How long do chanterelle mushrooms last in the refrigerator? How to preserve chanterelle mushrooms for the winter: tips and secrets from experienced mushroom pickers

Many connoisseurs of quiet hunting try to preserve the collected chanterelles well for the winter. Knowing the basic storage methods and several of the most popular recipes, you can choose how best to save in each specific case beneficial features mushrooms long time.

Storage after collection

Chanterelle mushrooms are deservedly popular in Russian cuisine and are in demand among domestic mushroom pickers due to their high quality, valuable and nutritional composition, as well as excellent taste characteristics. These are delicious and healthy mushrooms, always growing quite en masse, appear in several waves from early summer to autumn. The bulk of the fruiting bodies of chanterelles are formed between July and the last ten days of September.

However, the most best time It is customary to consider the summer months for harvesting: July and August, when these mushrooms have the highest nutritional value and a pronounced mushroom aroma. The fruiting bodies of chanterelles contain the substance chitinmannose, which is capable of enveloping and quickly destroying pests, so these mushrooms are never wormy and remain fresh for a long time, for which they are loved by many mushroom pickers.

Chanterelles are light-loving species, so they are collected on forest glades, along roads and clearings, as well as in open forests. The fruiting bodies of this lamellar mushroom are quite fragile, so collection should be carried out very carefully, in wicker boxes or baskets. Mushrooms must be processed immediately after collection.

In a cool room, the shelf life of collected chanterelles is only a day. Even in the refrigerator it is not recommended to store fruiting bodies for several days, which negatively affects the quality and taste characteristics fruiting bodies Initially, you need to very carefully and thoroughly sort through the collected mushrooms, making sure to remove all crumpled and old fruiting bodies, as well as forest debris. Mushrooms should be washed very carefully, due to the increased fragility and fragility of the fruiting body.

How to freeze chanterelles (video)

Storing fried mushrooms

A good way to prepare chanterelles is winter period is to store them fried. Each kilogram of peeled and washed fruiting bodies in cold water should be dried a little on a towel and cut into small pieces. It is advisable to boil the mushrooms before frying. Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated frying pan, add boiled mushrooms, add about 40 g of medium-sized salt and three bay leaves.

Fry the mushrooms over medium heat for ½ hour until all the moisture has evaporated. Fill clean, pre-sterilized, dry jars tightly with mushrooms and add the remaining oil in the pan. Seal the jars with lids, turn them over and cover with a warm cloth until cool. This product keeps well in the refrigerator for at least six months. Open workpiece with fried chanterelles should be used within four days.

If desired, the fried mushrooms can be frozen by distributing them into small containers or plastic containers, which will subsequently allow such a simple workpiece to be used as great addition for soups, mushroom dressing or when preparing side dishes.

How to store boiled chanterelles

Prepare something so delicious and useful workpiece very easy for winter:
  • clean the fruiting bodies from impurities, old or damaged areas and plant debris;
  • very carefully rinse the fruiting bodies several times under running water until dust and soil particles are completely removed;
  • pour clean sorted mushrooms into boiling water and cook over high heat for no more than five to seven minutes;
  • drain the water and cool the mushrooms;
  • sort the cooled mushrooms into dry and clean plastic containers or small plastic bags;
  • Place bags or containers of mushrooms in the freezer.

The shelf life of frozen scalded chanterelles is approximately three months. Of course, such a product can be stored much longer, but each subsequent month of storage negatively affects the taste characteristics and quality indicators. It is very important not to expose boiled chanterelles re-freezing, since repeated freezing makes the fruiting bodies unsuitable for subsequent consumption for food purposes.

Drying technology

Initially, you should review the collected mushrooms and select the strongest, young specimens suitable for drying. After manual cleaning, it is not recommended to wash mushrooms, since in this case the drying process is delayed and the storage of dried products is deteriorated.

One of the most popular and widespread is the method natural drying mushrooms in the sun. In this case, the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms should be carefully strung on a thread and then hung in a well-lit room. sun rays and a windy place. The process of such natural drying takes no more than ten days.

Cleaned of forest debris and impurities, the sorted mushrooms should be cut into small pieces and placed on a baking sheet or wire rack, which should be placed in an oven preheated to 45-50 o C. After the mushrooms have dried a little, you need to take a short break and finally dry the chanterelles with the oven door slightly open.

Properly dried mushrooms completely retain not only all their nutritional properties, but also characteristic mushroom aroma. Dried chanterelles should be stored in gauze bags, which must be placed in a well-ventilated, dry and clean room. Standard temperature regime for storing dry mushrooms should be about 12°C. It is very important to regularly inspect dried mushrooms to prevent them from becoming moldy. Also, if necessary, periodically dry the mushrooms in the oven.

Before use, dried mushrooms must be soaked for a couple of hours in water at room temperature. Water after soaking can be used when preparing first courses or mushroom sauce. It is practiced to soak dry chanterelles in milk, which improves the taste of the prepared dish. If desired, dried mushrooms can be processed into mushroom powder, storage of which in winter has a number of advantages:

  • small volume allows you to very effectively save storage space;
  • cooking takes minimal amount does not require time pre-soaking mushrooms;
  • mushroom powders belong to the category of more complete mushroom dishes, as they are absorbed as quickly and easily as possible.

You can grind dried mushrooms either in a hand mortar or using a coffee grinder or a special pepper grinder. It is best to store dry mushroom powder in clean glass containers with hermetically sealed lids. Average shelf life mushroom powder without loss of taste and nutritional qualities is about two years.

Features of salting and preservation

Salted mushrooms are a complement to many dishes national cuisine and are used as a good cold snack. As a rule, it is used for pickling chanterelles. hot way, allowing you to get not only very tasty, but also healthy mushroom preparation:

  • it is advisable to use small and dense fruiting bodies that can retain their shape and appearance during heat treatment;
  • the selected mushrooms should be carefully but thoroughly cleaned of debris and rinsed several times in cool water;
  • pour the prepared fruiting bodies into boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour, then drain the water and rinse the mushrooms cold water;
  • place chanterelles in layers enamel pan, sprinkling with layers of salt at the rate of 50 g per kilogram of mushrooms;
  • put a lid on top and press down.

Chanterelles for the winter: recipe (video)

The process of pickling mushrooms lasts about a month, after which the finished product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Canning chanterelles is no less popular among housewives. This method perfectly allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of mushrooms for a long time. Glass jars are used for canning, and the whole process is carried out in several stages, including boiling and pouring marinade based on a liter of water into the jars, three dining rooms spoons of salt, ½ cup of sugar and a glass table vinegar.

Sealed and sterilized jars with mushroom preparation should be stored in a cool and dry place for no more than a year.

Working with mushrooms for novice housewives seems very difficult, especially when it comes to fresh products. Questions arise regarding the duration of storage in the freezer and heat treatment - or lack thereof. Is it possible to freeze chanterelles for the winter so that they do not taste bitter and retain all their beneficial properties?

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter

If you are thinking about harvesting chanterelles, you need to start by studying general rules on freezing mushrooms. Professionals advise taking into account that:

  • To save raw product process it as quickly as possible, and not after a week of storage. It is best to collect and immediately start working with mushrooms. This way the preparation will be tastier and safer.
  • Before any processing, all mushrooms must be washed and then sorted. Soak for an hour and a half, rinse, examine in order to select spoiled or damaged ones. It is better to fry or boil broken ones before freezing, but whole ones can be left raw.
  • After washing, the mushrooms need to be dried well so that the moisture they absorb does not later turn into ice.
  • You should not soak the product for a long time - pour it in and clean it immediately.
  • Drying is long, it can take 4-5 hours, but it cannot be neglected.
  • For long-term storage, the product can be salted before freezing.
  • Large mushrooms must be cut into thick slices.

If you don’t know how to freeze chanterelles for the winter, use these instructions:

  1. Sort through, remove debris, and fill with cold water for a couple of minutes.
  2. Rinse, carefully cleaning the cap with reverse side. Drain into a colander.
  3. After drying, divide the product into 2 groups according to the integrity of the mushrooms.
  4. Large, undamaged mushrooms are laid out on a flat surface, covered with film, and put away freezer. After a few hours, they are poured into a bag.
  5. Specimens that are broken or have lost their attractive appearance are boiled or fried, cooled and packaged in plastic containers.

Is it possible to freeze fresh chanterelles?

This mushroom is very popular because it rarely harbors worms, and after drying and crushing it can save you from helminthiasis. Most housewives make jarred preparations: pickle or salt, because they do not understand how to freeze chanterelle mushrooms for the winter and whether this can be done without boiling them first. Professionals assure that fresh product not dangerous if you remember important points:

  • It is advisable to process the chanterelles within 18 hours. It is best to collect them in the morning and cook them in the afternoon, since the shelf life fresh mushrooms is only a day; at the same time, they are becoming less and less safe every hour.
  • If a break is required between the time of collection and the start of work, pour the mushrooms into a saucepan and place in the refrigerator. Do not keep them warm under any circumstances.

Boiled chanterelles for the winter

Most reliable way product preparation - freezing after preliminary boiling. This way it will not change the taste during storage. Most housewives like this algorithm because of the subsequent time savings: all that remains is to defrost the mushrooms, fry or stew for a few minutes, and you can eat. Follow these tips:

  • You can boil chanterelles for storing for the winter according to any recipe, except those that create broth: you need to preserve the taste and aroma inside the mushroom, and not give it to water.
  • If chanterelles go into soup in winter, you can freeze them with liquid in an airtight container.

How long should you cook mushrooms?

According to professionals, the length of stay of chanterelles in hot water should not exceed 20 minutes if you are going to freeze them after that. Taking into account defrosting and additional heat treatment of the workpiece total time Cooking will increase, so the mushrooms may become tasteless or “rubbery” in consistency. How to freeze chanterelles for the winter by boiling them:

  • Classic way– short heat treatment: keep in boiling water for 5 minutes. Chop the mushrooms first so they cook faster.
  • For broths and stewing, the product is cooked at high power for longer - 10-12 minutes, adding salt to the water.
  • After cooking, be sure to get rid of moisture if the mushrooms do not go into soup.

Frozen fried chanterelles

This The best way to obtain a finished product under time pressure. Some housewives do classic semi-finished product according to your favorite recipe, but professionals advise resorting to the standard scheme:

  1. The chanterelles are washed, placed on a towel, and dried for about an hour.
  2. Heat a frying pan with oil, fry the chopped pieces until the moisture leaves them. The approximate duration of this stage is 15-20 minutes.
  3. The fried chanterelles are cooled, then removed into bags/containers.

How long can frozen mushrooms be stored in the freezer?

The length of time during which chanterelles will be safe for your health depends on the method of freezing them (raw, fried, stewed) and storage conditions:

  • Maximum length of stay fresh chanterelles in the freezer - a year.
  • The boiled product can be stored for 3 months.
  • It is advisable to freeze fried mushrooms only for a month (they will not survive until winter).

Extending these periods reduces nutritional value product, although WHO claims that if the temperature is maintained below -20 degrees, the mushrooms receive an unlimited lifespan. Most housewives store them until next summer. However, please note that:

  • Defrosting is done through the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, even if you want to boil or fry the product.
  • Repeated changes in temperature conditions are not allowed, as well as preparing dishes based on chanterelles for future use - they must be eaten on the same day.
  • It is advisable to make the preparations in portions: this will make it easier to use them later.

Why do chanterelles taste bitter after freezing?

Change taste qualities product in the process of harvesting for the winter is an infrequent phenomenon, but with regard to mushrooms such a problem is not excluded. According to professionals, the reason lies in a violation of technology. Knowing how to properly freeze chanterelles for the winter so that they do not change their taste, you will preserve the beneficial properties of the product. Here are the instructions:

  • Do not soak the mushrooms before processing - just rinse and dry.
  • Use young, dense specimens.
  • Boil lightly: fill with cold water, boil, add salt. The boil should remain for a quarter of an hour, after which dry and package them in containers or bags.
  • Do not store the product for longer than 3 months - after the expiration date, the taste begins to deteriorate.

Video: how to freeze mushrooms

Chanterelles are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms, however, they are very popular in Russia and are used to prepare the most variety of dishes. Like other mushrooms, chanterelles are not intended for long-term storage, so the task of every housewife is to process the mushrooms or put them on sale. If there are a lot of chanterelles, then they can be stored for the winter.

How to properly store chanterelles

If you have a rich harvest of these mushrooms, try pickling the chanterelles. Although in this case they will lose their attractiveness outwardly. If you want to preserve the juicy red color of the mushrooms, it is recommended to freeze them. In this case, the entire set of amino acids and vitamins contained in fresh mushrooms will be preserved.

Before harvesting chanterelles for the winter, you need to sort through the mushrooms and discard old and wrinkled specimens. After this, rinse the mushrooms in cold water.

Many housewives note that chanterelles begin to taste bitter after freezing. Indeed, this happens, for example, when mushrooms were collected in dry times or chanterelles grew in a spruce forest.

Getting rid of bitterness after freezing is very easy. To do this, you first need to boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, and then cool, put them in bags or containers and freeze. Frozen mushrooms should be stored at -18 degrees. It is advisable to put red mushrooms in the freezer in small portions, because chanterelles are not suitable for re-freezing.

You can store chanterelles in refrigerators fried. To do this, red mushrooms must be peeled and then boiled to get rid of the bitterness. After this, fry the chanterelles until cooked in large quantities vegetable oil. While the mushrooms are frying, prepare the jars - sterilize them. Then fried mushrooms Place in jars and pour in the remaining fat so that a centimeter layer of oil covers the top of the mushrooms. Now you can roll up the jars. When they have cooled, store them in the refrigerator.

How long to store chanterelles in the refrigerator

Immediately after collecting mushrooms, chanterelles should be processed. If you do not have this opportunity, then the lamellar mushrooms should be put in the refrigerator. Dry and raw mushrooms Should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day, and wet - only a few hours. Therefore, it is better to immediately process the mushrooms: add water, rinse, and then boil. Boiled chanterelles can be in refrigeration chamber up to 5 days.

Fried chanterelles can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 6 months. Frozen mushrooms should last no longer than 4 months in the freezer. Moreover, chanterelles should be defrosted only when room temperature.

How to store dried chanterelles

Some people prefer to store mushrooms dry. This has its advantages: dried mushrooms have long term storage, take up little space, retain all essential minerals.

Dried chanterelles can be stored in glass jars. First, pour a little alcohol into the jar, then set it on fire and close the jar. In this case, all the oxygen leaves the jar, which actively participates in oxidative processes and quickly leads to spoilage of the mushrooms. And due to the lack of oxygen, the mushrooms in the jar do not mold.

Dried chanterelles can also be placed in canvas bags and stored in a dry, dark place. If the mushrooms are dry, they can be crushed in a coffee grinder and stored in a closed container. Chanterelle powder can be mixed with herbs and other spices and added to various sauces, first and second courses.

Vegetables and mushrooms

Chanterelles are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms; however, they are very popular in Russia and are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Like other mushrooms, chanterelles are not intended for long-term storage, so the task of every housewife is to process the mushrooms or put them on sale. If there are a lot of chanterelles, then they can be stored for the winter.

How to properly store chanterelles

If you have a rich harvest of these mushrooms, try pickling the chanterelles.

Although in this case they will lose their attractiveness outwardly. If you want to preserve the juicy red color of the mushrooms, it is recommended to freeze them. In this case, the entire set of amino acids and vitamins contained in fresh mushrooms will be preserved.

Before harvesting chanterelles for the winter, you need to sort through the mushrooms and discard old and wrinkled specimens. After this, rinse the mushrooms in cold water.

Many housewives note that chanterelles begin to taste bitter after freezing. Indeed, this happens, for example, when mushrooms were collected in dry times or chanterelles grew in a spruce forest.

Getting rid of bitterness after freezing is very easy.

To do this, you first need to boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, and then cool, put them in bags or containers and freeze. Frozen mushrooms should be stored at -18 degrees. It is advisable to put red mushrooms in the freezer in small portions, because chanterelles are not suitable for re-freezing.

You can also store chanterelles in the refrigerator fried.

To do this, red mushrooms must be peeled and then boiled to get rid of the bitterness. After this, fry the chanterelles until tender in a large amount of vegetable oil. While the mushrooms are frying, prepare the jars - sterilize them.

Then place the fried mushrooms in jars and pour in the remaining fat so that the top of the mushrooms is covered with a centimeter layer of oil. Now you can roll up the jars. When they have cooled, store them in the refrigerator.

How long to store chanterelles in the refrigerator

Immediately after collecting mushrooms, chanterelles should be processed. If you do not have this opportunity, then the lamellar mushrooms should be put in the refrigerator.

Dry and raw mushrooms should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day, and wet ones - only a few hours. Therefore, it is better to immediately process the mushrooms: add water, rinse, and then boil. Boiled chanterelles can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Fried chanterelles can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 6 months. Frozen mushrooms should last no longer than 4 months in the freezer. Moreover, chanterelles should be defrosted only at room temperature.

How to store dried chanterelles

Some people prefer to store mushrooms dry. This has its advantages: dried mushrooms have a long shelf life, take up little space, and retain all essential minerals.

Dried chanterelles can be stored in glass jars.

First, pour a little alcohol into the jar, then set it on fire and close the jar. In this case, all the oxygen leaves the jar, which actively participates in oxidative processes and quickly leads to spoilage of the mushrooms. And due to the lack of oxygen, the mushrooms in the jar do not mold.

Dried chanterelles can also be placed in canvas bags and stored in a dry, dark place. If the mushrooms are dry, they can be crushed in a coffee grinder and stored in a closed container. Chanterelle powder can be mixed with herbs and other spices and added to various sauces, first and second courses.

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A mushroom like chanterelle sometimes produces a rich harvest. Therefore, it is often prepared for the winter. Most often to save delicious product on for a long time, he is frozen.

But sometimes chanterelles can taste bitter after defrosting. This happens if the crop is harvested in a spruce forest or there has been no rain for a long time. What to do?

Storage rules

Before any manipulation, the mushroom must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water. It is also worth sorting out the crop. Do not use old and dry specimens for food.

To avoid bitterness after defrosting, and also to retain the natural taste, chanterelles are pre-boiled.

The whole procedure takes 20 minutes. Afterwards it is cooled. You can then pack it into containers or bags and freeze it.

Defrost only at room temperature. Keep frozen for up to 4 months.

But sometimes it is not possible to cook, the mushroom is simply put in a cold place until the time comes, but the question immediately arises - how long can chanterelles be stored in the refrigerator? Usually this period is a day, but this is only if the mushroom is dry.

If it is wet, then you can only keep it for a couple of hours on the coldest shelf. Later it can no longer be eaten. If you manage to boil the mushrooms, they will be edible for up to 5 days.

Best Recipes

The harvest is most often pickled, but its appearance is not so attractive. If a fresh mushroom fascinates with its beauty, then a salted one is no longer so beautiful.

In most cases, after cooking, the product is fried and then placed in sterile jars, poured oil on top and rolled up. This preservation can last up to six months in a cool place.

Some housewives prefer to dry the product. And that's reasonable.

After all, dried mushrooms take up little space, their shelf life increases significantly, and they can be used in any dish. Usually they are put in linen bags and placed in a dark place. You can use a sterile jar instead of a bag, but first release all the air with alcohol.

The question of how long chanterelles can be stored is very relevant.

If they are raw, then no more than a day. It is best to boil the product first, then you can use it for another 5 days. Housewives also practice drying, salting, preserving and freezing. If you use the freezer, it is better to boil the mushrooms first.

Common chanterelle (real) - edible mushroom of the Chanterelle family. The name comes from the Old Russian “fox”, i.e.

“yellow”. There is no pronounced cap fused with the stem. Color mushroom body from light yellow to orange. The diameter of the cap is up to 12 cm, the cap is smooth with wavy edges, depressed in the middle. The mushroom has the shape of a funnel.

The leg is dense, lighter than the cap, tapering towards the bottom. Thickness 1-3 cm, length 4-7 cm.

The pulp is fleshy, dense, yellow on the edge and light in the middle; if pressed, it will turn slightly red.

The smell is specific, sour with notes of dried fruits and roots. The mushroom has practically no worms or wormholes in its pulp. The pseudoplate hymenophore has highly branched folds descending to the stalk.

The spores are light yellow, elliptical, 8.5*5 µm. The harvest season is June and August-October. They grow in groups.

There are more than 60 species, but the most common is the common chanterelle. Mushrooms are found in different climatic zones. It has a funnel-shaped cap of brown yellow color on a long tubular stem with a gray-yellow stem.

Pulp white, very dense, weak pleasant aroma. Edible, but tough pulp requires long cooking. Also known as tubular lobe or tubular cantarel. Loves shade and acidic soils.

She is also a funnel-shaped funnel.

Outwardly it looks like a deep funnel with a wavy edge. The leg is short. The body is dark gray.

Thin, very brittle pulp, practically odorless and tasteless.

Meets in August-September. found in mixed forests. In Europe it is considered a delicacy and is used to make sauces.

It has an almost smooth hymenophore, the flesh is more brittle. Distributed in North America.

Bright orange color, odorless, very similar in appearance to the common chanterelle.

Grows in large groups and alone. Can be found in grass and rotten wood. It is difficult to get poisoned by a mushroom, but people with weak digestion are at risk of intestinal upset.

Grows in the subtropics, loves dying deciduous trees, in particular olives. Poisonous.

The mushroom is common in temperate and subtropical climate zones. Loves acidic soils. Grows in grass, moss, under fallen leaves.

They can be found in coniferous and mixed forests. You can find out where chanterelle mushrooms grow and how to find them faster by watching the following video. heat treatment(already over 60 C) chanterelles lose most of their useful substances. But raw mushrooms have a specific taste, although they are edible. You can prepare a seasoning from chanterelles and add them to ready-made cold or warm dishes, use for medicinal purposes. Fresh mushrooms are cleaned of dirt with a soft brush.

It is recommended not to wash mushrooms, but very dirty ones can be rinsed under running water. Dry the mushrooms in the sun or in a heat dryer at a temperature of 40-50 C. If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be torn into pieces along the fibers or cut with a ceramic knife. Metal cannot be used, because

individual intolerance; children under 5 years of age; acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Boiled, pickled, simply salted, but fried is the most delicious. In Jewish cuisine they are kosher. Serve as a side dish with buckwheat, pasta from durum varieties wheat and brown rice. Preferred spices: allspice, dill, cloves, coriander, marjoram, celery, dried carrots, Bay leaf.Mushrooms are used as an independent dish, added to pizza and casseroles, used as a filling. Sauce: In a water bath, mix 35 g of dry white wine and 3 egg yolks. Without ceasing to mix, carefully pour in 150 ml of olive oil.

Beat everything thoroughly until smooth foam. Add 1.5 tsp. lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Salad: 100 g small potatoes boil in the peel.

Then cool, peel and cut each in half. Fry 150 g of fresh chanterelles on olive oil together with boiled potatoes, 70 g green and 100 g pearl onions, add 6 cloves of garlic and season with 1-2 sprigs of thyme. Place everything on a large plate, place 100 g on top lettuce leaves and 150 g cherry tomatoes, cut in half. Pour sauce over everything.

Cut 300 g of potatoes and fry on vegetable oil(40 g) until crispy. Dice 1 medium onion and fry along with the potatoes for about 5 minutes, adding butter(50 g).

Add 1 kg of coarsely chopped fresh chanterelles to them and fry for another 3-5 minutes. Add fried vegetables with mushrooms to 1.5 liters of water and cook until tender (about 20 minutes). Grind the finished soup with a blender until homogeneous mass. Add 200 g of cream, salt, pepper to the soup and bring to a boil. Serve in bowls, drizzle truffle oil(only 15 ml for the entire recipe).

For the mousse you will need 200 g of fresh chanterelles.

Fry in vegetable oil (25 ml). Then pour in a little water, 30 ml of cognac and 150 ml of cream. Simmer until done. Grind the mushrooms in a blender until smooth and add salt.

For the garnish you will need 300 g of porcini mushrooms, 300 g of buckwheat, 100 g onions, a few sprigs of fresh parsley. Boil the buckwheat. Cut the porcini mushrooms into slices and fry in vegetable oil (25 g).

Then cut the onion into strips and add to the mushrooms. Fry for about 3 more minutes. Remove from heat. Add buckwheat, finely chopped parsley and stir.

Place on plates, top with mousse. Peel 1 kg of chanterelles. Place in an enamel bowl and add 100 ml of water. During the cooking process, the mushrooms will give juice, so you do not need to add more water than specified. Cook for 10 minutes, skimming off any foam.

Add spices (bay leaf, cloves, black pepper), salt (1.5 tbsp), sugar (1/2 tbsp), vinegar (125 ml) and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Place hot mushrooms with marinade in jars and roll up.

Turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cool. liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis C, fatty liver, etc.); diseases of the pancreas; night blindness; diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, sore throat, ARVI; tuberculosis; sarcoma; malignant neoplasms; fungal skin lesions, purulent wounds, ulcers, boils and other skin inflammations; remove radionuclides from the body; for worms. Used in the form alcohol tinctures, powder or oil extract.

l. powder from dried chanterelles pour 500 ml of vodka (preferably with Alpha alcohol). Seal and leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Don't strain! Be sure to shake before use.

This tincture is used: When treating the pancreas, take 1-2 times a day, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months.

When treating liver disease (including hepatitis C), take the same, but the course of treatment can be extended to 4 months. To cleanse the liver, take 2 tsp.

l. before bedtime for 15 days. The course is carried out once a year. To remove worms, take 2 tsp before bedtime.

from 2 to 4 weeks. Chanterelle tincture is more preferable pharmaceutical drugs, because it has a gentler effect on the body and only affects worms.

Satisfies hunger for a long time, while mushrooms are low-calorie. It is recommended to replace meat with chanterelles 4 days a week. With such a simple diet you can lose up to 6 kg in a month.

In the diet menu, it is preferable to use stewed or boiled chanterelles with sauce: mix low-fat yogurt with fresh dill, green onions and spices to taste.

Peel 1 kg of chanterelles and cook for 1.5 hours. Drain the water and mince the mushrooms. You can eat it as a separate dish with yogurt sauce or add it to other dishes.

Prepare powder from dried mushrooms. Take 1 hour.

l. 2 times a day on an empty stomach with 1 glass of water. This method is especially effective if obesity is caused by improper liver function. Chanterelle extract and powder are added to face creams, which help fight fungal formations, while moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

It is best to purchase mushrooms in stores and markets. There the mushrooms are checked and the sellers are given an appropriate conclusion.

There should be no lethargic, dry, flabby, damaged mushrooms with mold deposits. It is best to take clean chanterelles, i.e.

because dirty ones are difficult to wash and clean. You need to take only whole ones; cut ones indicate low quality.

When buying fresh frozen mushrooms, it is important to read the expiration dates on the packaging. The package itself should not contain ice or sticky lumps; this is a signal that the mushrooms have been defrosted, therefore, you can buy a low-quality product.

Pay attention to the expiration date on the packaging.

If the can is iron, there should be no dents on it. If it is glass, the lid should not be swollen. There are two ways to grow chanterelles at home: using spores; using mycelium. In the first case, you will need the caps of old mushrooms, which need to be dried. Then the caps themselves must be dug into the prepared soil.

Or soak the caps in water for several hours, and then water the ground with this water. In the second case, you will need a mycelium from the forest. There is a clearing with chanterelles, and closer to the tree a piece of earth 20 by 30 cm wide and deep is dug up. You should take soil only near healthy trees, without external signs drying out.

The brought soil should be thoroughly dried. This is necessary so that other competing organisms die. It is best to prepare seed soil at the end of summer and store it for a year in a dark, cool room, for example, in a basement or cellar.

The container itself must be breathable. Next, the sowing itself is necessary. It is best to carry out work at the end of June. Several holes with a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 20 cm are dug around the tree. The seed is tightly packed into the holes and watered with water from a watering can (1 liter per hole).

Then cover the holes with moss or fallen leaves. The harvest should be expected no earlier than in a year. It is preferable that the mushroom is planted under the same type of tree where the soil was taken. The best symbiosis is between chanterelles and coniferous trees, birch, beech, and oak.

You can prepare for the winter fresh mushrooms and boiled. In the first case, thawed chanterelles may taste a little bitter. But if these are young, strong mushrooms, then the bitterness will not be felt. Boiled chanterelles are safer, because

because they will not spoil if the freezer is defrosted, and take up less space. Mushrooms should be frozen on the day of collection. It is preferable to select young, strong mushrooms, without signs of drying out or mold. You can cut into large slices. Next, the mushrooms should be washed well and drained in a colander.

You can blot it with a paper towel. Place in bags and put in the freezer. If you decide to boil the mushrooms, then the peeled chanterelles are placed in cold water and cook for 15-20 minutes after the water boils. Another advantage this method— during cooking, all dirt is washed away.

Drain the water, cool and place in bags. Mushrooms should only be defrosted at room temperature. Fresh mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 7 days. If you pack them in a bag, they will last longer. Dried mushrooms are not very suitable for cooking due to their hardness. The prepared powder should be stored in a dark place in a thick canvas bag for no more than 1 year. Freshly frozen chanterelles are stored for no more than 6 months.

Chanterelles are considered one of the varieties of the most healthy mushrooms. They got their name due to their characteristic red color. Chanterelles - mostly Forest mushrooms, famous unique taste And pleasant aroma. Mushrooms contain many nutrients and vitamins, while remaining low in calories.

Features of preparing chanterelles for freezing

  1. This type of mushroom loses its taste and aroma a little when marinated, so they should mainly be consumed in fresh. Chanterelles are often frozen for the winter. different ways.
  2. To freeze mushrooms, you will need freshly picked specimens that are free of defects. Chanterelles are also famous for the fact that they cannot be wormy. Therefore, before freezing, you should pay attention to strong and whole fruits.
  3. It is better to consume the remaining mushrooms as soon as possible. You should not refrigerate freshly picked chanterelles, as after such manipulations they will become bitter. After collecting mushrooms, you need to prepare them for long-term storage as soon as possible.
  4. If you prepare the mushrooms quickly enough, you will save them when you use them later. maximum properties chanterelles. Best before date freshly picked mushrooms in the freezer is up to 5 months.

Method number 1. Freezing raw chanterelles

  1. If you are going to freeze mushrooms raw, you will need freshly picked specimens. There is a high probability that if the chanterelles are not given heat treatment, they may become bitter.
  2. To avoid such an oversight, culinary specialists recommend paying close attention to the sorting of mushrooms. To freeze fresh chanterelles, choose only dense specimens without any signs of damage. They also should not be large or dry.
  3. Either way, freezing raw chanterelles, you run the risk of encountering a similar problem. Whether you store mushrooms in this form or not is up to you. After packaging, wipe each fruit with a paper towel; there is no need to wash the chanterelles.
  4. The manipulation carried out without water will help to better preserve the quality of the product. After processing, place the chanterelles in the freezer on a tray, laying them out in one layer. The freezing procedure lasts 12-15 hours.
  5. After the allotted time, the mushrooms can be poured into portioned bags or food containers. Next, place the chanterelles back in the freezer and store until use. The chamber temperature should be below -16 degrees.

Method number 2. Freezing fried chanterelles

  1. Take required amount mushrooms; almost any specimen is suitable for frying. All you have to do is get rid of the damaged ones. If you collected chanterelles yourself, it is not advisable to wash them.
  2. Carefully inspect the mushrooms, get rid of excess twigs, leaves and possible dirt. After this, place the chanterelles in a frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil. The average preparation time for the product is 20 minutes.
  3. Make sure that excess liquid evaporates from the mushrooms and that the chanterelles themselves become covered with a golden brown crust. The product should be fried without adding any spices or ingredients other than the oil itself.
  4. Frying with animal fat is prohibited. Otherwise, the mushrooms may become damaged and the shelf life will be reduced to 1 month. After frying in vegetable oil, place the chanterelles on paper towels and wait until they cool completely.
  5. Next, package the mushrooms in a way convenient for you. Send to long-term storage into the freezer. An undoubted advantage of chanterelles is that they do not need to be boiled before frying.

Method No. 3. Freezing chanterelles as broth

  1. This option is considered ideal if you plan to cook soup. Prepare the chanterelles using the standard method, get rid of debris and bad specimens. Pour in sufficient quantity water into a heat-resistant container, wait until it boils.
  2. After the first bubbles appear, add salt and pepper to taste. You can also add fresh finely chopped herbs. Add the mushrooms to the mixture in a saucepan, stir the mixture thoroughly. Cook the chanterelles for about 7 minutes.
  3. Then drain them in a colander, reserving the broth. Wait until the mushrooms and liquid have cooled. Take a food container and place it in cling film or a plastic bag.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a container, pour the cooled broth over the chanterelles. Send finished product into the freezer for a couple of hours. Once hardened, remove the compound from the container by pulling on the plastic.
  5. Place the resulting briquette in a bag, then return it to the freezer until the right time to use it. Based on the semi-finished product, you can prepare tasty soup or second course.

Method number 4. Freezing boiled chanterelles

  1. A clear advantage boiled chanterelles is that you do not risk leaving bitterness in the mushrooms. Carefully sort the product and get rid of any foreign debris. If necessary, cut large specimens in half.
  2. Pour water into the cooking vessel so that it turns out to be 2 times more than mushrooms. Wait until it boils, add 15-20 g. rock salt per 1 kg. product. Then add required quantity chanterelles.
  3. The duration of cooking mushrooms is 6 minutes. If a film forms during the process, get rid of it immediately. Chanterelles can be cooked a little longer, but then you risk that the mushrooms will lose their former aroma and taste.
  4. After the main manipulation, place the chanterelles on a sieve or in a colander and wait until the liquid has completely drained. Next, place the mushrooms on a waffle towel and let the chanterelles dry.
  5. If you ignore the advice, excess moisture will be released and turn into ice. There's nothing wrong with that, it'll only get worse aesthetic appearance product. Place the mushrooms on a tray and place them in the chamber for 12 hours. After this, place portions into containers and re-send them to the chamber for a long time.

How to defrost chanterelles correctly

  1. To defrost mushrooms properly, you need to divide the steps into stages. Remove the frozen product and place it on the coldest shelf of the refrigerator. Open the door periodically to monitor the process.
  2. Once the ice has thawed a bit, place the mushrooms at room temperature. It is forbidden to speed up the defrosting of chanterelles using microwave oven. Try to use the right amount of mushrooms in a short time.
  3. It is also prohibited to repeat the freezing procedure. Initially calculate approximate quantity mushrooms for cooking any dish.
  4. If you have frozen chanterelles in various ways, you should initially label the bags or containers. Explain exactly how you performed the procedure.

It is not difficult to prepare chanterelles for the winter if you follow simple tips. Almost all dishes can be prepared from defrosted chanterelles; there are no restrictions. Add mushrooms to basic ingredients, baked goods or salads. Choose the most suitable way freezing or use each of them.

Video: chanterelles for the winter in butter
