How many kcal are in 100g of vinaigrette with vegetable. Vinaigrette, calorie content, benefits and dietary properties. Low calorie vinaigrette - is it possible to eat the dish while losing weight?

Vinaigrette is a traditional Russian dish that is essentially a tasty and inexpensive vegetable salad. Each housewife prepares it in her own way, and therefore, it is difficult to determine exactly how many calories are in your vinaigrette.

Calorie content of vegetable vinaigrette

A classic vinaigrette consists of boiled potatoes, beets and carrots, pickled or pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, onions, canned green peas or beans. All vegetables are finely chopped, mixed and vegetable oil is added.

This vinaigrette can be called low-calorie, since it contains approximately 92 kcal per 100 g. The highest calorie product in this dish is vegetable oil, accounting for 30-40 kcal.

But vinaigrette seasoned with vegetable oil is considered the healthiest. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the oil promote better absorption of vitamins A and E, the strongest antioxidants.

If the classic recipe does not suit you and you want to change it, then when calculating you will have to take into account the calorie content of all the products included in the vinaigrette. Calorie content per 100 g of product:

  • boiled beets - 40 kcal
  • boiled potatoes - 78 kcal
  • boiled carrots - 35 kcal
  • pickled cucumbers - 15 kcal
  • sauerkraut - 25 kcal
  • boiled beans - 250 kcal
  • green peas - 40 kcal
  • onion - 15 kcal
  • vegetable oil - 900 kcal

The benefits of vinaigrette

Many people love this salad for its successful combination of economy, healthfulness and taste. Vinaigrette is a balanced dish in terms of the content of vegetable proteins, starch, fiber and vitamins. It saturates the body with minerals and vitamins, promotes intestinal cleansing and weight loss.

Beetroot, which gives the vinaigrette its bright color and sweet taste, is considered the most useful ingredient. It helps normalize high blood pressure and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Sauerkraut is a record holder for vitamin C content and also improves intestinal function.

When seaweed is added to a dietary vinaigrette, it will acquire an original taste and be enriched with iodine, a microelement important for human health.

Is vinaigrette good for weight loss?

Women have long noticed that if, after rich holiday feasts, you arrange fasting days with vinaigrette, then extra pounds will not accumulate. However, there are quite a few diets based on vinaigrette.

If vinaigrette is used for the purpose of losing weight, then it should be more dietary. To do this, the amount of high-calorie foods in it is reduced or completely eliminated. It is better not to add potatoes to the vinaigrette; it is advisable to replace canned beans and peas with boiled green peas (frozen). Reduce the amount of oil by adding cabbage brine to the vinaigrette. You can also use unsweetened yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese as a dressing.

Adding a large amount of herbs to the vinaigrette will refresh its taste and have a cleansing effect on the body. Replacing sauerkraut and cucumbers with seaweed, rich in iodine, will speed up your metabolism. It is not advisable to add salt to dietary vinaigrette.

A vinaigrette diet does not have a negative impact on health; it promotes rejuvenation and rids the body of toxins, for example, after heavy feasts.

With a duration of 3-7 days, it allows you to lose up to 3 kg. During this period, you should only use dietary vinaigrette, drink clean water and green tea. It is allowed to use unsweetened fruits for snacks - grapefruits, apples, oranges.

If you do not tolerate a long-term diet well, then try spending fasting days on vinaigrette and kefir. A day you need to eat 3 servings of dietary vinaigrette, 150-200 grams each, and 3 glasses of kefir. Such fasting days will only bring you benefits; in addition to losing weight, you will replenish your body with microelements and improve the condition of your hair and skin.

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Vinaigrette is a salad consisting of boiled vegetables, pickled cucumbers, peas or beans, onions, and sauerkraut. It is usually seasoned with vegetable oil.

It’s interesting that in the West, vinaigrette is called “Russian salad,” although it appeared in Russia in the 19th century, most likely from Germany.

It's cold the dish got its name from the sauce that was originally used to season it - vinaigrette. This popular European dressing originated in France and consisted of mustard, olive oil and vinegar.

This sauce can be used to season any vegetable salads, meat, fish, and seafood dishes. It contains a minimum of calories, so the dishes will not be too “heavy”.

Take oil and vinegar in a 3:1 ratio, pour into a jar and close the lid tightly, add salt and pepper and shake well. The result is a sour, light yellow sauce with a spicy aroma that perfectly complements the taste of the vinaigrette.

This the dish is one of the traditional and favorite in our country. Almost every family has its own tricks used in its preparation.

However, one useful nuance, thanks to which the ingredients will retain their color (potatoes - white, carrots - orange, cucumbers - green), is not known to everyone. To do this, vegetables are cut into separate containers, beets are placed first in a salad bowl and sprinkled with oil.

There are many different recipes of this dish, and depending on which one is chosen, how many calories the body will receive in the end.

On average, the energy value of vinaigrette per 100 g of product ranges from 45 to 150 Kcal,

The lowest calorie recipe The vinaigrette looks like this:

  • boiled beets 580 g;
  • boiled carrots 389 g;
  • pickled cucumbers 367 g;
  • onion bulb 200 g;
  • olive oil 20 g.

100 g of vinaigrette, which does not contain potatoes, contains approximately 45 kcal.

Nutritional value of this version of vinaigrette:

  • proteins 2 g;
  • fats 1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates 9 g.

Whatever recipe for this salad is chosen, you need to remember that this dish is perishable. To avoid intestinal disorders, it should be eaten within the next 24 hours after preparation.

Vinaigrette with potatoes and butter

Let's calculate the energy value of another version of this salad. Let's take the following ingredients:

  • boiled potatoes 40 g;
  • boiled beets 280 g;
  • boiled carrots 140 g;
  • onion bulb 40 g;
  • pickled cabbage 260 g;
  • sunflower seed oil 2 tbsp.

100 g of vinaigrette with potatoes and butter contains approximately 85 kcal.

The nutritional value of this recipe is not much different from the previous one:

  • proteins 1.5 g;
  • fats 4 g;
  • carbohydrates 9.5 g.

Calorie content of vinaigrette with mayonnaise

Usually, vegetable oil - sunflower - is added to the vinaigrette. But there is a recipe for this salad, which is seasoned with mayonnaise. Here are its components:

  • boiled potatoes 160 g;
  • boiled carrots 160 g;
  • boiled beets 250 g;
  • hard-boiled chicken egg 4 pcs;
  • milk mayonnaise 2 tbsp.

100 g of vinaigrette with mayonnaise contains about 110 kcal.

The uniqueness of this salad lies in the fact that all its components are in balance.

It contains many substances that are very necessary for the body:

  • di- and monosaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • organic compounds;
  • unsaturated acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, PP, C, E, H;
  • minerals;
  • micro- and macroelements.

To have as many of these substances in the salad as possible, It's better to steam vegetables.

Tips from the chefs

Advice from professionals in their field will help you achieve the best results when preparing vinaigrette:

  1. If you chop vegetables for salad finely, the taste of the dish will be brighter and richer.
  2. During the cooking process, it is better not to use metal containers, but to choose a porcelain or glass bowl.
  3. To make the salad even healthier, instead of potatoes you can take boiled beans, and instead of canned peas - frozen, boiled in slightly salted water.
  4. If the ingredients include pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut, do not add salt to the salad.
  5. By changing the proportions of the vinaigrette components, you can change its taste.
  6. You need to salt the dish before seasoning it with oil.
  7. It is necessary to boil vegetables unpeeled, so they will taste better (and retain all the beneficial substances), or better yet, bake them.
  8. It is not recommended to prepare a salad from warm vegetables; after cooking, they should cool to room temperature.
  9. To give the dish a pink color, you need to mix all the ingredients, pour beet juice over them, and then season with oil.

As an experiment and to increase the benefits, you can add an apple, citrus fruits, and herbs to the vinaigrette..

When counting the calories of this salad, you need to remember that it has a beneficial effect on digestion and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also contains many vitamins.

Of all the salads familiar from childhood, vinaigrette is the healthiest. It does not use mayonnaise and a lot of boiled vegetables, so this dish can be safely included in your daily menu - there will be no harm from it. In addition, this salad has a relatively low calorie content and does not create heaviness in the stomach.

How many calories are in salad vinaigrette?

The calorie content of a salad such as vinaigrette greatly depends on the method of preparation and the amount of oil. The less dressing you add, the lighter the finished product will be.

If we consider the average indicators, the calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams will be 70 kcal, of which 2.2 g of protein, 2.6 g of fat, 10 g of carbohydrates. In order to learn a dish with this, just use the classic recipe.

The vinaigrette


  • beets - 200 g;
  • potatoes -200 g;
  • sauerkraut - 150 g;
  • pickled cucumber - 100 g;
  • green peas - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 g;
  • greens - to taste.


Boil the beets and potatoes until tender, cool and cut into cubes, like pickles. Place chopped vegetables, sauerkraut, green peas and chopped herbs in a deep bowl, season with oil and stir thoroughly. Salad ready!

The calorie content of vinaigrette with butter is so low that it can be eaten at any time of the day, with the exception of three hours before bedtime - during this period it is not recommended to eat at all, it is better to drink a glass of fermented milk drink.

The benefits of vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is an excellent winter option for vegetable salad. Due to the fact that vegetables are boiled with the peel, they retain maximum nutrients. Moreover, vegetables themselves are also a source of fiber that is beneficial for the body, which normalizes digestion processes and especially excretory function. Moreover, the sauerkraut included in the product retains even more vitamins than its fresh counterpart, which allows this salad to be used as a vitamin and mineral supplement for the body. Some nutritionists recommend including this dish even in the regular diet of a nursing mother, which only emphasizes its benefits for the body.

Who is vinaigrette harmful to?

Despite the fact that from a nutritional point of view this dish is excellent for the diet of the average person, some categories of people should still be wary of it.

For example, due to its rather high value (35 units), it is not recommended for use by those who suffer from diabetes or have a genetic predisposition to this disease.

The presence of healthy sauerkraut in a salad is not suitable for everyone: it is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and can cause pain.

To make the dish as safe as possible for everyone, add only home-picked cucumbers to the salad, or those that were not preserved with vinegar.

Vinaigrette for weight loss

The low calorie content of vinaigrette allows it to be included in the menu even for those who are losing weight. If you wish, you can eat this dish at any meal, but it will be better if you eat it in the first half of the day. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of carbohydrates, and the body should receive them when the metabolism is high, and not in the evening hours when it decreases.

Consider a proper nutrition menu with vinaigrette for weight loss:

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal, apple, tea.
  2. Lunch – a portion of vinaigrette, a plate of light soup, a piece of grain bread.
  3. Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives.
  4. Dinner – lean fish (beef, chicken) with a side dish of cabbage and other vegetables.

If desired, you can use the vinaigrette as a side dish for dinner. By consuming it regularly, you will benefit your body and help you stay slim.

Calorie content of vinaigrette with potatoes, beans, green peas, sauerkraut, mayonnaise, vegetable oil.

Weekdays and holidays during the cold season almost always pass with vinaigrette on the table. This salad is so versatile and easy to prepare that it has long won the sympathy of gourmets of all ages.

It has another name - a salad made from everything that was in the refrigerator. Budgeting combined with health benefits are the factors that housewives take into account when diversifying the family’s daily menu.

It is interesting that people who want to lose extra pounds are happy to eat vinaigrette. They just change the composition of the ingredients and count the calories.

Let's talk in more detail about the energy value of 100 g of vinaigrette, depending on its composition.

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams with vegetable oil and potatoes: value for those losing weight

delicious vinaigrette with butter and potatoes in a bowl

When your goal is to lose weight and get lean, you have to count the calories in the foods you eat.

Vinaigrette is an interesting combination of vegetables that can be adjusted according to the energy value of the finished dish.

The classic version consists of boiled potatoes and vegetable oil. They are the highest calorie ingredients.

Therefore, 100 g of vinaigrette with their participation contains approximately 103 kcal.

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams without oil and without potatoes

If you prepare a vinaigrette without potatoes and vegetable oil, replacing them with pickles, sauerkraut and a bunch of green onions, then the energy value of the dish is significantly reduced. It is 30.3 kcal.

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams with green peas

girl holding vinaigrette with green peas in a bowl

A vegetable salad consisting of potatoes, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickles and canned peas has a calorie value of 71-75 kcal per 100 g of product.

Video: How to prepare vinaigrette and count calories?

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams with sauerkraut

There are many variations of vinaigrette with sauerkraut. Therefore, the calorie content of 100 g of product varies slightly within the range of 46-53 kcal.

The first indicator is achieved in the absence of potatoes and replacing them with frozen peas. The second is inherent in the classic version with the addition of onions.

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams with mushrooms

on the table there is a bowl and a plate with vinaigrette with mushrooms

Adding salted mushrooms to the usual recipe increases the calorie content of the finished dish to 95 kcal.

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams with beans

If you like vinaigrette with canned beans, its energy value is 52 kcal.

The remaining ingredients of the salad are:

  • beets and carrots
  • potatoes and pickles

Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams with mayonnaise

a portion of aromatic vinaigrette with mayonnaise with a few pieces of herring

A vinaigrette seasoned not with vegetable oil, but with mayonnaise, significantly increases its energy value. So 100 g of salad will “heavier” up to 177 kcal.

Is it possible to eat vinaigrette while losing weight?

It's definitely possible. Just regulate its calorie content by excluding and replacing foods that contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. These are, for example, potatoes, mayonnaise. Worthy and tasty substitutes for them would be:

  • Salted mushrooms are a source of protein. It, in turn, is useful in burning excess fat.
  • Sauerkraut and pickles.
  • Canned peas, beans.
  • Vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, flaxseed.

Get examined by a gastroenterologist to see if you have gastritis or an imbalance of acidity in the stomach. Then sauerkraut is allowed in the aromatic salad.

So, we looked at the energy value of a vinaigrette with different ingredients, both vegetable and liquid seasonings. We determined the conditions for consuming the dish for those who want to reduce their weight.

Be healthy!

Video: preparing vinaigrette - calorie content of 1 kg of product


Who is not familiar with such a vegetable dish as vinaigrette? The calorie content of this dish is of interest to many readers. No wonder. After all, the menu of modern people is very different from the natural and healthy food that they ate thousands of years ago. Therefore, today, we often pay for this with various gastrointestinal ailments or excess body weight.

How is vinaigrette useful, and what calorie content does vinaigrette have? These questions are especially relevant for those people who try to follow certain diets. So, for example, among the diets popular today is one such as a calorie counter, which is designed to control the flow of excess calories into our body. But at the same time, you need to remember about the benefits of the products. You should know not only what the calorie content of the product is, but also what nutrients it contains.

Dietary properties:

It should be noted that there is a so-called vinaigrette diet, where vinaigrette is taken as the main dish, and its duration is on average 3 days. According to this diet, vinaigrette is prepared from boiled vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes), peas (canned). It’s best not to put salt in this salad, but if you really want it, it’s okay to add a little salt to the dish.

In addition, you can add fresh herbs and season the salad with a low-fat dairy product (low-fat cottage cheese, for example). As a result, if you prepare a vinaigrette in this way, its calorie content will not be high.

Low-fat dairy products (without sugar) are suitable for drinking, and before bed you can drink a cup of green tea (with honey). This type of diet will help you lose extra pounds without starving yourself.

But in order to answer what the calorie content of vinaigrette is, you should first clarify that it contains boiled vegetables (which retain some of their beneficial substances), sauerkraut and onions (raw - green or onion).

This salad contains a number of useful vitamins, minerals and a large number of other substances needed by a person, therefore it is a very healthy dish, which quite often appears on our table, just like that, without dieting. This is probably why so many people are interested in what the calorie content of vinaigrette is.

If we take vegetables in the same quantity (it’s better to take a little less carrots), season the salad with 3% vinegar mixed with vegetable oil, salt and pepper, then:

The calorie content of the vinaigrette then turns out to be 110 kcal per 100 grams of product

When the vinaigrette is seasoned with vegetable oil alone, then:

The calorie content of vinaigrette can reach 150 kcal per 100 grams of product

But, be that as it may, knowing how high-calorie vinaigrette is, and even just this dish, certainly won’t hurt you, and will even help you correctly adjust your diet, and make the correct calculation of individual portions of this tasty and, moreover, very healthy salad.

What is the calorie content of vinaigrette prepared in different ways? And here it is:

Calorie table for vinaigrette, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of vinaigrette prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of vinaigrette (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

ProductSquirrels, gr.Fats, gr.Carbohydrates, gr.
with green peas1,84 3,0 10,3
beans2,5 2,7 8,9
herring4,5 6,8 10,5
egg4,7 6,5 7,7
mushrooms2,0 0,2 7,8
cabbage2,11 0,2 10,6
no potatoes2,1 1,8 7,5
no oil1,5 0,2 7,5

How is this dish prepared? Yes, very simple! Here's the recipe for you:

Classic vinaigrette


  • Beetroot -400 grams
  • Carrots -300 grams
  • Potatoes -400 grams
  • Cabbage (naturally sauerkraut) -200 grams
  • Cucumbers (salted or pickled) -200 grams
  • Onion -150 grams
  • Peas (frozen or canned) -200 grams.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.
  • In the same way, to taste, vegetable oil

The beets (without peeling) are boiled until tender (or baked in the oven). Also, without peeling, cook potatoes and carrots separately until tender. Boil the peas - if they are frozen. Then the vegetables are cooled.

Cut the onion finely. Cucumbers - cubes. Finely chop the cabbage.

Beets, carrots and potatoes are peeled and then cut into small cubes.

Mix all the products, add salt and pepper to taste, season with vegetable oil. Before serving, the salad can be decorated with herbs and eaten for health. Moreover, the relatively low calorie content of the vinaigrette will not spoil your figure.

Vinaigrette for weight loss

The essence of losing weight with vinaigrette is the low calorie content of this salad: one serving weighing 160 g contains only 90 kcal.

It is due to this that weight loss occurs quite quickly, since the body feels a lack of energy and has to draw it from fat deposits.

There is no need to talk about whether vinaigrette is useful for weight loss: the products it contains contain vitamins, iron, potassium and beta-carotene - elements that have a beneficial effect on the intestines and stomach, strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition, and normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Pros and cons of the vinaigrette diet:

Eating vinaigrette on a diet has many advantages:

This salad quickly satisfies hunger, so there is no particular discomfort during weight loss;

In winter, this technique is very relevant: there is little choice of vegetables on the shelves, but those required for preparing the vinaigrette are always present;

The nutrition system is suitable even for pregnant women.

The disadvantages include the monotony of the menu: in some cases you have to eat only one salad, but thanks to its satiety, the mono-diet is easily tolerated.

How much can you lose on a diet with vinaigrette?

In this case, everything depends on the duration: for example, a quick diet on vinaigrette salad, lasting 3 days, allows you to lose 3-4 kilograms. Other options take longer, but their weight can be up to 10 kg.

The daily calorie content of a diet with vinaigrette varies from 700 to 1200 Kcal, so weight loss occurs quickly and is safe for health.
