, vascular diseases, and as a simple anthelmintic. Nowadays many different balms, shampoos, creams, lotions are produced, which contain the power of hazelnuts, hidden in ordinary oil, used in the cosmetological production of a whole class of nut oil products for hair.

Baking for children using hazelnut oil turns out very tasty. Morning porridge and cottage cheese will become much tastier with a drop of this oil.

Pine nut oil

No attempts to obtain an analogue of cedar oil artificially have yielded positive results. The small pine nut, a favorite of the inhabitants of the northern regions, keeps its eternal secrets behind the petals of a beautiful cone. Residents of Siberia used cedar oil for a hundred ailments. Vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats contained in it have been helping with various cosmetic problems since ancient times. It helps strengthen nails. Walnut oil for hair helps in the fight against baldness. Oil is beneficial for children's bodies.

Macadamia oil

Oil in the world is sometimes compared in value to the properties of spermaceti, extracted from the skull of whales. Macadamia oil is considered the best remedy for caring for aging, diseased skin. Having penetrated it, the oil acts as a powerful antioxidant, preventing the destruction of cell membranes. There are no contraindications for its use. Regular consumption of small amounts of oil serves to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the joints and bones. The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil allow it to be used in the treatment of many chronic diseases. It has an interesting effect on animals. For example, oil causes severe poisoning in dogs.

Walnut oil has taken its rightful place in the arsenal of modern housewives. It is not only tasty, but healthy and beautiful. Its action brings a lot of positive emotions to the family.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of nut oil

Walnut oil includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, K, PP, D, F, ascorbic acid, as well as micro- and macroelements:

  • calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc;
  • copper, selenium, iron, manganese, sodium, phosphorus.

100g of nut butter contains:

  • Proteins – 0.
  • Fats – 100.
  • Carbohydrates – 0.
  • Kcal – 899.

Walnut oil is recommended for use by people with cardiovascular diseases, patients with diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease. Walnut oil should be consumed to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and increase vitality.

Characteristics of nut oil

The general characteristics of nut butter are that it contains a large amount of fat.

The process of making nut butter involves several steps. A characteristic of them is that to prepare this oil, only fruits that have ripened and have lain for a certain time are used, so after harvesting, the nuts are kept for several months.

During aging, the oil content of nuts increases. But you can’t overcook the fruits, since the oil contained can go rancid and lose the taste of the finished product.

Benefits of use

  • The usefulness of nut oil lies in its vitamin and mineral complex, which is necessary for the human body.
  • Walnut oil contains fatty acids that are so beneficial for humans.
  • Consumption of nut oil benefits the digestive, endocrine, genitourinary, and cardiovascular systems.
  • Positively affects the brain and skin.
  • Walnut oil improves the functioning of the lungs, kidneys and liver.
  • Walnut oil has wound healing properties for eczema, psoriasis and burns.

Harm from use

  • Nut oil can cause significant harm to the body if you are individually intolerant to one or another type of nut from which the oil is made.
  • If gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers or erosive gastritis) worsen, then the use of nut oil should be stopped.
  • You should not consume nut butters during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When using nut oils in salads, baking and desserts, it must be added drop by drop to taste the aroma of each of them and avoid an overdose. Walnut oil is not suitable for frying foods, since heating loses all the beneficial properties of nut oil.

The individual properties of nut oil allow it to be used in many industries: cooking, pharmacology, cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.

Peanut butter is a fatty vegetable product (see photo) that has a rich aroma and unique taste. It is extracted from the kernels of nuts, and it is believed that there is no type of nut from which it would be impossible to obtain aromatic oil.

Currently, there are many types of this product, but the most popular and in demand are the following oils:

  • almond oil – has a transparent consistency and a yellowish tint;
  • peanut oil - divided into two types: unrefined (dark red in color) and refined (pale yellow in color);
  • hazelnut oil – has a high concentration of vitamin E, and this product cannot be heat treated;
  • cedar oil – one of the most expensive oils, it has a thick consistency and a golden hue;
  • walnut oil – has an alluring smell and harmonizes perfectly with almond and olive oil;
  • pistachio oil – colored a rich amber color with a green tint.

Each of the above types of oil has a unique taste and aroma, and many cooks recommend using them only separately.

How to select and store?

“How to choose and store nut butter?” – this question worries everyone who has to use this product. It is recommended to buy cold-cooked butter because it has a more pronounced taste. The volume of the container in which the product is located is also important. The fact is that after opening, the shelf life of the oil is reduced significantly, so you should not take large bottles.

It is imperative to study the composition of nut butter, which should be displayed on the container label. It should not contain preservatives, dyes or flavors, because it is a truly natural product.

This vegetable oil should be stored on a shelf in the refrigerator or a cool cellar. In this case, the container with the contents must be hermetically sealed. This product should not be exposed to air for too long.

The main disadvantage of oil liquid is that it tends to deteriorate quickly, so when purchasing it, never forget to pay attention to the production date, storage conditions and expiration date of the product. This information must also be indicated on the label.

How to make nut butter at home?

Each of you can make nut butter at home. This is a completely uncomplicated process. Simply follow the instructions below.

First of all, you should stock up on nuts in the required quantity. As mentioned earlier, oil can be obtained from any type of nut, so you can use hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts for this purpose. The prepared ingredients must be peeled and crushed until smooth. Then the product must be placed in gauze fabric folded in several layers and placed under weight for several hours to separate the oil. To obtain it, you can also use a special hand press.

The finished nut liquid should be immediately transferred to a glass container, sealed tightly and stored in a cool room. Keep in mind that homemade oil can be stored for no more than two months.

If you want to prepare thick nut butter so that it has a paste-like consistency, then simply grind the nuts in a blender and combine, for example, with honey, cocoa powder or butter. Then you will have an excellent sweet spread on bread that will replace any jam or jam.


Nut oil is used in different ways in everyday life. Each type of this product has its own beneficial properties, so each of them has its own purpose.

In cooking

All types of nut oil are used in cooking, but each has its own characteristics and rules of use. For example, hazelnut oil. It is recommended to use it only for dressing salads, fish, as well as sauces and baked goods. This product cannot be heated, which means you cannot fry ingredients on it.

Almond oil is often used to flavor drinks, cakes and cold appetizers. The liquid obtained from almonds has a truly unsurpassed aroma, and cooking with it is a pleasure.

Oil extracted from peanuts can give a feeling of satiety, so it is recommended to be consumed by those people who are on a diet. This product can be subjected to heat treatment, and when fried it does not burn out, therefore, it can be very economical.

As for walnut oil, it is most often used to lubricate baking dishes to give flour products a special aroma. They are also sprinkled on dessert salads made from fruits and berries.

Pistachio oil goes well with croutons, and it is also very often used to prepare the popular and delicious Pesto sauce.

When using any nut oil, it is worth considering the fact that in cooking it is measured not in grams and milligrams, but in drops. Usually three drops of this liquid are enough to saturate the dish with an attractive aroma and unusual taste.

In medicine

Walnut oil is very popular in medicine. It is believed that it can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of many diseases. In this section you will learn when you should use nut butter.

  • For atherosclerosis. This product has the ability to reduce blood cholesterol.
  • For arthritis. In this case, the beneficial oil acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • For various burns. The plant liquid obtained from nuts promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • This product is also considered an excellent laxative.
  • For diabetes mellitus. Walnut oil has an effect on lowering blood sugar. This means that it will be very useful for obesity.
  • For bronchitis and asthma, processed nuts can be used as an expectorant.
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, this product helps relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

Also, walnut oil will help strengthen the immune system and improve the digestion process, so it is recommended even for small children to take it.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, nut oil has found use as a tonic and moisturizer for the face. It is enough to apply it to the skin for five minutes to see the result. With the help of this product, you can restore a fresh complexion, make it brighter and more attractive.

Also, many cosmetologists claim that nut oil is an effective strengthening and restorative product for hair. Just a few drops of oily liquid are enough to strengthen your hair, give it shine, accelerate growth and avoid split ends and hair loss.

It's no secret that nut oil is incredibly beneficial for eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids and nails. Moreover, absolutely any type of oil is effective in these cases.

At the moment, there are many effective cosmetics that can be prepared at home using nut oil. Some of them can be found in the table below.



against hair loss

To create this product, you will need to mix the following oils in one bowl: nut, castor, olive, burdock (a tablespoon each).

The finished mixture should be rubbed into the scalp, left for two hours, and after this time, rinsed with warm water and shampoo.

against split hair

In this case, you need to prepare a large spoon of coconut and walnut oil, as well as two teaspoons of vitamins E and A. The components need to be mixed very well and left in a cool place for ten minutes to infuse.

The product is applied to the curls along the entire length and removed after two hours.

nourishing eye mask

This remedy is prepared as follows: cedar oil (a tablespoon) and vitamins A and E (three drops each) are mixed in one bowl.

You only need to apply the mask in the evening, and there is no need to wash it off. It is enough to blot off the remaining product with a damp cloth.

against peeling nails

You need to combine two drops of iodine, three drops of lemon juice and a tablespoon of any nut oil in one container.

The finished product must be rubbed into the cuticle, and it must be removed after twenty minutes without soap.

Benefits, harms and contraindications

The benefits of nut oil are determined primarily by the content of vitamins (A, C, E, P) and useful minerals such as iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium and others. It also contains fatty acids, which are vital compounds for the human body.

Despite the fact that the fatty vegetable liquid is beneficial for the entire human body, it provides the greatest benefit to the endocrine, cardiac, digestive and vascular systems. This product also has a good effect on the performance of the brain, kidneys, liver and lungs.

Real nut oil is incredibly beneficial for men. It can increase potency, provide physical performance and sexual activity.

Oil obtained from nuts, like any other product, can be harmful to humans and has contraindications. First of all, nut butter is harmful for people who are intolerant to nuts. In this case, it is better to refuse the product and not risk your health.

In addition, you should not eat nut butter if you have an ulcer or gastritis. This could escalate the situation. It is also recommended to reduce the daily dose consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Walnut oil is a universal product that is both a fragrant food additive and an effective healing and cosmetic product!

Since ancient times, various methods of extracting oil have been known not only from plants and fruits, but also from nuts. Of course, this oil has a rich composition, which is why it is in high demand.

It should be noted that nut oil differs from the taste characteristics of vegetable oil, moreover, it has a higher content. Also, the composition of such a product includes unsaturated linolenic acid, vitamins (A, B, C, E, P), and microelements (iodine, zinc , calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium), and biologically active substances. All this has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Due to the pleasant taste that nut oil has, it is used in cooking in the preparation of various dishes. For example, the most common options are dressing vegetable salads, preparing cold appetizers, baking bread, raw materials for grilling or frying food, etc.

But this is only one positive side that is inherent in nut oil. It should be noted that nut oil is widely used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The main thing is to take into account some nuances that can lead to the opposite result of treatment. First of all, it is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which were already mentioned above. Such a rich composition allows you to strengthen the human immune system and stabilize the functioning of internal systems and organs.

Let's take walnut oil. Reviews about it are quite good, since this product can be put in first place in terms of vitamin E content. It is effective to use during the period of recovery and rehabilitation of a patient after serious illnesses, as it helps to improve and stabilize metabolic processes in the body, due to which a person goes to health faster. amendment. Walnut oil also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of this property suggests use in inflammatory processes, burns of mucous membranes and skin.

It should be noted that nut oil neutralizes harmful carcinogenic substances in the body that cause cancer, and increases resistance to radiation exposure.

If you regularly consume the oil, you can prevent many heart diseases. At the moment, the benefits of oil for vascular diseases, diabetes, and liver and kidney disorders are known.
It is also impossible not to note the benefits of nut oil in cosmetology. It is often included in various recipes and products that effectively smooth out wrinkles, soften the skin of the face and hands, enhance tanning, etc.

Of course, the main disadvantage of nut oil is its high cost, since its production is a rather complex technological process, which increases the cost of the product.

Harm may occur if used incorrectly. For example, you should not take it in case of chronic colitis and acute intestinal diseases, or with an increased rate of blood clotting. Those who suffer from allergic reactions to food should also be careful. This is due to the fact that the nut kernels contain a fairly large amount of protein, which can cause skin rashes. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema) without consulting a specialist. Please also note that nuts are a high-calorie product that can cause excess weight if consumed indefinitely.
