Mackerel fillet salad. Salad with boiled mackerel - tasty, original, healthy. “Quick” salad with green peas

Mackerel is a fish that most often appears on our table in the form of a cold appetizer: baked, salted or smoked mackerel always goes great! But few people know that this fish can become the main ingredient in a salad.

It turns out that salted mackerel goes very interestingly with regular fresh tomatoes. This combination is the basis of our dish. By adding a few ingredients, you can get a completely unusual mackerel salad.

It is prepared from completely ordinary products, and its preparation does not involve complex culinary manipulations. Everything is extremely simple, but no less tasty. This salad quickly becomes one of our favorites, especially during the season of young tomatoes: aromatic, soft, juicy. The remaining products necessary for its preparation are all-season, and therefore this salad can be prepared all year round. And it’s also quite budget-friendly, which, you see, is also important.

So, let's get started?

How to choose salted mackerel

Of course, the best salted fish is the one you salt yourself. In this case, it will definitely have a balanced taste of salt that all family members will like. True, not everyone knows how to salt fish, and not everyone wants to do it. Self-preparation is not suitable even when the salad is needed today, because pickling takes time.

Sometimes you have to buy ready-made mackerel. Choosing such fish requires certain skills from the buyer in order not to end up with a bad product. It would seem that the most difficult thing is to buy fresh fish. But salty also has its own nuances.

Salted mackerel is sold in two forms: packed individually in a vacuum and by weight. If it is in a vacuum, the whole secret lies in visually inspecting the carcass and studying the date. In this case, it is definitely worth clarifying whether the production date or the deadline for sale is indicated on the packaging. All numbers should be clearly visible and not allow for double interpretation - only in this case can you safely take the fish.

If you need to choose mackerel from those sold by weight, you should examine the pupils - they should not be cloudy. It is also necessary to inspect the carcass; if the meat is very soft and spreads when pressed, most likely, this fish was first frozen, and then thawed and salted. Properly cooked fish should have light gills and a clear brine. Mucus and unpleasant odor are also unacceptable.

This must be taken into account in order to choose good fish, because the taste of our dish depends on it. It may seem difficult at first, but practice is important here: after several purchases, you can immediately determine where the fish is good and where it is suspicious.


To prepare the salad, we will need:

  • salted mackerel - 250-300 g (1 small carcass);
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • olives - 1/2 can;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • greens - 1 bunch.

The first stage of preparation is the most difficult: you need to cut the fish, prepare the fillet, carefully clean it of skin and bones. It will be easier to clean the fillet if you divide the fish into two parts, place one of them on a board, skin side down, and cut the fillet with a very sharp knife. Do the same with the second part. After this, you should carefully remove all the bones so that they do not spoil the dish. The prepared mackerel is cut into small cubes.

Next, the onion is cut into thin half rings and pickled to rid it of bitterness. For the marinade, mix vinegar and water in equal proportions and pour the mixture over the onions. In twenty minutes it will be ready - it will retain its taste, but after eating it there will be no unpleasant smell left.

The hard core of the tomato is removed and also cut into cubes, the same as mackerel.

Next is the turn of olives. You can also take green olives, but dark olives are more in harmony with salted fish. If the cubes are small, they are cut in half. If the fish cubes and tomatoes are larger, add the whole olives to the salad (preferably, of course, without seeds).

All ingredients are mixed in one deep bowl, poured with freshly squeezed lemon juice and seasoned with vegetable oil. You need to let it soak for 20-30 minutes - and the mackerel salad is ready to serve. You can decorate the dish with herbs.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing the dish - everything is accessible even to novice housewives. But for a holiday it is better to prepare at least a double portion, since it sells out quickly.

The taste of the salad will vary depending on the onion used in it: regular onion, sweet white or purple. You can also use tender shallots or leeks.

Despite the fact that we are more familiar with black olives, the correct olives should be dark brown or dark purple. Deep black is achieved by coloring unripe fruits, so eating them is not very healthy.

To diversify the salad, you can add fresh cucumbers, a stalk of celery, boiled potatoes or even a little cheese.

Mackerel is a tasty, fatty, oily fish. When salted, it not only looks great in sliced ​​fish - appetizers and salads that include salted mackerel also turn out amazing! The salad prepared according to this recipe is no exception! Nourishing and nutritious, bright and tasty, unusual and original, a salad with salted mackerel, boiled vegetables, chicken eggs and pickled onions will take its rightful place on the holiday table and will be an excellent alternative to already boring salads! Be sure to take this recipe into service when creating a menu for the New Year holidays - you won’t regret it! Served in portions, this salad looks especially impressive!

Purple onion

Granulated sugar

Table vinegar



Chicken egg

Ground black pepper

    To prepare a delicious salad we will need the following ingredients: salted mackerel, potatoes, chicken eggs, carrots, purple onions, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, table vinegar, hot boiled water, sugar. You can buy fresh frozen mackerel and salt it yourself, following the recipe Homemade Salted Mackerel

    Boil potatoes, carrots and chicken eggs and let cool completely. Peel the purple onion and cut into small cubes. Place the onion in a small bowl, add hot boiled water, add table vinegar, add salt, sugar, mix and leave to marinate for a while.

    We wash the salted mackerel (the carcass without entrails and head) under running cold water, wipe it with a paper towel, separate the fillet from the bones and remove the skin. Cut the salted mackerel fillet into neat small cubes.

    Peel the cooled potatoes and cut them into cubes. Transfer the chopped potatoes to a bowl or deep salad bowl.

    We also peel the cooled carrots and cut them into small cubes. Add to potatoes.

    Peel the eggs, cut into small cubes and add to the bowl with the potatoes and carrots.

    Drain the marinade from the onion, let it dry out properly and add it to the rest of the ingredients.

    And now we add the most important ingredient of this salad - cubes of salted mackerel.

    Season the salad ingredients with mayonnaise, add salt and ground black pepper to taste.

    Mix the salad and put it in the refrigerator to steep for at least 1 hour. Afterwards, the salad with salted mackerel and vegetables can be served!

    Serve the salad with salted mackerel and vegetables to the table either in a common salad bowl or in portions, garnished with boiled carrot flowers, parsley or dill and half rings of pickled onions! Bon appetit!

Boiled mackerel salad is an excellent option for dietary nutrition. Boiled fish, like meat, is rich in proteins, but is easier to process by the body.

Salad is one of many ways to prepare a delicious dish with mackerel. Here you will find several recipes for salad with boiled mackerel.

Benefits of mackerel

Mackerel is an incredibly healthy fish, containing many microelements, vitamins A, C, E, group B, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

It is advisable to include this fish in your diet at least once a week, because in addition to its ability to saturate the body, it also normalizes health.

Those who regularly eat mackerel have excellent memory, high immunity, normal blood pressure and hormone levels, good metabolism, and a reduced risk of myocardial infarction or stroke. But this applies only to those who eat boiled fish, and not smoked or salted.

Preparing fish for salad

Regardless of what the recipe for preparing the salad is, you must first cut the carcass: cut off its head, tail and fins, and remove the entrails. Try not to touch the gall bladder with the knife, otherwise the fish in the dish will taste bitter.

Remove the scales from the carcass, then rinse thoroughly under running water.

The next stage is cooking. You need to place the cut mackerel in a saucepan, add water and boil.

After boiling, remove the resulting foam, add salt, and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Peel the boiled fish from bones and skin, disassemble into small pieces or as required by the recipe.

Holiday salad recipes

Most people are accustomed to preparing meat salads for the holiday table, and mackerel is usually salted or baked in the oven. Has anyone tried cooking it?

In combination with other products in a salad, this fish is not inferior to meat. Try at least one of the recipes below and you'll want to try others.

Delicious salad cake

  • fresh frozen mackerel – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • onion – 1 regular onion, 1 red;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – approximately 250 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • clove bud, bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns, allspice – 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • You will need lettuce leaves for decoration.

Defrost the fish and prepare it for consumption (how to do this is written above). When cooking, it is recommended to add bay leaves, cloves, allspice and peas, and a whole onion to the water.

This method of cooking will give the boiled mackerel salad a richer taste and aroma.

Boil the potatoes and carrots until tender, then peel them and finely chop them into cubes.

Finely chop the red onion and fry it in oil until golden brown. Let cool.

Choose a shallow saucepan with sides, grease it well with oil and lay out the salad in layers: fish, carrots, fried onions, potatoes. Each of these layers, except for the onion (which is already in oil), is coated with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Lightly sprinkle a layer of mackerel and potatoes with ground black pepper before brushing.

Place the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to soak.

Before serving the dish, take a nice flat large plate and turn the salad from the pan onto it. Decorate the top with lettuce leaves, carrots or anything else, it all depends on the hostess’s imagination.

Fish salad with yogurt dressing

This recipe reveals a wonderful combination of potatoes, mackerel and pickled cucumber.

  • natural yogurt, sour cream or mayonnaise 200;
  • mayonnaise – 80 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • green onions - 4 feathers;
  • ground black pepper, salt.

Boil the fish in brine, which includes 1 liter of water, salt, allspice, fish seasonings, dill seeds, 1 onion. Let the mackerel cook for 20 minutes, cool, and divide into pieces.

Boil potatoes and carrots in their skins, then peel and cut into cubes. Boil the eggs separately, peel, cut or grate.

Chop the red onion and cucumbers into small cubes.

Mix all salad ingredients. Season the salad with sauce.

Sauce recipe: finely chop the green onions, pass the garlic through a press, add mayonnaise and yogurt, sprinkle with pepper and salt, mix thoroughly.

Light snacks

These salads include more fresh vegetables and no potatoes.

Salad with celery and cucumber

Cut the celery stalks into small slices. Remove the seeds from the apple, cut into strips, and chop the cucumber into the same shape.

Chop the lettuce leaves using your hands.

Mix the ingredients with the prepared mackerel and season with sour cream. Avocado lovers sometimes replace cucumber with this exotic fruit, but otherwise the recipe is the same.

Salad with radish, cucumber and celery

  • 0.5 kg mackerel;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • radishes – 200 g;
  • small apples – 2 pcs. (or one big one);
  • celery root – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 250 g;
  • lettuce leaves – 50 g;
  • apple cider vinegar 3% 50 ml;
  • salt, fresh herbs.

Boil the fish, cut into pieces and leave in a vinegar solution (100 ml of vinegar + 100 ml of water) for an hour and a half. This will give the mackerel a bright, unforgettable taste.

Boil celery root, cut into fine cubes. Chop cucumbers and radishes into circles, apples into strips.

Combine all ingredients except fish, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with salt, stir if necessary.

Place lettuce leaves on top, slices of fish on them, sprinkle with a small amount of mayonnaise, add herbs for decoration.

“Quick” salad with green peas

This recipe is perfect when you need to make a quick and tasty appetizer, and pieces of pre-boiled fish are in the refrigerator.

Cut the onion into half rings and the pepper into strips. Mix them with peas and mackerel, season with mayonnaise.

For those who are on a diet, replace mayonnaise with lemon juice combined with olive oil. The salad will retain its taste in any case.

No matter how many salads with boiled mackerel the housewife prepares, she will never get bored with these delicacies, because there is more than one recipe for them, and all are different.

300 g fish, 3 potatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 bunch of green salad, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 tomato, vinegar, salt to taste, herbs.
Prepare and boil the fish, cut into small pieces, remove the bones; Boil the potatoes in their jackets, peel and cut into slices.
Wash the green salad leaves, dry them and cut them into 3-4 pieces each. Place everything on a dish, add salt, add mayonnaise, vinegar, mix and transfer into a salad bowl in a heap.
Place a bush of greenery in the center, place tomato slices and cucumber slices along the edges.

There’s no easier way to crumble something you have lying around in the refrigerator and then add mackerel))
A good salad with fish (you can even canned mackerel: cut the fish into pieces, chop the onion, cut the boiled potatoes into cubes, and a pack of kirieshki. You can replace the potatoes with boiled rice so that it is crumbly. And, of course, season everything with mayonnaise
Mash the mackerel, a little onion, and put it like pancakes in a frying pan and you get fish cells.
Fish salad
For the recipe you will need:
fish 200g
egg 1/2 pcs.
vegetable oil 10-15g
sugar 5g
table vinegar 3% 20g
ground black pepper
Bay leaf.
Boil the fish in salted water with bay leaf. When the fish has cooled, separate the flesh from the bones and cut into cubes. Mash the yolk with vinegar and sugar; Finely chop the whites.

In a bowl, combine the fish with the egg, season with oil, salt and pepper, and mix everything carefully.

Boiled fish salad with radishes

fish 500g
radish 200g
cucumber 200g
apple 150g
celery (root) 100g
green salad 50g
mayonnaise 250g
vinegar (3%) 3 tbsp.
greens to taste
salt to taste.
Boil the fish in salted water, remove the bones, cut into small pieces, pour in vinegar and let stand in a cold place for 1-2 hours. Boil the celery separately.

Cut radishes and cucumbers into circles, apples into strips, boiled celery into small cubes, mix, season with mayonnaise, add salt to taste and place on lettuce leaves. Place pieces of fish on top, pour over the remaining mayonnaise and garnish with herbs.
The most delicate salad
Lay out in layers: boil the mackerel, cool, cut into small cubes, finely chopped dill mixed with olives, chopped very, very finely, boiled carrots, grated, grate the boiled egg too. Spread each layer with mayonnaise half mixed with sour cream and a clove of garlic.

Salad with fish.
Chop the boiled fish, add a can of green peas, onion cut into half rings, and bell pepper. Season with mayonnaise.

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How to cook delicious mackerel

Many people don’t like mackerel fish because of its somewhat specific smell, but I’ve never cooked it. According to this recipe, you will definitely like boiled mackerel, it does not smell of anything, it is tasty and tender, it simply melts in your mouth and is suitable for any, even dietary and baby food.

Try this recipe, and this fish will also become your favorite. It’s completely simple and quick to prepare, just a few nuances and a wonderful dish, which is also very healthy on your table.

So, to prepare boiled mackerel we will need:

  • 1 mackerel carcass, fresh or frozen
  • 1 medium sized lemon
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 spoon of salt
  • 2 lavrushki
  • 3 sprigs of dill

Pour a liter of water into a pan, take a lemon, and squeeze the juice from it into the water. In order for the juice to stand out as best as possible, first roll the lemons on the board, pressing with your hands, then the juice will be easily squeezed out of it.

Or use a juicer if you feel like it.

All the leftovers from the lemon will also be used - in their water. Add a tablespoon of salt (tablespoon), 2 bay leaves and three sprigs of dill.

Mix everything and put it on the stove to boil.
At this time, clean and wash the mackerel, cut into pieces 4-5 cm long.

The water has boiled, the fish is cut, we put it in boiling water. Now the most important thing is not to overcook it, otherwise it will become rubbery and not tasty.

Let stand for 8-10 minutes and remove from the pan.

Place the pieces of fish on a plate, garnish with lemon and dill, and enjoy the wonderful taste of the fish. Bon appetit!

Advice. You can also cook herring, saury, salmon and pink salmon; it makes an excellent dietary dish, try it. If you love boiled mackerel, check out the recipe for an excellent fish soup that is healthy, tasty and simple.

By the way, you can boil or fry the fish yourself, and prepare soup from the heads and tails, so you can get two dishes from 1 fish..

We would be grateful if you share this recipe:

Mackerel boiled in onion skins It takes just 3 minutes to prepare, but it turns out simply delicious; even ordinary potatoes, boiled in their jackets, become delicious together with this fish. The cooking method itself is very interesting and unusual, but also incredibly simple, so it’s impossible to make a mistake.

Be sure to try the mackerel prepared according to this recipe, you will definitely like it.

Ingredients for preparing mackerel boiled in onion skins:

  1. Mackerel (fresh or frozen) 1 piece
  2. Water 1 liter
  3. Salt 5 tablespoons
  4. Onion peel optional

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Large saucepan, kitchen knife, disposable paper towels, cutting board, tablespoon, colander.

Preparation of mackerel boiled in onion skins:

Step 1: prepare the mackerel.

First, defrost the mackerel completely by leaving it at room temperature for several hours. Then the fish needs to be cleaned. Here everything is simple with mackerel, you need to gut it, not forgetting to scrape the walls of the abdomen from the inside, and also clean it of films, cut off the fins, as well as the head and tail, if because of them the carcass does not fit into the pan.

Then rinse the fish with cold water and dry it with disposable paper towels at the very end. That's all, no need to clean with a knife, which then leaves scales all over the kitchen.

Step 2: prepare the onion skins.

To prepare this dish I needed to completely clean 6 onions. but I had somewhere to put them right away so that they wouldn’t become weathered. Otherwise, I recommend using only the very top peel so as not to leave the onion flesh uncovered.

The collected husks should be rinsed thoroughly with cold water and then lightly squeezed.

Step 3: cook mackerel in onion skins.

Place the prepared onion peels in a saucepan, add water, add the required amount of salt and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat so that the liquid does not boil too much and cook for 5 minutes .
Place cleaned mackerel in boiling brine with onion skins and cook the fish 3 minutes. no more no less. Turn up the heat so that the liquid boils all the time, but does not splash out.

Also make sure that the fish is completely covered with water.
Remove the boiled mackerel from the pan, cool slightly and peel off any stuck husks.

Step 4: serve mackerel boiled in onion skins.

All that remains is to serve your delicious mackerel, boiled in onion skins, on the table. Please note that the fish took on not only the color of the brine, but also the aroma, and therefore turned out simply delicious.

Prepare an equally tasty side dish for such a wonderful fish and quickly call everyone to the table, it’s time to start lunch.
Bon appetit!

To cover the fish, you may need more than the liter of water indicated in the list of ingredients; in this case, do not forget to add more salt and onion peels.

To prepare mackerel according to this recipe, only good quality fish is suitable, because frozen fish or frozen and thawed several times can simply fall apart in boiling water.

If you only have a small saucepan, cut the mackerel into bite-size pieces before poaching it in the onion skins.

Mackerel in tomato

Mackerel marinated with onions

Boiled mackerel

Quick marinated mackerel

Baked mackerel in the sleeve

Baked mackerel with vegetables

Baked mackerel with onions

Mackerel with apples

Baked mackerel with potatoes

Mackerel with potatoes in foil in the oven

Spicy mackerel

Children's fish balls

Other recipes in the category

  • carrot
  • mayonnaise
  • potato
  • vinegar
  • sour cream
  • vegetable oil
  • celery stalks
  • apple
  • fresh cucumber
  • green salad
  • greenery

Cut up the fish carcass. Cut off the head, tail and fins.

Spread the belly and pull out the insides. Do this carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder, otherwise the fish will become bitter. Remove the scales, rinse the fish under the tap, and place in a pan.

Fill with water until the fish is completely covered with liquid. Cook at low simmer for 20 minutes.

Remove the fish carcass and continue cooking the head, tail and fins for another 30 minutes, you will have a wonderful fish broth for soup or sauce. Disassemble the fish fillet into small pieces.

Layered fish salad.
Boil five medium-sized potatoes. Grate one large carrot on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into sections. Fry onions and carrots in oil. Cool the prepared vegetables.

Boil three eggs. Chop the green onions and dill. Place the ingredients in layers on a flat dish.

Grate the potatoes using a coarse grater as the first layer. Spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with green onions.

Place pieces of boiled meat on top fish. Place the next layer of fried onions and carrots. Lightly coat with mayonnaise.

Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Make the top layer from grated protein.

Decorate the salad with grated yolk and sprinkle with dill.

Simple fish salad.
Cut boiled potatoes (5 pieces) into cubes. Cut a large onion into rings, scald with boiling water, place in a salad bowl and lightly sprinkle with vinegar.

Let the onion marinate for 10 minutes, stir. Add chopped potatoes and pieces fish.

Season the salad with vegetable oil.

Light salad with boiled fish
Cut four green celery stalks into pieces. Peel one apple from seeds and cut into bars. Cut the long salad cucumber lengthwise and then cut into sectors.

Tear fresh lettuce leaves with your hands. Mix vegetables in a deep bowl, add pieces of boiled fish and season with sour cream.

You can sprinkle the salad with herbs.

Fish salad- This is a very healthy and tasty dish. Due to the ease of its preparation and the low cost of its components, it can be an excellent addition to the everyday menu.

  • smoked bream - 500 grams;
  • potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • fresh cucumber - 200-300 grams;
  • pickled cucumber - 200-300 grams;
  • chicken egg - 4-5 pieces;
  • green peas - 1 can (250 grams);
  • greens and mayonnaise - to taste.
  • Thoroughly clean the bream meat from peel and bones. Mash with your hands and place in a dish for salad A.

    Boil the potatoes in their skins. Cool, peel and cut into small cubes.

    Recipe: Boiled mackerel.

    It seems that what else can be prepared from this delicious fish, because all the recipes have already been tried. But you haven’t prepared boiled mackerel yet!

    This dish will replace boring baked and fried fish.

    • 400 g mackerel,
    • tomato,
    • 1 l. h. celery,
    • bulb,
    • a little dill,
    • carrot,
    • mustard, ground white pepper, salt, allspice to taste,
    • 2 bay leaves,
    • lemon,
    • 2 pieces of cloves.

    Ingredients for the sauce:

    • 10 pieces of capers,
    • a little melted cheese
    • 70 ml heavy cream.

    1. Pre-wash and gut the fish, be sure to remove its gills. Place the pan in which you will cook it on the bottom.

    Fill the fish with water in such an amount that the mackerel is completely covered with water.

    2. Cut the onion into four parts, cut a cross into the tomato, and also cut the carrots into four parts. You put all these components in our fish in the water.

    3. Now add peppercorns, bay leaves and cloves to the mackerel and turn on a small fire when everything boils. Let the fish boil for ten minutes.

    4. After this, add seasoning for fish, throw in a bunch of dill and put in half a lemon, which can be replaced with citric acid. Let all these components simmer for another ten minutes and we can turn off the heat and take out the fish.

    5. Separately, make a delicious sauce for mackerel. To do this, heat the cream in a saucepan and dissolve the processed cheese in it.

    Add chopped capers here, pepper, and after a little infusion you can pour the sauce over the mackerel.

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    Boiled mackerel

    Here is a simple recipe for making Boiled Mackerel. Now you know how to cook Boiled mackerel at home. The recipe, which includes a detailed description of each step with a photo, will tell you how to prepare this dish.

    Our culinary website Tasty at Home will help you quickly and easily make culinary masterpieces from ordinary products. Repeat exactly all the tips and recommendations, and you will definitely get delicious homemade Boiled Mackerel.

    We will be glad if cooking becomes not just a routine for you, but an interesting hobby and celebration of life!

    latest comments

  • Ekaterina for the recipe Kulich with candied and dried fruits It didn’t work out. The list of ingredients may be correct, but the yeast does not react according to this scheme.
  • Arpine to the recipe for 5 simple creams for cakes In the last one, I think not the yolk, but the white. Since it didn’t work out with the yolk.
  • Easy to recipe Tender chops The best recipe. This is the only way I do it. I tried frying the chops both in batter and in a mayonnaise crust - that’s it.
  • Pawn to the recipe: Pea soup with smoked meats Thank you very much for the recipe! I’ve been wanting to make this soup for a long time, but I didn’t know everything.
  • Vuleta)) to the recipe: Pea soup with smoked meats Thank you very much for this recipe! I'll definitely cook it! And thanks for the site.
  • Elena for the recipe Marble cake with condensed milk Thank you for the deliciousness.)

    How to prepare mackerel salad

  • For the smoked mackerel salad:
  • — 150 g smoked mackerel fillet;
  • - 1 medium fresh cucumber;
  • - 100 g canned peas;
  • - 3 eggs;
  • - 1 sour apple;
  • - 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • - salt to taste;
  • - parsley.
  • For canned mackerel salad:
  • — 1 can of canned mackerel;
  • - 2 boiled eggs;
  • - 1 small fresh cucumber;
  • - 1 medium boiled potato;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 2 tbsp. sour cream;
  • - dill greens;
  • - ground pepper to taste;
  • - salt to taste.
  • For the salted mackerel salad:
  • — 200 g of salted mackerel;
  • - 1 beet;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 potato;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - mayonnaise for dressing;
  • - parsley;
  • - salt to taste;
  • - pepper to taste.
  • For the boiled mackerel salad:
  • - 1 fresh mackerel;
  • - 1 medium boiled carrot;
  • - 1 tbsp. olives;
  • - 1 boiled egg;
  • - 2 cloves of garlic;
  • - parsley;
  • - sour cream for dressing;
  • - salt to taste;
  • - pepper to taste.
  • Smoked mackerel salad

    Boil the eggs hard, cool and cut them into small cubes. Cut the mackerel fillet and cucumber in the same way.

    Peel the apple, remove the core and grate it on a coarse grater. Place all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add peas, finely chopped parsley and salt to taste.

    Season the ingredients with mayonnaise and mix, serve the finished salad immediately.

    Canned mackerel salad

    Drain the liquid from the canned food, transfer the mackerel to a salad bowl and mash it with a fork. Cut the potatoes and eggs into cubes, cut the cucumber into large strips, and finely chop the onion.

    Add all the ingredients to the salad bowl with the fish, salt and pepper to taste, and season with sour cream. Garnish the finished salad with dill sprigs and serve.

    Salted mackerel salad

    Boil carrots, beets and potatoes, grate the prepared vegetables on a coarse grater. Cut the boiled eggs into cubes, cut the onions into thin half rings and scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness.

    Cut the salted mackerel fillet into cubes, add a little salt and ground pepper to the mayonnaise and mix.

    Place potatoes on the bottom of a flat plate, brush them with mayonnaise and place a layer of fish on top, brush them with mayonnaise and sprinkle with onion half rings. The next layer of salad will be carrots, then egg and beets, each product should be coated with mayonnaise.

    Keep the finished salad in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, garnish with parsley sprigs and serve.

    Boiled mackerel salad

    Boil the mackerel, separate the fillets from the bones and cut them into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, chop the egg into small pieces, and chop the canned olives.

    Combine sour cream with ground black pepper, salt, chopped garlic and dill. Place fish, carrots, eggs and olives in a deep salad bowl, pour in sour cream sauce and stir.

    How to make mackerel salad

    How the taste of a simple vegetable salad changes significantly. when you add fish slices to it! For example, you can try a salad with mackerel.

    A couple of such recipes should always be on hand.

    Salad "Delicacy".

    • 200 grams of mackerel fillet,
    • 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes,
    • 2 potato tubers,
    • 4 tablespoons canned green peas,
    • half a glass of mayonnaise,
    • 1 teaspoon tomato sauce,
    • 3 tablespoons salad dressing,
    • 20 grams each of dill and parsley.

    Cooking method.

    Boil the mackerel in a small amount of salted water, cool and cut into small slices. We also add thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, tomatoes and boiled potatoes, season with mayonnaise and tomato sauce and mix.

    Decorate the salad with finely chopped herbs and several slices of cucumbers and tomatoes. Pour salad dressing over the finished dish.

    Salad with hot smoked mackerel.

    200 grams of skinless and boneless smoked mackerel fillet, 2-3 potato tubers, 2 pickled cucumbers, 20 grams of green salad, 4 tablespoons of canned green peas, half a glass of mayonnaise, 2 carrots, 20 grams of fresh dill.

    Cut cucumbers, boiled and cooled potatoes and carrots into slices. Add pieces of fish, green peas, mayonnaise (leave about a quarter of the sauce for decoration) and mix gently.

    Place the salad in a heap in a salad bowl, decorate with the vegetables included in the dish and green lettuce leaves. Pour the remaining mayonnaise over the vegetable slices.

    Sprinkle chopped dill on top.

    Salad "Baltika".

    1 can of canned mackerel in its own juice (250 grams), 2 onions, 2 eggs, 125 grams of Dutch cheese, half a glass of mayonnaise, 1 carrot, parsley.

    We divide the canned fish into two parts. Chop one half with a fork and place in a salad bowl. Cut the onions into rings and scald with boiling water.

    Cover the fish with a layer of onion, having cooled it, of course, then with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Pour mayonnaise and sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese.

    Place the remaining canned food on top and repeat the layers in the same sequence right down to the cheese. It turns out to be a pile of lettuce. which we decorate with slices of boiled carrots and finely chopped parsley.

    How to make mackerel salad

    Fried mackerel salad

    We will need the following ingredients:

    • – 2 fresh frozen mackerel
    • - 200 g champignons
    • – 6-8 boiled quail eggs
    • - 2 cucumbers
    • - 1 bunch of radishes
    • - 1 bunch of lettuce
    • - vegetable oil for frying
    • - 50 g each of mayonnaise and sour cream
    • - 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar
    • - 1 teaspoon chalk
    • - 1/4 cup walnut kernels
    • - salt, black and red pepper to taste

    Prepare the sauce: combine chopped nuts with honey, sour cream and mayonnaise, add vinegar, beat with a blender. Thaw the fish, clean it, gut it, and cut the fillets.

    Rinse the fillet, dry, rub with salt and pepper, fry in vegetable oil until cooked, cool, cut into small pieces.

    Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, fry in vegetable oil until tender, cool. Chop cucumbers and radishes into thin slices. Combine the prepared products, add salt and pepper to taste, and season with sauce.

    Place the salad on a plate, place pieces of fried mackerel on top, garnish with egg halves and herbs. Bon appetit!

    If you are in a hurry, there are almost a few minutes left before the chiming clock, and there is nothing on the table - and this happens, anything can happen, then this salad will help you out. In this recipe we will talk about making a super quick canned mackerel salad.

    Agree, anything can happen, although we, of course, don’t wish anyone any surprises on New Year’s Eve. But if for some reason you don’t have a festive table prepared, and there are literally minutes left until the New Year, then there is a way out.

    This salad is prepared very quickly, but at the same time it has an excellent taste, very worthy of a holiday meal.

    Quick salad recipe with mackerel

    3 hard-boiled eggs
    1-2 jars of canned mackerel
    1 pack of light mayonnaise
    ½ onion

    Cooking method:

    How to prepare a quick New Year's salad with mackerel. Hard-boil the eggs (5-7 minutes after the water boils), put them in a bowl, place under running cold water - they will cool in 2-3 minutes.

    Peel and grate on a fine grater. Open the canned fish, mash it into small pieces with a fork, put it in a salad bowl with the eggs, add finely chopped onion (if you have time, after chopping it, you can scald it with boiling water and then rinse it with cold water), season with mayonnaise and mix the salad, adding salt if necessary.

    You can decorate the salad with olives and herbs, simply laying them out in a circle. Bon appetit!

    This salad will take you 10 minutes to prepare, maybe less if you already have boiled eggs on hand or you know how to manage a whirlwind in the kitchen. Prepare for the New Year in advance, but if it doesn’t work out, our recipes will always help you out, good luck!

    Video recipe for salad with mackerel without mayonnaise for the New Year

    Mackerel recipes

    Mackerel under marinade

    Recipe: Large mackerel should be cut into pieces. Salt the prepared fish, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil, cool and pour in the marinade.

    Serve mackerel under the marinade in a salad bowl or in a deep dish.

    Mackerel fish soup recipe

    Recipe: To prepare hodgepodge, you can take any fresh fish, but not small or very bony fish.

    Cut the removed mackerel fillets into pieces, 2-3 pieces per serving, and cook broth from the bones and heads.

    Ingredients: For 500 g of mackerel - 4–5 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 onions, 2–3 fresh tomatoes or 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 1 tbsp. spoon of capers and olives, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Mackerel with potatoes and onions

    Recipe: Lightly fry the peeled, washed and thinly sliced ​​onion in oil in a frying pan. Place the prepared and salted pieces of mackerel into the same frying pan. cover with tomato slices, add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of water, sprinkle on tomatoes.

    Ingredients: For 750 g mackerel. 2 onions, 800 g potatoes, 300 g tomatoes, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, 4 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Mackerelboiled in cucumber brine

    Recipe: Mackerel - which is cut into large pieces, peeling only the scales and fins, while always preserving the skin and spinal bone.

    Ingredients: For 1 kg of mackerel. 0.5 onions, 0.5 parsley roots, 6 black peppercorns, 2 - 3 cups cucumber pickle, 3 - 4 saffron stamens

    Mackerel in brine

    Recipe: Prepare and cut the mackerel into pieces. Peel the cucumbers, cut them lengthwise, remove the grains and cut each half crosswise into three parts.

    Fresh mushrooms.

    Ingredients: For 500 g of fresh mackerel - 2 pickled cucumbers, 200 g of fresh porcini mushrooms (or 100 g of salted ones), 1 tbsp. spoon of cucumber pickle, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and 2 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Recipe: Mackerel can be fried with a little fat or submerged in fat. To ensure that the mackerel is evenly fried, fish fillets or large fish are cut into pieces no thicker than 3 cm, since the top layer of a thick piece may be overcooked before it is all ready.

    You should not remove the skin from fatty mackerel before frying.

    Mackerel fried with garnish

    Recipe: Salt the prepared mackerel, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. When serving, pour oil over the mackerel and sprinkle.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of mackerel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 2 tbsp. spoons of butter and flour.

    Fried mackerel with tomatoes and onions

    Recipe: Dip the prepared mackerel pieces into milk mixed with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry. Separately, fry fresh or canned tomatoes in oil, cut in half, salted and sprinkled with pepper.

    Onions, peeled and cut into rings, also brown in a frying pan in oil.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of mackerel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 1/4 cup milk, 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Mackerel fried in dough

    Recipe: Prepare the dough. In a bowl, mix flour and salt with two tablespoons of melted vegetable or cow's butter, then dilute with warm water (1/2 cup) so that there are no lumps.

    Ingredients: For 500 g of prepared mackerel fillet - 5 tbsp. spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 lemon, 2 eggs and 100 g of fat for frying.

    Mackerel fried in breadcrumbs

    Recipe: Wash the prepared mackerel, dry it on a napkin, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, roll first in flour, and then, moisten with an egg diluted with milk (1/4 cup for 1 egg), roll in breadcrumbs. 10-15 minutes before serving, fry the fish in fat.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of mackerel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 1/4 cup milk, lemon, 1/2 cup crushed crackers, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 100 g of fat for frying.

    Mackerel, baked in pieces

    Recipe: Mackerel, either raw or pre-fried or cooked (without or with a side dish), is baked in a well-heated oven. If the cabinet is not heated enough, the fish does not bake well, dries out and becomes tasteless.

    Ingredients: For 500 g of mackerel - 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream and butter.

    Mackerel . baked in sour cream

    Recipe: Salt the mackerel pieces, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. Also fry porcini mushrooms, peeled, washed, chopped, and potatoes, cut into 1/2 cm thick circles.

    Place the mackerel in a frying pan, place a mug of hard-boiled egg and mushrooms on each piece. Then cover the mackerel.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of mackerel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 800 g of potatoes, 1 glass of sour cream, 2 eggs, 200 g of fresh porcini mushrooms, 25 g of cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 4 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Baked mackerel with potatoes

    Recipe: Cut the cleaned and washed mackerel lengthwise along the ridge, then cut crosswise, sprinkle with pepper and place the pieces in a greased frying pan. Top the fish with raw potatoes, cut into noodles and washed in cold water.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of mackerel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 800 g of potatoes, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of crackers and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Mackerel solyanka in a frying pan

    Recipe: Stew fresh or sauerkraut for hodgepodge. Cut the prepared mackerel into pieces of 40–50 g. Place separately in a saucepan, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, add capers, cucumbers, peeled and grained and cut into slices, add.

    Ingredients: For stewing cabbage - 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 2 1/2 tbsp. spoons of butter or lard, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar and flour.

    Recipe: Portioned pieces of mackerel. chopped fillet, simmer with the addition of onions, carrots and parsley. Use the broth to make sauce.

    Boil potatoes for garnish.

    Ingredients: Mackerel 150, onion 5, parsley 5, carrots 5, mushrooms 30, crabs 10, side dish 150, sauce 75, greens.

    Fried mackerel

    Recipe: 1. Clean the mackerel fillet from bones and skin, cut into narrow, thin slices (“noodles”); finely chop the onion, mix with fish “noodles”, add pepper (ground), dill, parsley, beat in the eggs and mix thoroughly into a single mass, kneading with your hands like dough.

    Ingredients: For 0.5 kg of mackerel. 1-2 eggs, 10-12 grains of black pepper,
    1-2 tsp. dry dill, 1 tsp. dry parsley, 1-2 tbsp. l. rice flour,
    1-2 onions, 4-5 potatoes, 3-4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, salt,

    Mackerel with onion and celery in sauce

    Recipe: Place leeks and celery cut into thin strips in a saucepan, and portioned pieces of fish on top. Sprinkle all this with salt and pepper, add fish broth, white wine and simmer in a sealed container over low heat.

    Mackerel 150 gr. leek 25 gr. celery 15 gr. white wine 10 gr. mushrooms 30 gr. crabs 10 gr. white sauce 80 gr. butter or margarine 10 gr. lemon juice 1 gr. pepper.

    Mackerel with apples and leeks

    Recipe: Cut the peeled Antonov apples and the white part of the leek into slices. Place apples and onions in a greased saucepan, and portion pieces of mackerel on them. sprinkle with salt and pepper.

    Pour it all over with a small amount of broth and add.

    Ingredients: Mackerel 150 gr. apples 100 gr. leek 20 gr. white wine 10 gr. sour cream 50 g or butter 20 g. pepper.

    Mackerel in tomato sauce with vegetables

    Recipe: Cut the mackerel fillet into portions and simmer them with the addition of onion and parsley. When serving, place boiled mushrooms and pieces of crab on top of the fish.

    Garnish: boiled potatoes.

    Ingredients: Mackerel 150 gr. onion 5 gr. parsley 5 gr. mushrooms 30 gr. crabs 10 gr. side dish 150 gr. sauce 100 gr. pepper, greens

    Mackerel in tarragon sauce

    Recipe: Simmer the mackerel in broth with onion, parsley and white wine. Place boiled mushrooms and crabs on the finished fish, and boiled potatoes on the side of the fish.

    Leftover broth.

    Ingredients: Mackerel 150 gr. onion 5 gr. parsley 5 gr. white wine 10 gr. mushrooms 30 gr. crabs 10 gr. sauce 80 gr. butter 15 gr. tarragon 10 gr. lemon juice 1 gr. side dish 150 gr. pepper.

    Smoked mackerel in sour cream

    Recipe: Remove the skin of smoked mackerel, remove the head and entrails and rinse. Add grated onions and ground allspice to boiling sour cream and heat it again to a boil.

    Ingredients: Smoked mackerel 80g. sour cream 50g. onion 25g. allspice 0.05g. side dish 150g.

    Mackerel cutlets

    Recipe: If you want to prepare cutlets without using a ready-made semi-finished product, fish fillet (without skin) must be passed through a meat grinder, mixed with bread soaked in milk, with salt and pepper and passed through a meat grinder one or two more times.

    Ingredients: For 500 g mackerel fillet - 100 g white bread, 1/2 cup milk, 3 tbsp. spoons of crackers and 2 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Mackerel in white sauce

    Recipe: Place the prepared pieces of mackerel fillet in a greased saucepan and simmer with the addition of broth, white wine, onion and parsley.

    Ingredients: Mackerel 150g. onion 5 pcs. parsley 5g. white wine 10g. mushrooms 30g, crabs 100g. oysters 1 pc. white sauce 80g. side dish 100g.

    List of fish dishes

    Salad “mackerel under a fur coat”

    Cooking process

    Prepare the “Fish under a fur coat” salad for Christmas or New Year’s table, but not with herring, as usual, but with mackerel. Salted or smoked mackerel is suitable for this; I used salted fish (it will also be very tasty with smoked fish).

    The salad turned out awesome, for lovers of the traditional “fur coat” you can’t think of a better interpretation! :) To make the salad look more elegant, it should be decorated, but this should be done just before serving, and before that the salad should sit in the refrigerator so that all layers are thoroughly soaked !

    Before starting to prepare the salad, boil jacket potatoes, eggs, carrots, and beets. Also prepare salted or smoked mackerel, onions, mayonnaise, canned corn, salt, pepper and herbs.

    Peel potatoes, eggs, carrots, beets, onions, remove fillets from mackerel. Let's start collecting the salad.

    We will make it in layers, so prepare the appropriate dish. The first layer is potatoes (coarse grater).

    Salt and pepper the potato layer, brush or pour mayonnaise.

    The next two layers are onion (small cubes) and mackerel (medium cubes), then grease everything with mayonnaise again.

    Cut out flowers from the egg white for decoration, place the remaining eggs on the salad in the next layer (coarse grater), mayonnaise.

    The last layer is beets (coarse grater). Place beets on both the top and sides of the salad, coat with a thick layer of mayonnaise, and use a spoon to smooth out any unevenness so that the salad has the shape of a semi-oval or mound.

    Place the salad in the refrigerator to steep and soak. This will take two hours.

    Before serving, decorate the Mackerel salad under a fur coat with flowers made from egg whites and canned corn (or pieces of boiled carrots), and parsley.

    Enjoy your meal.

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    Portuguese mackerel salad

    500 grams smoked mackerel fillet
    150 grams boiled shrimp
    4 pieces of sweet capsicum
    2 medium onions
    20 black pitted olives
    ½ cup sunflower oil
    1 glass of white aromatic wine
    10 milliliters lemon juice (teaspoon)
    2 grams lemon zest (tablespoon)
    Allspice ground red pepper

    Cooking method:
    We cut all solid products in different ways, which will add sophistication to the dish. Cut the fish into strips. Cut the shrimp, peppers and onions into rings, and the olives into 4 parts.

    Let's start preparing the salad dressing. In a gravy boat, mix wine, vegetable oil, lemon juice, zest and pepper. Salt if necessary.

    Pour the sauce over the main salad and let it sit in the refrigerator for an hour.
    Bon appetit.

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    • Mackerel - 2-3 pcs.
    • Tomatoes - 8 pcs.
    • Onion - 2 pcs.
    • Carrots - 2 pcs.
    • Sunflower oil - 1/2 tbsp.
    • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml.
    • Sugar - 4-6 tbsp. l.
    • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
    • Salt - 1-2 tbsp. l.
    • Black pepper (peas) - 6-10 pcs.

    Crazy about fish dishes? Then be sure to prepare a salad with mackerel, which will delight you with its rich taste. Many people like this fish for its amazing taste, which is preserved regardless of the cooking method.

    Mackerel is fried, salted, smoked, canned, so why not make it one of the ingredients in the salad?

    You can make almost any fish salad with mackerel, for example, Mimosa. But there are many original recipes that allow you to prepare salads with mackerel for every taste.

    Among them, especially noteworthy are salads with hot smoked and fresh mackerel. The latter include recipes for salads with mackerel for the winter, a kind of canned food with the addition of vegetables in a fragrant dressing.

    It is worth noting that mackerel not only has amazing taste, but is also an excellent source of nutrients. In particular, this fish contains large quantities of vitamins B, E, D, PP, H, as well as fatty acids, iodine, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc.

    Despite the fact that mackerel is considered an oily fish, it is easily digestible, and its calorie content is only 191 kcal per 100 g (for smoked fish - about 300 kcal). Omega fatty acids contained in fish serve as natural antioxidants that not only fight cell aging, but also strengthen their membranes.

    Salads with fresh or smoked mackerel will help strengthen the nervous system and cartilage tissue, normalize blood pressure, blood circulation and prevent thrombosis, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, skin and hair.

    Salads with cold or hot smoked mackerel, as well as salted, are not recommended for consumption if you have heart or gastrointestinal problems, since the high fat content of the product can cause a number of problems.

    Doctors, including nutritionists, strongly recommend including salads with mackerel in the winter diet. Such dishes will provide the body with the necessary energy, maintain a supply of vitamins and help resist the raging epidemics of colds.

    Among the recipes with photos you can easily find a salad with mackerel to suit your taste, because this fish in any form has excellent culinary properties. Please your family with delicious salads with hot or cold smoked fish, canned or salted, or prepare an original winter appetizer that will find its place even on the holiday table.


    If you don’t know what fish salad to prepare for the winter, then feel free to choose a recipe with mackerel. The fragrant contents of the jar will always be appropriate during the cold season, and fish dishes are equally held in high esteem both during an everyday meal and a festive feast.

    A stunningly tasty winter salad with mackerel and vegetables will appeal to all lovers of home-canned food. It’s easy to prepare such a salad for the winter, and the result will be much tastier than store-bought canned food.

    1. The first step is to clean the fish: cut off the head with fins, remove the entrails, and rinse everything thoroughly. Place the prepared mackerel in a saucepan, add cold water, add a little salt, bay leaf and pepper. Bring the fish to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about half an hour. Cool the finished mackerel without removing it from the broth.
    2. Chop the peeled onion into thin half rings.
    3. Grind the carrots on a grater.
    4. For a salad with mackerel for the winter, grind the tomatoes to a puree using a meat grinder or blender. They should be immersed in boiling water in advance (2-3 minutes), making small cuts on one side, and then carefully remove the skin with a knife.
    5. Combine onions and carrots in a deep saucepan, pour in tomato puree, add salt, sugar and sunflower oil, mix well, simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat.
    6. At this time, remove the bones and skin from the boiled mackerel, disassemble the fillet into medium-sized pieces and add them to the vegetable mixture, mixing everything well.
    7. Simmer the salad with mackerel and vegetables for about 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, add vinegar, stir thoroughly.
    8. Place the hot salad in sterilized jars, pressing tightly with a spoon, roll up the lids and wrap all containers warmly (you can use a blanket). When the jars have cooled completely, they should be stored in a cool, dark place.
    9. This homemade salad with canned mackerel stores perfectly, it can be used as an independent dish, snack, simply spread on bread or added to fish soup.

    You can also prepare a similar winter salad with mackerel and beets. The latter will replace tomatoes (grate the beets), and the cooking process itself does not differ from that described above.


    A very simple and tasty salad with mackerel and beets is a Norwegian specialty. This salad is prepared with cold smoked mackerel, but if you wish, you can take hot or even salted mackerel.

    1. Beets can be used boiled or baked; they need to be cut into thin semicircular slices.
    2. Boil a handful of short pasta, cut the smoked mackerel into small pieces.
    3. Separately mix the dressing from olive oil, wine vinegar, mustard and crushed garlic.
    4. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, pour over dressing, mix well.

    With smoked mackerel you will get a delicious salad of boiled potatoes, green beans, and fresh tomatoes.

    1. All ingredients, including fish, must be cut into cubes or slices.
    2. Drizzle with a sauce of olive oil, wine vinegar, mustard and chopped cilantro.
    3. Mix the salad and serve it on lettuce leaves.

    A very simple recipe for a delicious salad with hot smoked mackerel will come in handy when you urgently need to surprise and feed unexpected guests. To prepare it, you need:

    1. Hard boil the eggs, chop them with a fork;
    2. Remove the core from a large sour apple and cut the pulp into cubes;
    3. Break the smoked mackerel into pieces by hand;
    4. Cut the pickled cucumber into strips.
    5. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, add green peas and chopped herbs (onion and parsley).
    6. Season the salad with mayonnaise.

    It’s even easier to prepare a salad with smoked mackerel and Chinese cabbage. Chop the latter finely, cut the onion into half rings, and chop the fish in a convenient way. Mix the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with sesame seeds when serving.

    Mackerel can be combined with almost any vegetables: fresh and juicy, boiled and canned. Greens, as well as a spicy addition in the form of mustard or horseradish, would not be out of place in such salads.

    Most of us are admirers of delicious fish and seafood. The piquant and interesting taste of these ingredients gives dishes a piquant taste, and the combination with some ingredients also gives an interesting aftertaste.

    Among the many varieties of fish, mackerel meat is held in special esteem - a valuable commercial fish that is rich in vitamins B12. Among the minerals that mackerel meat is rich in are chlorine, sodium, fluorine, zinc and phosphorus. What is interesting about its meat in preparing salads?

    Mackerel meat does not contain small bones and is quite fatty. With the right combination of additional ingredients, it is possible to obtain tasty, juicy and spicy fish meat, which, of course, is great for preparing original salads. This salad is appropriate not only during Lent, but also on any other day, especially on cold winter days.

    Mackerel salad - preparing food and dishes

    For salads, use the fillet of fresh fish, lightly salted and smoked. Fish meat is cut into slices, pieces or cubes for salad, and is also used in ground form, making small fish meatballs from it.

    To get the fillet of fish for salad, you first need to cut off the head, tail and a small part along the belly. Carefully remove all the insides and rinse under running water. Then peel it from the skin, moving from head to tail, and using a knife, carefully separate the fillet.

    Canned fish is also often used to prepare mackerel salads, and to give the salad a spicy taste, it is recommended to add a sauce made from vegetable oil, vinegar, mustard, etc. on prescription. Before adding it to the salad, be sure to make sure that there are no bones in the meat.

    Mackerel salad recipes:

    Recipe 1: Mackerel salad

    Required ingredients:

    – smoked mackerel (loin) – 150 g;

    – cucumbers – 120 g;

    – canned peas – 120 g;

    — chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;

    – apple – 120 g;

    — mayonnaise – 2 tbsp;

    Cooking method:

    We immediately warn you that it is better to serve the salad prepared according to this recipe to the table in portions in bowls, making the shape of towers from it. So, pour cold water into a small saucepan, lower the eggs into it and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and continue cooking the eggs for another 10 minutes. Cool and remove shells. It is better to choose apples for salad that have a sour taste, but not completely sour. Open a jar of canned peas and place the required amount in any bowl on the table.

    So, let's start preparing the salad. Cut the mackerel fillet into cubes. To be sure, you need to inspect the fillet for the presence of bones, although according to all the rules they should not be there. Transfer the meat cubes to the salad bowl. We also cut the cucumbers into cubes. Peeling cucumbers is not recommended, but this issue is up to you to decide. Finely chop the peeled chicken eggs with a knife.

    Peel the apple, cut it into 4 parts and remove the head. Cut the apples into small slices. Add canned peas to the salad and season with low-fat mayonnaise. Mix gently with a spoon and arrange into pyramids. You can serve this salad to your guests immediately after preparation. Garnish it with a basil leaf, and enjoy your meal.

    Recipe 2: Mackerel salad (canned)

    Required ingredients:

    – canned mackerel – 1 can;

    — chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;

    — fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;

    — mayonnaise – 80 g;

    - fresh parsley (green part)

    Cooking method:

    Boil the new potato tubers in a saucepan over low heat. Let it cool, peel it and cut it into cubes. Hard-boiled chicken eggs, carefully chop. Open the can, select the fish on a plate and mash it with a fork. Wash the fresh parsley well, shake and chop with the tip of a knife. Place all the prepared products in a small deep salad bowl, season with low-fat mayonnaise and mix with a spoon. Taste it, add pepper and, if necessary, salt. Leave the finished salad in a cool place to brew for 35-45 minutes. Before you serve the salad, garnish it with fresh green leaves of your favorite spice.

    Recipe 3: Mackerel salad

    Required ingredients:

    — salted mackerel – 1 pc.;

    — egg – 4 pcs.;

    - purple onion - 1 head;

    - table vinegar - 1 tbsp;

    — carrots – 1 pc.;

    – potatoes – 4 pcs.;

    – sugar – 0.5 tsp;

    – water – 2300 ml;

    — mayonnaise – 7 tbsp;

    - ground black pepper.

    Cooking method:

    First, prepare the purple onions for the salad. Clean it and cut it into cubes. Place it in a small bowl and pour a glass of hot water, add vinegar, sugar and salt. Stir and set aside to marinate for a while.

    In a separate bowl, boil potatoes, eggs, and carrots separately. Then transfer them to dishes and let them cool completely.

    Now we take salted mackerel without the head and entrails. Gently rinse the fish under cold tap water and dry with a towel or napkin. Separate the fillet of the fish and remove the skin from it. Cut into small cubes.

    Peel the potatoes, eggs and carrots and also cut them into cubes. Pour all the ingredients into the salad bowl. Drain the marinade from the onions, squeeze it well and add to the salad bowl.

    All that’s left to do to the salad is to add its main ingredient – ​​mackerel cubes. Sprinkle the salad with ground black pepper and season with mayonnaise. Gently mix the salad from bottom to top and taste it. Add salt if necessary. It is recommended to leave the finished salad in a cool place for 1 hour, and you can serve it immediately.

    This salad can be served in a common deep salad bowl or divided into portioned plates. Decorate with flowers made from boiled carrots, purple onion rings and parsley.

    — Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, doctors strongly recommend including mackerel meat in the menu for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as patients with diabetes and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

    — Any type of mackerel meat can be used for food – dried, fried, smoked, salted, pickled and smoked.
