Cloudiness of moonshine: causes and solution. How to clean cloudy moonshine at home

Thanks to domestic films, a stereotype has developed that real moonshine must be cloudy, or even better - milky white. This is exactly what rural vodka looked like two hundred years ago; it was a terrible swill with a nasty smell.

The peasants distilled moonshine using primitive handicraft devices, taking the maximum product from the mash, hence low quality. The nobles, on the contrary, constantly improved the technology and equipment of their distilleries, trying to obtain a crystal clear distillate of the highest possible strength. There were even competitions between estates and master distillers.

After the revolution, the directors of Soviet films considered it right to show on the screen workers’ and peasants’ white moonshine of proletarian origin, and not the crystal clear “bourgeois” distillate. This tradition has been preserved by Russian filmmakers. Perhaps the reason is that cloudy moonshine it looks more impressive, and the viewer is immediately clear what is in the bottle on the table. In any case, it's time to break this stereotype.

Film "Moonshiners" (1961). Propaganda of “white” moonshine is in full swing
In the Village of Fools, the moonshine is also always cloudy.

In fact good moonshine must be transparent. The appearance of turbidity indicates incorrect distillation technology or other problems.

Why does moonshine become cloudy?

1. Bryzgonos. The most common reason. When the heat is too high, the boiling mash foams almost like milk. The hot foam passes through the tube into the refrigerator (coil) and condenses along with the distillate. The dregs appear immediately.

The distillation cube is closed and opaque, so it is impossible to know whether the mash is foaming at a particular point in time. If cloudy moonshine comes out of the still, you need to reduce the heat, finish the distillation (clean the distillate later), disassemble and clean the entire structure.

Prevention measures:

  • fill the cube with mash to a maximum of 70% of the volume, leaving room for foam (required);
  • monitor the heating intensity (depending on the apparatus), the correct temperature regime is selected experimentally after several distillations;
  • install a steam trap (when foaming, splashes will fall into the jar and not into the coil);
  • after each distillation, thoroughly wash the entire apparatus;
  • Before distillation, drain the mash from the sediment and clean it, for example, with bentonite, so that fewer impurities remain that can cause foam.

2. The presence of fusel (essential) oils. Fusel and essential oils are toxic substances (more than 40 types), which are by-product fermentation. These substances have a higher or low temperature boiling point than ethyl alcohol, so most (but not all) can be removed from the distillate by fractional distillation (divided into fractions).

Prevention: to prevent the moonshine from becoming cloudy, you need to cut off the top upper fraction and finish the distillation on time. Cleaning between distillations, such as with charcoal, also reduces the risk of haze.

Usually, cloudiness begins after the strength in the stream drops below 40 degrees.

3. Bad materials moonshine still. Sometimes the cloudiness of moonshine is caused by oxidation of the material from which the apparatus body, coil, connecting tubes or other structural elements are made. It has been noticed that many problems arise due to low-quality silicone. Cloudiness may appear immediately or after some time.

Prevention: make (buy) devices only from high-quality materials. Periodically check elements for oxidation and other defects.

4. Hard water. In this case, the moonshine becomes cloudy immediately or a couple of hours after diluting with water. The white color appears due to salts and other impurities contained in the water. The influence of water on the quality of moonshine is very significant and is often underestimated by beginners.

Also, don't discount high concentration fusels and essential oils in poorly purified moonshine (second point).

Prevention: to dilute moonshine without clouding, you need to use only well-purified or bottled water with a minimum salt content. In this case, it is advisable to pour the distillate into water, and not vice versa. The recommended temperature of both liquids before mixing is 7-10°C.

5. Unsuitable or poorly washed containers. If stored strong alcohol V plastic bottles, after some time the alcohol will react with the plastic, then the drink will become cloudy. This will release other toxic substances. There is special plastic for alcohol, but this material is rarely found at home. If the moonshine becomes cloudy when stored in glass vessels, perhaps the bottles or cans are not washed well.

Prevention: store moonshine only in glass containers that are well washed and wiped dry.

How to clean cloudy moonshine

Only distillate that has become cloudy due to improper distillation technology or dilution with hard water can be purified. If the cause of the turbidity lies in poor-quality materials of the device or storage in plastic containers, such moonshine is dangerous to health and cannot be filtered; it is better to immediately pour out the drink or use it for technical needs.

Cleaning methods:

1. The second distillation is the most effective method. You need to dilute the cloudy moonshine with water to 18-20%, then distill it again, dividing it into fractions. Then dilute with high-quality water to the desired strength (40-45%) and before use, leave for 2-3 days in a dark, cool room until the reaction ends and the taste stabilizes.

2. Coal cleaning. Helps in most cases. It is enough to pass the cloudy moonshine through a coal column (purchased or homemade) with special coal - BAU-A or BAU-LV brands.

Another method is a “Barrier” type water purification filter; after two or three times the moonshine will become transparent.

3. Heating. It does not always work; the effectiveness depends on the nature of the impurities. The method is used only in extreme cases. Moonshine is heated to 70°C, then cooled sharply. After a couple of hours, a precipitate should form.

Attention! Heated moonshine ignites quickly.

How to make moonshine cloudy

Lovers of rural flavor love to drink milky moonshine. I present to your attention methods that make the drink white, but do not degrade the quality. It is better to paint over the distillate 1-2 days before use, since over time the moonshine separates and sediment appears at the bottom.

1. Whey. Depending on the desired whiteness, it is enough to pour 5-30 ml of whey per 1 liter of moonshine.

Attention! You can add whey, not regular milk, which often coagulates after reacting with alcohol.

Whey makes moonshine cloudy without loss of quality

2. Powdered milk. To obtain a white color, just add 3-15 grams of milk powder per 1 liter of distillate and mix.

3. Vegetable oil. 2-6 drops of vegetable oil will not spoil the taste of moonshine, but will make it gray. After adding the oil, the moonshine should be shaken well.

Cloudy moonshine is a relic of the past, flavor rural areas and the working class. But cloudiness is not at all a sign of the quality of the drink, rather the opposite. Moonshine High Quality It is transparent, has no foreign odor and does not burn the oral mucosa. So why does an alcoholic product become cloudy, and how to fix it?

There are several reasons why the distillate loses clarity. They are not always associated with quality indicators drink, but in any case may indicate that with alcohol home production not everything is fine.

The main causes of turbidity:

  1. Boiling too vigorously.
  2. Use of low-quality equipment.
  3. Using hard water.
  4. Failure to comply with production technology.
  5. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.

When the mash is poured into a distillation cube and brought to a boil, this process requires control. Splashes from intense boiling can get into the coil and then ruin the color of the drink. In this case, all the resulting moonshine will have a characteristic milky tint. Will help correct the situation re-distillation and purification of manufactured alcohol.

If this situation repeats several times, then as part of prevention it is recommended to fill the cube no more than 70%, control the boiling process, and also equip the device with a steamer. If the boiling starts too intensely, the splashes will fall into the steamer and not into the coil.

If the device is made of low-quality materials, then its use will lead to undesirable consequences over time. The materials will begin to oxidize, and their microscopic particles will get into the distillate and spoil its color and taste. This moonshine should not be drunk because it is toxic. Most often, problems arise when using low-quality silicone gaskets.

Needless to say, the quality of water plays an important role in the production of alcohol. Hard water taken to prepare mash can ultimately give unexpected results. On the pasture, the drink will have a cloudy color and sediment. It’s easy to correct the situation: you need to settle the water or use bottled spring water.

If errors were made during the distillate production process various stages, the liquid loses its transparency. The turbidity testifies to many things; it often appears during the distillation of mash, which has already soured. For this reason, you should be more attentive to the quality of raw materials, follow the recipe and not deviate from the specified scheme.

When the distillation is completed, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the apparatus using products that can reduce foaming. Hygienic procedures are necessary because microscopic particles of mash remain in various parts of the device, and this can significantly deteriorate the quality of alcoholic beverages during further operation.

Under certain circumstances, cloudiness can be eliminated, but much depends on the cause of its appearance. Filtration or purification of the distillate will help solve the problem.

Cleaning methods

There are several techniques that are successfully used by distillers; they improve the color of the drink and remove turbidity and sediment. But their effectiveness is questioned, since it is not always possible to achieve the desired result.

So, how to remove impurities from cloudy moonshine and improve its color?

  1. Use coal. This cleaning helps remove all impurities and fusel oils. Preference is given to activated carbon in tablets or made from coconut shells, it is the most effective.
  2. Repeated distillation with separation into fractions is used. It is believed that if you carry out the distillation according to all the rules, separating the “heads from the tails,” the drink will be as clear as a tear. If, having distilled the mash for the first time, this effect was not achieved, it is worth repeating the procedure.
  3. Heating. This is the most ineffective method, since by heating the moonshine to 70 degrees, you can correct its color, but as the temperature drops, the shade will begin to recover. This means that the use of heating is not highly effective.

You can quickly clear cloudy moonshine by using a water filter. Use a jug, a “Barrier” filter, pour alcohol into it, and repeat the procedure several times. In fact, this is also cleansing with charcoal.

How to make moonshine cloudy?

Popular are methods that do not affect the quality of the drink, simply changing its shade, allowing you to achieve the desired color and visual impression of a retro drink.

Proven methods for creating haze:

  1. Add a small amount of whey to alcohol. We are talking about whey, not milk. Because the milk will immediately curdle and the whey will dissolve, giving the drink a specific shade.
  2. Add 2-6 drops of vegetable oil to the drink. The oil is added drop by drop, then shaken until the desired color is obtained. In this quantity, the product will not affect the quality of the drink or spoil its taste and aroma.
  3. Dry cream or milk is diluted with water and the resulting mixture is added to the moonshine. Add 5–15 g. cream or milk into a 1 liter distillate. As a result of such manipulations, the drink will become cloudy.
  4. There is another way, it will change the color and aroma of the drink. When re-distilling, it is recommended to add dry tangerine peels to the cube. This method is considered experimental and does not always work.

Dregs in moonshine are not a sign of quality, but a stereotype created in Soviet times. It was believed that a clear distillate was a drink of the bourgeoisie, but a cloudy distillate was alcohol for the people. But you shouldn’t trust stereotypes; you need to pay attention to the quality of the drink, its taste and smell, evaluate transparency and the presence of sediment. If the moonshine has not been tinted, then these characteristics are considered decisive.

Domestic cinema shows that moonshine is a cloudy liquid with an incomprehensible smell and taste, so a stereotype has appeared that real moonshine is cloudy or milky white. This is what vodka looked like about a century ago, and the smell was terribly disgusting. Hard workers made vodka using primitive equipment, and because of this, the quality suffered greatly. The nobles, on the contrary, improved technology and technical means, trying to obtain a distillate as pure as a tear, strong. Of course, cloudy moonshine looks more spectacular on TV screens, but now this persistent trend needs to be broken.

How to clean cloudy moonshine simply quickly and efficiently

So, before analyzing methods for cleaning homemade alcohol, it is worth establishing the reasons for the cloudiness of the drink, and there may be several of them, some can be eliminated during the preparation process, others after.

The most common causes of cloudiness in moonshine:

  • The splash effect - the problem is that the process of boiling mash is similar to boiling milk, that is, foam is formed on top, which “creeps” upward, ends up in the freezer through the pipe, mixing with pure product. The suspension forms instantly, but it cannot be seen because the still is opaque. It is not possible to find out exactly when the foam got into the device, but if the drink goes like this, turn down the heat. The distillation is coming to an end, the unit is disassembled, and the apparatus should be cleaned.

Corrective measures:

  • Leave room in the cube for foam, the optimal proportions are 70% mash and 30% for foam.
  • Play with the temperature to achieve the optimal temperature, here mastery comes with brewing experience, after a couple of distillations.
  • Install the dry steamer.
  • Wash the apparatus after each distillation.
  • To clean the mash, bentonite can be used before distillation.
  • Presence of fusel oils. Sivukha and its oils cause serious damage, cause poisoning, and other troubles. You should get rid of unnecessary “pests” during the distillation process, using the method of fractional distillation (rectification), which allows you to cleanse the drink from harmful components, balance the smell and taste.
Homemade moonshine is different mild taste subject to proper cleaning

Fractional distillation

The distillation process consists of several fractions:

  • The first distillation is raw alcohol (“pervak”), very dangerous product, contains acetic acid, formic acid, alcohol, ethers, aldehydes and other impurities.

“Pervak” is divided into several factions:

  • “Heads” are components harmful to the body (10-15% alcohol), have the lowest boiling point, and should never be drunk.
  • “Body” - 80% of the product, they drink exactly that, an excellent base for preparing other alcohol, and giving it required quantity degrees, you can tint it, add herbs.
  • “Tails” - give the drink an unpleasant aroma and are also the cause of severe hangover syndrome, contain fusel oils, which impart strength. They are collected after collecting the body in a separate container.

Now that we have figured out what it is called and what it is called, we can proceed to fractional distillation; it includes several stages:

  1. We drive away the “heads” - we distill the raw alcohol, on an active flame, as soon as the raw material heats up to 60 degrees, reduce the heat, heat the liquid to 85 degrees. Removal of “heads” has started, as a result, 50 ml of “heads” per liter of liquid are allowed.
  2. We drive out the “body” - this should be done over high heat, at a temperature less than 90-95 degrees, otherwise fusel oils will penetrate. Finish the job as soon as the strength reaches 40 degrees.
  3. “We cut off the tails,” that is, we collect them in a separate container for preparing the next drink. There should be 50-60 of this mixture left per liter of drink.
  4. Completed.

Fractional distillation using the pro technique

  • Analysis of raw alcohol into fractions, based on the smell of the latter. Not suitable for beginners, difficult to determine exactly.
  • Distillation by volume, take the total amount of “primary” as 100 percent, which means 5% of the head, when mash, then the tails make up 1% of the total volume, so in 10 liters. mash 100 ml heads. The start of distillation, when the strength is below 40, can be tested with paper soaked in alcohol; if it lights up blue, then it’s stronger than 40, and when it doesn’t light up, then it’s lower.
  • Selection of “tails” for smell is used if it is necessary to refine raw materials infused with grains and berries. Drive to a strength of 30 degrees.

The described methods are for experienced moonshiners.

The procedure should be carried out slowly, with moderate temperature conditions, otherwise, the effect will not be unsatisfactory.

  • The imperfection of the moonshine still, failure of parts, for example, metal not used in distilling alcohol reacts with it, or bad silicone. The solution is simple: analyze the oxidative processes and update the device.
  • Hard water, saturated mineral composition— moonshine becomes cloudy due to additives, for example, mineral salts contained in the water. The trouble makes itself felt after a couple of hours. Solution option 2: use bottled water, add alcohol to water with a temperature of less than 20 degrees, and not otherwise. This factor is often neglected by beginners, not understanding why the drink is cloudy, tasteless, and has a pungent odor.
  • Incorrect containers- ideal storage place, Glass bottle, with a metal lid, and the plastic “eats” the alcohol, the impurities formed in the process have a bad effect on humans, the consequences cannot be eliminated in any way, special plastic is good, but they don’t sell it. When the product becomes cloudy in the glass, it means the container is poorly washed and not dried. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the dishes, no extraneous dirt, in the place where moonshine is brewed.

Moonshine purification methods

There are a great many recipes for purifying cloudy moonshine, let’s look at the most common ones

Charcoal cleansing

  1. Take charcoal, homemade, for barbecue, first remove the bark from the firewood, cut the barbecue into 3-5 cm bars, crush into lumps and dry for 14 days.
  2. Burn in a cast-iron, metal, tightly closed cauldron until completely burned (1 hour 30 minutes).
  3. Grind until the pieces are 5 mm.
  4. Sift through a sieve.
  5. Separate dust particles.
  6. Treat with 2% hydrochloric acid solution, then you can use it many times.
  7. Wash and dry.
  8. Reheat.
  9. Pour moonshine (50g/l) over the coals, shake the container 3 times a day for three weeks.
  10. Let sit for another week without shaking.
  11. Ready.

You can clean moonshine from impurities using activated carbon.

Cleaning with potassium permanganate

  1. Dilute manganese boiled water, 1-2 grams/liter of alcohol.
  2. Pour the manganese solution into alcohol.
  3. Leave for 10 hours until a sediment forms and becomes clear.
  4. Filter through cloth.
  5. Carry out a special distillation.
  6. It's important here to take a drink room temperature, not alcohol, after the 1st distillation.
  7. A quick method of cleaning with sodium hydroxide and alkali.
  8. Add 2-3 grams of alkali per liter to moonshine.
  9. Mix.
  10. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  11. Pour in the manganese solution, it is said above how to make it, after half an hour add alkali, mix and leave.
  12. Repeated addition of caustic potassium will speed up cooling and remove excess acidity, so the procedure is done 2 times.
  13. After 10 hours, drain the liquid and remove the sediment.
  14. End.

Manganese - excellent remedy for cleaning moonshine at home

Cleaning moonshinecooling(frost), at home

  1. Pour into a thick-walled container, perfect for champagne.
  2. Close the lid tightly.
  3. Put it in the freezer, 2 days is enough, at the moment of cooling, the water with the “harmful substances” will become ice.
  4. Drain off the alcohol.

Don’t imagine that this is how you will make original alcohol; the drink will be strong, but not fantastic.

Freezing technology will help purify moonshine

We transform moonshine into high-quality alcohol, just a hell of a drink

  1. Buy copper sulfate.
  2. Calcine the vitriol using an aluminum container or glass container, eventually dehydration will occur, then let it cool.
  3. Mix with pure moonshine.
  4. Re-distill.

Important! When you do everything as written, the strength of such a drink will be about one hundred degrees, just a hell of a drink.

  • The heating method sometimes does not work, but such actions can significantly damage it, so it is better for beginners to use another method. However, there are also advantages, this is ease of implementation:
  • Heat the moonshine to 70 degrees.
  • Cool quickly.
  • Wait for the sediment to settle, this will take 2-3 hours.
  • Drain the moonshine.

Fast, but to be effective you need to have high level skill, and hot moonshine instantly flares up. The method is good for extreme sports enthusiasts.

  • Filtration of the drink through an ordinary water filter, for example, “Barrier”, the main thing is to repeat 2, 3 times, then the drink will be transparent.

Classic milk cleaning

  1. Take pasteurized milk, 150g. for 10 liters of alcohol, no more than 60 degrees.
  2. Stir and cover tightly with a lid.
  3. Place in a cool room at room temperature, shake daily for the first 5 days.
  4. After a week, filter.

A similar option with milk powder

  1. Dilute dry milk product water (40-45 degrees).
  2. Leave for a couple of hours to swell, stirring continuously
  3. Add to alcohol mixture
  4. Mix everything and leave for 3 hours.
  5. Filter, remove turbidity.
  6. The result is high strength alcohol.
  7. Cleansing with baking soda.
  8. Add 10 gr. soda/liter of moonshine (40°).
  9. Leave for 12 hours.
  10. Run again.

We drive and clean, method 2 and 3 distillations

  1. Dilute the drink with water to 18-20%.
  2. Pass through the apparatus again, with fractional division.
  3. Bring with water to a strength of 40-45%.
  4. Be sure to add water, otherwise all efforts for purifying moonshine, will be in vain.
  5. Let it sit for several days before testing.
  6. “Cleanliness”, using egg white or black bread, it absorbs harmful fusel mixtures well, helping them to precipitate, which is easily removed.
Baking soda will help remove impurities from moonshine.

Making cloudy moonshine, for connoisseurs of Russian traditions, already on a purified product

  1. Pour whey into the drink; it does not react with alcohol, there is no sediment, but forms a cloud, like Russian vodka.
  2. Fall asleep powdered milk or a weak solution of it, this will quickly cloud the product.
  3. An excellent stirrer - 3 drops of oil per liter of alcohol.
  4. Rice or grain mash, will give the drink the necessary whitish tint.

Transparency is a sign of the quality of alcohol, so moonshine experts conduct many experiments to purify alcohol so that the product is tasty, transparent, and its consumption does not worsen health. Even novice distillers can do the described actions, but high-quality, taste characteristics the product will rise several times. There is no single recipe for how to clean moonshine, everyone has their own. All distillers approach the matter differently, it depends on many factors. You should always clean alcohol, and everyone decides for themselves what method to use; you can use several methods at once; the end result is important. When it comes to moonshine, all means are good.

To obtain moonshine as pure as a tear, it needs to be cleaned, but how can this be done quickly and without unnecessary labor? Experienced “moonshiners” know many secrets of getting rid of turbidity and fusel smell, and among them - cleaning with charcoal, soda, potassium permanganate and the freezing method. The first method may seem quite labor-intensive, but the resulting alcohol is excellent. Other methods are simpler, but the results will not disappoint you.

How to clean moonshine with charcoal for a barbecue (with video)

For filtration, you can use charcoal prepared yourself or purchase ready-made charcoal for the barbecue. Before burning, firewood for charcoal must be prepared accordingly by removing the bark from it. It should be remembered that firewood from old trees (more than 50 years old) is not suitable for making charcoal. The absorption capacity of coal depends on the type of raw material. From this point of view, the best coal is considered to be the one obtained by burning beech, birch, pine and linden wood. You can also use coals from spruce, oak, aspen, alder and poplar, but their absorption capacity is slightly lower.

Most often, charcoal for purifying alcohol is prepared from birch and oak firewood.

Before cleaning the moonshine with charcoal for the barbecue, the firewood is sawn into small dies of 3–5 cm, split into logs, dried for 2–3 weeks in a warm room, then placed in a cast iron or iron pot with a lid and heated over high heat in the oven or on a fire until completely burned out, which lasts 1.5–2 hours. The burned coal is cooled together with the pot with the lid tightly closed. The carbon is then used to process alcohol and make filters. Store in a tightly sealed container.

To clean moonshine with charcoal as thoroughly as possible, the wood pieces are crushed to a piece size of 5–7 mm, sifted through a sieve and dust that is not used is separated. Coal can be reused many times if its properties are restored before use. To do this, it is necessary to treat the coal with a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid, rinse with water and dry, and then ignite the coal again over a fire in a closed pot.

It would seem that obtaining charcoal in a city apartment is impossible due to smoke and soot. But by making a simple device, these inconveniences can be avoided. You need to take a massive cast pan like a goose pan (under no circumstances enameled). Drill a hole in the lid and cut a thread. On a piece of tube 80-100 mm, cut a thread corresponding to the thread of the hole. Screw the tube into the hole - you get a fitting.

Then tightly put a rubber tube on the fitting, and lower the other end of the tube into a jar of water. Place fragments of birch, alder, and willow branches in the bottom of the pan, cover with a lid, coat the perimeter of the lid with clay to prevent smoke leakage. Place the pan on the fire and heat it up. The smoke will enter the water and be filtered. After heating, cool the pan and remove the finished charcoal.

Coals are poured with moonshine (at the rate of 50 g per liter) and, shaking the container 3-4 times a day, infuse. After three weeks, leave for another week, but without shaking, and then filter.

Watch the video on how to purify moonshine with charcoal to get crystal clear alcohol:

How to clean cloudy moonshine with potassium permanganate and sodium

In order to clear the cloudy color from moonshine as effectively as possible, you need to take the one obtained after the first distillation. It should be at room temperature, since when elevated temperatures many harmful substances are not caught. It is also better not to use high-proof alcohol, because it is very reluctant to part with its impurities.

The required amount of potassium permanganate is pre-diluted in small quantity water. The water must be boiled. Per liter of moonshine take approximately 1–2 g of potassium permanganate. Moonshine is treated with this solution.

The potassium permanganate solution is poured into the moonshine and stirred thoroughly. Then leave for 10–12 hours for clarification and sedimentation. Next, the moonshine is filtered through a cloth and special distillation is carried out.

There is another way to clean cloudy moonshine quickly; for this you also use alkali - caustic sodium or caustic potassium.

Alkali is added to the moonshine distilled from the mash at the rate of 2–3 g for each liter of drink.

The mixture is stirred and allowed to stand for twenty to thirty minutes. Then add an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. The proportions and cooking method are described just above. After about thirty minutes, alkali is added to the moonshine again, mixed and allowed to settle.

Caustic potassium (or sodium) is added a second time to speed up the precipitation of oxidation products and neutralize the excessive acidity of the solution.

After ten to twelve hours, the liquid is drained from above and the sediment is removed.

Below we describe how to quickly clean moonshine at home by freezing it.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing

For purification by freezing, moonshine is poured into bottles with thick walls. A champagne container, for example, is perfect.

Then the bottles are securely sealed and placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for several days. Water, along with unwanted impurities, turns into ice. All you have to do is pour off the alcohol until the ice melts.

But don't think that this way you will get almost 100% ethanol. Yes, it will be very strong, but not to that extent.

To prepare ethyl alcohol from moonshine with a concentration close to 100°, you need to buy copper sulfate at a hardware store.

Vitriol is calcined over fire in glass, aluminum or copper containers. In this case, it becomes dehydrated. When it cools down, pour it into a vessel with undiluted moonshine. Such vitriol dehydrates the moonshine. If you distill such a hellish drink again, it will become almost 100 degrees.

There are several ways to clean moonshine from turbidity. However, let’s make a reservation right away that we are talking about getting rid of turbidity caused by spraying, mixing “fusel” or using water with high hardness to dilute the distillate. Moonshine with chemical impurities from decomposed plastic cannot be cleaned.

As a rule, it makes sense to clear cloudy moonshine if the distillate is sugar or grain. In the case of fruit and berry raw materials, cleaning simultaneously negates the entire aromatic component. However, if the drink is fruity, but due to impurities it is difficult to drink, then you will still have to sacrifice its flavor and aroma properties. Of course, it would be better in general (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand), which allows you to reliably protect the distillate from splashes and the ingress of “tailings”. But even if it had to, strict adherence to distillation technology will minimize the formation of unpleasant turbidity in the final product.

Purification of cloudy moonshine can be done using many methods; we will focus on the most popular ones.

  1. The primary purification method will always be re-distillation. Everything is simple here: the cloudy distillate must be diluted with water to a strength of twenty degrees and fractional distillation must be carried out.
  2. Activated charcoal is one of the most common substances. In addition, it allows you to clear cloudy moonshine quickly. Usually special charcoal of the BAU-A, BAU-LV or coconut brands is used Activated carbon(KAU-A). You can also use charcoal for barbecues, but for this you will have to use it. Usually they use 50 grams of coal per liter of moonshine.
  3. Cleaning with soda is also quite popular and quick method, allowing you to rid the drink of turbidity and impurities in 12 hours. 10 grams required baking soda per liter of distillate. The liquid is then filtered and redistilled.
  4. Cleaning with milk is also a traditional, but rather time-consuming method. The milk protein - casein - coagulates with harmful impurities, after which the entire resulting suspension precipitates. The coagulation process itself occurs gradually, and the distillate settles for a long time. But after filtering, the resulting drink is of good purity. It will take 10-15 ml skim milk per liter of moonshine.
  5. How else can you clean cloudy moonshine at home? Can be used vegetable oil- there is such a way. Take 15 ml of sunflower refined oil per liter of distillate, shake the mixture well and leave for a day. Oil with impurities will collect on the surface of the moonshine, and the moonshine itself is drained from under the oil layer using a flexible tube.

There are other cleaning methods, for example, using water filters or a solution of potassium permanganate. Regarding the use of the latter, rather ambiguous judgments are encountered. The fact is that the potassium permanganate itself, contained in moonshine after purification, is then very difficult to get rid of.

Experienced distillers know to minimize the risk of moonshine becoming cloudy after distillation. And experts always advise purchasing distillers from trusted and reliable sources. First of all, these are official Internet resources of direct manufacturers, with the maximum guarantee of product quality.
