Kefir pie with currants. Recipes for pies with currants (fresh and frozen). Berry jellied pie based on kefir with black currants

Greetings to all food lovers!
I recently made a pie using a new recipe for myself, I liked the taste of this berry pie and, moreover, the speed of preparation. I am pleased to share with you a recipe for a quick pie with black and red currants.
It takes very little time to prepare, and while the cake is baking you can do other things.
You can use both fresh and frozen berries. Since this is not the berry season, my recipe calls for frozen black and red currants.
I freeze the berries in the summer and then use them in the winter for baking, compotes, and just like that.
For the filling, I used a mixture of red and black currants, but in general, you can use any berry.

Prepare the dough.
Break three eggs into a bowl, add a glass of sugar.

Beat the eggs and sugar until white with a mixer and add 70 grams of butter (or margarine for baking) and a glass of kefir.

Continue beating and add flour and baking powder, beat until smooth.

The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
Grease a baking dish with oil and pour out the dough.

Pour the berries on top and lightly crush them

And then add another layer of currants, without crushing them, and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees, I got 1 hour 15 minutes. Readiness was determined with a regular toothpick.
I cooked the pie late in the evening, after the pie was cooked, I did not immediately remove it from the oven, I simply turned off the oven and left the pie there until the morning.
View of the pie in the morning

I sprinkled a little powdered sugar on top of the cake.

The taste of the pie turned out to be very tender, soft, not too sweet (after all, currants are a sour berry), somewhat even reminiscent of the taste of cheesecake, very juicy and berry. You could even put fewer berries, but it depends on the taste and color, as they say.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.

    To prepare a pie with kefir and currants, we need a lot of simple ingredients. First of all, it’s kefir and flour. Currant or other berry. It is best to take the berries frozen, ready in the package. This is a guarantee of a pure product. You will also need two chicken eggs, a little soda and very little salt, ground cinnamon, 5 tablespoons of sugar, vegetable oil for greasing the mold and sour cream for finishing the pie on top.

    A blender is best for mixing all ingredients. Previously, I used the “heavy artillery” stationary blender from Panasonic. Now I have a Maxwell immersion blender with a power of 700 watts. That's enough. To prepare the batter, it is advisable to use a tall container with transparent walls. This allows you to see the flour stuck to the walls and stir it. Pour a glass of kefir into a container, beat in the eggs, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour in half a teaspoon of soda, which you don’t have to quench with vinegar - sour kefir will do its job.

    Use an immersion blender and mix all the products until smooth. This takes a few minutes.

    Add flour to the dough container and mix with a blender. This task is more difficult, but the device solves it quite well. It is necessary to pause and allow time for the electric motor of the kitchen appliance to cool down. There should be no flour residues on the walls of our container, and the minimum of small lumps is allowed in the dough.

    Grease the pie pan (suitable frying pan) with vegetable oil and pour out the dough, which has the thickness of good sour cream. Pour the resulting dough into the mold.

    Sprinkle currants directly onto the dough. You can add a little sugar. We try to distribute the berries evenly over the surface of the pie.

    Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the kefir pie with currants for 30 minutes. This is conditional time! You need to be close to the cake, especially during the final stages of baking. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool in the pan.

    While the pie is hot, generously grease its surface with butter and sprinkle with a mixture of ground cinnamon and sugar. In this form, the pie can be considered ready and served. But we go further in understanding the tastes of home-baked goods.

    Remove the cooled pie from the pan onto a plate. Beat 4 tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of sugar. Coat the top of the pie.

    Now the homemade kefir pie with currants is finally ready. You can serve pieces of pie with tea and get well-deserved pleasure from its aroma and taste.

Measure out the required amount of ingredients. Prepare a baking dish. If you are using a metal mold, line it with baking paper greased with a small amount of sunflower oil. The currants for the filling must be washed and separated from the brushes. It is allowed to use frozen berries, in which case they need to be thawed.

Place sugar in a bowl and break the egg. If desired, you can add a little vanilla for flavor. Mix the ingredients with a whisk or mixer. It is desirable that most of the sugar crystals melt and the mass whitens slightly due to air bubbles.

Add butter or margarine, which must first be melted. The oil should be slightly warm, but not hot, otherwise the egg may curdle, which will negatively affect the final result. Next, add kefir, preferably at room temperature; peroxided milk can also be used. Mix everything again.

Place the sifted flour mixed with baking soda into a bowl and knead the dough. Its consistency should resemble good thick sour cream, that is, it should slowly flow off a spoon. Squeeze the juice from a piece of lemon and stir the mixture again. At this stage, it is important to pour it into a special mold in time, otherwise all the carbon dioxide that is formed during the interaction of lemon juice and soda will evaporate. And this will lead to the fact that the cake will not be airy enough. Lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid, only in this case it must be added at the initial stage, along with sugar.

Pour the dough into the mold, distribute currants or any other berries evenly over the surface. Place in an oven preheated to 180-200°C to bake. After 20-30 minutes, depending on the oven, the pie will be ready. Check the readiness of the cake using a toothpick, piercing it at the highest point. If the wooden skewer remains dry, without pieces of sticky dough, then it’s time to remove the pie.

Take it out, let the dough cool slightly and remove it from the mold. If desired, the top can be dusted with powdered sugar. To ensure that it is evenly distributed on top, use a special strainer or flour sieve. You can serve the pie warm, and if it has time to cool down, it’s okay, its taste won’t get any worse. Warm tea goes best with baking: black, green or herbal with a slice of lemon. Enjoy your tea!

This pie can be baked with any berries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries, since mine like it sour, I bake with blackcurrants. The berries can be fresh or frozen - the choice is yours.

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 cups flour (200 g cups)
  • 2 cups frozen blackcurrants
  • A little butter to grease the pan

Beat the eggs with sugar until thick foam (the more you beat the eggs, the fluffier the cake will be),

add flour and knead the dough.

Pour currants into the dough (without defrosting!)

mix well, place in a greased pan (you can also line the bottom of the pan with baking paper)

and place in an oven preheated to 180 - 200 C for 35 - 40 minutes. To prevent the dough from shrinking, try not to open the oven for the first 20-25 minutes while the pie is baking. Check readiness with a dry wooden toothpick or match.

Recipe 2: curd pie with black currants

  • shape – Ø 25 cm
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 150 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 ml sour cream
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese (the fattier the better)
  • 100 g sugar
  • 80 ml sour cream
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons starch (can be replaced with flour)
  • 300 g black currants
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling
  • Blackcurrant pie recipe:
  1. Mix flour with baking powder. Add chopped cold butter and rub into crumbs with your hands.
  2. Add sugar and sour cream and knead into a soft dough.
  3. Place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  4. At this time, prepare the filling. Grind the cottage cheese and sugar immediately in a blender. (Or if you don’t have a blender, grind through a sieve and then mix with sugar.) Add sour cream, starch, vanilla sugar and mix. If the curd mass is thick, 1 tbsp is enough. l. starch, otherwise add two.
  5. Wash the blackcurrants and drain all the water thoroughly.
  6. Grease a Ø 25 cm baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. I used a cast iron skillet without a handle. Or you can take silicone muffin tins - you’ll get small baskets instead of a pie.
  7. Using your hands, spread the dough along the bottom of the pan so that you get sides 4 cm high. Prick with a fork in several places.
  8. Place the curd filling.

  9. Sprinkle with black currants and sugar on top.
  10. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 25-30 minutes.

Only cut the currant pie when it has cooled completely! It tastes great cold, even the next day. Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar before serving.

Recipe 3: blackcurrant puff pastry pie

This dessert turns out so delicious, with a crispy crust that melts in your mouth and a pleasant sweet and sour filling.

For the test

  • Flour – 500 grams
  • Butter – 400 grams
  • Cold water – 200 grams
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.

For filling

  • Currant
  • Apples – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar to taste

First we need to make the base for the pie and for this we will prepare instant puff pastry. If you want, you can do it easier and buy ready-made dough in the store and immediately start making the pie.

Pour very cold water into a cup. You can first keep the water in the refrigerator. Add egg, salt, lemon juice to the water and stir the mixture thoroughly.

Pour the flour onto the table and grate the butter into it, then stir it into crumbs with your hands.

Make a well in the middle of the crumbs and pour the liquid into it in small portions, constantly stirring the mass with your hands. There is no need to knead the dough; it needs to be collected by hand into a homogeneous mass.

After this, wrap the dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. As you can see, the dough really cooks very quickly, but you still need to prepare it in advance. You can store this dough in the refrigerator for about a week.

Now let's start making the pie.

Divide the puff pastry into 2 parts and roll out one part and place in the pan, removing excess dough around the edges.

Pour the beans into the dough, level it out and put it in the oven for 8 minutes.

At this time, peel the apples and cut them into small slices. Add sugar to taste and 2 tablespoons of starch to the currants and mix.

Roll out the second part of the dough into a thin layer and cut into thin strips.

Remove the crust from the oven, let it cool slightly and remove the beans. Place apple slices on top and sprinkle lightly with sugar.

Pour currants over the berries and spread them evenly over the surface.

Place strips of dough on top in the form of a mesh. Brush the top with beaten egg and sprinkle with a little sugar.

We bake our pie with apples and currants at 200C for about 20 minutes. When the pie is ready, let it cool and you can serve it for tea.

Recipe 4: open-faced blackcurrant shortbread pie

  • Black currant (300 g.)
  • Chicken egg (3 pcs.)
  • Wheat flour (260 g.)
  • Butter (120 g.)
  • Potato starch (2 tablespoons)
  • Sour cream 15% fat (210 g)
  • Sugar(170 g)
  • Vanilla sugar (10 g.)

In principle, instead of blackcurrants, you can use any berries, a mixture of them, or even other fruits, and you will always get a delicious, aromatic pie, for which you will definitely be thanked.

First you need to prepare the base for the pie; this is what takes up most of the cooking time (except for the baking itself). To do this, sift the flour into a large bowl or container. Add 75 grams of sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar (10 grams. Can be replaced with vanilla, vanilla flavoring).

Cut the cold butter into cubes. Add butter to flour and mix into fine crumbs. It’s more convenient to do this with a mixer, but I had to knead with my hands.

Add egg and 1 tablespoon flour. Stir and knead the dough, which should not stick to your hands. If necessary, add a little flour. Wrap the resulting dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. My dough was in the cold for a little over an hour.

After the specified time, remove the dough. Roll it out and put it in the mold. I did it differently: I tore off pieces from the dough and “sculpted” the base for the pie; the dough looked like soft plasticine. Make small sides (of course, it’s better and more convenient to use a springform pan, but I still don’t have one). Prick the resulting cake with a fork and bake for about 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Wash the blackcurrants, sort them, remove excess branches. Divide the currants into two parts. Mix one part with a tablespoon of sugar.

Prepare the fill. To do this, mix 200 milliliters of sour cream, 2 eggs, starch and 60 grams of sugar with a whisk.

First place the berries mixed with sugar on the semi-finished cake. Place the remaining currants on top.

Sprinkle the berries with 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Pour the prepared filling on top. Bake the pie for about 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Remove the finished pie from the oven and let it cool. The filling should be frozen, not liquid.

Serve the pie warm or cold. This is how the beautiful aromatic pie turned out, the berries are all whole, so the pie has a pleasant sourness. Moderately sweet, very tender and disappears very quickly 🙂 Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: blackcurrant pie in a slow cooker

  • Chicken egg (3 pcs.)
  • Sugar (1 cup)
  • Premium wheat flour (1 cup)
  • Black currant (100 g.)
  • Potato starch (1 tbsp)
  • Butter (1 teaspoon)

The pie turned out amazingly delicious. The dough is simple, a minimum of ingredients, maximum benefits and pleasure. The dough is prepared like a charlotte pie.

Beat three eggs with a mixer for two minutes. Next, add a glass of sugar, add gradually and beat for 7-10 minutes.

Be sure to sift the flour. We have a pie without baking powder, so we saturate the flour with oxygen. Thanks to sifted flour and well-beaten eggs, the dough becomes airy.

Currant berries, I have them frozen, roll in starch, or you can replace it with flour. I did this so that the currants would not sink to the bottom, but would be on top of the pie.

Place the dough in a greased bowl with butter. Sprinkle blackcurrants on top of the dough.

Set to “baking” mode and bake for 45 minutes

After the cooking time has passed, the currant pie is ready. Bon appetit.

Recipe 6: blackcurrant pie with kefir

  • Chicken egg (3 pcs.)
  • Kefir (1 cup)
  • Sugar (1.5 cups)
  • Butter (100 g.)
  • Baking soda (1 teaspoon)
  • Wheat flour (2 cups)
  • Vanilla sugar (10 g.)
  • Black currant (200 g.)

1. Pour the semolina into a suitable plate, mix with kefir and let it brew for 20 minutes.

2. In a bowl for subsequent kneading of dough, beat the eggs, add baking powder and pour in the butter, which should be melted, not just softened.

3. After mixing the products again, add flour and sugar to them and mix again until the mass is homogeneous.

4. Post the semolina.

5. Gently stir it into the dough.

6. Pour in the clean berries and stir one last time, carefully and slowly so as not to crush the blackcurrants in the dough.

7. Grease the mold with oil, lay out the semolina.

8. Set the time and temperature for baking within 50 minutes and 180 degrees, this is if your oven is working perfectly.

My oven is crazy and spoiled the shape of the baked goods a little, and perhaps it was my fault. No, the pyro-manna with kefir was well baked and didn’t burn at all, but during baking the center began to rise. There are many opinions and advice about this opportunity. Here's what I found, maybe it will be useful for you too.

Firstly, the mold should not be completely greased with oil, meaning right up to the sides. Only the bottom needs to be lubricated.

Secondly, this can happen due to high temperature (this is my fault).

Third, there is a culinary secret that I learned about after cooking and next time I will definitely try it, but if anyone is familiar with it, write in the comments whether it works or not. Before putting the mold with the dough in the oven, you need to use a wooden spatula to make two cuts in a cross, directly touching the bottom of the mold and, as it were, pushing the dough to the sides.
