Recipe for popsicles made from juice. Delicious ice treat. Strawberry Ice Extravaganza

Fruit ice is loved by both adults and children, and its popularity does not disappear even in the winter season. In addition to supposedly fighting thirst, a dessert made from natural ingredients, can saturate the body with vitamins, improve skin condition, and even have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Of course, today this dessert is easy to find in any store, but it is very easy to prepare at home.

Calorie content and composition

Popsicles sold in supermarkets are often no different healthy composition. Manufacturers add flavorings, flavor enhancers and, of course, dyes, which only increase the calorie content of the product and reduce its usefulness. Therefore, the best solution would be to make your own sweets from natural ingredients: fruits and berries, and, if desired, vegetables.

Fruit ice homemade will perfectly cope with the main task - cooling the body, but in addition will bring significant benefits to it. One hundred grams of product will contain approximately seventy to one hundred and ten calories.

Even a beginner in cooking can make ice cream at home, so often this dessert implemented together with children. For cooking, you are allowed to purchase frozen fruits and berries, although fresh ones, of course, will be healthier, as well as natural juice. In addition, you will need molds of the required shapes and sizes. You can purchase special containers in the store, use sections for freezing ice, or limit yourself to ordinary disposable cups or yogurt packages.

By showing your imagination, even with such simple tools you can make multi-colored multi-tiered ice cream makers.

"Paradisaic delight"

In the case when there are several ingredients in the refrigerator, you can implement a recipe called “ Paradisaic delight». To prepare you will need:

  • 500 grams of strawberries;
  • a couple of bananas;
  • five sprigs of mint;
  • 25 grams of powdered sugar;
  • fifty milliliters of orange juice.

If the ingredients are frozen, they will first have to be thawed, washed and dried. The mint is washed and freed from the branches, and then mixed with strawberries and powdered sugar in a blender. The resulting mass is laid out in molds so that half of the available volume remains free.

Peeled bananas are also mashed together with orange juice. Once the strawberry layer has set in the refrigerator, you can place the banana layer on top of it. After fruit ice goes back into the refrigerator. It can be used when both layers reach the required state, that is, completely hardened.

From natural juice

Any natural juice also becomes an optimal basis for fruit ice. To do this, the liquid, ideally with pulp, is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. It will take twenty-five to forty minutes and the ice cream will be ready. In principle, in this case it would also be suitable store bought juice, but the taste of the ice will then be less intense, and the color will be almost transparent.

With dairy products

There are recipes that successfully combine juice with dairy products. One of them will require:

  • 500 milliliters of orange juice;
  • 130 milliliters of yogurt;
  • 125 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 250 grams of berries, for example gooseberries;
  • juice of any other fruit.

IN in this case the variable component will form the basis of the ice cream - you have to fill a third of the mold with liquid, and put everything in the freezer for about half an hour. At this time, you can do the second layer - beat the yogurt and Orange juice, pour them over the first one, and let stand for another thirty minutes. The third layer will be berry puree with powdered sugar. When it is placed in the general mold, you will need to wait another half hour and then serve the finished ice on the table.

With syrup

Used for making fruit ice and sugar syrup. The list of ingredients for this ice cream includes:

Place the sweetener and liquid over medium heat, bring to a boil, and cook until the crystals are completely dissolved. At this time, the cherries are processed in a food processor. Having cooled slightly, the sugar syrup is mixed with the berry mass and placed into molds.

With gelatin

Using gelatin and fruit puree will create a sunny, soft puree. To create a treat you will need:

  • a glass of apricot or peach puree;
  • 420 milliliters of drinking water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • seven grams of gelatin;
  • lemon juice.

According to the instructions, the substance is dissolved in water and left alone until it swells. The rest of the water is combined with sugar and placed over low heat. When the liquid boils, you will need to add gelatin to it.

As soon as the substance dissolves, you can remove everything from the stove. The slightly cooled syrup is mixed with fruit puree and citrus juice. The resulting mass is ground through a sieve, distributed among the cells and put into the freezer.

With starch

An ingredient that is unusual for desserts, starch, is used to make kiwi-flavored fruit ice. Two hundred grams of fruit are supplemented with:

  • 120 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of drinking water;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of potato starch;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Kiwis are washed and peeled, then cut into suitable pieces and pureed. Sugar along with 150 milliliters of water on the stove is transformed into syrup. As soon as it boils, add citric acid to the pan.

The remainder of the clean liquid is used to dilute the starch, which will then need to be poured into a container with sugar syrup. Cook everything together for three minutes, after which it cools. At the last stage, the sugar substance is mixed with kiwi puree using a whisk or mixer. Having placed the fruit ice into cups, it will need to be put away freezer.

By the way, unusual taste will have homemade popsicles made from Coca-Cola. To prepare it, you just need to pour the purchased drink into molds and put it away to freeze.

With pear

Pear ice is prepared from:

  • 550 grams of ripe fruit;
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of clean water;
  • 10 grams of vanillin;
  • 55 milliliters lemon juice.

The washed pears are freed from all inedible parts and then pureed in a blender. At this time, in a separate saucepan, bring a mixture of sugar, vanillin and water to a boil. In hot sweet syrup The pears are added and the ingredients are cooled together. If the fruit pieces are too hard, you will have to cook them a little longer. Next is the syrup with soft pears supplemented with lemon juice and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mass is poured into molds and put into the freezer.

With watermelon

A very tasty ice cream can be made from watermelon and chocolate. In addition to 500 grams sweet berries, you will need 100 grams of solid chocolate without filling and half a lime. Watermelon pulp is crushed and mixed with lime juice. Chocolate is rubbed onto the shavings and also mixed into the resulting substance. Everything is poured into glasses and frozen.

Before serving, you can dip the ice cream in melted chocolate.

With pineapple

Pineapple lovers will be happy to know that popsicles can be made from both fresh fruit and canned fruit. In the first case, you will need 500 grams of fruit, and in the second - 400 grams. In addition, 575 milliliters of water, 80 milliliters of lemon juice, and 380 grams of sugar will come in handy. Sugar syrup is prepared according to the usual method, after which lemon juice is added to it. Pineapples are crushed in a blender and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The ice is put into molds and put away for freezing.

With raspberries and strawberries

Raspberry-strawberry ice cream is considered incredibly delicious. To prepare it you need to take:

  • a kilogram of fresh or even canned strawberries;
  • kilogram of raspberries;
  • about a glass of sugar;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of starch.

Sugar syrup is boiled according to the usual scheme, then mixed with washed berries. Cook the ingredients together for about ten minutes. low heat, then process with a blender. The resulting puree is mixed with starch diluted in cold water. The finished mass is frozen in molds with wooden sticks.

With blackberries

Such an outlandish berry as blackberry goes very organically with watermelon, so it is also recommended to choose a combination of these ingredients for making fruit ice. In addition to 300 grams of berries, you need to take:

  • kilogram of watermelon pulp;
  • a couple of tablespoons of lime juice;
  • salt;
  • powdered sugar.

Three blackberries are placed in each mold, and the rest are processed into puree. The same treatment is necessary for watermelon, after which all the remaining ingredients are combined into a single mass. Once completed, the ice is poured into the molds as usual.

With melon and blueberries

The combination of layers of melon and blueberries is considered a little complex, but very tasty. The blueberry layer is prepared from:

  • glasses of berries;
  • 200 grams of juice;
  • two spoons of yogurt without additives;
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • pinches of salt.

The second layer will require:

  • 300 grams of melon pulp;
  • 20 milliliters of lemon juice;
  • a few tablespoons of powdered sugar.

First of all, put the blueberries with juice and sugar on the fire, bring to a boil, and cook for about a couple of minutes. Once cooled, whisk it together with salt and yogurt and use it to form the bottom layer. The melon is pureed with lemon juice and powder, and immediately placed on top of the blueberries. This delicacy should be frozen for about twelve hours.

Colorless ice

Finally, you can make colorless ice with fruit fragments. A glass of boiling water is combined with four tablespoons of granulated sugar, brought to a boil, and kept on fire for about five minutes. At this time, the fruits are washed and, if necessary, cut into small pieces, which are laid out in molds. The fruits are poured with hot syrup, cooled, and put in the freezer for two or three hours.

Design options

Ordinary popsicles can be turned into a real work of art by passing them through a shaker. After undergoing processing, it will be crushed into thin chips and thereby acquire its original structure. This dessert is served poured with syrups with suitable flavors, and also sprinkled with crushed nuts or mint. In addition, you can accompany the ice with condensed milk, halva, jam or jams.

You can freeze fruit ice not only in large molds, but also in miniature sections, usually located in the refrigerator. The result should be cubes, which are then recommended to be added to cocktails or regular drinking water. By the way, if the ice cream was frozen without a wooden stick, then it should be served in a beautiful glass glass, with a dessert spoon, and slightly melted. In addition, you can freeze fruits immediately in elegant glass vessels, and then serve them along with cutlery.

You need to insert a stick into the ice cream when the ice freezes a little, after which the treat is returned back to the freezer. By the way, you can speed up the freezing process if you pour the ingredients into small containers and place them in the refrigerator very low temperature. In this case the process cold working will take twenty to thirty minutes.

You also need to pour the ice in such a way that about half a centimeter is left free from the top edge of the glass. This space is necessary so that the substance, which has increased in volume, does not “overflow its banks.” It is worth mentioning that for the holiday you can freeze ice in well-sterilized children's molds for games.

Do not store dessert in the freezer for long term- this will increase its hardness, and in the future the process of use will become more complicated.

You can easily remove ice cream from the mold if you first place it in warm water for a couple of seconds. In the case when unprocessed fruits and berries are used for preparation, it is necessary to squeeze juice out of them or transform them into puree immediately before creating ice cream. You can add some zest to fruit ice if you put whole fruits or their slices inside, and also form several layers.

In addition, one of the layers can be iced tea or coffee. Some cooks use granola or cereals as a top layer.

To learn how to make Fruit Ice ice cream, watch the following video.

Fruit ice is very popular in the hot season; not only children, but also adults love it. The delicacy perfectly quenches thirst, cools and lifts your spirits. Fruit ice can be made at home if you have basic skills. Part finished product included exclusively useful components, no dyes or unknown additives. Not many people know that frozen treats fight vitamin deficiency and normalize arterial pressure and tones the skin.

Technology for making fruit ice at home

  1. Fruit based ice. You can prepare the product from fresh seasonal or frozen fruits. In the latter case, it is necessary to first defrost and thoroughly rinse the ingredients so that bacteria do not get into the finished ice. After the rinsing is complete, squeeze out the remaining moisture, then begin preparing the treat.
  2. Juice based ice. The most common technology for creating dessert. It is important to clarify that fruit ice made from juice with pulp is considered to be the most delicious. You just need to pour the mixture into ice molds and then put it in the freezer for half an hour. After the liquid has set into a crust, you need to insert a stick into the contents, then bring it to complete freezing.
  3. Ice from sugar syrup. For the most part, this kind of ice cream is made from fresh berries/fruits, sugar and water. The technology is not particularly difficult: in enamel pan sugar and water are poured in, the composition turns into homogeneous mass. Then the berries are crushed in a convenient way and mixed with the first mixture. All this is poured into ice trays and sent to the freezer.

Pear ice

  • lemon juice - 55 ml.
  • fresh pear - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 180 gr.
  • purified water - 200 ml.
  • vanillin - 10 gr.
  1. Wash the pears, remove twigs, seeds and all inedible parts, cut the fruit into small pieces. Place in a blender, grind into porridge.
  2. Prepare an enamel pan, add sugar, vanillin, and place the container on the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil; when the first bubbles appear, turn off the burner.
  3. Add chopped pears to the sweet mixture, let it brew until it cools completely. After the time has passed, check the fruits: if they are hard, put them on the fire and cook until soft.
  4. After this, pour in lemon juice, cool, and pack into ice cube trays. Wait until the mass sets into a crust, then insert the stick and freeze completely.

Prepared fruit ice consists of three layers, which especially pleases children.

  • fresh or frozen strawberries - 320 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • natural yogurt(fat content from 2%) - 170 gr.
  • apple juice - 420 ml.
  • pear juice- 200 ml.
  1. Take a suitable oblong mold, fill the first layer (one third of the container) with apple juice and let it freeze.
  2. At this time, grind fresh or frozen strawberries in a blender until a porridge forms. Mix natural yogurt and powdered sugar into it, repeat the manipulations.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into the second row, again leave to freeze until solid. At the end of the process, pour the pear juice into a third layer and freeze again.
  4. The technique is considered long due to the processing of all layers separately. To get fruit ice more soft consistency Add a teaspoon of baking gelatin, previously soaked in warm water, to apple or pear juice.

Cherry ice

  • cherry juice (natural) - 680 ml.
  • filtered water - 200 ml.
  • beet sugar - 200 gr.
  • currants (optional)

You can use both cherry and black cherry juice, the main thing is that the composition is completely natural. Experienced housewives They make fruit ice based on compote or fruit drink.

  1. Prepare the syrup: add sugar to water, place on low heat and wait until dissolved. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Be sure to use an enamel pan.
  2. After the syrup is ready, cover the container with a lid, cool and mix with cherry juice/fruit drink. If desired, you can add fresh or frozen currants. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze.

Ice made from baby fruit puree

  • children's fruit puree(any taste) - 310 gr.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 300 gr.
  • gelatin - 1 sachet (10-15 g.)
  • grapefruit or lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • clean water - 480 ml.
  1. Douse gelatin a small amount warm water, wait 25-30 minutes until completely swollen. Start preparing the syrup.
  2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water, place on low heat, stir until the granules dissolve. Carefully pour in the swollen gelatin, turn off the stove.
  3. Partially cool the mixture to an acceptable temperature (so as not to burn your finger), then slowly add the fruit puree and stir constantly.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this, pour in lemon or grapefruit juice. Strain the resulting mixture in a convenient manner, distribute into ice cube trays and freeze.

  • hard chocolate (milk or dark) - 100 gr.
  • lime - 0.5 pcs.
  • watermelon pulp - 500 gr.
  1. Grind watermelon pulp using a convenient method (fork, blender, meat grinder), squeeze the juice of half a lime into the resulting porridge.
  2. Grate the hard chocolate, turning it into shavings. Add to watermelon puree. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer.
  3. If desired, after preparing the ice, dip it in melted milk or White chocolate. You can also mix watermelon with seasonal berries such as currants, strawberries, and gooseberries.
  4. Getting fruit ice out of molds is quite simple: prepare a container with warm water, lower the container with the prepared treat there, wait 2-3 seconds.

Pineapple ice

  • canned/fresh pineapple - 400/500 gr.
  • purified water - 575 ml.
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 380 gr.
  1. Prepare the syrup: pour granulated sugar into water, place the container on the stove and turn on the burner at low power. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring the contents so that the sugar does not stick. As soon as the granules are completely dissolved, cool the mass and pour lemon juice into it. It is important to understand that canned pineapple sweeter than fresh. If you use the first type of product, add sugar not 380 g, but 250-260 g. Based on personal preference.
  2. At this time, place the pineapples in a blender, puree the fruits, then pour into the mixture of granulated sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer for half an hour. As soon as it sets a little, insert the sticks and send it to freeze again.

Making fruit ice is not difficult if you know what products to use. Use what you have on hand. These can be seasonal berries and fruits, frozen mixes or homemade twists. Use your imagination, experiment, and follow your personal preferences.

Video: how to make popsicle ice cream

Homemade fruit ice or juice ice cream is a delicious and healthy dessert. And not just for children. If you are on a diet and really want ice cream, then homemade fruit ice can completely replace it. How to cook it at home?

There are many varieties of fruit ice, and no standard recipe. It all depends on what fruits and berries you prefer. But there are still certain rules that you need to follow to avoid disappointment.

Any. It may not be one juice, but several. If you pour this juice in layers, it will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. But before pouring the juice, you need to taste it, is it too sour? Syrup must be added to cherry, lemon and apple juices, otherwise your ice will be unedible.

The syrup for making fruit ice is prepared as follows:

For 500 gr. you need 100 grams of juice. sugar and a little water.

Pour sugar into a saucepan and add a little water. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the juice. Wait until it cools completely, prepare the molds and wooden sticks. When the juice has cooled, pour it into molds and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the ice freezes a little, you can insert a wooden stick into the mold and wait until it is completely frozen.

The most delicious fruit ice is made from juice with pulp, or with pieces of fruit. Using a blender or fork, mash the berries, add a little syrup, and pour the puree into the molds. Don't be afraid to experiment by trying new flavors. It's only scary the first time, but over time you'll get the hang of it and making popsicle juice will take very little time.

How can you freeze fruit juice?

Don't have a special ice cream mold? Are there any empty yogurt cups, or silicone molds for baking? Well, at worst, borrow some beads from your child, just wash them with a brush. Well, this is an extreme case, but it helped me out. I even bought a set of children's beads especially for fruit ice. And it's a lot of fun to make colorful ice cream from juice with your kids.

how to make popsicles at home

The first popsicle on a stick was patented in 1872 by Frank Epperson, but it wasn't until 1923 that popsicles became widely known. As you know, Frank made lemonade and forgot the glass with a spoon on the windowsill; in the morning he discovered a solid mass after dipping the glass in hot water, he took out the contents with a spoon, after which he realized that he had become an inventor, he named it Epsicle.

Popsicles are a type of ice cream. It is usually added to juices, summer cocktails and punches. It is prepared based on fruits and berries. Fruit ice made from currants, cherries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, apples and tangerines is delicious. Nowadays ice made from several layers, for example, from fruits and berries at the same time, has become popular. This delicious and refreshing treat can be made at home. I’ll tell you in my article how to make fruit ice with a minimum of effort and time.

The first thing you need to know is that popsicles are not churned like regular ice cream, so the dessert turns out to be tougher. For preparation you will need following ingredients: fruit puree or juice (300 ml), gelatin (6 g), granulated sugar (300 g), citric acid (3 g) and boiled water (500 ml). Boil water in a saucepan and add sugar, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pre-dilute gelatin in boiled water(3 tbsp) and leave the mixture for half an hour. Pour the gelatin into the sweet syrup and boil for two minutes. As soon as the stabilizer dissolves, add fruit puree to the syrup. Mix thoroughly and pass through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Leave the mixture in a cool place. Pour into cooled fruit ice citric acid with a little water. Pour the treat into special molds and freeze. Tartlet molds are perfect for these purposes.


  1. Long-term storage popsicles in the freezer make the ice too hard, so you don't need to prepare it a few days in advance.
  2. If you use fresh fruits and berries for making ice, they should be thoroughly washed and squeezed before starting the dessert preparation process.
  3. Fruit ice is an excellent substitute for a variety of cosmetic masks for the neck, face and tired eyelids. Pamper yourself and your skin with cryomassage sessions without leaving your home!
  4. Choose quality and fresh ingredients. The juice should be natural and slightly diluted with water. The most delicious fruit ice comes from juice with highly concentrated pulp.
  5. Help make popsicles delicious natural juices and puree. You can also use ready-made juices and purees.
  6. If the delicacy is stored in the freezer for a long time, it may harden excessively, so you should not prepare fruit ice for future use.
  7. Prepare juice and puree from berries and fruits immediately before freezing; they should not be kept in this form for a long time. Be sure to rinse all ingredients thoroughly. You can use ready-made fruit juices and purees.
  8. More attractive and appetizing ice is obtained if you make it in 2 layers, for example, one of apricots and the other of strawberries, pouring them alternately into molds.
  9. Fruit ice can be coffee or tea. If you replace the puree or juice in a recipe with strong black coffee or tea infusion, you can get coffee and tea ice, respectively. You can add lemon juice to it to taste.


  1. There are several ways to make your own fruit ice. The easiest way to prepare a treat is from juice, which is frozen in a special mold. After the liquid has frozen slightly, you can insert a wooden stick into the mold.
    The second method involves making fruit ice from berries with added sugar to taste if sour berries are used. The resulting mass is poured into molds and then frozen.
  2. There is another cooking option, but it is a little more complicated than the previous ones. You need to grind 0.5 kg of berries in a blender or mash with a spoon. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to the resulting mass. Add 100 g of sugar (at your discretion) to a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, then cool, and only then add to berry mass. The resulting mixture must be poured into special molds, cooled, and frozen in the freezer.
  3. In addition to fruit ice, you can prepare milk-fruit ice yourself. For this you will need natural yogurt and 0.5 liters apple juice. Whisk 140 ml of yogurt and add juice to it. The resulting mixture must be frozen. Then pour blackcurrant juice onto the yoghurt layer, which has already hardened, and freeze again. Using a similar principle, you can prepare the famous traffic light ice: to do this, pour a new one onto each hardened layer, and so on until you get real rainbow fruit ice.
  4. You can also use a blender to make puree from a wide variety of fresh fruits. They must be washed thoroughly, then cut into small pieces and washed again. The resulting fruit puree is poured into molds or cups, sticks are inserted and placed in the freezer for 4 hours, after which the fruit ice is ready and easily separated from the molds.


For preparation you will need the following ingredients: mango juice (0.5 l), yogurt (1/2 cup) and Pineapple juice(1 glass). Place yogurt in deep container and beat. It is best to use natural yogurt without flavorings or additives. Gradually add mango juice and beat thoroughly. Fruit mixture pour into prepared molds and put in the freezer for several hours. After an hour, insert one stick into each mold and leave it in the freezer for a few more hours. Juice or syrup containing canned fruits is perfect for preparing delicacies.


Necessary ingredients: ripe raspberries (100 g) or mixed berries, lime (1 pc.) and mint (5-6 leaves). Cut half the lime into thin slices. Place a few berries, mint and lime slices in each ice cream mold. Filling out the forms drinking water and put the sweetness in the freezer. The finished ice can later be stored in ordinary plastic bags. It is great for preparing refreshing summer cocktails, punch or lemonade, as well as various juices can be served with fruit ice.

Many people are interested in how to make ice cream from juice. What could be better than ice cream made from the juice of your favorite fruits! The aromatic fruit ice will appeal to both adults and children. After all, homemade ice cream made from... natural products, does not contain chemicals, which makes it safe and very tasty. Children are always happy to join the cooking process, because fruit ice is one of their favorite treats.

How do you make ice cream from juice?

To make ice cream from fruit juice, you can use a natural drink, fresh fruit or berries. The recipe is very simple - you only need desire and a little imagination. Below is a detailed description of how you can make your own ice cream from juice at home.

Consider the recipe for Fruit Ice ice cream. To make fruit juice ice cream, you will need:

  • fruit juice, preferably with pulp;
  • sugar syrup;
  • lemon juice;
  • plastic or silicone molds.

This recipe is based on strawberries and kiwi, but oranges, cherries, pineapple and any other fruit can also be used.

How to make ice cream Fruit Ice:

  1. When choosing strawberries, you need to look not at the beauty and size of the berries, but at the ripeness and aroma. Beat them with a blender until smooth. The softer and more aromatic the berry, the better the quality of the ice. The same goes for kiwi. Preference should be given to soft and ripe fruits. And you shouldn’t skimp on fruit on homemade ice cream.
  2. Next comes the preparation of sugar syrup. The amount of sugar is added to your taste. To prevent the syrup from crystallizing, add a little lemon juice. Water and sugar are heated and stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. In separate bowls you need to beat the strawberries and kiwi. Add cooled sugar syrup to each of them.
  4. Prepare the molds. There are special ice cream molds on sale that are very convenient to use. But if you don’t have them, then any will do plastic cups with wooden ice cream sticks.
  5. The prepared fruit puree is poured into cups exactly halfway and frozen in the freezer. When the first part of the puree is ready, you need to put the sticks in the cups and fill them with the remaining mass. You can pour kiwi syrup on the strawberry part, and, on the contrary, red strawberry puree on the kiwi. All this is again sent to the freezer for several hours. As a result, you will get a striped assortment called Fruit Ice.

If you have difficulty removing the ice cream, you can lower it into a container with hot water and then it will easily come out of the plastic cup.

People, experimenting, add yogurt and various spices to the recipe. This does not change the cooking technique. Some homemade fruit juice ice cream recipes include stabilizers such as starch or gelatin. If you are a supporter of a softer ice cream, then you will need to add them to the juice.

The cooking process will look like this:

  1. Pre-soaked gelatin or starch diluted in water is added to the finished sugar syrup. Gelatin is soaked for half an hour in cold water at the rate of 6 g per 3 tbsp. water. Starch is diluted in cold water until completely dissolved. The syrup, with a diluted stabilizer, is heated until boiling with continuous stirring.
  2. After connection fruit drink The mixture with syrup must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth, then poured into molds and put in the freezer.

To make the ice cream work white, instead of water you can take milk.

How to make popsicles?

Let's consider original recipe making ice from juice. Juice ice cream can be made into ice cubes for a variety of drinks. To make such ice from juice, you need shaped molds, preferably made of silicone. Such fruit ice is prepared from undiluted fresh juice, since these pieces of ice will be added to various drinks: lemonade, cocktails, etc.

For cooking ice cubes Suitable for both freshly squeezed fruit juice and ready-made natural drinks, bought in a store. For adults, frozen popsicles with wine added are ideal. This good addition for dessert.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. To the ready fruit juice add a little granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Next, white is gradually poured in dry wine. You need very little wine so that it does not overwhelm the taste of the fruit.
  3. If you are a fan of various spices, then you can add a little cinnamon or cloves, this will only improve the taste.
  4. Molds filled ready mass, go into the freezer until completely hardened.

If you have never made ice cream at home, then this advice will be useful to you: to make the ice cream fluffy and without ice crystals, you need to remove the molds from the freezer several times during the freezing process and beat the mixture thoroughly.
