A proven recipe for delicious braid buns. Yeast braids with berry filling. Homemade buns recipe

You have made dough for buns, pies and pretzels, but you don’t know how to cut the dough so that the baked goods turn out beautiful - see step-by-step photos.

Beautiful buns

Cutting "Orchid": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, connect the cut strips in the center.

Cutting "Peony": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, fold the triangle with other corners, make cuts. Unfold the square and connect the cut strips in the center. Place the filling into the flower petals.

Cutting "Curls": roll out the layer, season with filling, roll into rolls on both sides, cut across.

Baking cutter “Rose”: roll a bun, roll out a circle, make 4 cuts at equal intervals, put the filling in the middle, roll the rose petals one by one.

Butter “Bows”: roll into koloboks, roll out circles, fold the circle in half, make 4 external and 3 internal cuts.

A simple flower made from rich yeast dough: roll the sausages, connect them into rings, put the filling on the two walls inside the ring, connect them in the center, as shown in the photo.

Beautiful puff pastry Kalach: roll a bun out of it, roll out a circle, grease with filling, roll into a roll, cut the roll lengthwise, twist two puff ribbons together, connect the ends to make a roll.

How to make “Piglets” from rich yeast dough. Roll out the circle, make a small cut on top, bend the corners - ears. We sculpt the piglet's piglet at the bottom, bending the edge and flattening it a little. The piglets' eyes are made of raisins.

Butter "Mushrooms": A circle is rolled out, which is then cut into pieces (see photo) and laid out in the shape of mushrooms.

"Croissants". Roll out the circle and cut it into triangles, cutting from the center to the outer edge. A cut is made on the outer side of the triangle in the middle and the filling is laid out at its end. The croissant is rolled up from the outer edge to the center.

Bun “Bird”: Roll the sausage, wrap one edge around your index finger and thread it into the resulting ring. Using a small pinch, press the dough into a beak shape. The tail needs to be flattened and cuts made, giving the appearance of feathers. The eyes are the highlight.

Here are simple versions of beautiful buns made from sausages. By the way, even a child can make such forms. Involve the little ones in this fun baking process. At the same time, you will develop fine motor skills and imagination.

How to decorate pies

Flower cake decoration: Roll out the layer into a round shape, place a bun of filling in the center. Carefully distribute the rest of the filling around the circle, leaving space from the edges and the central bun. Cover the top with another layer of dough. Using a small bowl or tea cup, press the edges around the center filling. Trim the outer edges with an openwork knife. Then evenly cut the dough with the filling that goes along the outer ring. Turn each “petal” slightly so the filling is facing up.

Cutting a loaf of bread. Roll the flagella into sausages and weave them into a loaf, as shown in the step-by-step instructions in the photo.

Here are the options for decorating the edge of the pie.

Cutting the dough “Pigtail” or “Spikelet”

The simplest version of “Pigtails”. A rectangle is cut out of the rolled out dough layer and a longitudinal cut is made in the center. Then, one edge is threaded through the resulting hole several times. This way the edges curl into a spiral. The filling is placed in the center.

"Pigtail with sausage". Three sausages are connected at the top edges. Then a slice of sausage is placed between them. Intertwined like a braid. The right harness is placed between the left and the center, then the left is placed between the right (which is now on the left) and the center (which is on the right). Again, a slice of sausage is placed and the braiding continues.

Sausage in “Pigtail” dough. This delicacy is sometimes called “Obzhorka” in culinary shops. The sausage is placed in the center of the dough cake. Then the edges are stuck to each other, and the sausage wrapped in dough is cut into equal parts. Each polka is turned sausage side up and placed one after another on different sides from the middle. Place in the oven when half cooked. Sprinkle cheese, herbs on top, grease with mayonnaise or ketchup (optional). And finish baking until ready.

Beautiful bun “Spikelet”. This type of baking is simple to make and looks very beautiful. Roll out a thin layer, grease with vegetable oil or egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (poppy seeds). We roll the roll, which we then cut with scissors slightly obliquely, as shown in the photo. We put the resulting “spikelets” into one large beautiful bun.

And this is a simple pigtail with poppy seeds. The sausage is covered with poppy seeds and cut with scissors, placing the petals on different sides.

Lush buns-braids. yeast dough.

Preparing yeast dough is not difficult, but there is one secret - you must do it in a good mood, with bright thoughts. The room where the dough is prepared and rises should be quiet and completely free of drafts. And then your buns, buns, pies and pies will definitely turn out, they will be fluffy, rosy and delicious.

To make buns from rich yeast dough you will need:
flour - 500-550 g;
sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
salt - 1/4 tsp;
vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l.;
fermented baked milk - 200 ml;
milk - 50 ml;
butter - 50 g;
eggs (in dough) - 2 pcs.;
egg for greasing buns - 1 pc.;
brown sugar for sprinkling.

Cooking method:

Dissolve yeast and some sugar in warm milk. Place in a warm place for 15 minutes. A “cap” should form on the surface.

Melt the butter. Beat eggs with salt, sugar, vanilla sugar. Add melted butter, warm fermented baked milk and suitable yeast. Mix everything until smooth.

Gradually add flour and knead the dough first in a bowl, then transfer to a floured table and knead thoroughly. Do not add excess flour. The dough should be soft, elastic, not sticky. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

The correct dough should be fluffy, soft, and very pliable.

The buns can be given any shape. Today I decided to bake “braids”. To do this, roll small pieces of dough into flagella with your hands.

Weave braids from flagella.

This is how you get a braided bun!

Place the buns on a baking sheet. Beat the egg with a fork, brush each bun with egg and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the buns on the baking sheet in a warm place for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the buns for 20-25 minutes.

Seeing that the article on how to make beautiful buns of different shapes interested you, dear fellow housewives, and quickly became popular, I have prepared a continuation especially for you!

I looked for unusual ideas, came up with something myself and remembered it, kneaded a rich yeast dough - and let’s get creative! It turned out even more beautiful than in the first part. Let's sculpt together!

And recently the 4th part “How to make buns beautifully” was released - 12 types of design for buns!

How to make a scallop bun

Have you ever seen such beautiful scallops in a bread shop? Kids love them! And it’s very easy to make your home beautiful.

Rolling a sausage out of dough...

and along one edge we make a notch with a knife at an equal distance.

We slightly bend the edges of the sausage down - you get a nice scallop!

How to make a bun Sunshine

Just like a scallop - only we make the sausage flatter, and the ray-like cloves thinner, it will be more beautiful.

And when laying it out on a baking sheet, we don’t just fold the edges down, but stick them together to make a circle.

It turns out to be a rosy sun!

How to make a dough braid

I'm sure all girls know how to braid hair. We braid the dough from the dough in the same way as a regular braid - we roll out three thin sausages, mold their upper edges together and braid!

If you brush the braid with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar, it will turn out even more beautiful and tastier, indistinguishable from a store-bought bun. Why can’t you tell the difference – it’s better!

How to make bun curls, snails

I love baking cute swirls. They are made simply: you need to roll out the dough into a rectangle approximately 0.5 cm thick.

Then sprinkle with poppy seeds, or cinnamon sugar, or raisins, or berries - and roll it up!

Cut this roll into pieces 1.5 - 2 cm thick.

You will get nice curled buns.

How to make a heart bun

And from the roll you can form a more complex beautiful pastry, for example, a bun in the shape of a heart.

Again, roll out a rectangular cake.

Roll up the roll.

We cut the roll lengthwise from one end, not completely, but about 2/3 of the length.

We wrap the free ends down and stick them together - tightly so that the bun does not unfold during baking.

How to make a braid from dough? Very simple! Just a few manipulations, and beautiful pastries in the form of lush braids are on your table! 😀 Pleasant to the eye and exudes wonderful aromas...

What dough should I use to make these braids? You can take a ready-made puff pastry, or you can use any yeast – store-bought or homemade, with dry or live yeast, butter or lean. I kneaded the dough with dry yeast without animal fats. I used tomato juice and water as a basis.

Also, my yeast dough braids with sesame cake! The other day I told you how to cook and which ones you can bake with it. After preparing this plant-based milk, what remains is sesame cake, which is great for any baking. But the buns will turn out delicious even without it!

I didn't add sugar to the dough. Therefore, my option is neutral. It can also be eaten with sweet tea and coffee. Serve with jam or any preserves. Or you can use it instead of regular bread for soup or salad. But if you definitely want sweet baked goods, add sugar to your taste and bake this way 😉

So, let's study in more detail, with photographs and descriptions, how to make a braid from dough!


  • tomato juice - 250 ml
  • filtered water - 100 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • sunflower oil - 8 tbsp.
  • premium wheat flour - 5 cups (625 g)*
  • sesame cake or sesame seeds (optional) - 150 g
  • dry yeast - 2-2.5 tsp.
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour

Bun braids, how to weave:

Combined tomato juice, water, salt and 5 tbsp. refined sunflower oil. Mixed well.
The overall temperature of this liquid should be pleasantly warm - 35-40"C.

I added sesame cake. As I said above, you can use sesame seeds instead - straight from the bag or heat them a little in a dry frying pan or on a baking sheet in the oven. Or you can do without it altogether - as you like.

I also sifted flour mixed with dry yeast here. Since I didn’t initially know how much flour it would take, I added and mixed gradually, at the rate of 0.5 tsp per 1 glass (125 grams). yeast.
I ended up using about 625 grams of flour. You may end up with more or less because wheat gluten varies.

While kneading, I poured in another 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Kneaded the dough into a ball. Covered with a lid and placed in a warm place for an hour.

She kneaded the dough with her fist and returned it to a warm place. The second time it rose faster - in half an hour.

Now that the dough has risen twice, you can watch how to braid the buns.
I divided the dough into 4 equal parts to bake 4 braids. Each part in turn was cut into 3 identical parts. I rolled each one between my palms into a sausage. The length and thickness can be adjusted according to your wishes and the size of the baking sheet))

First, I connected the three sausages with a strong pinch at the top.

From this common point I began to weave a braid. First, I overlapped the right tourniquet over the middle one, then the left one over the same original right one, making the middle tourniquet now the far right one. And so she wove it to the very end, where she also made a strong tuck.

Placed the braided buns made from yeast dough on a baking sheet. I sent it to bake for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200"C. If you decide to bake smaller braids, then 20 minutes may be enough - be guided not only by the size of the products, but also by the features of your oven.

I placed the braids on a cooling rack and covered the top with foil and a towel. I let them cool down like that.

Now you know how to braid buns. I hope that you also liked the option for preparing the dough! ;)

We ate these braids with soup, and as in the photo - with my favorite yellow plum jam!! Tasty!

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Baking at home doesn't have to involve a long list of ingredients and long hours spent in the kitchen. Everything can be prepared simply and quickly. Pigtail buns are an excellent example of inexpensive, but tasty and tender baked goods. They are very easy to prepare. This article provides recipes for sweet buns made with yeast and yeast-free dough.

Benefits of home baking

No matter how beautiful store-bought baked goods may look, they cannot compare with homemade ones. Pies, cupcakes, bagels, pies and braided buns made with your own hands are always tastier, more aromatic and fluffy. While kneading the dough, you can remove, add or replace some ingredients to your liking. Housewives lovingly prepare all kinds of pastries for their loved ones, relying on proven recipes that some inherited from their mothers and grandmothers. Baked goods prepared at home can be offered even to a small child without any fear, since they contain only fresh, good quality products and no harmful additives.

Pigtail bun made from yeast dough

Required Products:

  1. Wheat flour - 3.5 cups.
  2. Sugar - 1 glass.
  3. Yogurt - 220 milliliters.
  4. Butter - 1/4 pack.
  5. Salt - a teaspoon.
  6. Eggs - 4 pieces.
  7. Dry yeast - 1/5 sachet.
  8. Water - 80 milliliters.
  9. Vanillin - 3 pinches.
  10. Refined oil - 20 milliliters.

Preparing the buns

You need to start by heating the water until warm and pouring it into a deep semicircular bowl. Add dry yeast and stir. Then add half a glass of sugar, stir again and leave for ten minutes.

Next, completely melt the butter in a water bath. After this, beat two chicken eggs into the well-dissolved yeast, add salt and add yogurt, vanillin and slightly cooled butter. Mix everything with a mixer at the lowest speed. Then gradually sift the wheat flour through a mug-sieve directly into the bowl with the liquid part of the dough and knead with a mixer. Now you definitely need to keep it warm for sixty minutes. According to the braid bun recipe, the dough should rise well and double in volume.

After waiting the required time, transfer the soft and elastic yeast dough to a table surface that has been generously sprinkled with flour in advance. Without crushing, cut it into equal parts. The size depends on your desire, on what kind of braided bun you want after baking: larger or smaller. Each part is subsequently also divided into three pieces. Roll out the resulting pieces into flagella and weave them into braids. Grease the entire surface of the baking sheet with refined oil from the inside.

Then, as you braid the braided buns, place them on the prepared baking sheet. Separately, break the remaining eggs into a not very large bowl and beat them well with an electric whisk. Using a brush, brush the surface of each braided bun with the prepared egg mixture. Finally, generously sprinkle the greased braids with sugar.

After this, the baking sheet can be placed in the oven. Baking will take forty minutes at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees. While the baking process is going on, the kitchen and all rooms will gradually be filled with a pleasant and tasty aroma, which will surely provoke everyone’s appetite. Place the finished fluffy and airy browned yeast buns onto a plate, and you can immediately brew tea or coffee. These homemade baked goods can be served for breakfast, afternoon tea, and even a piece at dinner.

Braided buns with sugar and cinnamon


  1. Flour - 4 cups.
  2. Milk - 250 milliliters.
  3. Eggs - 5 pieces.
  4. Margarine for baking - 1/2 pack.
  5. Sugar - 1 glass.
  6. Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
  7. Kefir - 250 milliliters.
  8. Soda - a teaspoon.
  9. Cinnamon - a teaspoon.

This option for preparing homemade baked goods can be considered the simplest. The dough for the Cinnamon Sugar Braid Buns is pretty easy to make. Since it is yeast-free, its preparation time is significantly reduced. The finished buns are tender and soft, and the cinnamon adds flavor. In general, this recipe can be adopted by those who are pressed for time due to busyness and cannot afford the long preparation of homemade baked goods.

Preparing braids

To begin with, it is recommended to turn on the oven so that it gradually warms up to the two hundred degrees required for baking. Next, you need to take a higher container and pour kefir, milk into it and beat in three eggs. Add 2/3 cup sugar, ground cinnamon and salt. Stir until the added ingredients are completely dissolved. Then steam dissolve half a stick of margarine for baking, let it cool slightly and pour into the milk-kefir mixture. Stir and sift the wheat flour into the resulting mixture in small parts.

Gradually add all the flour indicated in the recipe and knead the dough. Let it “rest” for about twenty minutes and divide it into parts. After that, dip each of them in flour, knead a little and cut into three pieces. Roll all the pieces into ropes with your hands and, collecting them in threes, braid them and tuck the ends. Next, cover the bottom of a baking sheet with special baking parchment and place all the braided braids on it. The selected recipe with photo will tell you how to make a bun-braid.

Now you need to break the remaining two chicken eggs into a bowl and beat well with a kitchen whisk. Next, take a brush and thoroughly brush all the braided buns laid out on the baking sheet with beaten eggs. Immediately sprinkle the wet buns with sugar and place them in a fairly preheated oven for baking. Thirty-five minutes will be enough for the braided buns sent into the oven to be well baked and covered with a golden brown crust.

If desired, along with the sugar, the buns can also be sprinkled with ground cinnamon. Another ingredient that can be used for garnishing is white sesame or black sesame for contrast. Remove the baking sheet with fragrant braided buns from the oven, and transfer the finished homemade cakes from it to a dish and serve after cooling for a family tea party.


Simple and easy recipes will allow you to prepare delicious and tender homemade baked goods that will appeal to many at no extra cost. Try and please your family with these golden brown buns.
