Sambuca cooking technology. Jelly with canned fruits. For decorating apple sambuca

Sambuca is a delicate airy dessert based on whipped egg whites, fruit and berry puree and gelatin. The taste is very similar to marshmallows, only softer in structure and softer in taste. You can make sambuca from one type of fruit, it will be delicious, but you can also use it as a fruit and berry mix: add the juice of brightly colored berries (for example, black currants) or make several layers of different colors.

Apple sambuca is especially good in the summer heat, when you want something light and refreshing. Dessert is low-calorie, and even if you get carried away and allow yourself a large portion, it will not affect your figure in any way. Sugar is an optional ingredient; you don’t have to add it, but then choose non-acidic apples.

In preparation, sambuca is simple and original: first we prepare the apple base - bake the apples in the oven (or stew in a frying pan), blend, and then gradually add all the ingredients: first sugar (beat), egg whites (beat), and finally gelatin. Cool the apple sambuca and serve.

Yield: 4 servings


  • fresh apples – 500 g
  • sugar – 50 g or ready-made applesauce
  • egg whites – 2 pcs.
  • instant gelatin – 10 g


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    Cut the apples into quarters, remove the skin and seeds. Place in a baking dish, pour in 2-3 tablespoons of water, cover with a lid or cover the dish with foil.

    Place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake until soft (35-45 minutes, depending on the type of apple).
    Pour 150 ml into gelatin. water at room temperature, stir, leave for 10 minutes. Then place in a water bath and heat slightly until the gelatin dissolves.
    Stir the gelatin so that it dissolves faster and more evenly. Cool.

    Remove apples from oven. They will become very soft, some of the slices may soften almost to a puree.

    Place them in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer or blender.

    When the apples become a homogeneous mass, add sugar and continue beating until the sugar grains dissolve.

    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Add only the whites to the apples.

    Beat the egg white mixture with a mixer for about five minutes. The applesauce should increase significantly in volume, become airy and turn white.

    Pour in the pre-dissolved and slightly swollen gelatin. Continue whisking vigorously for another 1-2 minutes.

    The finished mass will be very fluffy. Place it in bowls or glasses, cups and put it in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

    After hardening, the finished sambuca will have a very delicate, porous, airy structure.

    Sambuca should be served chilled. It does not need any additions, but if desired, the sambuca can be decorated with chocolate figures, poured with berry syrup or sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Toasts with fruits and berries. The crusts are cut off from the wheat loaf, cut into slices 5 mm thick, soaked in a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar (egg-milk mixture), fried on both sides in margarine until a golden brown crust forms. When leaving, fruits and berries heated in syrup are placed on fried croutons and sprinkled with apricot sauce.

Baskets with fruits and berries. Baskets baked from shortcrust pastry are filled with boiled slices of apples without skin and seed nest. Immediately before release, sprinkle with apricot sauce. Instead of apples, you can put strawberries or raspberries in the baskets and top them with strawberry or raspberry sauce.

The serving temperature for cold sweet dishes should be 12...15 °C, hot - 55, ice cream - 4...6 "C.

The most common defects:

The taste and smell are weakly expressed (weak aroma of vanillin in milk jelly; the taste and smell of berries, fruits, wine in syrups, etc. are not expressed enough);

Minor consistency defects (liquid jelly, dense jelly; weakly whipped mousses, sambuca, cream;

Insufficient porosity of puddings and baked goods;

Fruits in compotes are partially digested;

Unattractive appearance (cloudy compotes, syrups);

Jelly film;

Fruits and jelly are laid out carelessly);

Minor color defects (the color of jelly, jellies is insufficiently expressed, baked goods are poorly colored, etc.).

Fresh fruits. They must be mature, of good quality and thoroughly washed.

Compotes. The syrup in compotes should be transparent, with a concentrated taste and smell of fruit, moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness (if sour berries and fruits are used - currants, cherries, etc.). Fruits and berries should be soft, but uncooked and not crushed. Rotten and wormy fruits are not allowed.

Main defects:

The syrup is sweet, but without the aroma and taste of the fruit (the liquid was drained and the syrup was added);

The taste is weak (the recipe was violated or it was not infused enough after cooking);

Some of the fruits are overcooked, but the shape of others is preserved; there is a cloudy sediment at the bottom (all the fruits were put into the syrup at the same time, and not sequentially in accordance with the cooking time);

There are fruit stems, seeds of apples and pears, seeds of fresh plums and apricots (the fruits were poorly sorted and cleaned).

Fruits in syrup. Apples and pears should retain their shape. The syrup should be slightly acidic, with the aroma of wine, transparent and thick with sugar.

Main defects:

The surface of apples and pears has darkened (the peeled fruits were stored in air and not in acidified water), the fruits are deformed (overcooked), hard (undercooked);

The syrup has an insufficiently concentrated taste (the recipe is broken) or a cloudy hue (the peelings of the fruit from which the syrup was made are overcooked).

Thick jelly must have a dense consistency, retain its shape, and not spread; semi-liquid - the consistency of thick sour cream. Fruit and berry jellies made from squeezed juice (cranberries, blueberries, currants, etc.) must be transparent and retain the color, taste and aroma of berry juices, while jellies made from pureed fruits may be cloudy and their color may vary. -may change somewhat.

Main defects:

The jelly is liquid (overcooked or too little starch added);

Presence of lumps (starch was cooked incorrectly);

There is a film on the surface (not sprinkled with sugar before cooling);

Jelly made from squeezed juices does not have the aroma, color and taste of fresh berries (the juice was boiled and not added raw at the end of cooking);

Jelly made from juices and syrups is cloudy (it was stored for a long time, maize starch was used);

In jelly from pureed fruits there are large particles (poorly pureed);

Milk jelly has the smell of burnt milk, there is no vanillin aroma;

Water was released on the surface of the thick jelly (it was stored for a long time);

Cranberry jelly has a purple color (cook in an aluminum bowl).

Jelly. The consistency of the jelly should be gelatinous, but not rough or rubbery; the shape should be maintained at the break. Berry jelly should be transparent, with the taste and smell of used berries. The use of artificial colors in making jelly is prohibited.

Main defects:

Berry jelly is opaque (poorly strained or not clarified);

The jelly is not frozen or very thick (the gelatin was not added according to the norm);

Lemon jelly is bitter (the zest was not properly peeled);

There are pieces of gelatin (the gelatin was poorly soaked and did not dissolve completely);

Unsweetened jelly (not enough sugar was used).

Mousses. The mousse is a frozen, tender, finely porous, fluffy and slightly elastic mass of pale color (cranberry - pink, apple and lemon - white or slightly yellow). Before release, cut into pieces of rectangular or triangular shape with smooth or corrugated edges. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

Main defects:

A thick layer of jelly has formed at the bottom of the mousse (it was not beaten well, it was poured into molds not completely cooled);

The mass is heavy (beat a little); the pieces are shapeless (overcooled when whipping).

Sambuca. The consistency is elastic, the mass is homogeneous, heavier than that of mousse, finely porous, the taste is sweet, with slight acidity, the smell of apples or apricots.

Creams. A porous, elastic mass, cut into rectangular pieces and cast in molds. Smell and color corresponding to fillers or flavorings.

Puddings. They should have a soft and tender texture inside, a toasted crust, and a sweet taste. The cut shows candied fruits or raisins evenly distributed throughout the mass. Tempering is not allowed. The mass should be well baked. The readiness of the pudding is determined by piercing it with a splinter or knife. If the pudding is baked, they remain dry.

Guryevskaya porridge. The surface should be golden (sometimes it is burned in the form of a grid), the consistency should be fluffy and tender. Defects: settling of porridge after baking, brewed lumps of cereal inside, burnt surface, etc.

Appleswith rice. The rice should be carefully shaped into a low cylinder. The surface of the apples is light and completely covered with sauce.

Apples in dough. It should look like a golden brown donut with a golden crust. The dough should be fluffy, yellow at the break; apple loko is well baked, greenish-yellow or white, soft.

Apple charlotte. The surface should have a crispy, golden brown crust; the filling is thick, does not leak, and is well heated.

Fresh fruits and berries are stored washed and dried, laid out in a low layer in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 0 to 6 °C and a relative humidity of 75...80% for no more than 48 hours. Cold sweet dishes (compotes, jellies, etc. ) are stored under the same conditions for up to 24 hours. For their storage, non-oxidizing dishes should be used. Hot sweet dishes (pudding, casseroles) are stored in an oven or on a steam table at a temperature of 55...60 ° C no more 2 hours

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Name of dish Sambuco apricot

Recipe No. 970 Collection of recipes 1982

Name of raw materials

Raw material costs per serving

Technological requirements for main raw materials and semi-finished products

(g) gross weight

Net weight


no signs of rot,

or dried apricots

Water (for gelatin) or

Apricot puree (canned)

Water (for gelatin)

Eggs (whites)

Citric acid

all products meet quality requirements

Cooking technology.

Wash the resulting apricots thoroughly under running water and dry. Next, remove the pits from the apricots, add preheated water and cook until the fruits soften, then drain the water and wipe the fruits. Pre-washed and dried dried apricots are soaked, then we also cook and wipe. Add sugar, egg white, citric acid to the resulting puree and beat until fluffy. We place the prepared gelatin on a water bain-marie or in a water bath and, stirring, let it completely dissolve and filter, then pour it in a thin stream into the whipped mass while continuously and quickly stirring with a whisk. Immediately pour the mixture into molds and cool.

Rules for decorating and serving dishes.

After cooling, immediately release it after decorating it. We dispense it 100 - 150 grams per serving with sauce, natural fruit or berry syrup 20 grams per serving) or with whipped cream 20 - 30 grams per serving) or serve boiled cold milk 100 - 150 grams per serving).

Product characteristics according to organoleptic indicators:

Appearance – gelled, fluffy, homogeneous mass. Moderately cooled, without film or peeling of layers. Retained its shape.

Color – color from bright orange to light orange.

Taste – moderately sweet with apricot flavor.

The smell is of fresh apricots.

Consistency – porous, soft, delicate.

Shelf life: no more than 5 hours after preparation.

The dish is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 12-15°C for no more than 3 hours.

Head of production department (chief process engineer)

Compiled by process engineer (culinary instructor)

1.7. Requirements for the quality of dishes in this group and storage

The temperature of cold sweet dishes when serving should be 12-15°C. Unacceptable defects are the following: the dish is not sweet enough (the amount of sugar has been reduced); the presence of foreign tastes and odors (rotten fruits and berries, rancid fat, burnt milk, poor-quality eggs, etc.); uncharacteristic consistency (whipped cream and mousses have settled; there are lumps of brewed starch in jelly; hardening in baked goods, etc.).

The most common defects: taste and smell are weak (weak aroma of vanillin in milk jelly; taste and smell of berries, fruits, etc. are not expressed enough); minor consistency defects (liquid jelly, dense jelly; weakly whipped mousses, sambuca, cream; insufficient porosity of puddings and baked goods; partially overcooked fruits in compotes); unattractive appearance (turbidity of compotes, syrups; the presence of a film on jelly; fruits and jelly are sloppily laid out); minor color defects (the color of jelly, jellies is insufficiently expressed, baked goods are poorly colored, etc.). Fresh fruits must be washed and cleaned of rotten areas. All fruits and berries must be ripe and of good quality. Compotes - the syrup should be transparent, with a concentrated taste and smell of fruit, moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness (if sour berries were used - currants, cherries, etc.). Fruits and berries should be soft, but not boiled or bruised. The presence of rotten and wormy fruits and berries is not allowed.)

Sambuca - elastic consistency, homogeneous mass, heavier than mousse, finely porous, sweet taste with slight sourness, smell of apples or apricots. Creams are a porous elastic mass, cut into rectangular pieces or cast in molds. Smell and color corresponding to the fillers or flavorings.

Creams come in butter (vanilla), coffee, chocolate, nut, cracker, sour cream (vanilla) and berry.

Puddings - products should have a toasted crust, a soft and delicate texture inside, a sweet taste; The cut shows candied fruits or raisins evenly distributed throughout the mass. Tempering is not allowed. The mass should be well baked. If the pudding is not baked, then the inside is sticky, raw, and the unbaked mass sticks to the inserted knife or splinter.

shelf life of the finished dish

1.8. Determining the cost of a dish

Calculation card No. 1 Name of dish:

"Sambuco apricot"

"Sambuco apricot"

Yield 100g

Name of ingredients

Price per kg, rub.


or dried apricots

Water (for gelatin) or

Apricot puree (canned)

Water (for gelatin)

Eggs (whites)

Citric acid

Total cost of products 2913.00 100% markup on raw materials 2913.00 Amount of VAT/20%/ 582.60 Selling price of products 5826.00 Selling price of 1 serving 58.26 Including VAT 11.652

Head Production Calculator Approved by: Director

II. Modern trends in the design and presentation of dishes.

III. Applications.

Appendix A

Sambuca from apples

We will need:

600 g apples 100 g cherries 100 g brown sugar 3 egg whites 2 tablespoons gelatin ground cinnamon

Wash the apples, remove the core, bake in the oven and rub through a sieve. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of cold boiled water. Wash the cherries, remove the pits. Mix applesauce with sugar, add egg whites and beat with a mixer until smooth and fluffy. Add gelatin, beat for another 2-3 minutes. Divide the resulting mixture into bowls and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before serving, garnish the sambuca with cherries and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Appendix B

Ingredients for preparing the Sambuc Cream dish:

2 tablespoons of semolina, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 glass of any fruit juice, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of instant gelatin, 3 glasses of water

Sambuc cream can be prepared from both fresh and canned fruit and berry juice, canned nectar, syrup and other similar products. For sambuca cream, the base is semolina, previously soaked in an acidic environment.

Preparation of the Sambuc Cream dish:

Pour the cereal with cold water with the addition of lemon juice, mix thoroughly and leave to swell at room temperature for six hours. Place a saucepan with 3 cups of water to cook. Add the swollen cereal to a boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 - 20 minutes with continuous stirring. Cool the resulting mass to 40-45C. Pour fruit and berry juice into the mixture. Add granulated sugar. Beat the resulting mass like a mousse. You should get a mass of fluffy foam-like consistency. Dissolve gelatin in water following the instructions on the bag. Add gelatin dissolved in water into the whipped mass and beat again. Place in bowls and cool in the refrigerator.

The variety of such a dish as sambuca can amaze you, for example.

Appendix B

Raspberry Sambuca

Appendix D

Cherry – raspberry sambuca


  • V.S. Dotsyak "Ukrainian cuisine". Lvov "Oreannanova", 1998
  • Ioffe, D.F. Fatykhov. Labor protection in trade and public catering: “Higher School” 1988
  • K.I. Levitsky, B.M. Skvortsov. Organization of catering establishments
  • Cooking V.M. Kovalev, N.I. Sokalinskaya
  • Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. Moscow economics 1983
  • Commodity research of food products Kyiv. “Vishcha School” 1987
  • 23-recept-sambuk-krem.html
  • This sweet word “dessert” Olga Borodina
  • tehnolog/assortiment-i- tehnologiya-prigotovleniya- zhelirovannyh/257549.2240208.s 3.html
  • rnamermerqasatyotr.html

see the manual

Description of work

Sweet fruits and honey were the first popular desserts. Many sweet dishes appeared based on natural sweeteners, which were later replaced by sugar. The sweets that we have today are far from the original dishes in taste, nutritional value and vitamin content. Most of today's desserts are rich sources of glucose. They successfully fight hunger, give strength, stimulate brain function and improve mood. However, you should not indulge yourself with sweets every day, especially if your lifestyle cannot be called active.


Syrups for jelly are prepared in the same way as for jelly.

Before use, gelatin is poured with eight times the amount of chilled boiled water and left to swell for 1-1.5 hours.

When swelling, gelatin increases in volume and weight by 6-8 times.
After swelling, excess water is drained.

Add swollen gelatin or agar to the prepared syrup and heat until it dissolves.

The resulting gelled solution is poured into molds, cooled to the gelatinization temperature and kept for 20 minutes, and then placed in the refrigerator and cooled at a temperature from 0 to 8 C.

Agaroid pour cold water (ratio 1:20) and leave to swell for half an hour.

At the same time, impurities (giving the agaroid foreign flavors) and coloring matter pass into the water.
Agaroid and sodium citrate are added to the water (from 0.15 to 0.3% of the jelly weight depending on the acidity of the juice and syrup), the mixture is brought to a boil, cooled to 70-75 C, combined with juices and poured into bowls.

The addition of sodium citrate improves the consistency of the jelly, gives it elasticity, softens excess acidity, and reduces the melting point of the jelly to 30-40 C.

Sodium citrate is used in the form of a 10% solution.

In jelly made from berry and grape juices with low acidity, add such a solution 0.15-0.25% of the jelly weight, in jelly made from cherry, black cherry, blueberry juice - 0.25-0.3, and in cranberry and lingonberry juice - 0. 3-0.35%.

Sodium alginate pour water, and stirring occasionally, let it swell for 1 hour, then bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Sugar and a suspension of calcium phosphate are added to the resulting solution, brought to a boil, cooled, juices and citric acid are added and poured into molds.

The assortment of jelly is very large; it is prepared from various juices, citrus fruits, wine, milk, almonds, coffee infusions, etc.

The preparation of lemon and almond jelly differs in some ways.

For lemon jelly, prepare sugar syrup, infuse it with zest, filter, add soaked gelatin, agar or agaroid, dissolve them, pour in lemon juice.

For almond jelly, first prepare almond milk.

Almonds are scalded with boiling water, peeled, ground in a meat grinder or crushed, poured with water, infused and squeezed; The pomace is infused a second time with water and squeezed out.

Sugar is added to the almond milk and the jelly is prepared as usual.

Multilayer jelly is obtained by sequentially pouring jelly of different colors into molds and cooling until it hardens.

If the gelling syrup turns out to be cloudy, it is additionally clarified with egg white (24 g per 1000 g of jelly).

The whites are mixed well with an equal volume of cold water, poured into the syrup and boiled for 8-10 minutes at a low boil.

To better clarify the syrup, the protein mixture can be added in two doses.
The clarified syrup is filtered.

The finished jelly should be transparent, sweet and sour, with the aroma of the fruits and berries used for its preparation.

To improve the taste of the jelly, grape wine, lemon juice or citric acid are added to the mixture, and zest is added to citrus jelly.

Jelly can be prepared with fresh or canned fruits and berries.

Prepared fruits and berries are placed in molds and filled with gelling syrup.

The adhesive properties of gelatin jellies allow the preparation of multilayer non-separating jellies from various raw materials.

When using natural fruit and berry syrups, juices and industrially produced compotes, it is advisable to prepare jelly with furcellaran, which is equal in cost to gelatin and superior in gelling ability.

In addition, non-acidified gelling syrups with furcellaran are much more resistant to heat.

They slightly reduce the gelling properties after boiling for half an hour, while solutions with gelatin sharply reduce the ability to form jellies.

The increased melting temperatures of jellies on furcellaran make it possible to sell jelly in the summer.

Jelly, mousse and sambuca are sold at 100-150 g per serving with sauce, natural fruit or berry syrup (20 g per serving) or with whipped cream (20-30 g per serving) or boiled cold milk (100-150 g) is sold per serving).

Jelly from fresh fruits or berries

The juice is squeezed out of the sorted and washed berries and stored in the cold.
The remaining pulp is poured with hot water and boiled for 5-8 minutes.
The broth is filtered, sugar is added, heated to a boil, foam is removed from the surface of the syrup, then prepared gelatin is added, stirring until completely dissolved, brought to a boil again, filtered

Berry juice is added to the prepared syrup with gelatin, poured into portioned molds and left in the cold at a temperature of 0 to 8 C for 1.5-2 hours to harden.

Before release, the mold with jelly (2/3 of the volume) is immersed in hot water for a few seconds, shaken slightly and the jelly is placed in a bowl or vase.

Jelly from lemons, oranges, tangerines

In water with sugar, brought to a boil, add the zest removed from lemons, or oranges, or tangerines, then add the prepared gelatin.
After the gelatin has dissolved, squeezed juice from lemons, or oranges, or tangerines is added. For orange jelly, citric acid is added to hot sugar-gelatin syrup, filtered, poured into molds and cooled.

Jelly with fresh fruits, berries and melons

Peeled and seeded apples are cut into slices and boiled in water acidified with citric acid.
The broth is filtered, the prepared gelatin is added and brought to a boil.
Melon and watermelon, peeled from bark and seeds and cut into slices, grapes and boiled apples are placed in molds or vases, filled with jelly and cooled.

Jelly with canned fruits

Water and sugar are added to the canned compote syrup, combined with prepared gelatin, brought to a boil, citric acid is added and filtered.
Peaches, cut into thin slices, and cherries are placed in molds, filled with jelly and cooled.

Jelly with fresh and canned fruits

Tangerines are washed, peeled, cut into thin slices; Cut the plums in half and remove the pits.
The decoction is prepared from tangerine zest, canned compote syrup and sugar are added to it and heated to a boil.
Then it is combined with the prepared gelatin, citric acid is added, filtered, the fruits placed in portioned forms are poured and cooled.

Jelly from fruit or berry extract or from natural fruit or berry juice

Prepared gelatin is dissolved in hot sugar syrup, fruit or berry juice or fruit or berry extract is added, filtered, poured into molds and cooled.

Jelly from fruit or berry syrup

The jelly is prepared and dispensed like jelly from fruit or berry extract.

Multilayer berry jelly

Berries (cranberries, currants, raspberries, cherries) are sorted and washed.
Squeeze out the juice.
The pulp is poured with hot water (each type of berry requires a certain amount of water) and boiled for 5-7 minutes.
The broth is filtered, sugar is added and brought to a boil, removing foam from the surface.
Then add the prepared gelatin, stirring until it is completely dissolved, and filter.
Chilled berry juice is added to the finished syrup, poured into molds and refrigerated.
After cooling the first layer of jelly, pour in the second, cool again, then the third, and so on. The finished jelly is served with syrup, whipped cream or chilled boiled milk.


For mousses, syrup is prepared in the same way as for jelly and jelly.
Soaked gelatin is dissolved in it.
Cool the mixture and beat well.
You can prepare mousses with semolina.
To do this, sift semolina, pour into boiling syrup, stirring continuously, and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Then the syrup is cooled to 40 C and whipped.
To prepare mousse with sodium alginate, its solution is added to fruit puree, acidified with citric acid and the mixture is beaten.
Beaters are used to beat large quantities of mousse.
The mousses are poured into molds or poured onto baking sheets in a layer of 4-5 cm and, after hardening, cut into portions.
Mousses are served with or without syrups.

Cranberry mousse

The base for the mousse (syrup with gelatin), prepared in the same way as for the jelly, is cooled to 30-40 C and whipped until the mixture turns into a fluffy mass.
Then quickly, without allowing it to completely harden (at a temperature of 30-35 C), the mousse is poured into molds and cooled. Before release, the mold with mousse is immersed 2/3 of the volume in warm water for a few seconds. The mousse is cut into portions, placed in a bowl or vase and poured with cranberry sauce, or fruit syrup, or natural berry syrup at the rate of 20 g per serving.

The mousse should not be whipped in an aluminum bowl, as this will change its color and give it a metallic taste.

Strawberry mousse

Prepare in the same way as cranberry mousse.
When leaving, the mousse is poured with fruit or natural berry syrup, or strawberry sauce, or served with whipped cream, or cold boiled milk is served separately.

Lemon mousse

Peel the lemons, cut them in half and squeeze out the juice.
The zest is poured with hot water, boiled for 5-6 minutes, filtered, sugar is added to the broth, prepared gelatin is added, combined with lemon juice, cooled and whipped.

When leaving, the mousse is poured with cognac sauce, or sugar syrup, or fruit syrup, or natural berry syrup (20 g per serving).

Orange or tangerine mousse

The mousse is prepared and released in the same way as lemon mousse.

Apple mousse (semolina based)

After removing the seed nests, the apples are cut and boiled.
The broth is filtered, the apples are pureed, mixed with the broth, sugar and citric acid are added and brought to a boil.
Then add sifted semolina in a thin stream and cook, stirring, for 15-20 minutes.
The mixture is cooled to 40 C and whipped until a thick foamy mass is formed, which is poured into molds and cooled.

Fruit and berry mousse (on semolina)

Prepare a decoction of cranberries.
Sugar is added to apple or apricot puree diluted with hot water or cranberry broth and brought to a boil.
Otherwise, the cooking method is the same as for apple mousse.


The gelling agents in these dishes are pectin and gelatin or sodium alginate.
Sambuca is usually prepared using apple and apricot purees.
The apples are washed, cut and pitted.
The prepared fruits are placed in saucepans, a little water is added, baked in ovens and wiped.
Whipped protein is added to the puree, melted gelatin or sodium alginate solution is poured in a thin stream and poured into molds.

Sambuca apple or plum

After removing the seeds, apples (without seeds) or plums are placed on a baking sheet, a small amount of water is added and baked in an oven; then they are cooled and wiped.
Add sugar and egg white to the resulting puree and beat in the cold until a fluffy mass is formed.
The prepared gelatin is placed on a water bain-marie, stirring, allowed to completely dissolve and filter, then poured in a thin stream into the whipped mass with continuous and rapid stirring with a whisk.
The mass is poured into molds and cooled. Sambuca is released in the same way as mousse.

Sambuco apricot

The seeds are also removed from the apricots, poured with hot water, boiled until the fruits soften, and wiped. Dried apricots are pre-soaked, then also boiled and pureed.
Sugar, egg white, and citric acid are added to the puree.
The rest is prepared and released, just like apple sambuca.
When leaving, pour sambuco with apricot sauce - 20 g per serving.

Creams and whipped cream. Cooking technology, serving rules. Range

Creams are prepared from thick (containing at least 35% fat) cream or sour cream of 36% fat content with the addition of eggs, milk, sugar, fruit or berry puree and gelatin, as well as various flavoring and aromatic products.

For butter and sour cream, the egg yolks are thoroughly ground with sugar, hot milk is added and heated.
Sugar increases the coagulation temperature of the yolk proteins, and flakes do not form.
Soaked gelatin, agar, agaroid or modified starch are added to the resulting mixture. After dissolving the gelling substances, the mixture is cooled to 20-30 C and whipped cream is added.
Cream whipped best is cooled to 4-7 C.
During the whipping process, the temperature of the cream increases by 3-4 C.
Therefore, if it is above 4-5 C, the cream must be whipped with continuous cooling, placing the whipping bowl in an ice bath.

Creams are prepared not only with cream, but also with sour cream.
Before whipping, the sour cream should be well cooled (to 2-3 C), otherwise oiling may occur during the whipping process.

Before adding whipped cream or sour cream, you can add various fillers and flavors to the cream mixture: ground, roasted nuts, pistachios, chocolate, ground gingerbread and shortbread crackers, vanillin, etc.
To obtain fruit creams, puree of strawberries, raspberries and black currants is added to the chilled egg-milk mixture.

The creams are poured into molds and cooled.
Before serving, the mold is immersed in warm water, removing the cream and served on dessert plates or vases of 75, 100 and 125 g per serving.

Vanilla, chocolate, coffee cream

First way.
For the egg-milk mixture, grind the eggs with sugar, add boiled hot milk in a small stream and heat to 70-80 C.
After this, while stirring, introduce the prepared gelatin, brought to a boil.
For vanilla cream, vanillin is added to the strained egg-milk mixture.
For coffee cream, the mixture is prepared with the addition of coffee infusion (50 g of coffee per 150 g of boiling water).
For chocolate cream, cocoa powder ground with sugar or refined powder is added to the hot egg-milk mixture.

Whip the cream in the cold until a thick, fluffy foam forms.
Add the egg-milk mixture, cooled to room temperature, into the whipped cream, stirring continuously.

Second way.
Vanillin or cocoa powder, ground with refined powder, is added to the whipped cream.
Then, with continuous stirring, add slightly cooled dissolved gelatin in a thin stream.
For coffee cream, gelatin is dissolved in a strong coffee infusion.

The finished cream is quickly poured into molds and cooled.
Before release, the form with the cream is immersed in warm water for a few seconds, then, after removing it from the water, it is shaken and the cream is placed on a vase or dessert plate.
When leaving, it is poured with coffee syrup or chocolate syrup or strawberry, or raspberry, or cherry sauce - 30 g per serving.

Nut cream

Almonds are peeled, fried with sugar with continuous stirring (20 g of sugar per 100 g of almonds) until light brown, cooled and crushed in a mortar.
Chopped almonds are combined with whipped cream or placed in an egg-milk mixture with gelatin.
They dispense cream like vanilla, chocolate, or coffee cream.

Vanilla sour cream

Beat the cooled sour cream until a thick fluffy mass is formed and, with continuous stirring, pour the egg-milk mixture with gelatin into it.
The cream is quickly poured into portioned molds and cooled.
When releasing, lower the mold into hot water for a few seconds, shake it, put the cream in a vase and pour apricot sauce, or strawberry sauce, or raspberry sauce, or cherry sauce per serving.

Berry cream

The berries are pureed, the finished puree is combined with an egg-milk mixture cooled to 18-20 C or refined powder (cream without eggs).
Otherwise, the cream is prepared like vanilla, chocolate, or coffee cream.
When leaving the cream, pour strawberry sauce or blackcurrant sauce - 30 g per serving.
To prepare the cream, you can use cherries or raspberries and pour over the appropriate sauce when leaving.

Citrus cream

Juice is squeezed out of tangerines or oranges.
Prepare the egg-milk mixture, add the prepared gelatin, brought to a boil, while stirring, then add the squeezed juice.
Whip the cooled cream and pour the prepared mixture into it with continuous stirring. The finished cream is quickly poured into molds and cooled.

Jam cream

The jam is diluted with hot water and heated to a boil, then filtered and pureed. Prepare the egg-milk mixture, add the prepared gelatin, brought to a boil, while stirring, then add the diluted pureed jam.
Whip the cooled cream and pour the prepared mixture into it with continuous stirring. Then the cream is quickly poured into molds and cooled.
Place the cream on a vase or dessert plate, pour over fruit or berry sauce (30 g per serving).

Jam cream or marmalade

Prepare and dispense like jam cream.

Creamed rice (Latvian national dish)

Rice is cooked in a folding manner and cooled.
Whip the cream, add sugar and pre-prepared gelatin. Rice is added to the resulting mass.
The prepared cream is placed into molds.
The cream is served with cranberry sauce - 30 g per serving.

Whipped cream or sour cream

Pour cold cream or sour cream into a clean, chilled bowl to fill 1/3 of its volume and beat until a thick, fluffy and stable foam is formed.
Add refined powder to whipped cream or sour cream while stirring.
When dispensing, whipped cream or sour cream is placed in a bowl.
Whipped cream can be served with jam, or oranges, or tangerines (30 g per serving), or chocolate (3-5 g per serving).

Whipped cream with nuts, chocolate, lemon

Almonds are crushed and fried.
Cocoa powder or lemon zest is mixed with refined powder and carefully added to the whipped cream.
When leaving, put the whipped cream in a bowl and sprinkle with nuts (for whipped cream with nuts).
Whipped cream can be served with cookies or dry sponge cake (sticks) - 30 g per serving.

Ice cream. Submission rules, assortment

Catering establishments sell industrial ice cream (hardened or soft).
To obtain soft ice cream, it is kept at room temperature until softened and served with various dessert additives and side dishes.
Hardened ice cream is placed in bowls, poured with syrup, wine, or canned fruits, berries or jam are placed on top.
Soft ice cream is served with various side dishes.

Chocolate garnish.
Condensed milk is diluted with water, boiled, cocoa powder ground with sugar is added, the mixture is again heated to 80 C, filtered, cooled and vanillin is added.

Apricot garnish.
The dried apricots are sorted, washed, poured with cold water, allowed to swell and cooked until tender; then puree, add sugar and cool.

Ice cream with peaches.

Place a slice of biscuit in a bowl, put ice cream on it, put half a canned peach on top, pour over strawberry sauce and sprinkle with chopped almonds.

Ice cream "Surprise".

Prepared for banquets and New Year's dinners.
Canned fruits are placed on a metal dish, and a second slice of biscuit is placed on them. The prepared ice cream with biscuit and fruit is topped with whipped egg whites and sugar and baked for 1-2 minutes in an oven at a temperature of at least 260 C until the whites are browned.

When serving, you can pour cognac or alcohol around the ice cream and light it

"Apple Sambuc"

Operation No. the name of the operation
1 Wash and dry the apples.
2 Remove the seed nest from the apples and peel the skin.
3 Cut apples into halves.
4 Place them on a baking sheet with the cut side on the bottom and add water.
5 Bake apples in the oven.
6 Cool.
7 Strain the cooled baked apples through a sieve.
8 Separate egg whites from yolks.
9 Soak gelatin in cold boiled water.
10 Add sugar and egg whites to applesauce.
11 Beat the resulting mass in the cold until a fluffy mass forms.
12 Place the soaked gelatin in a water bath, let it dissolve completely, stirring continuously, then strain.
13 Pour the dissolved gelatin into the whipped mixture in a thin stream with continuous and rapid stirring.
14 Pour the mixture into molds and cool.

Task 3

Reference: Sambuca is served in molds or bowls of 100-150 g. per serving. Decorate with whipped cream, chocolate, nuts (20-30 g.)

Task No. 4.

Table 3

Requirements for the quality of the “Apple Sambuc” dish.


Exercise 1. Using the product input rates (gross and net) presented in Table 1, calculate the need for products (gross and net) for one and seven servings for preparing the “Cranberry Mousse” dish.

Write the obtained data in the empty cells of Table 1.

Table 1

« Cranberry mousse"

The maximum number of points for task No. 1 is 10 points

2. From memory, compose the technological sequence of performing the main operations when preparing the “Cranberry Mousse” dish. The total number of operations should not exceed 12 operations.

Enter the operations in the technological sequence in Table 2.

The maximum number of points for task No. 2 is 10 points

table 2

The sequence of technological operations when preparing a dish

"Cranberry Mousse"

Task 3. Write a detailed description of how the dish will be served.

The maximum number of points for task No. 3 is 3 points

Reference: The mousse is placed in bowls or plates, 100-150 grams each. per serving and top with sweet cranberry syrup. If the mousse was formed in a tray, then it is cut into square pieces with wavy edges.

Task 4. Write down the requirements for the quality of the dish and their description in Table 3.

Maximum points for task No. 4 – 7 points

Table 3

Requirements for the quality of the dish "Cranberry Mousse"

The maximum number of points for a situational task is 30 points

Prepared product/implemented process:

Mastered knowledge Evaluation criteria 0 - the criterion is absent 1 – the criterion is partially present 2 – the criterion is fully present
Know the classification, assortment, nutritional value, quality requirements of sweet dishes and drinks;
Know the rules for choosing basic products and additional ingredients for them when preparing sweet dishes and drinks;
Know the sequence of technological operations when preparing sweet dishes and drinks;
Know the rules for carrying out grading;
Know serving methods and design options;
Know the rules for refrigerating and storing sweet foods and drinks;
Know the temperature conditions for storing sweet dishes and drinks, serving temperature; quality requirements for sweet dishes and drinks;
Know the types of necessary technological equipment and production equipment, the rules for their safe use.
Mastered skills
Be able to check organoleptically the quality of main products and additional ingredients;
Be able to determine their compliance with technological requirements for simple sweet dishes and drinks;
Be able to choose production tools and equipment for preparing sweet dishes and drinks;
Be able to use various technologies for preparing and decorating sweet dishes and drinks;
Be able to evaluate the quality of cold dishes and snacks;
Mastered PCs Evaluation criteria 0 - the criterion is absent 1 - the criterion is partially present 2 - the criterion is fully present
PC 7.1. Prepare and present simple cold and hot sweet dishes Correct organization of the workplace, selection of tools, equipment and technological equipment; Sequence of technological operations when preparing dishes Compliance with the requirements of safe working conditions, sanitation and hygiene Rules for grading
PC 7.2. Prepare simple hot drinks Fidelity and accuracy of recipe calculations; Compliance with the requirements for organizing the workplace, choosing tools, inventory and technological equipment; Correct assimilation of the material; Speed ​​and technicality of work performance Clarity and reasoning when carrying out rejection Compliance with the design and serving of drinks
PC 7.3. Prepare and decorate simple cold drinks Independence in performing recipe calculations; Correct organization of the workplace, selection of tools, equipment and technological equipment; Carrying out work in accordance with the technological process Reasonable choice of rejecting method Compliance with the rules for the design and serving of drinks
Mastered OK Outcome Indicators Evaluation criteria 0 - the criterion is absent 1 - the criterion is partially present 2 - the criterion is fully present
OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it. Stable academic performance in academic disciplines, MDC, educational and work practice, attendance at professional electives, subject clubs
OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager. Planning and implementation of professional tasks
OK 3. Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work. Possession of skills to eliminate the main problems in professional activities and ways to solve them; Carrying out assessment and self-monitoring of the quality of performance of types of professional activities.
OK 4. Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks. Possession of skills in using reference, regulatory and technical documentation.
OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities. Knowledge of methods for independently searching for the necessary information to solve professional problems using modern information technologies.
OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients. Compliance with the rules of interpersonal communication: mastery of techniques to politely defend one’s own point of view, argue and prove one’s own judgments; Compliance with professional ethical behavior; Finding opportunities to offer help and advice to fellow students; Maintaining speech culture.
OK 7. Prepare the production premises for work and maintain its sanitary condition. Maintenance of workplaces in accordance with work safety requirements; Compliance with the rules for organizing the workplace when preparing semi-finished products from vegetables and mushrooms; Compliance with the rules for organizing the workplace when preparing dishes and side dishes from vegetables and mushrooms; Correct operation of technological equipment
OK 8. Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men). There are no assignments.

Evaluation paper

Task No. 1 Testing

Levels of activity Criteria for evaluation Availability of criteria 0 criterion is absent 1 – criterion is partially present 2 – criterion is fully present


Completes tasks with interest
Shows emotional stability when completing tasks
Prepares work accurately, without corrections, in accordance with document requirements


Demonstrates knowledge of raw material processing rules
Demonstrates knowledge of technology for preparing sweet dishes and drinks
Has knowledge of the rules for storing raw materials
Has knowledge of the rules for storing ready-made sweet dishes and drinks


Demonstrates ability to work in a group
Shows a sense of mutual assistance towards fellow students
Creative Not included in the assignment


Demonstrates the ability to find the causes of defects in sweet foods and drinks
Analyzes the consequences of his possible mistakes and shortcomings in his work



Adequately evaluates his answer
Identifies his mistakes and shortcomings, offering options for correcting them
Actively demonstrates a desire to learn and improve further

Evaluation paper

for the qualification exam for the professional module PM.07 in profession 260807.01 Cook, confectioner

FULL NAME. student ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group No. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
