French meat, different recipes. French baked meat with cheese and mayonnaise. French pork meat

No matter how tasty the dish we prepare, our family still tries to “dilute” it with something. Store shelves are simply bursting with an abundance of different ketchups and sauces. But no matter what they sell there, your homemade lecho will win in all respects.

Juicy tomato pulp and a minimum of preservatives - this is what should be on the family table, especially in a house where there are children. Today I will tell you how to prepare this delicious preparation for the winter at home. I photographed the preparation of lecho step by step, which will make my story easier, and will allow you to make this delicious preparation of peppers and tomatoes quickly, easily and simply.


— sweet pepper 1 kg;

— tomatoes 1.5 kg;

— carrots 0.5 kg;

— onion 0.2 kg;

— sunflower oil 1 cup;

- granulated sugar 0.5 cups;

- Art. spoon of salt;

- Art. spoon of vinegar 9%.

I’ll say right away that canning lecho in your home kitchen is quite simple. The main thing is to know the proportions and little secrets, which today I am going to reveal to you.

How to make homemade lecho for the winter

It is better to take round tomatoes.

They do not have such a hard core, and this plays an important role in our recipe, since we will not put them through a meat grinder, but simply cut them. True, initially they will need to be “undressed,” that is, the skin must be removed. To do this, you need to dip our tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of seconds, after which they will easily peel.

Wash the carrots well and grate them.

Also, peel and finely chop the onion. Pour sunflower oil, preferably odorless, into a deep saucepan and begin adding ingredients. Sauté carrots and onions in oil for about 7 minutes, then add tomatoes, sugar and salt.

Leave to simmer covered for 10 minutes.

At this time, we remove the seeds from the sweet pepper, the main ingredient of our preparation, and cut it into strips.

Our home-style lecho will be thick and with a bright, rich taste if you use thick-walled pepper. We also add it to our boiling mixture and simmer again for another 50 minutes.

After this, all that remains is to add vinegar, taste to determine the sufficient amount of salt, and cover with a lid and leave to simmer.

In 10 minutes, delicious homemade lecho is ready.

You can simply pour it into sterilized jars, cool and store. That's all the cooking secrets that have been proven over the years. Enjoy canning lecho at home.

During the season of ripening vegetables, housewives think about homemade preparations, which are relevant during the period of winter vitamin deficiency and colds. One of the most beloved and healthy dishes is lecho, which came to us from Hungary and quickly took root in Russian cuisine. Lecho, which contains tomatoes and bell peppers, is loved by both children and adults. This appetizer is served with vegetables, potatoes, rice, pasta, etc., and each housewife has her own secrets on how to prepare lecho at home. If you want to preserve summer in glass jars, make lecho for the winter, which is pleasant to eat every day and is not a shame to serve as an appetizer on the holiday table.

Secrets of preparing classic lecho

Cooking is not difficult, so even a novice housewife can handle it. It is enough to follow the recommendations of experienced chefs.

Tip 1. Choose the “right” vegetables.

Only ripe, strong, undamaged, fleshy and elastic tomatoes are suitable for lecho. Bell peppers should be large, dense, juicy, without dark spots, flabby or overripe areas. If you decide to use regular tomato paste instead of tomatoes (this is not recommended, but allowed), then buy a high-quality product and do not save money on it, otherwise you will spoil the taste and appearance of the dish. Use fresh or dried aromatic herbs - basil, cilantro, parsley, marjoram and thyme. Interestingly, thanks to dried vegetables, lecho is stored longer than an appetizer prepared with fresh herbs.

Tip 2. Cooking steps: fast and tasty

Wash the peppers, peel them from seeds and cut into strips, half rings or rings. Cut off the “butts” of the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, remove the skin and make a puree from the tomatoes, reminiscent of tomato paste in consistency. If the vegetables are chopped coarsely, the lecho will turn into a savory snack, and the puree-like mass will more closely resemble a sauce.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan (cauldron, duck pot, stewpan), add tomatoes and simmer for 15 minutes, then add peppers to the appetizing mass, bring to a boil, add sugar, salt, dry spices to the lecho and simmer again for 30 minutes, making sure that the pepper remained slightly harsh. Vegetables need to be stewed, not fried, otherwise the dish will be hopelessly spoiled. Five minutes before it’s ready, add fresh herbs and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the puree, and the delicious lecho is ready!

Tip 3. Additional additives.

Despite the fact that the classic recipe is prepared only with tomatoes and peppers, some housewives add honey, onions, garlic, carrots, horseradish, chili peppers, eggplant, celery, zucchini, cinnamon and cloves to the appetizer. This gives the dish new shades of taste and makes it more original. The order in which the vegetables are added is usually indicated in the recipe, although some cooks simmer the vegetables together, stirring them occasionally.

Tip 4. Quality canning

There are no special secrets in canning lecho. It is necessary to sterilize the jars in any way, place the lecho in them, roll up with sterilized lids and leave to cool for a day. During this time, observe the “behavior” of the cans - if they do not leak, it means you did everything correctly, and you can store the snack for up to two years. But it is unlikely that lecho will “live” to such a respectable age, especially if there are many eaters in the family.

It’s nice to gather at the table with the whole family on a winter evening, open a jar of lecho and remember summer. Homemade snacks are much tastier than store-bought canned food and do not contain chemicals, which is especially important for children. Remember the fruitful summer and enjoy its bright and generous gifts!

French-style meat is a win-win dish, whether for a family dinner or for entertaining guests. I like that it is quite easy to prepare. And it turns out delicious... mmm... just amazing!

Today I will tell you about the simplest version of this dish.
Take a piece of meat, wash it, remove the films and excess fat, cut it into pieces 1 cm thick. Beat it (but don’t be too zealous). Sprinkle with salt and your favorite meat spices. I use ready-made pork seasoning.
Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into circles 3-4mm thick. To prevent the potatoes from darkening, before it gets to them, grease them with vegetable oil. I pour 1 tablespoon of oil and mix it with the potato slices with my hands.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Now we need salt, sugar and lemon juice (it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar).

Place the onion in a deep plate, add salt, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. And we begin to lay out the layers of our future dish.

First I put in the potatoes. I salt it. Sometimes (like this time) I sprinkle with ground black pepper.

Then I grease it with mayonnaise. It is convenient to distribute mayonnaise with a silicone brush. I use 1.5-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise per layer of potatoes.

I put the meat on the potatoes. My baking sheet is small, so I have to place the pieces very tightly to each other. Since our meat is already salted and sprinkled with spices, there is no need to salt this layer. Immediately coat the meat with mayonnaise. I also use 1.5-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise for this layer.

Next add the onion. We have already marinated it, so we won’t add salt.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Place grated cheese on top.

Place in the oven for 40-60 minutes. The time depends on the capabilities of your oven. In order not to overcook, it is better to check after 40 minutes whether the meat and potatoes are ready by piercing them with a fork (clear juice should flow out of the meat, and the potatoes should not crunch). Cooks in my oven for 1 hour.

The dish turns out juicy, with a beautiful cheese crust.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.

A baked or pan-fried dish is perfect for decorating a holiday table, as well as for a simple family dinner.

Many housewives wonder what kind of meat is needed for meat in French so that the dinner turns out impeccable, and the family and guests are completely delighted? Let's take a closer look at this question and find out which type of product should be given the most preference, and why does this dish have so many variations?

What kind of meat is suitable for the “Meat in French” dish?

It just so happens that any recipe, even the most traditional one, still acquires all sorts of variations, and therefore each housewife has her own personal opinion about how and what the dish should be prepared from.

It is impossible to say with certainty that a certain type of meat for this French recipe will be a sure-fire choice: someone, for example, cannot tolerate pork at all, and other families do not particularly like chicken. That is why, when choosing a product, you should rely only on your tastes and the preferences of your household.

If we talk about what meat is most often used to bake meat in French, then the leader, of course, will be chicken. Housewives also love to cook this dish from pork.

Beef is used less often for a hearty French dinner - it often turns out dry and tough, and therefore you need to have remarkable culinary experience to make the baked meat juicy and tasty.

Turkey is also not a very common guest in the oven when it comes to French-style meat. But not because the dish turns out to be tasteless, it’s just that turkey meat in our area is generally considered a gourmet type of meat, so it is not eaten too often in an ordinary home. But if you still have this product in the refrigerator, then be sure to try baking it according to our recipe.

French chicken meat: what is the advantage of this variety

Of course, chicken fillet and tender parts of the bird carcass most often appear in the recipe for this dish. Firstly, this product has a lower cost, and secondly, even the most inexperienced housewife can bake chicken in the oven for a French dinner.

Modern women love French chicken fillet for meat also because it is easy to combine with different tastes and experiment with the recipe. Chicken always gets along well with mushrooms, and with any cheese, and with most marinades, vegetables and spices.

Also, instead of mayonnaise, when cooking, to reduce the fat content of the dish, you can use cream - baked chicken will only benefit from this. And if you don’t know how to properly prepare this delicacy, then be sure to take a look at our recipe.

Pork for a classic French meat recipe

Almost everyone loves juicy and tender meat baked with cheese. And the aroma that this treat exudes can whet anyone’s appetite. That is why all classic recipes use pork as a basis.

Of course, it is best to choose parts from a young carcass, ideally the neck. But it won’t be any worse if you cook the meat in French from less tender pieces. It just doesn’t hurt to dip them in the marinade for an hour beforehand – this will make even the toughest pork juicier.

And if guests are on the doorstep, just put the ingredients in the slow cooker. In addition to tips, we will also share with you a simple recipe that everyone will certainly appreciate.
