Mexican shot. Green Mexican cocktail - traditional and creative compositions. More about the recipe

Despite the name, this banana-flavored sweet and sour cocktail has no connection to the land of the Aztecs. Its recipe first appeared in Kyiv, but this did not prevent the drink from becoming popular throughout the world over two decades. I'll tell you how to make a Green Mexican cocktail at home. You will need no more than 5 minutes.

Historical reference. The Green Mexican cocktail was invented in 1996 by Ukrainian bartender Sergei Kadatsky. One day, many bottles of Pizang Ambon banana liqueur were brought to the Kiev bar where he worked, which was not popular among visitors.

Sergei received the task of selling this liquor. He began experimenting with ingredients, trying to create a new delicious cocktail. A few weeks later, The Green Mexican appeared. At first, the drink was known only in bars in Ukraine and Russia, but thanks to emigrants, the recipe spread throughout Europe, and then came to the United States.

Why the cocktail is named this way is unknown. Most likely, because it contains tequila, and the cocktail itself is green in color.

Composition and proportions:

  • green banana liqueur “Pizang Ambon” – 25 ml;
  • fresh lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • silver (transparent) tequila – 25 ml.

Many bartenders replace banana liqueur with the more common melon analogue “Midori”, assuring that the taste remains almost unchanged. But in the classic version, it is “Pizang Ambon” that is used.

Green Mexican recipe

All ingredients need to be layered; this is the main difficulty in cooking.

1. Pour banana (melon) liqueur into a glass (shot).

2. Using a bar spoon or the tip of a knife, carefully add lemon juice on top of the liqueur (second layer).

3. Using the same method, pour tequila over the juice (third layer).

4. Drink a glass in one gulp immediately after preparation, as the cocktail quickly separates, losing its taste.

5. Snack on a slice of orange, lemon or lime (optional).

Green Mexican with melon liqueur

Detailed technology for preparing the Green Mexican cocktail is shown in the video. Separately, the bartender talks about the history of the drink and how to quickly squeeze lemon juice at home.

Mexican diversity. Many recipes have appeared in which banana or melon liqueur is replaced by another. With blue "Blue Curacao" you get "Blue Mexican", with coffee liqueur - "Brown", and with "Golden Strike", containing gold leaf - "Gold". Other ingredients and proportions do not change.

Blue Mexican - an alternative cocktail recipe
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The “green Mexican” cocktail, despite the telling name, has absolutely nothing to do with Mexico and South America. The drink is sweet and sour with a pronounced banana accent. Although its strength is high, the taste is quite elegant.

Origin story

Oddly enough, the birthplace of the “Green Mexican” is Ukraine. Its author was Sergei Kadatsky, who in 1996 invented this drink through experiments. Initially, the “Green Mexican” was popular in Ukraine and Russia, and then, thanks to emigrants, it spread throughout the world. Today, Green Mexican is one of the most popular alcoholic mixes in nightclubs and bars in the United States. The main component of the cocktail is Pizang Ambon green banana liqueur, which gives the drink its green color.

Classic recipe

The cooking recipe is not too complicated, so preparing it at home will not be difficult even for those who are poorly familiar with bar art.


  • “Pizang Ambon” (banana liqueur) - 25 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • tequila (clear) - 25 ml.

Often Pizang Ambon is replaced with Midori liqueur. Many bartenders claim that the taste of the finished product remains virtually unchanged. But still, the classic recipe involves the use of Pizang Ambon liqueur.

The main difficulty in cooking is that all the ingredients are laid in layers. But there is a significant advantage for home cooking: you don’t have to use special devices and appliances. No shaker or bar strainer is needed for the Green Mexican.

Initially, banana liqueur is poured into a shot (glass). Then the second layer is lemon juice. You need to pour it in a thin stream using a bar spoon. If you don’t have a spoon, then a regular knife will do, allowing the liquid to flow into the shot. The third layer is tequila, it is poured into the cocktail in the same way as the second layer.

The Green Mexican cocktail separates quickly, so it should be drunk immediately after preparation. The drink is drunk in one gulp; if desired, you can snack on it with a piece of any citrus.

Variations on a theme

Like most popular cocktails, the Green Mexican has undergone recipe experiments more than once. For example, by including Blue Curacao liqueur in your composition, you can make a Blue Mexican cocktail. “Brown” is made with coffee liqueur, and “Golden” with Golden Strike liqueur.

Useful tips! Since the cocktail does not use ice, all ingredients and the shot must be chilled. Lemon juice should be prepared immediately before preparing the cocktail. Everything is quite simple and at the same time original and tasty!

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Today one of the most popular cocktails with tequila and juice, in night bars, discos, beaches, and in places where young people gather. This cocktail, which is based on tequila, came to us, of course, from Mexico. The Mexican cocktail presents tequila in its new guise. A small amount of grenadine gives the cocktail a tan from the hot Brazilian sun. By softening the tequila juice with pineapple juice, the cocktail seems deceptively harmless.

The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Ice cubes
  • Tequila
  • Pineapple juice
  • Grenadine (pomegranate syrup)
  • Lemon juice

How to make a Mexican cocktail

This cocktail with tequila and juice is very easy to make. We will need a shaker, which we recommend cooling by throwing a small piece of ice into it. After the ice has melted, you can blunt it. Pour all the ingredients into a shaker, add ice, shake everything well, then strain the contents of the shaker into a tall glass.

There are many different ways to serve a cocktail. In our case, we will decorate it with a cherry, which will be strung on the edge of the glass. But you can offer an extraordinary option. Rub the glass with lemon and carefully sprinkle it with powdered sugar or fine sugar. Blow off excess sugar. We ended up with a frosted glass that looks very exotic. You can serve.

There were times when no one had even heard of Pisan, but here in Ukraine it was generally extremely unpopular, the most unsold drink in bars. But times change and, very pleasantly, Pisan’s best times have come thanks to a Ukrainian bartender who came up with the most ingenious cocktail of our time - the Green Mexican. But first things first.

Plus, shakes aren't high in calories and contain fiber to help fill our stomachs and satisfy our appetites for a longer period of time, so we're less likely to snack between meals. There's another reason - a green smoothie is a good idea for a drink, and if you're a smoker, you can have a smoothie on your way to work or college, for example. This is a much better solution than quick snacks bought at the store or cafeteria. The cocktail does not have too many calories, and it will be a good way to supplement the need for many vitamins and minerals.

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Pisan is a banana liqueur based on green banana emulsion. Ambon is the name of the island where, according to legend, these same bananas are taken. The first version of the drink was created by Bols International, and it was called Original Pisang Ambon. It is based on an ancient Indonesian recipe. Now it is made by different companies, but, as with, the most popular producer is the Dutch company De Kuyper, only their liqueur is simply called Pisang. In general, you won’t find much information about Pisan on the Internet - somehow it has not taken root on the vastness of the World Wide Web, but on the shelves of Ukrainian and not only bars there is even a lot.

Healthy Green Smoothies - Recipes

A full glass of unsweetened almond milk, a glass of washed and chopped cabbage, a small banana, a few pieces of pineapple. Small banana, a few slices of pineapple. . All ingredients will blend smoothly. Instead of almond milk, you can use plain cow's milk.

An aromatic cocktail with cabbage and spices. Small banana, a pinch of cinnamon. . The ingredients must be combined together. A simple green smoothie with spinach. A glass of washed and dried baby spinach leaves, homemade orange juice with 1 large orange, optional: half a banana, mineral water. Additionally: half a banana, mineral water. . Instead of orange, you will also find grapefruit in the cocktail.

It itself is soft green in color, with a very pleasant smell and taste. I would say that its taste takes me back to childhood - it’s reminiscent of Duchess sweets and even a little of everyone’s favorite Tutti-Frutti chewing gum. Strength 21%. In its pure form it is excellent to drink, but it is very sweet, so it is better to add it to cocktails. One of them breathed a second life into Pisan Ambon.

Green smoothie with celery and avocado. 3-4 celery sticks, apple, kiwi, avocado quarter, small green cucumber. 3-4 pieces of celery, an apple, a kiwi, a quarter of an avocado, a small green cucumber, mineral water or homemade juice such as apples or oranges. All ingredients are thoroughly washed, peeled from fruits and cucumbers and cut into small pieces. Turn everything around smoothly and if you want, you can make a smoothie with cinnamon or roasted ginger.

What to add to a green smoothie?

You can make your own green smoothie recipes and enrich them with your favorite ingredients. Milk, green leaves and fruits are the base because you can add a green smoothie. While it's true that we often include bananas in green smoothies, experimenting in the kitchen and looking into other fruits: peaches, strawberries, melon, pear - all versions will be delicious and allow you to discover new flavors.

Cocktail Green Mexican - glory to Pisan

The bartenders did not know what to do with the newly created liqueur, which for some reason the managers of establishments began to order. Today, in terms of the number of sales of Pisan, Ukraine is in first place in Europe. It all started back in 1996 in the bar “Eric’s bar” (Kyiv). The bartender could not stop two girls who demanded original cocktails from him. He had a bottle of the unpopular Pisan in his hands and he probably asked himself: “What should I do with this liqueur?” Another guest of the establishment answered him - bartender Sergei Kadatsky, the future founder of the International Bartenders Center “Planet Z” and the current president of the All-Ukrainian Bartenders Association. He came up with a recipe for a cocktail with Pisan, which determined the future of the “unfortunate liqueur”.


  • 25 ml Pisan Ambon liqueur;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 25 ml silver tequila.


  • Pour Pisan into the shot glass;
  • Using a bar spoon, layer lemon juice;
  • repeat the previous procedure with tequila.

Leafy vegetables are a treasure trove of nutrients. The most important thing is that processing with a blender does not deprive vegetables of their value. They retain fiber and are even easier to digest than lettuce, says Palinski-Wade. Green smoothies also provide other benefits. Fruits - bananas, papayas and mangoes - are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps hydrate the body. Potassium supplementation is very important after a workout, so shakes are great as a post-workout drink. Moreover, sugars found in vegetables, fruits and milk combined with carbohydrates from green leaves provide a constant supply of energy. “This makes a great snack or quick breakfast,” explains Janet Brill, a registered dietitian in Philadelphia.

This is a classic shot drink, that is, a Puss Cafe cocktail. The ingredients are layered quite simply and do not require much skill (for the uninformed, I have an article about that). If you don’t have a bar spoon with a spiral and a “nickel” on hand, use the tip of a knife or a regular teaspoon (a coffee spoon is even better). Take exactly 10 ml of fresh juice, no more - these are the most balanced proportions. Unscrupulous bartenders pour more of it just to save money on expensive tequila and Pisan.

However, you can't fall into the trap of thinking that a healthy smoothie will replace a balanced diet. "You may feel thin at first, but that's just water loss," warns Palinski-Wade. Eventually, hunger and the need to eat normal food can turn against you.

The danger is too many additives, which cause the shake to become high in calories. However, adding new components is risky, Brill argues. Full-fat milk, seeds, peanut butter, and protein supplements will turn your smoothie into a calorie bomb. Perhaps, thanks to the additives, the drink will be more tasty. However, in this case, the defects certainly suppress the advantages.

The green Mexican is not set on fire!!! You can drink the cocktail either in one gulp or through a straw, only from the bottom up, which corresponds to Sergei’s idea: first strong tequila, then sour juice, which will knock down the silver bitterness, and then sweet, aromatic Pisan, leaving a simply pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Despite the name, this banana-flavored sweet and sour cocktail has no connection to the land of the Aztecs. Its recipe first appeared in Kyiv, but this did not prevent the drink from becoming popular throughout the world over two decades. I'll tell you how to make a Green Mexican cocktail at home. You will need no more than 5 minutes.

Historical reference. The Green Mexican cocktail was invented in 1996 by Ukrainian bartender Sergei Kadatsky. One day, many bottles of Pizang Ambon banana liqueur were brought to the Kiev bar where he worked, which was not popular among visitors.

To avoid overdoing it, it's a good idea to follow some simple tips. First: take care of the ratio, that is, 60 percent. fruits and 40% vegetables. This will help balance the sweet taste and nutritional value. Add up to half a glass of powdered milk, soy milk or yogurt. Limit one or two toppings: peanut butter, a handful of sunflowers or chia seeds.

The fact that the cocktail suits your taste perfectly is remarkable. But you can't get carried away, says Brill. Especially when store-bought chicken coops may contain more calories and fat than you think. “Make sure there is no sugar or fruit juice in the cocktail,” Palinski-Wade advises. “Fruits and vegetables have so much natural sugar that there's no need to add a sweetened smoothie,” he says.

Sergei received the task of selling this liquor. He began experimenting with ingredients, trying to create a new delicious cocktail. A few weeks later, The Green Mexican appeared. At first, the drink was known only in bars in Ukraine and Russia, but thanks to emigrants, the recipe spread throughout Europe, and then came to the United States.

Why the cocktail is named this way is unknown. Most likely, because it contains tequila, and the cocktail itself is green in color.

Composition and proportions:

  • green banana liqueur “Pizang Ambon” – 25 ml;
  • fresh lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • silver (transparent) tequila – 25 ml.

Many bartenders replace banana liqueur with the more common melon analogue “Midori”, assuring that the taste remains almost unchanged. But in the classic version, it is “Pizang Ambon” that is used.

Green Mexican recipe

All ingredients need to be layered; this is the main difficulty in cooking.

1. Pour banana (melon) liqueur into a glass (shot).

2. Using a bar spoon or the tip of a knife, carefully add lemon juice on top of the liqueur (second layer).

3. Using the same method, pour tequila over the juice (third layer).

4. Drink a glass in one gulp immediately after preparation, as the cocktail quickly separates, losing its taste.

5. Snack on a slice of orange, lemon or lime (optional).

Green Mexican with melon liqueur

Detailed technology for preparing the Green Mexican cocktail is shown in the video. Separately, the bartender talks about the history of the drink and how to quickly squeeze lemon juice at home.

From Ukraine with love

President of the All-Ukrainian Bartenders Association Sergei Kodatsky told how he created the legendary Green Mexican cocktail, which has become popular all over the world.

In 1996 there was an establishment on Sofievskaya Street, I don’t remember what it was called, but it belonged to Eric Aigner. The interior featured caricatures of visitors, and metal beer barrels instead of chairs. Everything is very simple.

I was working at an alcohol company at the time, and a collection of Bols liqueurs arrived at our warehouse. The entire range sold well except the green banana Pisang Ambon. Pisan is a variety of green banana from the island of Ambon. A very tasty liqueur, it has the aroma of childhood, the Duchess sweets that were served on board Aeroflot in Soviet times.

Late in the evening I stopped by this establishment on Sofievskaya to see the bartender Andrei Botanov, and he complained that all the alcohol was selling well, except for Pisan. I say: “What do you have?” We took tequila, vodka, lemon. There was no shaker then, and the only option to make something normal was a puff cocktail. First, Pisang Ambon liqueur was poured according to density, then a small layer (10 ml) of fresh lemon juice and then 20 ml of tequila. There were two girls sitting on the bar (we still can’t figure out who they were), I gave them one shot. Then a friend asked for the same one.

At first you drink tequila, which tastes quite unpleasant, for 2 seconds, then a layer of lemon juice (now fresh lime is added, it has a brighter taste) and for the aftertaste - the aroma of duchess.

At that time, not everyone could get Pisan Ambon, it was very rare, but many demanded the Green Mexican. Colored Mexicans appeared in the establishments, based on the colors of the liqueurs: strawberry, menthol.

When the Green Mexican became very popular, the producer of Pisan Ambona wrote: “Where does the green banana go? We don’t have time to produce it.” Ukraine began to take first place in its sales.

At that time, my friends went to Chicago and began to popularize the "Green Mexican" there. About 10 years ago we opened a project in Rivne. Two young Americans came and asked if there was "Mexican" on the menu. I said: “Of course there is, I came up with it.” They were pleasantly surprised, and so was I.

"Green Mexican" is in that category of drinks that cannot be called a "cocktail", because a cocktail is a mixture of several ingredients, and my shot is a layer. “Mexican” is difficult to taste - you need to drink it completely, and tasters usually taste literally a teaspoon at a time.

20 years for a cocktail- not age, it’s too early to talk about anything. There are cocktails that are hundreds of years old. In fact, the first mention of the word “cocktail” was in The Balance and Columbian Repository Newspaper in 1806. Therefore, the cocktail as a whole is a fairly young product, and the “Mexican” is ten times younger.

The fact that people switched from shots to cocktails is an evolution. Since the Soviet Union, people are accustomed to “getting away,” whereas in the civilized world they drink for taste.
