Puff pie with canned fish. Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry. How to make fish pie from canned pink salmon

Often you need to whip up something, pamper your family with hearty pastries, or put a delicious treat on the table for tea for your guests. I have one proven recipe that always helps out when guests are on the doorstep. This is a puff pastry pie with canned fish. Of course, I always have some in the freezer for pie.

In addition to canned fish, by the way, you can add anything you like to such a pie - meat, liver, potatoes with fried onions, rice with eggs, and so on.

So, let's prepare a quick fish pie in a hurry.

Ingredients for canned fish pie:

  • 1 sheet of yeast-free dough (500 g)
  • 1 can of canned fish in oil
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • butter – 1 tbsp.

Puff pastry pie with canned fish - step by step preparation

To prepare fish pie, you need to defrost it in advance.

To do this, place it on a floured table, cover with a clean towel and leave until completely thawed.

Drain the oil (or liquid) from the canned fish, remove the spines from the fish pieces, and break the pieces themselves with a fork. You can also knead them, then the filling will be softer.

Chop the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Stew the vegetables in a small amount of butter (you can use vegetable oil, but butter tastes better).

Mix fish, onions with carrots and spices. The filling for the puff pastry pie with canned fish is ready!

Roll out the defrosted layer of puff pastry. Place canned fish filling in the middle.

Fold the dough on both sides as shown in the photo.

Cut the rest of the dough into strips on both sides.

And wrap the puff pastry pie with canned fish in a braid, as in the photo.

Beat the egg with a fork and brush the surface of the fish pie with a brush.

Preheat the oven to 180 gr. Place the pie on parchment paper and place in the oven.

Lately, my favorite type of dough has become puff pastry, from which any baked product turns out incredibly fluffy, tasty and beautiful. Moreover, this dough is quite inexpensive, and you can cook from it whatever your stomach desires. One of the fillings that my household loves is. Today we will use it to create a culinary masterpiece in the form of snail pies. Such pies are quite easy to make (if, of course, you are not lazy), and they are simply eaten with lightning speed.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

So, we stock up on the following products:

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

a jar of canned fish (I have saury) in oil or its own juice
half a cup of rice
ground pepper
half a kilo of puff pastry
a little flour and margarine

We have prepared and bought the products, let’s start creating pies from ready-made puff pastry according to the photo recipe, step by step in detail:

Let's prepare the filling. Fry chopped onion in margarine (chop each one to taste, we like it very finely).

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

We open a jar of canned food and remove the bones from each piece of fish (otherwise it’s not very pleasant when they crunch on your teeth).

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

Boil the rice until cooked and place it in a colander (or sieve). Mash the fish thoroughly with a fork.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

Mix rice, fish, fried onions in a cup, season with pepper and salt, and stir.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website
Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

We make pies. While we were preparing the filling for our pies, the puff pastry had already slowly thawed and risen. I have a rectangular dough in the package, folded in half. Divide it into 2 squares, roll each of them thinly into a rectangle and cut along the narrow side into strips 6 centimeters wide. Don’t forget to sprinkle the table lightly with flour - this makes the dough easier to roll out.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

Place the filling in a line in the center of the strips and carefully pinch the edges of the dough, forming “sausages.”

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

Then we roll each “sausage” inward with a spiral (snail) seam.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

Place our snail pies on a baking sheet, brush with egg mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and bake in the oven (220°C) for about 25 minutes.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website
Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

These pies are made from the most delicate puff pastry and are incredibly soft and beautiful.

Snail made from puff pastry: pies with canned fish made from ready-made puff pastry on the website

They are simply incomparable in both appearance and taste!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today I suggest you prepare a wonderful puff pastry pie with canned fish, which can be served as a main dish for dinner or as a snack on the holiday table. You have no idea how tasty it is, and most importantly, how fast it is. But once you try this dish, you will cook it quite often, I know this from my own experience. Moreover, its preparation does not require any special expenses, either time or financial, the products are absolutely affordable and simple, and even a schoolchild can cope with the technological processes.
The fact is that I found this recipe in my mother’s old notebook, and I remembered that sometimes she prepared such a snack. But not as often as we would like, because for this it was necessary to tinker with the preparation of the real thing for a long time. I decided to simplify my task, since now you can easily buy any frozen dough in the store. Thus, the time for preparing this wonderful snack was reduced literally several times. Judge for yourself, the preparatory processes to prepare the filling and roll out the finished dough only take 5-10 minutes, and the baking process itself takes 25-30 minutes. Now, having made some simple mathematical calculations, we find that within an hour you can put such a delicious fish pie on the table and treat yourself and your household to a hearty, original taste.
And this is achieved thanks to a simple but very interesting filling of raw potatoes, canned fish and a filling of hard cheese and chicken eggs. As a result of baking, we get a pie with a crispy dough and a juicy filling of potatoes and fish under a cheese crust.


- canned fish (saury, pink salmon, tuna) - 1 can
- sheet dough (puff pastry) - 500 g
- potato tubers - 5-6 pcs.
- hard cheese - 100 g
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- salt, spices

How to cook with photos step by step

Take the dough out of the freezer and defrost completely. In the meantime, let's start with the filling.
Peel the potato tubers, wash, dry with a napkin and cut into thin slices.

Next, grind the hard cheese on a coarse grater and mix with salt.

We take the canned fish out of the can and mash it with a fork.
Now roll out the dough, very carefully and only in one direction, and place it on a greased baking sheet. Heat with a fork.

Now we place the fish on top of it and distribute it evenly throughout the dough.

Next, lay out a layer of potato slices.
Fill the potatoes with egg and cheese filling.

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. As soon as we see a golden brown crust, you can take out the pie and serve it to the table.

It is also easy and tasty to prepare

Baking with canned fish is easy and quick to prepare, especially if you use lighter puff pastry rather than heavy yeast dough. Delicate and tasty layer cake with canned fish has a delicious crispy crust. It can be potato or rice.

Layered pie with canned fish, potatoes or rice is prepared quickly


Puff pastry 500 grams Potato 4 pieces) Saira in oil (canned) 1 jar Bulb onions 1 piece(s) Unsalted butter 30 grams Refined vegetable oil 1 tbsp.

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Preparation time: 50 minutes
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Layer pie with canned fish and potatoes

Potatoes as a second component for fish filling are a traditional option for Russian cuisine. Instead of saury, you can take any canned fish. If you are planning a small puff pastry pie with canned fish, the amount of ingredients can be halved.

How to cook:

Boil the potatoes and condemn them completely. Cut into thin circles no more than 3 mm thick. Chop the onion into cubes or half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Remove large bones from the fish and mash with juice.

Divide the dough into 2/3, and from a larger plate roll out a thin flat cake to the size of the baking dish. The thickness of the cake is no more than ½ cm. Wipe the mold with a napkin soaked in vegetable oil. Carefully transfer the dough layer. First spread the potato slices over the entire surface, then the fried onions, then the fish filling. Place a piece of butter in the center.

Roll out the remaining dough just as thinly, cover the filling and seal the edges. Make a cut in the center of the pie with a knife or prick it in several places with a fork. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 35-40 minutes until the crust is browned. Depending on the characteristics of the oven, the cooking time or baking temperature can be increased.

Layered pie with canned fish and rice

The filling of this pie includes three main components: fish, boiled rice and eggs. The result is a tender and satisfying filling that goes well with crispy puff pastry. The given recipe for layer pie with canned fish allows you to prepare a dish for a small family. For a large company, you need to double the amount of ingredients.


  • 500 g puff pastry without yeast;
  • 1 b. any canned fish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. white boiled rice;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Finely chop the eggs. Fry the onion for 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil until transparent. Mash the fish, removing the bones and draining the liquid. Combine rice with eggs and melted butter.

Roll out two layers of dough into flat cakes ½ cm thick. Grease the pan with the remaining oil and transfer the first flat cake there. Arrange the filling in the following order: rice with egg, onion, fish. Cover with a second layer of dough, connect the edges, and prick with a fork in 5-6 places. Bake for 35 minutes. at temperatures from 180° to 200°C.

Baking from puff pastry with canned fish turns out tasty and satisfying. Pies can be served warm or cold with tea or coffee.
