Chocolate sponge cake with cheese cream. Chocolate cake with Philadelphia cream cheese frosting. Recipe for carrot cake with cheese cream



1 cup flour (160g), 2/3 cup powdered sugar (~140g), 30g cocoa, 1 tsp baking powder, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 1/3 teaspoon of salt, 2 eggs, 60g butter, 0.5 cups sour cream (125g), 0.5 cups of strong coffee (125g)


300g pitted cherries, 0.5 cups sugar (100g), if desired - 1 tbsp cognac


300g cream (curd) cheese, 150g butter, 3/4 cup powdered sugar (~150g)

In one bowl, mix all the dry products - sifted flour, cocoa, powdered sugar, salt, baking powder and soda.

In the second - all wet products: melted butter, eggs, sour cream.

Brew strong coffee. If you will use soluble, then take 3 teaspoons of powder.
Mix the contents of both bowls.

You will get a thick dough with a spreadable consistency.

Continuing to beat, pour hot coffee in a thin stream under the rotating blades of the mixer.

You will get a liquid dough that flows in a wide thin ribbon.
Place a circle of baking paper on the bottom of the mold d=22~24cm.
Pour out the dough.

Cover the top of the pan with foil.

Place in a preheated oven at t=220°C until ready - about 40~50 minutes. Check if it is ready by piercing the dough with a wooden stick directly through the foil. There should be no batter on the stick.
Remove the finished cake from the oven and leave to cool without removing it from the mold.
If the cake has risen strongly and stuck to the foil, do not tear off the foil under any circumstances. Place a kitchen towel on top of the foil and leave to cool. Moisture will condense on the foil and it will easily come away from the dough.

Cherry layer
Thaw the cherries and beat in a blender along with sugar.
If desired, you can add a little cognac to the cherry mass.

Remove the butter and cream cheese from the refrigerator in advance and bring to room temperature.
Beat the butter with a mixer with powdered sugar.
Mix cheese and butter until smooth.

Assembling the cake
Remove the cooled cake from the pan.
If a lump forms on the cake, cut it off.
Cut the cake into two parts.

Pour one third of the cherry mixture onto the slices of the cakes and spread in an even layer.

Leave the cakes to soak for 20~30 minutes.

Place the crust that was on top on a dish, soaking side up.
Spread with half the cream.

Place the second cake layer (which was the bottom) on top of the cream, soaking side down.

Pour the remaining cherry mixture on top.

Leave until completely absorbed.

Grease the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream.

Decorate as desired.

This one is lazier)) Although I am not a fan of chocolate baking, I adore this sponge cake! Every time I admire both the texture and taste. Soft and airy and really tasty. The cream is also cool: thick, dense, delicious! Crushed nuts and cherries are also good :) Everything together is just great!

Products(for a cake weighing a little more than 1 kg):
1 egg
200 g sugar
50 g odorless vegetable oil (I use corn oil)
150 g flour
15 g cocoa powder
10 g baking powder
100 ml milk
100 ml boiling water
For cream:
375 g cream cheese
75 g cream (33%)
50 g powdered sugar
30 g dark chocolate
6 g butter
35 g nuts (I use hazelnuts)
50 g cherries
For chocolate drips:
30 g dark chocolate
15 g cream (33%)
6 g butter

Beat the egg with sugar, add butter, beat further. Mix dry products (flour, cocoa and baking powder), add to the dough along with milk, mix and beat a little. Pour in boiling water and finally beat the dough.

I make cakes with a small diameter, but high, they are so fashionable now :))) I take a springform pan with a diameter of 11 cm. I remove the bottom and simply cover the bottom with food foil. I grease the foil and the inside of the mold with vegetable oil using a brush.
The first time I poured all the dough into the mold at once and baked it for 55 minutes at 180 degrees. A little bit of my dough “escaped” from the ring, the cake after assembly came out to 1015 grams (I cut the baked sponge cake into 4 layers).
The second time I divided the dough into 2 parts and baked it in this form in 2 batches (50 minutes at 180 degrees), so the dough did not “run away”. I cut each of the two baked cake layers in half, but from these 4 layers the cake came out very tall, I assembled a cake from 3 layers, and the fourth was eaten just like a cupcake. After assembly, the cake came out to 930 g.
For the cream, we need chocolate ganache: melt chocolate with 15 g of heavy cream and butter in a water bath, stir until smooth.

Beat the cream cheese with the remaining heavy cream and powdered sugar. Add ganache to the cheese cream and stir until smooth.
In the second case, I added ganache only to part of the cream (to make a layer inside), and finished the outside of the cake with white cream, i.e. the inner cream turned out to be richer than in the first case.

Assemble the cake according to the scheme: cake layer, cream, crushed nuts... Repeat until the cake layers are gone. Coat the top and sides with cream.
Prepare the chocolate ganache again in a water bath, make chocolate streaks on the cake. Decorate the cake with cherries and twigs.

I decorated the second version of the cake with cherries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. I made an inscription for it with food markers on mastic, which was additionally silvered with condurin, this is really not noticeable in the photo. This (second option) cake was baked to order, so there is no cut.

I haven’t been here on LiveJournal for 5 days, but today I was looking through the feed and read it from Lily liligorina that July 20 was Cake day, no, I knew even that year, but this year I forgot :(
I mentioned on the blog that I bake to order, so recently I started making cakes, there aren’t as many orders as I would like, but I hope (fingers crossed) that’s it for now. Maybe it’s good, I’m getting 2 higher degrees at the same time, this year (academic) I have to write 2 diplomas, so I would be sewn up if things went brilliantly with orders)) In general, after graduating from university I’m going to return to my hometown ( I’m studying in Voronezh, but I was born and lived until I graduated from school in the Murmansk region), working there and at the same time, again, baking to order (there are already people interested))), so maybe there’s no point in trying to get promoted here now... But in general (in a whisper), I really hope to only engage in confectionery :), this, of course, is if things go well and I understand that I can fully provide for myself with this. These are the plans and dreams.

Then, with gratitude, let this post with a cake recipe be dedicated to my Cake Day :)

Red velvet cake is mega popular right now. I've already lost count of how many times I've done it.

The dough is very easy to make, especially if you have a stand mixer in your kitchen. Place everything in a bowl and beat until smooth.

I bake three cakes with a diameter of 24 cm. You can bake in one form, and then cut. But by baking each one separately, we get an even cake without cracks (I like this option better).

I always make red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. You can eat it right away, but if you let the cake sit, it will be a flavor bomb!

As for decoration. It all depends on your occasion and imagination. I decorated the cake with chocolate and fruit. In general, you can disguise this beautiful cake under any decoration.

Our ingredients for the dough.

We put the bowl on the scales. First, add all the dry ingredients.

Then add the liquid ingredients.

Beat the dough with a mixer until smooth and homogeneous.

We cover the form with baking paper. Pour out the dough.

If you bake three cakes, you get 450 g of dough for each.

Bake the cakes at 170 degrees until done. Approximately 12-15 minutes.

Run a spatula around the edge of the pan and remove the cake, remove the paper and cool the cake on a wire rack.

The cakes are very delicate, you need to work with them carefully.

Ideally, wrap the cakes in film (each separately) and leave for at least a couple of hours.

I bake the cakes in the evening and assemble the cake in the morning.

To make it really beautiful, I trim the edges. You don't have to do this.

The cream for the cream must be cold.

Whip the cream to stable peaks.

Add cheese and powdered sugar.

Beat again until smooth.

It is more convenient to assemble the cake in a split ring. If this is not the case, you can do it in the usual way.

Spread a third of the cream onto the crust and smooth it out.

Cover with the second cake layer and spread the cream again.

Close with the third cake layer. We remove the ring.

Apply cream to the sides and top of the cake.

Smooth out the cream and decorate.

Today I made a red velvet cake with cream cheese cream like this. Try it, you won't regret it!

You can leave the sides open, it also looks great.

For the evening family tea party I decided to bake cream cheese cake. The cake turned out amazing! I added canned peaches to the delicate cream, which added extra juiciness. If you don't have peaches, you can try replacing them with other canned or fresh fruits. The most delicate creamy cheese cream and juicy fruits perfectly complement the chocolate sponge cake. Very tasty, try it!


To make a cream cheese cake you will need:
For the test:
eggs - 2 pcs.;
sugar - 200 g;
flour - 300 g;
cocoa powder - 40 g;
milk - 250 ml;
sunflower oil - 50 ml;
baking powder - 1 tsp. with a slide;
salt - 0.5 tsp;
vanillin - 1/3 tsp. (or 1 packet of vanilla sugar).
For cream:
cream cheese (I use cream cheese) - 300 g;
butter - 200 g;
powdered sugar - 7 tbsp. l.;
condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l.;
canned peaches (or other canned or fresh fruits) - 150 g (more is possible);
peach syrup for soaking;
peanut petals for decoration.

Cooking steps

To prepare the dough, place sugar, eggs, salt and vanillin in a mixing bowl.

Beat thoroughly for 5 minutes.

Then pour milk and butter into the resulting dough.

Sift flour with cocoa and baking powder into the dough, beat until smooth. The dough will be like thick sour cream.

Grease the baking dish (I have a mold with a diameter of 26 cm) with oil; if it is silicone, you don’t have to grease it. Pour the dough into the mold and level it out. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for approximately 35 minutes. We check readiness with a toothpick (when piercing the finished biscuit, the toothpick should remain dry).

Take the finished biscuit out of the mold, let it cool, and then cut it in half lengthwise. We will get 2 cakes.

Soak the cakes with syrup from canned peaches.

To prepare the cream for the cake, place the cream cheese, softened butter and condensed milk in a bowl. Beat until almost homogeneous.

Add powdered sugar and beat until the cream is smooth.

Spread cream with peaches onto the bottom cake.

Cover with the second cake layer. Spread the remaining cream cheese cream (to which no peaches were added) on top. Leave the cake in a cool place to soak for 3 hours or more.

Decorate as desired. I sprinkled it with peanut brittle.

Cut the finished cake with cream cheese cream into pieces, pour tea or coffee and enjoy. Everything is simple and very tasty!

Bon appetit!

Delicious chocolate cake

If you are planning to bake a cake for a birthday or other home celebration, and at the same time you are short on time, I offer you a simple chocolate cake recipe. The crust of this cake is sponge cake (by ) and the cream is made from curd cheese (no need to beat, just a couple of minutes to mix the cheese with powdered sugar). And on top of the cake is poured melted chocolate and thickly sprinkled with walnuts.

The taste is crazy. Coarsely broken nuts frozen in chocolate enhance its luxurious chocolate taste. Ours is full of cream and festive joy. And preparing it is very easy and quick. You can do it too. Recipe:

Ingredients of chocolate cake with cheese cream

for a baking dish with a diameter of 22-24 cm

For the chocolate sponge cake

  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon – 1 tablespoon (optional, not required);
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • A knob of butter for greasing the pie pan.

For soaking cakes

  • Water 1/3 cup;
  • Sugar – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Cognac – 2 tablespoons.

You can take any syrup from fruit compote or liquid jam, or you can sprinkle the cakes with wine.

For the sweet cheese cream

  • Curd cheese without additives (yogurt or cream) or mascarpone – 450 g (I took 3 packs of Almette creamy curd cheese);
  • Powdered sugar - 3-4 heaped tablespoons (to taste).

To decorate the top of the cake

  • Chocolate – 100 g (I took a bar of elite, very dark chocolate);
  • Walnuts – 100 g.

How to make chocolate cake

Bake a chocolate sponge cake

  • Beat eggs with sugar and salt.
  • Combine all the dry ingredients of the dough (flour, baking powder, cocoa, cinnamon) and carefully mix them with the beaten eggs.
  • Grease the baking dish with oil. Pour the dough into it. Bake the biscuit in a preheated oven at a temperature of 170-180 degrees C (40-60 minutes, approximately). A sign of readiness is the thick smell of baking. In addition, you need to pierce the cake with a wooden stick; if it comes out dry, without lumps, the sponge cake is baked.
  • Remove the finished chocolate sponge cake from the oven, cover with a towel and cool. In general, it can be baked in advance (1-2 days in advance) and, after cooling, stored in a tightly closed bag until the cake is assembled at room temperature.

Prepare cream cheese cream

  • Combine cottage cheese and powdered sugar. Mix well. There is no need to beat, just stir until the cheese becomes evenly sweet.

Prepare syrup for soaking cakes

  • Combine water and sugar and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Cool (at least until warm). Add cognac.

Collect chocolate cake

  • Cut the cooled sponge cake into 2 or 3 layers. I divided it into 3 using a long knife.
  • Place each cake on its own plate. Soak in syrup (or wine or liquid jam).

We spill or grease the cakes with impregnation. In my opinion, if you take jam for impregnation, then cranberry, cherry or currant (sour and liquid) would be better.

  • Assemble the cake, coating the first and second layers with cream. Grease the sides with cream too. It is convenient to do this using a special flat plate for smoothing the cream on the cake or a spatula from the food processor set (you know, the kind that is good for scraping the cream from its walls).
  • Simply place the third cake layer on top of the cream, soaked side facing the cream. I also sprinkled the cream layer with pre-soaked and dried sweet and sour raisins (I took 200 g in total), they add piquancy. But this is optional.
  • Pour melted chocolate or chocolate icing over the top, ungreased cake layer. Sprinkle coarsely chopped walnuts generously on top.
