Recipes for grape compote for the winter for every taste. Compote from homemade, green, white grapes for the winter: simple recipes

Many housewives don’t even discuss what kind of compote to prepare for the winter. From grapes, they will say, and they will probably be right. This fragrant berry is juicy, sweet, and beautiful in finished form. The aroma of such a drink will not leave anyone indifferent.

So let's take care of preparing grape compote ourselves, the season of which begins with the beginning of autumn. This activity is not so troublesome, and there are a lot of positive aspects in it. There are also a great many options for preparing such compote. Firstly, the diversity of grape varieties provides room for experimentation. Secondly, combination with any other fruit or berry is welcome and gives excellent result. Have you ever prepared apple and grape compote for the winter? Or – compote of grapes and plums for the winter? We recommend! You will not regret. Moreover, you can try your own combination of products. And small, juicy, wine varieties are good for grapes. They have a lot of juice, little pulp, have a bright color, good sugar content, which is useful when preparing compote. However, if you have any other grapes, they will also make a good base for compote. You just need to choose the right amount of sugar and additional products that will enhance the taste and color saturation. ready drink. And you can roll up grape compote without sterilization, as well as with it. The choice is yours.

Grapes, as a rule, are not capricious in canning. A prerequisite: the grapes must be thoroughly washed and sorted. For originality and variety, you can prepare multi-colored compotes. For example, compote made from green grapes for the winter turns out to be delicate in color, soft and slightly sour in taste. Compote from white grapes for the winter - light, pleasant and fragrant. Black grape compote for the winter is always bright, rich, sweeter and more fragrant. There are so many varieties, so many types of compotes. Pay attention to any information about grape compotes for the winter; recipes are usually accompanied by photographs. This gives you the opportunity to choose your drink according to appearance and color. Therefore, if you are preparing grape compote for the winter, recipes with photos are not the last condition for your success.

A few tips will also tell you how to prepare grape compote for the winter:

The usual proportion for grape compote: three liter jar– 5 tablespoons of sugar;

The grape clusters should be thoroughly washed and removed from the branches, and individual berries should be placed in jars;

The berries can be poured with syrup or boiling water; the compote preparation scheme is the same as for other berries;

The rolled up jar should be turned over, wrapped, and left to cool slowly until the morning;

You can store grape compote in the cold (for example, in a cellar), or at room temperature.

Grape compote is not an exotic drink in our country. But every housewife who knows how to make it can cook it extremely tasty and surprise guests. liquid dish at home. First, you need to understand which varieties are suitable for rolling liquid workpieces. Experts recommend using the following varieties:

Then you should study the recipes of the most the best compotes from grapes for the winter, stock up on ingredients and get down to business. In this case, you can add tartness to the drink by putting bunches of twigs in the jar.

Compote of Isabella grapes with lemon

First, let's learn a simple recipe that will help us get a compote from Isabella grapes for the winter with a pleasant sourness. The preparation is done very quickly.


How to make a liquid treat from Isabella berries and lemon:

  1. Pick the berries from the bunches, wash them thoroughly and put them in jars;
  2. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil;
  3. Pour the boiled syrup into the contents of the jars;
  4. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid into the same pan;
  5. Place the syrup on the fire, add lemon juice and bring the mixture to a boil;
  6. Pour the syrup into the jars again and roll up the compote.

As you can see, grape compote is prepared for the winter without sterilization, so preparation will not be burdensome. But the jars must be sterile.

Compote of green grape varieties

Externally, green grape compote does not seem very beautiful. For this reason, some housewives improve the color of the drink with cherry leaves or red apples. We'll consider classic version without any additives. No sterilization required.

What you will need:

  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Powder citric acid– 1 tsp;
  • Filtered water – 2 l;
  • Green berries - a full 3 liter jar.

To make grape compote with green berries, you need to wash and air dry the main raw materials. The fruits are placed in sterile jars on 1/2 of the dishes. Syrup is made from water and sugar, then poured over the berries and the jars are allowed to stand for 20 minutes.

The syrup is poured into the pan where it was boiled and boiled for 5 minutes with citric acid. The acidified liquid is poured over the berries again and the home is closed. grape compote using a seaming wrench.

Recipe with apples and oranges

An unusually beautiful, tasty and fortified compote of grapes and apples for the winter is made with the addition of oranges. For color contrast, it is better to make a drink from black grapes and red apples. The berries are first removed from the bunch and washed, other fruits are peeled and cut into pieces. The seeds are removed.

Assorted pour hot water and put the dishes on the stove. Sugar is poured into the boiling liquid and after 3 minutes the syrup is removed from the stove. The fruits are allowed to brew for 20 minutes, then the prepared drink is served to the household.

The composition of apple and grape compote for the winter is as follows:

  • Water – 3 l.
  • Sugar – 200 g.
  • Apples, grapes, oranges - 100 g each.

White grape compote

To prepare liquid winter preservation you will need white-skinned grapes, sugar and water. Close the white grape compote for the winter as follows. Berries are picked from a bunch weighing 0.5 kg, washed, placed in a saucepan and poured 2 liters of boiling water. After 3 minutes, the berries are transferred to prepared jars.

Place sugar in water on fire and bring to a boil. Pour the syrup over the berries for 15 minutes, then drain the liquid and bring to a boil again. Boiling syrup is poured into scalded grapes and the bottles are sealed.

With plums

When you start opening the cooked compote of plums and grapes for the winter, we recommend diluting it boiled water. This trick will help dilute too concentrated syrup. Consider a recipe for grape compote for 5 servings, which is suitable for fasting and for dessert. You will need 100 g of grapes, 150 g of sugar, 8 plums and 700 ml of water.

How to close the grape-plum compote:

With pears

Housewives get a pleasant-looking, aromatic preserve from hard pears and ripe light grapes. Soft pears cannot be used, otherwise they will spread in the hot syrup. The food norm for pear and grape compote for the winter is given for 2 1.5 liter jars.


  • Grapes – 350 g.
  • Fresh pears – 6 pcs.
  • Citric acid – 2 pinches.
  • Sugar – 200 g.

To qualitatively cook grape compote, you need to separate the berries from the bunch, and divide the pears lengthwise into 2 halves and select the seeds. Each part should be cut into 3 more pieces.

The assortment is placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiling water and simmered under the lid for 15 minutes. Next, the liquid is drained and boiled with sugar until all sweet particles are dissolved.

A pinch of citric acid is added to the jars, after which the contents are filled with hot syrup. Then you need to close the grape compote with a special machine, turn the jars upside down and throw on a warm blanket.

If you understand that you can prepare grape compote for the winter according to any of the recipes given, remember a few nuances that will make your drink unique.

  1. To avoid cracking of berries drenched in syrup, scalding the fruits with boiling water before placing them in jars will help.
  2. For spicy taste You can add a little cinnamon, vanilla and cloves to the compote.
  3. If you don’t know how to make grape compote with deep rich color, follow the advice of the professionals and mix dark varieties of berries with light ones.
  4. Diversify the flavors of the liquid dessert not only with apple, pear and plum components, but also with currants, cherry plums, citrus fruits, and cherry leaves.
  5. Very aromatic preservation happens if it was cooked over low heat. In cool conditions, the berries release juice better and emit an amazing smell.

Now you know how to cook grape compote different ways. All you have to do is wait bountiful harvest and prepare the drink in volumes that meet the needs of the family.

In fact, this compote recipe is suitable for both dark varieties grapes, and for whites. But there is one “but”. White grapes are much healthier for the body. It contains silver ions, which, as we know, have bactericidal properties.

The difficulty in preparing grape compote is to destroy the yeasts that are present on the berries. They are needed for fermentation and when making wine, but in the case of compote they are completely unnecessary.

It is not necessary to pick the berries from the branches. This does not affect the taste of the compote in any way, and do what is most convenient for you. Place the grapes in a bowl and pour over them cold water. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, while you prepare the bottles. They must be sterilized and dried.

Sort through the grapes. Remove rotten berries immediately. If the berry has dried out a little, but there is no mold or signs of rotting on it, then you can leave it. Place the grapes on a cloth towel to dry slightly.

Boil water in a saucepan. Place the grapes in jars so that they are no more than half full if they are clusters, and 1/3 full if you have peeled the berries from the stems.

Pour boiling water over the grapes and cover with metal lids.

After 15-20 minutes, drain the water from the cans back into the pan and add granulated sugar, at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 three liter jar. If the grapes are very sweet, you can use less sugar.

Boil the syrup. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water and boil it for another 3-5 minutes.

Fill the jars with boiling syrup and immediately tighten the lids with a seaming wrench. Turn the bottles of compote upside down and cover them with a warm blanket.

This is like additional pasteurization, which will not hurt in the case of grapes.

White grape compote should be stored in a cool, dark place where the temperature is stable and does not exceed +15-17 degrees. Then the compote can stand for a year and you don’t have to worry about getting wine instead of compote.

For another recipe for making white grape compote, watch the video:
