Read more about who sings “Berry-Raspberry. Everyone knows the song

There are some songs that are always heard and remembered. They cannot be forgotten. When you hear such a song somewhere (on the street, on TV, at a party), you involuntarily hum it to yourself. Moreover, it is so intrusive that the humming can continue for several hours. For example, the song “Berry-Raspberry”. This song is often heard at the table, during holidays. And no wonder. Everyone loved her because she was kind and cheerful. Next, let’s look at who sings “Berry-Raspberry”.

Everyone knows the song

The famous song “Berry-Raspberry” (music by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, lyrics by Mikhail Plyatskovsky) was recorded in 1986, and was first sung in 1987 in the New Year’s “Blue Light” by the wonderful singer Valentina Legkostupova. As the star herself says in an interview, this song has become her calling card. Thanks to her, the singer's career took off, and her whole life was turned upside down.

A talented performer with a gentle voice was able to successfully convey the character of the song. Of course, this is a great credit to the author of the song, Vyacheslav Dobrynin. After all, it was he who suggested that Legkostupova perform it. And I was right. What is the secret of the song’s great popularity? The fact is that it has a melodic sound, simplicity of words and sincerity of performance. And these are very important qualities.

Valentina Legkostupova today

The real life of the one who sings “Berry-Raspberry” is quite active and varied. In addition to performing new songs, Valentina Legkostupova teaches vocal skills to young talents.

The singer madly loves her family: her husband and two children (daughter Anetta and son Matvey). She is very grateful to the song, which became her “nurse and mother.”

Song popularity

The song “Berry-Raspberry” is so popular that it is still performed today, thirty years later.

Let's take a closer look at who sang the song “Yagoda-Raspberry” in recent years, besides Valentina Valerievna.

The popular song was performed by the following famous stars:

  • beautiful Ani Lorak;
  • sultry beauty Jasmine;
  • foreign singer Sonya McGuffey (granddaughter of the author Vyacheslav Dobrynin).

Despite the large number of performers, the song remains with Legkostupova. As she said in some publication: “It’s very difficult for me to please, especially if it’s not my thing. But in this case, in this song, everything is mine.”

The popularity of the song has remained relevant for many years. The reason for this is that her text sound is close to people's ears, and the content is so warm and summery. This allows a person to forget everyday problems and worries. And the song gives joy and hope.

There are some songs that are always heard and remembered. They cannot be forgotten. When you hear such a song somewhere (on the street, on TV, at a party), you involuntarily hum it to yourself. Moreover, it is so intrusive that the humming can continue for several hours. For example, the song “Berry-Raspberry”. This song is often heard at the table, during holidays. And no wonder. Everyone loved her because she was kind and cheerful. Next, let’s look at who sings “Berry-Raspberry”.

Everyone knows the song

The famous song “Berry-Raspberry” (music by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, lyrics by Mikhail Plyatskovsky) was recorded in 1986, and was first sung in 1987 in the New Year’s “Blue Light” by the wonderful singer Valentina Legkostupova. As the star herself says in an interview, this song has become her calling card. Thanks to her, the singer's career took off, and her whole life was turned upside down.

A talented performer with a gentle voice was able to successfully convey the character of the song. Of course, this is a great credit to the author of the song, Vyacheslav Dobrynin. After all, it was he who suggested that Legkostupova perform it. And I was right. What is the secret of the song’s great popularity? The fact is that it has a melodic sound, simplicity of words and sincerity of performance. And these are very important qualities.

Valentina Legkostupova today

The real life of the one who sings “Berry-Raspberry” is quite active and varied. In addition to performing new songs, Valentina Legkostupova teaches vocal skills to young talents.

The singer madly loves her family: her husband and two children (daughter Anetta and son Matvey). She is very grateful to the song, which became her “nurse and mother.”

Song popularity

The song “Berry-Raspberry” is so popular that it is still performed today, thirty years later.

Let's take a closer look at who sang the song “Yagoda-Raspberry” in recent years, besides Valentina Valerievna.

The popular song was performed by the following famous stars:

  • beautiful Ani Lorak;
  • sultry beauty Jasmine;
  • foreign singer Sonya McGuffey (granddaughter of the author Vyacheslav Dobrynin).

Despite the large number of performers, the song remains with Legkostupova. As she said in some publication: “It’s very difficult for me to please, especially if it’s not my thing. But in this case, in this song, everything is mine.”

The popularity of the song has remained relevant for many years. The reason for this is that her text sound is close to people's ears, and the content is so warm and summery. This allows a person to forget everyday problems and worries. And the song gives joy and hope.

A talented singer with a gentle voice, Valentina Legkostupova is known to absolutely every music lover, first of all, as the performer of the hit “Yagoda-Raspberry”. Over a twenty-five-year career, among many other popular songs, it was “Yagoda” that became the artist’s calling card.

“For me to like a song, it’s such a difficult case - it’s hard for me to like it, it’s hard to feel that this is my song. But this song probably contains everything that’s mine.”

The history of many years of popularity began with the fact that the unsurpassed lyricist and author of more than 200 songs that later became hits, composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin, wrote a very simple and memorable tune based on the poems of Mikhail Plyatskovsky. The song itself seemed unremarkable to Easystupova - the singer was more attracted by the opportunity to work with its authors. But, as usually happens, no one can predict the phenomenon of truly popular songs in advance or explain it later.

“When I heard this song for the first time, I had never sung such songs before, I admit honestly: these, in my opinion, are very simple in melody, accessible in text - I absolutely did not foresee that this would be such a fate songs".

The popular favorite song was recorded in 1986. This year was significant in many ways for Valentina Legkostupova - the singer took part in a youth festival in Czechoslovakia and Poland. It was there that she recorded one of the most popular songs in her work.

“Completely unexpectedly I was offered to sing it. Slava probably noticed me at a competition in Jurmala in 1986. I was on tour, I was traveling from Moscow to Kaluga, and in order to record this song, I covered this distance literally every day. Moreover, when we wrote this song in the studio, he made a lot of comments to me. I followed all his comments. Well, he’s a composer—he knows better.”

At that time, Valentina Legkostupova worked in Joseph Kobzon’s team, toured a lot, gave performances in different cities, actually living on the road. But, despite his active creative work, the premiere of the timeless hit on television took place in the same year, on January 1, at the New Year’s “Blue Light”. And at the end of the year, “Yagoda-Malina” reached the finals of the popular festival “Song of the Year-87”.

“The raspberry berry beckoned us.
The raspberry berry was calling for a visit in the summer.
How those sparks sparkled at dawn,
Oh, how sweet the raspberries were!”

The creativity of Valentina Easystupova does not stand still. Teaching vocal skills to young performers and paying a lot of attention to her family, the singer continues to record new songs. But when receiving invitations to participate in various projects, the singer does not even ask what song she will be asked to perform, knowing the answer in advance. Sometimes, because of this, Valentina even feels like a hostage to the hit. But “Berry-Raspberry” became Fate, and the singer is grateful that everything turned out that way.

“The song gained popularity, for which I am terribly grateful. This is my nurse, this is my mother, this song. How can I not love a song that allowed me to find an audience of millions. Then I’ll just be an ungrateful person.”

Perhaps the secret of the success and long popularity of this song is precisely in the melody of the sound, in the simplicity of the words, in the sincerity of the performance. This is probably the recipe for creating an immortal hit.
