Pork fat: health benefits and harms. Treatment with pork internal fat

How to render pork fat

Pork fat for cough

Pork fat is rendered lard or lard. For treatment, it is better to use internal fat rather than lard. Internal fat is not only pork, but also other animals and birds. This fat is located inside the body and is located along the internal organs, for example, the kidneys or intestines.

In its structure, the interior differs from lard: it has a grayish-white color and is more friable, due to which it crumbles easily. When this fat is melted, pork fat is obtained, which can be used for treatment and cooking.

Beneficial properties of pork fat

In its composition, animal fat is very close to vegetable fats, i.e. vegetable oils, according to the content of essential fatty acids. They also contain oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic acids, which are combined under one general concept - vitamin F.

Pork fat for cough recipes

External use of pork fat for colds and coughs

From temperature. When the temperature is high, you need to rub your feet with pork fat and put on warm woolen socks made from sheep's wool. This procedure can be done at night or during the day, wearing socks for two or three hours.

With vodka. Melt two tablespoons of fat and, after cooling slightly, add two tablespoons of vodka. Rub your chest and wrap it up, placing a folded terry towel on your chest and put on warm underwear. It's better to do it at night.

The compress warms well and profuse sweating occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to change your nightwear so that it is dry.

Do not use for children or those with allergies to alcohol.

With a runny nose. Heat a small piece of unsalted lard in a frying pan for no more than one minute. then wrap it in a bandage or gauze and apply it to the nose and sinuses. Leave for a few minutes until the lard cools. It is better to do the procedure at night before going to bed.

For ear pain. With a cold, there is often a shooting pain in the ear. To soothe such pain, melt pork fat in a water bath and soak a cotton swab.

Place this tampon in the sore ear, without pushing it deep, and tie it with a woolen scarf or scarf.

Internal use of pork fat for cough

If you have a severe cough, you need to eat half a teaspoon of pork fat.

Milk with fat. Heat the cow's milk well, almost to a boil, and add a teaspoon of pork fat. Drink the entire glass at once in small sips. It is better to take natural homemade cow's milk.

Tea with milk and fat. Brew green tea by pouring one teaspoon of tea into a glass of boiling milk. Cover with a lid or saucer and let sit for 4 minutes.

Then add a teaspoon of pork fat and leave for another three to four minutes.

After steeping, strain and add a pinch of ground black pepper to the broth. Drink in small sips before bed.

Tea warms up well, so if you sweat a lot, you will need to change your underwear to dry ones.

Young children can be given this remedy without pepper and if they are not allergic to milk.

Pork fat for bronchitis. Bronchitis is often a complication of cough after a cold. To treat prolonged bronchitis, prepare an infusion of marshmallow root with internal pork fat.

To do this, pour 0.5 tablespoon of marshmallow root into 400 ml of hot water and place in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insist and strain.

Add two tablespoons of melted pork fat to the infusion. drink 3 times a day, 0.5 tablespoon. Warm up before use.

Add 70 grams (1 tablespoon - 15 grams) of internal pork fat to the strained broth. Take the product warm, one teaspoon at a time.

Take a tablespoon of each ingredient: pork fat, butter, sugar, honey and cocoa. Melt butter and fat in a water bath. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator.

Before taking, boil a glass of milk and add a tablespoon of the prepared drug.

This mixture also helps with coughs and bronchitis.

For tuberculosis. Mix 70 grams of melted pork fat with one-third glass of linden flower decoction. Add two tablespoons of honey. Take one tablespoon per day.

For the prevention of colds. Traditional medicine recommends taking pork fat with a decoction of rose hips. To prepare, brew a tablespoon of rose hips with 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos. Let it brew for an hour.

Add a tablespoon of melted fat and half a tablespoon of honey to the broth. Drink hot.

How to render pork fat

For medicinal purposes, it is better to melt pork fat in a water bath. This process is slower, but less carcinogenic substances are formed.

Before melting, finely chop the fat. The smaller it is, the faster the process will go.

Place the chopped fat in a bowl, which is placed in another pan filled with water.

You can melt it on the stove by placing the chopped fat in a saucepan. Heat at medium temperature so that the fat melts and does not boil.

Another way to render fat in the oven. In this case, also place the prepared fat in a fireproof container and place in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees.

Strain the melted fat through a strainer and store in the refrigerator.


Pork fat. Composition and treatment of pork fat

Pork fat, like other fats of animal origin, is needed by our body in order for all physiological processes to proceed normally - after all, it is fats that make up the membranes of our cells.

Composition of pork fat

Pork lard contains several times higher content of biologically active substances than butter: it contains carotene, vitamins A, E, D, K, as well as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium; there are even small amounts of iron, copper and iodine. Of course, the calorie content of pork lard is very high - for example, 100 g of rendered pork fat contains almost 900 kcal, but these are pure fats, consisting mainly of fatty acids, so they are very useful for normal metabolism and immunity, but they oxidize pork fat much slower than many popular vegetable oils, including when frying.

Varieties of pork fat

The highest grade fat is almost the same, but the 1st and 2nd grades, rendered from domestic and other types of raw lard, are already different: their color may be slightly yellowish, and their consistency is denser; Grade 2 fat can be a little cloudy if you melt it, and both grades smell like fried cracklings.

Application of pork fat

Doctors and cosmetologists also recommend using pork fat for health and beauty. because it has many advantages. Our skin quickly absorbs ointments prepared with it - its properties are close to human fat, and the medicinal components mixed with it are easily released when ingested. Getting on the skin, pork fat does not interfere with her breathing, does not irritate her, and is washed off easily - just warm water and regular soap are enough.

Ointments and emulsions based on pork fat are also easy to prepare– it mixes without problems with any other fats and fatty acids, resin, wax, glycerin, alcohol and even water; he also takes many medications well.

Treatment with pork fat

Treatment with pork lard and fat helps with many diseases– it is used internally and externally, and there are many folk recipes in which it is included.

Most often people think of treating pork fat for colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and in their treatment it is always effective - of course, it should be used on time.

You can get rid of coughing attacks by rubbing with an ointment based on lard: melt 50 g of lard in a water bath, cool slightly and mix with vodka (2 tbsp); You can also add fir oil - 5-6 drops. The mixture is rubbed into the chest, covered with a thick towel or woolen scarf, and warm clothes are put on - a sweater or shirt. You can leave the compress on overnight.

To prevent colds and flu in the cold season, it is good to drink rosehip infusion with honey and rendered lard. Rose hips are brewed overnight in a thermos, and honey (1-2 tsp) and lard (½ tsp) are added to a glass - this drink strengthens the immune system, warms and gives energy.

A slightly different recipe: take a mixture of pork fat, honey and butter (in equal parts) melted in a water bath and wash it down with warm milk.

For osteochondrosis, massage with rendered pork fat, and for radiculitis, rub in an ointment based on it. 50 g of fat is mixed with milk (400 g) and ground red pepper (1 tsp). First, add milk to the lard melted in a water bath, then pepper, mix, remove from the bath and cool. When the mixture hardens, it becomes an ointment; It is rubbed into a sore spot before going to bed and tied with a woolen scarf on top.

Warts cause us a lot of trouble, but pork fat helps get rid of them too. Melted lard is mixed 2:1 with crushed garlic, the mixture is applied to the wart and secured with a band-aid; change the bandage once a day. The procedure is repeated until the wart disappears. Eczema and other skin problems are treated with ointment containing pork fat and herbs. Coltsfoot, calendula and chamomile are mixed equally, pour 1 tbsp. mixture ½ cup boiling water, infuse, filter, add honey (2 tbsp) and melted lard until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin for 3 days, then take the same break and repeat the course.

Pork fat is great for treating burns.. 50 g of rendered lard are mixed with 100 g of sea buckthorn oil, lubricate the affected areas and apply a sterile bandage.


Folk recipes often mention lard. What it is and how to prepare it is not said. Probably for our great-grandmothers it was as obvious as boiling an egg, and did not require additional explanation. And we, alas, will need them.

So, anyone who previously thought that lard was nutria lard will now be disappointed. Not at all. This is the fat of any animal, and it is called visceral because it is located inside, surrounds the internal organs and usually looks like a rolled up mesh (the mesh, by the way, is good to use for the same pate for baking). There is a thin mesh - already cut - and a thicker one, with lard.

Lard is a crumbly, lumpy, bright white fat, unlike regular lard, which is a single mass. It is internal lard that has special properties that are most favorable for the treatment of colds. Ordinary lard does not have these qualities.

Now the question naturally arises: where can I get such lard?

The easiest way, of course, is to set your sights on purchasing lard and go to the market, to the meat aisles. Rumor has it that lard is not sold openly because there are no necessary certificates, but you should be more persistent and negotiate with the traders.

What to do next with lard to turn it into useful medicine?

Flush it out. To do this, you need to put the lard in a bowl and put it in a warm, but not hot oven or on a very low heat. Drain the melted lard and cool. Melted lard is otherwise called lard. They reheat it precisely to make the structure uniform, so that it is more convenient to store and use. Rendered lard has a slight smell. If lard smells bad, it is simply of poor quality.

To cure bronchitis and a severe cough with this melted lard, you need to put a dessert spoon on a glass of milk and drink it.

Take 100 g of lard, melt and mix with 5 tablespoons of cocoa and 100 g of steamed figs and minced through a meat grinder. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for cough.

Rubbing the breasts with lard.

Melt the lard, rub the warm lard on the patient’s chest so that he feels warm, wrap him up and put him to sleep. To rub, you can mix lard with turpentine and rub your chest dry with this mixture.

Lime bee honey - 100 g; pork lard - 100 g; unsalted butter - 100 g; aloe (or agave) juice - 15 g; cocoa powder - 50 g. Do not water aloe for 2 weeks before cutting. Melt lard, butter, honey in an enamel pan. When everything is melted (do not let it boil), remove the pan and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon of the composition, dissolve in a glass of hot milk. Drink morning and evening. Take for a long time. Used for pulmonary tuberculosis and persistent bronchitis.

Cough occurs mainly due to infectious diseases of the respiratory tract: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, viral tonsillitis, ARVI, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Nonspecific cough occurs with severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine, hormonal nervous disorders.

The cough reflex is a way by which the airways try to get rid of mucus and microparticles that irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa. A distinction is made between a dry (non-productive) cough and a wet or wet (productive) cough. Usually, at the beginning of a cold, a dry cough occurs, and at the stage of development of the disease, a wet cough occurs. A wet cough greatly facilitates the patient’s breathing, but since mucus comes in different consistencies, the speed of recovery depends on the correctness of the chosen therapy.

Animal fat has long been used to treat coughs and colds. Lard is most often used because it is the most accessible. It looks like a white folded mesh. To treat the fat, you need to melt it over low heat until smooth, then it hardens in the form of lard. The finished lard should have a light, pleasant smell.

If the fat smells unpleasant, then it is old and should not be ingested. You cannot salt fat or lard, otherwise this product loses its beneficial qualities.

Medicinal properties and benefits:

  • contains vitamins: A, E, D, K and microelements;
  • visceral fat is rich in arachidonic acid. With its help, cholesterol metabolism occurs, some hormonal substances are produced, the acid is part of the myocardium;
  • cholesterol is present in small doses;
  • visceral fat is several times superior to other fats in biological activity;
  • does not lose quality when heated;
  • easily mixed with other ingredients: wax, alcohol, glycerin, resin.

People suffering from gastroduodenitis, metabolic disorders, obesity, liver and thyroid pathologies should not abuse lard even for therapeutic purposes.

Therapeutic effect

In addition to lard, fat from other animals is used in cough therapy:

  • badger lard is used externally and internally. Has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Well eliminates chronic spasmodic cough in pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Goose fat has unique healing properties. It softens the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, thins sputum, improves immunity;
  • bear fat: relieves attacks of spastic cough, softens the mucous membrane, has expectorant and immunostimulating properties;
  • dog fat: used for lung disease accompanied by spasmodic cough;
  • goat fat: a highly effective antitussive, unlike other types of lard, it does not have an unpleasant odor, therefore it is especially popular in children's practice;
  • Lamb fat: a potent antitussive containing vitamins and saturated acids. Lamb fat is especially effective in treating bronchitis and smoker's cough. Contraindicated in diseases of the urinary system, stomach ulcers, gastritis, cerebral atherosclerosis. All other categories of patients must adhere to a strict dosage;
  • pork fat: used for all infectious diseases accompanied by cough.

Cough recipes with suet

It should be remembered that with any symptom you need to consult a specialist and consult with him even about the use of folk remedies. Internal fat can be used as a stand-alone product or together with other ingredients.

Internal use of interior fat:

  1. Mix 10 grams of melted lard with 200 ml of milk and drink hot.
  2. Take 15-50 grams of badger or bear fat on an empty stomach for 4 weeks. Then a month-long break is taken, after which the course is repeated. The recipe is suitable for the treatment of prolonged purulent inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, tuberculosis.
  3. Effective recipes for the treatment of tuberculosis:
  • badger fat and honey (100 grams each), aloe (50 grams), take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day half an hour before meals;
  • Grind lemon (10 pcs.), eggs (10 pcs.), half a liter of cognac, badger fat and honey (1 kg each). Mix all ingredients together with crushed eggshells. Let it brew for up to 5 days. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  1. Cough due to an oncological process in the lungs. Badger lard, cognac, honey, aloe – half a liter of everything. Take the mixture half an hour before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

External use of interior fat:

  • melt goat fat and honey, rub it all over the body, wrap it in cellophane, and wrap the patient in a warm blanket. Helps with prolonged bronchial cough;
  • Mix lard with turpentine 1:1, rub into the chest until dry for bronchitis. To this composition you can add 3-4 crushed tablets of Analgin or Aspirin;
  • Mix goose fat and finely grated onion 1:1, lubricate the chest and neck in front, put compressor paper and a warm scarf or blanket on top;
  • hang a piece of lard in a hot place to naturally obtain a small amount of melted lard. Massage it for 15-20 minutes, then wrap the patient warmly. Repeat the procedure throughout the week;
  • For infants and children under 3 years of age, lard is not used internally for medicinal purposes. Recipe for coughs with internal lard for children from Dr. Komarovsky: heat a piece of old yellowed lard, put the piece on the chest overnight and secure with a towel or warm cloth;
  • Chop garlic (a small head), grind with 100 grams of fat, rub into the soles overnight.

The product is very effective against cough. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to determine the cause of the symptom and choose the appropriate recipe.

Even in those days when the pig was not yet domesticated, people actively used raw materials obtained from wild boars - its wild ancestors. Everything was used in cooking and farming, including lard. Today, the popularity of this specific ingredient has not diminished. It is still used in various areas of life. True, experts are increasingly saying that this product is not the most harmless and, if possible, it is better to replace it with something less dangerous.

The chemical composition and physical properties of pork fat have shown that it is quite difficult for the human body to utilize it. When it enters the human body, reactions are triggered that can lead to the development of chronic hunger. To process the substance, the body begins to actively break down glucose, which was intended to feed the brain. It turns out that the more an ingredient enters the body, the stronger a person’s hunger.

Parts of a pork carcass are often contaminated with mycotoxins - this is the result of the activity of fungi and their decay. Substances act on the body as carcinogens and mutagens, they suppress the immune system and cause cell destruction. The poison ochratoxin is particularly dangerous. After the slaughter of an animal, it accumulates in adipose tissue, blood and internal organs.

Tip: Some housewives, when purchasing raw pork fat that will be rendered into rendered fat, taste the mass. It's better not to take that much risk. Even a high-quality homemade product in a very limited volume can cause the development of a number of serious conditions.

The specific set of components for which pork fat is famous also gives the mass a number of not very positive properties. Because of this, the product is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  1. Recent serious illness or surgery.
  2. Having problems with the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Individual intolerance to the composition.
  4. Obesity, tendency to rapid weight gain.

In general, doctors and even supporters of traditional medicine recommend taking pork fat orally only when absolutely necessary. If there is an opportunity to use a less dubious analogue, it should be taken advantage of. But external use of the mass can give quite good therapeutic results. But even in this case, it is better to first consult with a specialist.

Composition of pork fat and its beneficial properties

Despite all its obvious dangers, pork fat has a number of beneficial properties, which attracts the attention of supporters of traditional medicine. First of all, it is worth noting the low content of bad cholesterol in the product. Another advantage of the product is the presence of fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the brain and digestive organs. In addition, the mass of animal origin contains a lot of vitamins A, D, E and K. For this reason, pork fat can be used as a means to combat vitamin deficiency.

In general, pork fat contains many more essential elements than other solid fats, such as butter. And its biological activity is 5 times higher than that of beef fat. It is also noteworthy that when heated, the nutrient mass does not lose its properties, which cannot be said about other animal fats.

Only fresh and properly prepared composition has therapeutic properties. When frozen, it will be white, without precipitation or streaks. Melted pork fat becomes transparent and liquid, the presence of an amber tint is allowed. If a sharp and unpleasant odor appears, it is better to throw the mass away. Its further use may be dangerous for the body.

External and internal use of pork fat

The benefits and harms of pork fat largely depend on the correct application of the composition and its timely use. Most often, the healing mass shows its best side with the following approaches:

  • Treatment of joint pain. Before going to bed, lubricate the joint with fat, wrap it in compress paper and a warm scarf. We wash off the mixture only in the morning.
  • Restoring joint mobility after injury. For 100 g of pork fat, take a tablespoon of salt and mix well. We apply the product to the sore joint and make a warming bandage.
  • Restoring skin after a burn. Take 0.5 liters of the main ingredient and melt it until dark. Fry one chopped onion in the mixture and cool. Add 5 crushed tablets to the resulting mixture. The resulting product should be lubricated on the burn surface, not allowing it to dry out (about once an hour).
  • Treatment of weeping eczema. For 2 tablespoons of interior pork fat, take 2 chicken proteins, 1 liter of juice and 100 g of nightshade. Mix all this until smooth and leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting composition.
  • Cough compress. You just need to moisten a gauze pad in melted pork fat (not very hot) and apply it to your back. Cover it with a warm towel and blanket.
  • Rubs for colds. The warm melted mixture can be lubricated on the chest, back and feet. This approach is prohibited at elevated temperatures.

Pork fat is used internally extremely rarely. Here are some options for using this composition:

  • Tea for obsessive night cough. Add a little boiled milk, a piece of pork fat and a pinch of hot pepper to green tea. We drink before bed.
  • ABOUT restorative decoction. season with honey and fat. We drink three times a day.
  • Dry cough mixture. Bring the milk to a hot state, melt a piece of fat in it. Cool the mass to 50ºС, add a little honey. We drink 3 times a day.

Women should also take advantage of the cosmetic properties of rendered lard. The product can be an excellent base for masks. It nourishes the skin well without blocking tissue respiration or slowing down metabolic processes.

Rules for cooking pork fat

Today, pork fat can be purchased in ready-made form, but it is better to prepare it yourself. Here are a few rules that, if followed, will allow you to obtain the most useful and safe composition:

  1. you need to take white, clean, without streaks, stains and smell. It's good if it comes with skin. This part should also smell nice and not have any defects.
  2. A product that is suitable for making ghee must be soft. You need to try to stick a toothpick into it. If the stick fits in easily, this is an indicator of the high quality and freshness of the workpiece.
  3. The thickness of the fat should be medium; layers of gray-red meat are welcome. They are an indicator of the animal’s proper diet.
  4. Fat obtained from wild boar has even higher biological activity. If possible, it is better to purchase it.
  5. Before heating, the lard must be washed, dried and cut into pieces.
  6. After this, it is enough to place it in a suitable container, put it on the fire and heat until completely dissolved. Cool the finished product and put it in the refrigerator.

Pork fat is a natural product, but its quality largely depends on the conditions under which the animal is kept. If possible, you should limit yourself to external use of the healing mass. This approach allows you to obtain the desired therapeutic effects without risk to health.

Common foods in the human diet are products from domestic pigs and wild boars. Since ancient times, food has been one of the main sources of “fast” energy. Lard is not only a favorite delicacy in the human diet, but its fat is also popular in treatment.

How to buy and render lard into fat

One of the main factors is the right lard. The meat aisles offer a varied selection, but To select a quality product, you need to consider the following:

  • The pig's skin should be soft and smell good. It’s good when the skin is ground with straw, but it can also be done with gasoline. This lard has a specific smell.
  • The lard should be white and not have a sour, musty smell.
  • To determine softness, it is recommended to pierce the product with a toothpick during the selection process. The stick should go in like butter.
  • The thickness of the lard should be medium, plus if there are layers of meat, they should be grayish-red in color. This is an indication that the animal was well fed and was not starving.

If you are lucky at the market or you have a familiar hunter, then purchasing wild boar lard is optimal. This is due to the healthier natural diet and lifestyle of the boar. The fat is rendered according to the recipes below; it is also easy to salt it.

The price may even be lower than that of domestic pork - wild boar is a common hunting catch. The healing properties are enhanced. Meat with lard is a healthy and high-calorie food in cooking. The use of fat in cosmetology is also described.

This lard can be melted or prepared according to various recipes. To get the melted product you need:

  • Wash and dry the lard with a paper towel.
  • Cut into small pieces and place in a container.
  • Heat the product over low heat until cracklings form, and then remove them.
  • Cool the melted mass and put it in the refrigerator.

In order not to melt the lard excessively, it is necessary that the greaves have a flesh-colored or yellowish color.

You can also raise your own pig, but for this the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Decide on the breed of pig (for example, a bacon pig does not produce good lard).
  • Provide piglets with optimal living conditions: a room with pens, a walking area with a canopy and a dug hole for swimming. The scale of construction depends on the chosen breed.
  • Provide animals with high-quality food: boiled vegetables (carrots, beets,
  • To ensure good quality lard, piglets should be fattened from three months of age. The animal should consume 6 kg of feed and 30 g of salt per day. From eight months of age - 7 kg of food and 40 g of salt. When a pig reaches 1 year of age, feed consumption is 8 kg.

Piglets can be given mashed root vegetables on the 20th day after birth, before this time - porridge.

Composition of lard

The pig has two types of lard. These are subcutaneous and internal (internal).

The internal type of lard is considered the most useful for treatment.

The product contains:

  • proteins;
  • histamines;
  • cholesterol (50-80 mg);
  • lecithin;
  • various vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • valuable fatty acids.

Microelements contained in lard:


Vitamin E 1.7 mg
Vitamin A 0.005 mg
Vitamin B1 0.084 mg
Vitamin B2 0.051 mg
Vitamin B3 0.115 mg
Vitamin B6 0.04 mg
Vitamin B12 0.18 mg


  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Unsaturated fatty acids:

  • oleic;
  • steoric;
  • linoleic;
  • palmetine;
  • linolenic;
  • arachidonic

The beneficial substances and quality of fat do not change when heated, unlike beef and lamb fat.

What benefits and harms does lard bring?

Facts about benefit interior lard:

  • Strengthening the immune system will also be beneficial when consumed.
  • Removes harmful cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Indications and contraindications for use

Like any product, pork fat has a number of indications and contraindications that should be taken into account to exclude side effects and allergic reactions.

The consumption of internal pork fat has a number of indications in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Colds, especially those accompanied by cough.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Skin diseases: eczema, burns, dermatitis, etc.
  • Ulcers.
  • Ear disease.
  • Exhaustion of the body.

For injuries to the musculoskeletal system, ointment is used.

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cardiovascular.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • And also to people suffering.

The norm for an adult is 9-12 g of fat per day, 100 g per week.

Special indications

When consuming large amounts of pork fat, the following may occur:

  • , so it contains histamines;
  • pork products should be well processed thermally, as trichinella, echinococcus, and sarcocysts may appear;
  • Since the product is high in calories, it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities during a diet.

Use in folk medicine and cooking

In folk medicine, pork fat is used internally, and numerous ointments are also made.

Watch the video on how internal pork fat can be rendered correctly at home:

Infusion with pork fat for influenza and for prevention:


  • rose hip;

Rose hips are brewed in a thermos or airtight container and left overnight. Immediately before use, warm up to the optimal temperature and add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. l. lard This drink not only helps strengthen the immune system, but also gives energy.

Pork fat ointment for treatment and cosmetology:

  • 100 g melted fat;
  • 1 tablespoon fine salt;
  • The ingredients are mixed and applied to the sore spot with massage movements. After this, parchment paper is applied and bandaged with a warm cloth. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night.

In cooking, the most common are lard with garlic and omelet.

Lard recipe:

  • 300 g lard;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • Spices and herbs to taste.

Cooking procedure:

  • Peel and wash the garlic. Cut into equal slices.
  • Make small holes in the pre-cleaned (washed) lard. Place garlic cloves into these holes.
  • On top, lard is rubbed with spices and herbs.
  • Wrap the product in parchment and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days (just not in the freezer!).

Omelette recipe:

  • 3 pcs eggs;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 green onion;
  • 50 g lard;
  • spices.

Baking procedure:

  • Rinse the vegetables under running water and allow to dry/wipe.
  • Cut into medium slices.
  • Cut the lard into small pieces
  • Fry in a frying pan along with herbs and vegetables for a few minutes.
  • Add eggs and turn down heat.
  • Cover the pan with a lid. Cookies until the consistency thickens.

Products such as shortbread cookies made with melted pork fat are very tasty and high in calories, but their beneficial properties are most likely lost. If the melting point of pork fat is from 41.4, then an oven mode of 180 degrees will be required, which will destroy a number of biologically active substances.
