Salmon pickling recipes. How to salt red fish: proven recipes with photos. Spicy lightly salted fish with an unusual taste

I am not an ichthyologist biologist, so my knowledge about representatives of the Salmon family is extremely poor. But I know for sure how to salt this fish deliciously. I honestly tried to figure out the orders, subfamilies and subspecies, but I realized that for the readers of my recipes this is not so important. The main thing is to tell you how to salt any type of salmon at home, tasty and as quickly as possible. These salting methods are suitable for salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, char and other red fish. Please note that I suggest salting frozen raw materials. It is not possible to salt fresh salmon overnight. It will be ready only after a few days, or even weeks, when all potentially hazardous microorganisms have died.

Preparatory stage for salting salmon

  • At home, it is better to salt fresh frozen salmon (this applies specifically to quick salting methods). Since most dangerous microorganisms die at low temperatures, the salting process is reduced to 1-3 days, and in some cases to several tens of minutes (depending on the recipe and type of raw material). However, you should refrain from purchasing goods that have been frozen several times. Inspection of the head, gills, and skin will help ensure the quality and freshness of the raw materials. There should be no suspicious spots (yellow, gray), visible damage, the integrity of the skin should not be compromised.


    Almost all modern refrigerator models have such a compartment. Send the fish there for 2-5 hours (the duration depends on the size of the raw material). Then defrost in the refrigerator.

  • It is recommended to completely defrost fresh frozen fish before cutting if fillets or pieces are to be salted. It is easier to remove the skin from a frozen carcass, separate the backbone and cut it into even slices.
  • It is not advisable to salt large salmon whole. The cutting process is quite simple. Remove the head and tail. These parts of the carcass are used to prepare fish soup or fish soups. Cut off the fins. Open the belly with a careful longitudinal cut. Remove the entrails. Use a knife to scrape out any debris from the abdominal cavity. If necessary, remove scales from the fish. Wash well, especially inside. Dry the surface with napkins. Now divide the carcass into several parts according to the size of the salting container. You can salt steaks and fillet pieces. It is better not to remove the skin during dry salting. To make the fillet, cut the fish into 2 parts along the spine. This way, the ridge will remain on one of the fillets. Separate the bones (with a knife, with your hands), and leave the resulting fillet whole or cut into several parts.
  • Glass and food-grade plastic containers are used for salting salmon. Metal containers without enamel are not suitable. It is advisable that the container be tightly closed with a lid to prevent the penetration of foreign odors from other products stored in the refrigerator.
  • Salmon species can be salted in several ways. The most popular are: the “dry” method, salting in brine, salting followed by freezing.

    It is better to salt fattier species (salmon, trout) in a dry mixture.

    Relatively low-fat fish (char, pink salmon) taste better after salting them in brine and then adding vegetable oil.

  • To salt salmon with maximum preservation of its taste, it is enough to use only salt and sugar. Traditional proportion: 1 to 3, respectively.
  • During spicy salting, various seasonings are added to the classic pickling mixture: pepper, lemon zest, fresh herbs, garlic, onion, coriander, etc.

The simplest but most delicious way to salt Atlantic salmon (and more)

This is how it is recommended to salt fattier fish, such as salmon. I had steaks, but fillets and bellies are fine. It is not advisable to salt too small pieces in this way - it may result in over-salting, and the fish itself will turn out to be rough. Better suited for this case third recipe.


How to deliciously salt salmon fillets (one of the fastest, most reliable ways):

Prepare the fish: defrost, clean, cut into large pieces if necessary. Dry thoroughly to remove moisture.

Measure out the required amount of granulated sugar and salt. You can use sea food or table food. It is better not to use extra finely ground salt. Small particles dissolve quickly, making the surface of the fish too salty. But the inside of the salmon will not be completely salted.

Dredge the fish on all sides in the dry mixture. You should get a solid salt “crust”. It is a misconception that fish will not take extra salt. There is always a chance of oversalting. The main thing is to stop the salting process in time by washing the fish.

Place tightly in container. To speed up salting, oppression is installed on top. Cover the dish with a lid.

Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Under the influence of salt, a significant amount of liquid will be released, which must be drained. Try a piece of fish. If you are satisfied with the level of saltiness, wash the fish. If the snack turns out lightly salted, return it to the refrigerator for another 12 hours. Dry the washed fish. Grease with a thin layer of odorless vegetable oil. It turns out very tasty! Very delicate taste, natural smell of “noble” fish. An excellent filling for pancakes, sandwiches, tartlets, pies, canapés, etc.

Salt salmon with dill and vodka (relatively quick, very tasty and aromatic)

Required Products:

How to salt:

Thaw the fish or parts thereof. Chop coarsely or leave the piece whole (if you have a suitable size pickling container). Use paper towels to remove liquid from the surface so that it does not interfere with the absorption of salt.

Place sugar, pepper and salt in one bowl. If desired, pour in high-quality alcohol, it will add piquancy to the appetizer. Stir.

Place a little mixture at the bottom of the container. Place 1-2 sprigs of washed dill there.

Sprinkle each piece of fish generously with salt.

Place the salmon tightly in the bowl, topping each layer with dill sprigs.

Fill the container, cover with a lid. If alcohol was used during salting, it is better to place the fish not in an airtight container, but in a “breathable” natural fabric. For example, a clean (but already washed) linen kitchen towel. This will remove the alcoholic vapors, leaving only a pleasant aroma. The appetizer will be ready in about a day. She should spend this time in a refrigerator or balcony (in winter), i.e. at a temperature of +4...+6 degrees, without sudden changes. To make the salting process go faster, leave the container with salmon for 60 minutes at room temperature, then put it in the cold for 12-14 hours. It turns out delicious lightly salted fish. Rinse the fish that has been salted to the required degree. Store in the refrigerator.

How to salt salmon at home (apartment) in record time (in just 20 minutes)?

This method is suitable for all species of the Salmon family, but I usually use it for “budget” pink salmon, char, and coho salmon. Salting takes less than half an hour. But it tastes better when the pieces are infused in oil. The result is the most tender fish fillet. You can put it directly on a sandwich or on a plate.

List of what is needed:

Step-by-step salting process:

I salted the char. Cut up the carcass. Remove the skin.

Cut into moderately thin pieces.

Prepare a strong saline solution - brine. I have already shown this version of homemade salting (only without onions). There I described in detail the preparation of brine. Boil the water. Dissolve salt in it. Add until it dissolves. When the particles begin to settle to the bottom of the bowl, the solution is ready. Cool it completely. Place the chopped salmon there. Leave for 20 minutes.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Layer the salmon and onions into the jar. Fill with oil. Refrigerate for several hours. The longer the snack sits, the tastier it turns out.

To serve faster, let the jar sit on the kitchen counter for about half an hour.

See a few more options for home salting red fish.

It's hard to imagine a festive feast. It is good as an independent snack, as a component of sandwiches or salads. But the amount of preservatives and salt in store-bought salmon or salmon raises doubts about the health benefits of such a dish. The way out of this situation is simple - you need to figure out how to properly salt salmon at home and cook it yourself. Few housewives know how to do this. Meanwhile, the recipes are quite simple.

If you have a piece of fillet, use this recipe. For 0.5 kilograms of fish, take 1 level teaspoon of salt and a little sugar. You can cut the piece into portions at once, or you can cook it whole. Peel the fish and place in a deep bowl, add sugar and salt. The salmon will be lightly salted, which means it is suitable even for dietary nutrition and is completely safe for health. Rub the fish thoroughly with salt and sugar, cover it with a plate and put it in the refrigerator. Individual pieces will be salted for eight hours, and whole fillets will be salted for 24 hours. Red fish can be served at the table, used in pancakes, sushi, salad or other appetizers. On a sandwich it will also serve as a healthy breakfast or snack.

preparing the bellies

If there is no holiday planned, but you still want delicious fish, try cooking salmon belly. This product is much cheaper than steaks or fillets, and the taste is practically no different from them. Have you thought about how to salt salmon at home? First you need to prepare a mixture for it from one part sugar and two parts salt with ground white pepper. Take a piece, place finely chopped fresh dill on it, sprinkle the fish with a salt mixture, add a little lemon juice and leave, wrapped in film, for several hours at room temperature. After this, moisten the fish with a couple of spoons of cognac and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Lightly brush the finished salmon with vegetable oil and lemon juice and store in a closed container. Served especially tasty in the form of small sandwiches with cucumber.

How to salt salmon at home: an elegant way

This recipe is suitable for almost any red fish. The result is a very aromatic and delicate taste. Don't know how to salt salmon at home? Prepare the same amount of salt, a few tablespoons of granulated sugar, ground pepper, rosemary, dill, and olive oil for each kilogram of fish. To taste, you can add more sugar, reduce the amount of salt, and choose other seasonings. Rinse and dry the piece of fish with a napkin. Cover the dish for salting with foil. Mix salt, granulated sugar and seasonings in a plate, pour a little of the resulting mixture onto foil and place the fish on it. Spread the remaining mixture over the top and cover with a sheet of foil. Put it in the refrigerator. It will take a day or two, depending on the size of the piece, for the fish to be completely salted. After the specified period, rinse the salmon well and dry, then brush with olive oil and sprinkle with dill. You need to store fish in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil or cling film.

Salting salmon at home will allow you to protect yourself from unwanted chemical additives and prepare a delicious appetizer according to your taste.

Lightly salted fish prepared with your own hands will be an excellent basis for bright holiday sandwiches, and small leftover fillets can be added to original salads. The use of sea salt due to its iodine content increases the nutritional value of the finished product.

The dense plastic texture of the meat allows you to form thin slices into miniature rolls with filling and elegant roses that serve as a wonderful table decoration.


  • salmon (fillet with skin) – 300 g
  • granulated sugar – 100 g
  • finely ground sea salt – 100 g.

How to salt salmon

1. Pour sugar and salt into a deep plate.

2. Mix thoroughly.

3. Prepare a non-metallic container with a tight-fitting lid. A food-grade plastic container is best suited for marinating salmon.

Spread half of the salt and sugar mixture in an even layer across the bottom of the container.

4. Place fish skin side down.

5. Sprinkle the remaining mixture on top of the salmon fillets.

6. Close the container with a lid and refrigerate for 24 hours. After 12 hours, do not forget to turn the fish over to the other side.

After the specified time, home-salted salmon is ready to eat. Using a sharp knife, separate the fillet from the skin and cut into thin slices. You can serve fish to the table using several methods. For example, make delicious sandwiches. Spread the loaf pieces with a thin layer of butter. Place salmon slices on top and garnish with parsley leaves and small sprigs of dill. If you wish, you can decorate the sandwiches with green onions, olives, and lemon roses. You can also sprinkle the sandwiches with lightly toasted white sesame seeds.

And the festive table will certainly be decorated with a bright “bouquet” of salmon. Carefully roll the fish slices into “roses” and place them on a plate. Garnish with aromatic dill and parsley.

Note to the hostess

1. Everyone understands: the salmon that is most suitable for salting is the one that has just been caught and brought to market. But where can Krasnodar, Belgorod or Stavropol residents get something like this? For objective reasons, many domestic housewives have to choose between chilled and frozen fish. Both products can be salted. The first one is enough to hold for an hour and a half in a warm kitchen before the culinary process. The second one must first be placed in the refrigerator - for example, on the bottom shelf, and when it softens, move it indoors and wait until it thaws completely.

2. For soaking the fillet with salt and sugar, a glass bowl or a low ceramic pan with a large diameter bottom will serve as a container no less good than a plastic container. The main thing is that they have tight-fitting lids. These materials will never provoke any chemical reactions, and they themselves will not become saturated with a pungent fishy smell, which is important.

3. Memo to the chef planning to make salads with salted salmon: it is combined with sweetish vegetables (boiled beets, carrots), with ingredients that have a neutral taste (potatoes, avocado, beans, green peas), with sour fruits (apples, cranberries) .

Salted red fish on the festive table is evidence of the family’s well-being. Moreover, salmon can be served on the table as an appetizer, as a filling, or as a regular cut, which in one way or another will decorate any holiday table. Unfortunately, in our time the cost of red fish has increased sharply, but the quality of the finished product wants to be the best. In this regard, most housewives prefer to salt fish at home. In addition, home cooking has certain advantages.

Firstly, at home there is every opportunity to cook fish according to any recipe. As for the store or market, there is not much choice here: at most, a couple of recipes and this can already be considered a huge plus. Secondly, dishes prepared independently do not contain any dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers. In addition, the dish will always be fresh, since no housewife will cook fish from a spoiled product.

If the dish is prepared from fresh salmon, it will always be delicious. When choosing a fish carcass, you should follow some rules. The best option is to buy a fresh, just caught carcass. Even freshly frozen fish can be fraught with unpleasant surprises. This is especially true if the fish has been frozen more than once, which happens quite often. Despite this, an attentive buyer can always distinguish a fresh fish carcass from a non-fresh carcass.

Fresh fish always has a specific fishy smell that cannot be confused with any other smell. The fish meat is a soft pink color. If the fish meat has a pale pink tint, then it was most likely frozen several times or an already stale carcass was frozen. And the meat itself is red-brown in color, then it is most likely an old carcass.

Even if the fish is frozen, it should have light natural eyes. Cloudy eyes indicate that the product is not fresh. If you make a small cut of meat, you can see light veins, indicating the high quality of the meat.

How to properly cut fish

The quality of the final product will depend on how carefully and correctly the fish is cut. Step-by-step salmon cutting:

  • The fish carcass is gutted and then washed under running water.
  • Then the head and tail are cut off.
  • After this, the fish is cleaned of scales and washed thoroughly.
  • An incision is made along the entire length of the ridge, and deep, right down to the bone.
  • The fins are removed, including the film.
  • The result should be two fillets on the skin, and very neat.

Methods for salting salmon

If you look at the recipes, there are a huge variety of them, both simple and complex, allowing you to salt red fish, both whole and in pieces. And yet, it is worth paying attention to the simplest and most delicious recipes, the preparation of which does not require a lot of money and time.

You will need a combination of the following products:

  • Salmon carcass, weighing from 3 to 4 kg.
  • Two tablespoons of sugar.
  • Six tablespoons of salt.
  • Ajinomoto seasoning - half a teaspoon.
  • 10-15 peas of allspice.
  • 20-25 black peppercorns.
  • 10 pieces of bay leaves.

How to prepare:

  1. First of all, you should clean and get rid of the insides of the fish. After this, it is better to remove all the bones.
  2. The fish fillet is placed skin side down on a large wooden surface and a small cut is made in the middle.
  3. Then the fillet is sprinkled with seasoning, as well as sugar and salt. The main task is not to overdo it.
  4. After this, the peppers are mixed and poured onto the fillet, including the broken bay leaf.
  5. Take a baking sleeve or a simple bag and pour a few pinches of salt into it
  6. Take the fish and place it in the bag, skin side down.
  7. The package or sleeve is carefully wrapped and tied. Before doing this, it is advisable to release the air from the sleeve.
  8. Place the fish in a cold place for four days, turning the fish every day.

Greens are quite often used when salting salmon and other fish. It adds not only a pleasant aroma to the dish, but also a specific taste that many people like.

For such salting you need the following components:

  • 1 kilogram of salmon.
  • Medium salt – 6 tablespoons.
  • Two tablespoons of sugar.
  • 2-3 bunches of fresh dill.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The fish is cut so that only boneless meat remains.
  2. The fillet is rubbed with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  3. Fresh dill is washed and dried. The third part of the dill is placed on the bottom of the vessel.
  4. The salmon fillet is cut into pieces of a suitable size and placed in a bowl in layers, skin side down. There should be a sprig of dill between each layer.
  5. The last layer is laid with the skin facing up, and the remaining dill is placed on top again.
  6. A plate is placed on top of the fish, which is pressed down with some kind of weight. For example, you can take a three-liter jar and fill it with water - this will be a suitable load.
  7. The fish should stand in this state for 8-9 hours at room temperature, after which it is moved to the refrigerator for a couple of days.

If you salt the bellies of salmon, you will get a very delicate dish that can decorate anyone, including a holiday table. But for this you will need the following components:

  • Half a kilo of salmon bellies.
  • One glass of water.
  • One tablespoon of vinegar.
  • Half a tablespoon of salt.
  • The same amount of sugar.
  • 15 black peppercorns.
  • Ground pepper.

How to prepare the dish:

  1. At the first stage, the bellies are well washed and cleaned. After this, they are placed in enamel dishes.
  2. The bellies are rubbed with salt and sugar and sprinkled with black pepper.
  3. Water is boiled together with vinegar, after which the bellies are poured with the same mixture.
  4. Take a bowl or plate of smaller diameter than the pan and place it on top of the bellies, pressing it down with a weight.
  5. Then place the product in the refrigerator for a couple of days, after which they will acquire a very pleasant taste.

When salting salmon, depending on the recipes (and there are a lot of them), a lot of different seasonings are used. Unfortunately, you need to know how to use them, otherwise the dish can be ruined.

The most common spices are:

  • Allspice.
  • Black pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Coriander.
  • Dill or its seeds.
  • Lemon or lime.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Carnation.
  • Orange.

Depending on personal preferences, each housewife has the right to decide which seasonings are more suitable for a particular recipe. In addition to the above products, other ingredients are added to the fish. In this case, everything depends on skill and experience. But if it’s not there, then it’s better not to manipulate the seasonings too much. After all, salmon is not a cheap fish.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account what nationality the dish belongs to. Be that as it may, many people prefer exotic tastes.

Therefore, the presence of seasonings of Chinese or Georgian origin in cooking is welcomed by many lovers of fish dishes. The most important thing is to always stick to the recipe so as not to spoil the dish. Recipes are something that has been tested by life and you shouldn’t add anything new to them, especially if you don’t have the skills.

When salting fish, it does not lose its basic qualities and the entire set of vitamins and microelements is preserved. Salmon is no exception and its meat contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Sodium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Zinc.
  • Omega-3 polyacids.

With regular consumption of salmon, a state of balance is observed in the human body, in terms of all the necessary elements that support normal functioning. For example:

  1. Metabolism improves.
  2. Salt balance is restored.
  3. The functions of the central nervous system improve.
  4. The activity of the heart and blood vessels is normalized.
  5. Salmon meat is considered an effective antioxidant.

Dishes with salted salmon

Salted salmon is characterized by the fact that a sufficient number of different dishes can be prepared from its meat.


  • 150 grams of salted salmon meat.
  • One lemon.
  • 20 grams of parmesan.
  • 1 bunch of arugula.
  • 3-4 cherry tomatoes.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Spices.
  • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Salmon and Parmesan are cut into thin slices, and arugula and tomatoes are washed and dried.
  2. Prepare the dressing by mixing 3 large spoons of olive oil, one spoon of vinegar and the juice of part of a lemon. Everything is thoroughly mixed, with the addition of salt and spices (to taste).
  3. Pieces of fish are laid out on a dish and poured over with dressing.
  4. Parmesan with arugula is laid out on top.
  5. Finally, tomatoes and lemon wedges are added on top.

What you need to have for this:

  • 200 grams of lentils.
  • 100 ml cream.
  • 0.5 tsp curry.
  • 150 g leeks.
  • One carrot.
  • 0.5 teaspoons of turmeric and 5 glasses of water.
  • Parsley.
  • Salt.
  • Ground pepper.

How to prepare:

  1. The onion is cut into half rings. Oil is poured into the pan, onions are placed and fried.
  2. The carrots are peeled and cut into thin rings, after which they are added to the onions.
  3. The lentils are washed and added to the pan, along with spices, ground pepper and mixed gently.
  4. After a couple of minutes, 5 glasses of water are poured into the pan and the dish is cooked for 15-20 minutes.
  5. After this, everything is whipped with a blender and put back on the fire with the addition of cream.
  6. After boiling, the dish is turned off and poured into plates, where pieces of salmon and herbs are added.

Salting salmon at home:
Fresh salmon fillet
Salt and oregano (optional) to taste
Olive oil
Cut the salmon fillet into thin slices.
Season each slice with salt and oregano to taste.
Place all the salmon slices in a jar and add a little olive oil. Salting salmon is not a complicated procedure.
Place the can of salmon in the refrigerator for a day.
After which the salted salmon is ready to eat.
Bon appetit!


    So: Step #1. Purchase

    For fish to be tasty, it naturally must be fresh. Therefore, we go to the nearest market or supermarket for a whole fish carcass, for example, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout or salmon. The main thing is not to take fish that has already been cut up, without a head or fins: all the work must be done at home yourself. It is better to buy fish chilled or frozen, but not yet defrosted.

    So, the purchase is made, and you are the happy owner of freshly frozen or fresh red fish with a full set of fins, scales and, possibly, caviar (depending on your luck, but the milk of males is also tasty).

    Step #2. Preparing for pickling

    If the fish is frozen, then leave it to defrost for several hours, but under no circumstances try to put it in the microwave - everything should happen naturally. In the meantime, prepare everything you need for pickling: a fish container, a cutting knife, culinary scissors, a pickling mixture, and pressure.

    You can use either an enamel bowl or a plastic container as a container for salting. It is better not to use metal utensils, as the fish may acquire an alien metallic taste. It is better to take a medium-sized and sharp knife, and you can use culinary scissors to cut off the fins.

    One of the most important points is preparing the pickling mixture. Naturally, you need to take salt and be sure to use coarse or No. 1 grind (this is written on the pack), because, unlike fine salt, it absorbs excess moisture well and allows the fish to salt “in its own juice.” You also need to take sugar in a ratio of 3:1 (3 parts salt and 1 part sugar), given that 1 kg of fish requires about 3 tablespoons of the mixture. For this purpose, you can weigh the fish, but everything is usually done by eye. It is also important to take into account that the fish, of course, will not take on excess salt (this is such an unusual product), but from my own experience I was convinced that it is better not to overdo it with salt.

    Bay leaves (3-4 pieces per carcass), allspice black peppercorns (5-6 peas) or special spices for cooking fish are allowed as additional ingredients, but in moderation. For oppression, you can take an ordinary three- or two-liter jar of water.

    Try this: 1 kg salmon (piece, whichever is fattier) with skin
    1-2 teaspoons white pepper
    4 tbsp. tablespoons salt, coarse, non-mineral and non-iodized
    4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
    DILL, books suggest putting in a LOT of dill, but I’m greedy so I make do with 100-200 ml
    Rub with this mixture. Wrap the bag around the fish (so that the resulting liquid does not fill the entire refrigerator) and put it in the refrigerator on a plate or in a bowl, periodically turning the bag from one barrel to another. (4-5 times is enough)

    The resulting liquid must be drained so that the fish does not become too salty.
    If the fillets are thin, then you can start in a day.
    Folded together - 3 cm, a day and a half, and thicker - already 2 days.

    Before serving, scrape off seasonings and cut into thin pieces. Bon appetit!

    Maybe you are right: Fish (salmon, salmon or pink salmon) – 1 kg.
    Sugar – 250 gr.
    Coarse sea salt – 550 gr.
    Black peppercorns – 1 handful
    1. Dry the fish with a napkin or towel.
    2. Mix sugar and coarse salt (the coarser the salt, the better).
    3. Lightly grind black pepper in a mortar (you can use green or pink, they have an even better aroma).
    4. If you want to cook with herbs, add a little chopped dill; if you like spicy salting, grind 4 cloves or 4 cm of grated ginger root along with pepper. Set aside half of the mixture.
    5. Place half of the salt mixture on the bottom of the tray in which you will salt the fish and begin laying out the fish itself. Place fillet pieces skin side down; if steak pieces, do not pour too much salt into the bottom of the container. After laying out, pour the remaining salt over the fish, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.
    6. After 12 hours, thoroughly rinse the salt from the fish, wipe the fish, close the food. film or baking paper and leave in the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

    Interesting tip: Place half of the fish in the foil. A whole piece, no need to cut into small pieces. Season with salt. Then sprinkle with seasoning that is sold in the store. This seasoning definitely contains dill and salt and something else lemony and one more thing, openwork chervil. Finally, pour lemon juice over the salmon. And let it sit in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Salt only as much as you eat in 4 days, then the fish spoils. It must be eaten fresh. It's quick and easy to prepare. I don’t remember the name of the seasoning because the seasoning is in Finnish. I live in Finland because But I think that this seasoning is sold everywhere.

    Here I found a translation of the seasoning. Salt, dill, sugar, openwork chervil, lemon balm. I think that this seasoning can be bought in any store.

    Interesting tip: Clean, gut, wash, dry. Cut along the spine into two layers, removing the head, tail, fins and spine, if possible with rib bones. Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet (tray): 2 matchboxes without the top - salt and 1 box of sugar. Mix. For one half of salmon weighing about 2 kg, approximately two such servings of the mixture are required. Roll the fish thickly in the mixture on both sides. Prepare a fairly large saucepan. I put the boned halves of the fish together, put them in a plastic bag, roll them up tightly, put them in a pan, put some kind of pressure on top (a heavy plate, for example), cover them with a lid and put them in the refrigerator or in a cold place. After 3-4 days, I turn the fish over with the skin inside, put it back in the bag with the brine that has already formed, and keep it cool for another 3-4 days. Having taken it out, I cut it at an angle of 45 degrees thinly with a sharp knife. I put the pieces in a glass jar with a lid, fill it with simple sunflower oil and keep it in the refrigerator. Delicious! A white bun with butter and a piece of fish is a wonderful breakfast. Yes, you can cook a wonderful fish soup from the head, tail and bones. Don't forget to remove the gills.

    Try this: I cut it into fillets without skin, cut the fillets into slices 3-4 cm wide. For 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, grate the lemon zest from the lemon. I squeeze the juice out of the lemon itself, removing the seeds. You can take laaim, it will have an interesting taste, if it’s the same thing, only tangerine. From the mill I pour a mixture of 4 peppers, or put white and black pepper in a mortar, put everything in a glass or enamel bowl, for this amount of salt and pepper, add a tablespoon of olive oil, mix everything carefully, put a plate on top, on a plate - jar of water. 6 hours at room temperature, overnight, 4 hours in the refrigerator. This is a lightly salted option. You can also sprinkle with very thinly sliced ​​and pickled red onions. It doesn’t keep for a long time, and why should you store something like that? You have to eat it.
    Bones, fins, skin and head (tear out the gills and eyes) - on the ear, put the milk in there - add them to the fish broth, they are quick-cooking. With caviar, if you have it, you’ll figure it out - you want to salt it in the jar, you want to remove it, salt it after pouring boiling water over it - less than an hour, just salt it thoroughly.

    Maybe you are right: The simplest and most fabulous-tasting salting: salt-sugar in a 1:1 ratio.
    The fish will be ready in a couple of days.
    This is how I salt salmon, trout and even butter steaks
