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Makeup for a turquoise dress

You can create a decent make-up for a turquoise outfit in different ways. There is a scheme for its implementation, which uses three turquoise shades:

  • light turquoise
  • mid tone turquoise
  • dark turquoise.
  • The saturation of the applied shades can be completely different; this will largely depend on what time of day the make-up for the turquoise outfit is performed for.

    To work, you need to stock up on three special brushes:

  • in the form of a regular applicator
  • brush that will be used for shading
  • with a thin brush to create clear lines.
  • Actions must be performed in the following order:

  • Apply light shadows under the eyebrow and blend them down
  • Using a medium shade, draw a “lying” letter “V” over the moving part of the eyelid and slightly move the outer corner higher and further from the bridge of the nose. This achieves the effect of enlarging the eyes and lifting the eyelids.
  • Apply the darkest tone to the area of ​​the moving eyelid, and then draw a clear line at the very roots of the eyelashes of the upper eyelid
  • blend sharp transitions. moving the brush to the upper outer part of the eyelid
  • For the lower eyelid and inner eyelids, use light silver or shimmery white shadows. They should be taken very little and applied very carefully.
  • lipstick for this make-up should be selected from natural tones in accordance with the girl’s skin type: peach, brownish or pale pink shades. The blush should match it in tone. In this case, the make-up will be as harmonious as possible.
  • Other variations worthy of attention:

    1. A woman in a turquoise dress can easily become a fatal beauty if her make-up and manicure are done in black. This can be achieved using a charcoal shade of rich consistency, as well as all kinds of gray shades. The main thing in this case is not to forget about the structural features of a woman’s face, because, for example, small eyes should not be outlined with black arrows.
    2. You can safely use silver tones to create make-up. They are applied as a contour or to cover the corners of the eyelids. Light and shimmering silver tones can be applied to the outer part of the eyelid and under the eyebrow - this will give the girl a fresh and open look.
    3. The beige-brown color scheme is perfect for creating an innocent, romantic image of a woman in a turquoise outfit, as well as a more languid and even sexy one. Nude makeup with natural tones will make a woman irresistible in everyday life. A dark tone in this case can be used to draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes, this will give the look expressiveness. Brown-eyed people can choose any variant of brown shades, but not those that can be called red.
    4. Always go bold with turquoise and purple, but remember that it has the ability to highlight your tiredness. So it’s better to foresee everything in advance - both the base for the make-up and the tone.
    5. You shouldn’t give up green tones in your makeup for a turquoise outfit, however, under such circumstances you need to be extremely careful. The fact is that make-up in green shades will be appropriate only if the turquoise on the dress has a green tint.

    But here you can experiment - perhaps make-up in green tones will suit a woman’s green or hazel eyes. It is better to choose a cold green tone for makeup, but a warm one is suitable for a dark-skinned woman in a turquoise dress - everything is very individual and requires experimentation.

    Important nuances

    There is an opinion that a combination of pink makeup with a turquoise outfit will create a too frivolous image, but even in this case it’s worth experimenting - perhaps this combination will look quite harmonious and impressive on some women.

    In the classic version, it is recommended to use blue and cyan tones, which have a slight hint of turquoise. This effect can be easily achieved, for example, by mixing blue eyeshadow with turquoise (you only need a drop of it).

    This make-up is most suitable for blondes. But there should still not be too much blue; it is recommended to use transitional shades and carefully shade the boundaries.

    If you listen to the advice of knowledgeable people, professionals in their field, then your makeup will look just perfect and will perfectly complement your look in a turquoise dress:

    1. It is advisable to line the eyes using a light gray or silver pencil. The line you draw should be thin and very neat.
    2. The shade of mascara you can choose is not necessarily just black. In this case, gray, brownish or even sand colors may be more appropriate for makeup. Colored turquoise mascara will also look harmonious, but only if it matches the tone of the dress.
    3. Do not apply a lot of blush - just to slightly highlight the cheekbones.
    4. If you want a make-up in turquoise tones, use a pencil of this shade to outline the arrows on the upper eyelids and slightly emphasize the lower ones. For shadows, choose exclusively beige shades.
    5. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because everything is learned by comparison, and what doesn’t suit one woman may look as organic and attractive as possible on another. If your favorite shade doesn’t harmonize with the dress, but you can’t refuse it, you can experiment and make it an interesting accent in your look.
    6. Mastery comes with experience. and the more often you try different options in creating makeup, the sooner you will learn to make your image truly beautiful - stunning, bright and unique.

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    Choosing makeup for a turquoise dress

    Rich turquoise color is the choice of bright and bold girls. A dress of this shade is perfect for both cold (summer, winter) and warm color types (spring, autumn). A turquoise outfit will turn a blonde into a sea mermaid, and a brunette into an oriental beauty.

    To make a dress of this shade highlight your beauty, choose the right makeup palette. Preference should be given to light pastel or dark muted colors. Bright and rich lipstick and shadows will create a vulgar and defiant image.

    To properly apply makeup for a turquoise dress. You should know a few tricks that professional stylists use to achieve the perfect look:

  • if you want to line your eyes, draw a thin line with a light gray or silver pencil
  • To complete your makeup, use brown (for brunettes) or dark sand (for blondes) mascara
  • blush should barely noticeably highlight the cheekbone line
  • if desired, you can use turquoise or blue color for eye makeup - highlight the contour with a pencil of this shade and emphasize the upper eyelid with beige shadows
  • lipstick should be chosen in soft pink or neutral tones.
  • Daytime look

    The turquoise color has more than 10 shades, some of them (light turquoise, turquoise pearl, sky turquoise, robin egg blue) are perfect for the office dress code. Having picked up correct makeup under a turquoise dress in a casual style, you will not be left without the admiring glances of your colleagues.

    Option 1: nude makeup under a turquoise dress

    As you can see in the photo, “naked” make-up involves a minimum of cosmetics and a maximum of naturalness. The main task of such makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty of a woman’s face and hide minor skin imperfections.

    The following tips will help you choose the right shades:

    1. For brunettes, it is preferable to use matte eye shadow in beige or cream color for eye makeup. You can highlight the lash line with a black pencil.
    2. For lips, a clear gloss or light brown matte lipstick is ideal.
    3. You should not use blush - it will give your face an unnatural texture.
    4. To prevent your face from looking too pale, highlight your eyebrows with a pencil.
    5. The shade of foundation should be perfectly matched to the natural color of your skin and have a light texture.
    6. For owners of blue, green and gray eyes, shades of cool tones are suitable.
    7. Brown and bright green eyes will be emphasized by warm, deep shades.

    Option 2: makeup with arrows under a turquoise dress

    If you think that the previous option is not expressive enough, black eyeliner will add elegance to nude makeup. The main rule of applying it is not to overdo it. A thin, neat line along the upper eyelid is enough to create a slight trick in the eyes.

    Evening look with a turquoise dress

    For holiday makeup, you can use bolder options. But you should remember that those that focus on the eyes will look advantageous.

    Option 1: in black

    This makeup for a turquoise dress is suitable for bright, dark and very dark shades of the material. Black shadows make the look fatal and mysterious. For a festive party, you can add silver tones to your look; this color should be used to highlight the inner corners of the eyes and the area under the eyebrows.

    Option 2: in lilac colors

    In order for lilac eye shadow to harmoniously combine with a turquoise outfit, you need to choose products with a creamy or matte texture. To make your look look flawless, you need to create the perfect skin tone - the presence of dark circles and capillaries under the eyes will make your face look tired. A highlighter will help give your eyes a fresh look.

    Option 3: pink

    If you want to create a look like the photo, filled with freshness and innocence, a light turquoise airy dress and pink cream eyeshadow will do the job. Pink or peach makeup is appropriate for any occasion.

    Option 4: green

    This option is suitable for girls whose eyes are dominated by shades of green. If you choose the right shade tone, the image will be perfect. A few tips from stylists will help with this:

  • choose shades of turquoise for your outfit, such as aquamarine or turquoise pearl, which has a green undertone
  • cold greens will favorably emphasize the eyes of fair-haired and fair-haired representatives of the fair sex
  • for brunettes, the option of green in combination with a gold or brown shade is suitable
  • To keep your look fresh, choose eye shadow several shades lighter or darker than the natural color of your eyes.
  • An example of doing makeup in green tones can be seen in the video:

    Remember that turquoise is a self-sufficient color. When choosing cosmetics and accessories, try to emphasize the chosen shade with less intense colors.

    https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/132478890442810/ Irina Shaer

    Thank you for the excellent and useful advice, thanks to your advice I began to look even more impressive. Now I began to use eyeliner makeup more often under a turquoise dress, and I also realized that I need to use less intense colors when wearing dresses in light and refreshing colors.

    http://vk.com/id21692205 Lyudmila Grishina

    I really love fresh, innocent pink shades in makeup, they look the most natural and suit, perhaps, all looks and occasions. I just fell in love with version 3 of the make-up, I’ll definitely do it.

    http://vk.com/id323446413 Anastasia Vasilievna

    I did my makeup in green colors for my birthday. The eyes looked very beautiful and, unexpectedly for me, they were large. My husband really liked it.

    http://vk.com/id208694646 Maria Casanova

    For blue and turquoise shades of clothes I always do light makeup with the Dior Trianon palette. I use shades of blue, pink and yellow and complement the look with white highlighter.

    http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/564153761736 Alice L

    I adore the turquoise color, in almost all its shades - from muted and pale to bright and rich. And I use different types of makeup for clothes of this color - both in nude style and in lilac, green and black and white. But I also often use golden and silver shades of eyeshadow for makeup, especially evening makeup, it looks very impressive.

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  • Makeup for a turquoise dress: step-by-step instructions for the correct make-up

    Turquoise color in any of its shades looks rich and luxurious. All other colors fade in comparison and fade into the background. In such attire, a girl will always attract the attention of others. Proper makeup will be an excellent addition to an outfit in this color. Under a turquoise dress, you should wisely choose the colors in your makeup. It is best to focus on the eyes and paint the lips with a natural color or colorless gloss.

    The best combination would be turquoise and black or gray and black. This is truly fatal makeup. Shades should be chosen in strict accordance with the color type of appearance. You can make up your eyes in a smoky eye style using gray and black colors. To do this, first of all, you need to prepare the skin by first cleansing it and moisturizing it with cream. Then wait until the cream is absorbed and remove the excess with a napkin. Next, apply concealer to the area under your eyes to cover up dark circles. It is better to choose a yellow shade for this. Then, using concealers of different colors, hide other skin rashes and inflammations.

    Concealers also come in several colors to correct different imperfections. You should use the ones that are appropriate for your specific case.

    After masking individual imperfections, you should apply a makeup base to your facial skin, depending on your skin color. If the skin has a yellowish tint, then it is better to use a purple base, which neutralizes this color. If your skin is light in color, a beige base is best. This product will not only hide color imperfections, but, thanks to the silicone in the composition, it will even out the surface for better application of the tinting agent.

    The foundation should be applied with a special brush or sponge, which must first be moistened so that the layer of the product is distributed more easily and in a thinner layer. Then areas with an oily sheen should be treated with transparent loose powder. If the skin is dry, then it is better to use a cream-based powder so that peeling is not visible and does not dry it out again. The fact is that transparent powder has a drying effect.

    Turquoise color is very interesting and attractive. It is also suitable for everyday wear, but in general it is an ideal choice for an evening dress. If you choose the right style, you can create for yourself a unique image of a sea undine that came ashore from the sea foam. In addition, it is worth noting that it looks simply luxurious and any dress, even the simplest cut, made in turquoise tones, will make you the main “star” of the evening. But in order for your look to be complete, you need to choose the right makeup for a turquoise dress, since if you make the wrong choice, you can ruin your entire impression of yourself. Let's take a closer look at what makeup is suitable for a turquoise dress and how its choice depends on yours.

    Makeup for a turquoise dress

    To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that in makeup for a dress of this color, it is advisable to focus on the eyes. This will look very advantageous, while it is better to paint your lips with a soft gloss or even just a protective balm. Why is that? The turquoise color is such that the emphasis on the eyes is much more preferable here, since, for example, bright red lipstick will look extremely inappropriate. Now let's look at all the makeup options that you can do to complement your look with a turquoise dress.

    Black makeup under a turquoise dress. Let's start with a classic version of makeup that will suit a dress of any color and any look. You can do a rather modest version: just small arrows and mascara. In principle, even such a small amount will be enough. If you want more expressive makeup, then the best choice is smokey eyes. The preferred shades are gray and black, since the same makeup, but in brown shades, will not suit a turquoise dress.

    Delicate makeup in nude style under a turquoise dress. Again, a classic, one might say, neutral option. It will look great both during the day and in the evening. To create this makeup you will need: mascara, nude eye shadow, as well as powder and blush. Since nude makeup does not have a particularly strong emphasis on the eyes, you can also add soft pink or soft peach lipstick or gloss to it - everything is up to your taste.

    Golden makeup under a turquoise dress. You've probably often noticed that many people associate the combination of turquoise and gold with the style of Ancient Egypt. So this is a combination: an ideal evening makeup option for a turquoise dress. To create makeup in golden tones you will need: mascara, pearlescent golden eye shadow, and you can also add champagne eye shadow and brown eyeliner. You can choose golden eyeshadow of the tone and brightness that suits your taste, as it will look good as well as bright, expressive makeup, as well as a calmer one. It is advisable to paint your lips with soft pink lipstick or gloss. Although you can choose a brighter color for going to a party.

    Turquoise makeup for a turquoise dress. Of course, you can do it simply: combine turquoise with turquoise. This is a very interesting makeup option that is often chosen by celebrities. Plus, you can be sure that your makeup and dress are just the perfect combination. As with gold makeup, turquoise can be either bright or more subdued. But you can choose a pale, flesh-colored lipstick for this makeup - it will be a very interesting effect.

    Purple makeup for a turquoise dress. Another option for an interesting evening makeup for a dress in turquoise tones. These two colors are very friendly with each other: they complement each other, emphasize and at the same time do not interrupt at all, do not compete in brightness. Any shade from the purple palette is suitable for this makeup, but the most ideal choice would be dark purple.

    Turquoise is a surprisingly rich color that always looks luxurious. Interestingly, it is suitable for both going out and everyday wear. Turquoise pushes all other colors into the background. A representative of the fair sex in a dress of this color will always be the center of attention. Therefore, when choosing the color of a dress for a party, pay attention to turquoise. A great addition to such a dress would be well-chosen makeup that will completely match your color type and harmonize with rich turquoise.

    If you are going to wear a turquoise dress, pay attention to the fact that your makeup should focus on your eyes. You shouldn’t highlight your lips too much. You can even cover them with a protective balm, and if you still can’t resist, use a long-lasting colorless lip gloss. Excessively bright lips will not look harmonious with a turquoise dress. As a last resort, you can do a calm lip makeup. We will talk about it at the end of the article.

    Makeup in gray and black tones will look especially bright. You can use gray shades or black bright lines.

    You need to apply this makeup taking into account your individual characteristics. Black lines are absolutely not suitable for small eyes. The best option is “smoky ice”. Silver shadows that highlight the outer corners of the eyes will also give a stunning effect. You can apply them under your eyebrows for a youthful and radiant look.

    Purple chic

    Purple and turquoise complement each other beautifully. Their combination gives a special play, perfectly reflecting each other’s glare.

    It is important that purple makeup is applied to a fresh and rested face. Dark circles under the eyes with such makeup will not look very advantageous.

    Pink – innocence itself

    For an innocent look, pair pink with turquoise. Rich pink makeup coupled with a turquoise outfit will make you a real sweet candy.

    Green – unexpected and risky

    Makeup in green tones is suitable for girls with hazel or green eyes. It will also look great if the dress has a greenish tint. Your choice should fall on cool green, but in no case warm, shimmering brown. This shade is suitable for girls with dark skin and black eyes.

    Gold is the key to a successful image

    Makeup using golden shadows looks impressive and stylish. This shade will highlight your elegant look. Ideal for a party. To enhance the effect, you can apply golden shadows and golden glitter.

    Brown – languid sexuality

    A turquoise dress goes well with natural shades. Makeup in a natural style will be an excellent addition to a delicate look. Chocolate colors are also suitable and should be applied along the lash line. Then the view will be clear. All brown shades are suitable for brunettes, but you should not choose shades with a reddish tint.

    Beige shade - natural sexuality

    Not all ladies prefer bright makeup. If your image is as close to natural as possible, then give preference to beige shades. Flesh-toned shadows will make your look soft, as fresh and natural as possible. You can use both matte shadows and glitter shadows. It is important to create the ideal skin tone. Only then will makeup in natural colors be flawless. For these purposes, you can use foundation, correctors and powder. You can apply a peach-colored blush to your cheekbones.

    The make-up in turquoise tones, which is combined with an outfit of a similar shade, is especially original. To create it, you will need to arm yourself with turquoise shadows in three tones: light, dark and a color that will become transitional. For makeup, you should take a thin brush to create a clear line, a standard applicator and a brush with which you will blend the shadows.

    Follow the step by step instructions:

    1. Apply a lighter tone under the eyebrows, which should be carefully blended with a brush towards the eye.
    2. Above the moving eyelid, or rather, above its fold, it is worth drawing an overturned Latin “V”. To visually enlarge the eyes, you should move the line leading to the upper corner slightly above the natural line.
    3. Apply the darkest turquoise eye shadow along the lash line. The same shadows are applied to the outer eyelid.
    4. Next, you should shade the boundaries of the applied shadows towards the eyelid and outer corner.
    5. A light turquoise, silver or milky pearl shade should be applied to a third of the lower eyelid and the inner corner of the eye. Do this carefully so as not to apply too much eyeshadow.

    Video - Makeup + hairstyle for a turquoise dress

    To make it as convenient as possible for you to choose a combination of shades in makeup for a turquoise dress, below is a table of combinations of turquoise with other shades.

    Which lip makeup to choose?

    A calm make-up can be done using lipstick that suits your skin color type. It can be the color of cinnamon, chocolate, peach, soft pink. In this case, choose a rich lipstick so that your lips do not get lost in comparison with the bright eye makeup. If you're not entirely sure that bright makeup is right for you, then try combining beige eye makeup with salmon-colored lipstick.

    To make your look flawless, apply blush to your cheekbones to match the tone of your lipstick.
