Plum puree recipes for the winter. Getting ready for winter: we cook plum puree for the baby for future use. Natural plum puree without sugar

Use this step-by-step recipe with photos and prepare sugar-free plum puree at home for the winter, which you can not only eat on its own, but also make baked goods. Video recipe.

For the health of people who suffer from diabetes, they need dietary nutrition and care about weight loss... homemade sugar-free plum puree for the winter is very important as a source of valuable vitamins and microelements. The fruits contain sugars (equal amounts of glucose and sucrose, less fructose), organic acids (malic and citric, less oxalic, succinic and quinine), carotene and B vitamins. Plums contain tannins and coloring substances in large quantities. Both fresh and processed, plum preparations are useful for atherosclerosis, kidney disease, rheumatism, gout, and they are also a mild laxative.

The proposed culinary recipe is easy to prepare, very reliable and can be stored well in the apartment. Any varieties with fleshy pulp are suitable for preparing preparations. The size, size and color of the fruit are not important. It is desirable that they be of the same removable degree of maturity. All damaged and rotten places must be cut out. This puree can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, as a filling for pies, rolls, pies. The preparation is delicious served with pancakes or pancakes. You can also make tkemali sauce from plum puree, which is served with meat.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 40 kcal.
  • Number of servings - approximately 1-1.2 kg
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Plums - 2 kg
  • Drinking water - 100 ml

Step-by-step preparation of sugar-free plum puree for the winter, recipe with photo:

1. Wash the plums under running water and dry with a paper towel.

2. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. Place the fruits in a cooking pot and add drinking water. If there are broken or rotten spots on the fruit, cut them off.

3. Place the pan on the fire and boil. Turn the temperature down to minimum and cook the plums covered for 15-20 minutes until soft.

4. Remove the pan from the heat and plunge the blender into the fruit.

5. Grind the plums to a homogeneous puree consistency and heat the mixture over the fire after boiling for 5-7 minutes.

6. Wash the jars with soda and sterilize over steam. Place the hot puree in jars to the top, cover with clean lids and sterilize in a pan of water for 20 minutes after boiling. Water should not get into the jar with plums. Then close the containers with lids, turn them over, placing them on the lids, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave for 1-2 days until they cool completely. When canned sugar-free plum puree has cooled for the winter, place it in the pantry and store at room temperature. But it is better to place the container in a cool place so that the beneficial and healing properties of plums are preserved in the best possible way.

Summer has come. The gardens have already ripened plums that emit a divine aroma. I want to teach you how to cook plum puree for the winter at home. In our family, we all love this fruit, so getting up in the morning, taking buckets, we go to the garden. We returned home after lunch with full buckets of ripe, fragrant plums. They spoil quite quickly, so we decided to leave a little to eat and fill the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, and use the rest for preservation. Having made compotes and covered quite a lot, we still have one and a half buckets of these berries left. Then I decided to make plum puree, a friend gave me the recipe last year, praising it. Well, now it's time to cook it.
The preparation process was quite simple, so not even an hour had passed before my family and I were already sampling this delicacy. The plum puree turned out to be very tasty, aromatic and very tender. It’s a pity that there weren’t enough plums, but that’s okay, next year I’ll make a lot more of it.
- 1 kilogram of ripe plums,
- 0.500 grams of sugar,
- some water.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Remove the pits from the plums. Do it the way you are comfortable and accustomed to.
Place the plums in a container.

Add sugar.

After this, pour in water.

Boil the plums a little and then puree them smoothly using the immersion attachment of a blender.

The finished plum puree can be eaten immediately, or you can put it in jars for the winter.
Here you choose the option you want. Please note that if you close the plum puree for the winter, then sterilization of the jars with puree is not required at all.
Bon appetit!

You can also put it on for family celebrations

Every year, many berries and fruits ripen on dacha lands and in village gardens. Housewives are actively beginning to preserve pieces of summer for the winter in the form of jams, compotes and jellies. Each woman has her own optimal recipe for preserving different berries, and, as a rule, it contains an exorbitant amount of sugar as a preservative.

But such an amount of sweets can be harmful to the youngest members of the family. How compactly can you store plums so that they can delight your baby with their taste even in winter, and how can you preserve healthy plum puree for your baby for the winter?

Plum has a laxative effect on the intestines, so using plum puree you can correct its functioning. In addition, these fruits help reduce acidity, dilate blood vessels and have a slight decongestant and diuretic effect.

Plum contains many vitamins A, C, PP and group B. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, copper, calcium and sodium and magnesium.

It is important to know that the skin of blue plums is not recommended for children under 5 years of age to eat, so use yellow varieties for preparations or choose a recipe that requires removing the skin.

Preparation for the winter

If you have space in the freezer to also store plums there, then you can freeze the plum puree for the winter. It will lie there quite compactly compared to whole fruits, and subsequently it will be convenient for you to use portioned briquettes in order to please your baby with a natural product.

The recipe for making plum puree for a baby is very simple. You will need to wash fresh plums well to remove any naturally occurring wild yeast from the surface of their skins. Then you need to cut the fruits and remove the seeds from them. It is believed that all fruits accumulate harmful substances in the skin and therefore it is recommended to cut it off. But at the same time, almost all useful substances are concentrated in it. Therefore, if you are sure that your fruits are harmless, blend the plums in a blender along with the peel.

Prepare clean containers in which you will freeze the puree. In order not to suffer later, immediately think about what the approximate volume of the portion should be. You can freeze the puree in plastic disposable glasses, and then transfer the resulting briquettes into one bag.

The puree must be defrosted gradually and at room temperature.

Since plums are slightly sour, when feeding, you can mix different types of fruit puree in different proportions. Based on your baby's appetite, you will understand which recipe he likes more than others.

How to preserve puree

Not everyone has freezers, and there is hardly enough space in the refrigerator for such preparations for future use. Therefore, many mothers, trying to preserve for their children all the benefits of fruits growing in their dachas, can them. Even if the recipe is made without adding water, the plum puree will turn out to be quite watery and sour. Therefore, parents often dilute it and give it to the baby in the form of natural juice or combine it with other sweet fruits.

Glass jars from commercial baby food are suitable for storage; the main thing is that the metal lids have threads - then they will store your work reliably and for a long time.

The process of canning puree for the winter is no different from standard “twists”. First you need to sterilize the washed jars - pour water into the pan, place the lids in it, attach a colander to the walls of the container, and place the jars on it upside down. The liquid will boil, steam will fill the glass containers, and when moisture flows down the walls in droplets, the jars can be considered sterile. As a rule, this takes about 5 minutes.

Soak the plums for a couple of hours in a saline solution (2 tsp per liter of water) so that the worms crawl out of them. The recipe for plum puree is simple. Wash the fruits, cut them and remove the seeds. Place the plums in a saucepan, add a glass of water and cook for 8 minutes after boiling. The fruits will become softer after cooking, and after cooling them, you can grind the pulp through a sieve or using a blender. The resulting plum emulsion must be boiled and placed in sterile jars.

The jars of puree should be placed in a saucepan so that the hot water reaches their “shoulders”, and covered with lids, sterilize for another 10 minutes. Afterwards, the jars are twisted and cooled upside down.
From 1 kg of ripe plums you will get about 800 grams of natural puree.

Making prune puree

To prepare puree, you can take not only fresh fruits, but also dried ones. You can easily prepare prune puree for babies with your own hands. Dried plums preserve all the beneficial properties of these fruits.

The recipe for dried fruit puree is practically no different from fresh fruit puree. Prunes need to be washed with water, pour boiling water over them and left to absorb moisture for at least 3 hours. Then you need to drain the liquid and boil the soaked fruits, after which the skin will be removed from them quite easily. The remaining pulp must be thoroughly ground until smooth. If the emulsion turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it a little with water and then be sure to boil it. Healthy prune puree for babies is ready, all that remains is to cool it.

By trying each recipe, you will understand which one is simpler and more optimal for you, and you will be able to preserve all the beneficial properties of plums for your baby for the winter.

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Healthy sweet plum puree for the winter - recipes for preparing tasty and healthy homemade preparations for children and adults. Simple, even without sugar or more complex with condensed milk or spices - each of the recipes will not require much time to prepare a fortified product.

To prepare any dish you need fresh ingredients. In our case, before cooking, juicy and ripe fruits will need to be broken in half and the pit removed. The main thing is that the plums are fresh and free of rotten spots. Preparation will require rubbing the fruits through a sieve or passing them through a blender or juicer, and then the juice and pulp are brought to a boil and cooked until thickened. But it is not recommended to overcook the puree; such a product loses its beneficial properties.

Another feature of plum puree is that it is not recommended to use citric acid. This aromatic additive will give the puree an attractive taste, but will also significantly lighten the final composition. You don’t need to use sugar for cooking; ripe plums will provide the pulp with a sufficient amount of sugars. For those with a sweet tooth, it is recommended to add a minimal amount.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Preparing plums is the right choice of fruit for making puree. At the market or in a store, pay attention to several points:

  • Throughout the entire internal plane of the fruit, the consistency and density of the pulp should be the same.
  • Ripe fruits are distinguished from unripe ones by visual inspection of the condition of the stalk. Ripe plums always have a dry brown twig, while unripe plums are colored green.
  • When pressed lightly, the plum should remain elastic, but not hard. Excessive softness indicates overripe fruit, in which the process of rotting may begin.

Important! Two tips from experienced gardeners. If a plum is picked from a mature tree, it will always be much sweeter than that of a young seedling. To remove worms and caterpillars from fruits, it is recommended to immerse them in a bowl of salt water for several hours. During this time, the worms will crawl out of the plum, and they can be washed off under running water.

Simple recipes for making plum puree

To prepare a healthy product at home, it is recommended to study simple recipes that can satisfy even gourmets.


For cooking you will need a ripe and juicy plum. The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Free the fruits from the seeds. Cut the plum along the hollow, divide it into 2 parts and remove the pit.
  • Place the berries in a saucepan, add water at the rate of a maximum of 150 mg of water for every 1 kg of plum. Place the container on the stove and cook the fruits over low heat until soft.
  • Place a sieve with small holes in a meat grinder and pass the pulp through. You can use a blender or strain the mixture through a sieve.
  • Place the product on low heat, bring to a boil and roll into small sterilized jars.

This puree can be given to children and patients with diabetes.

With sugar

To prepare, take plums and sugar to taste. Perform several operations:

  • the plum is prepared for cooking according to the scheme indicated above and passed through a meat grinder;
  • Place the mixture in a saucepan and place on medium heat;
  • bring to a boil, reduce heat to minimum;
  • add sugar, taste the mush, add more sweetness if necessary;
  • let the product simmer for another 5-7 minutes over low heat, place it hot in sterilized jars and seal it hermetically with a special key;
  • A label is placed on the jar indicating the type of plum and the year of preparation, the jars are turned over and wrapped in a blanket until they cool completely.

The product is ready.

Important! Plum puree was not previously sealed with airtight lids. The finished product in jars was covered with gauze and left open for several days. A dense film formed on the surface, which prevented the entry of air. Then the jar was covered with film and the neck was wrapped with thread or closed with a plastic lid.

You can try sealing the puree this way, but storing it will require a deep cellar with constant coolness.

In the microwave

This technique allows you to significantly save time when preparing several servings for breakfast, but a large volume will require large amounts of electricity, and the time gain will be insignificant when preparing the product in small portions.

For cooking 1 serving. Prepare 1 kg of ripe plums and 250 g of sugar:

  • the preparatory stage is similar to the previous ones, but the plum halves are divided into 2 more parts;
  • the plum is placed in a special container and in three 7-minute cycles under maximum load the fruit is brought to half-cookedness;
  • Before the last cycle, sugar is added and stirred.

The puree is ready, all that remains is to put it in jars and seal it tightly with a metal lid.


You will need more ingredients. The list of products is given for preparing 8 servings of the product:

  • plums are cut, pits are removed, divided into 4 parts, and 1 kg is placed in a pan;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc., grate the zest and squeeze out the juice separately;
  • cinnamon - 2-3 sticks of natural product.

The work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • place all parts of the recipe in a container;
  • heat over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • turn the heat up, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

The puree can be stored in the refrigerator, served, or sealed in sterilized jars.

With condensed milk

To prepare 500 g jars of sweet puree, prepare:

  • plum, divided and cut into 4 parts - 750 g;
  • filtered water - 70-80 ml;
  • high-quality condensed milk - 4-5 tbsp. spoons

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. The prepared plums are placed in a pan, water is added, mixed and placed on the stove.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and cook over medium heat for 20-30 minutes, until the berries are soft.
  3. Grind the mass with a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed.
  4. Add condensed milk to the mixture, put it on the fire and stirring constantly, boil over low heat for 6-8 minutes.
  5. The finished puree is placed in jars and sealed with lids. The jars are wrapped in a blanket and, after cooling, put away in a storage place.

From prunes

You will need:

  • water;
  • prunes - 500 g.

There is no need for sugar; ripe plums of this variety have a sickly sweet taste:

  1. Remove the seeds and rinse under the tap. Each berry should be washed well.
  2. Soak the berries in warm water to make them swell.
  3. A day later, the old water is drained, the fruits are washed under running water and poured in so that it covers the berries.
  4. Cover the pan with a tight lid and place on low heat. The plum should be gradually heated and simmered in the pan for 90 minutes.
  5. The softened berries are placed in a blender and crushed to a smooth paste.
  6. Bring the puree to a boil and seal in jars.


There should not be any particular problems with preserving properly made plum puree for the winter. This product can be stored in the cellar, basement or on shelves in the pantry. The main thing is to put the workpiece for the winter in a dark place, out of direct sunlight.


Even a novice housewife can prepare a tasty and healthy puree from juicy, sweet and healthy plums for the winter. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and correctly perform all stages of preparing fortified gruel.
