Tasteless protein. How to make a delicious and healthy protein shake? Make your appearance more aesthetically pleasing

Do you like to drink protein shakes after workouts? If you like their properties, but don't like the typical taste of such a product, these tips will come in handy: they will make drinking such cocktails a much more enjoyable process.

Make your appearance more aesthetically pleasing

When you see food that looks incredibly delicious, you want to try it. This is why advertisements and recipes with photos are so good at attracting attention. If you want your cocktail to be more enjoyable to drink, make it look more appetizing. Use a creatively shaped glass or colored cocktail straw and add sprinkles on top to make it feel more like dessert than protein. Maybe it’s a placebo effect, but it’s really easier to drink this way. Try this method to make cocktails more appealing to you.

Drink chilled

If you've just worked out or are planning to go to work out, you might want to think about your thirst. There's nothing more refreshing than a cold drink. Use cold water to make the cocktail for a more appetizing result, or keep the drink in the refrigerator before drinking. You can also add a few ice cubes to keep the drink cool until the end. Experiment and find the optimal temperature. However, you can try a warm cocktail if you are ready to experiment.

Dilute your drink

The strong taste of protein powder seems off-putting to many people. You can add more water to make the taste less pronounced. You can also try adding a little less powder - you will also notice that the consistency is more pleasant. A less thick drink is much easier to drink. Experiment to find a proportion that tastes good to you.

Use milk

Try making a cocktail not from water, but from milk. Milk can make the taste more pleasant and the consistency more uniform. Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk - you can use different options, even yogurt will do. You can try anything to improve the taste. If you're not sure how you'll like it, add a little at a time to transform the recipe little by little.

Create your favorite flavor

Do you like chocolate or vanilla? If you love chocolate, try the chocolate protein powder. You can use chocolate syrup or vanilla extract to make the drink more enjoyable. Make whatever flavor you want, or even mix different additives. Then you will never be bored and it will be much easier for you to drink a protein shake.

Make the drink sweet

If you add sugar or any other sweetener, the drink will become more appetizing. Brown sugar or honey are also good options, as is stevia. Either way, try not to use too much sweetener. If you make a very sweet drink, its benefits will be much less.

Add peanut butter

Add some peanut butter to the mixture to make it tastier. Peanut butter contains many beneficial nutrients. If you use chocolate or vanilla powder, it makes a particularly good combination.

Make a Protein Shake with Homemade Ingredients

If you don't like store-bought powder at all, try making your own protein mixture. You can use powdered milk as a base, which is rich in nutrients.

Make a fruit smoothie

If you like smoothies, make a fruit-based protein shake. Use frozen bananas as they make a good base for the classic texture of the drink. You can also add strawberries. You can experiment with fresh vegetables too.

Make a protein dessert

You can add protein powder to any homemade dessert, for example, baked goods, replacing part of the flour with the powder. Experiment with dishes to find your favorite combination.

Add more protein

If you don't like protein shakes, try simply adding protein to your diet. Then you simply won't need protein powder!

Many athletes make it a point to study their labels when choosing quality whey protein. A wide variety of information can be found here. One manufacturer is in a hurry to surprise the buyer with the amount of protein per serving, another talks about the features of whey protein. Still others begin to inflate its properties and assure that the athlete will definitely not have any allergies from this powder.

When buying protein, you should know that the label is a sales pitch, which is usually very different from reality.

How to choose a protein

In this article we will talk about how much the taste of protein can tell about its properties and quality. To check the quality of whey protein, you do not need complex machines and testing units. It is enough to have taste buds and be able to draw logical conclusions.

Of course, not all stores offer the opportunity to taste protein, but you should strive for it. If they don’t let you try, look for a store where you can do it. By taste it will immediately become clear what kind of protein product is in front of you and what quality it is.

Protein taste

The first thing we notice when we open a can and taste the protein is how fresh it tastes. The protein itself should look like cream and taste like milk that was just about to be brought into the house. It is unlikely that the taste of milk can be confused with something else. If the protein in the jar smells like something bad and unnatural, like chemicals from a laboratory, this is a sure sign that you are being offered to buy something other than protein. Look only for a product that has the fresh smell of the milk we love since childhood. This way you can never go wrong with quality.

Another important point is the aftertaste. Some proteins leave a bitter aftertaste, which immediately indicates the presence of artificial substances used to sweeten the product. Natural protein with a natural sweetener will never “delight” with such an aftertaste.

Protein composition

You should also be wary of products that contain sugar alcohol. By the way, fructose is no less harmful than artificial sweeteners. If you have tasted the protein and it does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste, and even tastes like milk, this is what you need. Buy without hesitation.

Another important point is balance. Sometimes when you try a protein, you suspect that there is something wrong with the product. Either the milk was boiled, or something else happened while the can was being stored in the warehouse. The taste should be light, fresh, barely noticeable.

If this is not the case, and instead of freshness you feel a strong sweetness or, on the contrary, a strong smell of rotten milk, reject the purchase. Such a protein is not only not useful, it can cause harm because it is spoiled. Manufacturers often try to decorate such protein with tasty additives, but, fortunately, it is very easy to identify and distinguish.

So, what should you look for when you go shopping for whey protein? First, ask the seller to let you smell it, or better yet, try it. Secondly, check the taste and aftertaste. Third, listen to the balance. No one will be your advisor except your own body. Humans are given receptors for this purpose: to distinguish bad from good, and harmful from useful. Use them.

Video on how to check protein quality:

Ditch boring protein powders and get creative! This article contains tips and tricks for creating amazingly nutritious protein powder recipes.

Put the spoon aside for now...

A protein powder recipe doesn't have to be a boring instruction on mixing water and your favorite protein powder. In fact, you can turn them into a miniature meal that's delicious, healthy, and packed with macronutrients.

Before you start discussing the features of preparing mixtures, you need to visit a grocery store and purchase:

  • Heavy cream
  • Whole milk
  • Mascarpone cheese
  • Cream cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • Coconut oil *
  • Almond milk
  • Oatmeal
  • Chocolate milk
  • Orange juice
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Lemons
  • Black chocolate *
  • Coconut*
  • Peanut butter *
  • Almond oil *
  • Cocoa powder*
  • Vanilla extract *
  • Instant coffee *
  • Ground red pepper *
  • Fresh spinach
  • Sugar substitute Splenda *

It was fun, wasn't it? Of course you don't have to buy all of this, it was a joke. This is just advice, just products that will help you make an amazing cocktail.

Half of these products are perishable, the other half may sit on the shelf for some time. Products marked with an asterisk * have a more or less long shelf life.

Let's make a cocktail!

It's time to! I want you to use your imagination! Think about what you like and try making it using a mixer.

Mix it all in a blender and... try it. If the flavor is not strong enough, add more. Yes, it really is that simple!

Here are a few recipes you can try:

  • Banana and Peanut Butter- Protein with bananas and/or peanut butter, bananas fresh, not dried.
  • Chocolate and red pepper- Your favorite chocolate-flavored protein, with the addition of real chocolate and red pepper.
  • Whipped cream- Milk, orange juice and a little heavy cream. Pairs perfectly with vanilla or neutral flavored protein.
  • "Morning Shake"- Protein powder, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, just a little instant (or black) coffee, dark chocolate, whole milk.
  • Cocktail "Exquisite"- Fruit, Greek yogurt, protein powder to taste.
  • "Bulker". Two cups of whole milk, a cup of heavy cream, a tablespoon (or two) of mascarpone, protein powder and flavorings.
  • "Paradise" cocktail- Fresh pineapple in milk, vanilla flavored protein, a little blueberry, a little vanilla extract. Sprinkle with coconut flakes. Of course, there can be an infinite number of combinations. Here are some tips to help you make good protein shakes.

Tip #1: Need calories? The choice is the cream of the crop!
Heavy cream, cream cheese, mascarpone (Italian cream cheese), Greek yogurt are a wonderful way to add flavor, calories, thickness to a protein shake. This is where nuance makes a difference. Add half a cup of heavy cream for every pound of protein, half a stick of cream cheese, a tablespoon or two of mascarpone, or a container of Greek yogurt to your protein shake.

Tip #2 - Create your own whipped peak
Place a cup of heavy cream in a bowl, and separately, mix a little vanilla extract with 1/8 cup Splenda sweetener (you can add more Splenda if it's not sweet enough for you).
Using a mixer, beat the cream until fluffy and until you can set the mixer aside and form a peak.
This is a natural, healthy whipped cream that will enhance any protein shake. They will add taste, calories, and nutritional value to the cocktail.

Tip #3 - Add some chocolate or cocoa powder.
Don't be afraid to add a little dark chocolate or cocoa powder to your fruit-flavored protein. Chocolate goes well with many fruits, including strawberries, bananas and even oranges.

Tip #4 - Add some flair to your protein
Instead of simply shaking your protein into water, mix in fruit, protein powder, Greek yogurt, add a scoop or two of cream cheese or mascarpone, and get yourself some delicious sophistication.

Tip #5 - Add fat
If you're losing weight or on a diet, it can be difficult to find creative ways to add quality fats to your diet. But if you've missed your fat quota or skipped a meal, try adding a little almond milk or coconut oil to your smoothie.

Tip #6 - Add a little peanut butter
If you love peanut (or nut) butter, add a tablespoon or two to your favorite chocolate protein powder.

Tip #7 - Add greens - spinach
It may sound strange, but spinach is present in most healthy protein shake recipes. If you really, really, really hate vegetables, finely chop a golf ball-sized portion of spinach. Add this to a cocktail, stir and drink. Chances are you won't even notice it in the cocktail.

Tip #8 - Sweeten with Splenda
If the smoothie lacks sweetness or flavor, add a little Splenda to the blender.

Tip #9 - Use instant or regular coffee
Make a protein coffee drink. Add your favorite protein powder to your coffee, experiment with other flavors - vanilla extract, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, almond milk, heavy cream, etc. You can even freeze the smoothie and add refreshing ice cubes to your coffee drink.


Eating healthy, building muscle, and/or losing weight is not synonymous with “bad eating.” Take a good look at what other options you haven't tried and ask yourself how they could be paired with a cocktail.

Make a list of food combinations you like and try using them in a smoothie. Don't be afraid to make mistakes in the kitchen. Every recipe, no matter how wonderful it is, requires a little modification during the preparation process.

Last but not least, don't be afraid of foods you've never eaten or cooked. If they are popular, there is a reason for it, and if you combine them correctly, you can get a simply great protein shake.

Protein powders help you build muscle mass, replenish energy costs and speed up the recovery process after strenuous workouts. Unfortunately, many protein powders have a rather unpleasant taste, and you often have to literally force yourself to take them. However, without much effort, you can incorporate protein powder into your diet in a way that you can enjoy. There are many ways to enhance the taste of protein powder by making it into various shakes and incorporating it into meals.


Making protein shakes

    Select the appropriate liquid. Some people prefer clear, light drinks because they can be consumed quickly. Others like thicker shakes because they mask the taste of the powder more effectively. You may want to experiment with different consistency cocktails to see which ones work best for you. Most often, one scoop of powder is dissolved in a glass (250 grams) of liquid, but you can add less or more powder, resulting in a thinner or thicker solution, respectively. You can also try diluting the powder in various liquids:

    Add sweetener. Sugar has significant effects on the human brain. Research has shown that sugar produces dopamine, a substance responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward in the brain. The release of dopamine causes a feeling of satisfaction and can increase short-term motivation. Along with this positive effect, sugar also dampens unpleasant tastes. Try adding a couple of teaspoons of sugar, honey, chocolate syrup, glucose or maltodextrin to your smoothie. However, if you're limiting your sugar intake, try healthier options:

    • Peanut butter will sweeten the smoothie and thicken it.
    • Freshly squeezed or store-bought fruit juices will not only sweeten your smoothie, but also provide your body with vitamins and dietary fiber. Banana works well because it has a strong flavor and thick juice. Avoid adding citrus juice to milk-based cocktails as the milk may curdle.
    • If you just want to make your cocktail sweeter without changing its taste, use artificial sweeteners. For example, sucralose (Splenda) or Stevia will help sweeten the drink without adding extra calories.
  1. Consider using stronger products to change the taste. If tea and sugar aren't enough to correct the taste of the powder, you have other options. Add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder or vanilla to the drink. You can try adding half a teaspoon of any spice with a strong aroma, such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Another option is sugar-free syrups intended for making drinks - they will add a pleasant taste to the cocktail without changing its consistency.

    • Mixed flavors can also help hide the taste of protein powder better. Try adding the juice of several fruits, such as strawberries and bananas. Or dilute a spoonful of some syrup and add a little vanilla.
    • Experiment with different combinations to see what works best for you.
  2. Add yogurt to the drink - this will thicken and sweeten it. Some prefer yogurt-based smoothies, while others can't stand them. Try this cocktail a couple of times to find out if you like its thick consistency or if you find it difficult to take a sip or two. Just add a spoonful of yogurt to the smoothie, or frozen yogurt if you want to make something similar to a popsicle dessert.

    Prepare a smoothie with ice in a blender. Some people feel less of the protein powder flavor if the protein shake is properly chilled. Blending ice into a protein shake will thicken the smoothie a little, but not as much as adding yogurt or peanut butter.

    Try making a vegetable smoothie with a zesty taste. The thought of a kale smoothie is disgusting to some, but you may enjoy it if you like a variety of juices. Many green vegetables work well with protein powder, from spinach and spirulina kelp powder to zucchini squash. A tablespoon of nuts or some seeds will make the smoothie thicker and more flavorful. To offset the acidity and add a little sweetness to the cocktail, you can add finely chopped fruit, such as bananas or strawberries.

    Buy a good blender. The worst thing is when there are undissolved lumps of protein powder left in the shake. If you do not use a blender for other purposes, a simple machine designed to prepare one serving at a time will do just fine.

    • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend at high speed until the solution is completely smooth and free of lumps.
    • For smoothies containing solids, use the grind function if available on your blender.
    • If you don't have access to a blender, place all ingredients in a tightly sealed container and shake for a long time. You can also make mixing easier by heating the mixture in a microwave or conventional oven.
    • You can also purchase a special container (shaker) for preparing sports nutrition - its design helps crush lumps. This shaker will allow you to prepare cocktails as well as in an expensive blender.
  3. Try some popular cocktails. Many people like to experiment with different ingredients, choosing combinations that suit them. However, if you want to make a protein shake right away, you can try one of these classic options:

    • Peanut Butter and Honey Shake: Mix one scoop of protein powder, a glass of ice, a glass of milk or milk substitute, 1/8 cup peanut butter and 1/8 cup honey. If desired, you can also add half a ripe banana and/or a square of dark chocolate.
    • Fruit smoothie: Mix one scoop of protein powder, a cup of vanilla yogurt, three to four strawberries, one ripe banana, 1/2 cup of milk or milk substitute and a handful of ice cubes. Please note that citrus fruits make milk protein formulas less effective.
    • Nut Spice Drink: Mix one scoop of protein powder, ½ cup berries, ⅓ cup chopped nuts, tablespoon cocoa powder, ¼ tablespoon ground cinnamon and one to two cups milk or milk substitute. If desired, you can improve the taste and consistency of the shake by adding ½ cup of oatmeal.

    Adding Protein Powder to Meals

    1. Sprinkle flavored protein powder into sweet dishes. If you exercise actively and regularly, you deserve to be rewarded with something tasty from time to time. Add some protein powder to cookies, pies and cakes.

      • Replace cocoa powder in baking with chocolate-flavored protein powder. One scoop of this powder is equivalent to about 1/4 cup of cocoa powder.
      • If the recipe doesn't call for cocoa powder, you can add a scoop of unflavored protein powder to your baked goods. Start by adding half a scoop and see what happens.
    2. Use protein glaze for baking. Some people love this glaze, while others can't stand it. Either way, it's worth a try! Add protein powder to yogurt or a very small amount of water or milk to create a thick “glaze.” Then apply it to muffins or other foods, and this way you will consume the required amount of protein powder while hiding the taste!

      Mix protein powder into thick dishes. These foods include oatmeal, pies and puddings, yogurt, and applesauce—all of which are great at masking the taste of protein powder. These dishes moisten and dissolve the powder so you don't have to use a blender. Just stir thoroughly until the protein powder is completely dissolved.

      Make mini peanut butter protein muffins. In a blender, combine one scoop of flavored protein powder, one scoop of vanilla ice cream and a full tablespoon of peanut butter. Pour the resulting mass into small molds - for example, molds for freezing ice - then put them in the refrigerator for several hours so that the mass hardens.

      • Chocolate flavored protein powder is best for this, but other flavors, such as cinnamon, will work.

    Choosing the Most Enjoyable Protein Powder

    1. Check out online reviews of different brands of powders and their flavor profiles. Protein powders are obtained from many foods, including milk, egg whites and vegetarian foods. Therefore, different types of protein powder can vary greatly in taste. Before purchasing the powder, take the time to read about protein powders online. Relevant information can be found on many websites and forums dedicated to health, active lifestyle and bodybuilding, where visitors discuss the advantages and disadvantages of certain protein powders.
