Proper lingonberry juice. Lingonberry juice: the best recipes with photos. General information. The benefits of lingonberries and fruit juice from them

There is no secret that nature provides us with the most useful things. These include medicines and vitamins... Among the many such treasures that contain microelements necessary for the human body is lingonberry. Its red round berries help to “bring down” high temperatures during ARVI and influenza, have anti-infective properties, and help those who are predisposed to cancer. All the delights of fruits pass into lingonberry juice. This healthy drink is prepared quickly and quite simply, and cannot be compared with store-bought sodas. In addition to all of the above, fruit drinks are also enjoyed by children, who are sometimes so difficult to persuade to eat something that contains vitamins and is essential for health.

In addition to the fact that lingonberries effectively fight infections, they also have contraindications. It should be remembered that it should not be used if you have stomach diseases, colitis or gastritis. Fruits can aggravate stomach diseases and increase acidity levels. Therefore, you need to be careful. Also lingonberry juice during pregnancy not recommended, especially for those suffering from heartburn and high acidity of gastric juice.

The benefits of the proposed drink cannot be assessed in words. It’s better to cook it and see for yourself its magical qualities! A very important point is that it is advisable to choose a glass or ceramic container for fruit drink; in metal, it can “react” with the tableware material due to its high acidity.

Lingonberry juice: Recipe

To make the most simple " Lingonberry juice recipe you need to take the following ingredients: 0.3 kilos of ripe lingonberries, 3 liters of filtered water, granulated sugar to taste.

The drink is made from fresh and frozen lingonberry fruits. This recipe will use fresh ones. They are thoroughly washed in cold water, drained a little in a sieve or colander, and the juice is squeezed out of them using special means (for example, a juicer). Or the berries are mashed with a masher and then rubbed through cheesecloth. The cake is not thrown away, but placed in a separate pan, filled with water and, after stirring, brought to a boil. The mixture cannot be boiled. It must be immediately removed from the heat; otherwise all vitamins will be lost.

The broth is cooled slightly and then filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze. Freshly squeezed juice is poured into the liquid and granulated sugar is poured according to individual taste and preference. Do not add too much sand, as it will “clog” all the beauty of the lingonberries. So, the mixture is stirred until the sweet grains are completely dissolved. After these manipulations, the finished fruit drink is poured into a porcelain jug and moved to the refrigerator. But immediately before use, it is slightly warmed to moderate room temperature. This is exactly what it should be in order to get the most you need from it.

Recipe 2

A good combination is lingonberries and cranberries. In addition, their taste qualities perfectly complement each other. So the benefits of cranberries are no less important and significant! The sweet and sour cranberry tint refreshes the drink, making it invigorating and tonic. Getting ready cranberry and lingonberry juice from an almost equal proportion of berries. On average, for 0.5 kilos of fresh juicy fruits you will also need about 3 liters of water and sugar.

Both berries are rubbed on a sieve. To facilitate this process, you can pre-steam them. The puree (or rather the juice) is refrigerated. The cake is placed in a pan and a decoction is made from it, adding water and sugar. Boiled cake is not boiled, but only boiled and infused. After waiting for the broth to cool completely, it should be strained and thereby filtered. Cold juice is added to the broth. They are mixed, resulting in a finished fruit drink.

Recipe 3

Somewhat familiar taste of the recipe " How to make lingonberry juice“You can change it, transform it into a more piquant, original one. Peppermint will give it this novelty. Mint is put both in and in jam. And now a variant of fruit drink is presented. An unusual ingredient, in principle, is added to any of the above recipes, focusing on the eye and the desired accent of taste and aroma.

To prepare the dish, the prepared berries, after washing and briefly draining, are poured into a jar of suitable capacity. Sand-sugar and mint leaves are also placed in the container. And all this is poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a nylon lid and wrapped in a blanket (or something warm). It is left in this state for 4 hours, but preferably overnight.

After waiting for a certain period of time, the jar is unwrapped, the lid is removed, and the contents are filtered. The berries are carefully squeezed out, and the juice is combined with the infusion. Or, even initially, they act differently. The fruits are crushed directly in a glass container with a masher, the mass is covered with sugar and “seasoned” with mint. The ingredients are mixed and poured with steep pitch. After keeping the product for some time, it is similarly strained and cooled slightly before use. Regardless of which method was chosen " How to make lingonberry juice", the taste will not change.

Lingonberry juice: Recipe 4

Another non-standard addition to lingonberries is beets. It will color the liquid in a concentrated burgundy hue, but it will not change the taste much, it will only add its share of useful substances. Beetroot is used to tint many homemade blockages, including variations of the “” dish. For 300 g of red fruits you will need about 200 g of beets, 3 liters of water and, of course, sugar.

Considering this recipe and planning “ Lingonberry juice. How to cook“, you need to select slightly overripe fruits for processing. It is they – their rich flavor and meaty “texture” – that will give the desired, interesting result with Bordeaux. So, overripe fruits are rubbed on a fine sieve. If only moderately ripe ones are available, then boil them before pureeing. The resulting juice is placed in the refrigerator. The squeeze is dumped into a pan, filled with water and seasoned with sugar. The beets are washed, peeled and grated with large threads. The bordeaux is transferred to the container for the squeeze, and the container is kept over moderate heat until the liquid boils, and removed from the stove. The broth is cooled and at the same time infused, filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze and mixed with lingonberry juice.

Recipe 5

There is a high probability that there were no fresh lingonberries. And I really want to make fruit juice! In this case, you can purchase a frozen product and prepare fruit juice from it. By the way, both compote and compote are prepared from freezing. And they even make assorted mixtures with cranberries, cherries, currants, etc. Don’t worry that vitamins are not preserved in the frozen ingredients. This is wrong! AND " Frozen lingonberry juice"The recipe will contain no less benefits than a drink made from fresh fruits. Required ingredients for the dish: 500 g of frozen berries (or assorted mixtures), 3 liters of water, granulated sugar.

The main product is defrosted. It is advisable to set aside time for this and defrost the fruits naturally. In this case, they will not be subjected to unnecessary heat treatments. Then the thawed berries are turned through a meat grinder or ground in a blender, transforming them into an almost homogeneous puree. Granulated sugar is added to the mixture and they are mixed. Next, the mixture is poured into an enamel pan, covered with purified water and placed on the stove. Having boiled, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, and then removed from the heat and strained, but in a cooled state.

Recipe 6

And if you include a ginger root in a simple recipe?.. It is quite popular as an additive to tonic drinks and “drinks” for weight loss. But even if not for the purpose of losing excess weight, ginger-lingonberry juice will be very tasty and rich in vitamins. By the way, if you have a cold, it – when hot – will serve as a medicine and will quickly restore a weakened body. The ingredients of such a treat will be: 400 g of lingonberries and cranberries (in equal proportions), water (about 2.5-3 liters), a piece of ginger root, sugar.

Both thawed and fresh fruits can be used for the recipe. On frozen lingonberry juice The berries are pre-defrosted and turned in a meat grinder. Fresh juice is simply squeezed out manually or using a juicer. The cake (regardless of what original products were used) is preserved; it is filled with hot water, supplied with a piece of ginger, and the preparation is boiled for no longer than 5 minutes. The brew is given the opportunity to cool properly, after which it is strained and at the same time filtered.

Berry juice is added to the “clean” broth and sugar is added. After stirring, the fruit drink is used for its intended purpose or stored in the refrigerator. But it should not be stored for a long time, and it is advisable to consume it on the day of preparation. It is worth mentioning that ginger root is used to accompany other preparations made from these berries.

Lingonberry juice: Recipe 7

Refreshing and vitamin lingonberry juice for baby, which contains natural berry juice, is made from: 150 g of lingonberry fruits, 60-70 g of honey, one liter of filtered water. Instead of honey, add 100 g of granulated sugar; but with the first sweetener the drink will truly be “for children” or intended for dietary nutrition.

The berries selected for fruit juice are thoroughly washed in cold water (it is better to do this even a couple of times) and dumped into boiling water poured into an enamel pan. The container is covered with a lid, and the contents are boiled for 6-8 minutes at a low boil. Then the berries are removed from the liquid using a slotted spoon or a wooden spoon, placed in a colander to drain, and then the juice is carefully squeezed out of them into a separate clean bowl.

Squeezed berry juice is poured into the slightly cooled broth, honey is added (if it is candied, then you need to melt it in a steam bath). The solution is stirred to completely dissolve the honey grains, and additionally boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. The drink, intended for one-year-old babies and infants, is filtered once more, cooled and slightly diluted with warm boiled water. For older children, you can give ready-made fruit juice. But in both cases, it is necessary to treat the child little by little, gradually, and observe the body’s reaction so that allergies do not appear.

Cranberry juice is a delicious drink that even a novice cook can prepare. It easily overcomes thirst and brings many benefits to the body.

Cranberries are the undisputed leader among berries in terms of the volume of nutrients. It has found application in the field of cosmetology and medicine, but is more often used in cooking.

Classic cranberry juice


  • Water – 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar – 350 g.
  • Cranberries – 500 g.


  1. Sort the cranberries, rinse, pour boiling water over them and rinse again in cooled boiled water.
  2. Mash the cranberries with a spoon, add a glass of water, stir and pass the cranberry mixture through thick cheesecloth.
  3. Place the squeeze in a container, add a glass of water, stir additionally and squeeze. After another operation, discard the spin, mix the juice with cool water and add sugar.

Cranberry juice in a slow cooker


  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Cranberries - 2 cups.
  • Sugar – 1 glass.


  1. Place the cranberries sorted and treated with water into a colander and crush with a spoon. Carry out the procedure over a bowl. The juice released by the berries will flow into the bowl.
  2. Pour sugar into the multicooker container, pour in cranberry juice and add the pulp. Pour boiling water from a kettle over all ingredients. After stirring, leave the cranberry juice covered for 4 hours.
  3. Strain and taste.

How to make fruit juice from frozen cranberries


  • Frozen cranberries – 500 g.
  • Boiled water – 6 glasses.
  • Sugar – 300 g.


  1. At the initial stage of preparation, remove the cranberries from the freezer and keep them in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. Pour over water, place on thick cheesecloth and crush with a wooden masher until juice appears.
  3. Squeeze out the resulting mass. Dilute the juice with warm boiled water and add sugar.
  4. After mixing, the cranberry juice is ready. A couple of mint leaves will decorate the drink.

Cranberry and honey juice


  • Cranberries – 1 cup.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Grind the sorted and washed cranberries in a blender and squeeze out the juice using gauze.
  2. Pour the juice into a glass container, close and place in a place with low temperature.
  3. Fill the squeeze with water, boil and cook for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain the liquid, combine with cranberry juice and add honey.
  4. Cranberry and honey fruit drink is good both warmed and cold.

Video recipe

Cranberry-based fruit drinks are easy to prepare. This wonderful drink will fight back against any store-bought soda.

Beneficial properties of cranberry juice

Cranberry is a valuable red berry with a diameter of 1.5 cm. It grows in swampy areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Even ancient people used it to fight illnesses.

This wonderful berry contains a rich vitamin complex, which makes it an important food product. Cranberry juice improves body tone and helps in the fight against various infections, is extremely useful for the treatment and prevention of diseases, and improves immunity.

  • Contains many antioxidants. They prevent the attachment of dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms to the lining of the bladder, which prevents the development of infections.
  • Contains betaine. This biologically active compound manages to easily kill bacteria that destroy the gastric mucosa, which performs a protective function.
  • It has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberry helps in neutralizing bacteria that cause otitis media, sore throat and various diseases of the respiratory system.
  • The berry is rich in polyphenols, which improve heart function and normalize cholesterol levels. As a result, the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis is reduced.
  • Cranberry juice is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The hypuric acid it contains enhances the effect of antibiotics on pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Contains flavonoids that increase the strength and elasticity of capillaries and promote the absorption of vitamin C. As a result, the likelihood of hypertension is reduced.
  • Stimulates the production of pancreatic and gastric juice. Cranberries are often used to prevent inflammatory processes in the digestive system and to combat diarrhea.
  • Prevents the appearance of bacteria that cause gum inflammation and caries. Diseases of the oral cavity are less common, and toothache does not cause discomfort.
  • Cranberries contain a lot of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of hormonal glands. Therefore, cranberry juice is recommended for people experiencing hormonal imbalance.

The beneficial properties of the presented drink are truly impressive. Since it contains an extensive vitamin complex, many organic acids and pectins, it is recommended to drink it for people with poor appetite, headaches or insomnia.

How to make lingonberry juice

Lingonberry is considered a medicinal berry, and a drink prepared from it is characterized by amazing healing properties and is rich in vitamins.

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of the drink. I will tell you how to make lingonberry juice at home, and you will verify its healing properties in practice. At the same time, it will help quench your thirst even on the hottest summer day.

Classic lingonberry juice


  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Lingonberries – 300 grams.
  • Sugar - to taste.


  1. Fresh and frozen lingonberries are suitable for preparing the drink. Rinse the berries and squeeze the juice into a ceramic, glass or porcelain container. I do not recommend using metal utensils, since the acids contained in lingonberries interact with metals.
  2. Squeeze the juice through a sieve or using a juicer. Place the lingonberry pomace in a container, add boiled water and place on the stove. Once the mixture boils, remove, cool and strain.
  3. Mix the resulting composition with the previously prepared juice, add a little sugar and mix. Then pour the lingonberry juice into a small jug and place in a cool place. I recommend heating the nectar before drinking.

Video cooking

Lingonberry and mint juice


  • Berries – 300 grams.
  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Mint.


  1. After sorting, rinse and dry the lingonberries. Then put it in a jar, add a little sugar to taste, a few fresh mint leaves and pour in boiling water.
  2. Seal the glass container securely, wrap it in a warm blanket and set aside overnight. In the morning, strain the drink and squeeze out the lingonberries. However, the procedure with berries can be carried out before pouring boiling water. The taste of the fruit drink will not change.

Lingonberry and beet juice


  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Beetroot – 1 kg.
  • Water – 3 l.
  • Sugar – 200 g.


  1. Pour the juice squeezed from lingonberries into a dark container and place in a dark place. Pour the pomace into a liter of clean water, boil and strain.
  2. Pass the peeled beets through a coarse grater, boil in the water left over from the lingonberries, and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Combine the juices, add sugar and boil.

As you can see, lingonberry juice is easily made in a home kitchen. The main thing is to have berries on hand. By drinking the drink, recharge your body with energy, improve your health and prevent the occurrence of various ailments. It's hard to believe that such a simple lingonberry drink has so many benefits, but it is true.

Beneficial properties of lingonberry juice

In terms of the number of useful elements, lingonberry juice will compete with citrus, grape or apple juice. The drink has been used in folk medicine since ancient times; it is simple and quick to prepare at home.

Continuing the topic of conversation, I will consider the beneficial properties of lingonberry juice. This elixir of health, gifted by Mother Nature, should be present in every refrigerator.

  1. Normalizes blood pressure. Provides a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, which makes it relevant during colds. Improves appetite and eliminates problems with the digestive system.
  2. Regular consumption improves the functioning of the nervous system. Sleep is normalized, depression is overcome and resistance to stressful situations is acquired. Lingonberry juice can improve a person’s condition, prevent the occurrence of joint diseases, and cleanse the kidneys.
  3. Doctors advise drinking lingonberry juice for many diseases, including: vitamin deficiency, anemia, poisoning, fungal infections, and respiratory diseases.
  4. A worthy alternative to pharmaceutical medicines for coughs. Having bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, it eliminates sore throat and prevents the development of ARVI.

Lingonberry juice during pregnancy

Even pregnant women who suffer from iron deficiency anemia are allowed to drink the lingonberry drink. During this period it appears often. It saturates the body with deficient substances, strengthens the immune system and improves mood.

Helps with mood swings during pregnancy, calms nerves, prevents constipation and eliminates swelling.

If you are pregnant, be sure to consult your doctor before including the drink in your diet. The doctor will determine the advisability of use and calculate the optimal rate.

Lingonberry juice is a natural diuretic, but consumption in abnormal quantities leads to dehydration, migraines and puts a strain on the kidneys. You should drink it no more than three weeks in a row.

Viburnum juice recipes

Viburnum juice is considered an elixir of health, an inexhaustible source of nutrients, is characterized by excellent taste and acts as a folk medicine.

Let's look at recipes for viburnum juice. The finished soft drink from viburnum is simultaneously characterized by refreshing sourness and pleasant sweetness, which makes the taste unique.

Traditional viburnum juice


  • Viburnum – 400 g.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Water – 1 l.


  1. Rinse the viburnum berries with water and remove the stems. Then place them in a small container and crush them with a wooden masher. Fill the resulting slurry with water, add sugar and place on the stove.
  2. As soon as bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, wait two minutes and remove the pan from the stove. After cooling, strain through cheesecloth and pour the viburnum juice into bottles.

Viburnum juice with juice


  • Viburnum – 400 g.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Water – 1 l.


  1. Divide the viburnum berries into three parts. Set aside one part, rinse the remaining two, crush in a saucepan, add sugar and leave for several hours.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the reserved viburnum. I don’t recommend throwing away the cake. Place it in a container with candied viburnum, add water, boil for two to three minutes, cool and strain.
  3. Add berry juice to the resulting drink, stir and taste for sugar. Sweeten if necessary. Store in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

Some housewives add honey to viburnum juice, but reduce the amount of sugar by half. Pour the hot drink into a saucepan, wait until it cools and add two tablespoons of honey. Once dissolved, pour into bottles.

Traditional recipes for viburnum juice do not include the use of additives. If desired, I advise you to add a quarter of a small spoon of grated ginger. Do this before boiling the cake. Cloves or cinnamon will also work. The main thing is not to overdo it, as these seasonings can drown out the berries.

I have known the taste of this berry drink since childhood. At that time there was no miracle technology, blenders, mixers, and I remember how I crushed the berries with a spoon, mixed them with sugar, then poured them with water and drank them. It seemed to me then that there was nothing tastier in the world; this sweet and sour taste gave me pleasure. And today I will tell you how to prepare frozen lingonberry juice without cooking and then you will find a step-by-step recipe with photos. I really hope that my method of preparing this healthy and tasty drink will be to your liking.

This lingonberry juice is a real storehouse of vitamins, which already makes it valuable during the season when the flu infection worries people. During a cold, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids and drinking fruit juice during an illness is a real salvation. But you don’t need to wait for the disease to come to visit you, because lingonberry juice is also an excellent means of prevention. So, prepare this berry for future use and drink this delicious and healthy drink all winter.

How to make lingonberry juice at home


  • Lingonberries – 1-2 cups
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Water – 2 – 2.5 liters

Step-by-step recipe for making lingonberry juice

There are recipes written on many websites on the Internet where lingonberry juice is cooked. But it seems to me that when cooked, it is no longer a fruit drink, but a lingonberry compote. I prepare fruit juice without cooking. For fruit juice, you can use any berries, fresh or frozen. In my case, I prepare fruit juice from frozen berries.

So, first I pour sugar into the water and put the water on the fire to boil. When the water boils, I turn it off and leave it to cool.

I pour the lingonberries into a liter jar, add a little cooled water and sugar and beat with a blender until smooth.

Then, I filter the whipped mass through a sieve and add it to a saucepan with water.

That’s all, the lingonberry juice is ready, as you can see, it’s not difficult to prepare. You can add other ingredients to the fruit drink, for example, a little vanilla or cinnamon. I don’t add anything other than sugar and berries, because I like fruit juice in this form. Drink to your health!

It is advisable for everyone to know how to cook lingonberry juice to preserve its beneficial properties. Then this drink will not only bring a pleasant taste sensation, but will also have a beneficial effect on the body. There are three most correct cooking options, in which all valuable components will remain unchanged.

Preparation of lingonberries

Sort fresh berries from leaves and tendrils, remove spoiled berries (these are dry ones, differing in color - white or black). Place in a colander under the tap and rinse with cold running water. should also be sorted and washed. It should thaw a little.

First way

We offer lingonberry preparation which involves boiling. Grind the prepared berries with a meat grinder or juicer. In the first case, squeeze the juice yourself.

Place the squeezed juice in the refrigerator. Fill the cake with water at the rate of 1 cup of cake per 1.5-2 liters of water. Add 200-250 g of sugar and put on the stove. Boil, after 5-7 minutes remove from the stove and leave to cool.

Strain the cooled broth using a fine sieve or 4-6 layers of gauze. Add cooled juice, stir, then drink.

Second way

Take the berries, mash and separate the juice from the cake. Pre-boil the water and let it cool to 90-95 degrees. Mix the cake with sugar, sweeten it with honey if desired, then add prepared water. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved and strain.

Add to the resulting fruit drink. You need to drink it hot and freshly prepared, since reheating the fruit drink worsens its taste and, most importantly, negatively affects the vitamin and mineral composition.

For a different taste, you can add a fresh mint leaf or a slice of lemon to this drink.

Third way

The most useful is lingonberry juice, the recipe for which completely eliminates heating. It is obtained by soaking lingonberries. This method is also economical, since this fruit drink can be prepared many times from the same lingonberries.

Place 2-3 cups of sorted and washed lingonberries in a three-liter jar. Add one glass of sugar, optionally 2-3 tbsp. honey Fill to the top with boiled cold water and cover with a lid. Place in the cellar or any other cool, dark place. After 2 weeks, remove and drain the resulting infusion. It is ready to eat and needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Add sugar, honey again to the jar with lingonberries and add water. After 1.5-2 weeks you will receive another portion of lingonberry juice. Thus, you can change the water from 5 to 10 times, depending on how much lingonberries you take.

The quality of the resulting fruit drink is judged based on color. Each time it will turn out lighter and more transparent. While the water is colored, the fruit drink contains nutrients.

After the lingonberries have completely given off their color and taste, they are thrown away or mixed with sugar to prepare the filling for baked goods.

Good to know

As a rule, red fruits and berries can give an allergic reaction, however, despite the fact that red is not an allergen. It can be eaten even by small children, including infants, as well as nursing and pregnant women, but without additional additives such as honey or mint.

The lingonberry juice recipe you choose will definitely be to your taste and will be good for your health. When making a choice, rely on the purposes for which the fruit drink will be prepared.
