How to replace John Dory fish. The John Dory chilled fish store has opened in Brest. Oven recipe

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “JOHN DORY” in dictionaries.

  • JOHN DORY — noun (plural John Dories) Etymology: earlier dory, from Middle English dorre, from Anglo-French doree, literally, gilded one Date: 1754 a …
  • JOHN DORY - noun (plural john dorys) Usage: usually capitalized J&D Etymology: from the name John + dory (fish) : a ...
  • JOHN DORY - /dawr"ee, dohr"ee/ , pl. John Dories. any fish of the family Zeidae, esp. Zeus faber, of European seas, having …
  • JOHN DORY — edible dory (type of deep-sea fish)
  • JOHN DORY — noun (plural John Dories) Etymology: earlier dory, from Middle English dorre, from Anglo-French doree, literally, gilded one Date: …
  • JOHN DORY — Pronunciation: - " do ̇ r- ē Function: noun Inflected Form: plural John Dories Etymology: earlier dory, from Middle English …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY — ■ noun (plural John Dories) an edible dory (fish) of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, with a black …
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • JOHN DORY - n, pl John Dories (1754): a common ...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • JOHN DORY - / ˌdʒɒn ˈdɔːri; NAmE ˌdʒɑːn/ noun (pl. John Dory or John Dories) a fish that has a black …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - n. (pl. -ies) a European marine fish, Zeus faber, with a laterally flattened body and a black spot on each …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - n. (pl. -ies) a European marine fish, Zeus faber, with a laterally flattened body and a black spot on each …
    Oxford English vocab
  • JOHN-DORY - n. Common dory (Zeus faber).
    Dictionary of English Synonyms
  • JOHN DORY — A fish similar to turbot.
    Queen's English - American English Glossary
  • JOHN DORY - sunfish (fish) (zoology) sunfish (Zeus faber)
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - Zeus
    American English-Russian Dictionary
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • JOHN DORY – sunfish (fish)
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • JOHN DORY - zool. sunflower (Zeus faber)
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • JOHN DORY - zool. sunflower (Zeus faber)
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - sunflower
  • JOHN DORY - sunflower
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • JOHN DORY - biol. sunfish (fish)
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • JOHN DORY - biol. sunfish (fish)
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • JOHN DORY - sunflower (Zeus); common sunflower (Zeus faber)
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Biology
  • JOHN DORY - sunflower (Zeus); common sunflower (Zeus faber)
    New English-Russian Biological Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY – sunfish (fish)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • JOHN DORY – sunfish (fish)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed
  • JOHN DORY – sunfish (fish)
    English-Russian additional dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - _n. sunfish (fish)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - sunflower
    English-Russian Online Dictionary
  • JOHN DORY - sunfish (fish) (zoology) sunfish (Zeus faber)
  • JOHN DORY - sunfish (fish) (zoology) sunfish (Zeus faber)
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • DORY — noun (plural dories) Etymology: Miskito dóri dugout Date: 1709 a flat-bottomed boat with high flaring sides, sharp bow, and deep …
    English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
  • JOHN
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • JOHN - I. ˈjän noun (-s) Etymology: from the name John, from Middle English Johan, Jon, John, from Late Latin …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • DORY - I. noun also do·ree ˈdōrē, ˈdȯr-, -ri (plural dories also dorees) Etymology: Middle English dorre, dorray, from Middle …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • DORY- — combining form Etymology: New Latin, from Greek dory — more at tree: spear Dory anthes
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • DORY
    Webster English Dictionary
  • DORY
    Webster English Dictionary
  • DORY
    Webster English Dictionary
  • DORY - (n.) The American wall-eyed perch; -- called also dore. See Pike perch.
  • DORY - (n.) A small, strong, flat-bottomed rowboat, with sharp prow and flaring sides.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • DORY - (n.) A European fish. See Doree, and John Doree.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • JOHN - /jon/, n. 1. the apostle John, believed to be the author of the fourth Gospel, three Epistles, and the …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • DORY - dory 1 /dawr"ee, dohr"ee/, n. , pl. dories. a boat with a narrow, flat bottom, high bow, and …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • DORY - n. light boat; edible fish
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • JOHN - n. male first name; one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, author of the Gospel of John (Biblical); last of...
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • JOHN — I. ˈjän noun Etymology: Late Latin Johannes, from Greek Iōannēs, from Hebrew Yōhānān Date: 12th century 1. : a Jewish …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • DORY — noun (plural dories) Etymology: Miskito dóri dugout Date: 1709: a flat-bottomed boat with high flaring sides, sharp …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary

Recently, fish counters have increasingly begun to surprise with a previously unknown assortment. Among them is a marvelous flounder-shaped fish without scales with sharp spiny fins called dory. Sellers also call it “Oreo”, “sunfish”, “halibut-dory” and recommend it as the fruit of crossing flounder and halibut. What this ocean predator is, how it manifests itself during the cooking process and whether it is useful for everyone - this will be discussed further in the article.

Nutritional value: substance content

Finding out everything about this representative of the oceanic world turned out to be a difficult task. The fact is that in some sources dory is classified as a halibut, and in others - as a flounder.

Did you know? The oldest fish on the globe is considered to be the coelacanth (Latimeria menadoensis). Its descendants from the coelant species were rediscovered in 1999. Before this, scientists were convinced that there was not a single representative of this species left in modern underwater depths..

You can catch dories in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. It is found near schools of herring, which it loves to eat. Externally, the fish has much in common with flounder, but at the same time differs from it in its wide body at the head. And its nutritional value is more reminiscent of halibut.

Oreos are often sold frozen. Usually these are gutted, headless carcasses ranging from 25 to 40 centimeters in length and weighing between 0.5-0.8 kilograms.

The white meat of this variety of underwater inhabitants is easily amenable to any heat treatment. When frying, boiling, stewing and baking, it does not lose its delicate taste and dense structure. There are few bones, and they are easy to separate from the sirloin.

In many catering establishments, chefs try to surprise their visitors not only with a new recipe for traditionally prepared dory, but also with exclusive salads and cutlets made from it.

Important! Oreo is very affordable. The cost of one kilogram on average will cost 40-50 hryvnia or 140-170 rubles.

If a 100-gram portion of fish is broken down into its chemical components, then the following picture will appear before us:

  • fats - 8.08 g;
  • - 19.24 g;
  • - 1.54 g;
  • - 21.7 mcg;
  • - 0.016 mg;
  • - 0.04 mg;
  • - 0.047 mg;
  • - 0.024 mg;
  • - 2.13 mcg;
  • - 1.24 mg;
  • - 0.381 mg;
  • - 0.114 μg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.117 mg;
  • - 0.114 mg;
  • - 0.2031 mg;
  • - 8.38 mg;
  • - 5.59 mg;
  • - 8.07 mg;
  • - 44.26 mg;
  • - 12.6 mg;
  • - 10.41 mg;
  • - 0.251 mg;
  • - 0.1479 mg;
  • - 0.95 mcg;
  • - 19.53 mcg;
  • - 0.0509 mg;
  • - 0.59 mcg;
  • - 10.18 mcg;
  • - 2.367 mcg;
  • - 0.828 mcg.

Calorie content

Dory is attractive not only for its rich chemical composition, but also for its low calorie content. For example, one hundred grams of fried fish contains only 114 kilocalories.

About the same amount in a similar serving with two teaspoons of condensed milk or in. Compared to flounder, this fish contains 28 calories more, but in terms of nutritional value it is superior to its ancestor.

Did you know? Flounder can adjust the coloring of its body in accordance with the pattern of the seabed. In this case, visible changes in color occur only on the side where the eyes of this fish are located.

If you maintain a balance in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then such a product may well be a source of proteins, as well as vital vitamins and microelements. With a diet designed for 1300 kilocalories, it is enough to eat about 600 grams of Oreos per day.

Thus, you will completely cover your daily requirement for protein foods, gaining only 684 kilocalories. There will still be room for a salad, side dish, vegetables, fruits and your favorite sweets.

Beneficial features

It is important for every person to get the required amount of protein food every day. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and muscle mass. This kind of nutrition is especially important for athletes and bodybuilders.

But, in addition to the external beauty of a muscular, toned body, regular consumption of sunflower is indicated for people with diabetes. According to experts, fish contains enough protein to optimize blood glucose, thereby preventing the progression of the disease.

Important! When purchasing flounder, you should be especially vigilant, since cases have become more frequent when unscrupulous sellers pass off flounder as dory. It is easy to distinguish the delicious fish by its greenish-brown body color, long spines on the dorsal fins, yellowish stripes on the sides and a round black spot, which is located on both sides of the fish’s body.

Despite its unpresentable appearance, dory saturates the body with useful vitamins and mineral components. Moreover, many of them cannot be found in plant foods.

While enjoying the delicate taste of white but dense meat, you simultaneously provide your body with the following benefits:

Did you know? According to legend, black spots on the body of the sunfish were left from the fingers of the Apostle Peter, who pulled out a gold coin from the fish’s mouth.

Use in cooking

Residents of the Mediterranean have appreciated the taste of the nutritious meat of dory fish for a very long time. For thousands of years, this product has been in demand in coastal markets. But in Europe they learned about this oceanic predator only at the beginning of the 17th century. Its discoverers were the British. Over time, their recipe was borrowed and improved by French chefs.

A characteristic feature of the dory is its solitary existence and predilection for the depths of the sea. It does not rise above 5 meters and does not fall below 2 kilometers. Can only live in clean waters. That is why the Japanese use sunfish as food and a biosensor for pollution in the waters of the environment.

Every year, fishermen catch up to 12 thousand tons of this animal in the world's oceans. To a greater extent, this type of fishing is carried out by Moroccans, Senegalese and Madeirans. However, Oreo does not enjoy much industry credibility. Experts explain that the reason for this lies in the solitary way of life of the fish. In addition, it is considered a rare representative of the ocean, although not listed in the Red Book.

Did you know? Each nation calls this fish differently. For example, in Germany it is known as the king herring, since the predator always preys on its schools. And in the UK it’s already John Dory. The name comes from local celebrity John Keane, who loved sunfish. The Spaniards call them the fish of St. Martin, and the Greeks call them the fish of Christ.

Ichthyologists distinguish about 50 species of dory. Of these, the ones most often in demand in cooking are:

  • silver - distinguished by a silver-gray body color and the absence of spots on the sides, a sign of the family is an inverted cross on the body (there is a parallel name mirror), considered the most delicious, lives in the African depths;
  • black - very common (also called smooth), caught in the coastal areas of New Zealand and transported frozen throughout the world;
  • Japanese - characteristic only of local cuisine, caught in the waters near Japan and America.

Sunfish fillet deserves respect not only due to its rich chemical composition.

Important! The species diversity of sunflowers does not affect the choice of the type of culinary processing. The same dishes can be successfully prepared from all types.

Its positive qualities are:
  • dense structure of white meat;
  • pleasant original taste;
  • lack of a specific smell, like flounder (dori is a fragrant fish);
  • presence of a small number of easily separated bones.

The disadvantages of the variety include the fact that only 40 percent of the fish is used for food purposes. The rest is taken up by the head and digestive tract of the sea creature.

Important! Often fishermen and traders in the fish aisle talk about the creamy appearance of the sunfish. Know that there is no such thing. In fact, we are talking about one of the subspecies of catfish, which is bred in artificial conditions.

Experienced chefs pay attention to the specific features of dory that appear during its heat treatment:

  1. If you keep it in boiling water, the meat will boil, losing not only its visual appeal, but also its taste. Therefore, during the cooking process, you should handle the fish with care.
  2. When cooking, you should not use herbs and spices, as they spoil the taste of the sunflower.
  3. It's a great idea to use the variety to make broth. It is always rich and satisfying. Fish is also great for making rolls. But the most popular recipes are oven-baked or grilled fillets.
  4. When boiling Oreos, it is better to steam them.
  5. The best complementary ingredients for dory are baked potatoes, fennel, lemon juice, tomatoes, celery, onion-garlic or cream sauces and Chardonnay.
  6. If the fish was caught during the spawning period, its taste will deteriorate greatly.

Note that recently the dory has taken root in European reservoirs. Since then, it has become an integral ingredient in the kitchens of the Italians and French. Moreover, the fish even began to be called “sea gold” and “ocean chicken.”

Oven recipe

For cooking we will need:

  • dory loin - 1.2-1.4 kg;
  • - 2 pieces (it is better to choose medium-sized specimens);
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • - 2 tablespoons (it is better to choose Dijon);
  • Provençal herbs - 1 teaspoon (no more so as not to spoil the taste);
  • and - half a teaspoon;
  • - 1-1.5 teaspoons (to taste);
  • ground pepper;
  • (for greasing the baking sheet).
The cooking process will take no more than 45 minutes. You will get 4 servings. So let's get started:

Possible health hazards

It is very difficult to find bad sides to the effect of this delicacy on the human body. Sunflowers are absolutely harmless. Even allergy sufferers are allowed to consume them in unlimited quantities.

Considering that each organism has its own individual characteristics, doctors advise not to exclude the risk of allergic reactions to the product due to its intolerance.

When trying dory for the first time, use moderation. You should not eat too much meat, being tempted by its excellent taste. Wait a little and if the product is absorbed without rash or other side effects, you can safely enjoy the ocean herring lover.

Remember that, like other underwater inhabitants, this species can be infected with helminths. There is no need to eat fillet raw. It is important for disinfection to cook it well at high temperature. To avoid indigestion, never combine fish with dairy products.
The tender sunflower meat never leaves behind a feeling of heaviness and is easily digestible. And even children can handle a small number of large seeds. Moreover, all the vitamins and microelements contained in the variety are very useful for them.

Important! When buying a fish, be sure to look at its eyes. They must be clean. Signs of cloudiness indicate poor quality of the product.


Sunfish belongs to the group of marine fish that has no contraindications. On the contrary, it is very useful for any category of consumers. Its chemical composition is especially valuable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Indeed, during this period, their body requires double the norm of all vital components.

The product is also recommended for children, as it saturates their growing bodies with all the necessary substances and is a source of vital energy. Pensioners should not refuse the delicacy either. For them, this is not just a gastronomic pleasure, but an effective prevention against cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and forgetfulness.
Omega fatty acids are extremely important for the health and beauty of women. In addition, this product can be considered dietary. Therefore, you should not worry about the kilograms you have gained. With the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, this will not threaten you.

How to choose and store correctly

Fresh fish is considered the healthiest. But since it most often appears frozen on store shelves, it is important to learn how to make such purchases correctly.

  1. Do not believe the stories of traders that there is a display of fresh dori in front of you if the outlet is located outside the coastal regions. In 99% of cases, they try to pass off a freshly defrosted product as fresh. An exceptional product is one that is delivered in special tanks upon special order, which will affect its price.
  2. Always buy fish only from specialized stores with a good reputation. It is very good if they monitor for the presence of radioactive particles in carcasses.
  3. Keep in mind that predators are carriers of helminthiasis.
  4. Try to make your purchase during the catching season, otherwise the cost of the fish will also include its storage. Moreover, the more time a product stays in the freezer, the less useful substances remain in it. For sunflowers, the optimal period is October.
  5. If your goal is to choose a specific individual from the offered assortment, keep in mind that females have eggs, and males have milt.
  6. Never be tempted by promotional offers, since there is an obvious catch here: most likely, the fish has been spoiled, and they are trying to sell it as quickly as possible, or passing off flounder as a delicacy.
Video: how to choose the right fish

Important! Experts distinguish females from males by their anus. In female fish it is round and pink.

Sunfish, like other sea fish, are well preserved. When fresh, they can be left in the refrigerator for 3 days. If the delicacy is not consumed during this time, it should be frozen. To do this, it is enough to pack the carcass in a plastic bag with a lock without preliminary cleaning.

If desired, you can separate the loin part. In this form, it will lie, maintaining its nutritional value, for about six months. Among other ways to store dory fish, you can prefer canning it. It can also be found in the form of preserves on the shelves of fish stores.
It is important to follow the technological rules for processing this type of raw material. In this treatment, the predator will not lose its beneficial properties for 3 years. Some canned foods have a shelf life of 4 months. It is important to carefully read the manufacturer's information on the packaging.

Did you know? Ichthyologists consider bassogigas to be the deepest-sea fish. It was caught at a depth of 8 kilometers, which is still a record for ridge representatives of the fauna.

The continuation against the director and co-owner did not prevent the importer of chilled fish and seafood John Dory from expanding its chain of stores. On February 9, the company opened a store in Vitebsk, in the Green hypermarket on Chkalova Street.

This store became the eighth in the chain. “With the arrival of John Dory, the fish assortment of the Vitebsk Green hypermarket has been replenished with a wide range of fish and seafood: from wild cod and flounder to exotic French oysters,” the company assured.

As TUT.BY previously reported, at the end of January, the Investigative Committee and the State Control Committee announced the detention of the co-owner of a chain of fish delicacies stores, Arseniy Tyutyunnik, on suspicion of tax evasion on a particularly large scale - 245 thousand rubles.

Within a day, the co-owner paid off the alleged damage in full and was released from custody.

The Investigative Committee emphasized that the criminal investigation does not interfere with the further activities of the John Dory company.

The John Dory company was created in 2013 by BSU graduates Arseniy Tyutyunnik and Evgeniy Golovach. The company specializes in the supply of chilled fish and seafood, including wholesale. It operates six retail outlets in Minsk, in large shopping centers, including four in Green hypermarkets. One store is open in Brest.

(former “Asstor-West” on Masherova Ave., 16) July 23, 2015 opened chilled fish and seafood store "John Dory".

Flounder, trout, oysters, mussels, salmon, halibut, lobster, octopus, langoustines, sea bass, monkfish, scallop - where else in Brest will you find such a variety of seafood?

John Dory is a chain of fresh chilled fish stores. The company was founded in 2012 by two 4th year students Evgeniy Golovach and Arseniy Tyutyunnik. The idea was to open an online store and create an online showcase for products.

A system was developed to deliver fresh chilled fish to the end consumer in just 4 days after catching.

Fish requires a special approach in storage and sales, and the buyer always wants to see the product, perhaps get advice on preparation, storage and combination of products. Therefore, already in 2013, the first specialized store selling fish and seafood was opened in Minsk.

“We have increased the number of Belarusians trying new types of fish and seafood by tens of times, and by hundreds - those who are interested,” comments Evgeniy Golovach, co-founder of John Dory stores. – We strive to make the sea accessible to everyone. If you do everything honestly, and we only play by the rules and never freeze the fish, then people trust you and come back.”

The store's fish and seafood are not frozen - they are cooled to the optimal temperature, allowing them to preserve all their beneficial qualities. In addition, this is the only company in Belarus that provides the “cleaning-gutting” service, and even free of charge. Thus, John Dory guarantees the highest possible quality of the target product for Belarus, free fish processing service and pleasure from visiting the store.

“Why Brest? – comments the co-founder of the company Arseniy Tyutyunnik. – It was from Brest that we received the most responses and requests to open a store. We have been working with some restaurants and shops in Brest for a long time. Brest residents are familiar with fresh chilled fish due to their proximity to Poland, but consumer choice was limited to chilled salmon steaks. So we came to the decision to open a store in Brest. The regions have great potential, and we are not going to limit ourselves to Minsk, because a high-quality product is what the Belarusian consumer needs.”

Today the company has 3 retail sales points in Minsk and a fourth in Brest. All stores operate in the SHOP-IN-SHOP format, i.e. "shop within a store"

Now Brest residents do not have to go, fly or sail to distant countries to try fresh seafood delicacies; they just need to go to the Asstor-West shopping center on the street. Masherova, 16 and choose what suits your taste.

P.S. June 24 at 20.00 at Brest, st. Sovetskaya, 73 (at the entrance to the Korova Grill Bar) John Dory will hold a Mussel Festival. As part of it, residents and guests of the city will be able to try a mussel dish.
