Recipe for chocolate sweet rolls. Sushi is not food, but entertainment! Children's sweet rolls at home

To prepare pancakes for rolls, you can use any recipe you are familiar with or use the one I suggested. I long ago found a recipe for pancakes that I liked the most. According to this recipe, the pancakes are airy, thin and delicate. Attention! I only needed 5 pieces for the rolls! Therefore, if you are making them only for rolls, take at least half as many ingredients.
You can also use any fruit you like. I took kiwi and canned peaches.

Let's prepare pancakes.
To do this, break the eggs into a container, add sugar and salt. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. If you like sweet pancakes, add 4-5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Mix everything until smooth, no need to beat.

Pour in about 200 ml of milk. Mix.
Add flour, mix again. From this step I beat everything with a mixer. This way it turns out faster and without lumps. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

Pour in the remaining milk and beat a little more. The dough should now be liquid and pourable easily. If it seems thick, add a little more milk, and for delicacy you can add a little water.
Pour in vegetable oil. Mix.

Make some chocolate pancakes. To do this, I took 4 ladles of dough from the total mass and added 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. Mix everything well (beat with a mixer). Leave the dough to stand for 15-20 minutes.

Fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan, greasing it with oil each time. Cool the finished pancakes completely.

Let's prepare the rolls.
Mix cream cheese with powdered sugar.

Peel the kiwi. Cut into thin strips. Also cut the peaches into strips and blot them on a napkin to get rid of excess moisture.

Trim the edges of the pancakes to give them a square shape.

Spread a little cheese on the pancake. Place fruit on top.

Spread a little more cheese on top of the fruit. Roll into a roll.

These are the rolls I got. As I wrote, five pieces came out. Cut them into three or four pieces, as you prefer. I got 16 rolls.

This is so delicious. Peaches and cheese give the rolls a delicate taste, and kiwi adds a slight sourness. When serving, you can drizzle with chocolate or honey.
Bon appetit!

The deputy editor-in-chief of KP was spinning and tasting the rolls all weekend

The most difficult thing about homemade sushi (or rather rolls) is buying all the necessary ingredients. Actually, the dish is prepared from fresh fish (not frozen or salted), but in our country it is quite difficult to find it (sold only in large hypermarkets). So we’ll assume that lightly salted trout or salmon, canned tuna or smoked eel will do. For sushi, you will also need special rice, nori seaweed, rice vinegar, pickled ginger and wasabi horseradish (all sold in markets or hypermarkets in special departments).

The main ingredient is rice. The cereal must first be soaked for 20 minutes in cold water, then rinsed, poured with water (250 grams of rice requires about 400 ml of water) and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes (this amount is enough for about five servings). When the rice has cooled a little, pour two tablespoons of vinegar over it, which will give it a slightly sweet taste. All! The base for the rolls is ready, now it’s time to fill.


Traditional rolls


Actually, according to the rules of our column, one recipe must be taken from an old cookbook. But finding sushi in Soviet literature is as unrealistic as finding freshly caught fish in our stores. I decided that the most traditional recipe would be the one printed on bags of nori seaweed. I used it.

I cut the fish and cucumber into strips (the length of a nori sheet, about 1 cm wide). By the way, cucumber can be replaced with avocado if you find soft and not blackened fruits.

I laid out the rice on a sheet of sushi (real masters lay it out with their hands, but I’m not a master, so I use a tablespoon). A layer of rice (up to 5 mm high) should completely cover the algae; you should leave only one uncovered centimeter from the top edge; it can be slightly moistened with water. Closer to the bottom edge (step back three centimeters) I lay out fish strips and a strip of avocado or cucumber. I take the seaweed by the bottom edge, cover the fish and vegetables and roll everything into a tight sausage with a diameter of three centimeters. This, of course, is supposed to be done with a special mat, but in fact, simple rolls curl perfectly without it. I cut the sausage crosswise into pieces about two centimeters wide. I put it on a plate, add ginger, wasabi and a bowl of soy sauce. The dish is ready.

And now the most important secret: sushi is food, it is entertainment. This is a sociable dish; it is contraindicated to cook it alone. Therefore, it is better to roll rolls with different fillings with the whole family. And if you invite guests to sushi (especially for a bachelorette party), invite them to participate in the preparation. It takes about an hour to make 40 - 50 rolls, during which time you will chat, laugh and have fun.



Rolls are intricate


These rolls are actually called "Philadelphia". And they are probably the most popular in Belarusian sushi bars. I called them intricate because you need to roll the roll with the fish facing out. And you can’t do without a special mat here.

On the advice of reader Inga Oleinik, I covered the mat with cling film. I placed half a sheet of nori on the film and laid the rice on it so that on one edge it recedes 1 centimeter, and on the other protrudes the same distance (that is, it does not lie on the seaweed, but on the cling film). The whole structure took up half of the mat; the other half needs to be covered, pressed down a little and turned upside down. When you open the mat, the rice will be underneath the nori sheet. On the seaweed from one edge, stepping back a little, you need to lay Philadelphia cheese two centimeters wide. Then, carefully lifting the mat, roll it all into a sausage with the rice facing out. Now is the time to take a breath - the rice holds up surprisingly well on the nori.

Now in front of the sausage you need to lay out a thin layer of fish the width of half a sheet of nori. For these rolls, it is best to buy salmon or trout in one hundred gram packages, where the fish is already cut into a thin layer. There is no need to separate the pieces, just lay them out on the mat in a continuous sheet. Next, carefully twist the sausage into the fish, press it tightly - I don’t know what the secret is, but the fish holds on!

You need to cut Philadelphia with a very sharp and wet knife. The rolls turn out heavy - both in weight and in calories. But they’re delicious, you can’t put them down!

RATING: Excellent


Sweet rolls


On the Internet, sweet rolls are recommended to be made from sweet omelet or sweet rice. I’m not ready for such experiments yet, so I chose, as it seemed to me, the most Japanese option - with food-grade rice paper (you can also buy it in sushi departments). It's something like pita bread, only much thinner. When dry, the paper is fragile, so the sheet needs to be immersed in water for a few seconds, dried with a towel and wait a little until it reaches. After this procedure, the rice paper will turn into an elastic transparent pancake. You need to spread creamy curd cheese on it (you can also use cottage cheese, but not too soft, otherwise the rolls will not hold their shape). Sprinkle the cheese with powdered sugar and place fruits and berries cut into strips on one side. I chose bananas and strawberries, rolled everything into a sausage and put it in the refrigerator for a while. Then I cut it into pieces like regular rolls and sprinkled it with grated chocolate.

The dessert turns out original, not too sweet and light. This option is for girls on a diet or for children who usually do not like cottage cheese.

RATING: Excellent


Dear readers! We are waiting for your signature recipes, which can be tested in the “KP Tasting” section. Dishes of the week for the next issues - fresh salads with herbs and fresh cocktails (berry, fruit, vegetable and herbs).

There is an unusual recipe - send it! We will prepare a dish based on one of them. The author of this recipe will receive a prize - a subscription to Komsomolskaya Pravda for three months.

We are waiting for your most original recipes at the address: 220005 Minsk, PO Box 192, or by email [email protected], marked “Tasting “KP”. Don't forget to leave your name, address and telephone number in the letter.

Cooking master classes are always in great demand; they provide an opportunity to easily and quickly prepare your favorite dishes. We invite children to try themselves as real sushi masters and prepare sweet rolls for themselves and friends.

What will you need for the master class?

Our event organizers will deliver everything you need to the children's master class:

  • ingredients for your chosen dish,
  • tools and cutlery for its preparation,
  • consumables, disposable towels and aprons.

You don't have to worry about anything, we take care of everything! At the sushi making master class, your children are guaranteed:

  • good mood,
  • exciting pastime,
  • new knowledge and skills,
  • a delicious dish prepared with your own hands.

No one will go home hungry: neither children nor adults!

How is the master class going?

At a children's master class for young sushi chefs in Moscow, we reveal the secrets of Japanese cuisine, which help you easily and quickly prepare your favorite delicacy. Professional chefs introduce participants to the traditions of making sushi and rolls, teach them to use special utensils, bamboo mats and chopsticks. Children get a lot of useful information and try themselves in the role of real sushi masters. The result will exceed your expectations!

Our specialists closely monitor the work of each participant, so you can rest assured that the guys will succeed. All guests of the holiday will be able to enjoy the taste of ready-made sushi! And you don’t have to spend money on organizing a buffet.

Who is the master class suitable for?

Cooking sushi at a master class for children under the strict guidance of experienced chefs will not be difficult even for preschoolers. If you are concerned about the benefits of the ingredients in your dish, book a master class on making sweet sushi based on fruits and toppings. This will be an original dessert for any holiday!

  • for graduation at school or kindergarten,
  • outdoor extracurricular event,
  • school holiday,
  • a friendly family meeting with many children.

Why will this event be memorable for your children?

I don’t know about you, but my wife and I really love Japanese cuisine. No no. I won’t agitate you now, this is everyone’s personal matter. That's not what this is about.

Oddly enough, our little one adores the restaurant the most. And there are 2 reasons for this.

1) The restaurant has a wonderful children's room. And it’s not our daughter who has to wait for us, but we who have to sit for 2-3 hours and wait for her to play different games with the animator.

2) She has her own favorite menu. The main dish in the restaurant is this “Smeshinka” set.

But dessert... We eat dessert at home. 🙂 No matter how paradoxical it may seem.

Yes Yes. Coming to a Japanese restaurant, we are often amazed at the huge selection of dishes on the menu: SUSHI, rolls, kebabs, soups... And even the dessert menu will not leave anyone indifferent. But just imagine, the Japanese themselves have an extremely poor choice of sweets, and many, coming to Japan, after spending time in Russian restaurants, are very surprised at the lack of sweets. Even the beloved sweet rolls were not invented in Japan. They were first prepared in the United States in the early 70s, when the demand for Japanese cuisine increased to a frenzy, and in an environment of huge competition, restaurants came up with something new to lure diners.

They came up with a recipe for very tasty sweet rolls, which I suggest you prepare.

For pancakes we need:

200 ml. milk

1 tablespoon cocoa

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon light beer (if you are making rolls for children, you don’t have to use beer)

15 grams melted butter

1 tablespoon of flour (heaped)

Rast. oil (for frying)

For the filling we need:

Fruits and berries of your choice (finely chopped)

250 grams of any curd cheese

0.5 teaspoons yogurt

2 tablespoons vanilla sugar

1 tablespoon honey (better than flower honey, because it has a liquid consistency)

200 grams of sugar

10 grams of gelatin (soak fruits and berries in it for 45 minutes)

For the chocolate sauce we need:

150 ml. cream of any fat content

300 grams of white chocolate

Preparing the sauce:

Heat the cream over medium heat and add finely broken chocolate, stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

Preparing pancakes:

First, let's prepare pancakes, from which we will make rolls. To do this, you just need to mix all the ingredients written above. Afterwards, start frying regular pancakes from the resulting mixture.

Preparing the filling:

Mix cheese, yogurt and sugar until smooth. Heat honey and gelatin in the microwave (approximately 15-20 seconds), then add this mixture to the curd mass. Place in the refrigerator for 2.5 hours.

Preparing rolls:

Coat the pancake with chocolate sauce, put the filling on top: curd mass and berries and fruits. Wrap it in a roll. We do this with all pancakes. Place them in the refrigerator to cool for about 20 minutes. Next, cut them into 6 or 8 pieces and serve with the remaining chocolate sauce.

Bon appetit!

Often, when the mother is cooking in the kitchen, the child asks to play with her, and she, citing her enormous busyness, sends the child out into the room. However, this is not correct, since you can involve him in cooking, and it does not matter at all how old he is. At the same time, you will not only be able to teach him responsibility, but also in those moments when he makes his own decisions and listens to your advice, he will teach him how to organize himself independently.

One of the simple dishes that you can prepare with your baby is rolls. With their help, the child will be able to develop imagination, fine motor skills and invaluable experience in the future. Often children are capricious and do not want to eat healthy vegetables, but if he prepares this dish himself, he is unlikely to be able to refuse it. Do you think they can only be with fish? This is not so, especially for children we have prepared several recipes for sweet and vegetable rolls that are not only tasty, but also healthy. Well, adults can order classic rolls and sushi on the Maki Maki restaurant website.

Sweet rolls for kids

Adults understand that such dishes made from raw fish and many other ingredients added to them should not be eaten by small children. And they don’t taste very much like children’s ones, but the sweet delicacy is a completely different matter, it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Prepare a real Japanese delicacy with your child. We suggest making rolls with chocolate-coconut flavor; for 4 servings, to prepare them you will need the following products: chocolate praline 4 pcs., chocolate dragee in glaze 5 tbsp. l., condensed milk 150 g, boiled rice 200 g, coconut flakes 200 g, jelly candies (like worms).

Let's start cooking:

  • Mix condensed milk, coconut shavings and cooked rice and leave for ten minutes. At this time, cut into thin pieces of praline and crush the dragees with a rolling pin;
  • Now place the coconut-rice mixture on a mat wrapped in cling film and place dragee and jelly candies in the center. We give the rolls the required shape, cut into pieces and decorate with chocolate praline.

Remember that you need to do them with your child, you yourself will be surprised how pleasant it is when children’s little hands do with you something that they themselves will then eat. In exactly the same way, you can prepare fruit dishes, which are very healthy.

Fruit rolls

To prepare them, you will need products such as Philadelphia cheese, thin pancakes, powdered sugar (you can prepare it yourself by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder), kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, jam or jam (as a sauce), as well as mint leaves for decorations.

Let's start cooking:

  • Mix the cheese thoroughly with the powdered sugar added to taste. It’s better to entrust this to the baby and start cutting the fruit yourself;
  • Now, on one side, spread the sweet cheese evenly onto the pancakes, and on top of it, the fruits we have, cut into strips;
  • Together with the child, we roll the pancake into a tube, cut it into six equal parts and let him place the rolls on a dish, but in such a way that the filling is on top, as in real rolls;
  • Now you can pour jam or preserves over everything and decorate with a sprig of mint on top.

Believe me, such rolls prepared together with your child, even at the stage of their creation, will be able to “warm up” his appetite, and therefore will be eaten simply with great pleasure. Teach your child to tasty and healthy nutrition, the ability to work collectively and neatness from early childhood.
