What syrup is best to drink coffee with? How to properly add syrups to coffee. To prepare you will need

They started adding aromatic sweet components not so long ago. This fashion appeared in America and gradually migrated to Europe. It is here that the most famous production of syrups and their analogues - toppings - is concentrated. Which syrups are in demand and how to use them?

Types and variety of syrups

Various ingredients have been added to coffee and tea since the 18th century in America. It was here that the first coffee shops opened, serving hot drinks with different flavors. The range of such supplements has gradually grown, and today on the market you can find the most exotic combinations of products in one bottle.

Coffee syrups are sweet, aromatic additives that are designed to enhance, highlight or improve the taste of a drink, both hot and cold. If syrup is added to coffee, sugar is no longer added to it. All syrups available on the market can be divided into the following types:

  • berry and berry-fruit;
  • spicy;
  • with nut flavor;
  • with the taste of desserts.

You can add an item about vegetable tastes to this list, although their variety is still small. Syrups are prepared with sugar or sugar substitutes. If sugar was used, the product will be more expensive; if a substitute is used, it will be cheaper, but safer for some categories of people, for example, those with diabetes.

Syrup in coffee can enhance its sourness, smooth out the bitterness, and emphasize the nutty or chocolate flavor.

Below is a description of the best and most popular coffee additives that are loved all over the world.

Caramel syrup is suitable for coffee with pronounced bitterness and strength. It is often combined with milk or cream. It enhances the taste of the milk component and has a light taste and aroma. Ideal for espresso, latte and...

Vanilla is a classic of the genre. It suits both sour Arabica and bitter Robusta. In the first case, it makes the sourness invisible, in the second, it removes excess bitterness. The syrup has a light and pleasant sweetish taste and goes well with cream and ice cream.

Walnut is the most favorite of all. This is a variety that includes flavors such as hazelnut, almond and even hazelnut. It is unique in that it enhances the nutty aftertaste that is characteristic of some types of Arabica. It is spicy, sweet, sour and fruity at the same time. Best for strong espresso.

Chocolate syrup and coffee is a combination that has not yet been invented better. These two products combine harmoniously with each other, enhance each other’s attractiveness, and are perfect in addition to ice cream, cognac and other alcoholic drinks.

They drink coffee with maple syrup in the morning. It has a light and unusual woody aroma. This product is added not only to drinks and cocktails. It is suitable for meat and fish, which makes it so versatile. Make coffee with mint syrup in the afternoon to slightly invigorate and refresh.

Famous manufacturers

The largest production of ingredients for coffee, cocktails and desserts is concentrated in Europe. The leadership among them belongs to the French company Monin (Monin). It produces toppings, liqueurs and purees for cold cocktails, hot drinks and sweet desserts.

The company's assortment includes about 50 products with a wide variety of tastes, aromas and colors. The advantage of the product is its naturalness. This is precisely what the founder of the company focused on in 1912. Among the synthetic additives, sometimes only food coloring appears. This is done in order to achieve a certain external appearance for the product that it has.

The brand offers products with berry, fruit, vegetable, spicy and other flavors and aromas. There are even coffee and ice cream syrups in salted caramel, ginger, sugarcane and cucumber flavors. Monin syrup can be purchased in containers of 50 ml for occasional home use and in 1 liter bottles for cafes, bars and restaurants.

Another French manufacturer is Teisseire. It is distinguished by a wide variety of the most unexpected tastes from desserts to oriental spices. The assortment includes Blue Curacao, Amaretto, Pomegranate, Grenadine, Gingerbread, Bubble Gum and others. The history of the company has been going on for about 300 years, so its range is really large, the quality is impeccable, and the tastes are extraordinary.

Delight is an American manufacturer that offers low-calorie syrups even in single-serve containers. It is distinguished by the release of the most popular flavors and aromas among bartenders, baristas and coffee lovers. These are vanilla, almonds, hazelnuts, chocolate and others.

The Latvian company Pure also presents toppings for desserts and drinks on the market. They are sold in 350 ml containers. The assortment includes products with flavors of vanilla, caramel, chocolate, and others.

How and how much to add to coffee

Traditionally, the volume of added syrup is calculated based on the volume of coffee or cocktail. So, it is customary to add 1 tsp per cup of espresso. sweet additive. If the product is not too thick, add twice as much. How much syrup should I add to coffee drinks that contain milk or cream? For 100 ml of coffee and 50 ml of milk component add 2 tsp.

What recipes for simple drinks with syrups can be repeated at home? Rich chocolate coffee is prepared as follows:

  • brew strong Turkish coffee (100 ml);
  • heat 50 ml of milk separately;
  • combine coffee with milk and 4 tsp. chocolate syrup;
  • Place 2 tbsp on top. l. vanilla ice cream.

For latte, caramel or vanilla flavor is preferable

Coffee latte with caramel syrup can be prepared as follows:

  • brew 100 ml espresso;
  • Separately beat 50 ml of milk until thick foam;
  • Pour 3 tbsp into the bottom of a tall mug or glass. l. caramel syrup, add half of the whipped milk;
  • pour coffee in a thin stream;
  • Place the other half of the milk foam on top and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

By analogy, you can prepare coffee with vanilla, nuts and other traditional additives.

Homemade syrup recipes

At home, you can prepare a syrup for coffee that is suitable for many other dishes, from soaking cake layers to decorating vanilla ice cream.

You can make fragrant natural vanilla syrup at home, all you need to do is find a natural vanilla pod. You can buy this spice in special spice stores or confectionery shops. For the serving below you will need only 1 pod.

  • pour sugar into a saucepan and pour in water in a ratio of 1:1.5;
  • leave to dissolve over low heat without boiling;
  • Carefully divide the pod into half and scrape off the inside with a knife;
  • When the sugar has dissolved, add vanilla to the pan, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool.

Store the syrup in the refrigerator in an airtight container for about 2-3 weeks.

If the consistency of the syrup is too thin, boil it further over low heat.

To make real caramel syrup, which can later be used to decorate a variety of desserts and, of course, add to coffee, you need to learn how to melt sugar correctly. The standard set of products is as follows:

  • 2 g vanilla;
  • 400 g brown sugar;
  • 600-650 ml of water.

It is better to cook the dish in a ceramic container; it will not burn in it. To begin, pour 300 g of sugar into a saucepan and melt it over low heat until brown. When it has dispersed, pour water into the container and pour out the remaining sugar and heat for another 10-15 minutes. When the liquid becomes homogeneous, remove the pan from the heat, allow the product to cool to 40 degrees, add vanilla. Within 1-2 hours the finished product is infused and cooled. Later it is poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. It is not necessary to make a large portion at once. For the first time, you can take half of all the ingredients.

At home you can prepare delicious syrups from any berries and fruits. The technology is similar to the previous ones. Here, only water is replaced with berry or fruit juice. Syrup, whether homemade or store-bought, is an almost universal thing. It is used for coffee, tea, cocktails, baking, ice cream, and decoration. The thicker the syrup, the sweeter it is, which means its concentration in the finished dish can be reduced and vice versa. This product is very high in calories, so those who watch their figure or are on a diet rarely consume it or refuse it altogether.

Here I will talk about a couple of things to consider when making coffee with syrup, and also add a few recipes.

Do not forget that syrups have a very sweet taste (yes, not even sweet, but sometimes disgustingly sweet, cloying.). Certain, but not mandatory, proportions must be observed: for a cup of espresso, take 1 teaspoon of syrup; for cappuccino, and with it milk coffee (glass) - 5 teaspoons; per glass of coffee cocktail - about 5-6 teaspoons of syrup.

Syrups based on fructose have a whiter, sweeter taste than those prepared with sucrose.

You also need to be careful when choosing syrup. Some syrups tend to curdle when added to milk or hot liquids. Therefore, they cannot be added to cappuccino, latte and other hot coffee drinks.

How to choose coffee syrup, which one to buy? Here is a list of popular brands:

  • 1883 Philibert Routin
  • Monin syrups
  • Fabbri's Fantasy syrups in Caffe
  • Da Vinci Gourmet syrups
  • Teisseire syrups

Several recipes with the addition of syrup

Espresso and syrup

Very short, simple and clear. Take a cup and add 1-2 tsp. any syrup you like. Prepare espresso in the coffee machine and add it to this cup. Stir a little.

Coffee with syrup

In a separate vessel, mix the prepared coffee and syrup. Add a few ice cubes to a glass and add 60-80 ml of chilled milk. Pour the coffee mixture on top. You can decorate with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Latte and syrup

We will need 1/4 espresso and 3/4 hot milk, which needs to be frothed. Take a glass and add syrup. Then, carefully pour just a little milk into it. Whip the other part of the milk until thick foam and place on top. Meanwhile, prepare the coffee. You can make regular espresso in a Turkish coffee machine or a coffee machine. Pour into milk in a thin stream. Then you can add a little more foam if a trace of coffee appears. You can sprinkle grated chocolate and cinnamon on top. Serve with a cocktail pipe..

Cappuccino and syrup

Take a cup and pour 15 ml into it. some syrup. Then prepare coffee into this cup using a coffee machine, or pour it from a Turk. You need to stir lightly. Then pour in the milk that needs to be frothed. Add thicker milk foam on top.

The proportions required to make a cappuccino are one third espresso and two thirds milk foam.

Of course, a freshly brewed drink is wonderful in itself, but sometimes you want some variety. In such cases, various additives in the form of syrups are used. At first, residents of Europe and America began to add them, since sweetness was a mandatory ingredient in their coffee drink. In this article, we will look at which syrup is most suitable for this or that type of coffee, how to use them correctly and what they are?

Which syrup is best for which coffee?

At first, the syrup was used as a decorative element; it was used to decorate the surface of drinks such as lattes. Later they began to be added to espresso.

  1. Berry and fruit - apple, banana, plum, raspberry, etc.;
  2. Desserts – chocolate, ice cream cake;
  3. Nuts – macadamia, almond, cedar;
  4. Spicy - cinnamon, vanilla.

Of course, from all this wide variety there are leaders who are in great demand all over the world.


Syrup is added to cocktails to reduce the “sweetness” and enhance the coffee taste. In espresso it helps highlight the pleasant nutty flavor and aroma. Hazelnut syrup harmonizes well with South American blends and 100% Arabica beans, as it helps highlight their inherent fruity acidity.


It has a pleasant creamy aftertaste, so it is often used to soften the strength of coffee. In addition, caramel syrup provides a pleasant aroma in various coffee cocktails. It goes well with cappuccino, espresso, which are made from 100% Arabica coffee, with coffee with cream or fruit juice.


It is especially preferred by those with a sweet tooth, as it gives any drink a pronounced sweetness. It perfectly reduces strength, softens bitterness, and maintains the softness of coffee taste. Therefore, due to its special qualities, many people like to mix it with strong varieties. Due to its luxurious taste, vanilla syrup harmonizes perfectly with drinks such as coffee - milk - ice cream.


Chocolate is considered an excellent friend of coffee, because together they can create an incomparable taste and aroma. Chocolate syrup can better reveal all the notes of a coffee drink, as well as add new shades to cocktails. It is appropriate with coffee that contains strong alcohol - it could be liqueur, or, for example, cognac.

World producers of syrups

The assortment is quite diverse, but syrups from foreign manufacturers are in greatest demand. Geographical superiority belongs to France.


A French organization that has been on the market for more than a century. Known for producing a chic variety of products. In addition to standard flavors, the list includes syrups flavored with coconut milk, various well-known liqueurs, and exotic fruits. It is packaged in a liter bottle, the initial cost of which is from 400 rubles.


A French manufacturer that started its business back in the 18th century. The list is quite diverse; here you can find both traditional options and exotic ones, for example, vanilla chestnut. Packaged in different volumes, starting from 250 ml. The starting price varies between 190-210 rubles. For 1 liter of French syrup you will have to pay about 550 rubles.


An American manufacturer that differs from other similar products in its original packaging (470 ml) and a series of portioned additives designed for 1 cup. The syrup will be especially appreciated by those who are watching their figure, since there are only 25 calories per 100 ml.


Manufacturer – France. The peculiarity of this line of syrups is the increased concentration of sugar. The assortment includes about 60 flavors - most are fruity, but you can also find others, for example, nutty and chocolate. The price for 1 liter bottle will be 590 rubles.

How much syrup should I add?

In theory, everyone chooses how much syrup to add to the drink, it all depends on personal taste preferences. But there are generally accepted recommendations from famous baristas that you can follow for the first time until you get the hang of it.

  1. For every 50-60 ml of coffee, there is one teaspoon of thick syrup and one tablespoon, provided that it has a liquid consistency;
  2. Those who prefer sweets can double the indicated dose, that is, add two instead of one spoon;
  3. To prepare a cocktail or any other drink, you need to correctly calculate the consistency. For example, if according to the recipe you add 100 ml of coffee and 50 ml of milk, then in the end you will need 2 dessert spoons of thick syrup.

How to combine syrups with coffee correctly?

Everyone is guided by their own individual taste preferences, but there are a number of rules that are still recommended to be followed in order to truly appreciate the richness of the tastes and aromas of coffee.

  • strong black should not be mixed with fruit and berry syrups; it is best to add “Irish cream”, which will perfectly reveal the fullness of the taste and aroma of the drink.
  • espresso goes well with nut and chocolate flavored syrups.
  • A latte will convey all its flavors if you add vanilla or caramel flavored syrup.
  • Fruit and berry drinks are in perfect harmony with drinks made from pure Arabica. Don't be afraid to experiment, just add syrup and enjoy the new taste of your favorite drink.

Where can I buy this syrup?

  1. In large supermarkets, they are usually placed in the coffee, juice, confectionery or condiment shelves.
  2. In specialized departments for the sale of alcoholic beverages, as they are also used for preparing various cocktails.

On online sites you can find the largest range of syrups, ranging from classic to unusual exotic tastes.

Articles about coffee / Coffee recipes 03-10-2017

Even the most ardent adherents of high-quality coffee prepared according to a classic recipe crave variety from time to time. So that the unusual taste evokes a surge of special emotions, and the original aroma gives a sunny, positive mood.

A great way to achieve this effect is to add a small amount of syrup to your coffee. Today, such concentrates are offered by many manufacturers, but gourmets recommend paying attention to the Monin brand: the amazing taste of French syrups, in the preparation of which only natural ingredients are used, are confident leaders in the gastronomic market, leaving far behind those who are trying to compete with them.

Of course, you need to choose syrup taking into account your own taste preferences. We will simply try to make this task easier for you by telling you which syrups are added to coffee most often and most readily. So, here is a rating of the most popular and popular Monin concentrates: read and feel the delicious taste of special coffee on your lips!

Rating and review of coffee syrups

  1. Amaretto. Amaretto syrup deservedly occupies the pinnacle of popularity. The honeyed sweetness of slightly overripe apricot combined with almond bitterness gives the coffee a light fruity flair with motifs of extravagant astringency.
  2. Coconut. Very close to the leader is coconut syrup. It is able to soften the taste of even the strongest coffee, adding tenderness, a bit of the aroma of the sea breeze and a little tropical sun.
  3. Vanilla. Another popular concentrate, the basis of many recipes close to the classic ones. The successful tandem of coffee bitterness and fragrant taste, generously flavored with sweetish spice, rightfully puts vanilla syrup in third place in our rating.
  4. Caramel. A universal syrup that can be added not only to coffee, but also to tea, baked goods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. The rich, sweetish-delicate taste of melted creamy caramel smoothes out the hard edges of any drinks - after decorating with caramel motifs, they simply begin to melt in the mouth, leaving a unique aftertaste.
  5. Almond. A rather specific syrup, bittersweet, with the taste of roasted almonds and the aroma of cane sugar, which has an army of thousands of loyal fans. Elegant and aristocratic almond syrup completes the top five ratings.
  6. Nut. An excellent choice for those who don't like almonds. The round, smooth and deeply textured flavor of chopped nuts is complemented by distinct fruity touches in this syrup, which means it will appeal to both adults and children.
  7. Chocolate. This syrup, in fact, shares the previous ranking position with its nutty counterpart - it is no less popular and in demand both among coffee lovers and among followers of tea ceremonies or alcoholic parties. The classic enveloping taste of melted chocolate turns the concentrate into the favorite syrup of people of different genders, ages and social status.
  8. Irish. A thick and viscous syrup that perfectly softens the harshness of rich coffee, with a rich bouquet of flavors made up of dark chocolate, buttery creamy caramel and aromatic vanilla. Coffee, moderately supplemented with Irish syrup, goes perfectly with sweet desserts, especially fruit ones.
  9. Maple. The invention of American and Canadian gourmets is becoming increasingly popular every year in the vastness of our country. The sweetish taste of maple tree resin, quite noticeable, but at the same time not so pronounced as to drown out the taste of coffee, will be an organic addition to espresso, macchiato or cappuccino.
  10. Mint. Have you tried coffee with mint yet? This wonderful syrup with a cool menthol taste and a calm, relaxing aroma will give you this opportunity. Peppermint syrup is also delicious with tea and alcoholic drinks, lemonade and baked goods.
  11. Cherry. A real find for those who like to enrich their cup of morning coffee with fresh fruity sweetness and piquant berry sourness. Thick texture, elegant burgundy color, elegant taste of slightly fermented “drunk” cherries make this syrup an idol for connoisseurs of aristocratic drinks.
  12. Ginger. The rating of coffee syrups is completed by the ginger representative of the Monin collection - a rather specific, but at the same time incredibly tasty and original concentrate, moderately sweet, piquantly spicy and respectably tart, leaving behind a long aftertaste of oriental spices.
  13. In addition to the above, other varieties of Monin syrups also find their fans among gourmets - Grenadine and Blood Orange, Blue Curacao and Irish Cream, Strawberry and Cranberry, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Mandarin and others. Each person is unique, which means they choose syrup taking into account personal preferences and preferences. Find your Monin too!

    And now - a small bonus for those who finished reading. How much syrup should be added to coffee in order to feel the taste of the concentrate without spoiling the classic appearance of the noble drink? We recommend doing the following:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of syrup to a shot of espresso;
  • for a large cup of cappuccino, latte, lungo and other similar drinks, you may need from 2 to 5 spoons - add the syrup gradually, tasting the coffee;
  • 4-5 teaspoons of this component can give a new flavor to a cold iced latte or iced coffee;
  • and for coffee-based cocktails with a volume of 250-300 ml, the amount of syrup can be increased to 5 teaspoons.

Follow these tips - and your every day will be painted in bright colors along with coffee flavored with wonderful Monin syrup!

Of all the uses for syrups (in desserts, cocktails, confectionery, milkshakes, etc.), their use with hot and cold coffee can be called one of the most popular. And this is not surprising: you just need to add a couple of teaspoons of amaretto syrup, chocolate, mint or another flavor to espresso, latte, cappuccino, and immediately the familiar drink begins to play with completely different shades, but no less beautiful. However, in order for coffee with syrup to really surprise you with a pleasant taste, it is worth considering a number of specific recommendations.

How to use coffee syrup correctly

Coffee syrups have a distinct taste, so they should be added to a coffee drink in doses: no more than 5 ml (a deep teaspoon) per 50 ml cup of coffee. If several syrups are selected at once, the ratio does not change (the total volume of syrups is 5 ml per 50 ml of drink). Thus, the main thing is not to overdo it with the syrup, because it itself is quite sweet.

When adding milk, the amount of syrup is 10-15 ml per 200 ml of drink. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all syrups are suitable for drinks with milk. Therefore, when choosing a syrup, it is worth clarifying the following property - the reaction to combination with hot ingredients and milk (for example, whether the latter will curdle or not).

Note: certain deviations from the rules are possible due to the individual characteristics of syrups from different brands, as well as specific recipes.

It is also worth keeping in mind that syrups are a high-calorie product, so it is not recommended to drink more than one or two servings of coffee with them per day. Moreover, this amount of drink is quite enough to please yourself with the excellent taste and at the same time avoid unwanted effects on your figure and health. Fructose-based syrups will allow you to additionally protect yourself: they are lower in calories and are also safe for people with diabetes. However, they are also sweeter, so they should be used in smaller doses.

How to choose syrup for coffee

The main thing in creating a unique coffee drink is to use the right syrup for the coffee that matches its properties and, of course, take into account your own personal preferences. It's no secret that different types of coffee and mixtures, depending on the initial properties and degree of roasting, have their own flavor: light or strong, sour or bitter. Based on these characteristics, the syrup used can reveal a completely unexpected taste. In this regard, there are certain recommendations for choosing coffee syrup:

You can add syrups to any coffee drink (espresso, cappuccino, ice, etc.), but the best results can be achieved in combination with a latte. This drink is refreshing and invigorating, especially if you opt for mint syrup.

Several recipes for coffee with syrup

The process of preparing coffee with syrup is easy and quite quick; you just need to use a special dispenser to measure the required proportions of coffee, milk and syrup.

Buy coffee syrups from different manufacturers (including the absolutely natural premium syrups from the French manufacturer GiFFarD indicated in the recipes) can be done through. The GiFFarD line of syrups includes more than 70 flavors, among which Vanilla, Amaretto, Dark Chocolate, etc. are especially great with coffee. In addition, the absolutely natural composition of these syrups allows you to maintain an extraordinary taste and aroma for a long time and can be easily added to hot and cold drinks. Coffee syrups from this manufacturer can also be used in tea, for making alcoholic and milkshakes and improving the taste of confectionery, ice cream, creams, etc.

Traditions exist to be deviated from, and this also applies to classic coffee drinking. After all, sometimes you want something new, completely special! And special coffee syrups will help with this, adding unusual shades of vivacity, energy, and indescribable sensations of taste and aroma of the usual drink. Thanks to them, you can add a touch of minty coolness, the aroma of nuts or the classic amaretto to your favorite drink without any problems. At the same time, the range of coffee syrups allows you to create a wide variety of masterpieces, complementing the coffee aroma with unique flavors.

Coffee syrups will help surprise guests at home, diversify the cocktail menu in an establishment, and simply make the taste of a coffee drink original and memorable.
